baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t...

1 WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? We are an organisation composed of volunteer parents, teachers and staff. Our goal is to support our school, encourage parent in- volvement, support teachers, and organise family events. We hope our events bring the school and families together and in the proc- ess raise funds. These funds are used to complete projects that we feel will benefit every child in our School. OUR RECENT PROJECTS Bouncy Tarmac Last summer we completed our huge project of turning the grass in the front playground into a super bouncy tarmac area – com- plete with 2 playboards and inset pictures designed by some of the pupils – a competition was held in-school and the winning picture was designed by James Dyer. The total cost of the project was £7,138+VAT - £2,000 donated by the PTA and £500 from EMA Community Fund (many thanks to them!) and the remainder was covered by the Governors (a big, big thank you!). Stage Lighting It was felt that this year’s Christmas Nativity Play, and future stage productions, would benefit from some mobile Stage Lighting. The PTA sourced, arranged installation and financed this very profes- sional piece of kit, and it was all ready for the Christmas Nativity. The cost of this project was £1,030.00. Other Projects The PTA put on 2 Christmas Parties for the children – Key Stage 1 & 2 – and provided entertainment, and a present from Santa, for each child. The PTA also help to fund Arts Week, Science Week and Sports Week. BARROW UPON TRENT PARISH NEWS MARCH 2010 Iced-over Pond Cottage & Arleston House USEFUL NUMBERS PC DEBORAH CROXALL SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICER 0345 123 3333 OR 07711 734432 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AWAITING NEW COORDINATOR ANNE BENNETT VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS 01332 701383 NEMA NOISE COMPLAINTS 0845 108 8540 SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD WARDEN 01283 595943 CLEAN TEAM (FLY-TIPPING) 0800 587 2349 (24 HOURS) Sale & Davys CE PRIMARY SCHOOL P a r e n t Tea cher A sso ci a ti o n MEET A FEW OF OUR MEMBERS WHAT’S NEXT? Our continued fundraising over the rest of the school year will include an in-school Easter Bingo and a Summer Event. Thank You! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and generosity!! Sue Cash Martin Wigglesworth Jayne Edmunds Lynda Atkin Anne Vaughan Heather Evans Chair Person Vice-Chair Person & Secretary Treasurer Village Hall Rep. Bar Licences Advertising If you would like to find out more about Sale & Davys PTA or how you can get involved, please speak to any of its members. We are always looking for fresh ideas and support or you can email us at saleanddavyspta@google- We look forward to hearing from you!!

Transcript of baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t...

Page 1: baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t T each r A s s o c i a t i o n ... Our continued fundraising over the rest of the


what’s it all about?

We are an organisation composed of volunteer parents, teachers and staff. Our goal is to support our school, encourage parent in-volvement, support teachers, and organise family events. We hope our events bring the school and families together and in the proc-ess raise funds. These funds are used to complete projects that we feel will benefit every child in our School.


bouncy tarmacLast summer we completed our huge project of turning the grass in the front playground into a super bouncy tarmac area – com-plete with 2 playboards and inset pictures designed by some of the pupils – a competition was held in-school and the winning picture was designed by James Dyer. The total cost of the project was £7,138+VAT - £2,000 donated by the PTA and £500 from EMA Community Fund (many thanks to them!) and the remainder was covered by the Governors (a big, big thank you!).

stage lightingIt was felt that this year’s Christmas Nativity Play, and future stage productions, would benefit from some mobile Stage Lighting. The PTA sourced, arranged installation and financed this very profes-sional piece of kit, and it was all ready for the Christmas Nativity. The cost of this project was £1,030.00.

other ProjectsThe PTA put on 2 Christmas Parties for the children – Key Stage 1 & 2 – and provided entertainment, and a present from Santa, for each child. The PTA also help to fund Arts Week, Science Week and Sports Week.

baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEwsMaRCh 2010

iced-over Pond Cottage & arleston house

usEFul NuMbERsPC deborah CroxallSafer Neighbourhood offiCer0345 123 3333 or 07711 734432

Neighbourhood watChawaitiNg New CoordiNator

aNNe beNNettVillage hall bookiNgS01332 701383

NeMa NoiSe CoMPlaiNtS0845 108 8540

Safer Neighbourhood wardeN01283 595943

CleaN teaM (fly-tiPPiNg)0800 587 2349 (24 hourS)

Sale & DavysCE PRIMARY SCHOOLParent Teacher Association

MEEt a FEw oF ouR MEMbERs

what’s NEXt?

Our continued fundraising over the rest of the school year will include an in-school Easter Bingo and a Summer Event.

Thank You!We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and generosity!!

Sue Cash Martin Wigglesworth Jayne Edmunds

Lynda Atkin Anne Vaughan Heather Evans


Vice-ChairPerson &Secretary


VillageHall Rep.



If you would like to find out more about

Sale & Davys PTA or how you can get involved,

please speak to any of its members.

We are always looking for fresh ideas and support or

you can email us atsaleanddavyspta@google-

We look forward to hearing from you!!

Page 2: baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t T each r A s s o c i a t i o n ... Our continued fundraising over the rest of the


Asked DCC whether they 3. were liaising with other DCC planning and High-ways departments about the traffic projection for the A5132, because, to-gether with the proposed new gravel extraction, and (until recently) the Sinfin incinerator traffic implica-tions, the A5132 will be a future nightmare. Was DCC taking a holistic view on planning approv-als? DCC responded that they will consult with DCC Highways department.

An undertaking was given by Phil Stubbs of DCC that 1st February 2010 was not an ab-solute cut-off date and that the Parish Council will be able to discuss further representations at its March meeting and these will be considered.The Council is in the process of negotiating the reposition-ing/ removal of some of the dog waste and litter bins that are not regularly used, to reduce expenditure. It is hoped to arrange a site meeting with SDDC to discuss this further.

the Community Pay back team has been working very hard in the Church yard and around the village and are doing a very good job. Two more areas have been selected to add to the list. They are:- The Nook – clearing of the leaves down the left hand side and the clearing of a ditch in Arleston Lane.

There is still an ongoing problem with the disorderly parking of vehicles in twyford Road at school dropping off and collection times and the Police have been requested to assist in this matter. They have agreed to visit the village on two days a week, either morning or afternoon to see if this will help the situation.

Moles adjacent to the bypass and Church lane – The Council will be contacting DCC about this problem and requesting their assistance.

access to Greenacres by the Emergency services was dis-cussed and it was decided to put a sign on the gate informing other emergency services who to call if the police (who hold a key to the gate) were not already present.

Trees on small playing field - there are further trees that need crown lifting and quotes are being sought for this work.

the south Derbyshire local Development Framework Core strategy which contains a new proposal for planning on wrag-ley way is now open for discussion and consultation. For further information about the Core Strategy please see the posters on the notice boards and the SDDC website where SDDC invite comments to be submitted to them.

the next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 2nd March 2010 at 7.00 p.m in the Village Hall, Barrow upon Trent. Plan-ning applications will be available for viewing from 6.45pm.

MEMbERs oF thE PaRish CouNCil

aNNe heathCote - Chair01332 703915keith Slater - ViCe Chair01332 703764keN atkiN 01332 700643CatheriNe blaCkMore07793 057731johN wilCox01332 702267duNCaN hewitt01332 766267

ClERk to thE CouNCil

gayle CaMPliNg01283 761848 / 07894 [email protected]

the clerk is happy to accept phone calls from 9am-6pm Mon-day to friday.outside these times, unless it is an emergency, please send an email, which will be responded to as soon as possible.

PaRish CouNCil REPoRtReport from the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd February 2010.

