Bio Fuel Production in Brazil

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  • 8/10/2019 Bio Fuel Production in Brazil







    Supervisor: Mr Joseph Heffernan

    ENGG 09018 Independent Study

    School of Engineering

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    This Individual Study Module Report was prepared by Dhuwaraha Rajathelakan

    (B00172276) a student on the Chemical Engineering course at the University of

    West of Scotland. This report is my work solely and it has not been submitted

    previously for any academic award.

    Signed________________________ Date___________________

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    Table of Contents

    1 STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ...................................................................... 2


    INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 4

    3 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 5

    4 HOW ITS MADE ................................................................................................. 6

    4.1 GROWING THE SUGARCANE IN THE FIELD ............................................. 8


    4.3 MILLING OF THE SUGARCANE ................................................................ 10

    4.4 MIXING AND FILTERING OF THE SUGARCANE ..................................... 10

    4.5 DISTILLATION OF THE SUGARCANE ...................................................... 11

    4.6 STORAGE OF THE END PRODUCT ......................................................... 11


    6 BIO-DIESEL PRODUCTION IN BRAZIL ........................................................... 14

    7 BRAZILS ENERGY MATRIX ............................................................................ 16

    8 WORLD MARKET OF BIO FUELS .................................................................... 17

    9 ETHANOLS LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT............................................ 19


    BIO-DIESELS LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT........................................ 22

    11 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 22

    12 REFERENCE..................................................................................................... 23

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    The purpose of this report is to research about Bio-fuel production in Brazil and

    compare it to bio-fuel production around the world consequently meeting the

    requirements for a module called Independent Study at the University of West of

    Scotland. The aim of this report is to determine whether bio-fuel production in Brazil

    is beneficial to the population. This report consists of many sections each discussing

    a different aspect of the bio-fuel production such as pros and cons, how its made,

    the world market, environmental impact, etc. The research will include a variety of

    references from books, journals, internet and articles.

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    Bio-fuel is fuel that is made from biological materials and bio-fuel production is a

    great way to minimise greenhouse gas emissions. The most commonly used

    material of such would be plants and any waste that living things produce. In the past

    few years there has been a struggle in the search of a renewable energy due to the

    worries of global warming. The sugarcane ethanol industry in Brazil has had a great

    advantage due to this. Crops that are grown by farmers are sold to refineries for the

    production of bio-fuel. Bio-ethanol and bio-diesel are the two major source of bio-

    fuel. Petrol and diesel are fossil fuels which are finite therefore it is very important to

    have more renewable and ecological fuels such as bio-ethanol and bio-diesel. By

    switching to these fuel types the percentage of carbon footprint can be reduced

    because transport is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters. Bio-diesel is made

    from soya beans, oily plants, animal fats, but the most commonly used oil would be

    rapeseed oil. Bio-diesel can be used in any diesel operated vehicles without making

    any alterations to the engine. On the other hand fermentation of sugar cane is used

    in the production of bio-ethanol and other materials such as wheat, corn and other

    sugary plants. However unlike diesel engines petrol engines need to be modified

    unless it is a modern engine because that can take up to 10 percent of ethanol

    without having any alterations being carried out to the engine. United States of

    America and Brazil are the worlds largest producers of ethanol fuel and together

    lead the industrial production. The most maintainable bio-fuel economy is known to

    be in Brazil due to the large amount of lands for agriculture. The sugar cane ethanol

    produced has been a great success for transportation which reduces emissions and

    acts as a model for many other countries which want to switch to bio-fuel for


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    The main ingredient used to make bioethanol in Brazil is sugarcane. The whole

    process roughly takes about 12 hours and contains 6 main stages. These are:

    1. Growing the sugarcane in fields.

    2. Transfer of the sugarcane from the field to the mill and unloading it.

    3. Milling of the sugarcane.

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    4. Mixing and filtering of the sugarcane.

    5. Distillation of the sugarcane.

    6. Storage of the end product.

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    Figure 4. Cultivator

    Figure 2. Cane CutterFigure 1. Joint knots

    Figure 3.Cane Planter


    A two row cane cutter is used to cut a field full of sugar cane. Then the canes are cut

    in to small pieces at the joint knot(the lines on the cane) and at the end of each of

    these joint knots there is an eye which is where the new cane grows out from.

    These cut sugarcanes are loaded in to the mechanical cane planter. Before the

    sugar cane can be planted the soil has to be prepared. A cultivator is first used to cut

    several rows and simultaneously mix compost and fertilizer in to the soil, followed by

    a tiller which loosens the soil and helps water reach the roots of the canes.

