Booklet 4

Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather Comenius Project 2012-2014 4th Theme Booklet Economic life and employment opportunities


Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather Comenius Project 2012-2014 4th Theme Booklet Economic life and employment opportunities

Transcript of Booklet 4

Page 1: Booklet 4

Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather

Comenius Project 2012-2014

4th Theme Booklet

Economic life

and employment


Page 2: Booklet 4

Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / BulgariaBulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

/ Portugália / Portugalia / PortekizИкономическият живот и възможности за заетост

След 9 септември 1945 година земите стават държавна собственост. Бабите ни и дядовците ни са яобработвали съвместно в кооперативи. Навлиза модернизацията в селското стопанство. Обработването наземята ставало с машини. В днешно време земята отново се връща на своите собственици.

Обширното поле на Разложката котловина и зелените гори на трите планини Рила, Пирин и Родопи, садавали препитание на нашите баби идядовци,както и на много жители на града.

Животновъдството е стар и традиционен поминък на нашите баби и дядовци. Животновъдството е давалоголяма част от общата селскостопанска продукция. То е силно зависимо от растениевъдството,подсигуряващо храните за животните. Животновъдството осигурява пресни храни за населението исуровини за много отрасли на леката промишленост. Неговите продукти са: месо, животни за разплод,мляко, кожи, вълна, мазнини. По този начин от отрасъла зависи пълноценното хранене на населението иразвитието на много обработващи промишлени отрасли.

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Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / BulgariaBulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

През 1945 година заводите стават държавна собственост,започва индустриализация на промишлеността.Строят се нови фабрики и заводи, което кара хората от селата да работят в по-големите градове.

Разлог става от земеделски в силно развит индустриален център. Развиват се най- много предприятия отхимическата промишленост. Построени са комбинат за целулоза и хартия,завод за фуражни дрожди, заводза магнитни глави, дървопреработвателен и керамичен завод.

Много от нашите баби и дядовци започват работа и се реализират като техници, инженери и работници вмодерните за това време фабрики и заводи.

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Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / BulgariaBulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

After September 9, 1945 the land became state property. Our grandmothersand grandfathers us her worked together in cooperatives. Going modernization in agriculture. Processing of landbecomes machines. Nowadays, the land returns to its owners.

The vast field of the Razlog valley and the green forests of the mountains of Rila, Pirin and Rhodope surroundingRazlog, gave sustenance of our grandparents, and many residents of the city.

Livestock production is an old and traditional livelihood of our grandparents. Livestock was favoring large part oftotal agricultural production. It is highly dependent on the plant, ensuring food for the animals. Livestock providesfresh food for the population and raw materials for many light industries. Its products are: meat, milk, leather,wool, fat. Thus the sector depends nutrition of the population and the development of many processing industries.Livestock provides an opportunity for rational use of low lands through grazing.

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Bulgaria / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / BulgariaBulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

In 1945 the factory was state-owned, began industrialization industry. Build new factories and plants that makespeople from the countryside to work in the larger cities.

Razlog is developed from agricultural to strong industrial center. They are most companies from chemicalindustry. Were built factory for pulp and paper, factory for feed yeasts, factory for magnets chapters, factory forceramic and timber processing plant.

Many of our grandparents started work and work as technicians, engineers and workers in modern for that timefactories and plants .

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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország    

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz    





Unsere  Schüler  haben  ihre  Großeltern  zu  deren  Berufen  befragt.  

Wir  stellen  hier  die  Ergebnisse  aus  12  Schülerarbeiten  als  Diagramm  vor.  

Die  Großeltern  stammen  aus  folgenden  Regionen:  

NO  =  Naher  Osten;  FO  =  Ferner  Osten;  A  =  Asien;  SA  =  Südamerika  

OE  =  Osteuropa;  ME  =  Mitteleuropa;  NE  =  Nordeuropa  


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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország    

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz    


 Our  pupils  asked  their  grandparents  about  their  occupations.  

Here  we  show  the  results  out  of  12  of  the  pupils’  texts  in  form  of  a  chart.  

The  grandparents  come  from  the  following  regions  of  the  world:  

ME  =  Middle  East;  FE  =  Far  East;  A  =  Asia;  SA  =  South  America;  

EE  =  Eastern  Europe;  CE  =  Central  Europe;  NE  =  Northern  Europe  
























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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország    

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz    
























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Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország    

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz    
























Page 10: Booklet 4

Greece Hellas Ελλάδα Grecia Yunanistan

Gӧrӧgorszάg Grécia Гърция

Μετά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο

Πόλεμο επικράτησε

μεγάλη φτώχεια. Η χώρα

ήταν κατεστραμμένη και

υπήρχαν ελλείψεις σε

τρόφιμα και άλλα

αποθέματα λόγω των

αρπαγών από τους

κατακτητές. Εργοστάσια

και καταστήματα είχαν

κλείσει και ο κόσμος είχε

μείνει χωρίς εργασία. Πολλοί άνθρωποι είχαν πεθάνει από την πείνα στις μεγάλες πόλεις και

κυρίως στην Αθήνα.