A Parish Plan update was given in which it was advised that:-a) The writing of the plan had been delayed a little due to be-

reavement and illness but was now back underway. b) The Parish Plan Steering Committee would like to request

the Parish Council to give serious consideration to the possi-bility of purchasing the red phone box when British Telecom decide to decommission it as it would like to turn it into an Information Kiosk.

c) The Working Groups were all working hard. The Green Ar-eas were doing costings for the ideas that it has and the Youth and Sports had a ramble on 24th January 2010 to which 40 people + dogs attended. The Aerobics Classes have started and the 50 Club are holding another session on 18th Febru-ary 2010. The volunteer training for the Cycling Proficiency starts in March with the aim of getting the lessons starting soon after that.

District Councillor Peter watson was unable to attend but he sent in a report to advise that:-

There was to be some landscaping work done at the Animal 1. Sanctuary and the SDDC Landscape Architect will check that it is suitable. It is understood that a benefactor has put up some money to pay for replacement fencing.The planning application for the wind turbine at Cart Barn 2. had been withdrawn but an alternative application has been submitted.

The company, whose lorry driver caused the damage to the small playing field grass, has admitted liability and agreed to pay for the repair work. It is anticipated that this will be done during the School Easter Holidays. The Council have arranged to have some other depressions filled in for the safety of the children who use the playing field. This work will be carried out at the same time to lessen the amount of disruption.

Existing permission for Lafarge to extract gravel was due to expire on 1st Feb 2010 and an application has been submitted to extend this for another 10 years. an emergency Gravel Meeting was held on 28th January 2010 to discuss and consult on this applica-tion. DCC was criticised for lack of proper consultation, missing key people off the circulation lists, not allowing adequate time for feedback and a meeting being called only four days before the permission expiry date without an agenda which meant some attendees were unclear as to what the purpose of the meeting was. A great deal of discussion took place about the amount of restora-tion that would need to be done and how long this would take. It was requested to know what incentives there were for Lafarge to meet deadlines and Lafarge responded by stating that the rate of extraction was dictated by market demand.The Barrow representatives:-

Complained strongly that there was insufficient time on a 1. regular basis from both DCC on major developments and SDDC on local planning applications for meaningful com-ment and feedback from the Council on behalf of residents. This urgent meeting, set up on a few days notice was an ex-ample of this. Questioned the accuracy of the Lafarge submission , as in 2. one part it talked of 40% still to extract and later in the same report it talked of 30%. A further 10 years to extract 30% was seen to be excessive and the Barrow PC representatives supported both Peter Watson and Ingleby in requesting a re-duction of the extension to 7 years.

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Keith was elected to the Council in May 2007 and has been Vice Chair-man since May 2008. He represents the Council on the Gravel Liaison meeting, the Joint meeting with Par-ish Councils, the Highways Forum with SDDC and DCC, the Flood Liaison meetings with SDDC, DCC and the Environment Agency, and the Joint Parish Council meetings with SDDC. Keith is a founder member of

the Parish Plan Steering Committee and was a co- designer and producer of the Parish Plan Questionnaires. He is also an active member of the Working Group on the Parish Environment and has a particular interest in the Village Environment.

WI Barrow upon TrentNext meeting

Wednesday 10th March 2010

at 7.30pm

Barrow upon Trent Village Hall


Come along and join usEveryone welcome

Contact numbers for more detailsGay Green 01332 701007

Kate Webberley 01332 703531

A Modern Voice for Women

PaRish CouNCilloR PRoFilEs

Keith Slater

Duncan joined the Council in April 2009, and together with his wife, run a design studio in Arleston. Both prior to and during his time on the Par-ish Council, he has been responsible for the design, development, host-ing and ongoing maintenance of the Parish website and the redesign and monthly production of artwork for the Parish News. Due to the nature of his business, he has a keen inter-

est in the enabling effect appropriate communication methods can have on a community. As a resident outside of the village centre he brings a sympathetic ear to the council for parishion-ers in a similar situation. He is also on the Parish Plan Steering Committee and is an active member of the Parish Environment Working Group. Outside of the Parish Council, having been brought up in rural Shropshire, Duncan enjoys living in this beautiful area and takes great interest in environmental issues, especially regarding their impact on the parish.