    Thereafter the sugarcane plants are dropped in to the cut rows by a mechanical

    cane planter. Labourers then walk by the rows to ensure the sugar canes are in the

    open rows. A three row coverer then uses soil to cover up the cut rows filled with the

    sugarcanes. Finally rollers pack soil on top of new planted cane. These sugarcanes

    will be ready to be harvested in 12 to 24 months. The harvesting periods will range

    depending on the region and its climate.

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    In this century there is not many manual loading that take place because machinery

    can get the job done faster and cost effectively. Self-propelled push pile loaders and

    mobile cranes have replaced labourers resulting in a cut of labour charges. These

    machineries are mostly used in large areas of land by the growers of the sugarcanes

    to get the load on to the vehicles that are going to transport the sugarcanes from the

    fields to the mills. Mobile cranes can load up to 30 tonnes per hour and push pile

    loaders are capable of loading 30 to 40 tonnes per hour.

    Figure 7. Rollers

    Figure 5.Tiller Figure 6. Row

    Figure 8. Self-propelled push pile loader

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    In the milling stage the transported sugarcane are unloaded and are sent to a

    crushing system via conveyor belts. Rollers are then used to squash the juice out of

    the canes and the remaining cane fibre which is a by-product called bagasse is sent

    to be burned in the boilers. The bagasse process produces high pressure steam by

    heating the water. This steam is used for electricity.


    The juice that is collected from the crushing process is then heated and there after

    sulphur, lime and thickener are added to that mixture. The next stage is to remove

    majority of the impurities which is done by pumping the mixture through rotating

    filters. This will help separate most of the impurities. Filter cake is a crumbly residue

    which remains from the separating process is then recycled and used as natural

    fertilisers on the sugarcane fields.

    Figure 9. Shredded Sugarcane being crushed toextract the juice

    Figure 10. By-product Bagasse

    Figure 11. Rotating Filters

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    The separated fluid is then sent through two distillation columns to further remove

    the water from it by heating the mixture. The product produced by this process is

    known as hydrated ethanol which is used as fuel for transport. The by-product that is

    formed is called Vinasse. It is recycled and sprayed as a fertiliser in the sugarcane

    fields. Hydrated ethanol from the second distillation process gets sent to a third

    distillation column to further remove more water. The final product of this process is

    known as anhydrous ethanol. This ethanol is used mainly by adapted cars in Brazil

    called flex fuel. Flex fuel cars can switch between bio ethanol and gasoline.


    The finished product which is bio-ethanol is stored is large tanks. It will then be

    shipped off to the markets to sell as fuel for customers.

    Figure 12. Flex Fuel car models and bio-ethanol pumps

    Figure 13. Pressurised storage tanks for ethanol.

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    The main advantage of bio-fuel production is that less carbon dioxide is emitted and

    greenhouse gases will also be reduced which is a great benefit for the environment.

    The main disadvantage would be that large areas are needed for this production,

    therefore rain forests and natural habitats are destroyed. This also would result in

    monoculture agriculture; meaning only one kind of crop is grown, lacking on variety.

    A large impact on biodiversity will occur. This also means that farmers have to limit

    the use of sugarcane for other processes to meet the ethanol industries demands.

    Because of this the prices of sugarcane products such as feed, sugar and other

    grains will increase. Even though this is a disadvantage, Brazils population would

    much rather prefer to depend on their native farmers rather than manufacturers from

    foreign countries.

    Although bio-fuel sounds like a great idea, firstly the question that needs to be asked

    is that; is it really a greener production? Despite the fact greenhouses gases are

    reduced, bio-fuel releases nitric oxides which are a cause of acid rain. These

    disadvantages should be considered before making a big decision about entirely

    converting to the greener side. It is a great difficulty for a nation to be dependent

    mainly on bio-fuel because it is not guaranteed that the crops will grow on time, due

    to things like soil erosion, droughts, insect damage and many more in which the

    plant will be vulnerable in. On the other hand ethanol does burn cleaner compared

    to gasoline which is a great advantage. The toxins released by cars that use

    gasoline is greater compared to cars that use E85 ethanol. E85 ethanol is a blend of

    85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Gasoline contains lead and benzene which are

    cancer causing agents. In this comparison ethanol can be considered as an

    substitute or even a replacement to gasoline.

