Bibi Kaulan Ji Public School

Branch-1, Tarn Taran Road, Amritsar Bibi Kaulan Ji Public School

Transcript of Bibi Kaulan Ji Public School

Bibi Kaulan Ji Public School
sMdyS kiljug mih iek nwim auDwr ] Bwv:- DMn sIR gurU Arjn dyv jI Purmwn krdy hn ik klXug AMdr kyvl nwm dy rwhI hI jIv dw kilAwx huMdw hY[ Ajoky smy iv~c mnu~K gurbwxI nUM suxdw qW hY lyikn mMnx dI jdo g~l AwauNdI hY qW siqgurU jI dI id~qI sum~q qo dUr rihMdw njr AwauNdw hY [
ies dw kwrn pu~Co qW kihMdw hY [myry pws smW nhI dws ie~Qy b~s ieMnw hI khygw ik duinAwvI kMm hovy qW AsI J`t p~t Awpxy jIvn dI smW swrxI nUM bdl ky kMm krn vwsqy iqAwr ho jWdy hW pr BgqI vwsqy iehI jvwb huMdw hY ik swfy pws smW nhI so Awa gurU swihb dy crnW c Ardws krIey ik bIbI kOlW jI pbilk skUl dI pVweI dy nwl nwl BgqI nUM vI AihmIAq dyeIey ijs BgqI ny swfw lok qy prlok svwrnw hY ijs kMm dy kIiqAW swfw jIvn iek AdrS jIvn bx skdw hY aunW kMmW nUM dyeIey pihl ijs dy kIiqAW AsIN kyvl fwktr, ieMjInIAr, poRPYsr hI nhI blik swfy jIvn dI AYsI GwVq GVI jwvy ik AsIN guris~K ieMjInIAr , guris~K pRoPYsr jW iksy vI v~fy Ah~udy qy phuMc ky Awpxy ikrdwr nUM aucw qy su~cw r~K ky iemwndwrI nwl ivcrIey [ guru swihb jI swnUM srb~q dw Blw krn dI dwq bKSx Aqy hr iksy qy dieAw krky praupkwrI jIvn bqIq krn dI dwq bKSx [
Bhai Sahib Guriqbal Singh Ji ( Chairman)
S.Antarpreet Singh
Member Trust
S. Bhupinder singh Garcha
A time of crisis is a time for crystallization of
The best of leaders are born in the worst of
times for leadership does not present itself to a
person on a platter. Coronavirus, the pandemic
has brought about cataclysmic changes the
world over and people who have been able to
adjust their perspective, conceive and perceive
challenges, have come out winners.One
multitude of a winner in India is the teaching
fraternity. They were able to most quickly adapt
to the changed academic habitat in the wake of
covid-19 and keep the ship of Indian education
on the even kneel.
anybody else because they are eternally
engaged in the process of nation building-
process that went on uninterrupted even when
the virus was raging wild.
Civilizing the world is no more only white man’s
burden. We may not be as white but we are
equally committed to the cause of educating the
world. What is unique about our teachers is the
fact that they may have armed themselves with
the finest weapons from the arsenal of
technology, yet they have not lost the human
touch and it is for this and only this reason that
only the west but the entire world looks upto
India for direction and solace.
I salute the Indian teacher.
MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S DESK “I can’t change the direction of the
wind,but I can adjust my sails to
always reach my destination..”
Jimmy Dean
Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue the academic
excellence but also to motivate and empower the students to be
lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an
ever- evolving global society.. The school strives to provide good
quality modern education including a strong component of
cultural values, environment awareness and physical education to
talented children irrespective of their family’s socio-economic
The reflection of the students’ and teachers creativity is the
epitome of the magazine. I am sure that the positive attitude, hard
work, sustained efforts and innovative ideas exhibited by our
young children will surely stir the mind of the readers and take
them to the fantastic world of unalloyed joy and pleasure.
In reaction to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, the school was closed to normal activity on March,
2020, and successfully moved to a Distance Learning model by March 27th, 2020. This monumental
task was accomplished due to the dedication and the great skill of our Staff, Students, and Parents. Our
priorities for reopening school will be based on government guidelines for protecting the health, safety
and well-being of our community.
These changes will require difficult but necessary adjustments in personal behavior and responsibility of
all stakeholders. It will help us maintain a safe learning and working environment for all students and
Towards the end, I thank the supportive management , teaching and non- teaching staff , parents of
our students for being with us like strong pillar.
Ms. Jasleen kaur (Principal)
‘CO’ stands for corona
‘VI’ stands for virus
‘D’ stands for disease
Ms. Ramandeep Kaur
I am Daughter of a Kaur. Bold, Brash and Beautiful. I am a woman, born From a powerful one. The one who lived for the family she was born in and the one she was married in. I am the daughter of a Kaur. A warrior, A Fighter, A Soldier. I Live for the right, Of the society and world. I am the Daughter. A Pamper and a Queen. I am the irony, the ultimate paradox. After all, I am a Kaur.
“Knowledge will give you the power, but character will give you respect.”
Ms. Narinder Kaur
There is a beautiful greeting in the Sikh Tradition “ SAT SRI AKAL”.
It is one of the best greetings in the world.
Sat means Truth,
Sri means Wealth,
Akal means Eternal,
i.e. Truth is the real wealth, which is really eternal.
Ms.Ramanjit Kaur
“he who has no faith in himself can never have faith in god.”
You may forget anything but not your parents. Do not be ungrateful to them and do not hurt their feelings.
Foregoing all their comforts they have provided you with sumptuous food, comforts and joy.
They have given you the nector of life. Don’t give them poison in return. Do not be hard hearted and unkind to them.
You may purchase the pick of world with the power and strength of your wealth, but remember that no amount of wealth can buy the blessings of a loving parent.
Never, Ever forget your Parents
Ms.Tejinder Kaur
reason why you are ANd who You are”
• Word Science is derived from Latin word “Scientia “meaning knowledge.
• Some human brains are bigger than other and the biggest human brain weighed 2.3 kg.
• Sound travels 4 times faster in water than in air.
• Surprisingly enough little mosquito has 47 teeth.
• Only humans have ability to sleep on their backs. Not all animals on our planet have brains, for instance starfish do not have brain.
• Scientists estimate that the largest dinosaurs may have weighed 80,000 to 100,000 kilogram.
• ‘Shaking hands’ In terms of germs be aware that more germs are transferred while shaking hands.
Amazing Facts of Science
Ms. Kirandeep Kaur
Colourism in INDIA Discrimination based on skin color was most visible in British India ,where skin color served as a signal of high status for the foreign British who actively promoted the idea .Thus, those individuals with a lighter skin color enjoyed more privileges. They gained preference in education and employment. Dark skinned individuals were socially and economically disadvantaged. •STEROTYPES: Children are complimented by relatives and friends for being the ‘fairer one’ ; in teenage and this bias keeps growing with age . •Hindustan pencils ,the manufactures of the popular Nataraj pencils have started a coloroma crayon series which has a peach colored crayon labeled as ‘skin’. •Although this ‘skin’ color is not the most prevalent skin colors of Indians . •In a country with as many skin tones as India ,labeling one particular shade as ‘skin’ color. This shade is being used to represent skin in all human unknowingly deepens the color bias at a very tender age .
Ms. Mankiran Kaur
“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
Success in the progressive realization of a worthy goal •“Progressive” means that success is a journey, not a destination, we never arrive after we reach one goal, we go on next and then next. •“Realization” means it is an experience, outside forces cannot make one feel successful. We have to feel it within ourselves . It is internal, not external. •“Worthy” refers to our value system. Which way are we heading? Positive or negative? Worthiness determines the quality of the journey .That is what gives meaning and fulfillment. Success without fulfillment is empty. •“Goals” are important because they give us a sense of direction . •Success and happiness go hand in hand. Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get !
Ms. Charanjit Kaur
“It is not enough to be compassionate you must act.”
“myhnq eqnI KwmoSI sy kro ik kwmXwbI Sor mcw dy”[
bytI jb - jb jñm lyqI Hy bytI, KuiSXW swQ lwqI hY bytI [
eé¤vr kI swYygwq hY bytI , subh kI phlI ikrx hY bytI ,
qwrwyN kI SIql CwXw hY bytI [ AwNgn kI iciVXw hY bytI [
œXwg AwYr smpxé isKwqI hY bytI , nXy nXy ir¤qy bnwqI hY bytI [
ijs Gr jwE , ajwlw lwqI hY bytI, bwr - bwr Xwd AwqI hY bytI [
bytI kI kImq ansy pUCwy, ijnky pws nhI hY bytI [
Ms.Sarika (Co-ordinator)
“ bytI vo KUbsUrq PUl hY, jo hr bwg myN nhI hoqI hYN”[
“ p®sñnqw qwy cñdn hY, dUUsry ky mwQy pr lgwAo qo AwpkI aMgilXw mhk aTygI ”
Harleen Kaur 4th B

