By Dr. Zahoor 1. Question 1: 1.What is shown in the picture? 2.What is most likely cause? 2.

Photographic Quiz In Medicine By Dr. Zahoor 1

Transcript of By Dr. Zahoor 1. Question 1: 1.What is shown in the picture? 2.What is most likely cause? 2.

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  • By Dr. Zahoor 1
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  • Question 1: 1.What is shown in the picture? 2.What is most likely cause? 2
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  • Answers 1 1.Carpopedal spasm 2. Hypocalcaemia 3
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  • Question 2: 1.What abnormality does this chest X-ray show? 2.What is the likely diagnosis? 4
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  • Answers 2 1.Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy 2.Lymphoma Sarcoidosis Leukemia 5
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  • Question 3 1.What abnormality is shown? 2.What is the most likely cause? 6
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  • Answers 3 1.Haemorrhages - Exudates 2. Diabetic retinopathy 7
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  • Question 4 1.What is seen in the picture? 2.What could be the cause? 8
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  • Answers 4 1.Petichel Hemorrhages (purpura) 2.Thrombocytopenia - Drugs e.g. Thiazide diuretic, heparin, Quinine, NSAID drugs, Ranitidine 9
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  • Question 5 1.What abnormality is shown? 2.What could be the cause? 10
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  • Answers 5 1.Mediastinal mass 2.Lymphoma Thymoma Metastatic carcinoma Leukemia 11
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  • Question 6 1.What abnormality is shown? 2.What is the most likely cause? 12
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  • Answers 6 1.Koilonychia 2.Iron deficiency anaemia 13
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  • Question 7 1.What does the X-ray show? 2. What is the diagnosis? This patient had progressive dysphasia. Barium swallow was done. 14
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  • Answers 7 1.Narrowing of lower end of Esophagus 2.Achalasia 15
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  • Chest X-ray of middle aged man Question 8 1.What does this X-ray show? 2.What is likely diagnosis? 16
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  • Answers 8 1.White shadow left apex 2.Most likely left apical carcinoma, Pancoast tumor 17
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  • Question 9 1.What is shown in the picture? 2.What could be the cause? This patient was presented with headache. 18
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  • Answers 9 1.Papilloedema 2.Raised intracranial pressure e.g. brain tumor, meningitis 19
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  • This patient is presented with weight loss. Question 10 1.What this X-ray chest is showing? 2.What is the diagnosis? 20
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  • Answers 10 1.Chest X-ray shows multiple rounded shadows in the lung fields 2.Multiple secondaries - cannonball secondaries (primary carcinoma site in kidney or testes) 21
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  • Question 11 1.What is the diagnosis? 2.What is the treatment that you would give? 22
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  • Answers 11 1.Acute gout 2.Anti-inflammatory drugs e.g. Voltaren, Brufen 23
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  • Question 12 1.What does the skull X-ray show? 2.Give two causes. 24
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  • Answers 12 1.Multiple lytic lesions in the skull 2. Multiple myeloma Multiple secondaries 25
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  • Question 13 1.What is shown in the picture? 2.Give two pulmonary conditions which may cause this appearance. 26
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  • Answers 13 1.Finger clubbing 2.Bronchial carcinoma Bronchiectasis Fibrosing alveolitis Empyema 27
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  • Question 14 1.What is this skin condition? 2.What disease are associated with it? 28
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  • Answers 14 1.Pyoderma gangrenosum (skin ulceration with clear cut margin) 2.Ulcerative colitis Crohns diasease 29
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  • This patient aged 35 years had diabetes mellitus. Question 15 1.What is this lesion? 30
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  • Answers 15 1.Necrobiosis lipoidica It is closely associated with diabetes mellitus. Ulcerated Plaques look yellow because of high lipid content. 31
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  • Question 16 1.Give two abnormal physical sign. 2.What is the most likely diagnosis? 32
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  • Answers 16 1.Arthritis of proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints Vasculitis 2. Rheumatoid arthritis 33
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  • Question 17 1.What this picture is showing? 2.What is likely diagnosis? 34
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  • Answers 17 1.Hands are thick 2.Acromegly 35
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  • Question 18 1.What physical sign is shown? 2.Give two likely causes. 36
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  • Answers 18 1.Erythema nodosum (hypersensitivity vasculites) 2. Sarcoidosis Streptococcal infection Tuberculosis Drugs e.g. oral contraceptives Chronic inflammatory bowel disease 37
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  • Question 19 1.What is the abnormality? 2.What could be the cause? 38
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  • Answers 19 1.Optic atrophy 2.Glaucoma Multiple sclerosis Methyl alcohol 39
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  • Question 20 1.What this picture is showing? 2.What is the differential diagnosis? 40
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  • Answers 20 1.Cushingoid appearance with moon face and plethora 2.Cushing syndrome Exogenous Glucocorticoids 41
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  • Question 21 1. What is the diagnosis? 42
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  • Answer 21 1. Psoriasis 43
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  • Question 22 1.What this picture is showing? 2. What is the diagnosis? This boy presented with abdominal pain following upper respiratory tract illness. 44
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  • Answers 22 1.Purpuric rash 2.Henoch-Schonlein purpura Aetiology is unknown, precipitating factors include streptococcal infection, drugs e.g. penicillin 45
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  • Question 23 1.What is the diagnosis? 2.How will you confirm the diagnosis? 46
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  • Answer 23 1.Acromegly 2.Increased level of growth hormone which fails to suppress during oral glucose tolerance test - Lateral skull X-ray - CT 47
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  • This is the peripheral blood film. Question 24 1.What does it show? 2.What could be the possible cause? 48
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  • Answers 24 1.Lymphocytosis 2.Viral infection Chronic lymphatic leukemia 49
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  • Question 25 1.What this picture is showing? 2.What drug causes it? This patient had renal transplant and is on drug therapy 50
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  • Answers 25 1.Gingival hyperplasia 2.Cyclosporin Note Other causes of gingival hyperplasia include drugs phenytoin, cyclosporin, oral contraceptives - Pregnancy - Scurvy - Acute monocytic leukemia 51
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  • Question 26 1.What physical signs are present? 2.What is the likely diagnosis? This young girl has deep voice and blood pressure 180/105 52
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  • Answers 26 1.Cushingoid features and hirsutism 2.Congential adrenal hyperplasia Androgen secreting ovarian neoplasm 53
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  • Question 27 1.Give two observations you find in this picture. 2.What is the diagnosis? 54
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  • Answers 27 1. Right eye ptosis and meiosis (smaller pupil) 2. Horner syndrome (lesion affecting sympathetic supply to the eye) 55
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  • Thank you 56