Bardin's that's what I am Big alter. Store€¦ · Open on week days at 700 A. M. Cloee prompt-at 8...

C. 91. & St. Paul Time Table. F*M*B«er,(UDGoast V43 A.M. except Bat. PIUMWOR, ( toing WMt.... :M3 V. *., •' Hon. Fteitkl. cuing west 11:10 A. A. eseoptBnn. Fr*i»bt, going met w»d. 4 *ri. Post Office Hours. Eastern Mail close* at 8:00A. M„ ami SMI F. at. WesMrn " " 11:00 a. and 8:00 r.M. Northern" " " 730 A.M., Tue.,Tlra., 8af •ontheru ?:S0 " Mon., Wed, ITRI. OFFICIO noons . From this date ontU farther notice the boars of tho Kimball P. O. will be as follows: Open on week days at 700 A. M. Cloee prompt- at 8 F. M. The offioa will be opened on Bandar* from 9 M. toll A.a. Begister and Monty Order business open from A.M. to Sr. M. J. B. Loxu, Poetmaafsr. Lingering; Letters. Llat of latter* remaining in th« P. O. at Kim ball tor the waak ending Aug 10.1890. Parti** otllini for any of the above described can Pltan (foreign.) etters will plea** My advertised. After 10 dajr» will be Mat to the deed letter oifioe, J A. LOXQ, P, &I. Kimball Market Report* DKAXJKBS AUK 8BLLIN0 Hour, Kimh&ll Mills, White Ghost $1.00 Fluor, *' Standard 1.20 Flour, M Greme 1.40 flour, " Patont, 1.60 g raham Flour V cwt 2.00 ore Ileal V cwt 1.60 Branttowt .60 Granulated Bugar 10 Arbnokle'a Boasted Coffee 28 Bio Coffee, green 23 Japan Tea. 60 N.O. Molaseee .50 Cheese L*RD 10 Kerosene 20 Birloln Hteak 10 (Sausage 10 Purk Chop lo DEALERS A KB FAYIKO FOB: Mo. 1 Wheat 70 No. 3 Wheat .80 Oats 80 Corn, oar as Fla* 1.08 Heana 2.00 Potato MI J.OO Batter, prime 12 KFFTS ; J4 Chioken*. live W Beef, live weight 2.25 Pork, live weight ft.9.1 llidos green 02 AUTUMN LEAVES. ^ Is easily injured—the slightest irritation of the throat or larynx at once affecting its tone, flexibility, or power. All e(Torts to sing or speak til public, umler such condi- tions, become not only painful but danger- ous, and should be strictly avoided until every symptom is removed. To effect a speeily cure no other medicine is equal to Ayers Cherry Pectoral Tlw best of anodynes, this prejmration rap- idly soothes irritation, strengthens tlic deli- cate organs of speech, and restores the voice to its tone and power. No singer or public speaker should he without U. Lyiila Thomp- son, the famous actress, certifies: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been of very great ser- vice to me. It improves anil strengthens the voice, and is always effective for the cure of colds ami coughs." "Upon several occasions I have suffered from colds, causing hoarseness and entire AOSS of voice. In my profession of an auc- tioneer any aftcction of the voice or throat Is a serious matter, but at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, with ordl« .. nary care, has worked such a Magical Effect that I have suffered very little inconven- ience. I have also used it in my family, with excellent results, iu coughs, colds. &c."~ Win. H. Quartiy, Minl&ton. Australia. 44 In tlie spring of 1853. at Portsmouth, Va., I was prostrated by a severe attack of ty- phoid pneumonia. My physicians exhausted their remedies, and for one year I was not able to cveti articulate a word. By the ad* vice of Dr. Shaw 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pee* toral. and to my surprise and great joy. lu less than one month I could converse easily. In a natural tone of voice. I continued to Improve and have become since a well man. 1 have often recommended the Pectoral, and have never Known it to fail."—George R. Lawrcncc, Valparaiso, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowel, Miss. Bold by *11 Druggists. Price $1; all bottles, arholisaTvft Y- \ The Great 8hln Remedy Relieves ssi Com ttcU&SB and Irritations of the Bids and Scalp, FILES, Either Itching or Bleeding, s TTUXRATIOKS, CCTB.WOOITOS, Dnuisss , POP on. BITZS of INSECTS, CATARRH, ISSXURD Sou •TKS. COII.BUUNS, CHAPS and Quia. It (rutantly nlUvci the pain of Burnt <Md Scalds, and euro tfte worst cow wUhout a sear. Saudi boxes t5c. Largo boxes SOc. Cole ' s Carbolisoap prov«ntsplmples, ! blackheads, chapped ana oily skin, and pre* serves, freshens and beautifies tho complex- Ion. It is unequaled for use in hard water, and its absoluto purity and delicate per. fame makes it a poeitlve luxury for the natli and uursery. < Gststlos;- The labels oa the genuine are I JKaek and Ms letters Oreen. Prepared onlM by J. W. Oole ft Co.. Black ltlvor Tails. Wii] Sold by Druggists and Dealora la If edioiaa. i WHO HAS NOT HAD POOR HOSE? I HAVE AND IT D0NT PAY. OO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEV ON INFERIOR HOSE •UTGETTME SPIRAL"^ 300 lbs. PRESSURE IT 18 IU8T AS EASY TO GET THE BEST IF YOU ONLY KNOW IT. THK I^IKAL 1KOS15 Is the only reliable V Cotton Hose, which Js proven by there belsg so aasny Imitations. The geaalne has fOUK aUtlagaUhlag marks: !• JL alngle colored line running •owh It. n* The sstutmwk "SPOSAL," pat- OL The Corroflmted hand fastening beM to «oapllRg, IT* Corrugated oowpli&g as ahown TA WT. Tl» Spiral** Cotton Hose»ha*tag no outside iSDwrliiw hold moisture as rubber hues does. Brie* Ilk* a towel. Imiitca getting this Hose. »•••* dealers will try to **11 an inferior one. •>•»!•»— IT you wsttoathtopaptr. BOSTON WOVEN HOSE GO,, WANURACTURERS Of Rublpr Spiting asd Padring, W SerasidUro St, BOSTON, """'ANY ••* UNI *r., IWM rr ., CHI$MO. RAN rRANCISCO M. Reed left for the East Tuesday. Don' t forget tho social Friday uight. Say, have you bought those sheep yet? Cr . Milllron has been at Sioux Falls this week. Wanted—A new milch cow. Enquire at this office. Miss Gertrude Nugen returned home Tuesday evening . 60 and spend a pleasant evening at the M. E. church Friday. Dr . Frederick Scott is busy" with his semi - annual house cleaning. Register Stevens was up Saturday to see the fun at the race track. Mr . and Mrs. S. G. Boyce took in the closing days of the corn palace . Dr . L G. Bollinger left Wednesday for Chicago to have his eyes treated. Deputy Postmaster McKittrick has been away to Chicago the past week. The race between Reed and Ben Rutler is oft each withdrew their forfeit . Go slow and learn to peddle. Don' t start in with too many sheep at first . Bob Somers was up from Chamberlain Saturday to see Ed. Taft get scooped. A slow drizzling rain fell for two days and nights, commencing Friday night John R. Gamble addressed a politi - cal meeting at the opera- house Wednes- day afternoon. IT looks as though the GRAPHIC'S ail - vice to buy a few sheep was being pretty generally followed. By an ordinance published in to- day' s GRAPHIC, it will be seen that tho council has raised the " temperance saloon" li - cense TOD300 a year . Hon. Bartlett Tripp will speak at the opera- house Saturday afternoon, Xov. 1. Remember the date . Robert Barr is to look after J. N. Bar- kee'S business while the latter is absent to Nebraska after sheep. Messrs. Burgess, Dains, Beebe aud Jeff- erson started Sunday morniug for a few days hunt at Lake Andes . The money men and the sheep men in South Dakota are getting together . Much good will eome from it . * Candidates can get their cards or tick- ets printed at the GRAPHIC office in the highest style of art and at bottom prices . A stock company has been formed in Chas. Mix county for the purpose of sink- ing an experimental artesian well near Edgerton. J. A. Glass has moved his barber shop to the building once occupied by D. W. Butlerin the roar of Butler, Week's and Wyant ' s office. The McKinloy bill admits bladders free. The high tariff fellows will want lots of them to hold them up when the western farmers gets after them. A pound social will be held at the M- E. church Friday evening. The pounds are to be left at the parsonage, tho coffee and cake being served at the church. Pat Qnirk bought tho Bluo Front Build- ing opposite the Dakopolis of R. M. Wheeler last week and will move his shop thereto. Mr. Wheeler takes Pat's farm. Armour has let the contract for an artesian well to Swan & Co, Andover, this state, for $4 per toot, first 500 feet and |3 for each additional foot , well to be eased with 6 inch pipe . Hon. W. Y. Qulgley and W. A. Buxton, Democratic candidates for congress and superintendent of public instruction re - spectively , will speak at the opera - house next Tuesday eveningPukwana, next evening. The postoffice authorities do not recog- nize any such place as Dakota or Dakota Territory. Letters should be addrossed to either North Dakota or South Dakota or they are liable to bring up in the