Biffy clyro - cross media

Biffy Clyro



Transcript of Biffy clyro - cross media

  • 1. Biffy Clyro

2. The Band Biffy Clyro is made up of 3 men; Simon Neil, James Johnston and Ben Johnston. The band originates from Kilmarnock in Scotland. Biffy started in 1995 and has been signed to 3 labels over the 19 year period; Beggars Banquet, 14th Floor and Roadrunner. These are quite unheard labels which shows the bands more independent style of music. Theyve released 6 studio albums, 3 of which reached the top 5 in the UK album charts. Opposites which reached number one. With the release of their fourth album; Puzzle, they reached out to new audiences as they chose more mainstream music as it had a lot more simpler rhythms. They have since headlined Leeds and Reading festival as well as headlining Isle of Wight 2014 which I did go to and I only caught the end of Mountains which was amazing, They are renowned for the great live shows which make them festival favorites and with songs such as Mountains, Many Of Horror and That Golden Rule which are UK smash hits, they are well known. 3. Their Website 4. Analysis of website Same font as on Opposites cover Tab to see bands live show photos Tab to keep the avid fans updated on tours, news and other stuff. Simple and sleek design throughout the website. Clean and fresh fonts to make the site seem professional and so the band are taken seriously. Plus it looks more appealing than a weird, rock style font. The website has a general sleek feel to it which is quite unconventional for the genre as it a bit more pop but it works really well with the Opposites album design and the rock style is still present with the homepage photo of Biffy at T in the Park as well as the design of the bottom half of 5. Album covers 6. Album covers This is from Blackened Sky; the bands first studio album released. As you can see the band was a lot more indie at the time of its release as the cover art is more amateur and looks less artistic as the latest covers do. The quirky cover is because of the bands more unique and indie style at the time. The Opposites album cover is a extremely well designed piece of art that shows the bands progression into mainstream rock and the UK charts. The difference between this one and Blackened Sky is huge as Blackened Sky uses much less graphical effects and this cover is reminiscent of Salvador Dalis melting clocks artwork. 7. Biffy Clyro Biblical 8. Biffy Clyro Biblical The music video for Biblical is about a man who is in a motel room that is awaiting a phone call on his bed. When he receives the call, he gets up and goes out. The video shows the man receiving the phone call and leaving the room twice. However, the first time, he is horrible and seems to not care about anything as he pushes a man into the pool and then kicks over a water cooler. The second time around he is nice and kind as he helps a child out the pool and then gives the employee a huge bundle of cash. However, both times he is attacked by a group of three thugs as he interacts by them and both times he accepts and takes the beating. The video may be talking about how the inevitable will happen no matter how you approach it and the thugs could connote death and both times he approaches life differently and one of the main lines in the song is, Baby if you could, would you go back to the start Which is followed by, take any fresh steps or watch it all fall apart again. 9. Is the style generic? The style of the video in terms of colouring is perfect to the indie rock/alternative rock genre as it is faded and drawn out colours which match the themes and tone of the song as it is about life and the bad decisions made along the way and how when you live you have two choices; to live it happily and be nice or be horrible and focus on the doom and gloom. The pace of the cuts match the pace of songs beat which works well in establishing the tone of the video and song without having to listen to the song. 10. Analysis This is one of the opening shots of the video. This shot establishes the setting the character is in so we see that his life is not luxury and that he is or will be in some kind of trouble as this is the stereotype set upon motels. This shot uses Goodwins visuals to music idea as in the song a phone rings. As it does the video cuts to a shot of the motel rooms phone as it rings away. When the character gets up and leaves the room, he pulls his curtains opens with aggression. He does this in time with the beat. This is again another example of Goodwins idea of visuals to music. 11. Analysis When the character walks through the lobby the first time, there is a strong white light protruding from outside. This could connote the white light that we see before we die as he will soon be attacked outside. When he first gets jumped, the character looks impatient as though he just wants to get the attack or death over and done with and not take the last moments in. The second time that he goes through the lobby, the lighting is a lot more high key and less gloomy. This represents the positive side to this time around and he walks a lot more confident and happy. 12. Analysis As he awaits death the second time he sings the song while having a grin as he walks. This is also accompanied by the lens glare during the shots as it makes his surroundings look more upbeat and positive. When he walks to his death, he slides across the thugs car. This shows how he knows what will happen but he will be cocky and enjoy the moments he will have before the attack. As he is about to get the beating, we cut to a close-up of the character. He is shown in high-key lighting and with a sense of acceptance on his face, this is to show the two sides of story as we see him accepting his fate whereas he was rushing before. 13. Analysis As the song comes to an end, we see 3 shots that connect back to the beginning of the video. This is to show how he cant win by being horrible or even being nice as both times he is caught and beaten so this time he lays down as the phone rings and stays there. He does this so that he is shown to have seen the error of his ways and before the phone rings, he says; Baby if you could would you go back to the start. This line is exactly what the video is about. The restarting of a certain event for the character and how he approaches it. The video also has a clear input from the record label as the lead singer; Simon Neil is the protagonist in the video and they establish him as being cool and the use of close-ups throughout try to make him recognisable. 14. Cross-media Conclusion The video is consistent with the artistic style of the album in a few select ways. However, the dramatic and more indie style of the video doesnt have the sam colouring and style as the website or album cover from the Opposites album. This is because the song is not the head song from the album and isnt one of the biggest songs from the album anyway so it doesnt really need to have the same themes and style as the album and website as that is more for the main songs video. The indie style to the video that I said works with the image Biffy Clyro portray as they were incredibly indie before Puzzle was released. This is so they can seems artistic but also the video is very well shot which gives them a professional look as well.