Bradpunk 2020 - Chat Logs

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  • 8/10/2019 Bradpunk 2020 - Chat Logs


    Technoshock:When technology outstrips people's ability to comprehend or fit it into their lives. Suddenly, people freak out. THey get irrational; violent. Families shatter;relationships tear apart. People feel helpless in the face of the Universe. Eventually, the whole society grids to a halt, the victim of a mass psychosis. That's what we now call the Collapse.

    There were three major responses to technoshock. The vast majority of people, their lives uprooted and changed by the advancements, sat passively waiting for their leaders to tell them what to do next. One smaller group tried to turn back the clock, founding the basis for what we call the Neo-Luddite movement. The remaining group - they decided to hit the future head on. With the old 1980's visionary writings as their guide, they established the movement we now call Cyberpunk.

    As a Cyberpunk, you grab tech by the throat and hang on. Interface plugs in yourwrists, weapons in your arms, lasers in your eyes, biochips in your brain. Youhave the attitude right, you've got the most "in" clothes, know the right people, and follow the right crowds. Your enemies are Corporate Armies, cyborg bike gangs, power-armoured assassins and computer wired deck jockeys. Your weapons arenerve, streetsmarts, bravado, and the Colt-AMT Model 2000 Smartgun on your hip.

    Are you ready for the dark future of the 21st century? Of course you are. You can't fraggin' wait.

    [11/11/2014 6:47:38 PM] Kurwa~: Night City.North California Free State.November 3rd.2020.

    It hasn't stopped raining for the past month or two, and today is no exception.The dark skies, misty white fog blanketing the streets, and general gloomy atmosphere being something Night City residents are more than used to. The sidewalksand alleyways littered with streetscum, the buildings with layors upon layors ofgraffiti, and everything else with a neon glow.

    Huge videoboards scream from near every building. Monster ad-blimps cluster overhead, booming messages down twenty-four hours a day. The streets are packed with

    pedicabs, taxicabs, metrocares, and cyberbikes, while the skies are a maze of speeding aerodynes, helicopters, aerogyros, and even a dirigible or two. A screamsheet box on every corner, and a dataterm on every block, both surrounded by holograms screeching out the latest headlines.

    Think of Downtown Detroit, with more neon.

    Now, you're all on your way to a job at Infocomp, a listing you all decided to look in to. It's not some fancy corp job, no, that's not the business you're in for. Edgerunning is what you all know you're getting in to. High risk, high pay,as the career usually is.

    10:30 AM is the time, Infocomp's underground parking garage is the place.

    How you get there is up to you. There's the NCTC (Night City Transit Corporation) busses, which are probably the easiest way to get around town if you don't have a ride. With over 30 Mercades Urban Transporters in use, featuring holographicadvertising display boards, computerized ticket processing, and some of the highest protective armour seen on a public transport vehicle, NCTC is by no meansa bad way to get around. Tickets start at 1eb a pop.

    If you're going by your own ride, the roads aren't terrible this morning. Sure,there's the traffic you would expect from a such a small city that manages to ho

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    rd, scowling[11/11/2014 7:02:59 PM] Kongu: Kongu Rob adjusts his armored motorcycle jacket,keeping himself as warm as he can with the little he has. He's as blank as a board, and as relaxed as a flag without wind.[11/11/2014 7:05:21 PM] Jason: Jason has his hands behind his back and his chinpointed to the air[11/11/2014 7:06:17 PM] Richey: Richey pulls down his kevlar hood, "I suppose you guys are here for the same thing I am" you see that he is some odd mix of Irish and Asian, you also see that he is somewhat shivering from the cold[11/11/2014 7:07:11 PM] Kongu: "Yep. Might want to apply some friction there dude."[11/11/2014 7:07:12 PM] Daina: Lazy eyes watch the neon-bathed city blur by through windows clouded by a thousand schmucks' snot, spit, and the disturbingly-unclean rain, and through their own shroud of rheum, which their owner simply hasn't bothered to clear. Their owner sits on the bus like a stone in a busy river, everything but it moving, shifting, making noise... It's having nothing to do with it. Their thoughts, none good, come to them through a filter of gauze laid bytheir lack of slumber the night prior. Another late night on the BBS', see. Theysigh, watching the neon signs come into focus, the bus slowly coming to a stop.A few people step out - a large man in a trench coat, a woman in a blue dress,another short man in a jumpsuit. Behind them, slipping between the doors just before they close, is Truant. A short, pale woman with an unevenly-shaved head, interface plugs along the right side quite prevalent due to her... Homey haircut.Their manner of dress doesn't quite flatter her gangly, thin frame - a pair of l

    egwarmers tucked into a black pair of boots, a plaid skirt, a sleeveless leathervest tossed on over a tattered wife-beater. The dull look on her face doesn't quite denote that she -wants- to be here, rather than that she -has- to be. The only other thing she carries with her is a small canvas bag, clinking metallically with every step she takes.[11/11/2014 7:07:29 PM] Jason: Jason glances at him briefly before silently hmphing and staring forward and above again[11/11/2014 7:09:22 PM] Wes Byrn: "So, where's the party?" to no one in particular[11/11/2014 7:09:44 PM] Kongu: Kongu adjusts one of his fingerless gloves and replies: "I think we're it. Should be fun."[11/11/2014 7:09:58 PM] Kongu: "I'm Rob by the way."[11/11/2014 7:11:00 PM] Richey: "I'm sorry, if i knew there was going to be a pa

    rty, i would have brought my sexbots" Chett says jokingly with a smirk "The names Chett"[11/11/2014 7:11:38 PM] Truant: Truant looks up, a glint of life seeming to arise in her eyes. They dart between the others gathered about, before she sighs. "Mmmh. Sure looks like a party to me." she notes, raising one hand lethargically."Truant. That's me."[11/11/2014 7:12:02 PM] Kongu: Kongu chuckles at Chett's remark[11/11/2014 7:12:58 PM] Wes Byrn: "Alright! I'm Wes, Wes Byrn. I'll be your tourguide for the day." as he says this he leans forward to look at you over the top of his smart shades. You can see that his eyes are high end kiroshi's, and a bright yellow at the moment.[11/11/2014 7:13:02 PM] Jason: Jason groans internally about degenerates[11/11/2014 7:13:54 PM] Kongu: "Oh boy, we get to go see the chocolate factory,

    I guess i'm Charlie." *said sarcastically*[11/11/2014 7:14:35 PM] Truant: Truant zeroes in on Wes, a dim grin coming to her thin lips. "Well, you certainly look the part of the tour guide."[11/11/2014 7:14:58 PM | Edited 7:15:15 PM] Chett: "Ooh OOH, Can i be Augustus Gloop?"[11/11/2014 7:15:38 PM] Truant: Truant worriedly looks away. "Shit, as long as I'm not Violet."[11/11/2014 7:16:00 PM] Wes Byrn: "eheheeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... yeah... just gotta use your /Imagination!/ [makes rainbow motion with hands]"[11/11/2014 7:16:07 PM] Kongu: "Fair enough, sweet-tea"

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    er job. "I don't have much to say to affirm that, but I'm sure our results willspeak for themselves." With venom, she adds "Sir."[11/11/2014 7:29:22 PM] Kongu: Kongu shrugs at his new associate's venom[11/11/2014 7:29:28 PM] Stein: Stein seems to beam even more at hearing someonesay "sir", apparently not picking up on sarcasm, the corners of his lip even curl a bit upwards, this man seems to have played with army men too much as a kid.[11/11/2014 7:30:12 PM] Wes Byrn: [Glances at Tuant] "spicy..." [looking at Michael] "Well it is a pleasure to meet you and I'm looking forward to the job at hand" [Extends for a handshake][11/11/2014 7:30:27 PM] Stein: "No fear, sir, I'm ready"[11/11/2014 7:30:36 PM] Stein: Stein beaming intensifies[11/11/2014 7:30:48 PM] Chett: "uh yes sir" Chett says somewhat uncertaintly "I'm sure we will do nothing but our best"[11/11/2014 7:31:44 PM] Kongu: "Sycophants galore it appears. Mr. Walsh, just give me an objective and a paycheck when i get it, and I'll be happy to work for you.[11/11/2014 7:31:53 PM] Kongu: Kongu extends his hand for a shake, it is coveredin dirt[11/11/2014 7:33:19 PM] Stein: Stein glances at Chett, beaming and smiling likea bright eyed soldier, he gives him an approving nod and if he looked any longerhe might be about to wink but he turns back to Walsh before that abomination happens, this isn't man who looks normal smiling[11/11/2014 7:33:54 PM] Chett: Chett shifts somewhat uncomfertably[11/11/2014 7:33:59 PM] Kurwa~: This Michael guy seems cool as any other corpzon

    er you could encounter, stoic expression on his face, ready to take on the world. His confidence in you all seems 100%, he knows this will go down well.

    He takes a second to acknowledge Truant, a slight smirk coming across his face as he does so "The 'sir' is not necessary, though I appreciate the formality." Shakey sarcasm riddles his speech. After, he extends his hand out to meet Wes', giving him a firm, corporate feeling handshake, then does the same for Rob.

    Stepping back, he taps the LCD display on the cyberarm, shutting it off. "Anyways, the task at hand. Douglas Tolliver, a mid-level executive at EBM, has accepted a generous offer to brief Infocomp about the future of the Microprocessor market. In order to maintain discretion, Tolliver must do this during his lunchbreak, and it is of the utmost importance that this meeting be kept extremely quiet.

    Mister Tolliver's safety is the top priority here. You will pick up Tolliver near his midtown office, deliver him to a secluded restaurant downtown, analyze theinformation he provides, pay him as necessary, and deliver him back to his office. Simple." He gives you all a moment to process this information before carrying on:

    "Mr. Tolliver will be expecting you all outside of his office. Simply pull up tothe building, and he'll know it's you, thanks to the wonder of recognition chipware." he straightens out his suit "Payment is two-thousand euros on unmarked Credchips. Hazardous duty pay will be considered if the circumstances see fit." Walsh then once more reaches into his jacket, and pulls out a single key attachedto a plastic card by keychain, which has Infocomp's logo engraved in to it, as well as what could be assumed to be information on the vehicle. He takes a slight

    pause, shifting his tone to something a bit lighter, not so damn business-y "Now, which one of you will be driving?"[11/11/2014 7:35:12 PM] Chett: Chett flings his hands up "not it! I dont even really know how"[11/11/2014 7:36:21 PM] Stein: "I would be proficient"[11/11/2014 7:36:25 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes' shit eating smile turns to a meer grin.[11/11/2014 7:36:44 PM] Kongu: "If you've got a bike, I could ride escort. I caneven do it discreetly."[11/11/2014 7:37:42 PM] Kongu: "And also, is the payment for our man provided, or are we going to get compensated for it?"

