Bow Valley Life — Winter 2015




Transcript of Bow Valley Life — Winter 2015

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Bow Valley

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Bow Valley Christian Church is a community of people discovering wholeness and hope in Jesus Christ and sharing that hope with others. With the help of God’s Word and Spirit, we’re striving to develop personal lives that resemble Christ’s and a community that acts like God’s family. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to explore the options and plug in to ministry with our community.

We are here to serve and help you find your place in the body of Christ at Bow Valley. God has uniquely designed each of us with a purpose in mind. We are seeking to be a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, non-denominational congregation, whose history is rooted in the Restoration Movement.

Because our congregation represents a complete cross-section of ages, we use a variety of means to worship Jesus and communicate the message of His gospel: our worship teams lead us in both contemporary songs and hymns accompanied by a diversity of instrumentation, video and other media. Our goal is to experience a time of intimacy with God each time we gather.

Communion is celebrated weekly and is open to all Christians regardless of church affiliation. The New Testament says that the first Christians celebrated the Lord’s Supper when they gathered for worship (see Acts 2:46 and Acts 20:7). We find that the communion meal is the central part of our worship experience and an important weekly reminder of God’s grace.

We encourage people to use the translation of the Bible they find most useful and easiest to understand. Pastor Rick’s preference in his preaching is to use the New Living Translation Bible. Any texts that are used in the message are generally displayed on the screen.

Our Sunday services typically run from 10:00 to 11:30 am.

Sunday Worship ......................................................................... 2

What We Believe ........................................................................ 3

Our Staff ........................................................................................ 4

Membership at Bow Valley..................................................... 7

Our History .................................................................................. 8

One Church, Three Locations ................................................. 9

Skyview Ranch ..........................................................................10

Mahogany ..................................................................................11

Our Adventure with God—Schuck Family ......................12

Social Justice League ..............................................................14

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Trips ..................... 16

Christmas in Bethlehem ........................................................ 17

Finance Update ........................................................................ 18

bow valley christian church

Bow Valley Basics

Classes, Ministries, EventsUpcoming Events .................................................................... 20

Boom! Ministry ..........................................................................21

Men’s Ministry ...........................................................................21

Women’s Ministry .....................................................................21

Small Groups ..............................................................................22

Support Ministries ................................................................... 25

Discipleship & Community Impact ................................... 26

Prayer Ministry .......................................................................... 27

Care Ministries .......................................................................... 27

Family Ministries .......................................................................28

Youth Ministry .......................................................................... 29

KidsConnect .............................................................................. 30

World Outreach ........................................................................ 32

Multicultural Ministry ............................................................ 34

Pine Lake Christian Camp ..................................................... 35

Serving Opportunities ........................................................... 43

Happenings ............................................................................... 38




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What We Believe

God• We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

(John 1:1–5; John 14:9–11; 16–20).

• We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible (Acts 17:24–28).

• We believe in His Kingdom (Matthew 6:9–10; Daniel 2:44–45).

Jesus Christ• We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son,

our one and only Savior (John 1:14; John 3:16).

• Who was born both fully human and fully divine, conceived of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life (Luke 1:26–38; Colossians 2:9; 1 John 1:1).

• Who suffered and was crucified (Luke 23:1–46).

• Who died and was buried, and rose again bodily from the dead on the third day (Luke 23:44–24:8).

• Who ascended into Heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father (Luke 22:69; Acts 1:1–9).

• And who will return to earth to judge both the living and the dead (Matthew 24:36–42; John 14:1–3; 1 Peter 4:5).

Holy Spirit• We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is a personal and

active part of the triune God (John 16: 5–15; Romans 8:26–27).

• We believe that He is the author of God’s word by His inspiration of it’s writers. (2 Timothy 3:16)

• And that He indwells every Christian (1 Corinthians 3:16; 2 Timothy 1:14) for the purpose of:

• Conviction (John 16:7–11)

• Assurance (Ephesians 1:13–14; Romans 8:15–16; Titus 3:5–6)

• Sanctification (2 Corinthians 1:21–22)

• Unity (John 17:21–23; Ephesians 2:17–21)

• Empowerment (2 Peter 1:3–4; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11)

Bible• We believe in the Bible: God’s Holy Word. We believe

God inspired the original writings of the Scripture, and therefore the Bible is completely trustworthy in all its parts (2 Timothy 3:14–16; 2 Peter 1:20–21).

• We accept the Bible as the final authority for all matters of faith and practice (Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12).

Salvation• We believe that people created by God willfully sin

against God and are consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23; Acts 4:12).

• We believe that salvation (the forgiveness of sins)cannot be earned, but is given to us only through the blood of Jesus Christ and by God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8–10).

• We believe we must respond to God by:

Admitting our need for God’s grace (Romans 3:23; Titus 3:3–7).

Turning away from sin (repenting) (Acts 3:19).

Trusting Jesus as Saviour and Lord (Romans 10:11–13).

And being baptized (immersed) into Christ (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1–4).

Church• We believe in the church of Jesus Christ, consisting of

all Christians everywhere (Matthew 16:13–18; Acts 2:14–47).

• We believe in the church’s mission: making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ commands (Matthew 28:18–20).



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Our Staff

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Our Elders

Administrative Elders focus on the administrative responsibilities of our leadership. Specifically they are responsible for: •churchfinancialplanningandmanagement •buildingoperationsandpropertymanagement •staffconfigurationandmanagement •crisismanagement •disputeresolution •eldermeetingagendas •chairingmeetingsandrecordingminutes

Hendrik LeRoux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.208.0787 Andre Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.585.9977 Shane Pearsall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.282.6934

Pastoral Elders focus on the shepherding and pastoral concerns of the congregation. Specifically they: •visitshut-inmembers •praytogethermonthlyforcongregationalneeds •attempttomediateconflict •overseethecongregationspastoralneeds •areavailabletoprayforindividualsandfamiliesin crisis

Walter Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .403.288.8347 Joe Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .403.208.9931 Jide Obadofin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .403.668.9064

Rick Scruggs Lead Pastor ext 104 [email protected]

Brad Anderson Pastor of Family Ministries ext 116 [email protected]

Immanuel Chan Pastor of Multi-Cultural Ministries ext 115 [email protected]

Bob Dunn Community Pastor—Skyview Ranch 403.466.7566 [email protected]

Donna Heitman Office Administrator ext 102 [email protected]

Cal Hultgren Associate Pastor ext 109 [email protected]

Ramon Ico Pastor of Worship and Arts ext 108 [email protected]

Peter Kehler Pastor to the Seniors ext 114 [email protected]

Cheryl Lipkan Pastor of Children’s Ministries ext 106 [email protected]

Eric Miller Intern Pastor of Worship and Arts ext 108 [email protected]

Sarah Praught Family Ministries Administrator ext 107 [email protected]

Will Proudfoot Pastor of Senior High Youth ext 110 [email protected]

Keith Shields Executive Pastor ext 101 [email protected]

Evan Spencer Community Pastor—Mahogany 403.999.9727 [email protected]

DJ Whetton Intern Multi-Media Ministry 403.200.6129 [email protected]

Becky Wilson Receptionist ext 100 [email protected]

Karen Zimmerman Pastor of Small Groups ext 113 [email protected]

Ferdie Justo Custodian 403.926.8036

Staff Directory 403.286.5300

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Worship PastorWorship. It’s my saving grace and the service which has drawn me closer to the Father’s heart. Whether it's in the shower, walking down the street or worshipping with you on a Sunday morning, I wholly surrender myself to the worshipping of Him.

I began as a sound technician in ministry and have slowly been intertwined into more and more ministry opportunities as God has led. I have volunteered in many roles from Children’s Ministry Worship Lead, Camp Head Counsellor, Young Adults Leader, to leading worship for various meetings. I have served as Worship Pastor for Mosaic Messianic Church, Youth Pastor for Church in the Hills and am looking forward to how God would use me in this new role with Bow Valley Christian Church.

I am blessed with a wonderful wife, Rhossana and our two children, Mikhaella and Tyrai. They keep my checks and balances in line and in this area of my life, look to God daily to guide my ways. Rhossana works with Alberta Health Services, Mikhaella is a striving singer/songwriter and Tyrai is a cheerful student. We as a family, have been involved in ministry for over fifteen years.

I challenge myself many times in many activities including basketball, volleyball, all-terrain obstacle courses and many other things but I love a relaxing sit-down with my kids and a good video game and let minutes pass being a vegetable. Sometimes more so than I would like.

1 Peter 4:10 ”God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”

In this season, I look to serve you all as Worship Pastor, to the best of my abilities and come alongside you in your faith-walk and encourage you to always be in worship in all that you do. In all your ways, acknowledge Him.

~Ramon Ico, Worship Pastor

Worship InternMy name is Eric Miller and I am passionate about holistic worship. That’s me in a nutshell! As I have grown in my walk with Christ and pursued vocational ministry I have become more and more enamoured with what the Bible has to say about worship and how that ought to translate into our daily lives. I am beyond excited to have this opportunity to share my heart with you and to see the different gifts that God has given this church come together to glorify Him and proclaim His truth.

I am a twenty-one year-old, sushi-adoring, burger-loving musician who is engaged to the incredibly beautiful and talented Danielle Schmidt and who enjoys skiing, cycling, and art. I may be young, but God has blessed me with the gift of music and I have devoted the majority of my time to it. I have played piano for seventeen years, and have picked up many other instruments along the way including guitar, saxophone, clarinet, and, dare I say,eventheflute(althoughitprobablysoundedmorelike a choking bird). I pursued a Bachelor of Music at Berklee College of Music before transferring to Ambrose University to study a Bachelor of Ministry in Worship Arts. I was the Chapel Coordinator at Ambrose last year and have led and played on many different worship bands for the past eight years at churches, camps, and youth retreats. I am currently finishing my last year at Ambrose and coordinating the rallies and leading the band for Legacy Youth Conference I am also the Executive Director of a citywide worship initiative called the 12:12 Initiative.

Music may be my passion, but I also love building relationships and discovering the passions and gifts that God has given to those around me. I look forward to getting to know everyone and growing deeper in our walk with Christ. Worship is more than just music; it is a lifestyleofconsecrationtoGodthatflourisheswhenwegather as a community in Christ. Danielle and I would love to share more of our story and hear your stories over coffee or lunch, so come find us on a Sunday or get in touch with us and we will get together!

