Bryssel 22. 23.10.2009 Mb

European Congress on E-inclusion: ECEI09 - Technology and Beyond in Public Libraries Creating inclusive digital environments Brussels, 22-23 October 2009 Maija Berndtson Library Director Helsinki City Library



Transcript of Bryssel 22. 23.10.2009 Mb

  • 1. European Congress on E-inclusion: ECEI09-Technology and Beyond in Public Libraries Creating inclusive digital environments Brussels, 22-23 October 2009 Maija Berndtson Library Director Helsinki City Library

2. Paul Otlet a Visionary

  • We need visions
  • The role of public libraries
  • From hybrid to boundless library
  • An example of new service
  • Ideas for implementation

3. The World City a Utopian Vision

  • In 1910, Otlet and La Fontaine first envisioned a "city of knowledge", which Otlet originally named the "Palais Mondial" ("World Palace"), that would serve as a central repository for the world's information.

4. The World City a utopian vision

  • A city, which like a universal exhibition brings together all the leading institutions of the world and would radiate knowledge, construct peace, universal cooperation.
  • The design of a Mundaneum (1928) and a World City (1929) by Le Corbusier in Geneva next to the palace of the League of Nations.

5. Prescient of the World Wide Web

  • Otlet's writings = prescient of the current World Wide Web.
  • His vision of a great network of knowledge was centered on documents and included the notions of hyperlinks, search engines, remote access, and social networksalthough these notions were described by different names.

6. The nature of the new world that was in the making

  • How knowledge might be mobilised to manage social change more effectively than in the past.
  • To assemble and interrelate all documents in their various formats.
  • The objective was universality. The library, the museum and the archive were all to be seen as aspects of a single documentary organisation.

7. The Mundaneum

  • The interlinking that was necessary had to be centralised in a hierarchical arrangement.
  • In a great world palace, the Mundaneum, would be located the nerve center for managing knowledge acquisition and dissemination on a global scale.
  • A world city representing symbolically a new polity in which international relations of all kinds could be rationally ordered for the benefit of mankind.

8. The Mundaneum

  • The Mundaneum, he tells us, is an idea of universalism. It is aninstitutionin which is brought together the museum for seeing, the cinema for viewing, the library, encyclopedias and archives for reading, the catalogue for consulting, the lecture, radio and the disc for listening, and the conference for debating Knowledge organisation and a new world polity: the rise and fall and rise of the ideas of Paul Otlet, B y W. Boyd Rayward*

9. The Ubiquitous Society Connects everyone and everything. Easy connection to networks anytime, anywhere, by anything and anyone. A society where ICT will be everywhere in daily life and can easily be used. Person to Person plus Person to Goods, and Goods to Goods. In every aspect, communication will play an even more important role. Creation of vitality of the individual, vitalize the society. Based on users viewpoints. Close to the user. Users can be suppliers too, prosumers. 10. Library a space for democracy

  • Non-commercial meeting place
  • For all for free
  • Versatility of medias
  • To meet like-minded
  • Supermarket of knowledge

11. Library a space for culture - Individuals development; individual needs as starting point- Abilities: literacy, it-literacy, media-literacy - Economical development- Social development, for example energy, consumption, environment 12. Library a space for learning - Identity - local, regional, national, international- Forms of culture/ means of expression - Word, image, sound - Meetingplace/interaction 13. Helsinki City Library Vision 2000 - 2005 The whole nationshybrid library, serving locally, acting nationally, esteemed internationally. 14. HelMet weblibrary Hybrid library: Shelves Shelves Collection Collection Collection DVD Magazines Workstations Reading places Self- service Distance-use of the library Workstations Ask Online /sv-FI/kysy/ iGS - Information Gas Station Librarys webpages -contains information about Finnish libraries and the Finnish library system Lending 15. Loans, visits and virtual visits 1985-2008 kirjastokynnit loans visits virtual visits 1985 1996 2005 2007 2008 -/+ 2007-2008 Loans 6016 577 9004 437 10 073 766 9601 730 9 398 909 -2,1 % Visits 3991 909 6536 603 6 604 849 6388 564 6 418 060 +0,4 % Virtual visits 180 233 5 012 505 6435 666 6 631 318 +3,0 % 16. Library 17. Helsinki City Library Vision 2005 -

  • The boundless library a source ofenlightenment and inspiration throughout your life.