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    [11/11/2014 7:38:58 PM] Truant: Truant feels... Outplayed by his reaction. Her smile drops quickly, and simply nods in affirmation. Her head bobs from side to side as she listens to her directions, visibly digesting it all. "Simple. Sure, that's one word for it." she murmurs, eyes locking on the key. "I can't drive. Never had a reason to." Turning to the others, she shrugs. " 'nless any of you can, our boy's gonna have to walk."[11/11/2014 7:39:12 PM] Kongu: "And yeah, I can drive."[11/11/2014 7:39:26 PM] Kongu: "Just don't like four-wheeled coffins."[11/11/2014 7:40:05 PM] Kurwa~: Michael hands the key over to Stein "Cybercontrols are standard on this model, though I made sure the manual controls are stillin working order." Then focusing to Rob "A bike can be provided, yes. As for thepayment for Tolliver, once the data is analyzed by both you, and a specializedInfocomp team, a credchip included with the portable E-Book will be activated for you to give Mr. Tolliver."[11/11/2014 7:40:35 PM] Kongu: "I'll take a bike, hell yeah."[11/11/2014 7:40:39 PM] Stein: Stein stein looks down at keys, beams even more[11/11/2014 7:40:48 PM] Stein: "It will be my utmost pleasure"[11/11/2014 7:41:16 PM] Stein: "Sir"[11/11/2014 7:42:26 PM] Kurwa~: "As for the Netrunner of you bunch, in the backof the vehicle, there is an E-Book provided, as I mentioned previously. Upload the data Tolliver provides on to the E-Book, give it a good look over, then if you deem it worthy, send it over the Cellular net to our team here."[11/11/2014 7:44:52 PM] Truant: Truant grins, clapping her calloused hands together. "Oh, joy. Sounds fun." she says, not exactly sarcastic, but not exactly ent

    husiastic either. "Now, well, quick question, Mike - you don't mind Mike, do you? - I don't suppose there's anyone who... Well, wouldn't want this to happen, would there be? Just... Well, should we be expecting anybody else?"[11/11/2014 7:45:27 PM] Stein: Stein hustles to the driverside door and climbs in he begins checking out where everything is inside the car and then clips on his seatbelt and stares forward once at first beaming and slowly descending back into a scowl[11/11/2014 7:47:24 PM] Stein: Stein grips the steering wheel in the 10 and 2 position with all his strength[11/11/2014 7:47:24 PM] Kongu: Kongu is climbing in as well, "Well no shit we'llbe expecting somebody else, we got hired didn't we?"[11/11/2014 7:48:03 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn hops in after giving michael a nod and a grin

    [11/11/2014 7:48:26 PM] Kurwa~: "Unless Mr. Tolliver is late returning to his workplace, no. He has reported his lunch break is two hours long, which should bemore than enough time. If for some reason that two hours is not enough, an EBM security team will be dispatched to Tolliver's location. From there, I'm sorry, but I'll have to say you are on your own when dealing with the security team. Wecannot have any evidence to our envolvement in this operation."[11/11/2014 7:48:41 PM] Chett: Chett climbs into the back "I suppose I'll set upback here then, if we DO encounter some friends"[11/11/2014 7:49:34 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn sets a timer on his watch, starting now[11/11/2014 7:49:49 PM] Kongu: Kongu pulls out his Stakeout and checks it over,don't want the old boomstick jamming on him[11/11/2014 7:50:23 PM | Edited 7:50:37 PM] Kongu: "You could fit two fuckin' fa

    milies in this thing if you took out these stupid chairs."[11/11/2014 7:50:49 PM] Truant: Truant shoots a glance to Stein, soon smiling. "Then we'll have nothing to worry about." Without another word, she gently sets her bag in the back of the BMW and hops in after it. The E-book was her primary concern, so she sets about looking for it.[11/11/2014 7:50:54 PM] Chett: Chett unstraps his M1 Garand from his back and begins to relax[11/11/2014 7:51:04 PM] Stein: Stein looks down, back up, at everyone else the the car, squeezes his eyes shut for a sec and makes some grumbly noises, he popsopen his eyes again and looks to whoever is sitting shotgun, "Do we know where M

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    r. Tolliver's midtown office is?"[11/11/2014 7:51:12 PM] Chett: "say, I wonder if we can keep this thing"[11/11/2014 7:51:14 PM] Wes Byrn: "I bet if you look hard enough you find some french fries and crayons under the seat. why dont you check?"[11/11/2014 7:51:36 PM] Kongu: "Hey Chett, nice piece." * he unslings his own M1and starts checking it too*[11/11/2014 7:52:09 PM] Chett: "Thanks, yours is pretty nice too"[11/11/2014 7:52:19 PM] Stein: Stein points a finger to say something to Wes about to shout then he snaps his mouth shut and just grumbles to himself as he turns back to looking out the front of the car[11/11/2014 7:52:30 PM] Kongu: "Oh yeah, '55 production; good bore too."[11/11/2014 7:53:09 PM] Kurwa~: Michael then mutters something under his breath,probably a Radio-link in his cyberaudio, then quickly regards Stein "The navigation system should have the route to both the Office and Resteraunt layed out for you." then Rob "As for you, the bike is waiting outside the parking garage. Itrust you're more than proficiant with a Motorcycle."[11/11/2014 7:53:10 PM] Truant: Truant calls to the two conversing about guns -"I can't see what you're talkin' about, but it sounds pretty dirty. Mind keepin' that 'till the job's done, boys?"[11/11/2014 7:54:01 PM] Kurwa~: As for the E-Book, Truant finds it easily. It'sa simple one, produced by Infocomp, with a Cellular reciever on it. A credchip is plugged in one slot, while the other Datachip reader is free.[11/11/2014 7:54:29 PM] Chett: Chett looks towards his own "i- dont really knowmuch about mine, bought it at garage sale, for all i know its either been restor

    ed or is a reproduction"[11/11/2014 7:54:42 PM] Kongu: "Hey! I just gave my baby a fesh wash of Hoppes this morning! If anything is dirty it's your mind."[11/11/2014 7:55:28 PM] Stein: "Er, right, of course" to Walsh[11/11/2014 7:55:42 PM] Wes Byrn: [looking to rob] "So the banana smell wasn't my shirt... damn..."[11/11/2014 7:55:51 PM] Stein: "We'll depart immediately then"[11/11/2014 7:56:32 PM] Chett: Chett peeks out of the car and says to Truant "Oh, we're just talking about our guns" and then proceeds to roll up his sleves andflex his unimpressive arm[11/11/2014 7:57:07 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks to his allready rolled up sleeves, and does nothing.[11/11/2014 7:57:12 PM] Truant: Truant takes the e-book into her lap, running on

    e finger over the empty slot. "Probably for Tolliver's stuff." she mutters, turning it over and checking out the cred-chip. "Guns, huh? Is that what you're callin' 'em now?" she shoots back to Chett.[11/11/2014 7:57:36 PM] Chett: "Yep, Welcome to the gunshow baby"[11/11/2014 7:58:06 PM] Wes Byrn: [cries internally][11/11/2014 7:58:12 PM] Kongu: Kongu finishes checking out his rifle and goes over to his newer Streetmaster pistol[11/11/2014 7:58:20 PM] Stein: Stein 's sleeves are also rolled up he shakes hishead at to himself without regarding the others[11/11/2014 7:58:26 PM] Stein: Stein starts the car[11/11/2014 7:59:12 PM] Chett: Chett leans back into the car and begins to relaxonce again[11/11/2014 7:59:35 PM] Kongu: Kongu takes the moment to chill out after he reho

    lsters his sidearm, slings his rifle, and tucks his shotgun under his jacket tolisten to the rain run against the windshields[11/11/2014 8:00:06 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks down to his watch (how long hasit been?)[11/11/2014 8:00:39 PM] Kurwa~: The car starts up, the engine quite quiet, bothfrom the luxury design of the vehicle, and the fact it's running off of corn. Or, CHOOH, as it's called nowadays. Michael gives you all one last wave, staying silent as he then steps back to watch the car roll out.[11/11/2014 8:01:03 PM] Stein: "Everyone in?"[11/11/2014 8:01:04 PM] Kurwa~: 1:58:34, the countdown timer reads

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    [11/11/2014 8:01:29 PM] Chett: Chett peers from the back "I'm game"[11/11/2014 8:03:01 PM] Truant: Truant calls from the back "Yeah, I'm in. Let'spick this chump up."[11/11/2014 8:05:37 PM] Kongu: Kongu thumps the door next to him twice[11/11/2014 8:06:33 PM] Stein: Stein waits for final verbal confirmation[11/11/2014 8:07:31 PM] Stein: Stein shifts in seat to look at Wes scowling at him[11/11/2014 8:08:33 PM] Wes Byrn: "Allright, we got two hours then corp securitycomes to tear us a new one. I dont know about any of you, but I just laid downa bunch of dosh on my new place and I'd like to get my moneys worth out of it before my times up if you know what I mean. I've started a countdown allready, soas long as we keep this speedy and avoid anything that doesn't involve us, I think it'll be an easy in and out 2 grand. Obviously the jhon we need to pick up and move takes VIP status, so if drek hits the monofan, stick him behind the bigest chuck of solid object you can find. If we all make it out alive in that kind of situation, there's a chance at bonus pay. So try to make it a clean job. Anyone got anything else to say?"[11/11/2014 8:08:53 PM] Stein: Stein blinks at Wes[11/11/2014 8:09:06 PM] Stein: "Wh-what"[11/11/2014 8:09:21 PM] Wes Byrn: "yes, we can go now [taps his watch]"[11/11/2014 8:09:39 PM] Stein: "...thank you"[11/11/2014 8:09:50 PM] Stein: Stein pulls out and begins driving to the midtownoffice[11/11/2014 8:09:51 PM] Kongu: "Just don't sweep me, and don't get me killed. Pa

    pa needs a new bike."[11/11/2014 8:10:02 PM] Stein: Stein grumbles[11/11/2014 8:12:04 PM] Truant: Truant sighs. "Just don't mess up." she murmurs,reclining against the side of the van. Even without anything turned on, there'sa glow about her... Of course, from a light tattoo on her left arm. The words 'Momento Mori' are spelled out in blocky text.[11/11/2014 8:13:19 PM] Kurwa~: You pull out of the car park, the ride of the BMW smooth, luxurious, not feeling like an armoured car at all. But it of course is armoured, it's a corp car. When you're a corp, you need to make sure your carcan stop all light arms fire, as you're going to take it once or twice throughout your career.

    The traffic isn't terrible, by Night City standards, though it's by no means exc

    ellent. Lucky for you all, the navigation system shows the office to be no morethan 10 minutes away, calculating in traffic of course.

    (everyone make an awareness roll for me, as you ride to the Office location)[11/11/2014 8:14:01 PM] Wes Byrn: [23][11/11/2014 8:14:14 PM] Truant: [12][11/11/2014 8:14:33 PM] Stein: [13][11/11/2014 8:15:05 PM] Stein: [also brb][11/11/2014 8:15:21 PM] Chett: (13)[11/11/2014 8:19:14 PM] Kongu: ( 1D10+12 => 15)[11/11/2014 8:22:04 PM] Kurwa~: Other than the normal hussle and bustle of the Corporate Center, nothing seems to be going on. It's smooth sailing to your destination. Driving along the path to EBM's offices takes 9 minutes, almost on the d

    ot. As you park up next to it, you can see some fancy suits coming out of the main doors for their lunch break, some taking along very blatant solos as bodyguards.

    One of the security troops outside the building gives your car the stink-eye ashe walks past it, but doesn't seem to care about it, just wanting to act tough,like every low-level corp-sec does. It's not long after that you see a fairly generic looking man walk out of the building. No cyberware, plain suit by a company you just can't put your finger on, and his face looks like something you'd getif you asked a biosculpter for 'The most typical looking corporate face I can g

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    et,' topped off with slick and short brown hair.

