BRASS MBA in a Day

The 70 minute manager Elisabeth Leonard, MSLS, MBA Market Research Analyst SAGE Publications, Inc.
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BRASS MBA in a Day, ALA Annual 2012, Elisabeth Leonard

Transcript of BRASS MBA in a Day

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The 70 minute manager

Elisabeth Leonard, MSLS, MBAMarket Research Analyst

SAGE Publications, Inc.

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Management is “the art of getting things done through people”Mary Parker Foskett 1941. Dynamic Administration. London: Pittman

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Breaking it down by function

Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling (Evaluating) Reporting BudgetingBased on Henri Fayol ~1872Gulick, Luther and Urwick, Lyndall (1937) Papers on the Science of Administration,

Institute of Public Administration, New York

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Who writes about it?

Popular literature abounds! Anyone can be a manager or write a book about it.

Studied by faculty in business, psychology, sociology, communications, and any discipline that includes practitioners

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Topics include:

Management and leadership roles, styles and traits, team performance, conflict resolution, motivation, human resources, strategic planning, operations, organizational culture and hierarchy, negotiations, ethics, diversity, change management, innovation, stress, unions, communication, agenda setting, and much more

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Top management journals

MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Research Methods, Leadership Quarterly, MIT Sloane Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, International Small Business Journal, IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, Industrial and Corporate Change, British Journal of Management, California Management Review, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

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Schools of thought

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Time Line

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Classical perspective: scientific management

Taylor Worker is economically motivated Maximize output and minimize

inefficiencies Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Motion studies Henry Gannt

Formalized Taylor’s time studies Gannt charts (project management)

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Gannt chart

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Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

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Behavioral school of thought

Human relations movement Focus on the individual: if I can make you

happy, you will be a more productive employee

Best known: Chester Barnard (social responsibility, fair wages), Mary Parker Follett (shared goals, worker participation), Elton Mayo (Hawthorne studies)

Self-actualizingTwitter: ElisabethAnn | Slideshare:

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Self-actualizing: Theory X and Theory Y

Douglas McGregor (1960) There are 2 styles, X and Y, that establish managers’ expectations Theory X (authoritarian management)

Average person: Inherently dislikes workMust be coerced, controlled, directed,

threatened with punishmentAren’t able to solve work problems Prefers to be directed and wishes to

avoid responsibility

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Theory X and Theory Y

Theory Y (participative management) The average person

Physical and mental effort is as natural as play or rest

Doesn’t dislike work Work can be satisfying & will be done voluntarily Accepts and seeks responsibility Imagination and creativity is widely distributed in

an organization Intellectual potentials are only partially utilised

Belief in Theory Y leads to decentralization, delegation, empowerment

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Theory XAutocratic

Theory YParticipative (laissez-faire)

Theory ZDemocratic

Theory Z W.S. Ouchi (1981)

Democratic management style, based on Japanese management, with interest in employees’ work-life

Workers are loyal and interested in team work and the organization

Collective decision making

Or a manager’s style might be somewhere in between these!

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Management science school

Also called quantitative school Harkens back to scientific management World War II Applies mathematical and statistical

thinking Production becomes Operations

Management Inventory control theory, goal programming,

queuing models, and simulation Birth of MIS

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Modern management:Systems theory

Focus on organization as a whole and as an ecosystem

Each unit affects every other unit Decisions are made after considering

impact on others (including partners) Stakeholders, not just shareholders

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Modern management:Total Quality Management (TQM)

Big in the 80’s and into the 90’s Total: Quality involves everyone and all

activities in the company. Quality: Conformance to requirements Management: typically top down TQM: continuous improvement; permeates

everything the company and each employee does

*Training and professional development stressed

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What TQM is used for

Improve customer service Increase productivity Decrease need to rework/scrap Improve product reliability Decrease time-to-market cycles Increase competitive advantage? Now is “Quality Management”

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Modern management: learning organization

Peter Senge Focus on problem solving, not efficiency Continuous change Every employee has a role Team learning Shared vision Shift from command-control to

information based organization (Drucker)

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Leadership and management

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Remember this?