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Membership at Bow ValleyIn the first century when the church was established, church membership wasn’t an issue. Everyone who became a follower of Jesus was connected to the local church and for a while there likely was only one church in any city. But 2000 years make a difference. Now there are multiple congregations in every town, and hundreds in any given city. It’s easy for someone to make the decision to become a follower of Jesus but never really get connected to any one congregation. But that doesn’t make it healthy. In fact, New Testament teaching leads us to believe that without a committed connection to other believers, that involves mutual edification and cooperative service, it’s highly unlikely that one can remain in a viable relationship with Christ himself.

With that in mind, church membership is an attempt to help people in formalizing their commitment to a local church and avoid simply moving from congregation to congregation without any real commitment. In many ways it’s like getting married. Simply attending a church without any commitment is a bit like dating someone. You’re spending time together, trying to get acquainted and decide whether or not this is an individual that you want to spend your life with. If you decide they aren’t the one, you should move on until you find the right person. When you find the right person, you ought to make a commitment, exchange vows and go public with your intentions. Living together without the commitment of marriage is not unlike attending a church for years without becoming a member.

We’re always going to have people who are just attending our church. We assume that they are either learning more about what it means to become a follower of Jesus before they make a decision or that they are already a believer and are trying to decide whether this is a community that they want to belong to and commit to. We’re glad to have such people attending Bow Valley.

However, at some time we expect attendees to become members. Members are folks who have accepted Jesus as Lord of their lives and publicly identified themselves with Christ by being immersed and then made a commitment to a local congregation. It’s a commitment to the community and relationships as well as the mission and ministries. Here at Bow Valley we invite people to make that commitment by signing a Membership Covenant and we expect folks to sign that covenant each year.

It’s like an annual renewal commitment, in much the same way that a married couple celebrate their wedding anniversary.

It’s our hope that we all make progress every year in fulfilling these various commitments. Signing the covenant every twelve months is a great reminder of the commitment we have to Christ and the rest of His body.

The Membership Covenant is available at the Information Kiosk and can be signed and turned in to the office at any time. We renew those covenants together at the beginning of each year, but those wishing to become members of Bow Valley throughout the year may also do so by signing this covenant at any time.

If you have further questions about membership, we’d invite you request a visit from one of our Pastors. If you would like to become a follower of Jesus and be immersed, we’d love to visit with you about that too. Please let us know how we can help!

Signing this covenant indicates a willingness to be a part of our ministry and to pursue the following objectives during the year.

I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and I have invited Him into my life, confessed Him publicly as Lord and in obedience to his example and command, I have been immersed to identify with His death, burial and resurrection.

I’m prepared to be accountable to the Elders and Staff of Bow Valley Christian Church as they strive to prayerfully apply biblical teaching and leadership to this community. In turn, I will prayerfully hold them accountable to these same biblical standards and values.

I will intentionally pursue spiritual growth in my own life in order to honour Christ and strengthen the rest of the body.

I will strive to be a contributing member of the Bow Valley community through the use of my spiritual gifts, the sharing of my financial resources, and a commitment to our corporate worship.

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Our Church’s History

Bow Valley Christian Church is a non-denominational, independent Christian church whose history is rooted in the Restoration Movement. (Additional information on the Restoration Movement is available at the Information Kiosk). We began as a congregation back in 1928 in the Tuxedo Park area of Calgary.

A woman by the name of Agnes Nelson hosted a small Sunday school group of girls in her home. Many of these children didn’t get a lot of attention at home but Agnes not only gave them attention, she taught them about Jesus and nurtured their friendships with each other.

At about the same time some of Calgary’s civic leaders asked Dr. Richard Westaway, a veteran church-planter, to address some of the social problems in Tuxedo Park by starting a church in the area, and before long Dr. Westaway and Agnes Nelson joined their efforts and the Tuxedo Park Church of Christ was born.

Those were tough times economically and the church was an oasis of care and love in that community. People reached out to help others and in the process they invited their friends and neighbors to church and introduced them to Christ and the little congregation grewinnumbersandinfluence.

By 1962, Tuxedo Park Church of Christ had outgrown their facilities and as a result of another outreach effort, the congregation decided to relocate to the newly developed Cambrian Heights community. There they built a new worship facility and a home for the pastor and became the Cambrian Heights Church of Christ.

In 1973 Allan Dunbar began his ministry with the congregation and shortly thereafter, the “To You With Love” television ministry came into being. For twenty years the church and it’s “to you with love” message under the charismatic leadership of Allan had an influenceallacrossthecountry.

In 1992, Cambrian Heights Church of Christ became Bow Valley Christian Church as the congregation sought a new location for it’s increasing numbers and widening ministry and realized that they would likely be leaving the Cambrian Heights community in that quest. After a year and a half in rented facilities, the opportunity to purchase this present facility became a reality and Bow Valley Christian Church found themselves located on the Bow Valley Trail also known as Crowchild Trail.

It was in July of 1995 that Rick Scruggs, who had served as Associate for the previous 20 years, became the Senior Pastor. Under his leadership, Bow Valley has had a goal of planting new churches and we rejoice in having had a hand in three new church plants! We’re also excited about the opportunity God has provided to reach out to some of Calgary’s immigrant community, particularly the Mandarin Chinese people.

We’re appreciative of our history and the faithful leading of God over the past years, but we’re looking forward with enthusiasm for what He has planned for our future. We’re hoping that you might be a part of it as we attempt to allow God to empower us in our vision of transforming our world, one life at a time.

For a more detailed history, ask at the information kiosk for a copy of Roots & Reflections.

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As 2015 gets underway Bow Valley Christian Church has officially become one church that meets in three locations. Skyview Ranch has been meeting for several months now at 4:15 pm on Sundays in the Genesis Centre. Bob, May and Silas Dunn have been living in the community since March. The five families that make up the launch team for Mahogany all moved into that community in December and have begun meeting together. A public launch will take place later this year.

No longer is Bow Valley Christian Church a single location church. The vision of creating a matrix of communities across Calgary is underway. But what does that mean for us? How does it alter what we do and how we operate… even how we think? Here are a half-dozen things we’re going to need to change:

1. Change how we think and speak. We all need to begin thinking bigger. When we picture our church we need to start thinking in 3D remembering that we now have 3 different expressions in 3 different locations. When we’re only referring to one of those locations then we need to specify (our Mahogany location or our Varsity location). Those of us who are up front will need to speak more inclusively when we talk about Bow Valley remembering that we are not only located in Varsity.

2. Change how we pray. I hope that we’re all praying about our church and our various ministries and opportunities and leaders, etc. Don’t forget to pray for all our locations and our growing leadership team and the various ministries that are popping up in our new locations.

3. Change how we invite. We all know people who live in various parts of the city. Inviting them to Bow Valley just got easier. It may not be convenient to invite them to the location that we’re involved with but perhaps one of our other locations would be a better fit. Not only can we invite them but we could also connect them by either attending a time or two with them or putting them together with someone from the alternative Bow Valley location.

4. Change when we move. We Calgarians are a transient bunch. We often have members and attenders who love Bow Valley but because of a move across town it no longer makes sense to stay involved with a church that is so far away. Now you can stay a part of Bow Valley despite the fact that you’ve moved 30 kms away… just switch locations for worship.

5. Change how we give. Yes, multiplying our ministry means that we need to increase our giving if we can. For the next few years these new Bow Valley locations are going to stretch us financially. It will be a while until these communities are self-supporting, covering the costs of their staff and rented meeting places and ministries. All of us, in all three locations will have to be sacrificial with our resources.

6. Change how we administrate. Due to the fact that all three Bow Valley locations are under the same administrative structure there will need to be adjustments to that structure. Our Elders are going to be asked to oversee and provide care for more people in different locations with different challenges. Our office administration is going to have to consider how budgeting and book-keeping and staff communication makes sense for all our venues.

It’s exciting to consider being one church in three locations! But it’s also challenging… for all of us. So let’s work together and pray for one another and encourage each other as we transition to this new reality. May His Kingdom increase! ~Rick Scruggs, Senior Pastor

One Church in Three Locations

No longer is Bow Valley Christian Church a single location church.

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SkyView Ranch News

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he (Bilbo) used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

…and, we’re off! A year ago we were a family of three getting ready to embark on a journey. Now we are a community of families and singles who are growing in faith together. On any given week we have a weekly service at the Genesis Centre—Sundays at 4:15, see you there!—a Women’s Bible study and a Men’s Bible study. We also have other times we get together as we share different parts of our lives together that include building relationships, sports and food.

We have also started being a part of the community around us. We are connected to the community association and community soccer team. Both of the groups give us the opportunity to make new friends and build relationships with leaders and families in Skyview Ranch. We are happy to bless our community by serving in these areas. We look forward to continue partnering and building more, new and better relationships. We also look forward to partnering with our community activities like the Community Association BBQ, Spring and Summer Soccer, Stampede Breakfast, Spring Clean and Halloween Dog Walk.

At the end of the summer we hosted a concert in the park. We enjoyed it so much that we want to do it again this summer. We are not sure if June, July or August are

going to be best, so we are hoping to do one concert in each month. Our goal in these concerts is to provide an event for people in the community to gather, get to know one another, and establish connections we can continue to follow up throughout the fall and winter.

Recently, we partnered for the first time with Habitat for Humanity as volunteers. We spent the day working on one of their homes in Redstone, which is next to Skyview Ranch. We had four of our men filling, sanding, caulking and painting trim. It was a great experience working together and getting to know each other in a new way. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Habitat for Humanity.

As social interaction and service opportunities are important to our church family we are looking forward to the work we get to do in Skyview Ranch as well as the other communities we are a part of. We are working on how we can provide a public forum to discuss how the Canadian financial system works where people can ask questions and get good answers to their questions. Our first hope is that people in Skyview Ranch will be able to get out of debt sooner. Our second hope is that we will be able to meet more people in the community and build great relationships with them.

We are excited at all that 2015 has to offer us. There will be many challenges and opportunities as we live out being ambassadors of Christ and ministers of reconciliation. We continue to not only be better disciples of Christ but to make more and better disciples. Whether we are worshipping, learning, serving or being social we are doing it all together. It is our desire to grow in loving God, loving others—and blessing them—and making disciples.