    The man takes a second to look around before taking notice of the Burowagen, andcasually strolling towards it, his armoured briefcase, no doubt containing valuable info, clenched tight in his hand. He makes no fuss of getting inside, closing the door gently after, and sitting quietly with the briefcase on his lap, notsaying a word, just giving Stein, the driver, a nod.[11/11/2014 8:23:44 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn gives a quick smile and a nod to theman[11/11/2014 8:24:09 PM] Stein: Stein pulls out and begins the drive to the restaraunt[11/11/2014 8:24:39 PM | Edited 8:25:10 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn checks his watchagain and says the time out loud to the other passengers[11/11/2014 8:25:02 PM | Edited 8:25:09 PM] Kurwa~: 1:49:21 on the watch[11/11/2014 8:26:08 PM] Truant: Truant seemed like she'd been sleeping the entire ride - eyes shut and head down. If her breathing wasn't so irregular, one would think she'd dozed off. She keeps an eye on the man as he enters, grinning. "Tolliver, I presume?" she muses, voice slightly warbled.[11/11/2014 8:27:10 PM] Kurwa~: He nods, responding with a simple "Yes." and thebest forced smile he can muster. (Make me a human perception roll, anyone who wants to)[11/11/2014 8:27:46 PM] Truant: [6][11/11/2014 8:28:06 PM | Edited 8:28:24 PM] Wes Byrn: [13][11/11/2014 8:28:27 PM] Stein: [17]

    [11/11/2014 8:29:01 PM] Truant: "Dee-lightful." she replies, tossing one leg over the other.[11/11/2014 8:29:59 PM] Kurwa~: This guy seems to be slightly uncomfortable, butyou could just assume that's from him doing shady business behind one of the world's largest computing corporation's back. Aside from the slight discomfort, heseems all normal.[11/11/2014 8:30:58 PM] Stein: Stein beams at him through the rear view mirror[11/11/2014 8:31:10 PM] Stein: "Don't worry, sir, you're in good hands"[11/11/2014 8:31:28 PM] Stein: "That's what I'm here for"[11/11/2014 8:33:16 PM] Wes Byrn: its all comfy smiles from the Wesmeister[11/11/2014 8:33:31 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver gives a nod to Stein, trying his best to loosen up, but can't help from looking ever so slightly tense. His forced smile becomes a small increment more genuine

    This all as you begin your drive the restaurant, it's in a nearby district, so not too long of a drive. This resteraunt was probably picked for both it's closeproximity, and it's lack of customers.

    (Make me an awareness check here as you all drive to the place)[11/11/2014 8:33:55 PM] Chett: (18)[11/11/2014 8:34:03 PM] Stein: [14][11/11/2014 8:34:21 PM] Wes Byrn: [16][11/11/2014 8:34:26 PM] Truant: Truant grows more antsy as the drive goes on, occasionally groaning if for no other reason but to groan.[11/11/2014 8:34:53 PM] Truant: [12, the dice hate me tonight][11/11/2014 8:35:12 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn wiggles his eyebrows at Tolliver each

    time[11/11/2014 8:35:49 PM] Kongu: ( 1D10+12 => 22)[11/11/2014 8:36:42 PM] Kongu: "Jesus, you'd think she'd be hiding something inthe trunk with all the noise she's making."[11/11/2014 8:37:27 PM] Kurwa~: The drive remains uneventful, reaching your destination as you cross districts, and that shock of entering the shithole that isthe rest of Night City kicks in. The resteraunt's front is full glass, seems like an Italian place. May have some good food, and the decor isn't bad, but that'snot why you're here, now is it? Tolliver waits for everyone else to get out andenter before he follows along.

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    [11/11/2014 8:38:11 PM | Edited 8:38:47 PM] Chett: "hey uh, dont look up, but ithink an aircraft has been following us" Chett says as he gets out, rifle once again strapped to his back[11/11/2014 8:38:51 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn steps out, takes a deep breath to smell the resturant, and then says "I love the smell of an AV hovering over us in the morning"[11/11/2014 8:39:00 PM] Stein: Stein exits first and walks onto the curb and looks inside the restaraunt before stepping inside and holding the door open[11/11/2014 8:39:06 PM] Stein: Stein looks up[11/11/2014 8:39:12 PM] Chett: "Honestly, Napalm smells better"[11/11/2014 8:39:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "he did just say 'dont look up' ya know. I howyou enjoy being on the news... or a corp kill list... whichever one it is today."[11/11/2014 8:40:00 PM] Kongu: "Yeah, noticed the little AV-4 a little while ago."[11/11/2014 8:40:21 PM] Truant: Truant shoves the E-book into her bag, stoppingas soon as she hears the note about the AV - it takes visible effort for her notto look up, huffing. "Hmph. If it is what I think it is, then I'm going to haveto have a word with Mike when we get back. Let's get this over with."[11/11/2014 8:40:24 PM] Kongu: Kongu unslings his gun discreetly[11/11/2014 8:40:37 PM] Wes Byrn: "I wonder how their bread is" as he wanders inside.[11/11/2014 8:40:44 PM] Truant: Truant hops out of the car and drags her bag with her, joining the others.

    [11/11/2014 8:40:51 PM] Stein: Stein looks to everyone taking out guns his handinstinctively goes to his empty hip[11/11/2014 8:41:03 PM] Stein: Stein 's face sinks a bit and looks around hastily[11/11/2014 8:41:23 PM] Kongu: Kongu takes up the rear of the group[11/11/2014 8:41:43 PM] Kurwa~: Looking up, you can see an Unmarked AV-4 hovering a little bit away, then crossing overtop of you, going east, away from the corp center. It didn't seem armed or armoured, and it's gone now.

    Tolliver though, he seems to nearly shit himself as the AV is mentioned, but hecontinues inside anyways, if not in somewhat of a hurry, opting to take a seat near the back of the place, waiting for everyone to accompany him[11/11/2014 8:42:15 PM] Stein: Stein slowly backs into the restaraunt

    [11/11/2014 8:42:35 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn sits right next to him and raps his knuckles on the table expectantly[11/11/2014 8:42:47 PM] Wes Byrn: "hi"[11/11/2014 8:42:51 PM] Stein: Stein once he is inside safely hustles it over tothe table pulling out a chair and plopping down in it[11/11/2014 8:43:06 PM] Chett: Chett follows behind Tolliver. "Well gents" Chettpauses for a moment "And Gentettes, It looks like this storm is gonna turn intoa shit storm"[11/11/2014 8:43:15 PM] Truant: Truant rolls her eyes as she sees Tolliver stiffen up, sighing afterward. "Act natural, Tolliver. The less they know we know about 'em, whoever they are, the better."[11/11/2014 8:43:41 PM] Wes Byrn: "I'm with the slit"[11/11/2014 8:45:32 PM] Kongu: Kongu goes near the bathroom, hanging around and

    attempting to loon inconspicuous[11/11/2014 8:47:56 PM] Kurwa~: The resteraunt is any generic cyber-italian resteraunt. Nice decor, warm, has a fat guy in the kitched, etc. It's a hell of a lot better than the trash littered, cold, wet, and dangerous streets.

    Tolliver lets out a sigh "Very well..." his briefcase is promptly placed on thetable, and he fiddles around inside his suit's pocket for something before taking out an interface cord. He rolls up his right sleeve, revealing both a biomonitor, and some interface plugs, the latter of which he plugs the cord in to, thenin to the case. A half-second later, pop, case is open. There's some documents i

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    nside, as well as datachips. He sorts through them, picking out a select unmarked one, then placing it on the counter, closing the armoured briefcase afterwords.

    "This is very valuable data. EBM would have me shot if they found out this stuffgot out." He doesn't speak to anyone in paticular, probably just to himself, tore-assure himself how fucked he is if EBM figured out this little bit of Corporate betrayal.[11/11/2014 8:48:46 PM] Wes Byrn: "what stuff?"[11/11/2014 8:48:55 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn smiles[11/11/2014 8:49:26 PM] Stein: Stein picks up the datachip and examines it[11/11/2014 8:51:17 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver points to the Datachip "That stuff." taking a deep breath, the man leans back in his seat, staying silent.[11/11/2014 8:51:39 PM] Kurwa~: The datachip seems like any normal datachip. Nothing strange about it, from what you can tell.[11/11/2014 8:51:50 PM] Truant: Truant takes her seat where a table sits betweenher and the windows. "I'll take that." she asserts, only to watch Stein nab itfirst. "Ah, well. In any case, this little risk is worth its reward." Thumbing around in her bag, she pulls out the little cred-chip that'd been plugged into the E-book, gently tapping it on the table. "And, besides - nobody's going to findout. You ain't gotta worry about a thing as long as we're around."[11/11/2014 8:52:15 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks over his smartshades at Tolliver "really now..." he says sarcastically.[11/11/2014 8:52:30 PM] Stein: Stein hands the datachip to Truant

    [11/11/2014 8:54:08 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks at his watch again, making sureeveryone else can see the timer as well. "So Tolly, hows the fam doin?"[11/11/2014 8:55:10 PM] Truant: "Thank you kindly." she murmurs, shoving her hand in her bag and plugging it into the E-book's empty spot. Afterward, she pullsit out, plugging the credit-chip back into it. Turning it on, she fiddles with it, looking for the aforementioned 'stuff'.[11/11/2014 8:56:38 PM] Stein: "Uh, yea, no problem, m'am"[11/11/2014 8:56:56 PM] Kurwa~: 1:33:52

    Tolliver resists answering for a second, but responds with as calm a voice as hecan force "They're well. Currently visiting reletives in Europe."

    On the screen of the E-Book, a text file pops up, detailing something about Micr

    oprocessors, neuralware, and other computer-y things. (Make me a system knowledge roll)[11/11/2014 8:57:56 PM] Truant: [18, holy fuck how did I roll a 1][11/11/2014 8:58:05 PM | Edited 8:59:11 PM] Wes Byrn: "well thats good. I hear paris is nice this time of year..."[11/11/2014 8:58:21 PM] Truant: Truant shoots Stein a quizical look. "No need for the ma'am."[11/11/2014 8:58:48 PM] Kurwa~: (Oooh nooo. You can negate the crit-fail, and just take the low roll by spending a luck point, just so you know, if you wish toat this point)[11/11/2014 9:01:59 PM] Stein: Stein avoids the look and stares down grumbling to himself[11/11/2014 9:02:44 PM] Stein: Stein looks around a bit, blinks his eyes, taps o

    ut the cool part of Take On Me while he waits for crit-fails to be negated[11/11/2014 9:02:52 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn is drumming on the table with his knuckles right now, bouncing a little from his foot keeping time[11/11/2014 9:04:20 PM] Kongu: Kongu is still hanging out near the restrooms, keeping an eye on the rest of the place[11/11/2014 9:04:33 PM] Stein: Stein clears hit throat and sits up sharply bouncing in his seat a couple times and resuming his stern attention before slowly changing back into a slouch, he thinks for a moment nostalgically and then quizzically before swinging in his seat and checking the bottom of the table for gum[11/11/2014 9:04:38 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver seems quiet, but he also has that look

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    of someone who desperately wants to say something. His eyes wander about the resteraunt as he waits for Truant to analyze the Datachip[11/11/2014 9:05:12 PM] Kurwa~: And Stein, no doubt finds atleast one, maybe twopieces of gun stuck to the bottom of the table.[11/11/2014 9:05:25 PM] Truant: Truant thrums as she reads over the files, a smile growing on her face as she does so. Every so often her fingers stop and she seems to think, but otherwise doesn't seem to have much trouble. "Mmmh, mm-mm-mmh. Fancy. I can see why you're so antsy. I might just pick one of these up for myself, once they hit the street." With that, she looks up to him and gives him the most genuine smile she's had all day. "I'll just send this off, then. It's worth keeping."[11/11/2014 9:05:32 PM] Stein: "Disgraceful"[11/11/2014 9:05:52 PM] Stein: Stein sits back up drumming his fingers on his lap while he sits at attention[11/11/2014 9:06:31 PM | Edited 9:06:46 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn is now swaying side to side to his drumming in a way only Michael Jackson would do, getting increasingly close to Tolliver as he snaps his head to stare at him each time.[11/11/2014 9:08:10 PM] Chett: Chett is laying his head in his arms against thetable it almost looks like he is asleep[11/11/2014 9:10:20 PM] Kurwa~: The E-Book reads:ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO CELLULAR NETCHECKING SYSTEM REGISTRATIONSYSTEM REGISTRATION CONFIRMED.UPLOADING FILE TO

    0.3/1 MU UPLOADED0.8/1 MU UPLOADED1/1 MU UPLOADED.........

