Basics of ups seminar presentation

Seminar by: S.Murali krishnan 5050910061-B Tech EEE, SRM University, Chennai



Transcript of Basics of ups seminar presentation

  • 1. Seminar by:S.Murali krishnan5050910061-B Tech EEE,SRM University,Chennai

2. What is UPS?UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply is astandby electrical Power source connectedbetween the Power Utility and the load. 3. Modern Electronic gadgets and computersystems are highly sensitive to the powerfluctuations Disruption of power may lead to Data loss/corruption/ malfunction etc. Standby Power Sources - Generators Starting the generator takes a few minutes.UPS is mainly used as a Power Backup forthe above few minutes 4. UPS maintains power instantaneously byswitching to battery in the event of a power failureor a dip (brown out) Used to condition the power supply by reducingspikes and harmonics. Designed to correct a variety of power problems -- Sags Transient Under voltage- Surge Short duration high voltage- Brownouts Low voltage for long time- Spikes Brief but high energy bursts- Line noise, frequency variation, switchingtransient and Harmonic distortion 5. Three types of UPS1. Offline UPS2. Line interactive UPS3. Online UPS 5 6. 1. Offline UPS 6 7. 2. Line Interactive UPS7 8. 3. Online UPS8 9. Online UPSMain components of UPS: - Rectifier / Battery Charger - Battery - InverterMain features for a Good UPS: - Shortest changeover time < 4mS - Sufficient battery backup time - Quality output supply9 10. Online UPS 10 11. Online UPS - Operation 11 12. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 12 13. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 13 14. Online UPS - Input 14 15. Online UPS - Input 15 16. Online UPS - Input 16 17. Online UPS - Input 17 18. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 18 19. Online UPS -Rectifier19 20. Online UPS -Rectifier20 21. Online UPS -Rectifier21 22. Online UPS -Rectifier22 23. Online UPS -Rectifier23 24. Online UPS -Rectifier24 25. Online UPS -RectifierSwitching speeds and power ratings SCR Vs IGBT108Thyristor Power (VA)IGCT106Thyristor IGCT IGBT104102 MOSFET101 102 103 104 IGBT MOSFETSwitching Frequency (Hz) 25 26. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 26 27. Online UPS DC System 27 28. Online UPS DC System 28 29. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 29 30. Online UPS Inverter30 31. Online UPS Inverter31 32. Online UPS Inverter32 33. Online UPS Inverter33 34. Online UPS Inverter34 35. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 35 36. Online UPS Output36 37. Online UPS Output37 38. Online UPSElements of UPS: - Input - Rectifier / Battery Charger - DC System - Inverter - Output - Static Bypass 38 39. Online UPS Static Bypass 39 40. Online UPS Static Bypass 40 41. Online UPS Other points Design Factors Typical Circuit Typical PCB Faults Dos Donts41 42. Online UPS Design Factors42 43. Online UPS Typical Circuit 43 44. Online UPS Typical PCB 44 45. Online UPS FaultsOverload TripBattery Low tripOutput OV/ UVOver Temperature 45 46. Online UPS Dos46 47. Online UPS Donts47 48. 48