It may be a dangerous thing to go out our front door, and we may not know where we will be swept off to, but we are confident in the One that leads us. As long as we go with Him we will be in the right place.

SkyView Ranch Community Pastor: Bob Dunn403.466.7566 [email protected]

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Mahogany NewsMahogany community Pastor: evan Spencer 403.999.9727

[email protected]

Happy New Year Bow Valley Family,

It finally happened! After a year of waiting and preparation the first four of our core families landed in Mahogany. Over the last two weeks of December we all received possession and our holidays included lots of moving, unpacking, trips to Home Depot, Ikea furniture building and wall hanging. There is still a long way to go to make our homes and the community “home” but we are well on our way.

We have already begun to network with our immediate neighbours and there are some exciting times ahead for this new work God is doing in Mahogany. As we look ahead to 2015 we are anticipating setting and tweaking our rhythms of gathering for fellowship and worship. At this point our worship gatherings include most of the components that you would find at Bow Valley on a Sunday morning but of course paired down quite a bit. We have been in the habit of incorporating a meal and we have all been cherishing these times and the relationship building it has been doing—both with each other and our God.

Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to follow the Spirit’s leading each step of the way. You will be able to stay apprised of all that unfolds through our monthly prayer update email. Please contact me ([email protected]) if you would like to be added to that. Also one of our own, Mikhaella Ico has been starting to populate our new Instagram account

(mahoganychurch). All of you Instagram hipsters can follow us on there! For the rest of you check in at our website as the days go on as we are determined to share the journey on there in the months to come (

Thank you so much for all that each of you has done to see this new work find its legs. Please keep praying and supporting however God prompts you in the coming year.

Your family and co-labourers for Christ in SE Calgary, Evan, Anna and the Mahogany Team

Dear Bow Valley Christian Church,

We cannot thank you enough. You are a church that welcomes and embraces people. You have been our family and our home. And like a family you have been an amazing source of encouragement and support. You embraced us as we were and challenged us to grow. You have shown us over the long haul—and day to day—how to love and serve others like Jesus. You have invested greatly in our lives and drawn out the best in us. You have been present for us through the good and the bad, and prayed faithfully that Christ would have His way in us. Your wisdom and mentorship have given us courage and taught us to rely on God and respond to His leading. You have modelled for us hearts devoted to the Kingdom of God and sacrificial work for its sake.

We see Jesus in you Bow Valley Christian Church.

We are leaving the nest but you will always be family to us. Wherever He takes us, we will carry you with us—your love, encouragement and prayers. Thank you, Bow Valley Christian Church. We love and appreciate you more than you could know!

“There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.” —Thomas Merton

You all have no idea how brightly you reflect your God. ~The Mahogany Team

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First of all we should introduce ourselves. We are the Schuck family. Mike (dad), Lynsey (mom), Rachel (14), Zach (11) and Cody (6). We never in our wildest dreams thought we would be writing an article about our experiences as a family together. Recently we just returned from a five-month mission trip. We call it “Our Adventure with God.” As we began to follow what God was showing us, it led us across the ocean and on twelve plane rides.

Our journey began four years ago. Mike began dreaming about “doing something together as a family.” One of the young adults from Bow Valley Varsity spoke about YWAM (Youth With a Mission) and their passion for “Knowing God and Making Him known.” We began to think about what that would look like for us. We were knee deep in “commitments,” sports, school and of course work. It was when we began to ask God “What would you have us do?” —he began to show us and prepare us.

We really didn’t see how leaving for a mission trip would work. We were loaded with debt, the housing market had just crashed, and then Mike was laid off. What could have beenextremelydeflatingwasactuallyahugeblessing.These events helped propel us to “do something” about the path we felt God was leading us to. We were focused on getting rid of debt and working towards freedom to go where we were being called. God provided a great job for Mike and we began to make plans for going to YWAM.

In 2012 we learned that YWAM had a base in Kona, Hawaii, called the University of the Nations. Not only was there a school for “older” people, they had Foundation School—a mini Bible college for kids aged 4–17. YWAM had also just created the Family DTS (Discipleship Training School). The Family DTS teaches about God’s plan for families and parenting your children biblically.

The YWAM program was a three-month lecture phase, and two months of outreach. Usually your outreach location is determined during your lecture phase, but as families are involved, the location was made known a month in advance. We were going to Cagayan de Oro, on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Amazingly, God had already begun to create a connection for us with the Filipino community here in Calgary. Our daughter began to attend a Filipino youth group, and our son would learn about the Philippines in his kindergarten class. No detail was too small for God to take care of.

I remember just before we left telling Mike that we needed to pray. I couldn’t figure out how we could do this financially. Two hours later, a cheque for $3000 showed up at our door. There were so many of these “God moments” along the way; little miracles that paved the way for us to go on mission. I had peace knowing that we always held our plans with “open hands.” It was never about the trip, but it was about building faith, glorifying God and stepping out.

We left for Kona April 2, 2014. Right up until the border crossing into the United States I still couldn’t believe we were going. God was leading us one little step at a time. We spent three months living in Kona in a loft apartment. There was no TV, no rooms to escape to, and so much time together. We met up with twelve other families from twelve different nations, all with the same plan—giving five months of their lives to invest in family, God and sharing the Gospel.

Our time in the Philippines was amazing. We spent time as a family by being God’s family to kids who didn’t have one. We told Bible stories, prayed with families, and partnered with local missionaries. We lived at a home for abused girls for two weeks. This was the most demanding time physically, but the peace and protection of God was

Our Adventure With God ~ The Schuck Family

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In the Fall of 2013, several of the women from Bow Valley took a life changing trip… an experience we can’t stop filtering our lives through and honestly don’t want to.

We travelled to El Salvador to have a first-hand look at Compassion’s Child Survival project that our congregation was involved in supporting. All of the women who made that trip will attest to how it has changed their lives. All of that team will have a life-long connection to those women who we met and interacted with during our time there. But our desire is to have others share that same experience and join us in praying for and supporting the Child Survival project.

So this fall (2015) we are planning a return trip and we would love to have YOU join us! In preparation you could gather with us on the first Monday evening of each month at 7:00 pm as we pray for the women and children in the project that we support. Perhaps you’ve never been involved in this kind of venture and are wondering how you might fit in? As we get closer to our planned departure we’ll be putting together gift bags for the women we’re going to visit. So we’ll need help in purchasing and packing those bags. If you’re a photographer or just like taking pictures we could use someone to not only document our trip but also someone who could pictorially record the women and children that we are supporting for future reference and prayer. And we can always use help in finding new and creative ways to raise the annual support for this worthwhile project.

This will be my third trip to El Salvador and I always return home inspired about the work of Compassion and humbled by the deep desire and valiant efforts of these mothers to improve their personal circumstances and the future of their country. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity or want to reserve your spot on the team, please contact Debbie Scruggs by phone: 403.807.8045 or email: [email protected].

El Salvador Missions Trip

so present. It’s almost as if God had created each one of us so specifically with this plan in mind. We saw our kids, laying hands on other kids and asking God to be with their new friends.

There were moments that were hard; we battled sickness, heat, bugs and even closer quarters (five of us in two single beds). We learned so much about ourselves and depended upon God for our daily needs. We grew close as a family and realized how blessed we are. All the passages I had read about going and bringing the Kingdom message became alive (Matthew 28:18–20). He surely is with us!

We hope to be an encouragement to families looking at stepping out into something like this. If you had told us three years ago that we would have done this, I would have laughed. God is so faithful to see all his plans through. He will provide, protect, encourage, support and guide you if you set your heart to put His Kingdom first. Trust Him and give all things into His loving hands and be the family/person He has created you to be, which could be here in Calgary or a world away. What began, as a dream became reality for us—not overnight, but over time. We have no idea what is next, but eagerly await His perfect plan for us.

But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

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Social Justice League

In spite of our name, The Social Justice League isn’t made of a group of super heroes. We are all ordinary people with ordinary lives and ordinary skills. We come from unassuming backgrounds and really aren’t any different from you, the reader. Where we really shine, however, is when we’re serving God’s Kingdom by partnering in his work to bring justice, righteousness, and love to our world. We respond to his call by doing what we can when something moves our hearts to action.

If you can remember a few issues back, Ryan Scruggs wrote about how the miracle of the few fish and loaves feeding many people shows us that in God’s Kingdom thereisenoughforall.Nowreflectonthekidwhosupplied that modest lunch. He never protested that his lunch wasn’t enough for him to share. He never said he’d be back after going fishing to increase the supply or going home to see if mom could bake more bread. He just gave what he had there and then. Simple.

So, what do you do when your resources are limited but modern day slavery is an issue that breaks your heart? Well, you use your free time and your crafty abilities to make accessories and cards to sell for fund raisers. All of these proceeds then go to International Justice

Mission who help countries like India set up laws and policies to set slaves free and then provide much needed after care for the newly liberated to learn to live free.

Not terribly crafty but still have the same concerns? Well then, you keep an eye on news feeds, studies, and documentaries and you bring that information to others who are interested and ensure the issues and needs are kept in mind. We are working on having just such a documentary night on February 4, 2015. Stay tuned for more information.

Maybe you like to keep it a little closer to home. If you’ve noticed on Bow Valley Christian Church’s webpage, there is a new link called “Community Share.” This was the idea of a couple of people in our group who thought it would be nice to “share (or sell) STUFF that you don’t need, don't want, have too many of, could do without, don’t have room for, to someone who needs it, really wants it, just moved here, has nothing, could totally use it or just plain old likes it! A modern day Acts initiative.” All this took was one with the idea and one with the Facebook abilities. See? Simple. In the future they hope this Share site will expand to offer services and accommodation as well.

If you would like to find out more on what we do, why we do it or how you can get involved, consider joining us at our next group meeting on February 9, 2015. Contact Celsey Gorrill at 403.277.6892 or [email protected] for more information.

We respond to His call by doing what we can when something

moves our hearts to action.

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INCOGNITO I love the Road to Emmaus passage in Mark 16—how our resurrected Lord “hid” himself in the form of another. How great (and fun!) is our God to do such a thing! It makes me think of the classic game of Hide-and-Seek and how kids (and adults) love to run and snoop around to find those who are hiding, except with this, it is our Lord! How humble and wonderful that he masks himself in ways that his followers will find, if they are willing to seek. Jeremiah says on God’s behalf, “If you seek me, you will find me, if you seek me with all of your heart.” Are we seeking?