Duncan Hewitt

Please join us for our

Family Choral

Easter Communion

St Wilfrid’s Church

Sunday 4th April 2010

9.00 am

All Welcome

A third successful mini-ramble took place on the 24th January 2010. Al-though hampered by flooded fields, our travels took us to Swarkestone Lock - up and around Moor Lane and back to the Brookfield Club for a well earned Pepsi and bag of crisps. Special thanks

go to Amy Wigglesworth who was ex-tremely glad to provide the second “Wildlife quiz” for the children to complete whilst on their travels. The quiz was marked and 1st place went to Hannah Atkin-Wright, 2nd place to Maisie Davidson and 3rd place to Lauren Atkin-Wright - well done to those three children and all who took time to complete Amy’s quiz. It was yet another fantastic turn-out of families and family pets alike and we hope to see you all again on 28th March 2010 at 2.00 p.m. at the Brookfield

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Church Services for March including Easter

Sunday 7th March – Lent 3

Barrow Twyford

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (said) Celebrant: Tony Luke

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion. Celebrant: Michael Rogers

Wednesday 10th March


9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 14th March - Mothering Sunday

Barrow Twyford

10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer Led by: Bruce Ward

3.00 p.m. Evensong. Led by: Suzanne Williams

Sunday 21st March – Lent 5

Barrow Twyford 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion Celebrant: Ian Winterbottom

10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer Led by: Sylvia Fox

Sunday 28th March – Palm Sunday

Barrow Twyford 10.30 a.m. Worship for All. Led by: the Barrow Team

3.00 p.m. Holy Communion Celebrant: Tony Luke

Wednesday in Holy Week – 31st March

Barrow 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

Good Friday – 2nd April

Twyford 2.00 p.m. The Last Hour

Sunday 4th April – Easter Day

Barrow Twyford

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (sung!) 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion

ChuRCh sERviCEs FoR MaRCh iNCluDiNG EastER

Dear friends

I was pleased to be able to recently announce that we shall be welcoming a new curate to our group of par-ishes in the summer. Paul Hygate, who currently wor-ships at the Cathedral, will be ordained deacon on the 4th July and will then begin his ministry among us as a non-stipendiary curate. I have known Paul and his wife, Heather, for quite a few years and I am delighted that we shall be seeing more of them and their baby son, Thomas. I am sure that you will enjoy getting to know them and welcoming them into the fellowship of the church in the Trent and Derwent Parishes. They live in Littleover just off Stenson Road, which is probably nearer to Barrow and Twyford than I am!

Paul will continue his full time job at Marks and Spencer in the Westfield, being available in the parishes on Sundays and occa-sional weekday evenings. He will be, therefore, what is usually referred to in the church as a “minister in secular employment.” Some people may see this as a very modern innovation, because it is a model for ministry which we have only seen in the Church of England in recent times. When you reflect more deeply, however, it can be seen to be a very ancient practice indeed, going back to the very earliest days of the Church. Some of the first apostles were fishermen by trade and according to the Gospel stories used their fishing to support the work of ministry. They clearly didn’t give up fishing when the Lord called them into his service! St. Paul, you may recall, was a tentmaker and boasted in his letters that he earned his own living and was not therefore a financial bur-den on the churches to whom he ministered. St. Luke was a doc-tor, and so on. There is of course a need for the professional full-time priest, but it is good that this ministry is balanced by other clergy and licensed readers, who continue to work in the “secular” world. For being the Church is not primarily about what we do in Church. What we do out of Church is much more significant. It is very tempting to be Sunday Christians; to receive comfort and support from the worship and fellowship of the Church and then to leave our faith behind when we get into the car or onto the bus or train to go to the office, the factory, the shop, the school, the hospital or wherever we earn our living. Faith is for living, seven

toNy wRitEs...

days a week. The Church should not be just “sucking people in” but rather “sending them out” to live out their faith in the places where God has called them to be and to serve, however “secular” that place may seem to be.