    And then it goes all quiet. One could assume that Infocomp is currently reviewing the data

    Tolliver takes a look, leaning over a bit to see the screen of the E-Book, thengoing back to his original sitting position, though his hands now crossed on thetable, like a true slick business raider.

    [11/11/2014 9:11:04 PM | Edited 9:12:59 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn is now not more than a centimeter away from Tollivers face at the end of each turn. Anyone who listens to music can now tell that he's drumming sussudio. Mainly because he's also starting to hum the lyrics+rythm while drumming.[11/11/2014 9:11:57 PM] Truant: Truant offers the screen to him, if only to satehis worries. He might not exactly like staying around her - it's clear she isn't exactly the most... Cleanly, even if she does have a static residence. "It'llall be over soon, take a breather."[11/11/2014 9:14:17 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver gives Wes a strange look, leans away from him slightly, and clears his throat. "While you are uploading that data to beanalyzed, I would like to..." he chokes slightly "My intentions of coming hereto share this data are more than that of sharing corporate secrets." He looks tothe screen shown to him, raising a hand and slightly shaking his head, as if to

    say "no thanks' to it. "I am very much against the business practices of my current employer, and wish to defect." he cringes when he says this, as if he expected a bullet to jam into his skull at that exact moment. "If you would be so kind as to help me with this matter..." his voice sort of trails off, waiting for aresponse.[11/11/2014 9:15:08 PM] Chett: Chett looks up from his arm-rests "so, how do wego about doing that? just take you to our employer?"[11/11/2014 9:15:16 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn stops[11/11/2014 9:15:29 PM | Edited 9:15:36 PM] Wes Byrn: "no probs captain."[11/11/2014 9:15:37 PM] Stein: Stein clears his throat unexpectantly

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    [11/11/2014 9:16:13 PM] Truant: Truant at first perks up, but at hearing that word 'defect', another spark of life shines behind her eyes. "Defect? What sort ofhelp are we talking about, here?" she muses, the look about her like that of awolf eyeing a meal.[11/11/2014 9:16:36 PM] Kurwa~: His face is certainly filled with worry at thispoint. He has it in his head he can trust infocomp, Michael Walsh, and these random runners he's never seen before. That's a lot of fraggin' trust, chummer.

    "I need the biomonitor in my arm deactivated. EBM is tracking me with it, and ifI'm late for going back, they'll take action... Problem is, when it's deactivated, it sends a signal for a retreival squad to head to my last known location. After that, I need to have some contact with Mr. Walsh..."[11/11/2014 9:17:16 PM] Stein: Stein ums and uhs for a bit as he glances aroundseemingly flustered and somewhat unsure he eventually settles back into his chair grumbling and sinking into the marshmellowy collar of his vest letting the others handle this[11/11/2014 9:17:47 PM] Chett: "oh, well thats simple, we drive away with you, and deactivate it during the drive, then as soon as it is infact deactivated we head towards our employer"[11/11/2014 9:18:19 PM | Edited 9:18:37 PM] Wes Byrn: "Just head down the interstate, stick that little meatstick of yours out the window and roll it up!"[11/11/2014 9:19:24 PM] Chett: Chett looks towards wes, confusion written all over his face, and mouthes 'was that aimed towards me?'[11/11/2014 9:20:26 PM] Wes Byrn: "I mean... if you want, I /might/ be able to r

    ustle up a doc for you instead...""and no Chett my man, why would you need to loose a limb?"[11/11/2014 9:20:34 PM] Stein: Stein looks at Wes horrified[11/11/2014 9:20:41 PM] Truant: Truant smiles. "However we do it, it's doable."she mutters, bringing the E-book back toward herself. "And, well, while I'm notsayin' anything against defecting... Are you sure that this is where you want togo?"[11/11/2014 9:20:48 PM] Stein: "Absolutely not"[11/11/2014 9:20:58 PM] Kurwa~: It's at that moment the E-Book lights up with text once morePAYMENT AUTHOURIZEDPLEASE REMOVE CREDCHIP

    And with that, the credchip lights up, showing it's active.

    To the suggestions, Tolliver replies "I would prefer to have some professional cybertech, or even ripperdoc, if that is a must, have it removed." he still seemsnervous, as he adds one more complication to this predicament "The biomonitor is hooked up to my Cyberheart, is the main problem. If the monitor goes out, so does my heart, if my heart goes out, so does the monitor..."[11/11/2014 9:20:58 PM] Wes Byrn: [to stein] "what..."[11/11/2014 9:21:12 PM] Stein: Stein shakes his head[11/11/2014 9:21:20 PM] Stein: "savage"[11/11/2014 9:21:55 PM] Kurwa~: Then focusing to Truant, he nods "Absolutely. Ihave done my research quite well. And Mr. Walsh solidified said research."[11/11/2014 9:21:55 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn mumbles about not knowing the meaning

    of "fun"[11/11/2014 9:22:10 PM] Chett: "Oh, i got this one, we steal someones heart. anyone know any Aztec warriors or Kali-worshipers?"[11/11/2014 9:22:38 PM] Wes Byrn: "maybe... how badly do you need one?"[11/11/2014 9:23:34 PM] Truant: "If that's the case..." she begins, removing thecred-chip. "We'll be glad to help. I mean, I will, at least. And... If you're at all comfortable, I may know a thing or two about cybertech." With that, she passes the chip to Tolliver, nodding.[11/11/2014 9:23:40 PM] Stein: Stein is mortified on their behalf[11/11/2014 9:24:20 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver takes the chip, and simply stuffs it in

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    to his pocket, not bothering to go through the process of opening his briefcaseagain.[11/11/2014 9:24:59 PM | Edited 9:25:22 PM] Chett: Chett stands up, moves over to stein, and claps him on the back "Lighten up will ya, Its not like we're beingasked to do Heart surgery"[11/11/2014 9:25:05 PM] Chett: "Thats some other assholes job"[11/11/2014 9:25:23 PM] Kongu: Kongu walks back over[11/11/2014 9:25:27 PM] Kongu: "We good?"[11/11/2014 9:25:39 PM] Wes Byrn: "well... I mean we /could/ do that if you want[looking to chett and tolliver}"[11/11/2014 9:26:07 PM] Chett: "true, i know a bit about electronics and such, but not really cyberware"[11/11/2014 9:26:27 PM] Wes Byrn: "however... [looks to his watch] we only have*insert time* left before a flying mini-van comes to stab us with bullets..."[11/11/2014 9:26:36 PM] Stein: Stein pouts like the man baby he is and just nodshis head[11/11/2014 9:26:45 PM] Stein: "What are our options?"[11/11/2014 9:26:47 PM] Truant: Truant claps her hands and stuffs the E-book back into her bag, nodding and rising. "If there's any unfinished business, let usknow about it. My work, for now, is concluded."[11/11/2014 9:27:13 PM] Kurwa~: "If you could find a sterile place, and proper tools." He checks his watch, then looks up "We only have one hour until EBM comeslooking for me. Please, I beg of you all, you need to get this thing out of me,or you'll all have internal security on you, and I'll be as good as dead."

    [11/11/2014 9:28:21 PM] Wes Byrn: "Dont worry my man, [wraps his arm around Tolliver and pats him on the back], I can get you fixed up... probably..."[11/11/2014 9:28:45 PM] Stein: "Which would be faster, removing the system carefully or a ripper doctor fixing the wound of removing it quickly"[11/11/2014 9:29:21 PM] Wes Byrn: [24 to know of a close by ripperdoc][11/11/2014 9:31:54 PM] Truant: [9][11/11/2014 9:33:29 PM] Wes Byrn: "Tell you what... just for you, I'll take youto my /personal/ doc. Nice guy, knows what he's doing, great with metal." [begins to lead him off towards the door][11/11/2014 9:33:37 PM] Stein: [19][11/11/2014 9:33:48 PM] Stein: "At once then"[11/11/2014 9:33:55 PM] Kongu: "So... we good? What's happening?"[11/11/2014 9:34:05 PM] Truant: Truant sighs. "Well, you won't be the only one a

    s good as dead." Tapping her chin in thought, she looks about, eventually comingup with nothing. "I mean, I know a few docs of... Well, good reputation, but we've got a snowball's chance in hell of getting them to take a case like this."[11/11/2014 9:34:16 PM] Wes Byrn: [yells back] "We're off to see the wizard!"[11/11/2014 9:34:20 PM] Stein: Stein hustles to the car[11/11/2014 9:34:29 PM] Kongu: Kongu is present, yelling is not required[11/11/2014 9:34:34 PM] Chett: Chett quickly shuffles to the car[11/11/2014 9:34:44 PM] Kongu: "Jesus man, you TRYING to make a scene?"[11/11/2014 9:34:50 PM] Kurwa~: Tollier nods, standing up quickly, following behind Wes, walking at a brisk pace[11/11/2014 9:34:58 PM] Kongu: Kongu follows along and gets in the car too, taking his seat[11/11/2014 9:35:10 PM] Chett: Chett laughs "I'm pretty sure he is the living em

    bodiement of a scene"[11/11/2014 9:35:32 PM] Stein: "Wes, where do I go?"[11/11/2014 9:36:06 PM] Truant: Truant chuckles huskily as she makes for the door, noisome bag in tow. Once more she carefully sets it in the back before hopping in too.[11/11/2014 9:36:15 PM] Wes Byrn: "medical district, I'll stick my arm next to your head and yell directions at innapropriate times. dont worry."[11/11/2014 9:36:39 PM] Stein: "I er.."[11/11/2014 9:37:03 PM] Stein: Stein grumbles and pulls out quickly and high tails it to the medical district

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    [11/11/2014 9:38:20 PM] Kurwa~: (If you're trying to speed through, make me a driving roll, if not, one is not required. Either way, everyone make me an awareness)[11/11/2014 9:38:47 PM] Chett: (14)[11/11/2014 9:38:48 PM] Wes Byrn: [23][11/11/2014 9:39:01 PM] Truant: [12, again.][11/11/2014 9:39:35 PM] Stein: [1 on awareness, 14 for speeding a bit][11/11/2014 9:39:58 PM] Stein: [or 8 I guess, still a botch][11/11/2014 9:40:36 PM] Wes Byrn: [he probably cant see shit cause my hand is infront of his face][11/11/2014 9:41:26 PM] Stein: [burning a luck point][11/11/2014 9:41:51 PM] Kurwa~: Well, it's not super hard to see that Tolliver is very nervous about this whole thing, his head is practically ducked under thewindow in the car.

    Stein's driving skills are no where near top tier, but the guy manages to make good pace through the city, to the Med District, which luckily isn't too far aware. Wes' watch reads "58:47" once you all arrive at a shitty motel, following Wes' directions, of course. This place doesn't exactly look like somewhere you would preform complex surgery at, but... Who knows with Ripperdocs these days.[11/11/2014 9:43:06 PM] Stein: Stein hops out the car smoothing out his puffy vest and looking around[11/11/2014 9:44:23 PM] Wes Byrn: "Alright, this is the place! Trust me, this guy is legit, and he makes some pretty good metal sculptures in his free time!"

