Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New

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  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Valuing Bonds:Bond Pricing and Bond

    YieldDr. Himanshu Joshi

    FORE School of Managemen!e" Delhi

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Ma#or $lasses of Financial %sses orSecuriies

    Mone& mar'e

    Bond mar'e

    E(ui& Securiies )ndices

    Deri*ai*e mar'es

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    +he Bond Mar'e

    +reasur& !oes and Bonds

    )n,aion-Proeced +reasur& Bonds

    Federal %genc& De

    )nernaional Bonds

    Munici/al Bonds

    $or/orae Bonds

    Morgages and Morgage-Bac'edSecuriies

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    Ris' in Fi0ed )ncomeSecuriies

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  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Ris' of De Securiies

    )neres Rae Ris': de securiies1"hich /a& 20ed cou/on raes1 su3era /rice decline "hen ineres raes

    go u/ une0/ecedl&1 ecause hesaed cou/on is inade(uae ocom/ensae for he /re*ailing higher

    le*el of ineres raes.Fi0ed)ncomeSecuri&Prices

    Pre*ailing)neres Rae)n he Mar'e

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    Ris' of De Securiies

    4i'e"ise rein*esmen of 20edconracual cou/ons ecomes ris'&"hen mar'e ineres rae decline.

    Re-in*esmen Ris'

    Pre*ailing)neres Rae)n he Mar'e

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    Bond Price

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    Bond Price

    +his ond "as issued near /ar *alue of 566 inhe middle of Januar& 7668. /rice (uoed hereis for he &ear 7669 Januar& o Decemer;.

    Flucuaion in ond /rice ma& e due o:a; %n increase in ineres rae in he mar'e.

    ; %n increase in unanici/aed in,aion rae.

    c; % fall in ris' /remium ha causes in*esors

    o /refer ris'ier securiies han reasur&securiies.

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $redi Ris'

    +reasur& securiies do no carr&credi ris'. Ho"e*er here arecor/orae onds ha carr& signi2can

    amoun of credi ris': ha he issuerma& e unale o ser*ice all or someof he /romised oligaions due o

    2nancial disress1 reorgani

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    4i(uidi& Ris'

    Some de securiies ma& rade inilli(uid mar'es fe" dealers1 "ide id-o3er s/reads1 lo" de/h1 and so on;.

    Emerging mar'e de and some high&ield de fall ino his caegor&.

    4i(uidi&refers o he ease "ih "hich

    a reasonale si

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    4i(uidi& Ris'

    +he seller or he u&er "ill face follo"ing:

    5. High +ransacion coss such as fees andcommissions1

    7. Bid-o3er s/reads=. Mar'e im/ac coss1 "hich refer o he

    /ossiili& ha follo"ing he /lacemenof a u& Sell; order he mar'e ma'ersma& increase Decrease; he /rices a"hich he& are "illing o rade.

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    $onracual Ris'

    De securiies ma& e callale & he issuer a he issuer>so/ion.

    Holders of morgage loans ha*e he righ o /re/a& heir oldmorgages if he& can re2nance hem a a chea/er rae.

    +his im/lies ha /re/a&men should increase "hen

    morgage raes in mar'e dro/.

    +he lender "ill "an o charge a higher ineres rae oaccoun for he fac ha he or she is gi*ing he orro"er a*aluale o/ion o call a"a& he loans "hen ineres rae fallin he mar'e.

    +his is ?call ris'@ in he morgages.

    Hence morgages mus rade a a &ield higher han similarnon callale reasur& de securiies.

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    )n,aion Ris'

    Infation riskis he ris' ha mone& oained in he fuure "ill e"orh less han "hen i is in*esed1 "hich is almos al"a&s hecase.

    +he real ris' is ho" much his ris' "ill e. On he oher hand1 i is/ossile1 in some cases1 o a'e ad*anage of de,aion ha occurs"hen ineres raes rise.

    % good e0am/le is "hen ineres raes are rising1 ne"l& issued20ed-income securiies sar o /a& more1 "hile /rices of hings hagenerall& re(uire orro"ing1 such as real esae1 sar declining.

    +hus1 for insance1 one could u& A "ee' +-ills as a "a& o sa*e fora house or for a do"n /a&men. %s he +-ills e0/ire1 he& can e

    re-in*esed a /rogressi*el& higher raes "hile raes are rising;. )n he meanime1 real esae /rices are falling ecause i is

    ecoming more e0/ensi*e o orro" he mone& o /a& for i. So hemone& earned on he +-ills ecomes e*en more *aluale han heineres rae iself suggess "hen used o /urchase real esae.