1946 – 1949 Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος. Με το τέλος του Β’

Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου ξεκίνησε ο Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος στην

Ελλάδα που κράτησε τρία χρόνια. Οδήγησε την χώρα σε

κοινωνικό και πολιτικό διχασμό και χειροτέρεψε την

οικονομική κατάσταση και την δυνατότητα εύρεσης εργασίας.

1952 – 1963 Αστυφιλία. Εξαιτίας της έλλειψης εργασίας στην

επαρχία μεγάλα τμήματα πληθυσμού συρρέουν στις μεγάλες

πόλεις και κυρίως την Αθήνα όπου υπήρχε εργασία στις

οικοδομές λόγω της ανεξέλεγκτης αντιπαροχής.

Υποτίμηση της δραχμής. Μετά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο και μέχρι το 1953 έγιναν οκτώ

υποτιμήσεις της δραχμής, του-τότε-εθνικού νομίσματος.

Page 11: Booklet 4

Greece Hellas Ελλάδα Grecia Yunanistan

Gӧrӧgorszάg Grécia Гърция

Παράλληλα με την αστυφιλία εμφανίζεται και το φαινόμενο της

μετανάστευσης. Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες Ελλήνων μετανάστευσαν

στο εξωτερικό αναζητώντας εργασία για να μπορέσουν να

βοηθήσουν τις οικογένειές τους στην Ελλάδα στέλνοντας

εμβάσματα. Οι περισσότεροι έχτιζαν σιγά σιγά ένα σπίτι στην

πατρίδα ή άνοιγαν οι δικοί τους ένα

μαγαζί για να προετοιμάσουν με

αυτόν τον τρόπο την επιστροφή


Η οικονομία της χώρας άρχισε να

αναπτύσσεται λόγω τεσσάρων

πηγών συναλλάγματος.

1. Το ναυτιλιακό συνάλλαγμα. Οι έλληνες ναυτικοί ξενιτεύονταν

και έστελναν επιταγές στις οικογένειές τους.

2. Το μεταναστευτικό συνάλλαγμα. Τα χρήματα που έστελναν οι

μετανάστες στους δικούς τους στην Ελλάδα.

3.Την ανάπτυξη του τουρισμού με την προβολή της ομορφιάς της Ελλάδας στο εξωτερικό.

Αφίσες του Ε.Ο.Τ.(Ελληνικός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού) 1950.

4. Από τις εξαγωγές αγροτικών προϊόντων όπως λάδι, ελιές, σταφίδες, φρούτα, καπνό, κ.ά.

καθώς η γεωργία ήταν ο μεγαλύτερος παραγωγικός τομέας.

Page 12: Booklet 4

Greece Hellas Ελλάδα Grecia Yunanistan

Gӧrӧgorszάg Grécia Гърция

Great poverty followed

World War II. The country

was devastated and there

were food and other stocks

shortages. Factories and

shops were closed and

people had become jobless.

Many people had died of

hunger in large cities and

especially in Athens.

1946 - 1949 Civil War. By the end of the Second World War

the Civil War started in Greece that lasted three years. It led

the country in social and political division and worsened the

economic situation and the possibility of finding work.

1952-1963 Rural Exodus-urbanization. Because of the labour

shortage in the province large portions of population flocked to

big cities and especially to Athens where there was work in

construction because of the uncontrolled consideration


Devaluation of the drachma. After the Second World War and until 1953 there were eight

devaluations of the drachma, the national currency of that time.

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Greece Hellas Ελλάδα Grecia Yunanistan

Gӧrӧgorszάg Grécia Гърция

Along with the rural exodus-urbanization appears the

phenomenon of migration, too. Hundreds of thousands of Greeks

migrated abroad looking for work so as to be able to help their

families back in Greece by sending remittances. Most of them

usually had a house built little by

little in the home country or the

members of their families opened a

shop to prepare in this way on their


The economy started to grow due to

four sources of foreign exchange.

1. The maritime exchange. The

Greek sailors emigrated and sent

checks to their families.

2. The migratory exchange. The money sent by immigrants to

their families in Greece.

3. The development of tourism, highlighting the beauty of Greece abroad.

Posters of EOT (Greek National Tourism Organization) 1950.

