August\September 2011 Global Report

A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 Global REPORT inside this issue Taking God’s Word where it’s never gone before ....................................... PAGE 2 Happy Birthday, Buddha ............................... PAGE 3 A little child shall lead them ... to church ......... PAGE 4 India 2011: 20,425,000 to receive the Gospel! ....... PAGE 5 Too cool for school? ........................................ PAGE 5 Movie time in the Middle East ......................... PAGE 6 Russia Prayer Focus ....................................... PAGE 6 A Personal Word ........................................... PAGE 7 Sonika says “thanks!” — again ....................... PAGE 8 749,999,999 plus ... Matthew! continued on page 2 P Matthew Banda of Livingstone, Zambia, is the 750 millionth child to receive God’s Word. Praise God with us for an amazing milestone: On Friday, June 17, Matthew Banda of Zambia, Africa, became the 750 MILLIONTH CHILD to receive God’s Word, through OneHope! We give God all the glory! And we thank Him for friends like you, whose


Information about OneHope's program in Zambia, Nepal, Middle East, Russia, what were doing in India and Colombia, plus testimonies and updates from around the world.

Transcript of August\September 2011 Global Report

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A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

GlobalR E P O R T

inside this issue Taking God ’s Word where i t ’s

never gone before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2

Happy Bir thday, Buddha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 3

A little child shall lead them ... to church . . . . . . . . . PAGE 4

India 2011: 20,425,000 to receive the Gospel! . . . . . . . PAGE 5

Too cool for school? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 5

Movie time in the Middle East .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 6

Russia Prayer Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 6

A Personal Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 7

Sonika says “thanks!” — again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 8

749,999,999plus ... Matthew!

continued on page 2

PMatthew Banda of Livingstone, Zambia, is the 750 millionth child to receive God’s Word.

Praise God with us for an amazing


On Friday, June 17, Matthew

Banda of Zambia, Africa, became the

750 MILLIONTH CHILD to receive

God’s Word, through OneHope!

We give God all the glory! And we

thank Him for friends like you, whose

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continued from page 1

generosity has made this amazing milestone possible!

Matthew is in the 4th grade and already his life has been one of loss. His mother died when he was only three; his father died some years ago and his stepmother died at the end of last year.

Now he’s living with an aunt and uncle — and suddenly, the “only child” is one of eight children in the household.

Matthew is excelling in school (2nd in his class last term!). He can’t quite decide whether he wants to be a teacher or a policeman ... but in the meantime, he enjoys playing football!

And now God’s Word has reached him ... through the Book of Hope.

Thank you for reaching out to Matthew, and for sharing in the vision of OneHope — God’s Word. Every Child.

750 million reached in nearly 25 years of ministry!


w h e r e i t ’ s never gone before

God’s Word

AA mountain, a jungle, an isolated river valley — Colombia is full of wild places like this where tribal people are cut off from the rest of the world, sometimes even “protected” by the government, so nothing can impact their traditional way of life.

The Scriptures have never gone to these places; never been available for 23 completely unreached people groups ... but now there are plans to reach these unreached groups with God’s Word!

Our partners at CRISALINCO are committed to planting 500 churches in Colombia’s tribal

regions, and they’re using the Storying Edition Book of Hope as an important resource for

reaching children, and through them, whole villages!

This means the resources you’re providing will be part of a process that will result in every tribe of Colombia having access to Scripture. Thank you for your faithfulness!

Please keep the tribes and unreached people groups of Colombia in your prayers.

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The children of the “Hindu Kingdom” of Nepal are now receiving God’s Word!

The GodMan film

Happy Birthday, Buddha ...The GodMan film presented the truth of the Gospel

It was Buddha’s Birthday, and the schools were closed to celebrate.

Although Nepal’s constitution defines the country as a “Hindu Kingdom,” there’s also a sizeable Buddhist population.

Our OneHope ministry partners don’t let a small thing

like a Buddhist holiday stop them from reaching out with God’s life-transforming Word, though.

They had a holiday showing of The GodMan film and presented the truth of the Gospel to about 90 children and youth! Thank you for impacting these young lives with the Truth.

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A little childs h a l l l e a d t h e m . . .

to church

The Storying Edition Book of Hope was instrumental in Indian church planting.

YYou can’t send them a written invitation, because they can’t read.

When ministers like Pastor Prasanna in rural India want to plant a new church, there’s no marketing campaign with billboards and flyers — because the local people are mostly poor

and illiterate.Instead, Pastor Prasanna

had his team presenting The GodMan film to local

children, and putting the

Storying Edition Book of Hope into their hands. So many children wanted

to know more about Jesus, the teams were able to launch several children’s Bible studies.