dead letter office. A car- load of potatoes from McGregor Iowa, was Totalled from the car Tuesday for |1 per bushel. Two years ago this fall carload after car-load of potatoes were shipped from this point East . A prominent Kimball firm, which, by the way, is a constant advertiser in the GBAPHIOJ informed us a few days since that its business last month was $1,100 better than for the same month last year . Another firm accidentally volun- terred the information that its business last month also showed a satisfactory in- crease last over the corresponding month last year . This firm is also, a lib- eral patron of the GRAPHIC'S advertising columns. Other similar cases could be cited, of course, by instituting proper in- quiry. Mr. Tan Gets Done up. Saturday was a great day for the Irish, as it was equally unlucky for little " Boniface"—his fourth birthday, too. When the sun went down Mr. Reed was a happy man, Sir William Richards felt pretty well himself and Lee Conant was as proud as a peacock. Mr . Reed had made good his boast that his Nabock- iesh could out trot Mr . Taft ' s Boniface . Sir William fitted the horse and placed his money on him and Conant piloted the Irish lad to victory in three straight , hotly fought heats . A more disagreeable day for a race has not appeared this fall , a cold, drizz- ling rain falling all day, making fast time possible and general discomfort to the spectators . But a more exciting contest of the kind never took place in the county. Hundreds of dollars changed hands on the result , and while the posted ones knew that Reed' s horse was the faster of the two, many bet on Taft ' knowing his superior driving and well - known tactics in a closs race. For once they got left . In the first two heats Bon- iface showed himself under the wire first by half a length, but was set back for re- peated breaks and running. The third heat he trotted honestly but lost it by half a length. In the second heat the driverp. collided on the second turn and three spokes in a bunch went out of Reed's snlky and one out of Taft' s. The time was 257. 2:56 and 2:57. REGULAR OCTOBER SESSION OP THE Board of CCMI J Cdiissiom. CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, ) October 8tb, 1890. J The Board of Commissioners of Brule county met at 9 o' clock, a. m. Members present Gregg, Parks, Sid- dons, Llddiard and Moodie . On motion the petition of the supervi- sors of Plainfield towuship asking for a discharge of all seed liens was rejectedthe Board haying no jurisdiction. On motion A new warrant was ordered issued to L. F. Hart , in place of the war- rant destroyed by the Board at the Janu- ary, 1890, session. On motion a rebate of all penalty and interest was given W. H. Ocbsner on bis taxes of the year 1883 upon payment of the principal . On motion John Smith was granted a refunding order for of his assessment on S e of 9,102-68, for taxes of 1889, on account of tree oxemption. On motion Johanna Anderson was given a rebate of $1.00, school poll as- sessed against her in error . On motion the petition of Claus H. Sierers , for a refunding of taxes paid on s e of section 1,102-71, was rejected. The following resolution was presented and adopted:— "BE IT RESOLVED that the question in - volving an extraordinary outlay of mouey by the county commissioners of Brule county . South Dakota, be submitted to the people of Baid county at a regular electiou to be held on the 4th day of No- vember , A. D. 1890, to- wit :— The expenditure by said county com- missioners of the sum of seven thousand dollars, or so mncli thereof as may be deemed necessary, for the purpose of pur - chasing for said county as many arte- sian well drilling machines, or outfits, as may be deemed advisable . Said sum so to bo expended to be raised by the lew, annually , hereafter , of a tax of not less than than 114 mills and not more tban 3 mills on the dollar on the taxable property of said county until a sufficient amount shall be raised to pay said warrants." On motion W. F. Lumbard was granted a refunding order of $1.00 school poll , assessed in error , he being under age . On motion the board adjourned until 2 o' clock, p. M. The board met at 2 o' clock, p. m. Members all present. On motion the petition of T. H. Cox and others for the vacating of the diugo- nal road and relocation of same , in town- ship 104, range 71, was rejected. ON motion the resignations of C. C. Morrow and Jesse Hiatt, county justices of the peace , were accepted. OU motion a wurrunt of $150.00 was ordered drawn on the "Road and Bridge Fund" to assist in grading across Snow I.uke. Warrant to be issued wheu tho grade is complete and road is iu good condition for travel, and road is accepted by Bridge Committee . Ou mution A cash road tux of one mi 'L was levied on tho unorganized townships of Graud View, Reservation and Cleve - land. On motion the contract for supplying the county with one carload of hard coal was awarded to John Parker @ $10.90 per tonhis bid beiug tho lowest . On motion the board adjourned until 9 o' clock, a. IU., October 7th. 1890. STATEMENT OE ALL MONEYS RECEIYED BY TREASURER Taxes ^$TSC987 87 Redemptions Register's fees Jury fees F * Seed Liens Treasurers fees Institute fees .Highest of all in Leavening Power.—-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. 783 97 387 55 15 00 U 65 8 20 4 00 Total 8198 24 TAX COLLECTION BY FUNDS , SOOTH DAKOTA. ) 0. S CHAMBEIU.AIN October 7th, 1890, The board mot at 9 o' clock, a. m. Members all present. The board occupied the session iu com- mittee work . Ou motion the board adjourned until 2 o ' clock, p. M. The board met at 2 o' clock, p. m. Members all present. The auditor presented the following report of his office for tue quarter ending September , 1890:— AUDITOR'S REPORT. Chamberlain, S. D„ October 1st , 1890. To the Honorable Board of Commissioners , Gentlemen: I herewith submit a report of my office for the quarter ending September 30th, 1890, showing the amounts of warrants issued on tne various funds, and the amount of money received by the treas - urer for tho different funds STATEMENT OF WARRANTS ISSUED. COUNTY FUND. Auditor' s salary $ 250 25 Attorney' s salary and expenses 239 50 Super ' tendeut of schools , mile - age , etc 166 50 Sheriff ' s fees and expenses 403 63 County Judge since Jau. 15th 366 67 County Assessor 177 00 Commissioners 1st District 105 00 2nd " 66 00 3rd " 83 40 4th " 107 00 5th " 91 50 Grand jury feos 488 20 Petit jury fees 780 20 Witnesses Circuit Court 463 00 Clerk' s salary and feen 149 35 Stenographer circuit court 166 80 Bailiff' s fees 168 00 Miscellaneous, rent of court room etc 180 00 Justice fees 63 05 Witness J. P. Court 49 20 Constables J. P. Court 88 10 Books and stationary 1 227 83 Printing 16155 Office supplies, repairs, etc 24 45 Jail expenses 4 15 Poor farm 276 03 Temporary relief 7 70 Miscellaneous, Including office rent board of healthand all other expenditures Total warrants issued SALARY FOND Treasurer' s salary ; Register of Deeds ; Total BRIDGE FUND Labor on bridge CHAMBERLAIN ROAD FUND Surveying road 727 41 5941*12 500 00 500 00 1000 00 4 00 9 55 Year. s~ $ SS State / Bond Constitutional Convention Stock Indemnity County Sinking School County Road Bridge Chamberlaingeneral sinking judgment « Kimball School township Civil township Road poll School Poll Dog EagleSub . D. No . 1 Sub D. No. 2 SmithSub D. No. 1 Sub D. No. 2 622 61 27 05 23 00 1040 44 191 25 346 79 122 52 1 93 69 50 108 42 48 194 18 3131 05 236 63 5 50 204 00 120 00 1 11 10 26 4 34 3 25 519 69 60 Penalty Advertising Total 6887 87 CIVIL TOWNSHIP COLLECTIONS. Plummer 31 64 Lyon 4 73 Pukwana 14 51 Waldro 26 72 Willow Lake , 1158 Plainfield . . 