Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1904-04-08 [p ].€¦ · f BOUBON STEWS PAEJS ELY A3PBIL 8 1004 f- J of...

STEWS PAEJS ELY A3PBIL 8 1004 f BOUBON f- J of 11- r I rIfl > THE BOURBON NEWS TELEPHONE NO iM PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SWIFT CHAMP EDITOR AND OWNER Ow TKAB 200 Six MONTHS 100 t PAYABLE IN ADVANCE i Entered at the Paris Ky econd class mail mutter Established 188 1 6 f Djp advertisements 100 per inch time 60 cents per inch each xiDEequent insertion Beading notices 10 cents per line each SBsue reading notices in black type 20 tents line each issue Cards of thanke calls on candidates and similar matter 10 cents per line Special rates for bwc advertisements ROADWAY TRACK EQUIPMENT 7 I i pos O t J of publication 4 EW j B I Cont1nuou- fi Fast Scheduled Trains AND ALL DAILY No Additional SUPERB SERVICE AND QUICKliME ELEGANT COACHES- Room Cars Parlor Observation Dining Cars Far Deles Time of Trains or any JnfonatlloD call on nearest ticket agent or address a P MCCARTY General Pasntnyer CINCINNATI O- HHSCH ESTERS T- CST LOUIS 3 OFTHEM 3 Chargef- OR Pu lmm SI ENGLISH PENNYROYALPILLS I I I I Agent afe Always reliable Eadieeaelc Druggist for KNQJLXSH In nd Gold metallic boxes eealed with blue ribbon Take no other Reftace ab U- fallens nn S Buy of r lend 4c In stamps for Particulars Te M- xaeuials aud for X art I In letter by return 1OOOQ Testimonials 11 Druggftt OHIO USTEB OHEMOAL CO KfeUUon Square fllKXJU PaL Mention ttl oece- rfBEE EEOLINIKa OHATB OARS Henderson Route Always First The traveling public to learn of the latest innovation in the of comfort in travel for its patrons Which is now offered by that tnost popular railroad the Henderson Soute which road has been rightly termed the Kentnckians to the West and Southwes- tIt has just been announced from office of the Louisville Hender St Louis Railway that they now in service on their night trains Louisville an1 St Lonis Free Chair Cars which have just received from the shops and are a relation in the car builders art The cars are strictly uptodate first lass palaces of travel on wheels and is only one of th many surprises which aro promise the public for the Worlds Fair travel by the Henderson Houte Among other advantages offered in faese highly finished carE a few of the anost important points only are men Honed They are solidly vestibnled and are furnished with sixtvfonr reclining chairs which are upholstered in beauti jfnl green plush in addition to smoking toilet rooms the smoking rooms finished throughout in leather Whey are also fitted with triple ftrucks which feature will do awiy jerk jar and etrin incident to travel in the ordinary railway coach fend insures a smooth comfortable ride This should prove more than a popular feature in train service to the traveling and you can only suggest that in traveling you get the Henderson Bonte Habit Elite Barber Shop CARL CRAWEORD Proprietor COLD HOT BATHS Only jFirst Glass Vt bers Employed Imitations your Dmnst tall boLd by m J ay at ute th- eE lininJr een s ii Ublio It I 1 I and tl 71- r t b A The I i r 4 I L t at I be- Ing j I i I c i L H Bar KENTUCKY Thro the grand state of Kentucky Where the Old Home got its nair Where the fields are overflowing Vith the yellow ripening gr tobacco plants are In the fields not so Tobacco plants n with corn Just as sure x g as cactus dS you are born Yes the LJ re large as goodsized cactus p ger in our homelike view its of a fine a grade as Is that old Kentucky Dew Here all people reap a harvest Money in bank from year All the green calamity howlers Lose their jobs when they land here Here the dry ways are the highways Built high and dry from rains and flood Here the good roads delegation Swear the roads are suttnly good But of pikes and highways finest Theres a road that suits my taste Tis the line of Solid Comfort And the trains let no time waste From Kentucky to StLouis this road of class Across the famous old Green River On its roadbed smooth as glass Would you know the road I speak of Listen then to my advice For youll need it in your business On your trip to Paradise- In your travels to St Louis Hustle beat them under the wire Get the Henderson Route habit TIS a good acquire V Jack Henderson Gallagher Too Many Burglars About Town- For the comfort of One less will visit your homes if he is introduced to one of our revolvers This Week Only I Will Sell Double Action Revolvers with re bounding hammers hicely finished and nickeled octagon barrel hard rubber handles 33328S Cal 200 Automatic Safety Hammer Revol- vers made with hinged frame re bounding Imininers automatic shell ejectors Positive safety device accidental discharge impossible 223238 Cal G50 each Automatic Safety Hammerless Re- volvers lave hinged frame inde- pendent cylinder stop and automatic shell ejectors Has no liSmmerto catch on clothing Fits the pocket 32 or 38 Cal 700 each All other popular makes such as Colts Smith Wesson etc in stock Saws lawn mowers and scissors sharpened keys fitted locks and trunks repaired All work guaran teed O IDufiLTTXS Hair Dressing When your hair needs shampooing dressing or manacuring call Phone 1GB Work executed in best of manner Cafr give good