Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment ... · A-4.3 Training of RSPs Key Staff as...

Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP) Progress Report July – December 2017 Funded By Implemented By The European Union Rural Support Programmes Network

Transcript of Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment ... · A-4.3 Training of RSPs Key Staff as...

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Balochistan Rural Development and Community

Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP)

Progress Report

July – December 2017

Funded By Implemented By The European Union Rural Support Programmes Network

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Abbreviations and Acronyms ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1

1. Description _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

2. Assessment of Implementation of Action Activities ___________________________________________________________ 4

2.1. Executive Summary of the Action ____________________________________________________________________________ 4

2.2. Results and Activities __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5

A. Results ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5

B. Activities __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

Start-up Activities ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

A-0.1. Hiring of BRDCEP Staff ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7

A-0.2. Staff Orientation Workshop _____________________________________________________________________________ 7

A-0.3. Programme Inception Workshop with Stakeholders __________________________________________________ 7

Expected Results _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8

A-1.1. Technical Assistance to BRSP& NRSP in Programme Planning and Designing through the

Development of Harmonised Proposal _________________________________________________________________________ 8

A-1.2. Develop a Standardised Gender Sensitive Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) ____________ 8

A-1.3. Development of Manual for Poverty Score Card (PSC) to be Implemented by BRSP and NRSP ____ 8

A-1.4. Development of Socio-Economic Baseline and Endline Approach and Methodology to Measure

and Report on Results, Outcome and Results Indicators of the BRDCEP Logframe ________________________ 8

A-1.6. Develop a Common Gender Sensitive M&E Framework and Report Mechanism on Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the BRDCEP _______________________________________________________________ 9

A-1.9. Assist BRSP and NRSP in Developing a Joint and Integrated MIS/GIS System and follow-up

support ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9

A-1.10. Develop and Implement a Web-Based Real Time Reporting MIS-Dashboard and GIS Mapping to

Track KPIs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9

A-1.11. Develop Gender Sensitive Staff Training Guidelines/Module ______________________________________ 10

A-1.12. Orientation Training of BRSP, NRSP and GoB Key Staff on PIM ____________________________________ 10

A-1.14. Training of Key Staff of BRSP, NRSP on Socioeconomic Baseline and Endline Approaches and

Methodologies and A-1.15. Training of Key M&E Staff of BRSP & NRSP on M&E framework and KPI

Reporting Tools _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10

A-1.16. Training of Key Implementation and M&E Staff of BRSP, NRSP and Government Officials on

Quality Control Plans and Checklists __________________________________________________________________________ 11

A-1.17. Develop Quality Assurance and Control Plan and Tools ____________________________________________ 11

A-2.1. Assist the EU TA in Undertaking a Comprehensive Gender Analysis ________________________________ 11

A-2.2. Review of RSPN, BRSP and NRSP organisational HR/Gender Policies ______________________________ 12

A-2.3. Gender ToT on Organisational HR/Gender Policies and Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws __________ 12

A-3.1: Develop Action Research Conceptual Framework ____________________________________________________ 12

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A-3.4. Formation and Meetings of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) __________________________________ 12

A-3.7. Annual BRDCEP lesson learning visits and workshops _______________________________________________ 13

A-3.9. Conventions of the Local Support Organisations (LSOs) _____________________________________________ 13

A-3.10. Regional Experience Sharing and Learning Visits ___________________________________________________ 13

A-4.1. Development of Community Awareness Toolkit (CAT) ______________________________________________ 13

A-4.2. Develop Quality Control Checklists and Reporting on Key SDG Indicators _________________________ 14

A-4.3 Training of RSPs Key Staff as Master Trainers on Use of CAT ________________________________________ 14

A-5.1. Assist EU TA to Develop a Global Communication and Visibility Plan for BRDCEP ________________ 15

A-5.2. Development of a Communication and Visibility Plan for RSPN, BRSP and NRSP Programme

Component ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15

A-5.3. BRDCEP Launching Workshop _________________________________________________________________________ 15

A-5.4. Printing of Visibility Items ______________________________________________________________________________ 16

A-5.5. Development of Video Documentary __________________________________________________________________ 16

A-5.8. Develop BRDCEP Website, Regular Updating and Maintenance _____________________________________ 16

2.3. Logframe Matrix Updated ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17

2.4. Please Provide an Updated Action Plan for Future Activities _____________________________________________ 17

3. Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entities and other Cooperation _______________________________________________________ 19

3.1. How do you Assess the Relationship Between the Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entities of this Grant

Contract (i.e. Those Having Signed the Mandate for the Coordinator or an Affiliated Entity Statement)?

Please Provide Specific Information for Each Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entity. ________________________________ 19

3.2. How Would You Assess the Relationship Between Your Organisation and State Authorities in The

Action Countries? How Has This Relationship Affected the Action ____________________________________________ 20

3.3 Where Applicable, Describe Your Relationship with Any Other Organisations Involved in

Implementing the Action: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 20

3.4. Where Applicable, Outline Any Links and Synergies You Have Developed with Other Actions. _______ 21

3.5. If Your Organisation Has Received Previous EU Grants in View of Strengthening the Same Target

Group, In How Far Has This Action Been Able To Build Upon/Complement The Previous One(S)? (List All

Previous Relevant EU Grants).____________________________________________________________________________________ 21

4.Visibility __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

BRDCEP Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme

BRSP Balochistan Rural Support Programme

CAT Community Awareness Toolkit

CDD Community Driven Development

Cis Community Institutions

C&V Communication and Visibility



Community Organizations

European Union

GoB Government of Balochistan

KPI Key Performance Indicators

LG&RRD Local Government and Rural Development Department

LSO Local Support Organisation

M&E Monitoring & Evaluation

NRSP National Rural Support Programme

P&D Planning and Development

PIM Programme Implementation Manual

PSC Poverty Scorecard

QACP Quality Assurance and Control Plan

RAC Research Advisory Committee

RSPN Rural Support Programmes Network

RSPs Rural Support Programmes

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SES Socioeconomic Survey

SUCCESS Sindh Union Council and Community Economic Strengthening



Technical Assistant

Village Organizations

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This report summarises the progress made by Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) during the inception phase (July 2017- December 2017) with respect to the implementation of the European Union (EU) funded “Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP) RSPN’s Component. An executive summary is delineated in the section 2 of the report. Section 2 provides details about the progress on activities and key achievements in accordance with output indicators and results set for the inception phase. Section 3 informs about the relationships fostered under this action with the relevant state authorities, partner organisations and relevant stakeholders. Assurance of EU visibility pertaining to BRDCEP activities is discussed in the section 4.