27 45 Kimball 2 29 Red Lake 11 64 Ola 26 15 Richland 28 87 Highland 10 96 Wilbur 15 05 Eagle 25 03 Total 230 62 ROAD TAX COLLECTIONS Plummer 5 84 Lyon 3 20 Chamberlain 2 70 Pukwana 14 79 Waldro 8 22 Willow Lake 10 94 Plainfield 21 77 Kimball 7 01 Smith 7 75 Red Lake 3 91 Brulo 1 53 Ola 2 31 Richland 2 40 Highland 1 00 Wilbur 14 12 TorreyLake 3 55 Pleasant Grove 4 00 America 7 45 Total ROAD POLL COLLECTIONS Plummer Township Chamberlain Township Total _ 122 52 3 00 2 50 5 50 STATEMENT SHOWING THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF BRULE COUNTY Warrants outstandiug July 1, 1890 657 55 Warrants iss' d July to October 5948 12 Interest paid 21 94 Total 662 617 Warrants paid April to July 1890 1879 84 Interest paid fr'M April to July 1890 21 94 Warrants reverted to county 4 20 Total " "~ Total warrants Warrants cancelled Balanco outstanding Balance for further payment Net Indebtedness 1905 98 6627 61 1905 98 4727 63 697 39 4024 24 All of which is respectfully submitted. BEN W. RYAN, County Auditor. S cI 8 c I gc| 8 cl 8 1830 1881 1883 1883 mi 1885 1886 1887 18*8 112 82 178 30 500 24 485 !18 912 79 1159 75 979 81 1791 M SiU 32 20282 07 112 82 478 80 500 24 486 28 912 79 11C7 93 982 77 1799 96 8178 19 20801 76 12 69 15 40 9 15 23 40 172 90 6887 87 112 32 478 30 500 24 472 69 912 79 1152 52 978 62 1777 66 3305 29 139U 89 SCHOOL TOWNSHIP COLLECTIONS MO FLYA oss Brule . Bell Rapids Times;—Applications have been made lor fifteen artesian wells in Brule oonnty , and they will be sunk under the state law. That number of wells ia one county ought to practically test the feasibility of irrigation by snefc means and the capacity of the wells for such purpose. , , .. Plummer Lyon Chamberlain v > JPukwana "^Waldro Willow Lake Plainfield Kimball :" Smith Red Lake Brule Ola ^ Richland Highland " Wilbur ' Torrey Lake s; Pleasant Grove -•tjEagle J';; America ^v \Orand View ' 'Total 167 26 65 60 447 78 130 56 101 39 81 74 229 90 355 91 48 85 173 28 183 53 261 72 141 94 109 60 56 75 27 00 66 82 155 95 229 83 105 64 WM- 3131 05 $§®R The following Judges and Clerks of election were appointed for the unor - ganized townships , or precincts :— Reservation Judges: Louis Hanson. P. J. Wood. Thomas Nelson. Clerks: Charles E. Wedmore. W. H. Briorly. Polling place at P.J. Wood' s residence. Chamberlain:— Judges: C. M. Lockwood. Francis Pickler. J. W. Orcutt. Clorks: J. II. Bridgeman. E. C. Jay. Polling place at engine house. Cleveland:— Judges: Ashman Sackett. John Glass. Thomas Quillan. Clerks: George Shanks. Richard Griffin . Polling place at schoolhouse No . 1. Graud View:— Judges: Lewis Smith. Amos Fry. C. C. Manz. Clerks: O. P. Cordill. Adolph Hanson. Polling place at sclioolhouse No. 1. On motion the petition of the residents of Lymau and Presho couuties for tho establishment of voting precincts was rejectedthe board baring no jurisdic - tion . The bids for supplying the county with one car-load of hard coal were opened and the contract was awarded to John Parker , @ $10.90 per ton. On motion the board adjourned until October 8tli , 1890. CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, ) October 8th, 1890. ( The board met at 9 o' clock, a. m. Members all present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The board occupied the scssiou in com- mittee work. On motion the board adjourned uutil 2 o ' clock, p. m. The board met at 2 o' clock, p. m. The session was occupied in committee work. On motion the school aDd road poll tax of J. A. Sanford, for the year 1881, was rebatedincluding all penalty and in- terestfor the reason that ho was not a resident at that time . Oil motiou the board adjournod until 7:30 o ' clock, p. m. The Finance Committee submitted tho following report :— REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Chamberlain, S. D., Ootober 8,1890. To the Honorable Board of Commission- ers. Gentlemen: Your committee on Finance respectfully Bubmit the following report of their ex- amination of the auditor ' s and treasur- er ' s officos for the past quarter . We have duly compared tho accounts of your Treasurer with the duplicate ac- counts as kept by your Auditor, and find that your Auditor has properly charged your Treasurer with all moneys colloctod by him, aud that your Treasurer has duly accounted for the same. The amount of all collections made by your Treasurer is $8168.24, for a detailed statement of which see your Auditor's report The amount of warrants issued by jour Auditor is $5948.12 on the general fund of the county, for a statement of the same showing fhe funds on which the same were auowed, see your Auditor's report . Your Treasurer has filed with us vouch- ers for all moneys disbursed by him leav- ing a balance of $7020.01, for a detailed statement of which see your Treasurer's report . We find the amount of outstanding taxes to amount to $13913.89, for a state - ment of same see your Auditor ' s report . We find the net indebtedness of Brule Powder j ABSOLUTE PURE couuty to be $4024.24, which will be paid from the proceeds of the tax sale iu No- vember it all the land is sold as adver - tised. The following described warrants have remained in your Auditor's office for more than six years, and have reverted to the couuty and destroyed by us as re- tired by law, all of which were issued uly 8th, 1884, namely, Number 1086, D. Stapors $ 1 10 " 1039 Joseph Knodell 2 20 " 1052 Emily Gedrick 1 20 " 1080 John Boner 1 00 1097 Fredhouse 1 10 " 1108 Pat Galligher 1 10 1156 W.L. Holden 2 00 : : Respectfully Submitted, S. A. Parks ) Finance A. L. Siddons [• Commit - J. J. Gregg ) tee The session was occupied iu commit- tee work. On motion the board adjourned until 9 o'clock, a. m., October 9th, 1890. CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, ) October 9tll , 1890. ) Tho Board met at 6 o' clock, a. in . Members all present . ' Ou motion the Balary of tho district attorney was reduced from $900.00 to $700.00 for the ensuiug term, commenc - ing on the first Monday of January, 1891. On motiou the second petition of the citizens of Lyman and Presho counties for the establishment of election pre- cincts was rejectedthe Board having uo jurisdiction. On motion Anna Chamberlain was giveu a rebate of all taxes for the year 1889, on personal property, ou. laccount of au erroneous assessment . The Committeo 011 Claims submitted the following report :— REPORT OF COMMITTER ON CLAIMS. CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, I October 9th, 1890. ) To THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Gentlemen:— Your Committee on Claims respectfully submit the following report of the claims aguiust the various funds of Brule County, and of tho amounts allowed thereon:— Clnlmiuit and Services. Claimed. Allowed $106 60 $106 00 50 120 00 120 00 260 60 35 25 13 35 John N Vunllorn, sher- iff's fees Brule County Bank, rent of office, 7 50 A G Kellam, rent of office, Ben W Ryan, quarters salary, PerkiuB Brothers, sup- plies, A E Roberts, insano case, George Shanks, mare for poor farm, Burkholder Brothers, supplies for offices, 9 65 Burkholder Brothers, blanks, 5 10 J W Cook, medical services, 35 00 J W Cook, medical services, 3 00 J W Cook, Board of Health, 30 00 Scott & Frye, medi- ciue and supplies, 19 64 R A Edwards, wolf scalps, 21 00 L I! Troth, wolf scalp. 3 00 John Van Potter, wolf scalp, 3 00 W R Lewis, wolf scalp, 3 00 Charles E Wedmore, wolf scalp, 9 00 Frank Henegar, wolf scalp, 3 00 Peter Delp, wolf scalp, 3 00 Peter Delp, wolf scalp. 3 00 Archie Stanly, wolf scalp. 6 00 RM Wood, wolf scalp. 6 C W lieuegar, wolf scalp, fi 00 Jacob A Murray, wolf scalp, 3 00 Albert Doughty, wolf scalp, 9 00 Charles Sweisson, wolf scalp, 3 CO W W McKittrick, wolf scalp. 15 00 John R Roberts, wolf scalp. 3 00 W F llammel, wolf scalp, 3 00 C C Morrow, justice fees. 5 55 Paul M Krolin, wit- ness fees, 1 00 George It Owen, print- ing and blanks, John Andrews, print ing, 81 97 WLThorndyke, print- ing, 52 00 W LThorndyke, print- ing, 83 40 Nugent-Brown News Company, blanks, 37 50 Robert Newell, ser- vices, 1 00 G H Brown, merchan- dise, 4 21 Ennis and Moodie cofflin for pauper, 14 00 J G Ingerham, labor at poor farm, 11 00 C A Drew, blacksmith- ing, 3 9u Thor Satrang, mer- chandise for poor farm, 21 15 W V Lucas, envelopes for office. 4 25 Charles Youhill, labor at poor farm 2 00 Selma Saluthe, ser- vices rendered, 13 75 A C Hewling. board of pauper, 28 GO Oeo Scnorer. attendance on pauper 10 60 H M Adamuattendiuico on pauper IS 09 DrJ HHttioosondrugtiaiid medicines 9 90 W V Lucas pobtege etc... 17 C-5 EC Stevene ice and moat 9 63 A E Bcberts sularjr 200 00 Wm Franklin constable fees 21 00 T A HtevonB postage for offioe. 6 75 H N Hamilton Balarr aud expMMHes 197 S3 J B aiclntnrf oarpontor work 1 10 J B Dillinger blanks fur- nished 23 50 Oeo D Barnard & Co blank fnrnished 12 60 W A. Porter ttalary sod expenses 250 85 E if Engelbrocht digging grave 8 00 Carey Lombard Co Inm- ber 1 00 LD Bardin ft Co. mdse for pauper 22 60 Lydia A Ingraham l-.bor. 8 25 P HHyan labor and hay.. 100 25 B O Parks mileage aud per diem 21 70 Tlios I#iddiard mileage and per diem 16 fid A L Siddons mileugo and per diem 17 90 John Moodie mileage and pordiem 24 00 J 3 Unwg mileage and per dicin .... . 