references 4marlf MARY L DAVIS PRINC Black Percheon Stallion will make the season of 1904 on the farm known as the John Liver Farm near Fowlers Shop 7 miles from Paris PRINCE is 17 hajds 1 inch high and weighs 1550 Ibs and is 5 years old fine a looking horse as I ever saw Has not a bad feature sound as a dollar has plenty of bone substance and a sure foal getter 10 to Insure Money due when mare is parteJ with or bred to another horse Will not be re- sponsible in case of accidents but will guard against same LG BOTKIN Escondida OSTEOPATH 4 A mcKee OFFICE AD RESIDENCF 177 N BWAV Lexington Kentucky WILLIAMS BROS CORNER BROADWAY AND VIa STREETS 1 Square from L N Depot LEXINGTON KY Fine Oid Harlem Club Whisky Fine Wins Cigar and Tobaccos Blue Grass Nurseries Trees the million fruit and Orna- mental Shrubs Grapevines Asparagus Rhubarb Small everything for Orchard Lawn and Garden Agents Strawberry and General Catalogue o F BILLENMEYER x S NS- 2L JilQn Kv Both Phones 279 j BRO oJ in- Here y At yearto oneto r society I I I w Ky I SPRING 1904 Fruitsand N en p tJon z H I e growing l- as I U I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = ¬ > ¼ Atteiiipting to Draw the Japs Into a Trap Busy Fortifying the of the YuJa Manchuria Strikingly Full of Unusual X and Active Life St Petersburg April the time approaches for the opening of land operations on a large scale the Russian authorities are exercising greater vigilance to prevent the news of their plans for the disposition of troops in the theater of war from go- ing abroad For ten days not a scrap of real information except such as is contained in official dispatches has been given out or has come from the front There practically exists an em- bargo upon news dispatches Paris April St Petersburg correspondent of the Echo de Paris says that the Russian general staff is convinced that the Russians will await a Japanese attack on the right bank of the Yalu They are now busily en gaged fortifying the mouth of the riv- er X remarkable bridge has been constructed on the prolongation of the Wiju line connecting it with Pin Hu JanThe correspondent says the are seeking to draw on the Jap anese only sending small troops across the river St Petersburg April press correspondent at Port Arthur who to the fortreSs Monday from an inspection trip through Southern Manchuria telegraphs that country is strikingly full of an unusual and ac tive life that the troops are vigorous and healthy and animated by a de sire for active operations and that the entire native population including that of the commercial world is friend ly to Russia and full of faith in the Russian arms The correspondent says r Russian money was shaky at the beginning of the war is again firm The Chinese volunteer militia form- ed there present a good appearance wearing a special uniform with eqau lettes bearing the Russian national flag The natives provide provisions freely and are selling horses brought from the surrounding country The mandarins are an exception to this general rule as they are cautious trying to carry water on both shoulders As their conduct is pas- sive it does the Russians no harm The railroad holds out splendidly and works regularly all the attaches- of the road being imbued with the high importance their task Sentries are posted at the boundary and are doing duty in the neutral zone dividing Chi na and Manchuria The weather is warm and the are open In Port Arthur all is quiet and the inhab itants have become accustomed to a state of war though some of them are impatient that the enemy has been for so long a time invisible London April 7 Tae Daily Tele graphs Seoul correspondent says he learns from a Japanese sailor who par ticipated in the attacks on Port Ar- thur that the Japanese fleet is divided into seven squadrons Four of these are watching Port Arthur the fifth patrols the Korean coast and the sixth and seventh cruise between Vladivo- stok and North Japan Two torpedo boats were much damaged in the en gagements but otherwise the fleet was little injured The damages to the Japanese cruisers Iyate and Yoshine have been repaired the vessels have joined the fleet The Daily Wei Hal Wei correspondent cabling under date of April 6 says Russian warships are pa- trolling the Gulf of Pe Chi Li and that the London Times steamer was stop ped and searched 30 miles outside of Port Arthur Tuesday Port Arthur April Russian battleship Pereseveit reports that she sighted the enemy Wednesday in Kwan Tung waters All is quiet here London April Times corre spondent who is cruising in the vi cinity of Port Arthur cabling concern- ing the holdup of his vessel by a Russian warship says it was the cruiser Bayan flying the flag of Vice Adm Makaroff which chased and later searched his steamer He says the Bayan shows the scars ofjhe recently inflicted upon her by the Japanese but that she is a fine ship and well handled THE SMOOT CASE 4 Several Witnesses From Utah Have Been Summoned to Appear Washington April following witnesses have been summoned to ap- pear before the committee on privi leges and elections in the Smoot case April 20 Angus M Cannon Salt Lake Geo Teas dale Nepi J W Taylor Salt Lake John Henry Smith Salt Lake J M Trainor