Building a Talisman

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Transcript of Building a Talisman

Building a Talisman By High Priest Romulus Of Church LuciferA talisman is simply a container of your will. The word talisman means to consecrate. The act of consecration charges the talisman with your intention. Sometimes people refer to a talisman as an amulet but there is a slight difference between the two. An amulet's energy is passive and its purpose is general while a talisman's energy is active and is created for a specific purpose. A talisman goes through a consecration process which instills life into it while an amulet does not. An amulet can be anything from a stone to a ring or a necklace, and its purpose is general whether it be for luck or protection etc. A talisman is designed to obtain a specific result, like for instance to acquire a vehicle, or to get rid of an unwanted lover. It then undergoes a mock birthing process -the consecration! A talisman can be a box, a medicine pouch, or just about anything that can contain several items. You may purchase unfinished wooden boxes which you can paint or colored cloth pouches at just about any craft store. If you can sew, you can make your own from scratch- youll know how. The items placed within the container should all be related to your goals. For instance a money talisman might be colored green, have quarters and dollars in it, contain herbs noted for bringing luck, and have a written petition in it. It could also incorporate symbols or numbers which correspond to money in a personal way to you. Anything and everything from Tarot cards to runes may be incorporated within a talisman. The important thing is that everything you use should mean something to you and it should reinforce your intentions. The items should also correspond with each other and to your goals.Correspondences are things which are related to each other and which reinforce each other as described in the example of a money talisman. By filling the talisman with many corresponding items you create a powerful object which is in sync with your goals and which will amplify the force of your desire or will. It is like using a bullhorn! Your voice stands a better chance of being heard by the fellow on the other side of the pond. There are many types of talismen from planetary, to elemental, to the seals of Solomon, kameas, and sigils just to name a few. These can be used alone or they can be incorporated together. For our purposes we will construct a talisman whose correspondences have personal meaning to us and which are of our own imaginations rather than use symbols and seals which we have no understanding of. It is important that we know why we placed the items in the talisman and that we know what they mean as this will make it more powerful and effective. Results are what we are aiming for!When beginning work on a talisman you must first have a clear goal or goals. The first thing to do then is to write down what your goals for the coming year are going to be. Try to be realistic as anything you set out there as a goal for yourself should be a reality-based expectation. It should be something that you can accomplish and you should have a method by which to accomplish it. Don't try making a talisman to bring you to the moon if you are not an astronaut. Talismans will give us an edge and that is all. They won't make anything happen if we don't engage ourselves in the task. The second step is to obtain a container whether it be a box, a bag, or even a small bottle -- anything will do as long as it will hold your items. The third step is to decide what items you will use for correspondences. Remember they must relate to your goals. The fourth step is to put all the items together and to do any painting or artwork. Take your time and create atalisman you will be pleased with. It is your creation, a reflection of yourself, and will represent what you intend to accomplish, so get creative and express yourself!Once you have your talisman completed the only thing left to do will be to consecrate it during a ritual. The ritual consecration activates the talisman and breathes life into it transforming it from a mere object with stuff in it to a magical device. So get busy thinking about what you would like to accomplish and try making a talisman to aid you in doing so! Have fun! If you have questions concerning ritual consecration of talismans then feel free to ask, but please construct the talisman first.