BARROW UPON TRENT PARISH · PDF filehouses heated only ... ories including: seeing a Zep-pelin...

over the ice on foot, and the total im- mersion baptism of several people by a white robed priest in the River Trent at Swarkestone Bridge. Susie remembers life being both dif- ferent and more dif- ficult in her youth: no electricity or hot water; harder winters with colder houses heated only by coal fires and once a week bathwater being carried in buckets from the stove to a tin bath. There was much less traffic than today and there were no driving tests. When Susie learned to drive in her father’s old Morris, you asked someone to take you out for a run in the car and learnt as you went along! Driv- ing in a fog, in the bitter cold and in the war blackout was a real challenge. Today, Susie still drives but now houses are warmer, food is very different (not necessarily better) and life is much more comfortable. We wish Susie a very “Happy Birthday” and Many Happy Returns! Living in Barrow is GOOD; last month Archie and Joan Oakden’s Platinum wedding anniversary; this month, Susie Dixon’s 00th birthday! The people of Swarkestone Road are obviously a hardy bunch! Susie was born Susie Kitch- ing on 9th March 92 into a farming family in Mackworth village. At the age of twelve she and her family moved to Swarkestone to take over the farm and pub that is now the Crewe and Harpur. Susie started school at Mackworth, moved to Parkfield Cedars School in Derby and at age 6 she left to help her family on the 90 acre farm and to assist in the pub. Typical of most 920s farms there was a mixture of arable, meadows and animals. All the vegetables were home grown, and cows, pigs and poultry were all raised there. A pig was killed each Christmas to feed the family and Susie remem- bers the challenges of driving the cows over the bridge at Swarkestone and into the Crewe and Harpur farmyard. Married in 937, Susie had four children, and in 964 three of them followed her to live on Swarkestone Rd where she has lived ever since. Susie has some special mem- ories including: seeing a Zep- pelin flying over and bombing Derby during the First World war; helping half the popu- lation of Swarkestone take refuge in the cellars of the Crewe and Harpur during the many bombing raids of the Second World war; the Trent being frozen over in the late 920s with Bill Foster being egged on (by Susie?) to cross BARROW UPON TRENT PARISH NEWS MARCH 2012 Spring Flowers USEFUL NUMBERS PC DEBORAH CROXALL SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICER 0345 123 3333 OR 07711 734432 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AWAITING NEW COORDINATOR ANNE BENNETT VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS 01332 701383 NEMA NOISE COMPLAINTS 0845 108 8540 SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD WARDEN 01283 595943 CLEAN TEAM (FLY-TIPPING) 0800 587 2349 (24 HOURS) MANY HAPPY RETURNS, SUSIE!!

Transcript of BARROW UPON TRENT PARISH · PDF filehouses heated only ... ories including: seeing a Zep-pelin...

over the ice on foot, and the total im-mersion baptism of several people by a white robed priest in the River Trent at Swarkestone Bridge.

Susie remembers life being both dif-ferent and more dif-ficult in her youth: no electricity or hot water; harder winters with colder houses heated only by coal fires and once a week bathwater being carried in buckets from the stove to a tin bath. There was much less traffic than today and there were no driving tests. When Susie learned to drive in her father’s old Morris, you asked someone to take you out for a run in the car and learnt as you went along! Driv-ing in a fog, in the bitter cold and in the war blackout was a real challenge. Today, Susie still drives but now houses are warmer, food is very different (not necessarily better) and life is much more comfortable.

We wish Susie a very “Happy Birthday” and Many Happy Returns!

Living in Barrow is GOOD; last month Archie and Joan Oakden’s Platinum wedding anniversary; this month, Susie Dixon’s �00th birthday! The people of Swarkestone Road are obviously a hardy bunch!

Susie was born Susie Kitch-ing on �9th March �9�2 into a farming family in Mackworth village. At the age of twelve she and her family moved to Swarkestone to take over the farm and pub that is now

the Crewe and Harpur. Susie started school at Mackworth, moved to Parkfield Cedars School in Derby and at age �6 she left to help her family on the 90 acre farm and to assist in the pub.