Salt Lake L E Alott Farmington B H Roberts Salt Lake Moses Thatcher Logan Heber J Grant Salt Lake Mathias F Cowle Salt Lake Lillian Hamlin Salt Lake The Canal Commissioners Panama April 7 The members of the United States canal commission re- ceived an enthusiastic welcome on their arrival here from Colon Wednes- day They were met at the railroad station tty a number of special repre- sentatives Large Fleet of Transports Off Hai Jo Seoul Korea April American missionary who has just returned from Northern Korea reports having 6eon a Japan 40 transports some of whf ch very Sai ju 50 miles north of Chemulpo i i j ACTIG Are RiverSouthern 5As 6The Rus- sians 6A hich J and- re r nd Telegraphs 7The 7The I 6The I I 7An Jarge oft s i t c i t OFRIJZSIANS Mouth re- turned rivers ar- mored dam- age p fleet I were ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < A RioT IN CHICAGO Union Strikers Mak An Attnck on NonUnion Workmen Chicago April G Although it was announced Monday night that the strike at the American Can Cos plant in this city had been settled the riot- ing around the place was fiercer Tues- day than ever and one man John Isiichols lost his life The fighting began early in the morn- Ing when 300 Greeks who have been employed during the strike attempted- to come to the factory They were met at the gates by union pickets who attacked them with stones and clubs A large detachment tried to main- tain order but only with moderate suc- cess A shot fired from the crowd aroused the Greeks to fury The Greeks who had entered the factory came pouring out armed with knives and revolvers and attempted to attack the union men and their sympathizers who were assaulting their countrymen at the gateway The police after a desperate struggle managed to keep the two bodies of men apart and drove the Greeks into the factory and dis- persed the crowd on the outside In this fight a number of men were bat- tered up the most seriously hurt being Wjlliam Rohrbach who was struck on the head by a stone and Antonio Soukasbos whose wrist was slashed by a knife At night when the 300 Greeks left the place they were attacked by a mob fully 1000 strong that pelted them with stones sticks and bottles The police however escorted them to the train without anybody having been seriously injured although quite a number of men on both sides were bruised After the Greeks had reached their train it is said somebody on the cars fired a shot the bullet killing Nichols instantly ECHO OF THE RIOT Damage Suits For Sums Aggregating 95000 Filed at Clinton Tenn KnoxvilleTennX Aprif G Damaige- f suits for sums aggregating 95 000 were filed at Clinton Tenn Tuesday by the widows of the men killed in the riot at Coal Creek Tenn on Sunday February 7 and also by two men shot at the same time The suits are brought against the Coal Creek Coal Co President E C Camp personally and Jud Reeder guard and detective who it is charged began the shooting Widows of James Black Jacob Sharp and W W Taylor sue for 25000 each and A R Watts a merchant who was shot asks 10000 damages and More Cox sues for the same sum The suits are a sequel to the bloodshed when the guard of the Coal Creek Coal Co fired on union miners THE IOWA MINERS I They Have Called For a Second With the Operators f Moines la April P White president of the Mine Workers the Iowa Operators association have called a second conference for next Monday The conference was asked for by the miners and it is taken to mean that the strikers will give in anti the strike will be settled Monday When President Vhite of the asked President Morris of operators for a conference the latter replied that there was no use conference unless the miners would j come to the terms of the operators The fact that the mine workers agreed to a conference under these terms a victory for the operators GEN GRANTS j Will Wed Mile Germaine Noufflard in Paris Paris April civil ceremonj of the marriage of Capt Algernon Sar toris grandson of the late Gen Grant to Mile Germaine Cecile Noufflard a niece of Charles Halle the artist di rector of the new gallery London will take place April 25 and the religious 27 in the Church St DEylau The witnesses for the bride will include Mr Halle The grooms witnesses will be the Marquis de Laigle and Maj Bentley Mott the United States military attache Among the bridesmaids will be Miss Lillie an girl who recently made her at the grand opera The bKide- jis a granddaughter of Sir John of England whose estate joined the Sartoris estate i f Vessels Sail For St Louis Pensacola Fla April gun iboat Nashville and torpedo destroyer Lawrence sailed from Pensacola Tues day afternoon for St Louis to repre sent the navy at the Worlds fair The vessels will reach New Orleans Wed pnesday i In the Hands of An Assignee Chicago April G The Chicago Busi ness Womens club Tuesday went into the hands of an assignee Frederick A Hill As soon as the affair of the club can be straightened out it will be re- organized on a profit basis A Consolidation Effected New York April consolidation- was effected Tuesday between the Am erican Automobile association com prising in its membership thirty or mOre leading automobile clubs of the country and the American