    [11/11/2014 9:44:45 PM] Kongu: "Sounds scholarly"[11/11/2014 9:45:37 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver gets out. he doesn't like the look of this place at all. He's heard rumours of places like this before, where they'll rip out your ware, and sell your body to the Bank, and your chrome to boosters. But this is his only shot, so you bet your ass he'll take the risk.[11/11/2014 9:45:45 PM] Stein: Stein kicks up dust like a manbaby as he stomps up to front door he kind of always jogs everywhere but slowly, like a manbaby[11/11/2014 9:45:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "... or maybe that was the other guy..."[11/11/2014 9:45:53 PM] Chett: Chett climbs out of the carbeast "well, this certainly looks like a clinic"[11/11/2014 9:46:38 PM] Stein: "Looks at Wes, looks at door, back to Wes"[11/11/2014 9:46:44 PM] Stein: Stein clears his throat[11/11/2014 9:46:52 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn walks up to the door

    [11/11/2014 9:47:24 PM] Kongu: Kongu takes up the rear again, keeping a watch[11/11/2014 9:47:49 PM] Kurwa~: It's on about the 4th floor, the Ripperdoc's place. The room number is 422, you can plainly see as it's engraved on the metal, probably bulletproof door.[11/11/2014 9:48:10 PM] Chett: Chett sighs, "so, after all this is over, anyoneup for a drink or more? I feel a bit too.. Sober"[11/11/2014 9:48:17 PM | Edited 9:48:25 PM] Wes Byrn: "I wonder if they charge extra for the one two doors down..."[11/11/2014 9:48:44 PM] Stein: Stein hovers behind Wes constantly peeking aroundat what everyone is doing[11/11/2014 9:48:55 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn waits for Tolliver to arrive[11/11/2014 9:49:08 PM] Truant: Truant hops out and follows along, looking around. "So, what' we're gonna maim him? I've heard it costs an arm and leg to get ou

    t of corporate life, but..." She can't seem to finish, snickering as hard as sheis at her stupid joke.[11/11/2014 9:49:44 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver, the entire time was right on Wes' ass,sticking close to the gang. He impatiently waits, looking at his watch, and motioning to the door.[11/11/2014 9:50:00 PM] Chett: "well, he did say he wanted to give our employera hand"[11/11/2014 9:50:15 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn wraps his arm around Tolliver, puts on his best shit eating grin, and knocks on the door[11/11/2014 9:50:22 PM] Stein: Stein gives her a sideways glance and clears his

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    throat again bobbing his head a bit as he readjusts his cap and rubs the back ofhis neck[11/11/2014 9:52:13 PM] Kurwa~: It takes a few seconds, but the door slowly opens, revealing a guy wearing a Trauma Team(TM) T-shirt, with two chromed out cyberarms, and a very obvious, and big Cybereye. Revelation Cyberoptic, probably, early model. It's ugly as hell, but it works like a charm. "Eh? Wes? What's up, choomba?"[11/11/2014 9:52:24 PM | Edited 9:52:37 PM] Wes Byrn: "Eh! Buddy! Listen, I gotan offer for you, why dont we step inside and talk about some lovely timesharesdown in Florida I think you'd be interested in? Beachfront property, very nice."[11/11/2014 9:52:50 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn motions towards Tolliver[11/11/2014 9:53:29 PM] Kurwa~: He blinks, waits a second, and then seems to heavily examine Tolliver "Lemme' guess, you geeked this suit's solos, now you wanthis ware out?"[11/11/2014 9:53:40 PM] Kurwa~: To this, Tolliver seems quite nervous.[11/11/2014 9:53:43 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn smiles[11/11/2014 9:53:45 PM] Wes Byrn: "yep"[11/11/2014 9:53:55 PM] Wes Byrn: "well, not quite, no heat yet..."[11/11/2014 9:54:03 PM] Kurwa~: "Yet?"[11/11/2014 9:54:15 PM] Truant: Truant coughs. "Yes, yet. We need to keep it that way."[11/11/2014 9:54:34 PM] Wes Byrn: "Pre-emptive strike, like the pan-americans!"[11/11/2014 9:55:38 PM] Stein: Stein hangs back outside leaning against the walland glancing back forth keeping look out

    [11/11/2014 9:57:29 PM] Chett: Chett takes his rifle out and holds it at ease and leans against the wall opposite of Stein "So, Stein, what is that, neo-jewishor somethin?"[11/11/2014 9:57:35 PM] Kurwa~: "Alright, alright. Bring the guy in, toss him onthe bed. I'll grab the hardware..."[11/11/2014 9:57:47 PM] Wes Byrn: "shway"[11/11/2014 9:57:57 PM] Stein: "Uh"[11/11/2014 9:57:57 PM] System: Available commands:/me [text]/topic [text]/add [skypename+]/alertson [text]/alertsoff

    /leave/setrole [skypename] MASTER|USER/kick [skypename]/get blob/get uri/get options/set options [[+|-]flag] ../golive [token]/invite [skypename]/showmembers/helpFor more help please see[11/11/2014 9:58:07 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn heads in with Tolliver

    [11/11/2014 9:58:09 PM] Stein: Stein clears his throat and sits a bit more at attention[11/11/2014 9:58:19 PM] Stein: "I don't know"[11/11/2014 9:58:31 PM | Removed 9:58:40 PM] Wes Byrn: This message has been removed.[11/11/2014 9:58:41 PM] Chett: Chett shrugs and says "huh"[11/11/2014 9:59:48 PM] Stein: "My first name is Albert"[11/11/2014 9:59:48 PM] Kurwa~: Tolliver follows behind, muttering "You are going to tell him you just need that Biomonitor removed... Right...?" He seems legitimately worried about it

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    ime his lips are shaking and his face occasionally twisted and he seems to be out of his comfort zone in this hallway[11/11/2014 10:10:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "uh... maybe it would be better to just... uh... chop it off and replace it with a chrome job? We only got an hour before thething sends for a magic schoolbus of lead."[11/11/2014 10:11:00 PM] Stein: "Be safe"[11/11/2014 10:11:28 PM] Kongu: "Drinks and saltines, and maybe a few burn-outson my new bike when i get it."[11/11/2014 10:11:30 PM] Wes Byrn: "I mean technically a stump will do for now if that helps"[11/11/2014 10:12:00 PM] Chett: "oh come now, atleast buy me one, its not like im gonna hit on ya or anything"[11/11/2014 10:12:58 PM] Kurwa~: "This thing's being monitored? I knew somethingwas drekky... I'll try and work fast, but there's no promises. And you bakebrains better be standing watch for the 'Magic schoolbus.' I have to work around a cyberorgan here, you have to give me some time"[11/11/2014 10:13:14 PM] Truant: Truant cocks herself on one hip, shooting an unenthused look at Chett. "I didn't mention anything of the sort. Somethin' on your mind?"[11/11/2014 10:13:36 PM | Edited 10:14:37 PM] Chett: Chett chuckles "no not really, i was just screwing with you"[11/11/2014 10:13:42 PM] Wes Byrn: "um... you got an extra arm laying around? Igot an idea."[11/11/2014 10:14:07 PM] Stein: Stein mutters something about probably not the b

    est time[11/11/2014 10:14:11 PM] Kurwa~: "You're paying for the chrome, chummer. But yeah, I got one. What's the idea?"[11/11/2014 10:14:20 PM] Stein: Stein wanders inside to check up on things[11/11/2014 10:15:35 PM] Wes Byrn: "uh... well I mean if you've got a meat one sitting in the freezer or something I might be able to buy some extra time if they get here before you're done... otherwise I guess just have at it and I'll go work my magic as best as I can."[11/11/2014 10:15:40 PM | Edited 10:15:47 PM] Kongu: "Oh I don't know about thatone Missy-may, he looks like a bad day waiting to happen."[11/11/2014 10:16:21 PM] Truant: Truant shifts again, sighing. "Then, you'll have enough for booze after we're through with this. Maybe Mike'll toss a few moreeuro-bucks our way since we're bringing the suit back."

    [11/11/2014 10:16:42 PM] Kongu: "Yeah, that'd be nice. Some gas money for the road."[11/11/2014 10:16:50 PM] Chett: Chett nods "Alright"[11/11/2014 10:17:49 PM] Kongu: "Hey, you wanna check out my gun before you buyit? It's pretty good, but I'm a staunch believer in 'try before you buy'."[11/11/2014 10:18:25 PM] Kurwa~: Blowtorch nods "No extra parts sitting around,I'm afraid." his left cyberhands then pops open with a bunch of tools, one for each finger. Out of his right wrist, a bracer comes out, and some drills. Blowtorch wastes no time getting to work.[11/11/2014 10:19:12 PM] Truant: Truant shrugs, looking over to him. "Eh, sure.I know enough about these things to know what I like." She sets her bag at her feet with a soft clatter, shoving herself off of the wall afterward.[11/11/2014 10:19:24 PM] Stein: "You need an arm?"

    [11/11/2014 10:19:42 PM] Wes Byrn: "alright, well... this is going to be fun. Oh, and dont worry about him Tolliver, Blowtorch is the best man for the job [makes an "OK" sign with his hand before hoping out into the hallway]"[11/11/2014 10:20:36 PM] Wes Byrn: "Here's the deal, dunno how long the operation is going to take, but we gotta get a diversion likely regardless of what happens."[11/11/2014 10:21:09 PM] Wes Byrn: "You, uh.... computery girl, do you think youcould shut off the signal thingy on the biomonitor in there?"[11/11/2014 10:21:16 PM] Stein: "The arm will buy us time?"[11/11/2014 10:21:20 PM] Kongu: Kongu walks up and holds out the pistol for her

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    [11/11/2014 10:35:13 PM] Stein: Stein looks to the others in the hallway still[11/11/2014 10:35:35 PM] Stein: "I'm going to go check outside the building"[11/11/2014 10:35:59 PM] Kongu: "Enjoy the crossfire, pal."[11/11/2014 10:36:49 PM] Stein: Stein stomps off down the hallway to back outside to look around[11/11/2014 10:37:20 PM] Kurwa~: "I can keep his heart going afterwords, but you'll have to reboot the monitor every ten minutes or so to keep the guy alive. This wiring does have a workaround, but it requires a signal to be sent out, afterwords it recieves one, telling the heart to keep running."[11/11/2014 10:37:50 PM] Truant: Truant grits her teeth and looks down to the monitor, vainly trying to imagine that the blood is... Strawberry jam, or something that just isn't blood. One hand, as-of-yet unstained by blood, digs around inher clinking bag, pulling out one of the prime sources of noise - a tech toolkit, fingers quivering as she digs around for what she needs. "Understood!" she shouts back to Blowtorch, nodding quickly.[11/11/2014 10:38:24 PM] Truant: [15][11/11/2014 10:40:13 PM] Kurwa~: It takes some time, about 6 minutes, but you finally manage to block the signal on the thing, even re-route the cellular transmitter to reboot every ten minutes. It's not the cleanest wiring and electronicsfiddling, but at this point, you aren't exactly going for aesthetics.[11/11/2014 10:41:05 PM] Stein: Stein steps outside the whole building and looksaround, checking on the car I guess[11/11/2014 10:42:30 PM] Kurwa~: Car's fine, outside is clear. Wes' watch is nowdown to 21:33. The muffled sound of shouting, vehicles, and other such city noi

    ses can be heard by Stein once he reaches the ground floor, and heads to check on the car.[11/11/2014 10:42:32 PM] Truant: Truant had begun to sweat before she even beganthe procedure, solely because of her own squeamishness rather than any stress over Tolliver's safety. His health and her skill wever never in doubt, in her mind. As soon as it's complete, she carefully shows it to Blowtorch. "H-here, takeit, it's... It's fixed, just... Keep it clean, okay? Do you have any, like, towels or rags or anything...?"[11/11/2014 10:43:40 PM] Stein: Stein steps outside takes a deep inhalation of comperatively fresher rain soaked air[11/11/2014 10:44:32 PM] Kurwa~: "Yeah, yeah, I got some in the back" he grabs the monitor, and sets it aside, as he goes about the business of ripping into Tolliver's chest.