Today, many of the families of these children have become new members of Pastor Prasanna’s church.

This story illustrates the tremendous harmony between your OneHope ministry and the local

church. Through OneHope, you’re transforming lives and families, and helping local faith communities grow through the power of God’s Word.

Children’s Bible studies helped bring whole families to new life in Christ!

IndIa 2011: 20,425,000 to receive the Gospel!

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His mom was looking for love.Every time she thought she

had found it ... something blew up. Usually it was her new love, who exploded in violence against her and her children.

Andrew got dragged along for the ride, a ride that included multiple moves whenever his mom had to flee for her life, new schools, no friends ... Mom did the best she could, but Andrew was just a child, and his life was devastated.

He continually failed at school, and whenever he made a friend, it was someone like himself, another misfit boy from a broken home with an inability to form stable

relationships. Inevitably they introduced Andrew to drugs.

He became addicted to meth. He had to steal to feed his habit and eventually landed in a lockdown juvenile detention center with a two-year sentence. With no drugs to cling to and no interest in living, Andrew began to plan his suicide.

Maybe he would have succeeded ... if it weren’t for the visitors from local churches who began to come and see him and the other boys twice a week.

It was the initial roll-out of OneHope’s new Decide/Inside program geared toward juvenile offenders (about two million

American children and youth are engaged with the juvenile justice system this year ... this is one of the highest rates in the world!).

Through interacting with the team, Andrew encountered God’s Word through the Book of Hope, met Jesus Christ, and by God’s grace, his life began to be transformed!

Today, Andrew is following Jesus, and looking forward to an early release in September. Please be in prayer for him, and for thousands more we believe will soon be impacted by Decide/Inside.

IndIa 2011: 20,425,000 to receive the Gospel!

IIt’s a massive country, but the believers have a massive heart to reach the next generation!

The faith goal for India this year is to touch the lives of more than 20 MILLION young people with a presentation of the Gospel. Our partners in India will pursue this goal through several innovative programs:

• The GodMan film is slated to reach about 2.36 million children and youth in India. The Storying Edition Book of Hope, which has minimal text, is available in ten Indian languages, and our other editions for India are available in seven languages.

• Hope for Kids/Kids’ Evangelism Explosion will touch 700,000 young lives. Following training by Kids’ EE, Christian young people will share the special edition Book of Hope, called Pathway to Hope, with their friends and share the Gospel.

• 4B Serve Project is a multi-church partnership focused on helping those who live in poverty.

These churches in the Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh will reach 500,000 young people.•The Church Planting Network has a goal of sending 100,000 church planters

all over India, and they expect to reach 1.5 million young people through these church planters.

• The Kella Foundation, working with their church contacts in the districts of Anantapur and Vishakapatnam in the state of Andhra Pradesh, plans to reach 1.4 million children.

• The Mumbai Project uses a similar model to Hope for Kids, but focuses on Christian students and teachers sharing VCD copies of The GodMan film with their peers. Already 2,000 teachers and 20,000 Christian students have been trained — they expect to present the Gospel to 5.75 million young people in Mumbai alone!

• Regional projects in Northeast India, Hyderabad and Tamil Nadu will also reach millions.

Too cool for school?

Some parts of India are too sophisticated for their country. Big cities like Mumbai, Kolkata

and Delhi have internet, mass transit, cable TV, American movies — the boys and girls growing up here have more in common with your children and grandchildren than with their rural cousins.

While showings of The GodMan film and the Storying Edition Book of Hope may yield great results in villages where few people can read ... for the urban core of India, a new approach is needed.

OneHope’s second annual “Young Creative Leaders Conference” enlisted the minds and hearts of some of the new generation of church leaders in India with a focus on transforming the next generation, in rural areas and big cities, too.

Two identical regional conferences have taken place this summer, and we expect to see these OneHope partners make a tremendous difference for urban Indian youth in the days to come.

OneHope’s “Young Creative Leaders Conference” is shaping new leaders for India evangelism

and discipleship.

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RMiddle EastRiots in the streets — upheaval

in governments — the Middle East has been in turmoil for some time, but our church partners continue to reach out to the next generation with the message of new hope in Jesus Christ.

We can’t give a lot of details because many of our ministry partners are working in Muslim areas, but we can share about one innovative pilot program touching young lives in schools.

Our research in a particular

area showed a general lack of understanding on the topic of forgiveness ... coupled with a desire among young people to use technology and media to express

themselves.Our partners developed a six-week filmmaking curriculum for high schoolers, which included a study of Matthew 18, and the parable of the unforgiving servant. In the initial program, the class was divided into two teams and

given the goal of producing

a short

film that presented a modern version of the parable.