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    Even supposing that ethanol does less damage to the environment, it is very

    corrosive. Since ethanol can contain many impurities by simply absorbing water and

    dirt, it can damage the car engine by corroding the inside if the filtering process is


    Majority of the world population are worried about gasoline prices increasing but if

    ethanol is instigated nationwide it would cost more than gasoline but have less

    efficiency compared. Drivers would pay more for fuel them would not get them as far

    as gasoline would. They would also need to travel further to get E85 ethanol

    because only particular gas stations would provide it.

    While this may give an idea that there are more disadvantages than advantages to

    the public, farmers may find it very beneficial. If their crops are linked to the

    transporting and food processing industries it will boost their economic status.

    There is also a disadvantage in this situation. If the land used to grow the crops is

    well-worn, the soil will become washed-out of nutrients such as minerals. This will

    result in a less efficient fuel. The production of the ethanol will cost more than the

    savings from buying imported oil from foreign countries. This plan would not be a

    profitable income to the country.

    It is quite difficult to reach a conclusion on this discussion. Saying so, many countries

    are going ahead with the production of bio-fuel because it appears to be the most

    common and the first alternative fuel that is controlled and executed on a large scale.

    This gives opportunities for bio-fuel industries to advance with the construction of

    new facilities which in result encourages farmers to increase the size of their

    sugarcane farmlands.

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    Brazil is already on the top of the market for the energy matrix. Due to the expansion

    of the worlds economy, energy demands are on the rise. As a result of this worlds

    bio-fuel markets are using raw materials to their advantage and producing bio-diesel

    as an alternative energy source along-side bio-ethanol. Fossil fuels are eventually

    going to run out which means everyone has to turn to bio-fuels one way or another.

    Brazil with its soil and great climate has the potential to produce the biomass needed

    for the making of bio-diesel. This program will benefit the farmers that live in the

    poorer areas.

    In January 2005 bio-diesel was introduced as a new fuel in the energy mix. After 3

    years 2% of bio-diesel (B2) was blended to diesel oil. The percentage increased by

    another 3% (B5) in 2013. Bio-diesel producers are hoping for blend percentage to

    keep increasing until B100 is reached in other words 100% bio-diesel. Based on the

    grower, seller, feedstock and other raw materials used to produce the fuel it is said

    that the tax has been reduced by 2005.

    To manufacture and trade this new fuel, the law in Brazil states that all of the bio-

    diesel producers must have a Social Fuel Stamp certificate issued by the Agrarian

    Development Ministry. This means that feed stock produced from family owned

    farms from the poorer areas must be purchased. The percentage will range from

    area to area. For example in the Midwest and North it would be 10%, in the South

    east regions it would be 30% and the percentage increases as you move on to the

    Northeast areas up to 50%. Bio-fuel producers are also expected to sign agreements

    with agricultural producers in those regions concerning costs, delivery times, and

    schedules and provide technical assistance.

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    Bio-diesel manufacturers who use other products such as palm oil or castor oil which

    are from the North and Northeast get 100% money back on fuel taxes. These oils

    have to be purchased from family farms. If the oils are bought from other farms

    which a situated in the same regions they will only get a 32% reduction on tax.

    Other feedstock, apart from castor oil and palm oil, is grown on family farms the tax

    is reduced to 68%.

    One of the important aspects of this bio-diesel project is to provide employment and

    income opportunities to the poorest regions in Brazil. Another would be that there are

    a variety of feed stocks and raw materials present in Brazil for the production of bio-

    diesel. Examples of these would be; cotton, soybean, sunflower, castor beans, palm

    oil, radish, animal fat, peanuts, etc. Anyone who wants to manufacture and sell bio-

    diesel can produce bio-diesel as long as they are registered under the Brazilian

    Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Regulator and have received authorization from them.

    This was put in to place by the government to help out family farms therefore

    classifying the company as socially friendly.

    Figure 14. Family farms in rural areas of Brazil

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    Figure 16. Energy supply structure (%) in 2012


    In the 1970s Brazil has imported 80% of its oil consumption but now Brazil stands on

    its own two feet and is an energy independent country. This greatly successful

    transition of producing green fuel puts Brazil ahead by more than 20% of the rest of

    the world and makes it the leader of manufacturing renewable energy.

    Brazils largest foundation of renewable energy is the sugarcane.This country is very

    privileged to have such a diversity of raw materials to produce renewable energy.

    Renewable energy has replaced 40% of gasoline making gasoline the alternative

    fuel in Brazil.