And where is he hiding now? It makes sense that our Heavenly Father might love to play Hide-and-Seek with his kids in a way that keeps our eyes and ears open, delightsoursensesandflipsour(sometimes)mundaneworld totally upside down!

So where is he?? Though scripture reveals to us that he is positioned by the Father in Heaven, preparing a home for all of those who trust in him while petitioning on his children’s behalf to him who hears (and answers!), it also implies that he still can be found on earth.

So the questions become, where have we been looking? Our humble and heavenly King who came to earth, born in a manger still reveals himself in some of the most humble of places, where he is hardest to find and where we would never have thought to look.

It makes sense that he who “gave up his divine privileges” and to the form of a slave (Philippians 2:7) calls us to do the same, to go to the despised and rejected places to bring his love and life to the lost and least of these. Matthew 25 clearly paints this picture. To those who have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, clothed the needy, cared for the sick and visited those imprisoned, we are doing it unto Christ. They are his hiding place.

And another place where we can find him?… In each other! Our Lord is so wildly wonderful that he would choose to make his abode in us! We are the body of Christ! When someone is rejoicing, we are to rejoice with them. When someone is hurting, we are to hurt with them. If his body is hurting anywhere, isn’t that the very place we should go first? As we do so, will not his body

be healed and his strength be revealed to all those who are earnestly seeking him in our community and beyond?

The implications are truly mind-bending and staggeringly beautiful.

In short, this is the heart of the Social Justice League. We purpose to love Christ by loving those who are in need and caring for this world that he has called us to be stewards of. Community Share Calgary is a Facebook group that that purposes to unite believers across Calgary by inviting people to cut back on consumerism and give away things we don’t need with people that do, i.e. immigrants who have just arrived and have little or no support, students who have moved to Calgary to study, single-parent families, or those who are tired of buying new when there is still so much life left in the old, etc. etc. We are all in need at some time or other!

“Let us worship our great and glorious King who is coming soon to whisk away those who are his and to judge the earth, starting with his kids first.” Luke 12:35–38

Let us love each other in truth by serving those in need in our midst. Let us do so not in the vanity and futility of duty, but with heart’s seeking for and devoted to him.

Join our Community Share Calgary group on Facebook to post or find things. Please call Inga Richardson at 403.398.3111 if you have any questions.

~Inga Richardson

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the

Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty,

and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you

gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.”

Matthew 25:34–36 NLT

Social Justice League

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Norma Ellis traveled to Nicaragua in July, 2014 to help hand out shoeboxes with Samaritan’s Purse. This is her story.

Nicaragua, compared to Canada is a small country. It is the largest in Central America, located north of Costa Rica and south of Honduras. The population 5.8 million. Their language is Spanish and Miskito with other indigenous languages. We traveled there during their rainy/hurricane season. However, parts of the country was experiencing drought. Nothing was growing in some areas and the bones of animals stuck out like sharp knives.

Their main exports are coffee, sugar, bananas and gold. The people are comparatively poor (second poorest country in Latin America) but they appeared happy and not complaining about anything. Some homes were made entirely of sheets of zinc that means—the sides and roofs. Others had the sides made of heavy black plastic with zinc roofs. When the rains came many homes are deludged. Life expectancy here is seventy three years.

Each child received a copy of “The Greatest Journey” and a shoe box packed with gifts. They were more than appreciated not only by the recipients but by the parents and grandparents alike. They oftered hugs and kisses with tears in their eyes and through our interpreters, expressed thankfulness and their joy of our being there “just to hand out boxes.” One pastor

said, “What you have done for our kids today, we could not do in a million years. We thank you so much.” We distributed just under 2,500 boxes in our nine day stay.

We saw much. Sometimes the absence of running water; theabsenceofflushtoiletsorflushtoiletsnotworking.We noticed many unemployed young people because there are no facilities/schools in which they can learn a trade or skills. We noticed the cattle which were very skinny for lack of hay in the absence of rain. We observed the graduation of many young people who came to Christ having chosen to study the ‘Greatest Journey.’ We noticed the joy on the faces of the beautiful little children who were so polite and friendly. Most were receiving a gift for the very first time. We noticed how thankful they were for the food they received on the days when we fed them. Many of us on the team have experienced a new appreciation for our luxuries here at home.

If you have ever packed a box, I would like, on behalf of all those kids, to thank you and invite you to pack two boxes next time. Please recognize that you have filled a void in the life of a child, you have placed a smile on a face and a new hope in each little heart. You have also contributed to positive change in the lives of many parents and grand-parents. Over one million children have accepted Jesus since the inception of the shoebox. There are others waiting.

Operation Christmas Child was started in 1990. In 1993, Operation Christmas Child grew and was adopted by Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian organization run by Franklin Graham. To date, Operation Christmas Child has collected and distributed over 100 million shoebox gifts worldwide. In 2013, Canadians donated more than 664,000 shoeboxes for hurting children around the world.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Trip

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Christmas In Bethlehem 2014Dear fellow Travellers to Bethlehem,

It has been wonderful to journey with you to Bethlehem and back four times over the past four years. Along the way we have shared our lives, prayed for our struggles, rejoiced in God’s goodness, and become dear friends. I will miss you and our time together, but will hold the precious memories of our visits to Bethlehem in my heart forever. May the 7000 guests who came along with us also treasure their special memories of the first Christmas, and may the good news of God’s love for them leave a lasting impression on their souls. Most of all, may God be honoured and glorified as we worshipped Him with our songs of praise, our stories of truth, and our dances of joy as we celebrated Christmas in Bethlehem.

Shalom my dear friends, Melissa Adrian

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us…and His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

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In 2 Thessalonians 1:4, Paul tells the people of Thessalonica that he is proud of them and that he gladly tells other churches about their endurance and faithfulness. I often find myself telling others of Bow Valley Christian Church and the faithful giving I see happening here. I often say that I would put our per capita giving up against any church in the country and be proud of where we stand. So thank you for allowing this church to do all of the things we are doing. These are exciting times for Bow Valley Christian Church. We are now one church in three locations: Varsity, Skyview Ranch, and Mahogany. We have two community pastors who are on the ground making connections in those neighbourhoods, serving people and proclaiming the Gospel. Thank you for your generous giving that has allowed us to accomplish this portion of the mission and end the year with an approximate $50,000 surplus.

Thank you for your generous giving!

In the next few weeks, the elders and finance team will be presenting a budget for 2015. That budget will show that there is still much to be accomplished. By God’s grace and through the faithfulness of His people we will accomplish this work to which He is calling us. So, in this new year, let us keep on track as we continue to develop as a multi-site church; and let us keep on track as we seek to be ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, empowered by His Spirit to bring transformation to the world around us.

On behalf of the finance team, Keith Shields.

These are exciting times for Bow Valley Christian Church!!!

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How to get Involved

at Bow Valley


Winter 2015

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Upcoming Events

January Friday, January 2 Inn From the ColdSunday, January 11 Mahogany Send-offSunday, January 11 Worship Ministry Get TogetherMonday, January 12 Conversation Club Winter Session beginsSunday, January 18 8-week Christian Basics Class begins January 23–25 Alberta Bible College WeekendSunday, January 25 Multi-Cultural Lake Louise Ice Sculpture OutingSunday, January 25 Greeters Appreciation EveningJanuary 30–February 1 World Outreach Weekend

FebruaryWednesday, February 4 Movie sponsored by Social Justice League: Nefarious, Merchant of SoulsFriday, February 6 Inn From the ColdThursday, February 12 Valentine's Construction LunchSaturday, February 21 Affinity GroupSaturday, February 21 BOOM! Winter Games NightSunday, February 22 Family Potluck and Talent Show

MarchFriday, March 6 Inn From the ColdMarch 6–8 Emerge Weekend at Alberta Bible CollegeMarch 22–30 Youth Mexico Trip

AprilThursday, April 2 Upper Room ServiceFriday, April 3 Inn From the ColdSunday, April 19 Family PotluckSunday, April 26 HymnTyme

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Contact: Leanne Erickson 403.239.3462

Boom! Winter Games for all Baby Boomers February 21, 7:00 pm, Fireside Room Bring your favourite games, snacks, and beverages to share as we gather by the fire on a winter’s eve to play board games and enjoy each other's company.

Men’s Prayer GroupThursdays, 6:15 am, Fireside RoomFor men of all ages. This men’s group meets each Thursday morning for coffee, devotions and prayer before heading to work. We’d love to have you join us!Contact: Harvey Gamble 403.275.6272

Upcoming Events:Date & Tmes to be announced.• Men’s Breakfast• Annual Father / Children Calgary Hitmen Hockey

Game• Annual Curling event

Men’s Ministry

BOOM! Ministries

women’s MinistryWe hosted the The Crossroads ‘Together’ Women’s Conference last fall. Over 500 women attended from all over Alberta, as we explored how we as women can love, inspire, and serve Together. Our speakers were from the TV show 100 Huntley Street.

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Bow Valley offers a variety of Small Groups: Men’s Groups, Women’s Groups, Family Groups, Boomer Groups, Seniors’ Groups and Young Adult Groups. All of these groups are meant for fellowship, study, prayer, friendship and community. They also offer service opportunities and times of celebration throughout the year.

We are a community of small groups that together will exalt God and his kingdom on this earth and in this age. We invite you to get involved in a small group as a group member, host, leader or apprentice.

If you are interested in joining or leading a small group, contact Karen Zimmerman, 403.286.5300, ext 113, [email protected].

Small Group Pastor: Karen Zimmerman403.286.5300 ext [email protected]

Small Groups


The title “Affinity Groups” basically means a group of people with similar interests coming together to have fun and enjoy them. We have taken the idea a step further, as a great non threatening tool for evangelism. We all know people we would like to spend time with, build friendships and share our faith with. These groups can give you that opportunity.

The activity is hosted in a home and the number of guests is fairly small. The cost is kept to a minimum, only to pay for supplies. It’s a chance to laugh, eat, meet new friends and learn about something new. Our hope is that people we invite will experience the love of Christ through us developing great relationships with them. We have lots of exciting ideas for upcoming groups. Watch your bulletin for more information. Consider who you could invite to join you at such an event.