1.1 Name of Coordinator of Grant Contract Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN)

1.2 Name and title of the contact person Shandana Khan, Chief Executive Officer

1.3 Name of beneficiary(ies) and affiliated entity(ies) in the action

Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN)

1.4 Title of the action Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP) Programme – RSPN Component

1.5 Contract Number ACA/2015/369-759

1.6 Start date and end date of the reporting period

June 30, 2017 to December 31, 2017

1.7 Target Country(ies) or region(s) Pakistan, Balochistan

1.8 Final beneficiaries and/or target groups (if different) (including number of women and men)

People and people’s organisations benefiting from the Balochistan Rural Development & Community Empowerment (BRDCEP): 300,000 rural households, and the community institutions (LSOs, VOs and COs) in programme target districts. At least 50% of members of Community Institutions (CIs) and beneficiaries of socio-economic interventions are women.

1.9 Country(ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7)

Same as 1.7

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Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment programme (BRDCEP) is a five year, European Union (EU) funded programme. The overall objective of this programme is to support the Government of Balochistan (GoB) in reducing the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality, environmental degradation and climate change, and to turn this into opportunities to build and empower resilient communities participating actively in identifying and implementing socio-economic development activities on a sustainable basis in partnership with local authorities. Grant component of the programme is being implemented by Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) and National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) in collaboration with Local Government and Rural Development Department (LG&RDD), Government of Balochistan, (GoB) while the Human Dynamics (programme Technical Assistant (TA)), through a service contract with EU, provides technical support to GoB and partner RSPs (RSPN, BRSP and NRSP) to foster an enabling environment for attaining programme’s goal.

The specific objective of BRDCEP-RSPN component is to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of BRSP and NRSP and provide support and evidence to the programme TA (Human Dynamics) in order to effectively support GoB in its objective of improving public service delivery. RSPN’s role involves facilitating implementation of the programme through partner RSPs by ensuring quality control, standardisation in procedures, developing a common M&E framework, baseline approaches, documentation and warranting responsiveness of lessons learnt and providing value-added strategic backing where required. RSPN would also aim at wider dissemination of the lessons learnt through undertaking evidence-based advocacy with stakeholders and the media to scale up successful development approaches.

This report summarizes the achievements and progress made against work plan for the inception phase (July 2017 – December 2017) of the programme and provides detailed information of the activities. During the inception phase, the programme has successfully initiated key programme interventions and achieved significant results. After completion of the staff recruitment and orientation process, a series of coordination and consultative meetings were held with key stakeholders, including implementing programme partners BRSP, NRSP, the programme-TA and officials from LG&RDD and P&D department to develop a common understanding on the programmes’ results and to clarify and coordinate roles and responsibilities.

The programme was formally launched at Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan, on November 10, 2017. It was well attended by the wide range of stakeholders, at provincial and district levels. Participants included Federal and Provincial Ministers, Senators, Members of Provincial Assembly, Secretaries, officials from relevant government departments, representatives from donors, civil society organisations, academia and media.

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In order to support and build institutional capacities of partner RSPs, ensure standardised programme implementation approaches and harmonised monitoring and reporting mechanism of the programme, RSPN has developed guidelines, training modules and quality assurance plans and tools. These include,

Programme Implementation Manual (PIM),

Community Awareness Toolkit (CAT),

Poverty Scorecard (PSC) manual,

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework and baseline socioeconomic survey (SES) approach and methodologies.

Relevant staff of implementing RSPs and government departments have been trained on RSPs M&E Framework and baseline SES approach and methodologies. To track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the programme, RSPN has developed basic structure of a web-based Management Information System (MIS)-Dashboard and supported partner RSPs in developing their MISs. The training of trainers (ToT) on RSPs Human Resource (HR) and gender policies and “anti-sexual harassment laws in Pakistan” has also been successfully delivered to the relevant staff of implementing RSPs and government officials. An important aspect of the inception phase has been the active involvement of the provincial and district government representatives in all the events, training and visits pertaining to BRDCEP. Other planned activities that completed during inception phase included; development of action research conceptual framework, formation of research advisory committee, conduction of national LSO convention, regional experience sharing visit to Tajikistan and development of a visibility and communication plan for RSPN, BRSP and NRSP’s components.

During the inception phase of the programme BRDCEP-RSPN staff also conducted three field visits to Loralai and Turbat districts to share leanings, meet with communities and support implementing RSPs in undertaking poverty scorecard survey.



Almost all of the planned activities and targets of BRDCEP’s of inception phase has been completed, except some activities which are delayed due to late start of the programme TA as visa processing of TA personnel took more than expected time; please see the table below.