    [11/11/2014 10:45:22 PM] Kurwa~: The breath Stein takes isn't the freshest air ever, but it's the best one can get in Night City. It's almost refreshing, breathing in NEARLY non-polluted air.[11/11/2014 10:46:13 PM] Truant: Truant wasn't about to stick around for that business. She sidesteps the operation to grab some rags to clean her hands off with as best she can. Even if she barely showered, she wasn't about to keep someoneelse's blood and tissue on her.[11/11/2014 10:46:27 PM] Stein: Stein lets the rain come down on him for a second taking off his cap and he rubs his hand on the back of his clean shaven head[11/11/2014 10:46:40 PM] Stein: Stein pulls his cap back on over his brow and stomps back inside[11/11/2014 10:47:33 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn heads back inside the room with blowtorch

    [11/11/2014 10:47:56 PM] Stein: Stein gets back up to where everyone is and leans against the wall again[11/11/2014 10:48:22 PM | Edited 10:48:42 PM] Wes Byrn: "so, [looking for Truant] how's the arm thing? (once he finds her)"[11/11/2014 10:48:56 PM] Kurwa~: Blowtorch seems quite pleased with himself, notnoticing Wes until he speaks, then only giving him a slight glance before goingback to tearing through Tolliver's chest.[11/11/2014 10:49:27 PM] Chett: Chett looks at Stein "so, how was the rain?"[11/11/2014 10:50:30 PM] Stein: Stein shrugs and returns to his old spot by thedoor and leans again

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    And it just stops for a second, you have no idea what the hell's going on, untilthe Infocomp logo comes up onto the screen, and "REMAIN IN YOUR CURRENT POSITION." Is displayed in a lot bolder font on the screen.[11/11/2014 11:11:30 PM] Wes Byrn: "I dont think we should listen to that..."[11/11/2014 11:12:00 PM] Wes Byrn: "anyone see a pickup we can toss this in?"[11/11/2014 11:12:08 PM] Chett: Chett slowly begins to cradle his head into thepalm of his head "ah yes, the shit storm cometh"[11/11/2014 11:12:56 PM] Truant: Truant rolls her eyes. Extracting her chip, shebegrudgingly cracks it in half and stuffs it into her bag. "They don't know a thing. We'll just say that I hit a few wrong keys when the cred-chip was still init."[11/11/2014 11:13:07 PM] Kongu: "Oh boy. Hey sweet-pea, i'll lend you my gun ifshit gets heavy; it'll cost you an extra round."[11/11/2014 11:13:41 PM] Chett: Chett brings his rifle to bear "so. shall i takeposition at a window?"[11/11/2014 11:13:42 PM] Wes Byrn: "listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but AV'smove fast."[11/11/2014 11:14:09 PM] Kurwa~: When trying to take the chip out, you find it... Well, impossible. A quick look tells you that a Chiplok(TM) system has been activated in it, keeping both chips in the E-Book[11/11/2014 11:14:09 PM] Wes Byrn: "anyone know how to open these doors? [motioning to the hotel room doors][11/11/2014 11:14:31 PM] Stein: "What's happening?"[11/11/2014 11:14:36 PM] Wes Byrn: (what kind of celing does the hallway have?)

    [11/11/2014 11:14:47 PM] Chett: "Actually, hey Truant, would you let me see thatfor a moment?"[11/11/2014 11:14:52 PM] Chett: Chett holds his hand out[11/11/2014 11:15:13 PM] Truant: Truant gives a few futile tugs on the chip. "Oh. Well, then. Sorry guys, but... Well, I might've killed us all. So there's that." Blankly, she looks to Chett and hands it over, like passing a hot potato.[11/11/2014 11:15:32 PM] Wes Byrn: "Knife?"[11/11/2014 11:15:42 PM] Chett: "i might be able to do... something with it, maybe atleast unlock the chips"[11/11/2014 11:15:53 PM] Kurwa~: The hallway is an enclosed sort of deal, goingaround in a C shape. The roof seems like any old roof of a building, and the sides are glass, so you can look out.[11/11/2014 11:16:16 PM | Edited 11:16:25 PM] Wes Byrn: "well, I'd guess you hav

    e about 2 minutes... actually about 1 and a half, starting now."[11/11/2014 11:16:19 PM] Chett: Chett begins to fiddle with the E-book, attempting all he can to either stop any sort of tracking or atleast unlock the chip[11/11/2014 11:16:47 PM] Wes Byrn: "also, like I said, we need to move. its probably got a tracker."[11/11/2014 11:16:47 PM] Kurwa~: (Rolling me an electronics roll, and a programming roll, if you have it)[11/11/2014 11:17:02 PM] Chett: (alright)[11/11/2014 11:17:09 PM] Truant: Truant sighs, holding her hand out. "Gun, please. Something tells me I'm going to need it."[11/11/2014 11:17:24 PM] Kongu: Kongu hands her the pistol and three spare mags[11/11/2014 11:17:33 PM] Stein: "Does anyone have one I could uh"[11/11/2014 11:17:35 PM] Stein: "Borrow"

    [11/11/2014 11:17:40 PM] Kongu: "Make 'em count, peaches."[11/11/2014 11:17:48 PM] Chett: (14)[11/11/2014 11:17:59 PM] Truant: "Thank you kindly." she replies, stuffing the spares into the waistband of her skirt.[11/11/2014 11:19:44 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn taps his watch[11/11/2014 11:20:12 PM] Wes Byrn: "tick tock, we gotta fix or ditch this, and then move"[11/11/2014 11:20:28 PM] Kurwa~: Well, you certainly don't get the chips unstuck, and you think you MAAAAY have buggered one of the chips in the process. Lookslike Chett owes Truant a new Datachip.

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    [11/11/2014 11:20:31 PM] Kongu: Kongu offers her a hand up, and looks around forthe best piece of cover[11/11/2014 11:21:16 PM] Chett: Chett tosses the ebook to wes "Welp shits fucked" then proceeds to ready his rifle[11/11/2014 11:21:35 PM] Truant: Truant breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh thank grud. Those chips are cheap, but my life ain't."[11/11/2014 11:21:37 PM | Edited 11:21:43 PM] Wes Byrn: (what kind of celing does the halway have?)[11/11/2014 11:21:40 PM | Edited 11:22:29 PM] Kurwa~: Not too much in the says of cover here. There's a fairly tiny ridge below the glass that one could possibley duck under, but it offers only protection from the outside.[11/11/2014 11:22:11 PM] Kurwa~: (What kind of ceiling..? Uh... A normal one? Not sure what you mean. Think of a Hotel ceiling or something)[11/11/2014 11:22:19 PM] Stein: Stein hustles off to the roof[11/11/2014 11:22:21 PM] Wes Byrn: (hold on)[11/11/2014 11:23:12 PM] Kurwa~: It's a six story building, so Stein reaches theroof fast enough. The lock on the door seems to be busted, so you can easily get on. Ontop, there's a bit more in the ways of cover, and it offers a nice view.(Roll me an awareness)[11/11/2014 11:23:53 PM] Kongu: Kongu follows him up, unslinging his rifle and slinging his shotgun on the way[11/11/2014 11:24:00 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn pushes one of the tiles up, and tosses the e-book into the ceiling[11/11/2014 11:24:01 PM] Stein: [13]

    [11/11/2014 11:24:18 PM] Chett: Chett follows aswell[11/11/2014 11:24:41 PM] Truant: Truant watches Wes hide the E-book away, cocking her head. "Wh... Y'know, nevermind." she mutters, following close behind Chett.[11/11/2014 11:24:44 PM] Kurwa~: E-Book is in the ceiling now. At this point, Blowtorch calls out "Hey! What's with all the commotion out there? Did the hitsquad arrive or something?"[11/11/2014 11:25:13 PM] Wes Byrn: "no, its fine, just broke the runners deck isall."[11/11/2014 11:25:20 PM] Stein: Stein holds the door open on the roof for everyone who is coming up to come up[11/11/2014 11:25:36 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn takes a mad dash towards the roof, which he instantly regrets doing

    [11/11/2014 11:26:28 PM] Kurwa~: Leaving Blowtorch to continue with his ripper-docness, you all arrive on the roof. (Awareness roll from everyone who didn't make one yet now)[11/11/2014 11:26:59 PM] Truant: [15][11/11/2014 11:26:59 PM] Chett: (17)[11/11/2014 11:27:12 PM] Wes Byrn: [20][11/11/2014 11:27:53 PM] Kurwa~: It's six stories up, offers an alright view ofthe Med district, and you can even see Arasaka tower from here! There's variousroof things that could work as cover, if needed, and it's also just a spacious area in addition.[11/11/2014 11:27:57 PM] Kongu: (1D10+12 => 18)[11/11/2014 11:28:03 PM] Stein: Stein looks around on roof for pipe or anythingthat can be swung

    [11/11/2014 11:28:23 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks around for any AV's coming towards them[11/11/2014 11:28:47 PM] Kurwa~: There's sure enough a loose lead pipe you can grab from the roof. Not too uncommon to find.[11/11/2014 11:29:00 PM] Kurwa~: (It does 1d6 Damage, and... That's pretty muchit, heh.)[11/11/2014 11:30:02 PM | Edited 11:30:08 PM] Chett: Chett points to the ATV from before "Shit, ATV is coming this way"[11/11/2014 11:30:04 PM] Stein: Stein yanks loose a good length of pipe and tests swinging it a few times to get used to the feel of it

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    [11/11/2014 11:30:08 PM] Truant: Truant lowers the pistol and runs one hand across her stubbly head. "Oh, man oh man... What do we do now, just wait for some Infotech goons to get the drop on us? I... Oh, Look!" she shouts, pointing upward."The AV's back!"[11/11/2014 11:30:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "Everyone hide! NOW!"[11/11/2014 11:30:58 PM] Kongu: Kongu ducks back inside the building[11/11/2014 11:31:13 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn looks for something to dive under, like an AC unit or something.[11/11/2014 11:31:19 PM] Chett: Chett takes cover in the building aswell[11/11/2014 11:31:22 PM] Stein: Stein books it like mad[11/11/2014 11:31:44 PM] Truant: Truant follows the same line of thought as Wes,trying to find something large to hide under on the roof.[11/11/2014 11:32:16 PM] Kurwa~: (everyone make me a stealth roll, assuming youwant to hide. 1d10+REF-3 if you don't have the skill)[11/11/2014 11:32:41 PM] Truant: [16][11/11/2014 11:32:43 PM] Wes Byrn: [12][11/11/2014 11:32:50 PM] Stein: [13][11/11/2014 11:33:20 PM] Kongu: ( 1D10+7-3 => 6)[11/11/2014 11:33:20 PM] Chett: (6 woooooooo)[11/11/2014 11:34:13 PM] Kurwa~: The AV keeps flying, and now you can all see it. Same unmarked one from before... You think. It's now overhead. Ohshitohshitohshitohshi-... Oh, no, it flew past. Strange... Didn't seem to take any interest in any of you.[11/11/2014 11:34:43 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn further hides himself incase they co

    me back[11/11/2014 11:35:11 PM] Wes Byrn: [and gets a 26!][11/11/2014 11:35:20 PM] Truant: Truant's heart was beating a mile-a-minute as the AV passed overhead, staying hidden a few moments even after the sound of it dies down and it moves along.[11/11/2014 11:35:39 PM] Truant: [14, I ain't risking getting discovered.][11/11/2014 11:37:10 PM] Wes Byrn: "well, best case scenario, we lost our pay. Worst case scenario... I lost my pay."[11/11/2014 11:37:39 PM] Chett: Chett slumps against the wall "God damnit, i needed drinking money too"[11/11/2014 11:38:02 PM] Stein: "Pay is forfeit but we can still make it out ofthis alive"[11/11/2014 11:38:47 PM] Stein: "Is that datachip still alerting them?"