    Figure 15. Brazilian energy matrix in 2012

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    Bio-fuels play a huge role in the petroleum industry by being the solutions to

    economic, environmental and energy securities. Bio-fuel production has increased in

    the past 10 years with United States of America and Brazil being popular producers

    of bio-ethanol and Europe being known for its production of bio-diesel. Researchers

    say that bio-ethanol and bio-diesel has a great chance of replacing gasoline.

    It is predicted that the world market of bio-fuels will vastly increase over the next 7 to

    10 years. In 2011 the market was worth $82.7 billion (49.02 billion) which in 2021

    will double to $185.3 billion (109.85 billion). However, there are many negatives

    also present in this industry which could prevent it from meeting government orders.

    Researchers from Biofuel markets and technologies suggestthat there will be a

    stable growth in 2016 which will run into a rapid growth between 2017 and 2021.

    Compared to bio-diesel production bio-ethanol has a high demand in the industry

    and is projected to reach up to $65.7 billion gallons per year (38.95 billion) by 2021.

    Bio-diesels price is clarified at $16.2 billion gallons per year (9.60 billion) but bio-

    ethanol is dominating with an enormous $50 billion gallon per year (29.64 billion).

    A minimum of 38 countries are joining the production of Greener fuel with Brazil

    being the largest market of the world followed by The United States of America and

    he European union. These three markets globally produced 85% in 2010. 48% of

    this production was steered by North America, while Europe was globally

    responsible for 49% of bio-diesel production.

    Because of financing difficulties of producing the feedstock for bio-fuel production the

    rate of which the market growth depends on might drop and not meet the

    requirements by 2021.The estimated rate of $71.8 billion per gallon (42.56 billion)

    might not be reached.

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    Figure 18. Biofuels demand by region, Global Market: 2011-2021

    Rather than questioning the validity of the biofuel technology for the failure to meet

    the future demand, the world fuel market should be examined. This is because

    researchers estimated prices of gasoline and diesel to increase by 2021 by more

    than double. The gasoline market will be worth at $375 billion per gallon (222.30

    billion) and the diesel market will reach up to $427 billion per gallon (253.13 billion).

    The aviation and marine fuel demand will also contribute up to $200 billion gallon per

    year (118.56 billion) to the world market.

    In 2011 the bio-fuel industry gained $29.4 billion per gallon (17.43 billion). Even if

    the current production rates were to be doubled it still would be a tough competition

    with the gasoline market because the biofuel industry will only represent 7% of the

    fuel market.

    Figure 17. Biofuels demand by region, Global Market: 2011-2021

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    Brazil has around 50 laws put in place for environmental impact of ethanol

    production. The main concern of the ethanol production is the discharge of an acidic

    distillation residue called Vinhoto in to rivers and lakes of Brazil. The water pollution

    issue was solved with the use of lime to neutralize the acidic distillation residue and

    recycle it to use it as fertilizers. This fertilizer replaces the use of mineral fertilizers in

    sugarcane plantations. Since the 1970s the use of fertilizers in sugarcane fields has

    been kept at a constant rate.

    The Brazilian Government are doing all they can to control water pollution. To protect

    these water resources the main resourcefulness is to recover river boundaries by

    replantation. Farmers are persuaded by law to replant to preserve water.

    Most sugarcane plantation farmers depend on the rain to feed plants rather than use

    collected water. The government are trying to control the amount of water used in

    ethanol production because the rate of water consumed in this process is very high.

    In 1990s the water consumption rate was 5.6 cubic meters per tonne cane and this

    has been reduced to 1.83 cubic meters per tonne cane in 15 years time. The

    ethanol production industries are aiming to reduce the water consumption to a

    minimum value of 1 cubic meter per tonne cane and decrease the rate of released

    effluent to a value close to zero. This value is aimed to be achieved by the reuse of


    Water is usually free around most areas of Brazil for the production of ethanol. In

    rural areas charging for water is not known amongst the population. This is not yet a

    widespread application.

    Conferring with the water opportunity cost each river basin is forming a committee

    that are in control of creating a pricelist for the water usage of each ethanol plant.

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    The cost of water is not constant. It fluctuates from individual river basins. In some

    states such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro the committees have fixed rates for the

    level of non-treated water consumed.

    It costs R$0.01 per cubic meter for non-treated water collected from major rivers and

    a higher rate between R$0.07 and R$0.1 per kilogram for polluted water that has

    been discharged through the distillation process. It will be cheaper for industries to

    treat the water before discharging it.