4. By exports of agricultural products such as olive oil, olives, raisins, fruit, smoke, etc. since

agriculture was the major productive sector.

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Dalla fine della 2^ Guerra Mondiale l’Italia ha subito diversi cambiamenti economici: una profonda crisi economica

spinse migliaia di persone a trasferirsi in cerca di un lavoro al Nord Italia e/o all’estero.

Gli anni ‘50 e ’60 furono il periodo del “boom economico”: si assiste alla trasformazione del mercato del lavoro con la

nascita e lo sviluppo delle industrie, del settore terziario, la conseguente urbanizzazione e l’abbandono delle campagne.

In particolare la FIAT 1100 diviene lo

status symbol degli italiani, mentre

l’immagine della donna abbandona

gradualmente la classica etichetta di

donna “madre e regina della casa”

acquisendo maggiore libertà di

espressione. La figura della donna tutta

devota alla sua famiglia scompare, il suo

posto è preso da una donna che ha molti

interessi fuori di casa.

Ciò grazie anche all’influsso di un nuovo e potente mezzo di comunicazione, la


I lavori prettamente femminili all’epoca delle nonne, quali ricamatrice, filatrice, sarta,

contadina e madre di numerosi figli, tendono sempre più a scomparire: la donna

ottiene libero accesso a tutti i pubblici uffici, eccetto quelli militari e diplomatici.

Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia /

Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

FIAT 1100







il modo di



donna e

non solo…

Page 15: Booklet 4

La fase di industrializzazione è arrivata a compimento negli anni’80, quando è cominciata la terziarizzazione

dell'economia italiana, con lo sviluppo dei servizi bancari,

assicurativi, commerciali, finanziari e della


Alla fine degli anni ’90 del XX secolo l'economia italiana entra in una fase di sostanziale stagnazione, caratterizzata da

una crescita estremamente bassa.

Infine, sul finire del decennio, come effetto della crisi economica globale, il Paese entra in un periodo di vera e propria


Paradossalmente l’Italia diventa sempre più la

“nuova America” per nuovi immigranti,

mentre gli italiani vanno via lasciando,

ancora una volta, il loro Paese e la loro


Oggi l’economia è basata soprattutto sulla moda, il turismo, nuovi settori dell’agricoltura e l’esportazione di prodotti

tipici locali.

Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia /

Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

“fuga di cervelli”

Page 16: Booklet 4

Since the end of World War II, Italy has experienced different economic changes: a deep economic crisis led thousands

of people to go to the Northern Italy and/or abroad looking for a job.,

The fifties and sixties were the period of the “economic boom”: there was a change in the job world due to the

birth and development of the industries and of the services sector and as a consequence the urbanization and the

countries abandon

In particular the FIAT 1100 became the status symbol of

the Italians, while the role of the women gradually

changed from the classic label of a woman “mother and

queen of the home” to that one of a woman free to

express herself.

The figure of the housewife all devoted to her family

disappeared , her place was taken by a new woman who

had many interests outside the home.

All this happened thanks to the influence of a new and powerful means of communication: the


Some female jobs, such as tailor, embroiderer, farmer, and mother of many children, which were spread in the

grandmother’s time, disappeared more and more, while women got free access to all public offices, except the military

and diplomatic ones.







il modo di




Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia /

Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

1965: the


of the




the way of

dressing of

the women

and not


Page 17: Booklet 4

The period of the industrialization draws to a close in the eighties when the Italian economy begins to be based on the

services sector, in particular banks, insurance, trade, financial and

communicative services.

At the end of the nineties of the 20th century the economy turned to a phase of stagnation because of a low

economic development.

Eventually, in the last decade, the Italian economy has got worse and worse because of the global crisis and now the

Country is going through a period of decline.

Paradoxically Italy becomes more and more the new “America”

for new immigrants,

while Italian people go away leaving their own Country and


Nowadays the economy is based on fashion, tourism, new agricultural sectors and export of typical local products.

Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italia /

Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

“brains on the run”

Page 18: Booklet 4

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Economia no tempo dos nossos avós

A moeda usada era o Escudo. Desvalorizou muito depois de 1980, chegando a cerca de 230$00

por cada dólar norte-americano (menos de 40$00 por 1dólar em 1975).

Agricultura de subsistência (minifúndios a norte) ou para consumo nacional (latifúndios a sul),

manual e com emprego da força animal. As maiores produções eram as da cortiça (maior

produtor mundial ainda hoje), vinha, cereais (milho, trigo, cevada e arroz nas lezírias).

