Bloomberg BGov

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Transcript of Bloomberg BGov

  • 8/8/2019 Bloomberg BGov



    Youbegin ycur day scourinc ;i -rrierrr:glyverwhelmingpile of ne.w$ oi,jrcCI$cr:king r-rr"r"ticieselevant o your:positionan d hc issLres oi.i rver'. ou not onfy have o

    ,be nformbd aurself , ut ia\",or: keCp our Memberahead of th e urve, co. \?rLr ii;*il a trusted provider ha t

    ;. , r ' rprovides t inre y infarmaticn, a l l i r" ior"ie place, customized

    for your neerjs .

    Meanwhile \Ir l l l ' ' r ) t r : ) t t ;eCti i l i i insrning ViSit fO m a. , , , , . .


    \"rrv v/\l- " ; - ; *^ "'-

    lob'byist epres{}ritin[j c$mf-iaily n'itfr factory in your

    Member'$ const i lue ncy, , hi : Inh ' i : ly ' i s ts br inging he: : :gsr* 'p*ny 'sew CIO io msct l l r ou and your Member.Yo u need a source to f i i r r i r i for ; ta l iot - r bout the companY,tl-ie actcry, &1il the C[,*.

    , , ,fou ee J rcla tc idnews i ikc t i r l : i i :cai s tor ies on th e

    ; r lx; ::l ], ;:ruI,];-: lJ ';*il **,,sinvolving l ie cor]rparry. 'cu ; l : r ic nt:ed a biography of th eCf O, !ncluding :car{} r}re"ni : , :} i" ; rhipsnd pol i t icalact ivi ty.

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    Next, ou'llbe heading o Committee or a hearingwhere your Member willbe questioning itnesses boutacornp|icatedmatteronthenationa|agenda.Youneedto prepare our Member o ask he most nsightfulquestions n this complex ssue and ensurb ha t yourMember s ready o meet he crush of reporters waiting .outside he hearing oom

    Al l hese events have happened, nd t 's not even noon!It seems atmost mpossible o keep t all straight. Now,

    yo u ca n have a tool that willhelp, ou master evryaspectof your work ife .. Bloomberg Government.

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffituAs a'-Corigressional taffer, ou are nundated ith nformation n a daily basis. Whether,it s news, ata, r the atest eports, he amount f nformation ou must mastercontinueb

    I rlto,:groW hile oirrmeetings, earings, nd other esponsibilities ersist. You robablyreceived dozen nrails n he ime t tookyou o read his paragraph!)


    Fairfield, CT' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'i

    Office,,,,,,,t 35,Ehslon ulnpikei,r, . , , ,., , . , . , . :Fairlietd;.C'T.06028::

    Totsl RgvGnuQ

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    ccntrac-'ts, showtncr ) , .1 ,1 lr e i , - t ip i i r : i6-1i'1 ; ' . ' , , r r r i -nr l t i t pend

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    Bloom[:erg Gc,ici'nittci:i's cci-noanit . : i - .r i : i , , : iiqhli$'ht elevant spending an dq ,i'./(:)rr -n--]i s pe rr n g on you r constituen{*,


  • 8/8/2019 Bloomberg BGov


    r .$i .ri ,'". .** 4q. " ,Sloor$berg @overffirentga cuqlorfliled esgurc$\for rg!9ss"[e.natgwhg3gefo understand herbusine$s mplitation$of S

    s. gw.ernmpnt"oXion"otriy*p"rifuorktiickly,,poisfuely,tnAecfvety;uiihis'bompretr"ndiu",ubscription-beised,:hlinei:rol "S

    '*colle$s eg.t-in-c$ssa!a, rovjde$ igh-endnalysisnd nalyticools, nddelivers eep*reliable,ndunbiasbdepgrting{5om*fteamtf moie hari 2,200 ournEliststd analysts.'lt lsooffers-ews ggregated rom houdbnds fthe op ne-ws qyrcesplobally.

    @ OffirE"J"","ffegit$a6t""th.9n8ila"afu"J*;nnn'!"ailo1"aa"pgrtulaiong.i,vitnoimerongr*ssionblslaffers,"nrlrqr* "*

    6" 4officffils,ri8ustry'veterins, conomists, nd inancial naly3ts, orking o'bover ey ndustry ectors including ealtlr=care,"energy,'

    * dgens@infrdbtructUre,nd ech/telecom)and ioss-cutting'hreas,such slrade, axation, ndJaoor."Ey inkinghe rbportiiig n# h* analryis {gur tqams fr a fullycuslomizable onsol of tools and rqsources, sloomberg overnment elBsConEjiessioial tflffers{rR ftlo h"birobs better.. .r !