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    E*en Ris'

    Some de securiies ma& e sensii*e o e*enssuch as hosile reorgani

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    E*en Ris' Proecion;

    )n*esors ofen re(uire /roecionagains his &/e of ris'& re(uiringa righ from he sellers of onds ha

    allo"s in*esors o sell Pu; heonds ac' o he seller a /ar *alue.

    aga and elch 599=; e0amined

    he ondholder losses for 5 2rmse0/eriencing 4BO "ere nearl& 8"ihin 76 da& "indo" surrounding

    he e*en dae.

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    +a0 Ris'

    )f de securiies "ere originall&issued "ih cerain a0 e0em/ionfeaures and suse(uenl& here

    de*elo/ed an uncerain& regardingheir a0 saus1i could o lead o a/rice loss.

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    Foreign E0change Ris'

    $once/ of Gcarr& rade>

    De/ending u/on he currencies in"hich he in*esor is domiciled1 de

    securiies ma& /ose F ris' as "ell.

    $enral an' of $hina and Ja/an holdsigni2can amoun of I.S go*ernmen

    de as in*esmens1 and conse(uenl&he& are su#ec o he ris' ha hedollar could de/reciae.

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    $ou/on Rae on a Bond..

    r = Real risk ree interest rate +Infation premium+ Deault riskpremium + Liquidity Premium +

    Maturity Premium

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    Bond Pricing

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    Face or /ar *alue

    $ou/on rae

    ero cou/on ond

    $om/ounding and /a&mens

    %ccrued )neres


    Bond $haracerisics

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    Bond )ndenure: )llusraion

    % ond "ih /ar *alue of K5666 andcou/on rae of migh e sold forK5666. he ondholder is hen eniled o a

    /a&men of of K5666 L K6 /er &ear1for he saed life of a ond sa&1 =6 &ears.

    +he K6 /a&men &/icall& comes in "osemiannual insallmens of KA6 each. %

    he end of =6 &ear life of he ond issueralso /a&s he K5666 /ar *alue o heondholder.

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    %ccrued )neres and uoed Bond


    +he ond /rices ha &ou see (uoedin 2nancial /ages are no acuall& he/rices ha in*esors /a& for he


    +his is ecause he (uoed /ricedoes no include he ineres ha

    accrues e"een cou/on /a&mendaes.

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    %ccrued )neres

    %ccrued )neres L %nnual $ou/on Pa&men N Da&s since las cou/on/a&men

    7 Da&s Se/araing cou/on /a&mens

    E0am/le:Su//ose ha he cou/on rae is

    on ond of /ar *alue K5666. =6 da&sha*e een /assed since he las cou/on/a&men. )f he (uoed /rice of he ondis K9961 hen "ha should e he in*oice/riceBonds are (uoed ne of accrued ineres in he 2nancial /ages and hus a//ears as 5666 a he mauri&. )nconras o he onds1 soc's do no rade a ,a /rices "ih ad#usmens for accrued di*idends. hoe*er

    o"ns he soc' "hen i goes e0-di*idend recei*e he enire di*idend on he e0-da&. %nd he soc' /rice re,ec*alue of he u/coming di*idend. +he /rice herefore falls afer he e0-di*idend dae.

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Bond Pricing

    +he /rice of an& 2nancial insrumenis e(ual o he /resen *alue of hee0/eced cash ,o"s from 2nancial


    Deermining he /rice re(uire:

    5. %n esimae of he e0/eced cash


    7. %n esimae of he a//ro/riaere(uired &ield.

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    Bond Pricing

    +he re(uired &ield refers o he &ield for2nancial insrumens "ih com/arale ris'1 oralernai*e or susiue; in*esmens.

    +he 2rs se/ in deermining he /rice of a ondis o deermine is cash ,o"s.

    +he cash ,o"s of a ond ha he issuer can noreire /rior o is saed mauri& dae. a noncallale ond; consis of:

    5. Periodic cou/on /a&mens o he mauri& dae.

    7. +he Par or mauri&; *alue a mauri&.

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    PBL Price of he ond

    $L ineres or cou/on /a&mens

    + L numer of /eriods o mauri&

    & L semi-annual discoun rae or he semi-annual&ield o mauri&

    Bond Pricing

    1 (1 )(1 )


    TB t



    = +


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    Bond Pricing

    You ma& recall ha PV of an annui& "as:

    PV L cQ& 5 5Q5T&;!U

    here 5Q& 5 5Q5T&;!U is called an

    annui& facor. %nd also PV of +erminal Value is:

    Par Value 5Q5Tr;!

    here 5Q5Tr;! is called PV facor. So Price = Coupon !nnuity actor "r#

    $% + Par &alue P& actor "r# $%

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Bond Pricing ond /rice.0ls0

    cou/on1 =6-&ear mauri& ond"ih /ar *alue of K51666 /a&ing 6semiannual cou/ons of KA6 each.