24 00 . IA Weeks justice fw . 15 83 John Van Horn Hhenffs fees J P Court S CO 11T Willson sherifts fees J 1' court 1 Ou 260 65 31 25 13 35 125 00 125 00 9 65 5 10 35 00 3 00 30 0O 19 04 21 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 L) 00 6 00 3 00 9 00 3 00 15 0O 3 00 3 00 5 55 1 00 130 89 112 24 81 97 52 00 33 40 1 00 4 21 14 00 11 00 3 95 21 15 2 00 13 75 25 00 8 OO is OO 8 20 17 05 S3 200 0U 22 00 6 75 191 85 1 10 £3 50 1? 50 250 85 : 00 22 90 8 25 100 25 21 70 1FT 50 17 90 24 OO 24 00 .... JLw 'mA J- S06 ' 00 J N Van Horn sheriffs foes J P Court 3 00 2 CO UT Willson sheriffs fees 2 CO J P Oocrt 1 00 1 SO Win Franklin constables 1 SO foes J P Court 1 00 1 00 3eo Nutfen witness feea J P Court 1 00 3eo Nutfen witness feea J P Court 1 15 4. 1 W FAThomiis witness fees 1 W i 00 . 1 00 C. M Milroan witness tees . 1 00 J P court 1 CO W Hhnltz witness fees J P court X 00 £ Bawdy witness feos J P X 00 1 00 W V Lucas salary r<oo no r»oo oo T A Stevens salary 500 00 500 00 Chnsbweinson road over- seer 6 93 0 9S W Sweet rondovornoer 21 M) 21 50 UooBhunkn " " a 00 2S CO Frank Weiss lumber for C'lnvHland township.. 3^ *2 85 42 JH Wright viewing «ito tor w«?ll 2 00 2 00 C M Austin viewing aite for \v»-ll 2 00 , 200 Martin Smith viewinu 6ito 200 for well , 2 00 2 00 W J SwL-ct viewing site for artesian well 2 00 2 00 E Uurrington viewing sito . 2 00 for anesiau well 2 1)0 ' 2 00 (/('Morrow viewing fiito 2 00 for artesian well 2 00 .. 2 00 Prank tichoenbergor view- 2 00 ing site for artesian WFLL ing site for artesian WFLL 2 00 : 2 00 Jeflte liiittL viewing sito 2 00 for arttwiun well 2 00 2 00 CoraMiiu Miller viewing 2 00 eight for nrtenian well.. 2 00 2 00 Joseph FaolkJe viewing 2 00 aite for artesian well. 2 00 - 2 00 John .Miller viewing aite 2 00 for arto.sian well . 2 00 2 00 J S liarncrt viewing arte- aian well gile 2 00 2 00 Mike Waliih viewing nrte- 2 00 sinn well aite 2 CO 2 00 Juhh Kyan viewing arte siau well bite 2 00 2 00 D McCounel viewing site for well 2 00 2 00 C M Gregory viewing bite for well C M Gregory viewing bite for well 2 00 . 2 00 1 P Potter viewing arte sian well 2 00 2 0U A 8 fcjtttver viewing arte- fciau well nite 2 00 2 00 Chris Manizviewiug arte- sian well site 2 00 2 00 A Doty viewing artesian well aite 2 0!) 2 00 J II Uowe viewing urto- sian well site ' 2 00 2 00 Frank Collin* arteian well survey 0 00 C 00 Wm Farnsworth artesian well survey t> 00 c to Albert Hibley artesian well 18 00 survey 18 00 IS 00 Scott Hayes artesian well survey 21 00 21 00 Scott Hayes artesian well survey 27 00 27 00 Jay Wellman artesian well survey 10 50 10 50 John Conrick artesian well snrevy 6 75 . 6 75 A P Nichols artesian well survey 1 50 7 Ui O It Morns artesian well survey 75 7f> iteapcctfully submitted. BOHgg DON'T - DON'T DON'T Dispute with your wife when she says Brenne'sgootls are the only ones to buy, because she knows what she's talking about. ' X . ^ *>«?V V ~ it -J- •*. Argue with her when she says that Brenne's prices are money savers. She talks like a sensible woman Vi ho knows whats w hat. , , , - , 1 * VTT* —3 JOUN MooniK, Chairman. the auditor, various corn- On motion the reports of the treasurer , ami of the mittees were approved. On motion the Board adjourned sine die . J. J. GNEIIIR, Chairman. BEN W. It VAN, Auditor. [ Treasurer' s report nest wei- k.] ArtcMlau Well Convention. Thirty- three del egates were present at the county artesian well convention in Chamberlain Tuesday. J. M. Green was chairman and L. II. Wilrodt , secretary . The following resolutions were pre- sented UUDOU motion adopted : Be It resolved by this convention that a committee of five be appointed, whose duty it shall be to look into the matter of securing the necessary aud most suit - able machinery for sinking artesian wells in Brule county, S. D., and that such committc work with and assist the couuty commissioners in every way possible in and about the matter of securing for our people as many artesian wells as possible , and that committee consists of J. M. Greene , J. J. Gregg, A. E. Roberts , W. A. Porter aud E. B. Sopor . On motion the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, that it is the sense of this convention that the voters of this county should vote to authorize the expenditure of $7,000 for the purpose of artesion well machinery aud other expenditures in counection therewith . On mution i t was resolved tliat the above committee ol five be authorized and instructed to call a convention of tho cit - izens of this county to take any further action desired. Mothers . There are upon the skin of every LI man being, child and adult alike , 2,300- 000 pores. Through these pores in the form of insensible perspiration is expelled more than one - quarter of the nourish- ment taken into tho system. The import nnce of keeping open these perspiration valves upon a child' s body is second only to that of property digesting the food eaten. It was to open- the pores of the skin and to assimilate the food that Dr . Pitcher formulated Castoria . Loose bowels , constipation, fever and eruptions , which are so constant among infauts and children, and which kill ono- third of all children before they are five years old, arise principally from these two causes . It is from the wonderful results attend- ant upon the use of Castoria in rogulat ing the stomach and keeping open the pores of the skin that Castoria acquired its world-wide reputation. With plenty of water for the body, pure air for the lungs and Castoria to assimilate the food, there need be no unaccounted for sickness among children. Castoria is a vegetable prescription without morphine or other narcotic property. Thirty years ' iven it a history never extensive use has given attained by any other medicine . [458.] DON'T Try to excuse yourself for going to some other store mBtead of Urcnne's. You know you can't offer a reason ihat is satisfactory. DON'T Expect your wife to meet you pleasantly if you have been to some other store for your Dry Goods and Groceries than Brenne's Ordinance No. 42'. Bolt Ordained by tho City Council of tho City of Ki tubtill. South Dakota, llmfc Boction 2 of Ordinance No. 38 bo amended by etribinc out the words "Ono Hundred and Twenty" and Inserting in their plaoe the words Three llundrsd." Approved Oct. 13, 1890, C. 8. BLODOKTT, Mayor . A fresh lot of grapes in good condition 50 cents per basket at Bardin' s. We will make special bargains in Clothing to make room for new stock. . ^; L. C. Bardin . For Sale. 1 pair of mules by R. S. SOUTUGATF, For Sale About 300 well graded Sheep. Inquire at Byrnes Meat Market , Kimball S. Dak. (433) Byrnes &• Doersclag, BREGAS the TAILOR can make you a suit or an overcoat in the beBt style and at bottom prices. Repairing neatly done . Cow Wanted. Fresh late in October or November. Must be young, a good one and cheap. C. R. TINAS. Strayed. From Sec. 10-101-69, on the 13th lust, a black hone, blind in both eyes. Infor- mation concerning the same may be left at the above place or at Brenne's store. W.F, LDJIBABB. Do any of these things if you expect to live long the land and keep your hairon. Edw. Brenne. in ^ ^ y. .V To Irrigate or not to Irrigate. Is a question of great importance to the people of Brule county. But one of equally great importance is the fact that we are prepared to save them dollars on merchandise. No " matter how cheap other merchants say they sell goods, we have the goods and prices which will prove * to any qualified judge that we can out sell them every time. Money talks. Your money and our goods make a lively dialogue. In addition to our superior goods ; and bottom prices we offer some special inducements. A wise man once said: ''If you want to do busi- ness go where business is done." An- other said: "You can't sit on the counter at Bardin's and whittle, talk politics and chaw tobacco, but you can save money and get better goods than the slow-sale firms keep, and that's what I am alter." Bardin's Big Store a •i * A #1 ' '-1 •?$ Jf J* T NEW PROCESS «<GAS0LINE STOVE* No needle points to get out of order. Simple and durable. No heating generator. Turn a wheel and it is lighted and ready for For sale by t r ~ GEO. W. JAMES. "4 1 h :a M cooking A nice line of Fancy China Just received at Miller's Palace Drug Store. Go to the Harness A OPPOSITE BRENNE'S STORE For Your Harnesses and Repairing. FRANK BINGAMAN. B. T. HILL, Proprietor. The Finest Barn and Rigs in the Gity. ltemcmber the place—the "lied Front" oa Main St.