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    ,:* Comprehensive ontent rom Btoomberg Government. . . : : i i : : : : ,,,, .,,,ijficludeslt tfrb nformation hat anyone whose daily work: . . : i j :i ri.i::r:i

    is affected b3f,,'Cofi$resSional nd government action need -

    ::ir::::,,'.::i,,'ll in one place: ',,:;'':,,:i'

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    i:i,,, iii:,,,"i,*.sg!$g$gt*v*nd r$$u$,st*rg clver*gmTransparency'into egislative nd regutatory::..'. ' .::::::.

    . .+i,,. ".:'proGsses,includihg elevant ocuments nd racking.. . i . . . . v


    .,iiii ',,1,.Fs$.$*pnf*ffftetlsfi :::,: ":

    "' Proprietary nalysis f Congressional nd government

    *r, ,ir,i; iactions,lncludingtheir mpact on specific ndustries

    "' in you,r tate ahd district. ;::: j

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    i i ;1 : l : : . . .i : : i ' . i .#*wererff i#ff i t I*tm*I$g#R**. ' .

    irr .,rii,Congi6sSional,agency, aRd industry data integrated

    ':.I; ' to provide glEatei insight into'the 'policy andscape,

    .j,,ii .;in,inclH'dingirecJories, ed6nomic data,,, ulvls,

    a. ' govelnrneitt reports, and more.. . : : : i : : : : i .

    ' ' : : :, , , , . , , , . " , i ' .lil

    , i r r rr i ' i i ' r ff i*Wgfff igt t*r t**pending inf##ft?*t*'

    ,,,,.,etails aibout pa,st, prseht and future contract ahdiriii', grant arruard,s n your sta$e and district includipg ,,

    :i:iii,'gtaind competitot'::profi,"t,,,,, :',, i,o.ii

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    * .;:;i'ln-depth,,,coverage f industries in You,, tate an,d'r-district that are in,fluended y legislation, regulation,


    :t+..''ii"'andgoyefnffignt Spendig'1g."':':'- i: i ':,"'- v-,"i,' ' 'i '

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    :'::il Features ikb easy-toruse earch ools, alerts,llitF .,,,,ii.,*'


    ..r'::,lil*Calendafsr,i'Ood tepOf bU'ifding' "''""' ii..,,

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    .pJ ornbe g G-gle nmenit-.q For 4ore nformatioq;qpnloon+b

    @Blqfr.nberg .P. lffihts

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  • 8/8/2019 Bloomberg BGov


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    ;+i+il'ffius,*.'liitilirt.,'lillillfi ' ll:ii:i:liiiii::iliiliiiii:liliiilll. sl:ll',i::i:iiiriiliiii:li:iiiiiii,. ..,riiii:i:i:iii',+$iiiii[til*ii$+$iiliiiiiiil

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    *RllqffiffiWffiruffi&UffiSAs a+busy overnment.sales xecutive, ou are nundated ,ith nformation n a daily basls. n, i, ,Whether t'Iis ews, data, contract opportunities, r the atest eports, he antount l,infolniationyou must master ontinues o grow while ourmeetings, ppointments nd other eiponsibilitiespersist. You robably eceived dozen mails n he ime t took you o read his paragraph!), '

    business evelopment, id an d proposal efforts.Yo u couldcompile detailed nformation n total agency pend, ear-over-year udget changes by program, trategic gencyobjectives, ending egulatory hanges, urrent endors :performingwork at each agency an d priority nitiatives. hi swould set he foundation or a fact-basedi iscussion n theragencies nd opportunities n which your company as hehighest robability f success.This s on top of servicing ou r current lients! t seemsalmost mpossible o keep t all straight. Now, yo u ca n havea tool that will help you master every aspect of your work if e. , . Bloomberg overnment. :

    Youbegin yor-rr ey sCcurinq secrningly verwhelmingpiteofrinforrnationourcss acking or content elevant o'your ompany"'Clients, or "tpeti tcrs,artners, egulations,Contracts, nd apportunit les. 'cu have o be informedyour,self nd keep your coileagucs nd managers ullyinformed, ou need a trusied ource hat pulls ogether l l,theavailable nfcr"r"natianrr dcleliverSt in he way hat youwant t. :Meanwhile, our busirress s ccntinually ooking o expandsates o the ecieral ove nmcnt. 3e ng abte o consolidateall elevant olic1, ,uCEet, cntract nd grant databasesand ayer n adcit iana! ig hvalue nformation nd analyticsto quickly Centify" 'andnalyze ct*ntial ederal overnmentcontract""opportunitiesoLrlC c incr"ediblyseful. t wouldallow ou n fincJhe it trng r"irneontractors o partner i thand o:'identify ppr"cpriate airtr"aci r grant opportunities oexpand CIur lircct ales t fcderal tgencies.