    Su//ose ha ineres rae is annuall& or A /er si0 monhs/eriod. +hen

    Price L KA6 %nnui& facor A16;T K5666 PV facor A16;

    Price L K969.9A T K9C.6 L K 5666

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    +he )n*erse Relaionshi/ Be"een Bond Pricesand Yields

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    Bond Prices a Di3eren )neres Raes $ou/on Bond1 $ou/ons Paid Semiannuall&;

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    +he frame"or' for /ricing a onddiscussed here assumes ha:

    5. +he ne0 cou/on is e0acl& si0monh a"a&.

    7. +he cash ,o"s are 'no"n.

    =. +he a//ro/riae re(uired &ield cane deermined.

    A. One rae is used o discoun all hecash ,o"s.

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    $ou/on Rae1 Re(uired Yield and


    Coupon Rate '(ield

    Price ' Par Discount

    $ou/on Rae L Yield Price L Par Par

    $ou/on Rae W Yield Price W Par Premium

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Relaionshi/ Be"een Bond Price and +ime if)neres Raes are Inchanged

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    Reasons for he change in he BondPrice

    5. +here is a change in he re(uired &ield o"ingo changes in he credi (uali& of he issuer.

    7. +here is a change in he /rice of he ondselling a a /remium or a discoun1 "ihouan& change in he re(uired &ield1 sim/l&ecause he ond is mo*ing o"ards hemauri&.

    =. +here is a change in he re(uired &ield o"ingo a change in he &ield on com/araleonds. i.e.1 change in he re(uired &ield &he mar'e;

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $om/uing he Yield or )RR on an&)n*esmen

    +he &ield on an& in*esmen is heineres rae ha "ill ma'e he/resen *alue of he cash ,o"s from

    he in*esmen e(ual o he /rice orcos; of he in*esmen.

    Mahemaicall&1 he &ield on an&

    in*esmen1 &1 is he ineres raeha sais2es he e(uaion:

    P L $F5Q5T&; T $F7Q5T&;7TXXX..


  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $om/uing Yield

    P L L5! $FQ 5T&;


    $FL $ash ,o" in &ear P L Price of he in*esmen

    !L !umer of &ears

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    $om/uing Yield for a ero $ou/on


    Y L MQPU5Qn-5

    . % 56 &ear

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    Measuring Yields

    $urren Yield

    Yield o Mauri&

    Yield o $all

    Yield o Pu

    Yield o ors

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $urren Yield of a Bond

    $urren &ield relaes he annual cou/on inereso he mar'e /rice.

    $urren Yield L %nnual K $ou/on Pa&menQ Price

    E0am/le: 1 =6 &ear ond currenl& selling aK578.8.

    $urren Yield L K6QK578.8 L 6.678 or.78.

    Y+M L .69. $ou/on Rae ; W $urren Yield .78;WY+M

    .69; )

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Deermining he %//ro/riae

    Re(uired Yield

    e "ill discuss laer ho" one candecom/ose he re(uired &ield for aondQsecuri& ino is com/onen


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    One Discoun rae a//licale o allhe cash ,o"s

    % ond can e *ie"ed as a /ac'ageof

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $urren Yield


  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $urren Yield 4imiaion..

    +he curren &ield calculaion a'es inoaccoun onl& he cou/on ineres and nooher source of reurn ha "ill a3ec an

    in*esors> &ield. !o consideraion is gi*en o he ca/ial

    gainQloss ha he in*esor "ill reali

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o Mauri&

    )n /racice1 an in*esor considering he/urchase of a ond is no (uoed a /romisedrae of reurn.

    )nsead he in*esor mus use Bond Price1Mauri& Dae1 $ou/on Pa&mens1 o infer hereurn o3ered & he ond o*er is life.

    Y+M is ofen iner/reed as a measure of ruea*erage rae of reurn ha "ill e earned if i isough no" and held unil mauri&.

    Bond /rice used in he funcion should e here/ored ,a /rice1 "ihou accrued ineres.

    Yi ld M i

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o Mauri&

    )neres rae ha ma'es he /resen*alue of he ond>s /a&mens e(ualo is /rice

    Sol*e he ond formula for r


    (1 )(1 )






    = +


  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o Mauri&

    5C &ear 8- Semiannual /a& ond"ih /ar *alue of K5666 selling aK89.A7.

