Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Parenthesis Eternal



Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Parenthesis Eternal The Law (Church Age) Trib . Kingdom State OT NT 7 years 1,000 years Day of the Lord. The Kingdom of God. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Parenthesis Eternal

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Biblical Time Line

Ascension Rapture Return

Parenthesis Eternal

The Law (Church Age) Trib. Kingdom State OT NT 7 years 1,000 years

Day of the Lord

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The Kingdom of God

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords now defeats all of His enemies in time: The Beast, Satan, the lost of all ages, sin,

and death.

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The Kingdom of God

I. The Beast and his army defeated - Rev. 19:17-21 II. Satan Bound – Rev. 20:1-3III. The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6IV. The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10 V. The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

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The Beast and his army defeated - Rev. 19:17-21

The slaughter at Armageddon is emphasized by the repetition of the word “flesh”.

It appears some survive to appear at the judgment of the Sheep and the Goats - Mt. 25:31-46

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The Beast and his army defeated - Rev. 19:17-21

Following the judgment of the Sheep and the Goats, the earth is apparently made ready for the King and His reign.

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The Beast and his army defeated - Rev. 19:17-21

The war the kings intend to fight is “against Him who sat on the horse”, the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 19).

Bad idea.

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The Beast and his army defeated - Rev. 19:17-21

The Beast and the False Prophet are captured, proving who is really God (2 Thess. 2:4).

As a result of their great sin, they are the first humans to go into the Lake of Fire.

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Satan Bound – Rev. 20:1-3

“Thousand years”Repeated five times in six verses.

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Satan Bound – Rev. 20:1-3

For the ten centuries of the Kingdom, Satan is not allowed out of the Abyss and won’t influence the world.

The World and its system is destroyed. Satan is not a factor.

Only the humanity of man is left to play a role.

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Satan Bound – Rev. 20:1-3

At the end of the Kingdom, Satan is released for “a short time” as humanity is faced with one final test.

(Results in vv. 7-10)

The Lie is left with one more examination.

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Satan Bound – Rev. 20:1-3

People without glorified bodies will be born in, die, and sin in the Kingdom.

Isa. 65:20 (vv. 21-25 = bonus material!) ; Zech. 14:16-21; Matt. 5:22

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

Two groups:The first group is saints already glorified and been before

the Judgment (Bema) Seat.Matt. 19:26; 1 Cor. 6:2

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

The second group is composed of saints from the Tribulation.

They were not afraid or ashamed to confess Christ.

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

All saints of the OT, Church Age, and Tribulation enjoy bodily resurrection and entrance into the Kingdom.

John 3:1-16; 6:39-40

Only faithful believers reign with ChristRev. 2:26-28; 3:21; Mt. 25:31, 33; Rom. 8:17-18;

2 Tim. 2:12

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

The “rest of the dead”Those not resurrected by the time the Tribulation martyrs

are resurrected.

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

“First resurrection”Before the next, or last, resurrection; the first of the two

discussed here.

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

“Part” = “possesses a portion in”Can refer to an inheritance received in the first


Conditioned on obedience (v. 4) and clarified by the remainder of v. 6.

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The Saints reign with Christ 1,000 years – Rev. 20:4-6

“Second death…no power” Rev. 2:10-11Can’t touch this!

“They shall be priest…shall reign”King-priest with Jesus!

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

The release of Satan brings déjà vu all over again.

He will deceive the nations of the earth…once again.

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

The leader of this deception is Gog (the leader) and the people or land (Magog), as in Ez. 38.

The location of the peoples mentioned in Ez. 38 include the North, the Northeast, and the Southwest from Israel.

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

Those from whom these nations come will evidently be children of unbelievers who are below the age of accountability who survive the Tribulation and/or

resurrected children in the same category of all ages.

Also in that group would be those with severely mental disabilities.

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

The army which descends on Israel is massive.

Their judgment is swift and decisive.

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

Satan is now finally judged in the Lake of Fire to be eternally tormented with the Beast and False Prophet.

This didn’t have to happen this way for Satan.

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The Rebellion crushed – Rev. 20:7-10

One way to look at evil may involve two aspects: • It is either when two inherently benign things come

into a bad relationship• When we take a good thing too far.

Satan took pride too far.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

Now, instead of confronting the King, those to be judged flee from Him.

There is no escape.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

The throne is “great”, as in the throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is white because every decision

flowing from it is pure and right.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

“The dead”The unsaved of all ages.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

“Books”The works of all the unsaved from all ages.

Every person will face judgment based on what they’ve done.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

The verdict for everyone not in the Book of Life is the same.

Romans 3:20

Notice that they are not evaluated based on their sin.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

“Book of Life”Everyone who has ever been born again by faith in the

promise of God.Dan. 12:1; Lk. 10:20; John 5:24; Phil. 4:3; Heb. 12:23;

Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 21:27

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

The key issue for every human being is: Do you have (eternal) life?

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

The completeness of the resurrection is shown in v. 13 involving the sea…Death and Hades.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

For one to be thrown in the Lake of Fire is described as the Second Death.

The degree of that punishment is determined by God.

If we are born once, we die twice.

If we are born twice, we die once.

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The Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20:11-15

Is it clear the Bible teaches that?

Do you believe that?

Do you care?