A Facebook page was created to feature both videos, and students at the school could join the page, watch the videos and vote on which one was better. The goal was to see at least 200 students registered for the Facebook page by the end of the two-week voting period.

By the end of the first day, 225 students had already joined the site!

The program is being refined right now, and is set to roll out in 12 more schools this October. Please be in prayer for our partners in the Middle East as they continue to share the love of Jesus Christ with the next generation.

OOur partners in Russia are asking for your prayers! Several strategic initiatives are rolling out with our partners at the Russian Pentecostal Union, and your prayers would be a great blessing. Please pray for:• “One Year for Jesus” mission:

College students and others dedicate a year of their lives to sharing the Gospel with the next generation. Already 25 teams are at work in different parts of Russia!

• More churches to join in the Hosanna Plan, the overarching evangelistic program sponsoring “One Year for Jesus.”

• Protection for teams on the road, and provision for them, including vehicles, warm clothes and Books of Hope and literature to distribute.

• Open hearts among the children and youth who are receiving the Gospel.

Russia Prayer Focus

Movie time in the

Happy Birthday, Buddha ...

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A personAl wordFounder Bob HoskinsandPresident Rob Hoskins


WDear Friend,

We trust you’re enjoying the news in this Global Report — and praising God with us for the exciting milestone of presenting God’s Word to the 750 millionth child! None of this could happen without friends like you.

Seven hundred fifty million is a big number — a lot of zeroes — and we’re thankful to God for making this extraordinary milestone possible ... but at the same time, we have to keep in mind the number God has given us isn’t 750 million.

It’s 4.2 BILLION.That’s about how many young people worldwide will pass through the ages of

5-19 by the year 2030 ... in fact, that’s how many we believe God desires to receive the Good News through our Vision 2030 initiative, but for OneHope to do its part, we must first be reaching 120 million young people every year. This year, we’ll reach nearly 90 million, so we still have far to go.

And if we don’t focus on all 4.2 billion ... who gets left out?If our hearts aren’t torn by such a question, then we are not truly convinced that

there is a heaven to gain, and a hell to shun, and that every man and woman, every boy and girl, on earth, must choose Christ or face eternal damnation.

The Apostle Paul told the Colossians:“Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still

lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God ...” (Colossians 1:24-25, NIV).

The first part of this passage means that Paul literally agonized over the fate of the eternal souls he’d been called to reach. This agony is our constant companion, too, as we try to reach every child and youth in the world with the Gospel message.

Thank you for agonizing with us, and for making celebrations possible, too, like this celebration of the 750 millionth child receiving God’s Word, through OneHope. We appreciate your partnership more than you can know — and we pray for you.

You are a co-laborer together with us, with the OneHope team, and our ministry partners all over the world.

God bless you, and thank you for going on this amazing journey with us and believers around the globe!

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OneHope600 SW 3rd Street

Pompano Beach, Florida 330601.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425)

* Some photos used in this publication are representative of the people whose stories are told. In some cases, names and location details have been changed to protect those involved.

OneHope, founded in 1987 by missionary Bob Hoskins, and directed by Assemblies of God missionary Rob Hoskins, is reaching the world’s children and youth with Scripture that speaks directly to their lives and culture. Through OneHope, in collaboration with churches and ministries — and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations — a message of hope has been given personally to over 750 million children and young people in 125 countries through its Book of Hope publications, The GodMan animated film, and other Scripture engagement tools. Using outcome-based research, OneHope continues to innovate its ministry model and offers its expertise and resources to other child-focused organizations.

s o n i k a s a y s

“thanks!” — again

Sonika came to faith in Christ after seeing The GodMan film.

HHer life was stressful — her folks fought all the time — her dad was addicted to alcohol.

Sonika felt so insecure, lonely and hopeless, she often doubted her family’s Hindu faith ... and if there is a God, she wondered, why did He make her suffer like this?

But then some friends invited her to a program at the local church, and Sonika saw The GodMan film.

She received the Book of Hope and chose to follow Christ as Savior. Maybe you remember her story — we shared it with you a couple of years ago, and asked you to pray for Sonika and her family.

Back then Sonika said thank you for sending God’s Word to her ...

Today, she says thank you for the prayers. They’re working!

Sonika has remained strong in her faith, attending the church where she first heard about Jesus. And, her parents are occasionally going to church with her, and talking with local believers about Jesus!

When Sonika’s parents place their faith in Christ, the whole family could come under persecution, but Sonika believes her folks can be strong, just as she has been.

G O D ’ S W O R D. E V E R Y C H I L D.