Pesca essencialmente costeira e artesanal (arte xávega), exceptuando as grandes frotas

bacalhoeiras no mar do norte (Portugal sempre foi um dos maiores consumidores de bacalhau).

A produção industrial focava-se nas conservas (essencialmente das pescas), na naval (estaleiros

da Lisnave e Setenave) e na têxtil na região da Serra da Estrela.

O comércio era tradicional feito em pequenas mercearias e lojas de bairro.

As fronteiras eram fechadas, as exportações inexpressivas e não havia livre circulação de

pessoas e bens. Os Portugueses necessitavam de visto para todos os países do mundo e a

emissão de passaportes não era fácil.

O interior era muito rural, pobre e com comunicações rodoviárias, ferroviárias e por telefone


Empregabilidade no tempo dos nossos avós

A mulher tinha pouco acesso a educação escolar e, por isso, trabalhava essencialmente em

casa. Fora de casa a sua ocupação estava geralmente ligada à sua condição de dona de casa e

era criada ou governanta de famílias abastadas. Também trabalhava noutras profissões

marcadamente femininas como costureira, modista, cabeleireira, cozinheira, telefonista ou

vendedora em lojas. No interior, as mulheres também trabalhavam na agricultura.

Era o homem que assegurava o sustento da família e trabalhava fora de casa. Os empregos,

dependendo da sua escolaridade podiam ir de simples ajudante ou servente, pedreiro, pintor,

polícia, empregado de mesa, cozinheiro, motorista, pescador a empregado de escritório ou

funcionário público.

A taxa de desemprego era baixa e geralmente toda a população começava a trabalhar desde

muito cedo (ainda durante a adolescência).

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

A economia hoje em dia

Verifica-se um grande desenvolvimento em todos os sectores de actividade.

Desde o dia 1 de janeiro de 2002 que a moeda corrente é o Euro (EUR ou €).

A agricultura, depois de anos de abandono, ressurgiu recentemente como uma das áreas de

investimento mais promissoras, embora ainda com muito potencial para crescer. Mecanizou-se

e diversificou-se nos produtos (vinha, fruta, cereais, cortiça, azeitona, tomate, etc.). Emprega

gente cada vez mais jovem e é responsável, embora ainda timidamente, pela sedentarização de

jovens citadinos no interior.

A pesca também está a ressurgir das cinzas depois do abate das frotas na década de 90.

Modernizou-se e adaptou-se à captura industrial. Portugal é dos países do mundo com maior

território marítimo, grande parte dele ainda por explorar.

A produção industrial conheceu um grande incremento desde os anos 90, nomeadamente na

indústria conserveira (peixe, carne, fruta e vegetais), na indústria do calçado, do mobiliário, das

novas tecnologias (nomeadamente na nanotecnologia) e, principalmente na indústria do

turismo que é hoje em dia das maiores empregadoras nacionais. Portugal é sobejamente

conhecido pela sua oferta turística, gastronómica, cultural e paisagística de altíssima qualidade,

figurando quase sempre entre os 10 mais bonitos países do mundo. Lisboa foi considerada uma

das mais bonitas cidades do mundo e é um destino turístico por excelência quer por barco, quer

por avião. Negativamente verifica-se o declínio das indústrias têxtil e naval.

O comercio foi dos sectores que maior desenvolvimento teve com a construção massiva de

grandes centros comerciais, grandes hipermercados e “shopping centres”, quase matando o

comércio tradicional que tem cada vez menos expressão.

Desde a sua adesão ao tratado de Schengen, Portugal usufrui da livre circulação de pessoas e

bens na Europa comunitária e nos países que dele fazem parte. Muitos portugueses viajam para

fora do país sendo o transporte aéreo o mais utilizado.

A empregabilidade hoje em dia

Desde o início da crise e recessão em 2011, verificou-se um aumento das exportações, no

entanto também aumentou o desemprego devido ao fraco crescimento económico e falta de

incentivos a novos investidores. A taxa de desemprego disparou no 1º trimestre de 2013 para

os 17,7% (contra os 5,8% em igual período de 2008), constituída principalmente por jovens e

mulheres (apesar de ter aumentado a taxa de escolaridade universitária). Os impostos

aumentaram, o nível de vida encareceu o que se traduz em menor salário e mais dificuldades

para as famílias, principalmente da classe média.

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Economy in our grandparents' time

The currency used was the Escudo. Strong devaluation after 1980, reaching about 230$00 per 1

U.S. dollar compared to less than 40$00 in 1975.

Farming (smallholdings at north) was for private or national consumption (bigger farms in the

south) and was manual using animal power. The highest yields were the cork (world's largest

producer still today), vines, cereals (maize, wheat, barley and rice in the marshes).