    [11/11/2014 11:38:53 PM] Chett: Chett looks at Truant "You, you're deffinately buying me a drink now"[11/11/2014 11:39:00 PM] Wes Byrn: "I wouldn't be so quick to get out from cover... though if we can unlock one of those rooms", he says from under an AC unit,"we can wait for a littlewhile and then maybe pick it back up and get the chip out?"[11/11/2014 11:39:20 PM] Truant: Truant thumps her head against the coarse roof,slipping out from beneath the AC unit. "One hell of a first day, isn't it? I...Yeah, I messed up pretty bad. Sorry, all." Looking back to Chett, she nods. "Fine. Hell, I'll buy you all a drink because of this fuck-up."[11/11/2014 11:39:49 PM] Chett: Chett stands up and sighs "Alright, lets unlockus a room"[11/11/2014 11:39:50 PM] Stein: "Is the chip what's letting them find us?"

    [11/11/2014 11:39:53 PM] Wes Byrn: "Next time, dont use free corp gear against them."[11/11/2014 11:40:31 PM] Truant: Truant shakes her head and looks back to Stein."I think it's the E-book. The chip's nothing, and my chip's broken."[11/11/2014 11:40:47 PM] Chett: Chett goes down to the top floor and looks for aroom to break in[11/11/2014 11:41:19 PM] Stein: Stein nods and hustles back down to the fourth floor to retrieve the e-book[11/11/2014 11:41:34 PM] Kurwa~: There's tonnes of rooms one could break in to,just a matter of which are occupied.

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    [11/11/2014 11:41:38 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn begrudgingly crawls out from under the AC unit.[11/11/2014 11:42:06 PM] Kurwa~: Stein very easily, knowing where the E-Book is,can retrieve it.[11/11/2014 11:42:32 PM] Truant: Truant slowly makes her way into the building,following Stein's path. "Hey, Stein! Let me see that a sec. I might be able to work some magic with it."[11/11/2014 11:42:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "just knock, say you're C-SWAT. if no one answers then its empty..."[11/11/2014 11:42:58 PM] Chett: Chett nods[11/11/2014 11:43:09 PM] Stein: "Fast"[11/11/2014 11:43:17 PM] Stein: Stein tosses the e-book to Truant[11/11/2014 11:43:30 PM | Edited 11:43:45 PM] Chett: Chett picks the first doorclosest to him and Knocks[11/11/2014 11:43:47 PM] Kongu: Kongu stacks up behind Chett[11/11/2014 11:43:52 PM] Kurwa~: KNOCK KNOCK.... No answer.[11/11/2014 11:44:01 PM] Chett: Chett knocks again to make sure[11/11/2014 11:44:05 PM] Stein: Stein looks out the window charting a path downthe street in his head[11/11/2014 11:44:08 PM] Wes Byrn: "C-SWAT, open up!"[11/11/2014 11:44:09 PM] Truant: Truant catches it, staggering back slightly asshe does so. "The only way I know how." she mutters, checking it out. If there was any way to disable the signal or reset the E-book, that's what she's lookingfor.

    [11/11/2014 11:45:33 PM] Kurwa~: Chett knocks once more, and waits... Waits... Nope, no response.

    As for the E-Book, the only thing truant thinks she could do to atleast delay the tracking that's assumed to be on it would be to route it through several LDLs,which with such a flimsy device, could prove to be a challange.[11/11/2014 11:46:25 PM] Stein: "If the e-book is transmitting the signal we just need to break the e-book"[11/11/2014 11:46:31 PM] Chett: "Welp. i guess this is the one" and tests the door knob, to see if its unlock[11/11/2014 11:46:51 PM] Kurwa~: Not unlocked, but still no response when the handle is tried.[11/11/2014 11:47:18 PM] Chett: "alright, its locked, lets fix that" and begins

    to attempt to unlock it[11/11/2014 11:48:03 PM] Stein: Stein extends a hand to take the e-book[11/11/2014 11:48:09 PM] Chett: (12)[11/11/2014 11:48:12 PM] Truant: Truant figures that, at this point, she has nothing to lose. "Break it? Well, I suppose that's an easy way to fix it, and I don't suppose we're gonna earn any brownie points with Infotech if we leave it intact." She tosses it back to him, shrugging. "Unless there's something I'm missinga techscanner would pick up, here ya go."[11/11/2014 11:48:33 PM] Kurwa~: You try to screw with the lock, but... Damn, nosuccess. You just can't work past the damn thing.[11/11/2014 11:48:47 PM] Stein: "I don't think infocomp is going to pay us at this point"[11/11/2014 11:48:52 PM] Kurwa~: It takes you about a minute of trying, but you

    just can't seem to nail it within that time.[11/11/2014 11:49:34 PM] Kurwa~: (Also, everyone at this point roll me an awareness)[11/11/2014 11:49:51 PM] Truant: [15][11/11/2014 11:49:53 PM] Chett: Chett stops picking the lock and says "damn things stuborn, looks like im going to have to use magic. please give me some room"he says as he backs up[11/11/2014 11:50:12 PM] Chett: (18)[11/11/2014 11:50:24 PM] Truant: Truant sighs. "Then, break it. It'll get 'em off our backs for a while."

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    [11/11/2014 11:50:34 PM] Chett: Chett runs and rams his body into the door and screams "I CAST KNOCK"[11/11/2014 11:50:45 PM | Edited 11:51:57 PM] Stein: [40 something][11/11/2014 11:52:01 PM] Kurwa~: (Hey, Richey, roll another 1d10, you rolled a crit on that 18)[11/11/2014 11:52:19 PM] Chett: (7)[11/11/2014 11:53:09 PM] Kongu: (getting late where i am)[11/11/2014 11:53:18 PM] Stein: Stein takes a deep breath in as he holds the e-book on against his chest and jogs and place a bit imaginging his street path hewas imagining[11/11/2014 11:53:20 PM] Kurwa~: (Yeah, was just about to say, we'll probably end soon)[11/11/2014 11:53:38 PM] Kurwa~: (Also, richey, you add crit re-rolls to your normal roll. So you got 25 for... Knocking the door down?)[11/11/2014 11:53:53 PM] Chett: (it was awareness)[11/11/2014 11:54:06 PM] Chett: (i dont know what to roll for knocking the doordown)[11/11/2014 11:54:23 PM] Kurwa~: (O, strength feat.)[11/11/2014 11:54:41 PM] Stein: Stein walks to the elevator and tries to pry thedoor open[11/11/2014 11:54:46 PM] Stein: "THEY'RE HERE!"[11/11/2014 11:54:53 PM] Chett: (so -3 without strength?)[11/11/2014 11:55:00 PM] Stein: "30 SECONDS GET READY"[11/11/2014 11:55:00 PM] Kurwa~: (Yeah. Body -3)

    [11/11/2014 11:55:17 PM] Kurwa~: (Jason, roll me a str feat to pry those doors open... Should be a pretty easy roll, heh.)[11/11/2014 11:55:17 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn draws a pistol[11/11/2014 11:55:19 PM] Stein: Stein holds his hand out for a pistol[11/11/2014 11:55:24 PM] Stein: "SOMEONE PISTOL ME!"[11/11/2014 11:55:25 PM] Kongu: Kongu clicks the safety off on his guns[11/11/2014 11:55:28 PM | Removed 11:55:39 PM] Chett: This message has been removed.[11/11/2014 11:55:33 PM] Kongu: "Locked, cocked, ready to rock."[11/11/2014 11:55:44 PM] Chett: ( 6 )[11/11/2014 11:55:55 PM] Stein: [17 to pry doors][11/11/2014 11:56:13 PM] Stein: "Someone cover the stairs!"[11/11/2014 11:56:14 PM] Kurwa~: You slam agains the door, and... Nothing.

    On the other hand, Stein opens the elevator doors with ease.[11/11/2014 11:56:23 PM] Stein: "GUN NOW"[11/11/2014 11:56:28 PM] Wes Byrn: "wait, shit, no![11/11/2014 11:56:30 PM] Truant: Truant dives for cover, readying her weapon.[11/11/2014 11:56:42 PM] Chett: Chett bounces off the door and screams "Shit!" then throws his Fn High Power towards Stein then readies his own rifle[11/11/2014 11:56:48 PM] Wes Byrn: "my money!"[11/11/2014 11:57:00 PM] Truant: "What the hell is going on?"[11/11/2014 11:57:02 PM] Stein: Stein catches the gun and blasts the cable bringing the elevator up[11/11/2014 11:57:19 PM] Chett: "we're being fucked, thats whats going on"[11/11/2014 11:57:43 PM] Wes Byrn: "My money!"

    [11/11/2014 11:57:52 PM] Stein: "What's the word on those stairs?!"[11/11/2014 11:57:54 PM] Kurwa~: BANG. BANG. BANG. Screeeeeeeech. "OH SHIT!" BANG. Ouch. Elevator's taken care of.[11/11/2014 11:58:19 PM] Kongu: "We need to watch the stairwells now, how many are there on this floor?"[11/11/2014 11:58:32 PM] Kurwa~: you now can all hear what sounds like a team heading up the stairs, vague sound of weaponry and other metal things clacking alongside the footsteps[11/11/2014 11:58:37 PM] Truant: "I'll take the nearest staircase!"[11/11/2014 11:58:41 PM] Wes Byrn: "2,000!"

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    [11/11/2014 11:58:49 PM] Wes Byrn: "2,000eb!"[11/11/2014 11:58:53 PM] Kongu: "I'll go with you"[11/11/2014 11:59:10 PM] Stein: Stein turns away from the shaft as an elevator full of men fall 4 stories, he seems to mist up in the eyes and stagger a bit butshakes it off looking to where stairs enter into this hallway[11/11/2014 11:59:18 PM] Wes Byrn: "wait! guns!"[11/11/2014 11:59:19 PM] Kongu: Kongu charges on towards the nearest staircase,rifle ready[11/11/2014 11:59:25 PM] Truant: "C'mon with me, then!" she shouts, waving you along. "Y'know. I never did catch your name."[11/11/2014 11:59:31 PM] Wes Byrn: "black market guns!"[11/11/2014 11:59:59 PM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn pulls his pistol back out and aims down the halway towards the staircase's direction[11/11/2014 11:59:59 PM] Stein: Stein holds a pipe in one hand and a pistol in the other[11/12/2014 12:00:01 AM] Chett: "I'll shoot anyone coming from the farthest stairs"[11/12/2014 12:00:29 AM] Kongu: "Rob, toots. If I die, feel free to just keep the pistol."[11/12/2014 12:00:39 AM] Stein: Stein stands at the door to a case of stairs heshakes himself out a bit and gets ready to ram the door[11/12/2014 12:00:52 AM] Stein: Stein listens for people running up the stairs[11/12/2014 12:00:59 AM] Wes Byrn: "DONT LET THEIR GEAR GET BROKEN!"[11/12/2014 12:01:19 AM] Chett: "If it gets broken I'll just fix it, christ"

    [11/12/2014 12:01:37 AM] Truant: "And if I die, take it off of me. You'll do better with it than me."[11/12/2014 12:01:52 AM] Wes Byrn: "Time is money chett my boy!"[11/12/2014 12:02:34 AM] Chett: "and fixing things is how I get money"[11/12/2014 12:03:04 AM] Stein: "BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES, BOYS, PERPS ARE COMINGUP THE STAIRS ANY SECOND NOW"[11/12/2014 12:03:13 AM] Stein: "I mean uh, punks"[11/12/2014 12:03:19 AM] Stein: "punks are coming up the stairs"[11/12/2014 12:03:33 AM] Wes Byrn: "thats not good..."[11/12/2014 12:03:51 AM] Chett: "What are you, A cop" Chett says with feigned anger, "YOU A FUCKIN NARC OR SOMTHIN"[11/12/2014 12:03:58 AM] Kongu: Kongu decides to swap over to his shotgun, seeing as shit is CQB here

    [11/12/2014 12:04:17 AM] Stein: Stein leans the pipe against the wall and slideshis gun in his pants and gets ready to shoulder check the door onto a squad[11/12/2014 12:04:27 AM] Truant: Truant readies her pistol, taking aim at the stairwell. "Ready as I'll ever be!" she shouts. "Time to show some assholes some humility!"[11/12/2014 12:05:17 AM] Wes Byrn: Wes Byrn kneels down trying to stuff as muchof himself in a doorway out of the fire as possoible, pistol at the ready[11/12/2014 12:05:18 AM] Chett: "stein, what are you doing, keep your gun ready"[11/12/2014 12:05:30 AM] Stein: "It was a slip of the tongue"[11/12/2014 12:05:45 AM] Chett: "I'ts fine, i was just fucking with you"[11/12/2014 12:05:53 AM | Edited 12:06:22 AM] Stein: /me kind of sizes up the door before settling on gun in one hand and a leg to kick down a door with[11/12/2014 12:06:27 AM] Chett: Chett kneels down and takes aim at the door

    [11/12/2014 12:06:40 AM] Kurwa~: You all can hear the boots coming up the stairs, then the world seems to slow down for a moment as you hear someone yell "BREACHING!" And then... BANG. Chk-chk. Doors blast open, and you guys have the drop on these squads.