Transcript of Bardin's that's what I am Big alter. Store€¦ · Open on week days at 700 A. M. Cloee prompt-at 8...

Page 1: Bardin's that's what I am Big alter. Store€¦ · Open on week days at 700 A. M. Cloee prompt-at 8 F. M. The offioa will be opened on Bandar* from 9 M. toll A.a. Begister and Monty

C. 91. & St. Paul Time Table. F*M*B«er,(UDGoast V43 A.M.except Bat. PIUMWOR, (toing WMt....:M3 V. *., •' Hon. Fteitkl. cuing west 11:10 A. A.eseoptBnn. Fr*i»bt, going met w»d. 4 *ri.

Post Office Hours. Eastern Mail close* at 8:00A. M„ ami SMI F. at. WesMrn " " 11:00 a. and 8:00 r.M. Northern" " " 730 A.M., Tue.,Tlra., 8af •ontheru ?:S0 " Mon., Wed, ITRI.

OFFICIO noons. From this date ontU farther notice the boars

of tho Kimball P. O. will be as follows: Open on week days at 700 A. M. Cloee prompt-at 8 F. M. The offioa will be opened on Bandar* from 9 M. toll A.a.

Begister and Monty Order business open from A.M. to Sr. M.

J. B. Loxu, Poetmaafsr.

Lingering; Letters. Llat of latter* remaining in th« P. O. at Kim

ball tor the waak ending Aug 10.1890. Parti** otllini for any of the above described

can Pltan (foreign.) etters will plea** My advertised. After 10 dajr» will be Mat to the deed letter oifioe,

J A. LOXQ, P, &I.

Kimball Market Report* DKAXJKBS AUK 8BLLIN0

Hour, Kimh&ll Mills, White Ghost $1.00 Fluor, *' Standard 1.20 Flour, M Greme 1.40 flour, " Patont, 1.60 graham Flour V cwt 2.00

ore Ileal V cwt 1.60 Branttowt .60 Granulated Bugar 10 Arbnokle'a Boasted Coffee 28 Bio Coffee, green 23 Japan Tea. 60 N.O.Molaseee .50 Cheese U» L*RD 10 Kerosene 20 Birloln Hteak 10 (Sausage 10 Purk Chop lo

DEALERS A KB FAYIKO FOB: Mo. 1 Wheat 70 No. 3 Wheat .80 Oats 80 Corn, oar as Fla* 1.08 Heana 2.00 Potato MI J.OO Batter, prime 12 KFFTS ; J4 Chioken*. live W Beef, live weight 2.25 Pork, live weight ft.9.1 llidos green 02


Is easily injured—the slightest irritation of the throat or larynx at once affecting its tone, flexibility, or power. All e(Torts to sing or speak til public, umler such condi­tions, become not only painful but danger­ous, and should be strictly avoided until every symptom is removed. To effect a speeily cure no other medicine is equal to

Ayers Cherry Pectoral Tlw best of anodynes, this prejmration rap­idly soothes irritation, strengthens tlic deli­cate organs of speech, and restores the voice to its tone and power. No singer or public speaker should he without U. Lyiila Thomp­son, the famous actress, certifies: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been of very great ser­vice to me. It improves anil strengthens the voice, and is always effective for the cure of colds ami coughs."

"Upon several occasions I have suffered from colds, causing hoarseness and entire AOSS of voice. In my profession of an auc­tioneer any aftcction of the voice or throat Is a serious matter, but at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, with ordl«

.. nary care, has worked such a

Magical Effect that I have suffered very little inconven­ience. I have also used it in my family, with excellent results, iu coughs, colds. &c."~ Win. H. Quartiy, Minl&ton. Australia.

44 In tlie spring of 1853. at Portsmouth, Va., I was prostrated by a severe attack of ty-phoid pneumonia. My physicians exhausted their remedies, and for one year I was not able to cveti articulate a word. By the ad* vice of Dr. Shaw 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pee* toral. and to my surprise and great joy. lu less than one month I could converse easily. In a natural tone of voice. I continued to Improve and have become since a well man. 1 have often recommended the Pectoral, and have never Known it to fail."—George R. Lawrcncc, Valparaiso, Ind.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT

DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowel, Miss. Bold by *11 Druggists. Price $1; all bottles,



The Great 8hln Remedy Relieves ssi Com

ttcU&SB and Irritations of the Bids and Scalp,

FILES, Either Itching or Bleeding, s


It (rutantly nlUvci the pain of Burnt <Md Scalds, and euro tfte worst cow wUhout a sear.

Saudi boxes t5c. Largo boxes SOc.

Cole's Carbolisoap prov«ntsplmples,! blackheads, chapped ana oily skin, and pre* serves, freshens and beautifies tho complex-Ion. It is unequaled for use in hard water, and its absoluto purity and delicate per. fame makes it a poeitlve luxury for the natli and uursery. <

Gststlos;- The labels oa the genuine are I JKaek and Ms letters Oreen. Prepared onlM by J. W. Oole ft Co.. Black ltlvor Tails. Wii] Sold by Druggists and Dealora la If edioiaa. i




S P I R A L " ^

300 lbs. PRESSURE



THK I^IKAL 1KOS15 Is the only reliable V Cotton Hose, which Js proven by there belsg so aasny Imitations. The geaalne has fOUK aUtlagaUhlag marks:

!• JL alngle colored line running •owh It. n* The sstutmwk "SPOSAL," pat-

OL The Corroflmted hand fastening beM to «oapllRg,

IT* Corrugated oowpli&g as ahown TA WT. Tl» Spiral** Cotton Hose»ha*tag no outside

iSDwrliiw hold moisture as rubber hues does. Brie* Ilk* a towel. Imiitca getting this Hose. »•••* dealers will try to **11 an inferior one. •>•»!•»— IT you wsttoathtopaptr.


Rublpr Spiting asd Padring, W SerasidUro St, BOSTON,

"""'ANY ••* UNI *r., • IWM rr., CHI$MO. RAN rRANCISCO

M. Reed left for the East Tuesday. Don't forget tho social Friday uight. Say, have you bought those sheep yet? Cr. Milllron has been at Sioux Falls

this week. Wanted—A new milch cow. Enquire

at this office. Miss Gertrude Nugen returned home

Tuesday evening. 60 and spend a pleasant evening at

the M. E. church Friday. Dr. Frederick Scott is busy" with his

semi-annual house cleaning. Register Stevens was up Saturday to

see the fun at the race track. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Boyce took in the

closing days of the corn palace. Dr. L G. Bollinger left Wednesday for

Chicago to have his eyes treated. Deputy Postmaster McKittrick has been

away to Chicago the past week. The race between Reed and Ben Rutler

is oft—each withdrew their forfeit. Go slow and learn to peddle. Don't

start in with too many sheep at first. Bob Somers was up from Chamberlain

Saturday to see Ed. Taft get scooped. A slow drizzling rain fell for two days

and nights, commencing Friday night John R. Gamble addressed a politi­

cal meeting at the opera-house Wednes­day afternoon.

IT looks as though the GRAPHIC'S ail-vice to buy a few sheep was being pretty generally followed.

By an ordinance published in to-day's GRAPHIC, it will be seen that tho council has raised the "temperance saloon" li­cense TOD300 a year.

Hon. Bartlett Tripp will speak at the opera-house Saturday afternoon, Xov. 1. Remember the date.

Robert Barr is to look after J. N. Bar-kee'S business while the latter is absent to Nebraska after sheep.

Messrs. Burgess, Dains, Beebe aud Jeff­erson started Sunday morniug for a few days hunt at Lake Andes.

The money men and the sheep men in South Dakota are getting together. Much good will eome from it. *

Candidates can get their cards or tick­ets printed at the GRAPHIC office in the highest style of art and at bottom prices.

A stock company has been formed in Chas. Mix county for the purpose of sink­ing an experimental artesian well near Edgerton.

J. A. Glass has moved his barber shop to the building once occupied by D. W. Butler—in the roar of Butler, Week's and Wyant's office.

The McKinloy bill admits bladders free. The high tariff fellows will want lots of them to hold them up when the western farmers gets after them.

A pound social will be held at the M-E. church Friday evening. The pounds are to be left at the parsonage, tho coffee and cake being served at the church.

Pat Qnirk bought tho Bluo Front Build­ing opposite the Dakopolis of R. M. Wheeler last week and will move his shop thereto. Mr. Wheeler takes Pat's farm.

Armour has let the contract for an artesian well to Swan & Co, Andover, this state, for $4 per toot, first 500 feet and |3 for each additional foot, well to be eased with 6 inch pipe.

Hon. W. Y. Qulgley and W. A. Buxton, Democratic candidates for congress and superintendent of public instruction re­spectively, will speak at the opera-house next Tuesday evening—Pukwana, next evening.