Typical of most �920s farms there was a mixture of arable, meadows and animals. All the vegetables were home grown, and cows, pigs and poultry were all raised there. A pig was killed each Christmas to feed the family and Susie remem-bers the challenges of driving the cows over the bridge at Swarkestone and into the Crewe and Harpur farmyard.

Married in �937, Susie had four children, and in �964 three of them followed her to live on Swarkestone Rd where she has lived ever since.

Susie has some special mem-ories including: seeing a Zep-pelin flying over and bombing Derby during the First World war; helping half the popu-lation of Swarkestone take refuge in the cellars of the Crewe and Harpur during the many bombing raids of the Second World war; the Trent being frozen over in the late �920s with Bill Foster being egged on (by Susie?) to cross


Spring Flowers

USEFUL NUMBERSPC deborah CroxallSafer Neighbourhood offiCer0345 123 3333 or 07711 734432

Neighbourhood watChawaitiNg New CoordiNator

aNNe beNNettVillage hall bookiNgS01332 701383

NeMa NoiSe CoMPlaiNtS0845 108 8540

Safer Neighbourhood wardeN01283 595943

CleaN teaM (fly-tiPPiNg)0800 587 2349 (24 hourS)



The Clerk requested a speed check takes place on the A 5132 and the police have informed the Clerk that this will be happening in very near future.The Parish Plan steering committee reported to the meeting that sadly the con-tainer down at the commu-nity park had been subject to some vandalism. They are in the process of ob-taining a new lock to make the container secure again and the Police have been informed.Plans for the Queen’s Ju-bilee Celebrations are well under way with bunting production in full swing.Two grant applications have been submitted one for the Play equipment in the community park to the Lafarge Aggregates and Concrete UK Lim-ited Landfill Communities Fund and the other to help fund a defibrillator for the Parish to Derbyshire County Councils Community Action Fund; fingers are crossed that the Parish will be successful so watch this space.

PC Jane Newman is the New Police Officer for our area and she was welcomed to the meeting.PC Newman reported that crime overall was low in the area. She confirmed that the speed watch will take place very soon on the A5�32. The Parish Council asked PC Newman if she would keep an eye on Green Lane in the evenings when patrolling in the area, she said she would inform her colleagues and add it to the patrol route. She asked that if Parishioners do notice anything unusual could they phone 101 and told the meeting it is really important for people to report incidents as the Po-lice can’t do anything about things they don’t know about.

County Councillor John Harrison reported that: - He had attended the start of the safe walk but no decision had been made yet, he will keep us informed of any news. There had been a full County Council meeting last week and it had been agreed to accept the rate support grant offered by the government of £7million - this will help subsidise the shortfall created by freezing Council Tax for 20�2-20�3.

The Next Parish Council Meeting will be on TUESDAy 6th March 20�2 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall. With planning applications available to view from 6.45pm.


aNNe heathCote - Chair01332 703915keith Slater - ViCe Chair01332 703764keN atkiN 01332 700643CatheriNe blaCkMore07793 057731grahaM draPerClare ViNtNer


aliSoN hiCkliN01332 700142 / 07825 [email protected]

the Clerk is happy to accept phone calls between the hours of 9.00a.m. – 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. Mondays – to thursdays.

outside these hours, text mes-sages or emails can be sent and these will be responded to as soon as possible.

PARISH COUNCIL REPORTReport for the Parish Council Meeting held on Tues-day 7th February 2012.

District Councillor Anne Watson was welcomed to the meeting and started her report by reporting that at the District Council Finance and Management meeting last week it was decided that there would be no rise in Council Tax. The shortfall in money will partly be cov-ered by 2 ½% contributions from the Government.South Derbyshire District Council will have to take on a loan in order to purchase their Council House stock, but the upside to this is they will now be able to keep all the rents collected.A weight restriction advisory sign is being placed on the A50 junction 3, in relation to the Swarkestone Causeway.