    $ou/on L 8 of K5666 L K86 annual

    $ash ,o" 5. K=C semiannual/a&mens for =6 /eriods.

    $ash ,o" 7. K5666 /rinci/al amouno e recei*ed =6 /eriods from no".

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    $urren Yield *s. Y+M..

    5. Yield o mauri& calculaion a'es inoaccoun no onl& he curren cou/onincome u also an& ca/ial gain or loss

    ha he in*esor "ill reali

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Relaionshi/ among he $ou/onrae1 $urren Yield1 and Y+M

    Bond *elling at Relations,ip

    Par $ou/on rae L $urren Yield LY+M

    Discoun $ou/on Rae Z $urren Yield ZY+M

    Premium $ou/on Rae W $urren YieldWY+M

    B d P i d Yi ld

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Prices and Yields re(uired raes ofreurn; ha*e an in*erse relaionshi/

    hen &ields ge *er& high he *alue of

    he ond "ill e *er& lo" hen &ields a//roach

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    +he )n*erse Relaionshi/ Be"een Bond Pricesand Yields

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o $all

    ha if he ond is callale1 and ma& ereired /rior o he mauri& Y+M is noRele*an;.

    +he /rice a "hich a ond ma& e calledac' is referred o as he call /rice.

    For some issues1 he call /rice is he sameregardless of "hen he issue is called.

    For oher callale issues1 here is a callschedule ha s/eci2es a call /rice for eachcall dae.

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    Figure 5A.A Bond Prices: $allale andSraigh De

    E0am/le 5A A Yield o $all

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    E0am/le 5A.A Yield o $all

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o $all E0am/le:

    $onsider an 5-&ear 55 cou/on ond "ih amauri& *alue ofK5666 selling for K 5159. su//ose ha he 2rs calldae is &ears from no" and ha he call /rice isK516CC.

    5;+he Presen Value of he cou/on /a&mens isfound using he annui& formula:

    KCC 5- 5Q5T&;5UQ&

    7; +he Presen Value of he $all /rice is found usinghe PV formula

    K56CC 5Q5T&;5U

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    Yield o Pu

    hen ondholders can force he issuer o u&he issue a a s/eci2ed /rice. %s "ih callaleissue1 /uale issue can ha*e a /u schedule.

    +he schedule s/eci2es "hen he issue can e

    /u and he /rice1 called he /u /rice.

    +he Y+P &ield o /u; is he ineres rae hama'es he /resen *alue of cash ,o"s o heassumed /u dae /lus he /u /rice on ha

    dae e(ual o he ond /rice.

    PV of $ash Flo"s o /u dae T PV of Pu Price LBond Price

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    Yield o ors..

    % Pracice in he indusr& is for anin*esor o calculae he &ield omauri&1 &ield o e*er& /ossile call

    dae1 and he &ield o e*er& /ossile/u dae.

    +he minimum of all of hese is called

    Yield o ors.

    Yi ld S d M f Fl i

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    Yield S/read Measures for Floaing

    Raes Securiies

    +he cou/on rae for a ,oaing rae securi&changes /eriodicall& ased on he cou/on reseformula "hich has is com/onens as hereference rae and he (uoed margin.

    Since he fuure *alue for he reference rae isun'no"n1 i is no /ossile o deermine hecash ,o"s.

    +his means ha Y+M can no e calculaed.

    )nsead here are se*eral con*enionalmeasures used as margin or s/read measurescied & mar'e /arici/ans for ,oaers.

    e /rea easures or oa ngR S ii Di M i

  • 7/24/2019 Bond Pricing and Bond Yield New


    / gRaes Securiies: Discoun Margin


    Se/ 5. deermine he cash ,o"s assuming ha hereference rae does no change o*er he life of he


    Se/7. selec a margin s/read.

    Se/=. discoun he cash ,o"s found in se/ 5 & hecurren *alue of reference rae /lus he margin selecedin se/ 7.

    Se/ A. $om/are he /resen *alue of he cash ,o"s as

    calculaed in se/ = "ih he /rice. )f he /resen *alue is

    no e(ual o he securi&>s /rice1 go ac' o se/ 7 andr& a di3eren margin.

    For a securi& selling a /ar1 he discoun margin is sim/l&

    he s/read o*er he reference rae.


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    E0am/le..,oaing rae &ield.0ls0

    % si0 &ear ,oaing-rae securi&selling for 99.=69 /a&s a rae asedon some reference rae /lus 6 BPS.

    he cou/on rae is rese e*er& si0monhs. %ssume ha curren *alueof he reference rae is 56.

    $ash ,o" L 56.Q7566 L C.A

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