Mainly coastal and artisanal fishing (Xávega art), except for large cod fleets in the North Sea

(Portugal has always been a major consumer of codfish).

Industrial production was focused on canning (mainly fisheries), naval (shipyard Lisnave and

Setenave) and textile in the Serra da Estrela region.

The trade was traditionally made in small grocery stores and neighborhood stores.

The borders were closed, exports were negligible and there was no free movement of people

and goods. The Portuguese people needed a visa for every country in the world and the issue of

passports was a difficult task.

The interior was very rural, poor and road, rail and telephone communications deficit.

Employability in our grandparents' time

Woman had little access to education and, therefore, the majority was housewife. If working

outside of home, her occupation was usually linked to the housekeeper status as a maid for

wealthy families. She also worked in other professions strongly linked to female occupations as

a seamstress, dressmaker, hairdresser, cook, telephone operator or saleswoman in stores. In the

rural parts of the country, women also worked in agriculture.

The man was the main breadwinner of the family. Occupations, depending on the educational

level, could range from simple construction helper, mason, painter, police, waiter, cook, driver,

fisherman, office employee or civil servant.

The unemployment rate was generally low and the population began to work at a very early

age (mostly during adolescence).

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Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

The economy now a day

There is a great development in all sectors.

Euro (EUR or €) was adopted as currency since the 1st January2002.

Agriculture, after years of being neglected, resurfaced as one of the most promising areas of

investment and development, although with much potential yet to grow. It has been

mechanized and diversified the products (vines, fruit, cereal, cork, olive, tomato, etc...)

introducing new species like the kiwi. It employs increasingly younger people and is

responsible, although timidly, for establishing youth in the remote abandoned areas.

Fisheries and fishing industry also rise from the ashes after the slaughter of the fleets in the

90s. Both were modernized and adapted to industrial catch. Portugal is the country with the

world's largest maritime territory, most of it still unexplored.

Industrial production has greatly increased since the 90s, particularly in the canning industry

(fish, meat, fruit and vegetables), in the footwear industry, furniture, new technologies (eg

nanotechnology), and, especially, in the tourism industry which is today one of the largest

national employers. Portugal is well known for its touristic, gastronomic, cultural, ethnic and

landscaping view of high quality offer, often appearing amongst the 10 most beautiful

countries in the world. Lisbon was considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world and

is a favorite touristic destination either by boat or by plane.

Negatively there is the decline of the textile and shipbuilding industries.

Trade was one of the activities with a bigger development. The massive construction of large

shopping malls, hypermarkets and "shopping centers", nearly killed the traditional business.

Since its adhesion to the Schengen treaty, Portugal enjoys the free movement of people and

goods within the European Community and countries that are part of the treaty. Many

Portuguese travel outside the country on business or vacations, being the aircraft the most used

means of transportation.

Employability now a day

Since the beginning of the crisis and the recession in 2011, there was an increase in exports,

but also a big increase of unemployment due to weak economic growth and lack of incentives

to new investors. The unemployment rate soared in first quarter of 2013 to 17.7% (against

5.8% in the same period of 2008), consisting mainly of young citizens and women (although

the rate of university education has increased). Taxes increased and the standard of living

dropped which translates the lowering of wages and more difficulties for families, especially

the middle class.

Page 22: Booklet 4

România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία

/Rumänien / Romania / Romanya

Bunicul meu a fost agricultor. Bunicul meu era ghid turistic.

El avea o grădină cu legume.

Bunicul meu a fost constructor. Bunicul meu cultiva cereale.

Bunica mea a fost țesătoare.

Ea făcea costume populare. Bunicul meu a fost silvicultor.

Page 23: Booklet 4

România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία

/Rumänien / Romania / Romanya

Bunicul meu a fost cioban și mergea cu oile la munte. Bunicul meu a fost sondor și scotea petrol din


Bunicul meu are o livadă și cultivă mere. Bunica mea a fost profesoară.

Bunica mea a fost croitoreasă. Bunicul meu a fost arhitect.

Page 24: Booklet 4

România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία

/Rumänien / Romania / Romanya

My granfather was an agriculturer. My grandfather was a tourist guide.

He had a vegetables garden.

My grandfather was a constructor. My grandfather cultivated cereals.

My grandmother was an embroider. She liked to

sew by hand traditional costumes. My grandfather was a forester.

Page 25: Booklet 4

România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία

/Rumänien / Romania / Romanya

My grandfather was a shepherd. My grandfather was a petroleum engineer.

My grandfather has a big orchards and he cultivates My grandmother was a teacher.

lots of kinds of apples.

My grandmother was a tailor. My grandfather was an architect.