The Chairman reported that:-

It had been reported that somebody has been regularly driving along the pavement and verge on Swarkestone Road, the concern is that, not only could this be illegal but, also that it is damaging all the daffodil bulbs planted there. The Travellers have now left the area by the canal, but there is quite a lot of rubbish to be cleared.The road gullies have been cut along Green Lane oppo-site the Church and these pose a significant safety haz-ard to people parking there; the Clerk will contact the Highways department to see if they could fill them in as they are not effective in clearing the road water. It has been brought to the Parish Councils attention that on a number of occasions cars have been going down Green Lane late at night and parking there for a couple of hours, this will be reported to the Police for them to keep an eye on the situation. Anybody who sees any-thing suspicious should call the Police on 101 or in the case of an emergency use 999The Chellaston Academy Safe Walk took place on Monday 6th February and the outcome report should be available in the next couple of weeks.

The Clerk attended the Safer Neighbourhood meet-ing on Tuesday 3�st January 20�2 in Aston on Trent and reported that:-Theft of heating oil from the gardens of private homes is a big problem at the moment, the Police told people to please be vigilant and put a lock on any heating oil stored.Priority status for the Anti-Social Behaviour has been removed from Aston on Trent and moved to Melbourne as trouble is bubbling under the surface. It is hoped to interact with the youths before any problems occur.Swarkestone Bridge Causeway has been given issue status by the police due to the number of overweight vehicles using it; there will be patrols and spot checks on the causeway to try and reduce the number of over-weight vehicles using this route.


“And it was good” - A Lent course for 20�2 from the Anglican Communion worldwide, focusing on the theme of Creation and our place in it. Wednesday mornings in Lent at �0.30 am.

29th February - The Hope of Something New (in the Heritage Centre, Aston on Trent)7th March - Our Place in the Created Order (in the Hayward Room, Shardlow)14th March - Jesus: the Centre and Heart of All Creation. (in the Heritage Centre, Aston on Trent)21st March - Creation blesses the Lord. (in the Hayward Room, Shardlow)28th March - Creation Groans in Painful Hope. (in the Heritage Centre, Aston on Trent)

This is an opportunity for the whole Benefice to meet together, not just Aston or Shardlow people, so please make an effort to join us during the five weeks of Lent.

“Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.”Here we go beyond science and are starting to attempt an answer to the question: Why the Universe? What is the point of Creation? The answer seems to be: “God-consciousness” God brought into being life which would be conscious of God and able to respond in love, adoration and wonder.

“And God saw all that he had made and it was good.” This is the theme for our Benefice Lent Course this year. Why not join us on Wednesday mornings to con-tinue exploring this wonderful story?

Church Services for March

Sunday 4th March – Lent 2


9.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Celebrant: Paul Hygate


10.30 a.m. Holy Communion

Celebrant: Ian Winterbottom

Sunday 11th March – Lent 3


10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer

Led by: Bruce Ward


3.00 p.m. Evensong

Led by: Tony Luke

Wednesday 14th March


9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 18th March – Mothering Sunday

Barrow Twyford

5.00 p.m. Worship for All

Led by: Tony Luke

and the Barrow Team.

10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer

Led by: Sylvia Fox

Sunday 25th March – The Annunciation

Barrow Twyford

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion

Celebrant: Paul Hygate

3.00 p.m. Holy Communion

Celebrant: Tony Luke

(followed by the Annual Meeting)


Scientists tell us that the Universe had a begin-ning and will have an end, which, interestingly is what the Bible has been telling us for about three thousand years! They know this because all the evidence points towards a Universe which is ex-panding outwards. They describe the beginning as the “Big Bang”, which sounds rather like an explosion, but was rather a rapid expansion from an incredibly dense point, which resulted in the creation of sub-atomic particles, which would in turn create matter, the building-blocks of the cosmos. At least, that’s how I understand it as a scientific layman! Scientists calculate that the Big Bang happened around �3.75 billion years ago. Although they are quite certain that the life-cycle of the Universe must have an end, there are a number of different theories as to what will happen. Nevertheless, let your mind just take this on board: the Universe had a begin-ning and will have an end. Therefore the Universe is finite and not infinite. Therefore, who or what is beyond, before and after the Universe? Far from driving us in the direction of atheism, science can fill us with awe and wonder as to the immense majesty of God, the one who “Was and, is and is to come.”What of ourselves? Does it make us small and insignificant? I was very struck by these words of the popular astronomer and physicist, Professor Brian Cox:“Our story is the story of the Universe. Every piece of eve-ryone and everything was assembled in the first few minutes of the life of the Universe. What a wonderful thing to be part of that Universe and what a majestic story! When we look out into space, we are looking at our place of birth. We are truly children of the stars and written into every atom and molecule of our bodies is the history of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day.”In other words, what we are goes back to the very moment when Creation came into being. Although I, Tony Luke, was born 53 years ago, the particles from which my body was formed were created in the first few moments of time. If that is true of my physical body, what of my spirit? What of my God-consciousness. Where does that come from? Here the Bible comes into its own. Our God-consciousness was also present in the very first moments of Creation. Of this St.John’s Gospel speaks in its famous prologue:“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things came into being through him. What has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of all people.” Or St.Paul in his letter to the Colossians:



Barrow upon Trent WINext meeting

Wednesday 14th March 2012

at 7.30pmBarrow upon Trent Village Hall

Talk by Maria Hansonon Magical Experiences

Come along and join usEveryone is welcome

Contact for more detailsWI President - Mary GarrattSecretary - Barbara Hateley


To get everybody into the Olympic mood, Barrow, along with Hatton, Etwall, Ticknall and Willington are staging ‘Alternative Olympics’ on the 30th June 20�2 in Hatton, and the competition will be fierce. We need a team of �0 youngsters aged between �0 – �6 to tackle old favourites the official Olympics has forgotten, like: welly wanging, bungee run, sack race, penalty shoot out, space hopper relays, wheel-barrow racing and gladiator podium to mention but a few. We also need an audience of screaming supporters to cheer our valiant team on their way. Equally important, we need stalwart volunteers to help ensure fair play at each of the events and to help the day run smoothly. This we need to know soon so that we can obtain CRB checks for everybody (there will be no charge for these – but they do take time to organise.) PLEASE help us to put Barrow on the Olympic map and join us for some fun. Names and phone numbers to 0�332 690680 a.s.a.p.

volunteers urgently needed



“good aS New” ClotheS SaleatriuM at derby uNiVerSity

5pm - 8.30pm fri 23rd March - admission £10 by invitation only

9am - 2pm Sat 24th March 2012 - admission free

We are collecting clothes Now!PleaSe look through your wardrobes for spare, good

quality clean clothes and accessories.We are sorting and labelling now and will be collecting until

mid-March.We have local storage so you can deliver to our address

below or call us for collection.

we aim for better quality clothers - well above those usually found in Charity Shops.

We need your helP to establish this as an annual event. PleaSe share thie with friends and ask for their help

too! then visit the Sale to find your bargains!!


CoNtaCt kerry Collyer01332 774480 or email [email protected]

60 rutlaNd Street, derby, de23 8PrMon - fri 8.30am - 4.30pm for ColleCtioN

thaNk you for helPiNg Padley CoNtiNue to helP thoSe who Need our helP MoSt registered Charity No. 10156652

We have mentioned half heartedly for a few years now that it would be a great to one day run the London Marathon and each year enjoyed the event from the luxury of our lounge’s whilst tucking into a Full English and admiring the spirit and determination of all the athletes and charity runners pounding the streets of London. In October last year the topic of the Marathon came up again over a Pint and pack of Pork Scratching’s but this time the drastic extra step was taken and application forms were submitted to run for the Charity Children with Cancer that is very close to Peters heart whose 5 year old niece in New Zealand is battling against this crippling disease. The following week and we were accepted to run in this year’s London Marathon, we received our Charity Runners Pack our Marathon vest and then reality struck – We actually need to be able to run to compete in this, we needed to lose weight to even fit into our Marathon Vest’s as we had lied about our actual size on the application form” On the �3th November we set off on our first “Long Run” – 3 miles – To Swarkestone and Back, we ran this same route two more times during the next week hoping it would feel better than the previous time – it never did! Since the �3th November we have increased our “Long Runs” to 6 miles incorporating Chellaston, then 9 miles taking us to Kings Newton, �2 miles on Christmas Eve and New year’s Eve and as of Mid February we are up to �5 miles on a Saturday morning taking us from Barrow – Stanton by Bridge – around Melbourne – Kings Newton – Swarkestone - Chellaston – Sinfin and back to Barrow. We have always tried to run our “Long Runs” three times before moving onto the next distance and try and do one or two smaller runs mid week. We have fallen over during running, been chased by dogs, pounced on by Fell Runners, had our drinks bottles freeze during a run in -�� degrees but now look forward to our “long runs” on a Saturday morning and not even think about running to Swarkestone and back – This we would never have thought possible three months ago and yes we are nearly fitting into our Marathon vests. What started off as a “tongue in cheek” comment about running the marathon has now become quite serious, with only �0 weeks to go at the time of writing this we have two more �5 mile runs to do, three lots of �8 miles and a couple of 20 milers to compete and then we believe we will be ready for the big day on the 22nd April. If you see us jogging around the village or somewhere on our runs then give us a shout or “honk” your support as we really do need all the encouragement in the world. If anybody would like to sponsor the Charity Children with Cancer via Ian and Peter’s Marathon efforts then please contact 07973 852362 or go on the following websites.www.virginmoneygiving/ianlucaswww.virginmoneygiving/peterwelsh