Motor league with 3000 individual members Labor Union Tickets Elected Denver Cal April 6 Municipal elections were held in several of the ofjColorado Tuesday At Rock Coal Creek and coal mirilngcvnips labor iniiorr ticket jyere successful i I j 1 Des 6John and Charles H Morris president of i I I I GRANDSON- He Cecil 6The ceremonyApril Honore I I I American debut Hallef War I 6The 6A i towns JYilli hnsburg Con- ference Mine- Workers the ci- a in- dicates yale I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > vMiss Hapgood tells how she was cured of Fallopian and Ovarian Inflammation and escaped an awful operation by usino E PinHiams Vegetable CompoundD- EAR MRS PINKHAM I suffered for four with what the surrounding parts undermining the constitution and the life Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and had noticed the sunken eyes sallow complexion and general emaciated condition and compared that person me as I am robust hearty and well would not wonder that I feel thankful to you and your wonderful medicine which restored me to new life and health in five months and saved me from an awful operation Hiss HAPGOOD 1022 Sandwich St WirrdsorOnt Ovaritis or inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes whichad join the ovaries may result from sudden stopping of flow from inflamma terrors may easily result from neglect DRAB MRs PINKHAK lean truly say that you have saved my life and I cannot express gratitude to you in words Before I wrote to you telling how I felt I had doctored for over two steady and spent of money in medicine besides but it all failed to me any good My menses did not appear in that time and doctors called Salpingitis inflammation of the tubes and ova ritis which are most and painful affecting all the you seen me a year before I began Lydia E RENE tion of the womb and causes The slightest indication of trouble with the ovaries indicated by dun throbbing in the side accompanied by heat and shooting pains should instant attention It will not cure itself and a hospital operatiouwith ill its fallopian pain U fainting spells headache backache and pain and was so weak that it was hard for me to do work lll used medicine and treatment as directed and after taking three bottles of Vegetable Com- pound menses appeared my womb trou bles left me I have been ever since I used fourteen bottles of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier k together and am now restored to perfect health Had it not been for you would have been in mv grave would LydiaE sultered ¬ always recommend your remedies remedies MRS T C WIIXADSEN R R No 1 Manning Iowa Such unquestionable proves the power of Lydia E Pink hams Compound over diseases of women Women should remember that are privileged to consult Pinkham at Lynn Mass about their entirely free BEST FOR THE BOWELS these few may lead others who suffer as I did to try your ii P1 anti mat Irs GUARANTEED CUBE tor all towel troubles appendicitis biliousness bad breath bad blood wind until you bowels Start with today under cure or money refunded Sample and booklet free Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago orllew York on the tom aCh foul mouth heaJache in pains after eatin liyei sallow When your don k Con AQpation kills more than aU other to ether You never get well and stay well 1mp1ea trouble vowels t move regularly i Mother Gray Nurse in rens Home York City CITY STORE FRONTSF- or all kinds and sizes of Store Buildings We furnish all entering into the construction of Store Krontx Write us about your proposed building and state dimen- sions and style of trout and we send you FREE OP CHARGE an elegant Blue Print Plan and quote you an extremely low price on one of our popular TFfFT AXJJLjfcCnrj OErvaEZOFLXiJSTCQSrG Modern Store Front We you all the style of an elegant Xetr York or Chicago store at moderate cost Send for Catalogue SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO Owensboro Kentucky I will I TIILRF IS NO SLICKER lilf Forty years ago and after nwvy years use on eastern cot Waterproof Oiled Cots were introduced and were celled Gliders by the pioneers and cowboys This graphic name come such use it is frequently though wrongfully applied many substitutes rou want oenui- ne4b Look for the of y the name Tower the buttons SOLD BY REPRESENTATIVE WORLD OVER iu A J TOWER COMSTOH USA TOWER CANADIAN COLliaittiTORONIO CAN l to th l9zhnd on IN Yuiow AJQ MASs Towers iX MASS SLAcCAo TRADE TH 4 MOTHER GRAYS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN- A Certain Cure for Feverisbness Teething Disorders and Worms Colds in 24 hours At all Druggists 25ct Sample mailed A S CLMSTED NY Constipation LeRoy Saw mills DoUach Patent Vcrlebfo Friction Saw Mill 4 Jj p cuts 2000 feet per All sten cd prices to suit Shingle Edger Trimmers Planers Bnbr Water Presses Our handsomenew catalogue Interest you DUach Mill Mfe Ct Bex 7 Atlanta TII with 11115 ls Ca r 1UQIftMho1- tlr oI reid tItIs will UI L11ny Tea a > BICYCLE and POPE COASTER Any catalogue mailed on receipt of a 2ceut stamp Western Dept Chicago Eastern Dept Hartford Conn CURES WHERE ALL USE FAILS Best Cough Syrna Tastes Good UBO CHAINLESS i I i BRAKE I f I- t I N ILL t1nj by druggists n