    An additional environmental impact would be the use of herbicides on sugarcane

    estates to get rid of pests. This has been reduced due to the new types of sugarcane

    which are more unaffected by pests. Farmers are modifying more sugarcane

    through agriculture research. This will decrease the usage of herbicides on

    sugarcane plantations.

    Pests were controlled through burning sugarcane straws and leaves. This was done

    manually by labourers but now that mechanical harvesting has been introduced, it is

    not clear how the development of pest resistant sugarcanes would be affected. The

    productivity of manual harvesting is higher compared to mechanical harvesting but

    the burning of sugarcanes produces large amounts of smoke that pollutes the

    environment and spreads to nearby cities. Manual harvesting is also a slow and

    difficult process due to the leaves and straws of the sugarcane. The burning of

    sugarcane had to be took action on due to pollution issues.

    Fi ure 19. Considerin Straw from the roduction of 360 million tonnes of su arcane burned for harvestin

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    Manual harvesting eventually was not as popular as mechanical and most industries

    started taking on mechanized harvesting. This was because legislations did not allow

    the burning of sugarcane at estates situated near urban areas.

    Government have suggested all industries to change from manual to mechanical by

    2021 because sugarcane leaf can cut workers which is a health and safety issue.

    Normally to prevent the leaves from cutting the labourers it would be burned but

    because it is not allowed, labourers are forced to use machinery. Farms that are not

    on flat area the fixed deadline to convert from manual to mechanical is not until


    Mechanized harvesting reduces the productivity rate by about 30%, so burning

    sugarcane cannot completely be stopped but by replanting sugarcane every year

    can increase the rate of productivity.

    On the up side, since the 1980 the blend of ethanol in to gasoline has improved in

    quality therefore reducing pollution rates. This will balance out the pollution given off

    during the burning of sugarcane. The blend of ethanol created now completely

    eliminates sulphur oxide and carbon and reduces the percentage of carbon

    monoxide by 20%. This change has helped Brazil save up to $500 million per year

    (296.49 million).

    Fi ure 20. Burnin of su arcane durin harvestin

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    As I mentioned earlier bio-diesel production is still at its earlier stages compared to

    ethanol manufacturing. Government are still researching on the environmental

    impacts of bio-diesel production by examining the oily plants used for this invention.

    The National Agriculture Research Agency of Brazil is executing a research program

    by investigating 24 different oil plant producers. These are 24 plants that are already

    in use for the production of bio-diesel. These will be monitored to state the

    environmental impact of agriculture activities. This project has not succeeded yet

    even though research has been going on for 7 years.


    As mentioned in my report earlier, sugarcane ethanol production in Brazil is taking

    over rapidly. The use of flex-fuel cars are becoming more and more popular in Brazil.

    This suggests that the sugarcane ethanol will be in demand and will also increase in

    price in the next 8 to 10 years. Because ethanol production is becoming so popular

    more industries need to be built. This results in the land area needed for the

    sugarcane plantation to double. To achieve this, 237 million hectares of pastureland

    is being rehabilitated. At the moment there are 2.9 million hectares being used for

    sugarcane ethanol production.

    The main concerns for the expansion of the sugarcane plantation area is that this

    might lead to deforestation. This point has not been proven, so there is no evidence

    indicating ethanol production is detrimental.

    Although the pastureland is being taken over for new industries, farmers make sure

    there is adequate space left for the habitat of cattles. However, due to the

    disturbances caused by the workers (e.g. noise pollution) will ultimately cause the

    cattle to migrate from its natural habitat to the Amazon. This will encourage the

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    farmers to invade the empty pastureland. This process will turn in to a vicious cycle

    leading to more deforestation, which will ultimately result in the natural habitats of the

    Amazon being completely destroyed. This theory is not a major concern at this

    moment in time,

    because the rate at which the land is increasing is to take approximately 10 years for

    any real effect to take place.



    1. Ayhan Demirbas (2009) Biofuels: Securing the planets future energy needsLondon Springer

    2. Wim Soetaert, ed. Erick Vandamme (2009) Biofuels Oxford Wiley

  • 8/10/2019 Bio Fuel Production in Brazil


    3. R. B. Gupta and A. Demirbas, Gasoline, Diesel, and Ethanol Biofuels FromGrasses and Plants(Cambridge, 2010)

    4. Martha J. Groom, Elizabeth M. Gray, Patricia A. Townsend (2008) Biofuelsand Biodiversity: Principles for Creating Better Policies for Biofuel Production

    pages 602-609.