    .."",Witfrbudgeting ssues at lranC, ou are rying o determinethe r ightage cie$ nC oppnrtuiri t ie on which o focus your

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  • 8/8/2019 Bloomberg BGov



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    4 Blodmbe$ Copr,tfignt I a cusfiorffzedre-source r piSfesbionHls ho qeeb dunderstana-ih""Ur"inu"" s +@ ffnplic&iondof wernr4pntEctions o they qn aot ql{icklyaeeisively nd effectively. his compreherfsive, s

    4 su$scription-8hsed#bnlineiniSrmatibn esourcgcollects'best-in-class ata, provides high-end nalysis fid anflytii&%ob%nd btivee+, elQblel'andnbiasedgportingrom eam f nlbrehan ;2a}frurnalibtsfru nffiysts$

    **"r%foreu;]e*tromthousandsoithet"pn.*,rsourcedglobally. '' ' '** ,

    . s* ****s" Ogrde$icated $torial*teanp ombine rd-wkrning editors"nd,rJpoiters..rvith

    formerong?essidhaltafferg &




    , ".tr(ig:lu$ng palth*arepene,rgy, qlense,,nffastructurg.,nd ech/telecorn) nd dross:Cuttin$ redb u8'h sdtradq$ .tutaxation,,,and abo ,'l'iBy'n ing,',,ithrepo t ng and analysis f our eams o a fullycustomizable onsole of:tool$tand'iesourgps,

    $loorqrberg.GoVernrnentelps eople o heir obs better and smarter., di". ,)t"ri . ,

    =,Cornprehbnsiie ontent rom BloombergGovernment' includes. ll he nformAtionnyonewho sells nto he:.': ederal government'and hose dailywork s affected by

    CongressiOhal nd government ction could need all'i'i'in"bne lacer ,,,,,,, '........'


    :::,:,,,,;,,*mw#f,ffi$TE*m$mt**$*W*gt*#Congressional, gencJ nd ndustry ata ntegrated o

    ,irii.',':iproVidereater r"ansparency,into.,theolicy andscape,,=" including irectories, conomic ata,, urveys,


    ::,i:r:::'|11gOVefnITlOt,,,IgpOftS and mofg. :r j i i

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    .*ffi*.*r#rm#$?t p#trEd$ g*mf*rm*t$*xtDetails bout a5t, resent nd uture ontracts nd

    .:iorantsn your industry and detailed competitor profilesincludih$:r:,nut1''t, relevafit oontract'awards andeompany inancial', nformation.

    -**'qp$y $ $*rlt*tmt$'*r*i"rn:i

    Proprietary nalysis Co.ngressio:nal,"budgetnd

    i:::::iji::;,:,:i:*ppropriations ctions and heir mpact'on lour': Ju'5try nd bus,inesC. ':' ':: :il'i.}( '''ri:"' ''' :''

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    r:'ri''':'# $ffidg-EgffrHgTgfiffi$ttg'' ,::::::

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    *ii. i{n-deplh news, egglatory overage, pend analysis

    j: and cOmpany,ilnforffiatio t,:,ndustries hat are' heaVily,,,::L impact"O'Uy ove,Enmentpending nd regulation,

    &" * F"ilJr"gritJ""ry+o-t"""."r8houls, Lrts,r ry' *


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    r'4'* @ 4L "t * Ft u g" ,4 " &"ngoo*nueri cguerffme* *q s

    * For r4orefiformatio4pn Bloor&erg Gov&nmqpt or $o schedulda derhonstiation &i- "iq' "i' S *'

    _ puJ6cqtactrs"tiro.rurzeJrooiltu"rsnutorzofo+W+ga#."b s

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    :Pfease COntaCtfiUS alnfaaGrz(glgloomoer$nel or zuz o'l.F{ro+8. '@. 'F - }$" ,F{ *

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