Our first Affinity Group for the new year will be learning a new craft.

Felting Saturday, February 21, 9 am–noon

$10 per person

To register, please contact Laura Dash

403.295.1122 or [email protected]

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Why Small Groups? As relatively new members of Bow Valley Christian Church, the topic of Small Groups was a bit of a grey area. The broad-based question whether or not to attend one of the groups was accompanied by several associated smaller queries. These questions include, but are certainly not limited to the following:

Q: What do they do in small groups? A: Primarily, the focus is Spirit-lead fellowship including prayer, study and social interaction. Groups generally select a book or short study topic to work through during the session. Each week, a portion of the topic is assigned for reading and the group discusses the content during the next meeting. In addition, one or two of the weeks are devoted to a service project (e.g. Christmas hamper, volunteer day for Food Bank, yard clean-up for elderly, etc.) and a social gathering such as a bowling or games night.

Q: How much time every week will it require? A: Generally, the meetings are one evening per week for one and a half to two hours. Also, some reading and study time during the remainder of the week will be necessary.

Q: What is the duration of the small group? A: The first session of Small groups begins in autumn (September) and breaks for Christmas; the second sessions begin in January and continue to spring. Because it is such a busy time for everyone, the groups disband for summer break.

Q: Do the groups meet at the church or will I have to travel far to attend? A: Generally, the groups meet in the home of a Host couple and every effort is made to minimise travel-time required for attendees. In some cases, if agreeable to the group, a rotating location is used allowing members of the group, who have the facilities, the opportunity to share the hosting duties.

Q: Will I be expected to be a Bible scholar? A: Certainly not—the purpose of the group is to grow and learn together in fellowship. Each person brings their own perspective and experience to the meetings and contributes whatever they are comfortable in sharing.

Small GroupsQ: What happens if I have to miss one of the meetings? A: While dedicated attendance is encouraged to keep everyone “on-the-same-page,” life goes on and situations such as illnesses or prior commitments arise. Missing the occasional group would not be an issue.

Q: What benefits will I realise from attending? A; Undoubtedly, committing to an unknown can be a scary prospect. While the previous questions focused more along the lines of generalities and logistics, this question gets to the heart of the matter. Making new friends within a church can be difficult. The “good morning, how are you today?” interactions are limited and, as a result, it takes a number of weeks to get to know even a little about someone or for them to get to know you. Small groups create an environment of fellowship and allow the time to communicate and interact at a more relaxed and intimate level. Based on the study materials and the experiences or perspectives of the members, groups afford the opportunity to grow in knowledge and faith. In addition, the group members encourage and support one-another on a more personal level. The opportunity present personal prayer requests as well those of the other members are regularly committed to the Lord. Overall, for both myself and my wife, Wendy, small group has been a very real blessing and we are extremely happy we decided to commit.

Hopefully, the blessings and fellowship available from attending small groups will motivate the reader to the next step and enrollment. However, if there are any concerns or considerations outstanding, please contact Karen Zimmerman, Bow Valley Christian Church, Pastor of Small Groups, 403-286-5300 ext.113.

~Chuck Fraser, BVCC Member

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Monday 9:30 am Sue DaSilva 403.547.3221 Bow Valley Women

Tuesday 5:30 pm Kelly Scruggs 587.777.1393 MacEwan Families

7:00 pm Sue Caswell 403.274.2131 Royal Oak Women

7:00 pm Brent Williams 587.352.9386 MacEwan Mixed

7:00 pm Becky Wilson 403.274.1424 Edgemont Women

7:00 pm Karen Zimmerman 403.295.2537 Beddington Women

Wednesday 7:00 pm Keir Murray 403.276.2759 Riverbend Families Meet every 2nd week

7:15 pm Hendrik LeRoux 403.208.0787 Citadel Mixed

Connect to Community — Join a Small GroupSmall groups meet in homes and provide a small community in which people can study God's Word, pray, have fun and fellowship together, and be challenged to live the life God intends on a daily basis.

Thursday 6:00 pm Gay Staroszik 403.295.0075 Bow Valley Solace in Souls Women

6:15 am Harvey Gamble 403.275.6272 Bow Valley Men

10:30 am Peter Kehler 403.286.5300 Jim Edwards Seniors Bow Valley

7:00 pm Karen Zimmerman 403.295.2537 Huntington Hills Couples

Friday 6:00 pm Alison Anaka 403.257.2243 Tuscany Families Meet every 3rd week

6:00 pm Immanuel Chan 403.286.5300 Bow Valley Chinese YA & Families

Saturday 6:00 pm Rina Hubilla 403.547.6985 Bow Valley Filipino Fellowship

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If a spouse, child, family member or friend has died, you have probably discovered there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. This 13-week Christ-centered, support group includes instructional videos from experts on death and grief. The discussion time is led by someone who knows that it is not time that heals, but what you do in that time that matters. For more details, contact: Brad Anderson 403.286.5300 ext 116

Single & Parenting groups share tips and parenting wisdom that will help you find rest, hope and encouragement. If you’re a single parent, you’re probably tired, overwhelmed and feeling a bit under appreciated. Learn how to wisely encourage your kids to obey, help your hurting child, deal with verbal onslaughts, figure out what your emotions are telling you, and manage finances. This Christ-centered group includes instructional videos from experts on singleness and parenting. The discussion time is lead by an experienced peer support group facilitator who wants to see you succeed.

For more details, contact: Brad Anderson 403.286.5300 ext 116

Because of His love for us, expressing compassion and caring for others is the core for believers. At Bow Valley we value equipping and encouraging our entire church body to be involved in providing prayer, love and practical acts of caring for one another. You’ll find some of our expressions of Care and Support below.


Here, you will find a caring group of people to help you ease the hurt and start you on the path of healing after separation and divorce. It can be a confusing time of isolation and pain, with lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. This 13-week Christ-centered, support group includes instructional videos from experts on divorce and recovery. The discussion time is led by someone who has walked this road and wants to help. Tuesday evenings, 7:00–8:30 pm

February 3–April 28

Here, you will find a proven path for children and their parents to grieve through a life-altering crisis. Every family’s loss (separation, divorce) is unique, but the pain, we have in common. Often youth are expected to accept the changes in their family or sort out their feelings alone.

DivorceCare for Kids offers a 12-week peer support program, led by trained facilitators, allows participants to process their feelings, build self-worth and learn positive coping tools to last a lifetime. Groups meet for grades 1–6. For more details, contact: Brad Anderson 403.286.5300 ext 116

Care & Support MinistriesSupport Ministries

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Discipleship & Community Impact

“I want to grow in my faith but I don’t know where to start?” This is a common question I am asked as a pastor. There are a lot of options out there and this can be overwhelming for people. So, we have come up with an assessment process that you fill out, sit down with an assessor and by the end of the process will have two or three different tracks recommend that you can follow to deepen your faith. Just contact me to get started.

Another way to get started but without an assessment is developing a spiritual rhythm.

RHYTHM—PULSERhythm is a pattern of spiritual habits that shape us as disciples. This is based on the acronym, PULSE

Pray—set aside 10 minutes a day to talk with our Father. Ask the questions, “How have I worked with you today and how have I resisted you today?”

Unite—twice a week meet with other believers to worship, and to be accountable in our spiritual life.

Learn—an intentional learning plan that includes regular Scripture and some other means for growing our knowledge and relationship with God.

Serve—our family, our neighbours, our church once a week

Eat—with family, with our church family, with neighbours/co-workers once a week

INSTRUCTIONInstruction is a framework of classes, teaching resources and groups that foster understanding of the Christian life and thought.

Associate Pastor: Cal Hultgren 403.286.5300 ext 109 [email protected]

Every year, beginning in January, we offer the Christian Basics class. Other classes become available over the course of the year.

We have access to a bunch of great online teaching resources that cover topics such as marriage, raising kids, apologetics and finances. You can see what is offered by going to However, you have to be part of BVCC and invited to join. Contact me for an invite.

Small Groups at BVCC: Varsity have a study component to them where there is a thematic, Christian book or Bible focus. This is an excellent way to grow in knowledge and understanding of your faith.

Anther way intensive leadership and discipleship training track led by Shane Pearsall called VP3.

VP3 (Vantage Point 3): A Plan for Leadership DevelopmentIn September 2015, people have the opportunity to be part of a spiritual formation and leadership development process developed by Vantage Point 3 ( We have been running the program for the last six years with great success.

The first eight months, is “Emerging Journey” the life changing discipleship and spiritual formation process for adult believers. This set of experiences and relationships will guide participants into a personal exploration of three primary questions in their lives: Who is God? Who am I? What does God desire to do through me?

In the second year “The Equipping Experience” is an 8-month experience intended for those who desire to learn and enhance the skills associated with the work of Christian leadership. It will build on the participants’ discoveries from The Emerging Journey by continuing to ask questions of intimacy with God, identity as God’s loved children, and our unique kingdom responsibility. Contact: Shane Pearsall 403.282.6934; [email protected]


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Prayer“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.“

~ Colossians 4:2

At Bow Valley, we recognize that prayer must be a foundation of all we do. It is the power behind our ministry programs. Whether you consider yourself a beginner in prayer or a prayer-warrior, take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of how God transforms our hearts, church, city, and world.

Pre-Service Prayer TeamA Prayer Team meets at 9:30 am Sunday mornings to pray for the church and morning service in the prayer room. Contact: Harvey Gamble 403.275.6272

Post-Service Prayer TeamOur prayer team is available at the end of every Sunday service, in the Prayer Room (to the right of the sanctuary) to pray with you. Contact: Larry Buckingham 403.286.5162

Prayer ChainIf you have a prayer request or praise and you would like others to pray along with you. Contact Day: Margaret Murphy, 403.208.9931

[email protected]

PrayerMarkOur PrayerMark gives ideas for aiding prayer in bookmark form made available weekly. Praise and Petition for those in our church family, for those serving in missions and outreach, and for our world are given. If you have a request that you would like on the PrayerMark, please contact us. Contact: Gloria Baker 403.274.4307

Hour of PrayerThis group meets on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Prayer Room for one hour to pray for our church—its ministries and its people. Contact: Verone Caspell 403.209.2623

Pastoral CareThese visits are made throughout the week by our staff and elders. If you or your family member are hospitalized in the Calgary area, please let us know.