Planning Organizing Staffing Directing (Leading) Controlling (Evaluating) Reporting BudgetingBased on Henri Fayol ~1872Gulick, Luther and Urwick, Lyndall (1937) Papers on the Science of

Administration, Institute of Public Administration, New York

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You can’t lead if no one follows

Where once it was about the leadership…

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Popularized by business professor Robert Kelley in 1988 Harvard Business Review “In Praise of Followers” and 1992 book The Power of Followership.

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following has changed

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Basics of change and innovation

What a manager should know

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Lewin's Three Step Change Theory: Foundations

Change involves learning something new AND discontinuing current attitudes, behaviors, or organizational practices.

There must be sufficient motivation to change. This is often the most difficult part of the change process.

People are at the core of all organizational changes.

Effective change requires reinforcing new behaviors, attitudes, and organizational practices.

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Three steps for change

unfreezing changing refreezing

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Step one: Unfreezing

Goal: release the status quo! The focus is to motivate individuals to

change. Encourage old behaviors and attitudes to

be replaced with desired behaviors and attitudes

Recognize all issues openly Brainstorm as a group Trust is essential

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Step two: Change

Goal: arrive at a new understanding Employees learn new information,

behavioral models and view points. Useful at this stage are role models,

mentors, experts, benchmarking, and training.

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Step three: Refreeze

Change is stabilized. Employees integrate what they learned in

stage 2 into their routine Use positive reinforcement, coaching,


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There’s more to it

Model is linear; change isn’t "Understand and honor the DNA of the

organization. The system will reject you otherwise."[1]

Many factors motivate people for or against change

Resistance to change occurs even when the goals are desired by everyone.

[1] Berfield, S. (2007, February 12). The Right Way To Shake Up a Company. Business Week.

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Change agents The change agent is someone “who translates the

strategic change vision of leaders into pragmatic change behaviour. They will be the early adopters — through structured learning programmes and other stimuli — of the new values, actions and skills required by the company. Through this knowledge, they will act as a catalyst for the introduction of new ways of doing things across the four corners of the corporation. Their goal will be to act as a positive virus infecting their host company.”[1]

[1] Dover, P. (2003, February). Change agents at work: Lessons from Siemens Nixdorf. Journal of Change Management, 3(3), 243.

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Which leads to innovation

Not all change is innovation Something new to an organization

that adds value Biggest name: Rogers

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Something new Adds value Process or product Incremental or radical Needs to be encouraged

R&D, skunkworks, pockets of innovation, organization wide, open innovation

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What’s the point of it all?Managers are taught: Know who you are, who your employees are,

and who you serve Know what the situation is

Culture, stakeholders, strategic direction, short term and long term goals

Decide how best to meet the challenges of the situation (follows the contingency school of thought!)

Evaluate the results Adjust and Repeat.

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Resources to help you

TOC alerts strategy+business Knowledge@Wharton YouTube! Textbooks Business Week and NYT bestsellers

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Strategic planning vs. operations

Operations is day to day Strategic plan is long term

SWOT (1960’s) Look at how to achieve vision and or

competitive advantage

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Competitive advantage

Michael Porter Compete on cost, differentiation, focus Five forces

Bargaining power of customers Bargaining power of suppliers Threat of new entrants Threat of substitute products Rivalry within industry

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Five Forces

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Patrons and their questions

Don’t be surprised by… A VERY specific question for a very broad

assignment (team work in action) The patron doesn’t come alone

(team work in action) The patron (including the student) is working

under a tight deadline The patron has a question and isn’t sharing

enough info (often a personnel issue or a concern about competitive intelligence)

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Resource based view (RBV)

From Penrose Popularized by Prahalad and Hamel Adds firms resources to the SW Ideally makes it harder for other

firms to catch upThe core competencies of the organization.

Harvard Business Review. May/June 1990, p. 79-91.

Penrose, E. (1959). The theory and growth of the firm. New York: Wiley.

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Knowledge based view

Based on Penrose Leverage knowledge for creating

current goods/services to other areas (core competencies)

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