The postoffice authorities do not recog­nize any such place as Dakota or Dakota Territory. Letters should be addrossed to either North Dakota or South Dakota or they are liable to bring up in the dead letter office.

A car-load of potatoes from McGregor Iowa, was Totalled from the car Tuesday for |1 per bushel. Two years ago this fall carload after car-load of potatoes were shipped from this point East.

A prominent Kimball firm, which, by the way, is a constant advertiser in the GBAPHIOJ informed us a few days since that its business last month was $1,100 better than for the same month last year. Another firm accidentally volun-terred the information that its business last month also showed a satisfactory in­crease last over the corresponding month last year. This firm is also, a lib­eral patron of the GRAPHIC'S advertising columns. Other similar cases could be cited, of course, by instituting proper in­quiry.

Mr. Tan Gets Done up. Saturday was a great day for the Irish,

as it was equally unlucky for little "Boniface"—his fourth birthday, too. When the sun went down Mr. Reed was a happy man, Sir William Richards felt pretty well himself and Lee Conant was as proud as a peacock. Mr. Reed had made good his boast—that his Nabock-iesh could out trot Mr. Taft's Boniface. Sir William fitted the horse and placed his money on him and Conant piloted the Irish lad to victory in three straight, hotly fought heats.

A more disagreeable day for a race has not appeared this fall, a cold, drizz­ling rain falling all day, making fast time possible and general discomfort to the spectators. But a more exciting contest of the kind never took place in the county. Hundreds of dollars changed hands on the result, and while the posted ones knew that Reed's horse was the faster of the two, many bet on Taft' knowing his superior driving and well-known tactics in a closs race. For once they got left. In the first two heats Bon­iface showed himself under the wire first by half a length, but was set back for re­peated breaks and running. The third heat he trotted honestly but lost it by half a length. In the second heat the driverp. collided on the second turn and three spokes in a bunch went out of Reed's snlky and one out of Taft's. The time was 257. 2:56 and 2:57.



October 8tb, 1890. J The Board of Commissioners of Brule

county met at 9 o'clock, a. m. Members present—Gregg, Parks, Sid-

dons, Llddiard and Moodie. On motion the petition of the supervi­

sors of Plainfield towuship asking for a discharge of all seed liens was rejected— the Board haying no jurisdiction.

On motion A new warrant was ordered issued to L. F. Hart, in place of the war­rant destroyed by the Board at the Janu­ary, 1890, session.

On motion a rebate of all penalty and interest was given W. H. Ocbsner on bis taxes of the year 1883 upon payment of the principal.

On motion John Smith was granted a refunding order for of his assessment on S e of 9,102-68, for taxes of 1889, on account of tree oxemption.

On motion Johanna Anderson was given a rebate of $1.00, school poll as­sessed against her in error.

On motion the petition of Claus H. Sierers, for a refunding of taxes paid on s e of section 1,102-71, was rejected.

The following resolution was presented and adopted:—

"BE IT RESOLVED that the question in­volving an extraordinary outlay of mouey by the county commissioners of Brule county. South Dakota, be submitted to the people of Baid county at a regular electiou to be held on the 4th day of No­vember, A. D. 1890, to-wit:—

The expenditure by said county com­missioners of the sum of seven thousand dollars, or so mncli thereof as may be deemed necessary, for the purpose of pur­chasing for said county as many arte­sian well drilling machines, or outfits, as may be deemed advisable.

Said sum so to bo expended to be raised by the lew, annually, hereafter, of a tax of not less than than 114 mills and not more tban 3 mills on the dollar on the taxable property of said county until a sufficient amount shall be raised to pay said warrants."

On motion W. F. Lumbard was granted a refunding order of $1.00 school poll, assessed in error, he being under age.

On motion the board adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. M.

The board met at 2 o'clock, p. m. Members all present. On motion the petition of T. H. Cox

and others for the vacating of the diugo-nal road and relocation of same, in town­ship 104, range 71, was rejected.

ON motion the resignations of C. C. Morrow and Jesse Hiatt, county justices of the peace, were accepted.

OU motion a wurrunt of $150.00 was ordered drawn on the "Road and Bridge Fund" to assist in grading across Snow I.uke. Warrant to be issued wheu tho grade is complete and road is iu good condition for travel, and road is accepted by Bridge Committee.

Ou mution A cash road tux of one mi'L was levied on tho unorganized townships of Graud View, Reservation and Cleve­land.

On motion the contract for supplying the county with one carload of hard coal was awarded to John Parker @ $10.90 per ton—his bid beiug tho lowest.

On motion the board adjourned until 9 o'clock, a. IU., October 7th. 1890.


Taxes ^$TSC987 87 Redemptions Register's fees Jury fees F * Seed Liens Treasurers fees Institute fees

.Highest of all in Leavening Power.—-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.

783 97 387 55 15 00 U 65 8 20 4 00



• CHAMBEIU.AIN October 7th, 1890,

The board mot a t 9 o'clock, a. m. Members a l l present. The board occupied the session iu com­

mittee work. Ou motion the board adjourned until 2

o'clock, p. M.

The board met at 2 o'clock, p. m. Members all present. The auditor presented the following

report of his office for tue quarter ending September, 1890:—

AUDITOR'S REPORT. Chamberlain, S. D„ October 1st, 1890.

To the Honorable Board of Commissioners, Gentlemen: I herewith submit a report of my office

for the quarter ending September 30th, 1890, showing the amounts of warrants issued on tne various funds, and the amount of money received by the treas­urer for tho different funds STATEMENT OF WARRANTS ISSUED.

COUNTY FUND. Auditor's salary $ 250 25 Attorney's salary and expenses 239 50 Super'tendeut of schools, mile­

age, etc 166 50 Sheriff's fees and expenses 403 63 County Judge since Jau. 15th 366 67 County Assessor 177 00 Commissioners

1st District 105 00 2nd " 66 00 3rd " 83 40 4th " 107 00 5th " 91 50

Grand jury feos 488 20 Petit jury fees 780 20 Witnesses Circuit Court 463 00 Clerk's salary and feen 149 35 Stenographer circuit court 166 80 Bailiff's fees 168 00 Miscellaneous, rent of court

room etc 180 00 Justice fees 63 05 Witness J. P. Court 49 20 Constables J. P. Court 88 10 Books and stationary 1 227 83 Printing 16155 Office supplies, repairs, etc 24 45 Jail expenses 4 15 Poor farm 276 03 Temporary relief 7 70 Miscellaneous, Including office

rent board of healthand all other expenditures

Total warrants issued SALARY FOND

Treasurer's salary ; Register of Deeds ;



Surveying road

727 41


500 00 500 00

1000 00

4 00

9 55


s~ $


State / Bond Constitutional Convention Stock Indemnity County Sinking School—County Road Bridge Chamberlain—general

sinking judgment «

Kimball School township Civil township Road poll School Poll Dog Eagle—Sub. D. No. 1

Sub D. No. 2 Smith—Sub D. No. 1

Sub D. No. 2

622 61 27 05

23 00 1040 44 191 25 346 79 122 52

1 93 69 50

108 42 48

194 18 3131 05 236 63

5 50 204 00 120 00

1 11 10 26 4 34 3 25

519 69 60

Penalty Advertising


Plummer 31 64 Lyon 4 73 Pukwana 14 51 Waldro 26 72 Willow Lake , 1158 Plainfield . . 27 45 Kimball 2 29 Red Lake 11 64 Ola 26 15 Richland 28 87 Highland 10 96 Wilbur 15 05 Eagle 25 03


Plummer 5 84 Lyon 3 20 Chamberlain 2 70 Pukwana 14 79 Waldro 8 22 Willow Lake 10 94 Plainfield 21 77 Kimball 7 01 Smith 7 75 Red Lake 3 91 Brulo 1 53 Ola 2 31 Richland 2 40 Highland 1 00 Wilbur 14 12 TorreyLake 3 55 Pleasant Grove 4 00 America 7 45


Plummer Township Chamberlain Township

Total _

122 52

3 00 2 50


CONDITION OF BRULE COUNTY Warrants outstandiug July 1,

1890 657 55 Warrants iss'd July to October 5948 12 Interest paid 21 94

Total 662 617 Warrants paid April to July

1890 1879 84 Interest paid fr'M April to July

1890 21 94 Warrants reverted to county 4 20

Total " "~ Total warrants Warrants cancelled

Balanco outstanding Balance for further payment Net Indebtedness

1905 98 6627 61 1905 98 4727 63 697 39

4024 24 All of which is respectfully submitted.

BEN W. RYAN, County Auditor.

S c I 8 c I g c | 8 c l 8

1830 1881 1883 1883 mi 1885 1886 1887 18*8

112 82 178 30 500 24 485 !18 912 79

1159 75 979 81

1791 M SiU 32

20282 07

112 82 478 80 500 24 486 28 912 79

11C7 93 982 77

1799 96 8178 19

20801 76

12 69 15 40 9 15

23 40 172 90

6887 87

112 32 478 30 500 24 472 69 912 79

1152 52 978 62

1777 66 3305 29

139U 89


MO FLYA oss Brule. Bell Rapids Times;—Applications have

been made lor fifteen artesian wells in Brule oonnty, and they will be sunk under the state law. That number of wells ia one county ought to practically test the feasibility of irrigation by snefc means and the capacity of the wells for such purpose. , , ..