Shut-In VisitsThese visits are made throughout the week by our staff and elders to those who are not able to attend our church services due to illness or physical disabilities. Communion is offered to those who would like to partake. Contact: Peter Kehler 403.286.5300 ext 114

Funeral ServicesFuneral services can be held at the church, or a pastor can assist with a funeral held at another location. Contact: Donna Heitman 403.286.5300 ext 102

Prayer & AnointingJames 5:14 says, “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Whether you are seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, you are invited to receive prayer and support. Contact: Joe Murphy 403.208.9931

Care Ministries

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At Bow Valley we support the family as the significant relationship through which God shapes our lives. One of the roles of the local church is to help families bring Christ into the center of their home. It is our goal to partner with parents and to empower them with tools to teach their children about Christ. Ultimately, our hope is that all our children surrender to His Lordship, as we train them to love others through Him.

Family Potlucks Bring your best main dish (or fried chicken). We will provide salad, drinks and dinnerware. A great opportunity to let the kids run and fellowship with other parents. February 22—Family Potluck & Talent Show April 19 —Family Potluck

Family MinistryFamily ministry Pastor: brad Anderson403.286.5300 ext [email protected]

Moms ’n’ Tots Thursday Mornings, 9:30–11:00 am Moms with preschool children meet to connect and encourage each other, and provide community and playtime for their children. Please bring a snack to share. Everyone welcome! Contact: Sarah Praught, 403.286.5300

Baby Dedications Bow Valley has enjoyed celebrating new babies in our worship services for many years. The dedication of children is an expression of love for God and is a declaration on the part of the parents to be a godly influenceinthelifeofthechild.Parentsarewelcometodedicate their little one to the Lord, during our Sunday service. The family is invited to come up at a designated time during the service for a time of introduction, commitment and prayer. Please contact Brad Anderson to make arrangements.

“And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today.

Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and

when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.“

~ Deuteronomy 6:6–7 (nlt)

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JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP (Gr. 7–9)Contact: Brad Anderson, Jr. High Youth Pastor403.286.5300 ext 116 [email protected]

facebook: bvccyouthInstagram: bvccyouth

FRIDAY NIGHT BIG EVENTS Our “BIG” events are meant to be an opportunity for youth to bring their friends to experience what Youth Group is all about. These events can be either at the church or offsite around Calgary.

Friday, February 6, 7:00 pm Movie Night at the Loft March 6–8 EMERGE Open House Alberta Bible College

SMALL GROUPS starting Sunday, January 11 Sunday nights at 6:00 pm. The focal point of Junior High Ministry at Bow Valley is small groups. The goal of our small groups is to create a place where youth feel like they belong and are able to connect with adults who care. This creates environments where youth can learn what it means to be a follower of Christ.

SERVE NIGHTS Check out the youth section of our website for specific dates. Once or twice per semester we look for opportunities for our Junior High students to serve in our community around Bow Valley. In the past this has included: shoveling the rink and general clean up at Dalhousie Community Centre, visiting and singing carols with seniors.

Youth & Young Adult Ministries

SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP (Gr. 10–12) Contact: Will Proudfoot, Sr. High Youth Pastor 403.286.5300 ext 110 [email protected]

facebook: bvccyouth Instagram: bvccyouth

Mexico 2015, March 22–30

We are quickly coming up on our sixth annual Mexico Mission trip and I couldn’t be more excited! I love the opportunity to experience the counter-cultural concept of Joy in Service, and I sincerely hope and pray it is an idea that catches fire in the minds and hearts of our young people. This year we have twenty leaders and students heading down to Mexico to build houses for families in need. Any prayer for the families we are building for and for the trip participants would be greatly appreciated! Here’s some important information and dates for the Mexico trip participants:

Overall trip budget — $1650 (increase of $150 in budget due to a currently weak exchange rate). If you have any questions about the budget please contact Will Proudfoot.

February 1, 2015—Full plane ticket payment of $700 due ($200 deposit is included in this total so only the additional $500 is needed at this time)

March 1, 2015—Remaining payment of $950 due (Resulting in a total cost of $1650)

Youth Ministries is a place for students to experience the love of Christ! We want to walk alongside students and be a part of their world as they are introduced to Christ, and as they continue to deepen their relationship with Him through friendships, mission, prayer, and weekly events.

YOUNG ADULT GROUP (Ages 18–25)Contact: Will Proudfoot, Young Adult Pastor 403.286.5300 ext 110 [email protected]

We will have two Young Adults small groups this semester that will happen on an every other week basis.

Sunday Night, at Hultgren’s, 7:00-9:00 pm Starting January 18

Snow Camp 2015

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As we embark on 2015, I am excited to see what God will do in KidsConnect. Teachers who love God and love children combined with children who want to know more about God makes for a perfect Sunday morning. Our nursery and preschool area are growing! Lots of new possibilities and relationships to build.

Did you know that we sometimes have more children in our preschool area than in the elementary area? That's fantastic! Every week there are amazing things happening in our classes. From our babes to our tweens in Club 56, everyone is hearing and learning about our amazing and mighty God. Sarah and I are so thankful for our staff who see that kids are definitely worth the investment of a couple Sundays a month. And because we have a thriving children's program, we always need new volunteers. Speak with Cheryl or Sarah as to how you might get involved with this exciting ministry.

God is in the house and He is on the move! Ask any Children's Ministry staff member about how they see God moving in their class. You will be blessed by the stories.

Our Vision: To connect children to God, to each other, to their community and to the world.

Our Mission: To partner with parents and the church family in laying a spiritual foundation and to equip and encourage our children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

SUNDAYS IN KIDSCONNECT Nursery, Preschool, & Elementary

KidsConnect Nursery provides loving hands and feet for our babes and tots age 0 to 24 months. These volunteers love our little ones and provide a safe environment for them to explore, learn and discover. On long weekends, the nursery will be open for parent use as there will be no scheduled nursery care.

KidsConnectPastor of children’s Ministries: Cheryl Lipkan403.286.5300 ext [email protected]

Kids Connect Preschool & Elementary provides a God centered program for ages 2 through grade 6. All our staff, from teachers to set up to crafters to supervisors, love God and desire to show the children His love through their service. What a great team we have in each area.

Preschool, which is age 2 through Kindergarten age, uses the Hands On Curriculum. This provides a “hands on” experience of the Bible and of what it means to love God. A snack is provided as well as plenty of opportunity to play and enjoy their classmates.

Grades 1–6 also have dedicated teachers who love to be with kids. Our curriculum changes for Grades 1–4 depending on the season, and the Grade 5/6 classes will use the Grapple curriculum. Grapple topics are thought provoking meant to encourage students to grapple with issues. For instance, "Why Can't Countries Get Along?, Is Prayer Pointless?, How do I know God's voice?" The grade 5/6 class, also known as Club 56, has great discussions each week as do our Grade 1–4 students in the gym.

Long weekends allow families to worship together at the beginning of the service.

Family Day Weekend, February 15, all families will begin in the main service. Preschooll children will be dismissed from the service dependent on staff available. Elementary children will remain with their parents for the entire service. What a great way to encourage faith talk at home and for families to worship together!

Easter Long Weekend, April 5. All families will begin in the main service and all children will be dismissed to classes. Nursery care will be provided.

Victoria Day Weekend, May 17, also provides an oppoortunity for our elementary students to attend the main service. A Preschool program will be provided dependent on staffing and the nursery will be open for parent use.

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To witness to Christ today is both to share the good news of Jesus and a commitment to God’s will for justice, peace and the care of creation. Contact: Megan Klein


Ashley Dueck


Conversation ClubWe have developed a program that is helping people to advance in their speaking of English and expose facilitators to a wider world and needs of immigrant peoples. Meets Monday evenings, 7:00–9:00 pm

Fall session begins September 15

Contact: Ron Osborne 403.239.6196 / [email protected]

Inn from the ColdWe partner with Inn from the Cold by providing meals, overnight housing and hospitality to adults and children who have no place to sleep here in Calgary. A team from BVCC plays host every first Friday of the month. Contact: Donna McTaggart 403.539.8936

[email protected]

Formula 4 Hope—Baby Bottle Campaign Loose change can make a world of difference in the lives of women and children in crisis. Baby bottle are available on Mother's Day to take home and fill with loose change. Bring them back on Father's Day, and they are sent to the Pregnancy Care Centre.

World Outreach

Short Term Mission Trip to Thailand — with Frontier Labourers in ChristThe World Outreach Committee is gathering a short-term mission team to work with our partner, Frontier Laborers for Christ, in Thailand. The trip will take place over two weeks in February or March 2016

and would include a variety of opportunities for service, including construction and teaching. There will be an information session in the new year.

Please contact us if you have any interest in the advance planning and organization of this mission trip, or participating as a member of the World Outreach Team. Contact: Ashley Dueck 403.510.0005 / Megan Klein 403.208.9087

World Outreach

Weekend January 31–February 1

How Beautiful are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News of Good Things

Speaker: Beverly Kalnin

Saturday, January 31, 6:00 pm Appetizers & Dessert

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Cambrian Manor

Cambrian Manor is a 50 unit Senior’s independent living apartment building located in Calgary’s northwest community of North Haven. Opened in 1985 by the government of Alberta with the help of the Heritage Fund, the three story Manor has been managed for almost 30 years by Bow Valley Christian Church (originally Cambrian Heights Church of Christ), originally on its own, and more recently with representation from Bow Valley Christian Church, under Bow Crest Senior’s Housing, which oversees both Cambrian Manor and Harris House. The Alberta Government wanted to provide housing for seniors who had limited means so the rents are based on 30% of a resident’s income. Some of the managers and caretakers at the Manor have been church members.

Cambrian Heights Foundation, the Bow Valley Christian Church house board, has sought to meet the needs of the residents in a warm and friendly way. Volunteers from the church have been involved in monthly birthday parties, weekly Bible studies, sing-a-longs, taking seniors out for meals together, Christmas Carol sing-a-longs and decorating parties, driving people to Church and doctor appointments, shopping and helping them in a variety of other ways. Some volunteers have formed strong friendships and relationships with Manor tenants and have helped them in times of need. The residents have

their own elected resident board and committees to accomplish the things they want to do. The atmosphere in the building is a warm and friendly one.