Transcript of Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1904-04-08 [p ].€¦ · f BOUBON STEWS PAEJS ELY A3PBIL 8 1004 f- J of...

Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1904-04-08 [p ].€¦ · f BOUBON STEWS PAEJS ELY A3PBIL 8 1004 f- J of 11- I rIfl r > THE BOURBON NEWS TELEPHONE NO iM PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY


J of 11-

rI rIfl >




Ow TKAB 200 Six MONTHS 100


i Entered at the Paris Kyecond class mail mutter

Established 188 1

6 f

Djp advertisements 100 per inchtime 60 cents per inch each

xiDEequent insertionBeading notices 10 cents per line each

SBsue reading notices in black type 20tents line each issue

Cards of thanke calls on candidatesand similar matter 10 cents per line

Special rates for bwc advertisements





pos Ot





j BI



Fast Scheduled Trains




Cars Parlor ObservationDining Cars

Far Deles Time of Trains or any JnfonatlloDcall on nearest ticket agent or address

a P MCCARTYGeneral Pasntnyer





Pu lmm SI






afe Always reliable Eadieeaelc Druggist forKNQJLXSH In nd

Gold metallic boxes eealed with blue ribbonTake no other Reftace ab U-fallens nn S Buy ofr lend 4c In stamps for Particulars Te M-

xaeuials aud for X art I In letterby return 1OOOQ Testimonials11 Druggftt


Mention ttl oece-


Henderson Route Always FirstThe traveling public

to learn of the latest innovation in theof comfort in travel for its patrons

Which is now offered by thattnost popular railroad the HendersonSoute which road has been rightlytermed the Kentnckians

to the West and Southwes-tIt has just been announced from

office of the Louisville HenderSt Louis Railway that they nowin service on their night trains