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“Xid iksI sy kuC cwhqy ho qo phly dynw sIKo”
Anmol vcn
Ms. Sangeeta
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is~K Drm nwl sMbMDq iqauhwr ijQo q~k iqauhwr dw svwl hY , is~K Drm ivc Awm diunAwvI mwAinAW ivc iqauhwr nhI huMdy [ ieh ieiqhwsk mh~qqw vwly idn , iqauhwr dy rUp ivc ivrsy nwl juVn dw v~fmu~lw mOkw huMdy hn[ ieh hyT ilKy Anuswr hn : a) gurU swihbwn dy pRkwS auqsv A) gurU swihbwn dy gurg~dI idvs e) gurU swihbwn dy joqI joiq smwaux qy ShIdI idvs s) Kwlsy dw sQwpnw idvs “ vYswKI “ h) guris~Kw dy ieiqhwsk idhwVy k) is~K ShIdw dy ShIdI idvs , ijvyN ShId BweI qwrU isMG idvs „ Awid[ gurpurb qy ieiqhwsk idn , aucyy dIvwn sjw ky mnwey jWdy hn[ gurbwxI kIrqn , kQw lYkcr huMdy hn [ FwfI isMG is~K ieiqhws qy vwrW suxw ky sMgqW AMdr bIr rs Brdy hn[ ienHW smwgmW smyN gurU kw lMgr iqAwr kIqw jWdw hY jo sB mnu~K mwqr ibnW iksy ivqkry dy Ckdy hn [ swry sMswr ivc hr Drm dy SrDwlU , gurpurbW smyN lMgr qy CbIl Awidk ivc Swml ho ky sMqSt huMdy hn [ hr pRwxI dw Prz hY ik auh ienHW iqauhwrW ivc v~D cVH ky ih~sw lvy qy gurU swihbwn dI is~iKAw suuxy qy AmlI jIvn ivc Dwrn kry [ Ms. Sandeep kaur
“Awm bMdw smW pws krdw hY pr gurmuK smW nwm jp-jp ky sPl krdw hY[ ”
2. ,
4. 5.
“ is~iKAw qoN nw kro ienkwr, nhIN qW jIv ny bykwr”
Ms. Hardeep kaur