18. Google Book Search, http:// / 19. The eBook Store from Sony, http:// / 20. The World Digital Library http:// /en 21. https:// /en/ 22. The boundless libraryStage Self-service Learning enviroment Soft and comfortable seats Workstations Void Photo: Anish Kapoor Content Visibility, to meet the customers Experiences, encounters Guidance The digital library in your pecket Boundless Library: 23. Information Gas Station iGS On air On the road On the web 24.

  • Answers, guidance and entertainment
  • Treshold to participation as low as possible
  • Customers participate in creating the content
  • Promoting library materials and personnels expertise

25. iGS on the road: The Information barrel

  • Fast and flexible touring
  • Designed to function in various conditions
  • The Barrel has visited shopping malls, festivals, fairs, schools etc.


  • Co-operation with Finnish Broadcasting Company
  • Question of the week - answer given in live radio programme
  • Over 70 000 listeners
  • Entertaining
  • Co-operation, not marketing
  • Teaching and librarish elements are hidden

iGS on air Ask anything 27.

  • Library goes where the people are
  • Reaching the non-users
  • Library 2.0 extending beyond web services and use of new applications
  • Using all three iGS productsto market library services
  • Enhancing information seeking skills of the whole staff

- Citizens special adviser 28.

  • Kallio Library
  • Answers to approximately 6 600 questions yearly
  • Libraryvisits 434 424(year 2008)
  • Collection: 96 049
  • Staff: 28
  • Information Gas Station
  • Answers to approximately 10 000 questions yearly
  • Visits to IGS-webpages800 000- more than in any branch library
  • Collection: archive with 50 000 answers
  • Staff: approximately 50 people in 20 libraries

Physical Virtual What kind of libraries do we create? 29. Teemu Arina 30. 1. The changing role of the customer

  • Focus on the end-user and customer experience, not just the information.
  • Look into mass-customization: how to customize the library experience to each individual regarding recommendations etc.
  • Involve the net generation or experts from outside your own field for rethinking the justification for your existence.

31. 2. Use new technology and work innovatively

  • Look beyond first hand metadata, to second party recommendations and third-party metadata.
  • Utilize open data more, build interfaces for people to do mashups with.
  • Build mobile applications to locate books and get instant social navigation to library books on-location and online.
  • Look at QR-codes or similar cheap technologies and stamp them into every book for contextual information.
  • Look into user-generated taxonomies (folksonomies), information visualization and new ways for putting the same book in multiple shelves.
  • What augmented reality applications could libraries develop/use?
  • Stop watching TV and work on (the next) wikipedia.

32. 3. See beyond the existing

  • Transform the library facility to something that encourages participation or new reasons to go to a library.
  • Understand the changing framework, not just the the (changing) content.
  • Dont do the mistake of replicating libraries online as it is. They already did the mistake of replicating the classroom online.
  • The web is not a destination, but a network of decentralized components. Harness the network properties.
  • Understand the technological, social andeconomical drivers for future developments.
  • Rethink the virtual visit to complement physical visits.
  • Understand contextuality provided by the web and how to tap into it from the library perspective.

33. The Mundaneum the brave new library?!

  • Googles mission is the same as libraries have had for centuries. Its time to understand digital convergence in new ways. (Teemu Arina)
  • Why are libraries not as visible as Google? Why dont we have a global logo?
  • Why are not libraries marketing them as citizensspecial advisers?
  • What is the Mundaneum today?