As Chaplain to a football club, I am always deeply amazed and touched at how many people seem to value the presence of some-one who represents the Church and the things of God in a secular institution. They seem to value the reassurance that their world is not God-forsaken. The priest who works in a secular job can have a similar semi-chaplaincy role and be a representative of and point of contact with the Church within the workplace. I recall, many years ago, a very dedicated and able nursing sister telling me she was looking forward to retiring, because she wanted to give more time serving the Church. On the one level, we can all understand what she was meaning. On the other level, however, I found it rather sad that there was unspoken assumption that in her nursing she had not been serving the Church! I am sure that you will welcome Paul in Barrow and Twyford and give him and his family your love, support and prayers as he keeps in balance his work, his family life and his new and emerging min-istry.God bless, Tony

lENt GRouP – Private Faith and Public space - There will be a Lent Group meeting at Anne and John Bennett’s house, 64 Twyford Road on all the Thursday evenings in March at 7.30 p.m. led by Sylvia Fox. All are welcome.

St Wilfrid’s Parish Church

Fancy some Fellowship, Friendship,

Fun & Music

(and even some coffee!)

Join us for our family service

Every 4th Sunday 10.30am

ALL Ages Welcome

Page 5: baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t T each r A s s o c i a t i o n ... Our continued fundraising over the rest of the


The terrible events in Haiti during January really got the children of Griffon

class thinking as to how we could help the people of Haiti. After seeing some

of the images on the news the class took it upon themselves to do some

research about the island and find out more about these tragic events. This

led us to look at writing in a journalistic style in our literacy and geography


Sophie Bruce tells us about the island, “Haiti is a country in the West Indies,

it is a neighbour of the Dominican Republic. As the island is also one of the

poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere the earthquake has had a

huge, disastrous effect, particularly in the capital Port-au-Prince, which was

only 25km west of the epicenter.”

James Dyer writes, “Recently there has been a devastating earthquake in

Haiti, meaning thousands have been forced to sleep on the streets and as a

result many have become ill. Many people have been trapped under buildings,

some surviving by drinking their bath water.”

Elliot Arkwright continues, “The minute long earth quake was felt all over

the island and reached a staggering 7.0 on the Richter scale. Rescue workers

from all around the world, including fire crews from Manchester and

Lancashire have travelled to Haiti to help with the search and rescue on the


Report compiled by the children of Griffon Class

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George Thomas discovered that, “Many countries have responded by pledging

funds”, we felt we had to do our bit to help.

Bradley Hydes explains what

we at Sale and Davys decided

to do, “At school we decided to

raise money to help by holding

a cake sale on Friday 29th

January. We all took home

letters about making cakes for

us to sell. Hundreds of cakes

of all sizes were brought in to


Timmy Damoulis tells us about one of

the highlights; “the Henrietta

hedgehog cake was the star prize,

and the lucky person whose name was

pulled out of the pot was Ella

Simpson-Dolan from Trent class.”

Finley Charles, from Griffon,

donated his birthday cake saying, “I

thought it would be a nice thing to


Many thanks to all the family

and friends who dusted off

their baking sheets. We really

were overwhelmed by the

response of you all, we raised a

fantastic £225.04 which is

already on its way to the Haiti


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I hope you enjoy reading the article from Griffon Class this month. I think it shows that the children thought long and hard about the devastating events in Haiti. The whole school was fully committed to helping out and we had a fantastic response from the pupils and their families. The range of cakes provided for our sale, shows that we have some very talented cooks and bakers out there too.