Louisville an1 St Lonis FreeChair Cars which have just

received from the shops and are arelation in the car builders artThe cars are strictly uptodate first

lass palaces of travel on wheels andis only one of th many surprises

which aro promise the public for theWorlds Fair travel by the Henderson

HouteAmong other advantages offered in

faese highly finished carE a few of theanost important points only are menHoned

They are solidly vestibnled and arefurnished with sixtvfonr recliningchairs which are upholstered in beautijfnl green plush in addition to smoking

toilet rooms the smoking roomsfinished throughout in leather

Whey are also fitted with tripleftrucks which feature will do awiy

jerk jar and etrin incident totravel in the ordinary railway coachfend insures a smooth comfortable rideThis should prove more than a popularfeature in train service to the traveling

and you can only suggest that intraveling you get the HendersonBonte Habit

Elite Barber Shop






Only jFirst GlassVt

bers Employed

Imitations yourDmnst

tall boLd by









ii Ublio

















I be-Ing


i Ic

i LH



Thro the grand state of KentuckyWhere the Old Home got its nair

Where the fields are overflowingVith the yellow ripening gr

tobacco plants areIn the fields not so

Tobacco plants n with corn

Just as sure x g as cactusdS you are born

Yes theLJ re large as goodsized cactus

p ger in our homelike viewits of a fine a grade as

Is that old Kentucky Dew

Here all people reap a harvestMoney in bank from year

All the green calamity howlersLose their jobs when they land here

Here the dry ways are the highwaysBuilt high and dry from rains and flood

Here the good roads delegationSwear the roads are suttnly good

But of pikes and highways finestTheres a road that suits my taste

Tis the line of Solid ComfortAnd the trains let no time waste

From Kentucky to StLouisthis road of class

Across the famous old Green RiverOn its roadbed smooth as glass

Would you know the road I speak ofListen then to my advice

For youll need it in your businessOn your trip to Paradise-

In your travels to St LouisHustle beat them under the wire

Get the Henderson Route habitTIS a good acquire

V Jack Henderson Gallagher

Too Many BurglarsAbout Town-

For the comfort of Oneless will visit your homes if he isintroduced to one of our revolvers

This Week Only I Will SellDouble Action Revolvers with rebounding hammers hicely finishedand nickeled octagon barrel hardrubber handles33328S Cal 200

Automatic Safety Hammer Revol-vers made with hinged frame rebounding Imininers automatic shellejectors Positive safety deviceaccidental discharge impossible223238 Cal G50 each

Automatic Safety Hammerless Re-

volvers lave hinged frame inde-pendent cylinder stop and automaticshell ejectors Has no liSmmertocatch on clothing Fits the pocket32 or 38 Cal 700 each

All other popular makes such asColts Smith Wesson etc instock

Saws lawn mowers and scissorssharpened keys fitted locks andtrunks repaired All work guaranteed


Hair Dressing

When your hair needs shampooingdressing or manacuring call Phone 1GBWork executed in best of manner Cafrgive good references


PRINCBlack Percheon Stallionwill make the season of 1904 on the farmknown as the John Liver Farm nearFowlers Shop 7 miles from Paris

PRINCE is 17 hajds 1 inch high andweighs 1550 Ibs and is 5 years old

fine a looking horse as I ever sawHas not a bad feature sound as a dollarhas plenty of bone substance and a surefoal getter

10 to InsureMoney due when mare is parteJ with

or bred to another horse Will not be re-sponsible in case of accidents but willguard against same

L G BOTKINEscondida



Lexington Kentucky



LEXINGTON KYFine Oid Harlem Club Whisky Fine

Wins Cigar and Tobaccos

Blue Grass Nurseries

Trees the million fruit and Orna-mental Shrubs Grapevines AsparagusRhubarb Small everything forOrchard Lawn and Garden AgentsStrawberry and General Catalogue