Our board members at this time are: Gloria and Rob Baker, Jim Edwards, Gail Myers, Rosie and Rolf Schneider and Sue Caswell. Jim Edwards, Gail Myers and Rolf Schneider also serve on the Bow Crest Senior’s Housing board. Peter Kehler, Bow Valley Christian Church’s Seniors Pastor, is also available for support and/or counseling.

Anyone interested in the possibility of living in Cambrian Manor can phone 403.282.5762 to contact one of the managers: Kim Clarke or Denise Robinson. If you are interested in volunteering we invite you to please contact one of the board members.

• TerriScruggs—WycliffeCanada

• Tim&AileenNavratil—WycliffeCanada

• NormWeatherhead—PioneerBibleTranslators,Canada

• AlbertaBibleCollege

• InnFromtheCold

• NeighbourLinkCalgary

• PineLakeChristianCamp

• PregnancyCareCentre,Calgary

Missions We Support

• ChurchofChristMission—Jamaica (Everton & Cheryl Cummings; Carlton & Pansy Mullings)

• FrontierLabourersforChrist—Thailand (Beverly Kalnin)

• GracelandMinistries—Poland (Colette Ladan & Jay Bowyer)

• InternationalFellowshipofEvangelicalStudents

• InternationalJusticeMissionCanada

• ARochaCanada

• CompassionCanada

Local Abroad

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Matthew 28:19–20 says, “Go to the people of nations and make them my disciples…“ This is the Great Commission of our Lord who wants his followers to go, baptize, and teach, in order to make disciples. Our church is ready to serve as the Bible says and establish ministries for various ethnic groups as numbers permit. This is our mandate to serve these people and help them to know our Lord Jesus Christ. Presently, we are serving two main groups in our church, Chinese and Filipino. As we identify other potential ethnic groups growing, we will strive to integrate them to similar ministry in the future.

BVCC introduces a new ‘fellowship & worship’ model for the multi-ethnic groups in order to help them to grow in their spiritual walk and to learn how to serve God and His people in the church.

馬太福音28:19-20說: “所以你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,。。。”這是神囑咐祂的信徒的大使命,要他們“去”,要“教導”要“施洗”,目的是要他們作祂的門徒。教會也因這大使命對不同族群,並按其人數多少而協助他們發展事工。藉此能使他們認識的們的主耶穌的愛,以及能施其愛與別人。教會現有兩個族裔的事工,中文事工和菲律賓事工,將來若有其他族裔的興起,教會定當努力地協助他們事工和屬靈生命的發展。保惠教會現以新的模式來幫勝多元文化事工之發展稱為 “團契敬拜”型式;前半部為團契相交時段,而後半部為敬拜領受時刻。藉此以助他們以自己的文化和方式在屬靈生命的成長。

Pastor of Multi-Cultural Ministry: Immanuel “Ming” Chan403.286.5300 ext [email protected]

Multicultural Ministry 多元文化事工

Chinese Ministries 中文事工 每週五 下午六時正 Chinese fellowship provides a platform for students, career groups, and families to learn to share about God. Scheduled programs help us to learn how to serve, sing, play, pray, share, ask, and discuss different topics. Chinese worship is provided after the fellowship. Anyone interested is welcome to join us with potluck style or light supper provided. A children’s program is provided.

Mandarin FellowshipFriday, 6:00–9:00 pm Fireside Room

Cantonese FellowshipSaturday, 7:00–9:00 pm Multi-Purpose Room

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Multicultural Ministry—Filipino Filipino Ministries Reaching out to newcomers from the Philippines and across South East Asia, the Bow Valley Christian Church Filipino Group seeks to:

• Welcome newcomers to the community particularly new immigrants and workers under the Temporary Foreign Worker and Live-In Caregiver programs

• Connect them to Christ and the Bow Valley Christian Church Community

• Be family when family is distant

Please join us on Saturday nights from 6:00–9:00 pm in the Fireside Room for fellowship and Bible study. Light supper is provided. Contact: Rina Hubilla 403.718.0762 [email protected]

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At Bow Valley Christian Church we recognize that camp plays an important role in the strengthening of community, opportunity for skill development and spiritual formation. Also, it is a core piece in the building of our youth ministry. Therefore, we are prominent supporters of Pine Lake Christian Camp.

Pine Lake Christian Camp is located twenty minutes southeast of Red Deer close to the northern tip of Pine Lake. The camp runs a number of week-long sessions to facilitate spiritual development among Christian Churches/ Churches of Christ across Alberta. Built on thirty-twoacres of land, the camp boasts of a central multi-purpose building, dock and sandy beach, archery range, walking path, playground, basketball court, baseball diamond, canoeing and both rustic and heated cabins.

Pine Lake Christian Camp


Annual General Meeting February 7

Registration opens for Camps and Retreats in 2015 February 17

Work Bees May 2 & May 9

May Long Family Camp May 15–18

Men’s Retreat May 29–31

Ladies Retreat June 5–7

Training Week June 21–26

Sr High Camp June 28–July 3

Leaders in Training (LIT) July 5–10

Jr High Camp July12–17

Junior Camp July19–24

Rookie Camp July 26–29

August Family Camp July 31–August 3

Deeper Life Camp August 21–24Supporting Churches and Organizations

• Bow Valley Christian Church• Oak Park Church of Christ• Christ Church of the Meadows• Nanton Church of Christ• Rosscarrock Church of Christ• Parkland Christian Church• Alberta Bible College

Board of Directors

• Rick Scruggs (President)• Lee Wood (Vice-President)• (Treasurer)• (Secretary)• Cal Hultgren• Jonathan Chapman• Doug Free• Brad Anderson

Camp Staff

Calvin & Wanda Jackson (Camp Manager)

Contact: 1.403.886.4661

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Roman Busto December 14, 2014



Margaret Anderson 1950–2014


Hazel Ruth Brown December 6, 2014

Parents: Jason & Samara

Doyin Abatan December 14, 2014

Sherrilynn Kipling December 14, 2014

Nikita Bentor September 14, 2014

Dianthe Li December 27, 2014

Parents: Xiang Li & Beryl Chen

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Fall Hike Elder/Staff Retreat

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World Outreach Pie Extravaganza

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The Classic Ones Christmas Party

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Don’t know where to serve? It’s OK! Many people feel a calling

to serve within the Body of Christ but are unsure where they fit!

There are many avenues to help you discern where God would like

you to serve. Gift assessments, personality tests, strength finders,

discerning your life passions and others are available.

Explore the following list. Opportunities vary in skills needed, time

commitment and level of responsibility. With so many options,

the right fit is out there! Do you have a special skill or passion that

you think the Body of Christ could use? Let us know! Sometimes

the best volunteer opportunity is the one you create!

Discover joy in serving today!

How to Get Involvedat Bow Valley

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Sunday Hospitality Teams

Staff Contact: Immanuel Chan403.286.5300 ext 115

Baptism Coordinator: Serve by assisting those who are getting baptized. At the time of the baptism, you will help people by showing them where things are, and by getting towels and clothing ready for them. Also help wash baptism clothes and towels and straighten the baptistry area throughout the year. Commitment: as needed on Sundays

Server Coordinators: we have opportunities for volunteers to help coordinate the passing of the elements and offering trays during our services. This is a great opportunity to serve as a couple or on a team. Commitment: as needed on SundaysContact: Walter Fox 403.288.8347

Greeter Ministry: Greeting people on Sunday mornings is a great way to welcome guests and help members feel at home. People often share stories about how they were hesitant to come to church, but when the first person they met made them feel welcomed, they knew they were supposed to be here. Commitment: Sunday mornings for 1 monthContact: Lorraine Williams 403.208.3434

Information Kiosk: When guests and members have questions about what is happening at Bow Valley, our Information Kiosk in the foyer has answers (or at least we direct them to the right people). The Info Kiosk is a “go-to” place in the foyer of the church for events and finding out about Bow Valley Christian Church. Commitment: Sunday mornings for 1 monthContact: Alida LeRoux 403.208.0787 Hebrews Café: If you have the gift of hospitality love meeting and enjoy chatting with people, there are several jobs you can do:1. Preparing coffee for the Café: making sure that the

coffee is ready before and after service. 2. Hosting the Coffee Bar:

welcoming and chatting with those who come into the café, and help them get their coffee. This is a great opportunity to serve as a couple or with friends.

Commitment: Sunday mornings for 1 monthContact: Paul Klein 403.208.9087

Communion Preparation: to fill trays prior to our Sunday morning service, and clean up and put them away after. Contact: Norma Ellis


Decorating Committee: this team is responsible for making our church a beautiful and welcoming place, especially at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Stampede Sunday. If you enjoy working with others and using your creative talents, we’d love to hear from you. Commitment: variesContact: Ramon Ico / Eric Miller 403.286.5300 ext 108

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Chain: a team of people who pray for the needs of others as they happen. Day: Margaret Murphy 403.208.9931 [email protected]

Pre-Service Prayer: pray for our church and worship service just prior to it. We ask God that his Spirit would move and touch hearts in need on convicting, healing, comfort, growth and direction. Commitment: 30 min/week, Sundays at 9:30 am

Contact: Larry Buckingham, 403.286.5162

Prayer Room: pray after our morning service with those in need or celebration, in response to the service or a next step that they need to make. Contact: Larry Buckingham


Hour of Prayer: If you have a passion for prayer, a small group of people meet every Tuesday morning at 10 am in the Prayer Room for one hour to pray for our church—it’s ministries and it’s people. Contact: Verone Caspell 403.209.2623

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Production Ministry

Every week, many different technicians of various backgrounds work together to make both large and small events happen. We invite you to be a ‘tech for a day’ at a Sunday service and discover if you would like to volunteer in either audio, video or lighting. Training is provided.

All positions for all teams are scheduled well in advance and are available to team members via the Internet.