Table: Achievements against Activity Targets and Outputs

Activity/outputs Targets Achievements

Hiring of BRDCEP programme staff (RSPN) 7 Completed

Programme orientation workshop for newly hired staff 1 Completed

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Develop standardised PIM 1 Completed

Develop manual for Poverty Scorecard (PSC) survey 1 Completed

Develop baseline survey approached & methodologies 1 Completed

Develop a common M&E framework 1 Completed

Assist RSPs in developing a joint & integrated MIS/GIS 1

It is an ongoing activity. Support to RSPs have been provided in developing the basis of the MIS

Develop and implement a web-based MIS-Dashboard 1

It is an ongoing activity. MIS-dashboard developed and is online.

Develop staff training guidelines for RSPs 1 Completed

Orientation training of RSPs and GoB on PIM 1 PIM developed. Training planned for January 2018

Training of RSPs on the Socio-economic baselines 1 Completed

Training of RSP M&E staff on M&E framework 1 Completed

Develop quality assurance and control plan and tools 1 Completed

Assist the Programme TA in undertaking gender analysis 1

Assistance provided. It is an ongoing activity till January 2018.

Review of RSPN/RSP organisational HR/Gender policies 1 Completed

Gender ToT on HR/Gender policies & harassment laws 1 Completed

Develop Action Research conceptual framework 1 Completed

Formation of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) 1 Completed

Annual BRDCEP lesson learning visits and workshops 1 Planned for February 2018

National LSO convention 1 National LSO convention held

Regional experience sharing visit (Tajikistan) 1 Completed

Develop Community Awareness Toolkit (CAT) 1 Completed

Develop quality control checklists 1 In process

Training of RSPs staff as Master Trainers on use of CAT 1 Planned for February 2018

Assist programme TA to develop a global Communication Plan 1 Not initiated by TA

Develop a Communication Plan for RSPN/BRSP/NRSP Components 1 Developed

BRDCEP launching workshop 1 BRDCEP launching workshop held

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Printing of visibility items 1 Required visibility items developed

Develop video documentaries (introductory doc) 1 In process

Develop BRDCEP website 1 In process

The intervention logic of the programme is still relevant and does not require any changes. Impact and outcome level assumptions of the programme hold true so far as no security has arisen due to law and order situation, no natural calamities occurred, implementing RSPs and programme TA cooperated with each other and GoB continued supporting the programme; Since it was the inception phase of the programme and no formal assessment for programme results was planned to be conducted, progress against impact and outcome level indicators will be reported in upcoming reports.

B. Activities

Start-up Activities

The programme has five expected results, with respective indicators, and corresponding activities to achieve them. However, before embarking on achieving the results, the following start up activities were undertaken that were required to commence the programme:

A-0.1. Hiring of BRDCEP Staff

The induction BRDCEP programme team at RSPN has been completed. In total, seven team members have been inducted for this programme, including the Programme Manager, Finance Manager, Research Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, MIS Officer, Communications Officer and Documentation and Reporting Officer. A-0.2. Staff Orientation Workshop

On 21st of September, 2017 the staff orientation workshop was held at RSPN office. The primary objective of this workshop was to orient the newly hired staff on BRDCE Programme, RSPN policies and procedures and EU regulations. Also, the lessons learned from another ongoing EU funded project SUCCESS were discussed at length. The Staff Orientation Workshop report is attached as Annex 1

A-0.3. Programme Inception Workshop with Stakeholders

The First Joint Programme Planning Meeting for EU-funded BRDCEP was held at RSPN, Islamabad on July 11, 2017. It was held to examine the programme planning strategies set out by RSPN, NRSP, and BRSP in their programme proposals for BRDCEP. The main objectives of the meeting were to review and align RSPN and implementing partner RSPs’ programme plans according to the given mandate, institutional priorities with timelines, and strategic importance of the inception phase and related programme activities. However, the formal launch ceremony of BRDCEP was held in Quetta on November 10, 2017.

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Expected Results

The progress of activities with respect to results is given below.

ER-1: The quality and effectiveness of programme implementation by BRSP & NRSP is improved through ensuring uniform programme implementation approaches and harmonised monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanisms developed for BRSP and NRSP.

Main Activities

A-1.1. Technical Assistance to BRSP& NRSP in Programme Planning and Designing through the

Development of Harmonised Proposal

RSPN supported RSPs in planning and designing of the programme activities through the development of harmonised proposals. The process started with series of consultative meetings with BRSP and NRSP and other key stakeholders including community representatives, GoB officials of Local Government and Rural Development Department, Planning and Development Department and Women Development Department, Government of Balochistan. Prior to these consultation, a meeting was held at RSPN office and RSPs/RSPN CEOs nominated the proposal development team from their respective RSPs. The RSPN proposal development team members also visited BRSP Quetta office to support the BRSP team in proposal development.

A-1.2. Develop a Standardised Gender Sensitive Programme Implementation Manual (PIM)

The Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) has been developed in consultation with relevant experts from RSPs and government departments. Draft PIM was reviewed in a three day PIM review workshop held at Quetta in which the implementing RSPs and GoB relevant staff participated. The feedback and inputs from RSPs and government representatives were incorporated in the document and was then shared with the EU and Programme TA for review and feedback. Several valuable suggestions, particularly pertaining to mainstreaming gender were put forward by the TA, which have been incorporated, accordingly. The BRDCEP Programme Implementation Manual is attached as Annex 2

A-1.3. Development of Manual for Poverty Score Card (PSC) to be Implemented by BRSP and NRSP

In consultation with implementing RSPs, RSPN developed a common PSC Manual to be implemented by BRSP and NRSP. This manual aims to facilitate the field team in executing the poverty scorecard census in the inception phase of the BRDCEP. It outlines the various steps that need to be taken for successful data collection. The manual provides instructions on how questions should be asked and information collected to ensure reliability of results. RSPs collected PSC data on basis of guidelines provided in the manual. more The Poverty Scorecard Manual is attached as Annex 3.