2L JilQn KvBoth Phones 279



















en ptJon z

















= =




Atteiiipting to Draw the JapsInto a Trap

Busy Fortifying the of theYuJa Manchuria

Strikingly Full of UnusualX and Active Life

St Petersburg April thetime approaches for the opening ofland operations on a large scale theRussian authorities are exercisinggreater vigilance to prevent the newsof their plans for the disposition oftroops in the theater of war from go-

ing abroad For ten days not a scrapof real information except such as iscontained in official dispatches hasbeen given out or has come from thefront There practically exists an em-bargo upon news dispatches

Paris April St Petersburgcorrespondent of the Echo de Parissays that the Russian general staff isconvinced that the Russians will awaita Japanese attack on the right bankof the Yalu They are now busily engaged fortifying the mouth of the riv-er X remarkable bridge has beenconstructed on the prolongation of theWiju line connecting it with Pin HuJanThe correspondent says the

are seeking to draw on the Japanese only sending small troops acrossthe river

St Petersburg April presscorrespondent at Port Arthur who

to the fortreSs Monday froman inspection trip through SouthernManchuria telegraphs that country isstrikingly full of an unusual and active life that the troops are vigorousand healthy and animated by a desire for active operations and that theentire native population includingthat of the commercial world is friendly to Russia and full of faith in theRussian arms The correspondentsays r Russian money wasshaky at the beginning of the waris again firm

The Chinese volunteer militia form-ed there present a good appearancewearing a special uniform with eqaulettes bearing the Russian nationalflag The natives provide provisionsfreely and are selling horses broughtfrom the surrounding country Themandarins are an exception to thisgeneral rule as they are cautious

trying to carry water on bothshoulders As their conduct is pas-sive it does the Russians no harm

The railroad holds out splendidlyand works regularly all the attaches-of the road being imbued with the highimportance their task Sentries areposted at the boundary and are doingduty in the neutral zone dividing China and Manchuria The weather iswarm and the are open InPort Arthur all is quiet and the inhabitants have become accustomed to astate of war though some of them areimpatient that the enemy has beenfor so long a time invisible

London April 7 Tae Daily Telegraphs Seoul correspondent says helearns from a Japanese sailor who participated in the attacks on Port Ar-

thur that the Japanese fleet is dividedinto seven squadrons Four of theseare watching Port Arthur the fifthpatrols the Korean coast and the sixthand seventh cruise between Vladivo-stok and North Japan Two torpedoboats were much damaged in the engagements but otherwise the fleet waslittle injured The damages to theJapanese cruisers Iyate and Yoshinehave been repaired the vesselshave joined the fleet

The Daily Wei Hal Weicorrespondent cabling under date ofApril 6 says Russian warships are pa-trolling the Gulf of Pe Chi Li and thatthe London Times steamer was stopped and searched 30 miles outside ofPort Arthur Tuesday

Port Arthur April Russianbattleship Pereseveit reports that shesighted the enemy Wednesday inKwan Tung waters All is quiet here

London April Times correspondent who is cruising in the vicinity of Port Arthur cabling concern-ing the holdup of his vessel by aRussian warship says it was the

cruiser Bayan flying the flag ofVice Adm Makaroff which chased andlater searched his steamer He saysthe Bayan shows the scars ofjhe

recently inflicted upon her by theJapanese but that she is a fine shipand well handled


Several Witnesses From Utah HaveBeen Summoned to Appear

Washington April followingwitnesses have been summoned to ap-pear before the committee on privileges and elections in the Smoot caseApril 20

Angus M Cannon Salt Lake GeoTeas dale Nepi J W Taylor SaltLake John Henry Smith Salt LakeJ M Trainor Salt Lake L E AlottFarmington B H Roberts Salt LakeMoses Thatcher Logan Heber JGrant Salt Lake Mathias F CowleSalt Lake Lillian Hamlin Salt Lake

The Canal CommissionersPanama April 7 The members of

the United States canal commission re-ceived an enthusiastic welcome ontheir arrival here from Colon Wednes-day They were met at the railroadstation tty a number of special repre-sentatives

Large Fleet of Transports Off Hai JoSeoul Korea April American

missionary who has just returnedfrom Northern Korea reports having6eon a Japan 40 transportssome of whf ch very Saiju 50 miles north of Chemulpo






