Audio Team: Combine your musical and technical sides to operate audio equipment in the Sanctuary and other areas of the building as needed for worship service and other events. Contact: Ramon Ico, [email protected]

Lighting Team: Do you have an eye for light and/or color? Use those talents to creatively light the worship services in the Sanctuary with our computerized consoles and intelligent lights. Full training provided. Contact: Ramon Ico, [email protected]

Media Operators: operate computers that control the words and graphics that go on screen during the worship services and other events. Being comfortable with computers (we use Macs and PCs) and quick thinking is an asset. We will train you to serve with excellence. Commitment: Thursday night & Sunday morning once

every 3–4 weeksContact: Ramon Ico, [email protected]

Camera Team: we record our worship services using two video cameras. We will train you. Commitment: One Sunday service every 3–4 weeksContact: Cal Hultgren, [email protected]

Graphic Design: This team is responsible for creating advertisement slides, sermon series slides and similar material for our worship services and events. They may also create PowerPoint/Keynote presentations from sermon manuscripts for Sunday mornings. Commitment: variesContact: Cal Hultgren, [email protected]

Website Development Team: this team updates, adds functionality and creates graphics for our church website. Also they post the podcasts of the weekly sermon. We are especially looking for someone to add videos of the sermons to the website.Commitment: variesContact: Cal Hultgren, [email protected]

Photography: Photos are a great way to communicate what is happening in the church. We photograph many church events and baptisms over the year. The pictures get used Sunday mornings, in baptism DVDs, in our publications and on the website. Commitment: variesContact: Cal Hultgren, [email protected]

Worship Ministry

Staff Contact: Ramon Ico / Eric Miller403.286.5300 ext 108

Worship Team: Would you like to play an instrument or sing with the worship team during our Sunday morning service? Contact Ramon or Eric for more information.

Commitment: 1–2 / monthThursday Rehearsals: 7:30–9:30 pm

Sunday Mornings: 8:00–11:30 am

Dramatic Arts / Dance / Other Fine Arts: Special events and occasional use in Sunday services. We’re always looking for new and interesting ways to share God’s truth. Commitment: varies

All positions for all teams are scheduled well in advance and are available to team members via the Internet.

Family Ministry Librarian

A lover of books and organization; an equipper who enjoys helping people by connecting them with their needs. He/she works with a team that organizes and maintains our lending library of books, movies, and music. On Sunday morning they encourage families to use the library and oversee the signing in and out of materials.Contact: Nike Falade


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World Outreach

The World Outreach Team works to promote World Outreach within Bow Valley. This team serves our missions through support and care, makes financial and administrative decisions, provides information to the congregation about our missions, and encourages people to pray and become involved. Commitment: 2–10 hr/monthContact: Megan Klein 403.208.9087

Ashley Dueck 403.202.8384

Inn from the ColdJoin us as we host “Inn from the Cold,” a ministry to homeless families and/or individuals. Choose from the following list of serving opportunities: •SetUp •Meals •Lunches •Hospitality •Overnighters •Breakfast •TearDown •Laundry •BakingCommitment: first Friday of every monthContact: Donna McTaggart 403.539.8936 [email protected]

Conversation Club Facilitators to talk with and be friendly to new Canadians Monday evenings for 12-week sessions in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Commitment: 135 min/week for 12 weeksContact: Ron Osborne 403.239.6196 / [email protected]

Children’s Ministry

Staff Contact: Cheryl Lipkan403.286.5300 ext 106

First Impression Greeters: Greeting parents and children visiting Bow Valley for the first time, and helping to make their experience unforgettable! Expertise of relational and hospitality gifted people is exactly what we need!Commitment: 30 min/week—bimonthly

Nursery Supervisor: Greet parents and check-in children for a safe and secure environment. Provide a visible presence to parents and assist them with learning about the nursery area. Commitment: 90 min/week—bimonthly

Nursery Caregiver: Give hugs and cuddles, sing, rock and play with our little ones to make their nursery experience a great one to begin their journey of knowing Jesus’ love. Commitment: 90 min/week—bimonthly

Sunday Supervisor: Help set up and be a friendly presence for staff and children, to ensure order and safety for everyone. Commitment: 90 min/week—bimonthly

KidsConnect Greeter: Is hospitality your gift? We need someone to greet families at the gym and help check in new families. Your presence will assist and assure parents that we value safety and security for their children. Skills required: the gift of hospitality and a love for our families. Commitment: 30 min/week—bimonthly

Big group Leader—Elementary: Use your leadership/ speaking skills to lead Big Group time in the gym for grade’s 1–6. You will lead singing, prayer, and introduce the lesson for the day. Skills required: enthusiasm, speaking and teaching skills, singing

skills and a love for kids!Commitment: 180 min/week—bimonthly

Preschool and Elementary Teachers: Love kids? Do you want to help them to really know Jesus? Lead them weekly to pray, learn their memory verse, discuss how to apply what they are learning, and grow together in a great relationship. Commitment: 90 min/week—bimonthly

Preschool and Elementary Assistants: Assist the leader of the class to apply the Bible Story. Commitment: 90 min/week—bimonthly

Craft Sunday Preparation Helpers: Help our Craft Master prepare the fun and exciting crafts she has created for our kids!Commitment: 4 times a year

Children’s Prayer Ministry Team: Pray for our children and staff in the Children’s ministry area. Commitment: weekly

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Youth Ministry

Staff Contact: Senior High Youth Pastor—Will Proudfoot403.286.5300 ext 110

Junior High Youth Pastor—Brad Anderson403.286.5300 ext 116

Engage your heart; use your passion and gifts to intentionally model Christ to youth in a real and authentic way. We seek passionate followers of Jesus to serve youth as group leaders, prayer team event facilitators, and volunteers to go into the schools.

Senior High Youth Group Leaders: Monday nights we see an increasing number of youth showing up eager for community and answers. We are looking for responsible leaders to guide them in these things. Also we serve in High Schools and afterschool programs. Commitment: Wednesdays, 6:30–9:30 pm

Junior High Youth Group Leaders: Teens need positive and godly relationships with adults; people who will pour into their lives. We are looking for adults who are willing to be role models and help with our Jr. High Youth Group. Commitment: Sundays, 6 - 8 pm; Team meetings once a month; 2-3 Big Events per semester

Prayer Team: Contact our Youth Pastors to sign up to pray for the needs of our youth. Commitment: weekly

Small Groups Ministry

Staff Contact: Karen Zimmerman403.286.5300 ext 113

Small groups are such an integral part of the family here at Bow Valley. They only happen because people step up to be leaders or provide hosting for our groups. We are constantly encouraging people to commit to these roles so that we can add more groups and provide room for all those wanting a small group. Training is provided.

Small Group Coaches: We have coaches for the areas of small groups—young families, seniors, boomers, women’s, men’s, etc. Their job is to build relationships with the leaders and be their encouragement and support in their leadership role. They also look after some mid-size events to bring groups together and for outreach.

Small Group Leaders: Small group leaders lead groups of about 5-12 people in homes. Their job is to lead studies that will help people to grow and apply what they learn to everyday life. They facilitate an atmosphere for friendship, care and prayer amongst their small group. They are to mentor someone to walk alongside so that we have leadership development happening.

Small Group Apprentices: These people are the ones that show an interest in leadership and are willing to walk alongside the leader in group life. When a leader is away they are the backup and as more apprentices are developed they will eventually lead a group of their own.

Small Group Hosts/Hostesses: These people are so valuable for small group ministry that happens in the homes. They are the ones that set up a comfortable, friendly, casual atmosphere that welcomes people in. They provide the refreshments and allow the leader to focus on leading.

Facilities Services

Staff Contact: Peter Kehler403.286.5300 ext 114

Our building, like your home, is always in need of cleaning and maintenance. Opportunities include:• cleaning the kitchens and nurseries•painting• setting up for ministry events•gardening

Men’s Ministry

Event Planning Team: this team works together to coordinate all of the Men’s events throughout the year. Commitment: 4–8 hr in the month prior + actual eventContact: Chris Fong 403.209.2623 / [email protected] Chris Kobe 403.280.0107 / [email protected]

Women’s Ministry

Event Planning Team: this team works together to coordinate all of the Women’s events throughout the year. We are in need of someone to lead this very important ministry!

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Senior’s Ministry

Staff Contact: Peter Kehler403.286.5300 ext 114

Senior Visitation: Do you have a heart for seniors? We are looking for individuals to develop relationships with shut-in seniors through friendship, Bible study and prayer. Commitment: a weekly/bi-weekly visit

Drivers: Enjoy driving and meeting new people? We need people to provide transportation to seniors for their appointments and errands. Time commitment varies, but if you give us your availability, we will connect you with a senior.

Handymen: If you are a handyman, and would like to help a senior with minor home repairs, contact Peter. Commitment: per project

Assisted Living Worship Ministry: This ministry is a worship service with music, a devotional, communion and prayer for the residents of this retirement facility. Commitment: Tuesday afternoons, Edgemont Retirement Centre

Kitchen Cupboard Ministry: To provide food for seniors who have been in the hospital and/or are sick at home and unable to cook for themselves. (short-term)Commitment: varies

Stepping Stones Support Ministry

Staff Contact: Brad Anderson 403.286.5300 ext 116

Stepping Stones hosts support groups that are sister care ministries that share the same place and time (Tuesday Evenings), to the benefit of the attending families. They also share the benefit of the same support staff.

Stepping Stones Host: a servant who believes that we can love others through hospitality. He/she prepares and arranges the beverages and snacks for the group, welcomes and accommodates the needs of the participants as they arrive and supervises the common areas during the sessions.

DivorceCare Facilitator: a small group leader and a mature believer who has lived through this challenge and desires to comfort others with the comfort that God has given them. A care-filled active listener who is willing to allow God to use their experience to build bridges for others.

GriefShare Facilitator: a small group leader and a mature believer who wishes to comfort others with the comfort that the Lord has provided in their life; a skilled, active listener who believes that the experience of the death of a loved one, needs to be shared for the heart to heal. Curriculum and training provided.

Single & Parenting Facilitator: a peer support facilitator who has walked the road of being a single parent and is firm in the belief that it cannot be done alone; that we need Christ and our community to grow into a whole person and a successful parent. Curriculum and training provided.

DC4K Facilitator: a caring adult who provides a safe environment for children that are experiencing loss through separation or divorce. Someone who listens and creates a place for children to belong.

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Page 50: Bow Valley Life — Winter 2015


Bow Valley christian church

5300, 53 Avenue NW www.bvcchurch.caCalgary, AB T3A 2G8 [email protected]

Sunday Service at 10:00 am

Sunday Classes for Adults from 8:45–9:45 am