A-1.4. Development of Socio-Economic Baseline and Endline Approach and Methodology to Measure

and Report on Results, Outcome and Results Indicators of the BRDCEP Logframe

During the reporting period, RSPN has developed Socio-Economic Baseline Approach and Methodology through a consultative process with RSPs and other key stakeholders including

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University of Manheim. The Socio-economic survey is centred on shared expectations and joint ownership. The process started with a desk review of the existing surveys of RSPN, BRDCEP documents including the programme logframe, RSPs proposals and the action documents. Further, several consultative meetings were also held with the partners including, senior M&E staff members of RSPs and their focal persons for the BRDCEP. Feedback and inputs solicited during these meeting were incorporated in the baseline methodologies and approaches and sampling methodology. (For more details, see the Annex 4- Socio-Economic Baseline Approaches and Methodology)

A-1.6. Develop a Common Gender Sensitive M&E Framework and Report Mechanism on Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the BRDCEP

A common gender sensitive M&E framework and reporting mechanism on Key Performance Indicators for the BRDCEP (Action document components ER 0 and ER1) has been developed by RSPN in consultation with both RSPs. The primary purpose of the M&E framework is to systematically generate, capture and distribute knowledge through building up a unified monitoring and evaluation framework as a means to fortify the overall impact and strength of its programmes. It also serves as a guidance tool and facilities in building a common gender sensitive approach for the M&E of the BRDCEP for the RSP implementing partners i.e. BRSP and NRSP. Moreover, the M&E framework will be used by RSPN and RSPs to monitor progress, identify implementation issues and to ensure that M&E findings are incorporated in the programme. Several quality assurance and quality control mechanisms and checklists along with detailed work instructions have also been included in the framework. (BRDCEP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework attached as Annex 5)

A-1.9. Assist BRSP and NRSP in Developing a Joint and Integrated MIS/GIS System and follow-up


RSPN has been facilitating BRSP and NRSP in developing the common and integrated MIS/GIS system. RSPN team held several meetings with RSPs management and technical staff of the RSPs and provided inputs in process of developing a joint and integrated MIS. RSPN has also developed a common template for RSPs for data sharing in order to ensure standardisation. This will be a continuous process and different module of the MIS will be developed as the programme implementation moves on.

A-1.10. Develop and Implement a Web-Based Real Time Reporting MIS-Dashboard and GIS Mapping

to Track KPIs

RSPN has developed the basic structure of a web-based real time reporting MIS-Dashboard to track KPIs. Over the project implementation cycle, the dashboard will evolve and will serve as a joint and integrated real time Management Information System (MIS) for the programme’s partners (BRSP, NRSP, RSPN and programme TAs) to track KPIs of the programme. Currently, the dashboard shows and updates progress against targets of Poverty Scorecard (PSC), its

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analysis and results. The dashboard will incorporate progress against programme’s forthcoming KPIs as the data flows from field. The link to the dashboard is given below:

The dashboard is accessible to all implementing partners and key stakeholders including GoB and the EU for regular monitoring of programme’s performance and updates.

A-1.11. Develop Gender Sensitive Staff Training Guidelines/Module

RSPN has developed the gender sensitive staff training guidelines and modules for BRDCEP’s partner RSPs. These include gender sensitive guidelines for programme implementation manual, community awareness tool kit, community management skills training, monitoring and evaluation and poverty scorecard. Also the relevant staff of RSPs has been trained on these guidelines.

A-1.12. Orientation Training of BRSP, NRSP and GoB Key Staff on PIM

RSPN will a conduct a five-day orientation training for the staff of the BRSP, NRSP and GoB on PIM, to make them fully understand the processes and the required tools related to social mobilisation and other activities under BRDCEP. It will also address the crosscutting themes; including, social accountability and gender mainstreaming. It will be conducted from 26th January- 30th January, 2018.

A-1.14. Training of Key Staff of BRSP, NRSP on Socioeconomic Baseline and Endline Approaches and

Methodologies and A-1.15. Training of Key M&E Staff of BRSP & NRSP on M&E framework and

KPI Reporting Tools

RSPN conducted a five days training on “Monitoring & Evaluation Framework and Socio‐economic Approaches and Methodologies” solely for the BRDCEP. The training was held from November 27, 2017 to December 1, 2017 at Quetta. BRDCEP M&E team of BRSP and NRSP as well as the relevant government officials from Planning and Development (P&D) department and Local Government and Rural Development (LG&RD) department of GoB attended the training event. Even though these two were different trainings; however, as the content was intersecting and the participants were supposed to be similar for these reasons it was merged together. The overall objective of the training was to orient BRSP and NRSP monitoring officers and other participants on BRDCEP M&E framework and socio‐economic baseline survey approaches and methodologies. In addition to this, to review the M&E framework draft and incorporate feedback. It was also aimed at augmenting awareness and commitment in implementation of result based M&E of projects and to identify needs. Participatory and interactive approaches were adopted throughout the training including open Discussion; experience sharing; question & answer; summary and feedback and power point presentations. Feedback from the participants was that the training was very effective and informative. Participants reported the training helped in understanding the M&E Framework, mechanism, strategies of European Union, and also guidelines provided by EU for monitoring the programme

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activities. Training report on “Monitoring & Evaluation Framework and Socio‐economic Approaches and Methodologies” is attached as Annex 6.

A-1.16. Training of Key Implementation and M&E Staff of BRSP, NRSP and Government Officials on

Quality Control Plans and Checklists

Furthermore, for the said reasons, the quality control and quality assurance related content was also focused upon in the five days training on “Monitoring & Evaluation Framework and Socio‐economic Approaches and Methodologies”. However, the remaining content of quality control and quality assurance will be covered during the training on BRDCEP’s Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) to be held in January 2018. The quality control and quality assurance related content was provided during the training on monitoring and evaluation and socio- economic methodologies.