Jarge oft

s it c i


































Union Strikers Mak An Attnck onNonUnion Workmen

Chicago April G Although it wasannounced Monday night that thestrike at the American Can Cos plantin this city had been settled the riot-ing around the place was fiercer Tues-day than ever and one man JohnIsiichols lost his life

The fighting began early in the morn-Ing when 300 Greeks who have beenemployed during the strike attempted-to come to the factory They weremet at the gates by union pickets whoattacked them with stones and clubs

A large detachment tried to main-tain order but only with moderate suc-cess A shot fired from the crowdaroused the Greeks to fury TheGreeks who had entered the factorycame pouring out armed with knivesand revolvers and attempted to attackthe union men and their sympathizerswho were assaulting their countrymenat the gateway The police after adesperate struggle managed to keepthe two bodies of men apart and drovethe Greeks into the factory and dis-

persed the crowd on the outside Inthis fight a number of men were bat-tered up the most seriously hurt beingWjlliam Rohrbach who was struck onthe head by a stone and AntonioSoukasbos whose wrist was slashedby a knife

At night when the 300 Greeks leftthe place they were attacked by a mobfully 1000 strong that pelted themwith stones sticks and bottles Thepolice however escorted them to thetrain without anybody having beenseriously injured although quite anumber of men on both sides werebruised

After the Greeks had reached theirtrain it is said somebody on the carsfired a shot the bullet killing Nicholsinstantly


Damage Suits For Sums Aggregating95000 Filed at Clinton Tenn

KnoxvilleTennX Aprif G Damaige-f suits for sums aggregating 95 000were filed at Clinton Tenn Tuesdayby the widows of the men killed in theriot at Coal Creek Tenn on SundayFebruary 7 and also by two men shotat the same time The suits arebrought against the Coal Creek CoalCo President E C Camp personallyand Jud Reeder guard and detectivewho it is charged began the shootingWidows of James Black Jacob Sharpand W W Taylor sue for 25000 eachand A R Watts a merchant who wasshot asks 10000 damages and MoreCox sues for the same sum Thesuits are a sequel to the bloodshedwhen the guard of the Coal Creek CoalCo fired on union miners


They Have Called For a SecondWith the Operators


Moines la April PWhite president of the Mine Workers

the Iowa Operators association havecalled a second conference for nextMonday The conference was askedfor by the miners and it is taken tomean that the strikers will give in antithe strike will be settled MondayWhen President Vhite of the

asked President Morris ofoperators for a conference the

latter replied that there was no useconference unless the miners would j

come to the terms of the operatorsThe fact that the mine workers agreedto a conference under these terms

a victory for the operators


Will Wed Mile GermaineNoufflard in Paris

Paris April civil ceremonjof the marriage of Capt Algernon Sartoris grandson of the late Gen Grantto Mile Germaine Cecile Noufflard aniece of Charles Halle the artist director of the new gallery London willtake place April 25 and the religious

27 in the Church StDEylau The witnesses for

the bride will include Mr Halle Thegrooms witnesses will be the Marquisde Laigle and Maj Bentley Mott theUnited States military attache Amongthe bridesmaids will be Miss Lillie an

girl who recently made herat the grand opera The bKide-

jis a granddaughter of Sir Johnof England whose estate joined theSartoris estate

i f

Vessels Sail For St LouisPensacola Fla April gun

iboat Nashville and torpedo destroyerLawrence sailed from Pensacola Tuesday afternoon for St Louis to represent the navy at the Worlds fair Thevessels will reach New Orleans Wedpnesday

i In the Hands of An AssigneeChicago April G The Chicago Busi

ness Womens club Tuesday went intothe hands of an assignee Frederick AHill As soon as the affair of the clubcan be straightened out it will be re-organized on a profit basis

A Consolidation EffectedNew York April consolidation-

was effected Tuesday between the American Automobile association comprising in its membership thirty ormOre leading automobile clubs of thecountry and the American Motorleague with 3000 individual members

Labor Union Tickets ElectedDenver Cal April 6 Municipal

elections were held in several of theofjColorado Tuesday At Rock

Coal Creek andcoal mirilngcvnips labor iniiorr ticketjyere successful





Des 6Johnand Charles H Morris president of i





He Cecil







War I




townsJYilli hnsburg

















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