    (Roll initiative, everyone gets a +5. 1d10+Reflex+5)[11/12/2014 12:06:50 AM] Kongu: Kongu trains his Stakeout on his door and tenseshis finger on the trigger[11/12/2014 12:07:13 AM] Kongu: ( 1D10+12 => 13)[11/12/2014 12:07:20 AM] Chett: (13)

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    can hear someone yell "Get a sonic in there!" and a few seconds afterwords, thedoor is kicked open and something is tossed inside... And it fills the area with a terrible, horrible screeching noise. (Stein and Chett, make a 1d10+BODY roll, and a straight up 1d10)[11/12/2014 12:54:23 AM] Kurwa~: Both of you manage to power through that horrible sonic screeching without your head exploding, like it feels it wants to, butChett, after about half a second of it, you can't hear anything, at all... It'sjust some straight white noise in your ears, nothing else.[11/12/2014 12:55:08 AM] Stein: Stein is just now full of anger[11/12/2014 12:55:26 AM] Chett: "GOD DAMNIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT"[11/12/2014 12:55:36 AM] Kurwa~: And with that, Rob springs into action against[11/12/2014 12:57:02 AM] Kurwa~: Or, Chett does... They both rolled the same initiative, and have the same Reflex, so they act at the same time![11/12/2014 12:57:29 AM] Chett: (I imagine i can see a guy right?)[11/12/2014 12:57:54 AM] Kurwa~: (Three of them. Two have SMGs, one is sitting there with a dumb look on his face, gunless)[11/12/2014 12:58:53 AM] Chett: Chett takes aim at one of the guys with the SMGsand takes a shot at them[11/12/2014 12:59:13 AM] Kurwa~: (Roll for shootan, then roll for hit location,then damage)[11/12/2014 1:04:47 AM] Kurwa~: Your rifle roars it's angry rifle roar as a bullet shoots out towards the man's arm, hitting his shoulder, and severing it, leaving the arm only hanging by a few strands of muscle before he falls over, smacking a railing, causing the arm ot fall off, and his lifeless body to fall down th

    e stairs.[11/12/2014 1:05:32 AM] Chett: "THATS FOR MY GODDAMN EARS YOU PRICK"[11/12/2014 1:06:06 AM] Kurwa~: And sadly, Chett cannot hear himself yell. Suchis life getting hit by Sonic Grenades[11/12/2014 1:08:12 AM] *** Kurwa~ has changed the conversation topic to "Cyberpunk: Of Sonic Grenades and Missing Limbs" ***[11/15/2014 5:42:48 PM] Kurwa~: Alright, recap:You got a job from Michael Walsh to get some data from an EBM exec named Doug Tolliver

    Picking up Tolliver, he was pooping himself, and with good reason. He planned ondefecting to Infocomp.

    After the news was out, you all headed to Wes' ripperdoc buddy, Blowtorch, to get his Biomonitor, and Corporate Failsafe removed

    While this was happening, Truant buggered with the E-Book, and tried copying thefiles Tolliver provided to her own personal Datachip

    This didn't turn out well, as it alerted Infocomp of your actions, and they senta secruity team your way

    All but two of said team have been eliminated, one standing on the left stairs entrance with an SMG, the other on the right with no weapon at all, probably scared shitless.

    And now, we begin with Rob Stingles, the Nomad of the Edgerunner team about to take action.[11/15/2014 5:51:47 PM] Kongu: Kongu whips his shotgun up and fires a blast at his target[11/15/2014 5:52:40 PM] Kurwa~: (Roll me your rifles skill. 1d10+Rifles+REF, andapply any weapon accuracy modifiers as well, AND a +5 to the roll because you got an ambush round here)[11/15/2014 5:53:52 PM] Kongu: (1D10+12 => 14)[11/15/2014 5:56:12 PM] Kurwa~: (I think you forgot to add that +5, heh. Shouldbe at 19)

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    [11/15/2014 5:56:48 PM] Kongu: (yep, i'm fuckin' retarded today methinks)[11/15/2014 5:57:27 PM] Kurwa~: (Anyways... Roll another 1d10 for hit location,then roll me damage)[11/15/2014 5:58:10 PM] Kongu: (hit location: 1D10 => 9)[11/15/2014 5:58:21 PM] Kongu: (damage: 4D10 => 22)[11/15/2014 6:03:30 PM] Kurwa~: The shotgun lets out an angry roar as it propells buckshot into the man's left leg, his kneecap specifically, which then proceeds to shatter, and leave a messy stain behind the man. He isn't using that leg anytime soon, starting now, as he falls over onto his side.

    But hot damn, this guy's still going. He stumbles to grab his Stermeyer SMG-21 with his right hand, and tries his best to fire in the direction of Rob, but to no success as the bullets whizz past Rob, one nearly smacking him in the head. It's Rob's lucky day, it seems.[11/15/2014 6:04:18 PM] Kongu: (can any of us get another shot in on him?)[11/15/2014 6:04:37 PM] Kongu: "FUCKER!"[11/15/2014 6:04:39 PM] Truant: (Doesn't look like it. We're spread too thin.)[11/15/2014 6:05:03 PM] Kurwa~: (Well, let's see. Everyone roll initiative. Initis re-rolled at the end of every combat round, by the way. This time, you don'tget that +5 to everything for an ambush)[11/15/2014 6:05:20 PM] Truant: (Wait, they didn't go yet, did they?)[11/15/2014 6:05:33 PM] Truant: (The rent-a-mooks.)[11/15/2014 6:05:44 PM] Kurwa~: (Most of them didn't. That's because they're dead)

    [11/15/2014 6:05:55 PM] chett: ( they did, also 1d10+ref?)[11/15/2014 6:06:03 PM] Kurwa~: (The shotgunner on the right side was the one who threw the sonic grenade. And yes, Richey)[11/15/2014 6:06:36 PM] chett: (11)[11/15/2014 6:06:36 PM] Jess: [13][11/15/2014 6:06:49 PM] Kongu: (1D10+7 => 12)[11/15/2014 6:07:09 PM] Truant: (8)[11/15/2014 6:07:13 PM] Stein: [18][11/15/2014 6:07:15 PM] Truant: ( 8 )[11/15/2014 6:09:32 PM] Kurwa~: Coming up again, Stein is ready to act, Sawn-offMilitech M-12 in hand[11/15/2014 6:11:07 PM | Edited 6:11:13 PM] Stein: Stein attempts to rush the gunless man whipping the shotgun behind his back and then throwing it at the man a

    s he throws it while running he rams into the man shoulder first pinning him tothe far wall of the stairwell or knocking him down, whatever happens first[11/15/2014 6:11:53 PM] Kurwa~: (Roll me a... Brawling czech)[11/15/2014 6:12:42 PM] Stein: [25][11/15/2014 6:17:22 PM] Stein: [6 but he is pinned or knocked down now correct?][11/15/2014 6:18:41 PM] Kurwa~: The guy tries his best to jump out of the way, but it's no use to him, Steins coming like a fraggin' bullet. Stein rams into theguy, sending him back into the wall, pinned.

    He starts squirming, trying to push his way out, yelling "Get the hell off me!"as he does so.[11/15/2014 6:18:42 PM] Kurwa~: (Roll me another brawling to keep him in place,he's spending his turn trying to escape.)

    [11/15/2014 6:19:24 PM] Stein: [16][11/15/2014 6:21:33 PM] Kurwa~: But it is to no success, as Stein's strength keeps him pushed against that wall. This guy does not look happy to be here.

    And neither does his buddy, who's gun is still up, as he continues to hold downthe trigger, aiming for Rob. He knows he's outnumbered. He knows he's going to die. But he's gonna take one of you assholes down with him if he can. From the spray, three bullets slam into Rob's chest. Ouch[11/15/2014 6:21:53 PM] Kurwa~: (Alright, Rob, what's your: Armour SP for Torso,and BTM)

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    [11/15/2014 6:22:25 PM] Kongu: (12 armor SP. BTM is -3)[11/15/2014 6:22:33 PM] Stein: "Try it, dirtbag"[11/15/2014 6:23:26 PM] Truant: "Oh, don't shoot him. That'll just make him angry."[11/15/2014 6:24:17 PM | Edited 6:24:41 PM] Kurwa~: Luckily, Rob's armour stopsthese bullets fairly well, but they still penetrate just slightly, giving him minor wounds in his torso

    (You take 3 wounds, roll me a 1d10 for stun save. Object is to roll under BODY,so, state your body whenyou tell me what you rolled. Also, your armour SP for torso is now 6, thanks to the three bullets piercing through it, doing 2 damage each (1 damage to you, with your BTM))[11/15/2014 6:25:19 PM] Kurwa~: (wait wait wait... I got that wrong, your armouris at SP 9 now, forgot penetrating armour will only ever make it -1 SP)[11/15/2014 6:25:47 PM] Kongu: (bod = 10, 1D10 => 10)[11/15/2014 6:26:38 PM] Kurwa~: Rob doesn't even fracking care. He just took three pieces of lead to the chest, and barely seems to notice

    And now, Wes is up, ready to kick some ass.[11/15/2014 6:27:04 PM] Kongu: "THE TAHITIAN TREAT IS WITH ME!"[11/15/2014 6:27:32 PM] Jess: [torso shot][11/15/2014 6:27:52 PM | Edited 6:27:58 PM] Kurwa~: Oh, and you also heard a *CLICK* coming from that guy's gun when he emptied it. Guy's outta ammo.[11/15/2014 6:28:09 PM] Jess: [13, with a 1, but I'm burning a luck point]

    [11/15/2014 6:28:38 PM] Kongu: "You're outta gun food fucker! You're mine!"[11/15/2014 6:29:29 PM] Kurwa~: (oh, forgot, you get like, a +4 since this guy is on the ground, immobile. Can't remember the exact number, but I know it makesit higher than 15)[11/15/2014 6:30:10 PM] Kurwa~: (Roll damage. and hit location)[11/15/2014 6:30:54 PM] Jess: [7 location, 6 damage][11/15/2014 6:32:02 PM] Kurwa~: (9mm (caseless or not) does 2d6+1, Jess, so it's7 damage)[11/15/2014 6:32:49 PM] Kurwa~: Wes pokes out of cover to fire a snapshot at theguy on the ground, the bullet impacting into his leg armour, and simply bouncing off.

    (Roll for hit on the second shot, if you want. ROF you have