A-1.17. Develop Quality Assurance and Control Plan and Tools

The quality assurance and control plan (QACP) has been drafted and shared with implementing RSPs. While the relevant Stakeholders have also been oriented on the QACP during the M&E framework and Socioeconomic Baseline training., The tools will be developed in conjunction with rolling out of programme activities. Furthermore, training on QACP will be imparted to the implementing RSPs monitoring staff and relevant GoB representatives during the upcoming PIM’s training.

ER-2: Gender inequalities reduced through ensuring implementation of the recommendations from the gender mainstreaming strategy to be developed by the EU TA with support from RSPN.

Main Activities

A-2.1. Assist the EU TA in Undertaking a Comprehensive Gender Analysis

RSPN assisted Programme TA in undertaking a comprehensive gender analysis by sharing of knowledge, expertise and evidence gathered from extensive experience of RSPN’s work on gender issues with RSPs, Community Institutions (CIs) and rural communities across the country. RSPN senior management, gender focal person, M&E specialist, social mobilisation specialist and BRDCEP programme team members held meetings with programme TA and gender experts conducting gender analysis and input from the RSPN Gender Resource Group, of which all RSP gender focal points are members. Key programme documents including PIM, CAT, M&E framework, socio-economic baseline methodology and approaches and RSPN policies were shared with TA’s gender expert as part of the gender analysis. The gender analysis will contribute to the gender mainstreaming strategy for the BRDCEP.

Once the gender mainstreaming strategy is developed by programme TA, RSPN will work closely with Programme TA, BRSP and NRSP to mainstream its recommendations at organisational and programme levels.

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A-2.2. Review of RSPN, BRSP and NRSP organisational HR/Gender Policies

RSPN Programme Officer Gender and Development, in consultation with RSPs gender focal persons reviewed human resource and gender policies of RSPN and the implementing partners and put forward recommendations for the necessary changes in the policies. These recommendation, along with recommendations from gender mainstreaming strategy to be developed by programme TA will be presented to the RSPs/RSPN Boards for approval and incorporation in RSPN and RSPs policies. A-2.3. Gender ToT on Organisational HR/Gender Policies and Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws

RSPN organised a four-day Gender Training of Trainers (ToT) for BRSP, NRSP and government officials from Women Development Department, Social Welfare Department and Provincial Legal Empowerment Committee on the HR/gender polices and anti-sexual harassment laws of Pakistan. Information, Education and Communication material developed by Mehergarh: A NGO centre for learning actively working on anti-sexual harassment law, have been shared with RSPs for useful purpose. These trainers will further train all the BRDCEP staff in their respective RSPs and regularly follow up on the implementation of the organisational gender policies. As per the anti-sexual harassment law all registered institutions in Pakistan need to adopt the “the protection against harassment of women at workplace 2010” law and develop mechanism to implement it, accordingly. All the RSPs with the support of RSPN have adopted this law. The gender trainers will also sensitise the LSO executive body on anti-sexual harassment law and support in the adoption and implementation of the law. Report of the ToT on RSPs HR and Gender Policies and Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws in Pakistan” is attached as Annex 7

ER-3: Evidence based policy recommendations generated and disseminated to support the Local Development Policy Framework for Balochistan.

Main Activities

A-3.1: Develop Action Research Conceptual Framework

RSPN in consultation with partner RSPs and EU funded SUCCESS programme research team developed a draft of the research conceptual framework that describe the research interventions to be undertaken under BRDCEP. The framework was shared with relevant RSPs staff and their feedback has been incorporated. The research framework will be jointly reviewed and finalised with Programme TA to ensure that TA research component is fully reflected in the framework and that research activities of RSPN and the TA are well aligned. – Action Research Conceptual Framework is attached as Annex 8

A-3.4. Formation and Meetings of Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

RSPN has established a Research Advisory Committee, with aim to provide guidance and supervision of the research work being done under BRDCEP. RAC members include focal persons from Government, programme TA, RSPs, and a renowned academic in social sciences, a development studies expert with interest in public policy. Once the research framework is finalised with programme TA, the first meeting of RAC will be called upon.

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A-3.7. Annual BRDCEP lesson learning visits and workshops

This activity was planned to be conducted during inception phase of the programme; however,

it has been postponed till March 2018 with a mutual understanding of RSPN and RSPs’ relevant

programme staff so that conduction of this activity will be more productive once programme TA

is on-board and all activities of BRDCEP programme are triggered in field.

A-3.9. Conventions of the Local Support Organisations (LSOs)

On September 15, 2017, National Convention of LSOs was held in Islamabad. LSOs members from across the country presented their achievements, challenges they face and lessons they have learnt while taking self-initiatives, working with governments and other civil society organisations. The National LSO Convention was attended by Government officials, donors, NGOs, civil society organisations, academia and media.

A-3.10. Regional Experience Sharing and Learning Visits

An exposure visit to the Republic of Tajikistan was organised by RSPN for key stakeholders of BRDCEP for experience sharing and learning from the Aga Khan Foundation’s Mountain Societies Development Support Programme. The participants of the visit comprised of high officials from the Government of Balochistan, including two provincial ministers, an ex-chief minister, provincial secretaries and members of BRDCEP team from the implementing organisations- BRSP, NRSP and RSPN. The visit was facilitated by AKF-MSDSP Tajikistan. The members of the exposure visit, especially of GoB, were appreciative of this learning opportunity and ensured commitment of incorporating the learnings from Tajikistan in their official plans and programmes. (For more details, see the Annex 9 – Tajikstan Visit Report is attached as Annex9.

ER -4: Technical and institutional capacity of BRSP & NRSP enhanced in mainstreaming, addressing and reporting on cross-cutting themes envisaged in the Balochistan Rural Development & Community Empowerment (BRDCEP).