Plummer Lyon Chamberlain v

> JPukwana • "^Waldro

Willow Lake Plainfield Kimball :" Smith Red Lake Brule Ola

^ Richland Highland

" Wilbur ' Torrey Lake s;

Pleasant Grove -•tjEagle J';; America ^v \Orand View

' 'Total

167 26 65 60

447 78 130 56 101 39 81 74

229 90 355 91 48 85

173 28 183 53 261 72 141 94 109 60 56 75 27 00 66 82

155 95 229 83 105 64

W M -

3131 05

,« • $§®R

The following Judges and Clerks of election were appointed for the unor­ganized townships, or precincts:— Reservation

Judges: Louis Hanson. P. J. Wood. Thomas Nelson.

Clerks: Charles E. Wedmore. W. H. Briorly.

Polling place at P.J. Wood's residence. Chamberlain:—

Judges: C. M. Lockwood. Francis Pickler. J. W. Orcutt.

Clorks: J. II. Bridgeman. E. C. Jay.

Polling place at engine house. Cleveland:—

Judges: Ashman Sackett. John Glass. Thomas Quillan.

Clerks: George Shanks. Richard Griff in.

Polling place at schoolhouse No. 1. Graud View:—

Judges: Lewis Smith. Amos Fry. C. C. Manz.

Clerks: O. P. Cordill. Adolph Hanson.

Polling place at sclioolhouse No. 1. On motion the petition of the residents

of Lymau and Presho couuties for tho establishment of voting precincts was rejected—the board baring no jurisdic­tion.

The bids for supplying the county with one car-load of hard coal were opened and the contract was awarded to John Parker, @ $10.90 per ton.

On motion the board adjourned until October 8tli, 1890.

CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, ) October 8th, 1890. (

The board met at 9 o'clock, a. m. Members all present. The minutes of the preceding meeting

were read and approved. The board occupied the scssiou in com­

mittee work. On motion the board adjourned uutil 2

o'clock, p. m. The board met at 2 o'clock, p. m. The session was occupied in committee

work. On motion the school aDd road poll tax

of J. A. Sanford, for the year 1881, was rebated—including all penalty and in­terest—for the reason that ho was not a resident at that time.

Oil motiou the board adjournod until 7:30 o'clock, p. m.

The Finance Committee submitted tho following report:— REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE.

Chamberlain, S. D., Ootober 8,1890. To the Honorable Board of Commission­

ers. Gentlemen: Your committee on Finance respectfully

Bubmit the following report of their ex­amination of the auditor's and treasur­er's officos for the past quarter.

We have duly compared tho accounts of your Treasurer with the duplicate ac­counts as kept by your Auditor, and find that your Auditor has properly charged your Treasurer with all moneys colloctod by him, aud that your Treasurer has duly accounted for the same.

The amount of all collections made by your Treasurer is $8168.24, for a detailed statement of which see your Auditor's report

The amount of warrants issued by jour Auditor is $5948.12 on the general fund of the county, for a statement of the same showing fhe funds on which the same were auowed, see your Auditor's report.

Your Treasurer has filed with us vouch­ers for all moneys disbursed by him leav­ing a balance of $7020.01, for a detailed statement of which see your Treasurer's report.

We find the amount of outstanding taxes to amount to $13913.89, for a state­ment of same see your Auditor's report.

We find the net indebtedness of Brule

Powder j

ABSOLUTE PURE couuty to be $4024.24, which will be paid from the proceeds of the tax sale iu No­vember it all the land is sold as adver­tised.

The following described warrants have remained in your Auditor's office for more than six years, and have reverted to the couuty and destroyed by us as re­tired by law, all of which were issued uly 8th, 1884, namely,

Number 1086, D.Stapors $ 1 10 " 1039 Joseph Knodell 2 20 " 1052 Emily Gedrick 1 20 " 1080 John Boner 1 00

1097 Fredhouse 1 10 " 1108 Pat Galligher 1 10

1156 W.L. Holden 2 00 : : • Respectfully Submitted,

S. A. Parks ) Finance A. L. Siddons [• Commit-J. J. Gregg ) tee

The session was occupied iu commit­tee work.

On motion the board adjourned until 9 o'clock, a. m., October 9th, 1890.

CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, ) October 9tll, 1890. )

Tho Board met at 6 o'clock, a. in. Members all present. ' Ou motion the Balary of tho district

attorney was reduced from $900.00 to $700.00 for the ensuiug term, commenc­ing on the first Monday of January, 1891.

On motiou the second petition of the citizens of Lyman and Presho counties for the establishment of election pre­cincts was rejected—the Board having uo jurisdiction. On motion Anna Chamberlain was

giveu a rebate of all taxes for the year 1889, on personal property, ou.laccount of au erroneous assessment.

The Committeo 011 Claims submitted the following report:—


CHAMBERLAIN, SOUTH DAKOTA, I October 9th, 1890. )

To THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Gentlemen:— Your Committee on Claims respectfully

submit the following report of the claims aguiust the various funds of Brule County, and of tho amounts allowed thereon:—

Clnlmiuit and Services. Claimed. Allowed

$106 60 $106 00


120 00 120 00

260 60

35 25

13 35

John N Vunllorn, sher­iff's fees

Brule County Bank, rent of office, 7 50

A G Kellam, rent of office,

Ben W Ryan, quarters salary,

PerkiuB Brothers, sup­plies,

A E Roberts, insano case,

George Shanks, mare for poor farm,

Burkholder Brothers, supplies for offices, 9 65

Burkholder Brothers, blanks, 5 10

J W Cook, medical services, 35 00

J W Cook, medical services, 3 00

J W Cook, Board of Health, 30 00

Scott & Frye, medi-ciue and supplies, 19 64

R A Edwards, wolf scalps, 21 00

L I! Troth, wolf scalp. 3 00 John Van Potter, wolf

scalp, 3 00 W R Lewis, wolf

scalp, 3 00 Charles E Wedmore,

wolf scalp, 9 00 Frank Henegar, wolf

scalp, 3 00 Peter Delp, wolf scalp, • 3 00 Peter Delp, wolf scalp. 3 00 Archie Stanly, wolf

scalp. 6 00 RM Wood, wolf scalp. 6 C W lieuegar, wolf

scalp, fi 00 Jacob A Murray, wolf

scalp, 3 00 Albert Doughty, wolf

scalp, 9 00 Charles Sweisson, wolf

scalp, 3 CO W W McKittrick, wolf

scalp. 15 00 John R Roberts, wolf

scalp. 3 00 W F llammel, wolf

scalp, 3 00 C C Morrow, justice

fees. 5 55 Paul M Krolin, wit­

ness fees, 1 00 George It Owen, print­

ing and blanks, John Andrews, print

ing, 81 97 WLThorndyke, print­

ing, 52 00 W LThorndyke, print­

ing, 83 40 Nugent-Brown News

Company, blanks, 37 50 Robert Newell, ser­

vices, 1 00 G H Brown, merchan­

dise, 4 21 Ennis and Moodie

cofflin for pauper, 14 00 J G Ingerham, labor

at poor farm, 11 00 C A Drew, blacksmith-

ing, 3 9u Thor Satrang, mer­

chandise for poor farm, 21 15

W V Lucas, envelopes for office. 4 25

Charles Youhill, labor at poor farm 2 00

Selma Saluthe, ser­vices rendered, 13 75

A C Hewling. board of pauper, 28 GO

Oeo Scnorer. attendance on pauper 10 60

H M Adamuattendiuico on pauper IS 09

DrJ HHttioosondrugtiaiid medicines 9 90

W V Lucas pobtege etc... 17 C-5 EC Stevene ice and moat 9 63 A E Bcberts sularjr 200 00 Wm Franklin constable

fees 21 00 T A HtevonB postage for

offioe. 6 75 H N Hamilton Balarr aud

expMMHes 197 S3 J B aiclntnrf oarpontor

work 1 10 J B Dillinger blanks fur­

nished 23 50 Oeo D Barnard & Co blank

fnrnished 12 60 W A. Porter ttalary sod

expenses 250 85 E if Engelbrocht digging

grave 8 00 Carey Lombard Co Inm-

ber 1 00 LD Bardin ft Co. mdse

for pauper 22 60 Lydia A Ingraham l-.bor. 8 25 P HHyan labor and hay.. 100 25 B O Parks mileage aud per