Thinking beyond the immediate set of experiences is something that the children at Sale and Davys are good at. They often bring their ‘old’ books into school so that we can donate them to a school in Zambia whose library is much less stocked than ours. Our con-tact for this school in Chillabombwe is in Zambia at the moment. When she returns, she hopes to come into school and answer the children’s questions about the culture and lifestyles out there. She will also be able to collect the mountain of books that have been collected in our porch. If you have any children’s books you would like to donate, particularly those where the children in Zambia can learn about British culture, then please pop in to school and we will be pleased to pass them on.

We have just begun to think about Lent and what that period of preparation means. At this stage, everyone has good intentions of giving things up or doing special deeds for others. I hope to be able to let you know how our Easter preparations are going next month. In the meantime, you may be interested to write the 31st March 2010 into your diaries as this is when we will be holding our Easter service at St. Wilfrid’s. All are welcome. Carolyn Stops - Headteacher

NEws FRoM salE aND Davys CE PRiMaRy sChool



With a varied programme of traditional and modern pieces




MARCH 2010 7:30pm


Incl. wine and nibbles

Proceeds will go towards roof repairs to St. Andrews Church, Twyford

Tel: (01283)533619 for more information

The team will be working in the Parish on the following dates in March, April and May:-

Monday 1st March 2010Monday 8th March 2010

CoMMuNity Pay baCk tEaMMonday 29th March 2010 Monday 5th April 2010 Monday 26th April 2010 Monday 3rd May 2010 Monday 24th May 2010Monday 31st May 2010

FOR RENTWell appointed spacious flat comprising of two bedrooms, large lounge, fitted kitchen, dining

room and bathroom with shower.Would also make a splendid commercial premises

(subject to planning)

For further information and to view, contactDamian on: 01332 700128 or 07976 226999

Page 8: baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws · baRRow uPoN tRENt PaRish NEws MaRCh 2010 ... nCE PRIMARY SCHOOL t T each r A s s o c i a t i o n ... Our continued fundraising over the rest of the


MystERy Photo No. 8

Where in the parish is this? Answers next month!Last month’s answer: “Wrought ironwork on the main church gate”


Due to the tremendous success of the ‘Pudding Night’ in 2008 – it is intended to hold another one !!!!! Get those girdles out and eat as much as your little heart desires.

The event will be held in Barrow Village Hall

19th March 2010 7.30pm £5.00 per ticket

For tickets contact Michelle Berry on 691965A great social event for everyone to enjoy. Bar available.


Following several severe accidental scaldings, the following ad-vice has been issued by an electrical supplier:

Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it. This can cause the liquid to ‘explode’ into the face of the person heating the liquid.

To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than two minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup stand in the microwave for thirty seconds before moving it or adding anything into it.


Following the survey done during the Parish Plan, there has been some improvement in the BT broadband reliability and speed in the parish. However, the speed is still not good enough and the results of the Barrow survey have recently been sent to several authorities. Hilton has a similar broadband speed prob-lem and the South Derbyshire issue has now been taken up by several politicians, publications and newspapers. As a result of this, BT has undertaken to review the speeds in the area.

bRoaDbaND uPDatE

Thanks to a very hard-working team, the church benefitted to the tune of over £200 from the sale of Christmas cards illus-trated with photos depicting the church and churchyard. There was a variety of designs all based on winter scenes and Christ-mas decorations in the building. Many thanks to Keith, Norma, Mary and John.

st wilFRiD’s ChRistMas CaRDs

A camera has been found – Have you lost one or do you know someone who has lost one?If you have lost, or know someone who has lost a camera in the last few weeks, then please call the Parish Council Clerk on 07894 804318 to discuss it.

havE you lost a CaMERa?

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The Old Granar y, Twyford Road, Barrow upon Trent, Derby. DE73 7HA

Tel : 07837 074751 - 01332 703789www.annejohalf



One of Derbyshire’sPremier Boarding Kennels & Cattery

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Call Anthony