“TO HELL AND BACK – 26.2 MILES” - a non runner’s guide to running in this year`s London Marathon” by Ian Lucas & Peter Welsh


Where in the parish is this? Answers next month!February’s answer is: Electricity shed at Greenacres.









FROM 7.30 a.m. UNTIL 11.30 a.m.

The following items cannot be accepted:- Metal items, Builders Rubbish, Bathroom Fixtures, Fridges, Freezers, Cookers, Washing Machines, Dryers, Wardrobes, Beds, 3 Piece Suites, Car Parts, Kitchen Units (unless dismantled), Asbestos, Gas Heaters and Bottles, Paint, Any Flammable Substances, Televisions & Fluorescent Tubes (Hazardous Waste).The above items can be removed on our Bulky Service at a quoted cost, for further details of this please phone 01283 595759

For many years the parish has supported the Padley Centre in Derby in their work of providing shelter and food for homeless people. The Harvest Festival produce from the Church and School services goes to support their work each year. In March there will be a special event taking place at the University building to raise funds for the Centre’s work – please see the separate advert for details of the “Good as New” clothes sale.

“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.”

Henry Van Dyke (�852–�933)


On the afternoon of Monday 6th February the promised “Safe Walk” was undertaken from Chellaston Academy to Barrow village. The object of the exercise was to enable Derbyshire County Council to make a decision as to whether or not the route is safe for our youngsters to walk on their way to and from school. The decision to continue or cease the subsidy of the bus service will depend upon their deliberations.

The walk was undertaken by three Councillors and two Council Officers; they were spoken to by Cllr John Harrison before they started their walk and he pointed out the length and complexity of the route that would have to be walked by the children. At the time of going to press we do not have the result of the Council decision.


It would appear that there are several activities that take place in the parish frequently that some parishioners are not aware of. There will therefore be a new section in the Parish News headed “What’s On?”. If you organise an activity on a regular basis and would be happy to welcome new members/ attendees, could you please let us know, and we will enter it in this section each month.



The theft of heating oil from private properties is on the increase.Please make sure yours is as secure as possible.

Lock it or lose it






Please feel free to come along and find out what has happened over the last year and

what is planned for the next.

Everyone welcome

WHEN: From 05 March 20�2 to 26 March 20�2.WHERE: Sinfin Lane, Barrow upon Trent from its junction with Deep Dale Lane to its junction with A5�32 Swarkestone Road.REASON: Bridge repairs.ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: Deep Dale Lane, Wragley Way, Stenson Road, unnamed road, A5�32 Twyford Road / Swadlincote Road and vice versa.

Access will be maintained, whenever reasonably possible, on the affected length of road. The road will re-open as soon as the work is finished. This may be earlier than advertised.Derbyshire County Council apologises for any inconvenience caused while work takes place. Anyone needing further information should ring Call Derbyshire on 08456 058 058. The County Council intends to make/has made an Order under Section �4 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act �984 (as amended) to prohibit its use by traffic.

Ian Stephenson, Strategic Director - Environmental Services Department, Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG.



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