Main Activities

A-4.1. Development of Community Awareness Toolkit (CAT)

RSPN has prepared the CAT in consultation with RSPs and relevant government departments including officials from HIV and AIDs programme, Maternal, New-born, and Child Health programme and other relevant government departments. The toolkit integrates the basic information on raising community members’ awareness on cross cutting themes of the programme that include nutrition, health and hygiene, family planning, HIV-AIDS, gender, human (particularly women’s) rights, disaster risk reduction, climate change & environment, and natural resource management. While developing the CAT for BRDCEP, the exiting SUCCESS programme CAT was thoroughly reviewed and refined in context of Balochistan. Moreover, the learning from the RSPN’s Community Paralegal project was incorporated.

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While developing the BRDCEP CAT, RSPN has also drawn upon from different materials already developed by the organisations including UNICEF, National Programme for Family Planning and Primary Health Care (NPFP&PHC), Population Council (PC), Population Services International (PSI), Jhpiego, EU Punjab Access to Justice Project, National Rural Support Programme (NRSP), Institute of Rural Management (IRM), National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), and Shirkatgah. RSPs Social Sector Resource Group members provided valuable inputs for improvement of this document. the draft of CAT has been reviewed by BRSP and NRSP relevant staff and their feedback is incorporated.

After training, CAT will be used by the Community Resource Persons (CRPs), president and managers of the COs for awareness raising sessions among members and mobilise them to adopt positive behaviours and practices towards the critical cross-cutting issues. The BRDCEP CAT has 12 sessions and in each monthly meeting of COs the CRPs will deliver one session. A guiding booklet/manual for the field staff and CRPs have been developed on how to use and deliver session on CAT.

A-4.2. Develop Quality Control Checklists and Reporting on Key SDG Indicators

RSPN has developed a quality assurance checklist to monitor the quality of training delivered by RSP master trainers to the Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and awareness sessions to be delivered by CRPs to the communities. RSPN in consultation with RSPs will develop a set of key performance indicators related to cross cutting themes of the programme (CAT sessions) that will be included as one of the core agenda of the community institutions to report on these key indicators. These key indicators are directly linked with some of the SDGs indicators. The RSPs field teams will work with community institutions to track progress report on these indicators. During the inception phase while developing the M&E framework, mechanism and process will be defined on consolidating the data from the field to district and programme level to report on SDG indicators.

A-4.3 Training of RSPs Key Staff as Master Trainers on Use of CAT

RSPN will initially organise a five-day training of key staff including the Human Resource Development (HRD) person from Programme Management Unit (PMU) of both RSPs (NRSP and BRSP) and two capacity building/training officers from each target district. It is now planned for February 2018. This training will focus to improve the technical knowledge of the participants about CAT sessions, training skills and process to conduct further training of Social Mobilisers to further train the CRPs, who will deliver CAT sessions to the organised communities and their leaders. The CRPs will be trained on CAT concept, session delivery and reporting on the CAT/SDG indicators followed by monthly refresher in a monthly planning and progress review meeting on one CAT session every month by the RSPs social mobilisation team. RSPN Social Sector team will facilitate the RSPs in developing training roll-out to the social mobilisers and CRPs. Quality assurance tools developed by RSPN will be used to assess the performance of the Master Trainers, training of Social Mobilisers and Training of CRPs.

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ER -5: Achievements, lessons and successful development approaches drawn from the BRCDE Programme widely disseminated through developing and implementing harmonised Communication and Visibility Plans.

Main Activities

A-5.1. Assist EU TA to Develop a Global Communication and Visibility Plan for BRDCEP

It was envisioned that in the inception phase, RSPN will assist the EU TA to form a strategic, global communication and visibility strategy for the programme. The plan will showcase BRDCEP to the EU audience, the wider development community in Pakistan, to donors, to the governments and other stakeholders (e.g. the private sector), so that, they may benefit and learn from the programme. As the programme TA was not timely on board due to delays in visa processing; therefore, the global communication and visibility strategy for the programme has not been initiated so for. However, RSPN will assist Programme TA to complete it by the next reporting period.

A-5.2. Development of a Communication and Visibility Plan for RSPN, BRSP and NRSP Programme


One of the activities planned in the inception phase was that once the global C&V plan is developed by the TA, RSPN will develop a common C&V Plan that will cover the overall visibility and communication strategies of the partners (RSPN, BRSP and NRSP), leading to a well-coordinated and uniformed C&V strategy for their respective components. The visibility part of these (C&V) Plans will focus on creating a unique identity of the programme and acknowledging the efforts of the EU, GoB, implementing partners and communities in promoting poverty reduction through employing the CDD approach. As mentioned that the global C&V plan is yet not developed; therefore, a common C&V Plan based on it has not been formulated. However, saving the time, RSPN has drafted a working draft of common C&V plan keeping in view the EU C&V guidelines and national and local context of Pakistan and programme areas. It will be further refined and finalised with the support of RSPs s and programme TA, during the next reporting period.

This document will serve as a standard analytical base for all partners to effectively plan, design, implement, and evaluate all communication and visibility activities/campaigns in order to ensure that they promote BRDCEP’s objectives, activities, and achievements and are aligned with the EU guidelines and requirements. This C&V strategy will be used as a guideline to develop the detailed individual communication activity/campaign plans depending on requirements and budget for each partner.