diem 21 70 Tlios I#iddiard mileage

and per diem 16 fid A L Siddons mileugo and

per diem 17 90 John Moodie mileage and

pordiem 24 00 J 3 Unwg mileage and per

dicin .... . 24 00 . IA Weeks justice fw . 15 83 John Van Horn Hhenffs

fees J P Court S CO 11T Willson sherifts fees

J 1' court 1 Ou

260 65

31 25

13 35

125 00 125 00

9 65

5 10

35 00

3 00

30 0O

19 04

21 00 3 00

3 00

3 00

9 00

3 00 3 00 3 00

6 00 L) 00

6 00

3 00

9 00

3 00

15 0O

3 00

3 00

5 55

1 00

130 89 112 24

81 97

52 00

33 40

1 00

4 21

14 00

11 00

3 95

21 15

2 00

13 75

25 00 8 OO

is OO 8 20

17 05 S3

200 0U 22 00 6 75

191 85 1 10 £3 50 1? 50

250 85

: 00 22 90 8 25

100 25 21 70 1FT 50 17 90 24 OO 24 00

.... JLw 'mA J- S06

' 00

J N Van Horn sheriffs foes J P Court 3 00 2 CO

UT Willson sheriffs fees 2 CO

J P Oocrt 1 00 1 SO Win Franklin constables

1 SO

foes J P Court 1 00 1 00 3eo Nutfen witness feea

J P Court

1 00 3eo Nutfen witness feea

J P Court 1 15 4. 1 W FAThomiis witness fees

1 W

i 00 . 1 00 C. M Milroan witness tees

. 1 00

J P court 1 CO W Hhnltz witness fees J

P court X 00 £ Bawdy witness feos J P

X 00

1 00 W V Lucas salary r<oo no r»oo oo T A Stevens salary 500 00 500 00 Chnsbweinson road over­

seer 6 93 0 9S W Sweet rondovornoer 21 M) 21 50 UooBhunkn " " a 00 2S CO Frank Weiss lumber for

C'lnvHland township.. 3^ *2 85 42 JH Wright viewing «ito

tor w«?ll 2 00 2 00 C M Austin viewing aite

for \v»-ll 2 00 , 200 Martin Smith viewinu 6ito


for well , 2 00 2 00 W J SwL-ct viewing site

for artesian well 2 00 2 00 E Uurrington viewing sito .

2 00

for anesiau well 2 1)0 ' 2 00 (/('Morrow viewing fiito

2 00

for artesian well 2 00 .. 2 00 Prank tichoenbergor view­

2 00

ing site for artesian WFLL ing site for artesian WFLL 2 00 : 2 00

Jeflte liiittL viewing sito 2 00

for arttwiun well 2 00 2 00 CoraMiiu Miller viewing

2 00

eight for nrtenian well.. 2 00 2 00 Joseph FaolkJe viewing

2 00

aite for artesian well. 2 00 - 2 00 John .Miller viewing aite

2 00

for arto.sian well . 2 00 2 00 J S liarncrt viewing arte-

aian well gile 2 00 2 00 Mike Waliih viewing nrte-

2 00

sinn well aite 2 CO 2 00 Juhh Kyan viewing arte

siau well bite 2 00 2 00 D McCounel viewing site

for well 2 00 2 00 C M Gregory viewing bite

for well C M Gregory viewing bite

for well 2 00 . 2 00 1 P Potter viewing arte

sian well 2 00 2 0U A 8 fcjtttver viewing arte-

fciau well nite 2 00 2 00 Chris Manizviewiug arte­

sian well site 2 00 2 00 A Doty viewing artesian

well aite 2 0!) 2 00 J II Uowe viewing urto-

sian well site ' 2 00 2 00 Frank Collin* arteian well

survey 0 00 C 00 Wm Farnsworth artesian

well survey t> 00 c to Albert Hibley artesian well

18 00 survey 18 00 IS 00 Scott Hayes artesian well

survey 21 00 21 00 Scott Hayes artesian well

survey 27 00 27 00 Jay Wellman artesian

well survey 10 50 10 50 John Conrick artesian

well snrevy 6 75 . 6 75 A P Nichols artesian well

survey 1 50 7 Ui O It Morns artesian well

survey 75 7f> iteapcctfully submitted.





Dispute with your wife when she says Brenne'sgootls are the only ones to buy, because she knows what she's talking about. '

X . ̂ *>«?V V ~ it -J- •*.

Argue with her when she says that Brenne's prices are money savers. She talks like a sensible woman Vi ho knows whats w hat. , , , - , 1

* VTT* —3

JOUN MooniK, Chairman.

the auditor, various corn-

On motion the reports of the treasurer, ami of the mittees were approved. On motion the Board adjourned sine

die. J. J. GNEIIIR, Chairman. BEN W. It VAN, Auditor.

[Treasurer's report nest wei-k.]

ArtcMlau Well Convention. Thirty-three del egates were present at

the county artesian well convention in Chamberlain Tuesday. J. M. Green was chairman and L. II. Wilrodt, secretary.

The following resolutions were pre­sented UUDOU motion adopted:

Be It resolved by this convention that a committee of five be appointed, whose duty it shall be to look into the matter of securing the necessary aud most suit­able machinery for sinking artesian wells in Brule county, S. D., and that such committc work with and assist the couuty commissioners in every way possible in and about the matter of securing for our people as many artesian wells as possible, and that committee consists of J. M. Greene, J. J. Gregg, A. E. Roberts, W. A. Porter aud E. B. Sopor.

On motion the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, that i t is the sense of this convention that the voters of this county should vote to authorize the expenditure of $7,000 for the purpose of artesion well machinery aud other expenditures in counection therewith. On mution i t was resolved tliat the

above committee ol five be authorized and instructed to call a convention of tho cit­izens of this county to take any further action desired.

Mothers. There are upon the skin of every LI

man being, child and adult alike, 2,300-000 pores. Through these pores in the form of insensible perspiration is expelled more than one-quarter of the nourish­ment taken into tho system. The import nnce of keeping open these perspiration valves upon a child's body is second only to that of property digesting the food eaten. It was to open- the pores of the skin and to assimilate the food that Dr. Pitcher formulated Castoria. Loose bowels, constipation, fever and eruptions, which are so constant among infauts and children, and which kill ono-third of all children before they are five years old, arise principally from these two causes. It is from the wonderful results attend­ant upon the use of Castoria in rogulat ing the stomach and keeping open the pores of the skin that Castoria acquired its world-wide reputation. With plenty of water for the body, pure air for the lungs and Castoria to assimilate the food, there need be no unaccounted for sickness among children. Castoria is a vegetable prescription without morphine or other narcotic property. Thirty years'

iven it a history never extensive use has given attained by any other medicine. [458.]


Try to excuse yourself for going to some other store mBtead of Urcnne's. You know you can't offer a reason ihat is satisfactory.


Expect your wife to meet you pleasantly if you have been to some other store for your Dry Goods and Groceries than Brenne's

Ordinance No. 42'. Bolt Ordained by tho City Council of tho City of Ki tubtill. South Dakota, llmfc

Boction 2 of Ordinance No. 38 bo amended by etribinc out the words "Ono Hundred and Twenty" and Inserting in their plaoe the words Three llundrsd."

Approved Oct. 13, 1890, C. 8. BLODOKTT,

Mayor. A fresh lot of grapes in good condition

50 cents per basket at Bardin's.

We will make special bargains in Clothing to make room for new stock. . ;̂ L. C. Bardin.

For Sale. 1 pair of mules by


About 300 well graded Sheep. Inquire at Byrnes Meat Market, Kimball S. Dak.

(433) Byrnes &• Doersclag,

BREGAS the TAILOR can make you a suit or an overcoat in the beBt style and at bottom prices. Repairing neatly done.

Cow Wanted. Fresh late in October or November.

Must be young, a good one and cheap. C. R. TINAS.

Strayed. From Sec. 10-101-69, on the 13th lust, a

black hone, blind in both eyes. Infor­mation concerning the same may be left at the above place or at Brenne's store.


Do any of these things if you expect to live long the land and keep your hairon.

Edw. Brenne. in

^ ^ y. .V

To Irrigate or not to Irrigate. Is a question of great importance

to the people of Brule county. But one of equally great importance is the fact that we are prepared to save them dollars on merchandise. No " matter how cheap other merchants say they sell goods, we have the goods and prices which will prove * to any qualified judge that we can out sell them every time. Money talks. Your money and our goods make a lively dialogue.

In addition to our superior goods ; and bottom prices we offer some special inducements. A wise man once said: ''If you want to do busi­ness go where business is done." An­other said: "You can't sit on the counter at Bardin's and whittle, talk politics and chaw tobacco, but you can save money and get better goods than the slow-sale firms keep, and that's what I am alter."

Bardin's Big Store

a •i

* A

#1 ' '-1


Jf J* T


«<GAS0LINE STOVE* No needle points to get out of

order. Simple and durable. No heating generator. Turn a wheel and it is lighted and ready for

For sale by t r ~



1 h :a



A nice line of Fancy China Just received at

Miller's Palace Drug Store.

Go to the —


For Your Harnesses and Repairing. FRANK BINGAMAN.

B. T. HILL, Proprietor.

The Finest Barn and Rigs in the Gity. ltemcmber the place—the "lied Front" oa Main St.