“jy pUrw krnw ^vwbW nUM , qW r~iKE nwl ikqwbW nMU”M
Ms. Simranpreet kaur
Aml kro • iek glqI roz kro pr auhI glqI dobwrw nw
kro[ • mn sPYd kpVy dI qrHW hY ies qy ijho ijhw
rMg cVwaugy , auh ijhw hI cVH jweygw [ • koRD Awey qW cu~p Dwr lvo, musIbq tl jweygI
[ • kdy vI Awpxy Awp nUM isAwxy nw smJo , sgo
hor isAwxy bxn dI koiSs kro[ • hmySw pRmwqmw qy mOq nUM Xwd r~Ko[ • Awqm ivSvws vrgw koeI dUsrw im~qr nhI[ • Awpxy Gr ivc roSnI krn leI dUjy dw icrwg
corI krnw pwp hY [ • sbr kwmXwbI dw sB qoN v~fw Byd hY , ijnHW
kol sbr nhI auh grIb hn[ • ipAwr dw ArQ hY iksy qy Awpxy qoN v~D
ivSvws krnw [ • jo Drm dy rwh „ qy cldy hn auh jIvn dy rwh
qoN nhI Btkdy [
Damanjit kaur (I-E)
“ijsdy puMn Kqm ho jwx, auh siqsMgq kry, puMn bxny SurU ho jWdy hn”[
“ Awau dysI mhIny Xwd krIey ” cyq mhIn cVdw hY , kxkI sonw mVHdw hY ivswK ivswKI nwhMudy hW, dwxy Gr iv~c ilAwaudy hW jyT mhInw lUAW dw, pwxI su~kdw KUhW dw hwV mhInw qpdw hY , swnUM AMdry r~Kdw hY swvx bd~l vs~dy ny, AMbjmoey rsdy ny BwdoN Du~pW kihr dIAW, JVIAW keI -keI pihr dIAW A~sU mwh inrwlw hY, nw grmI hY nw pwlw hY k~qk v~fy cwnxIAW, rwqW nUM bih mwnxIAW m~Gr nUM gl lwauNdy hW, kot svYtr pwauNdy hW poh iv~c pwlw KysI dw, DUxIAw lw- lw sykI dw, mwG njwry Du~pW dy , p~qy JVdy ru~KW dy P~gx Pu~l iKVwauNdw hY , sB dy mn nUM BwauNdw hY [ Ms.Tejinder kaur
“auh au~cIAW pVHweIAW iksy kMm dIAW nhIN ijhVIAW v~ifAwN dIAW duAwvW lYxIAW Bu~l jwx”[
“The bad news –Nothing lasts forever The good news - Nothing
lasts forever.”
“A little progress each day adds up to big result”
“nwnk hukmI Awvhu jwhu”
eyk Aws rwKhu mn mwih[[
srb rog nwnk imit jwih[[
jau iqau pRym Kylx kw cwau[[ isr Dir qlI glI myrI Awau[[
“Every Election is determined by the people who show up.”
“Believe you can and
you will.”
Diwali Celebration
“Dark is not the opposite of light, It is just the absence of light”.
Environment day celebration
“ “Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future.”
“Moms are like buttons- they hold everything together”
“Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”
Art speaks where words are unable to explain.