A-5.3. BRDCEP Launching Workshop

RSPN supported BRSP and NRSP in organising the programme launching workshop in Quetta. It was done in collaboration of LG&RDD. The workshop served the purpose of informing key stakeholders about the key interventions of the BRDCEP to mobilise their support for future

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collaboration, and to use media for visibility of the programme. Over two hundred and thirty participants, including Federal and Provincial Ministers, Senators, Members of National and Provincial Assemblies, the EU Ambassador to Pakistan, senior level representation from the Provincial Government Departments, RSPN/RSP Board Chairpersons and Members, Managers and staff, academia, UN Agencies, other civil society representatives, media representatives and Local Support Organisation representatives attended the BRDCEP launching ceremony. This large provincial level rural development initiative, also one of the focal key sectors under the EU 2014-20 Multiannual Indicative Programme, was designed to develop close synergies and commitment by key stakeholders Provincially and Nationally. It was critical to take key stakeholders of the rural development sector on board from the onset of the programme. Keeping this in view, main objective of the launch was to present BRDCEP to key stakeholders of rural development from administrative, political and socioeconomic pillars. This was also an opportunity to seek their views on the programme and as well as to create broader common understanding about the programme. Launching Ceremony Report is attached as Annex 10

A-5.4. Printing of Visibility Items

During the inception phase of the programme, RSPN has developed a number of communication and visibility items including, brochure, backdrops, standees, and certificates as per the programme’s activities. The visibility and branding of EU, BRDCEP, RSPN, BRSP, NRSP and GoB were ensured in the printing materials by incorporating the logos of all partners in the designed and printed items. RSPN has further planned to develop other visibility and branding items during the next six months. They will be finalised in context of C&V plan. Major communication and visibility products may include, newsletter, case studies, supplement photo-stories, standees, leaflets, plaques, shields, mugs, shirts, and other items. The production of these visibility and communication items will help support in promoting and showcasing the achievements of BRDCEP and the crucial role of the donor and the partners towards CDD in Balochistan.

A-5.5. Development of Video Documentary

The concept note and outline of the introductory documentary for the BRDCEP video documentary has been completed. The production and post production work will be started and finalised by March 2018. A-5.8. Develop BRDCEP Website, Regular Updating and Maintenance

Development of BRDCEP website was reflected both in RSPN and Programme TA component. In implementing partners workshop, held on January 15, 2018, it was decided that there should be one website for BRDCEP programme, developed by Programme TA and be hosted by LG&RDD with ownership of all the BRDCEP implementers (RSPN, BRSP, NRSP and the programme TA). Partners, including the LG&RDD will use this website as a common platform to communicate about their respective component. However, the development of website will be done by the Programme TA and the BRDCEP implementing partners will support Programme

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TA in website development by sharing material and other relevant stuff (such as pictures, videos, information) for BRDCEP website. The website is likely to be developed in next reporting period.


If relevant, submit a revised logframe, highlighting the changes.

No changes have been made in the RSPN component of BRDCEP in the reporting period

Please list all contracts (works, supplies, services) above € 60 000 awarded for the implementation of the action during the reporting period, giving for each contract the amount, the award procedure followed and the name of the contractor.


2.4. PLEASE PROVIDE AN UPDATED ACTION PLAN FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES Below is the updated action plan for future activities for the next six months.

Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme Work Plan


January to June

Description Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Start-up/General Activities:

Major Activities- Expected Result 1: Development of programme implementation approaches and harmonised M&E and reporting mechanisms

A-1.5 Assist BRSP & NRSP in carrying out the baseline and end lines surveys

A-1.7 Assist BRSP & NRSP in operationalisation of the M&E framework and ensure regular reporting on common KPIs

A-1.8 Produce an Annual KPI report on the BRCDE Programme

A-1.9 Assist RSPs in developing a joint & integrated MIS/GIS

A-1.10 Develop and implement a web-based MIS-Dashboard

A-1.12. Orientation training of RSPs and GoB on PIM

A-1.13. Assist BRSP & NRSP in rollout of the PIM trainings to all relevant staff members

A-1.16. Training of key implementation and M&E staff of BRSP and NRSP, and government officials on quality control plans and checklists

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A-1.18. Assist BRSP & NRSP in implementation of the quality control and assurance plan with follow up visits throughout the programme;

A-1.19. Assist the programme TA in preparation of exit strategy for BRSP & NRSP component and follow-up support;

A-1.20 Assist BRSP & NRSP in implementation of the exit strategy developed by the EU TA’s support;

Major Activities- Expected Result 2: Gender Mainstreaming

A-2.1. Assist the EU TA in undertaking gender analysis

A-2.4. Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming Strategy

A-2.5. Gender ToT for BRSP & NRSP key Programme staff on gender mainstreaming and sensitisation actions in communities

Major Activities- Expected Result 3: Evidence-based Policy Recommendations

A-3.1: Action Research conceptual framework and conduct PAR

A-3.2 Thematic Sectoral Studies/Assessment

A-3.3. Assistance to the EU TA in undertaking research

A-3.5. Publication and dissemination of research reports, papers and policy briefs

A-3.6. Dissemination of research findings in national and international conferences/workshops:

Major Activities- Expected Result 4: Mainstreaming Cross-cutting Themes

A-4.2. Develop quality control checklists

A-4.4. Regular technical support to BRSP and NRSP to roll out the CAT training programme

A-4.5. Assist the implementing partners in mainstreaming other cross-cutting themes

Major Activities- Expected Result 5: Communication and Visibility

A-5.2. Develop a Communication Plan for RSPN/BRSP/NRSP Components

A-5.6. Bi-Annual BRCDE programme newsletters

A-5.7. Media Visits

A-5.9. Capacity building of Communication Officers and participation in RSP Communication Resource Group (FACE) meetings

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The main beneficiaries of RSPN under the BRDCEP programme include the two RSPs, National Rural Support Programme (NRSP), Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) and the programme TA (Human Dynamics). Under this grant contract, RSPN’s main role is support beneficiaries in ensuring a standardised and uniformed implementation approaches combined with harmonised monitoring and quality reporting of the programme. RSPN’s role also include providing technical support to the IPs in implementation and ensuring quality of the programme activities. On its part, RSPN will provide support to the RSPs, to build their technical and institutional capacities and provide necessary support to the TA component in developing the gender mainstreaming and in its support to the government of Balochistan in developing and implementing a Community Led Local Development Policy Framework.

RSPN’s relationship with the other implementing RSPs (BRSP and NRSP) is quite encouraging. It has been actively facilitating these RSPs in achieving standardisation across the programme. During the implementation of the programme, RSPN’s technical and programme team will provide regular backstopping through regular follow up visits to the programme districts. RSPN has already carried out this activity and the M&E team visited Loralai. The purpose of this visit was to randomly validate of poverty scorecard data, collected in selected villages of Union Council Poonga, assessment of enumerators’ knowledge and skills who had conducted android based poverty scorecard survey, and desk review of SMTs/ enumerators plans and strategies adopted for PSC. The BRDCEP Programme team and M&E officer also visited District Turbat to observe the progress of BRDCEP activities. In addition, a meeting was also held with Human Dynamics at RSPN office to discuss and the way forward regarding the overlapping roles and responsibilities of programme TA and RSPN

RSPN is working in close coordination with BRSP and NRSP as well as Programme TA (Human Dynamics). The frequent mode of communication includes meetings; emails and telephonic communication. GoB has been taken on board since the beginning of the programme. Regular meetings held with relevant GoB department in progress and plans of the programme were shared and their feedback and recommendations were incorporated in the programme.

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RSPN and state authorities’ relationship has positively fostered as a result of this action. Local Government and Rural Development Department of Balochistan has been notified by GoB the focal department for BRDCEP. It is proactively involved in programme activities. Notably, the active role and involvement of the provincial and local government have substantiated their commitment of the programme. Particularly, the provincial and district government representatives have been attending events and workshops pertaining to BRDCEP. The interest and presence of a large number of state authorities was quite impressive at the BRDCEP launching ceremony. In addition, on November 30, 2017, a meeting was held with Mr. Asfandyar Kakar, Provincial Secretary Planning and Development and Mr. Ali Akber Baloch, Secretary Local Government and Rural Development Department, Government of Balochistan to discuss various aspects of the BRDCE programme.

During the month of December, Programme Manager BRDCEP also conducted meetings in Quetta with key local government stakeholders; including Local Government and Rural Development Department’s staff Mr. Ali Akber Baloch, the Secretary, Mr. Khadim Hussain Deputy Secretary (Administrative Officer IV), and Mr. Gul Jan Mengal, Administrative Officer. In these meetings, various aspects pertaining to BRDCEP were discussed including improving gender sensitisation, and social deprivation. These collaborative efforts have added value and strengthen the BRDCEP activities.

3.3 Where Applicable, Describe Your Relationship with Any Other Organisations

Involved in Implementing the Action: • Associate(s) (if any N/A • Sub-contractor(s) (if any): N/A • Final Beneficiaries and Target groups:

The BRDCEP programme and monitoring team has regularly visited target communities and will continues regular visits the targeted communities to observe the progress of activities and gauge how the activities are contributing in the lives of the targeted communities. This will assist RSPN to develop and maintain sustained relationship with communities and will help RSPN learn from these communities. • Other third parties involved (including other donors, other government agencies

or local government units, NGOs, etc.):

The BRDCEP focuses on undertaking Community Driven Development (CDD) approach and stimulating CDD initiatives in eight districts of Balochistan in order to contribute in poverty reduction, keeping in view the persistent and extreme poverty in Balochistan. RSPN has developed initial linkages with other organizations working in the areas that contribute in

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BRDCEP overall objectives, they include UNDP, GIZ, FAO, WFP and SMEDA. Moreover, University of Balochistan and department of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University has also shown interest and commitment to support research activities of BRDCEP. Furthermore, the services of National University of Modern Languages are being taken for translating the PIM in Urdu language.



RSPN created synergies between the BRDCEP and other programmes implemented by RSPs and RSPN. These include EU-funded Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP) implemented in Balochistan, EU funded SUCCESS programme in Sindh and EU funded PEACE project in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP). BCDP was implemented in four districts of Balochistan and four of the BRDCEP districts are BCDP districts. BRDCEP benefited from the lessons learnt during implementation and evaluation of BCDP. The programme also benefited from SUCCESS and PEACE programme through incorporating lessons learnt from these programme and building on the training, awareness creation modules and training material used for these programmes.




(LIST ALL PREVIOUS RELEVANT EU GRANTS). RSPN has not received any previous EU grant in view of strengthening the same target group.


How is the visibility of the EU contribution being ensured in the Action? EU’s visibility has been ensured in all internal and external programme-related communication and all programme related documentations through acknowledging EU financial support and showing EU logo on training manuals, publications, presentations, reports, banners, letters, attendance sheets, minutes of the meetings, advertisements. In all communication with the stakeholders including, provincial and local governments; partners, international, national and local NGOs, European Union support is acknowledged. The disclaimer has been printed on all the publications including reports and training manuals. Also, in almost all the posts of BRDCEP Facebook page, hashtag of #EUinPakistan is being used. Further, as the inception phase is over and the activities in BRDCEP districts are geared up, therefore, the momentum of visibility and branding activities will be established through high frequency of material development related to visibility and communication. The finalization of C&V plan will further enhance the

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projection and help in maximizing the outreach of BRDCEP’s achievements and showcasing the role of EU and partners in this regard. Do you have any objection to this report being published on the EuropeAid website? If so, please state your objections here. RSPN does not object publishing of this report on EuropeAid’s website. Name of the contact person for the Action: ……………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………………

Location: ………………………………………

Date report due: ……………………..…………

Date report sent: ……………………………….