Audience research results and conclusions

Audience Research- Results and Conclusions



Transcript of Audience research results and conclusions

Page 1: Audience research results and conclusions

Audience Research-Results and Conclusions

Page 2: Audience research results and conclusions

What age are you? I asked the question What age are you because my target audience was 16-25, this question gives me an idea of what those in my target audience enjoy and also to help me develop my planning and decide on the content of my magazine. I have covered Most of the age ranges I set within my target audience, this will give my results a much wider range, although it will be in favour of the 16-17 age bracket as the majority of those who answered were of those ages. The research and results will help my planning as they will help me change and develop the content of my magazine and what I have as my articles to what my target audience enjoy. The research was very useful as I now have a very good idea of the content that my magazine will need to provide in order to interest readers.

Page 3: Audience research results and conclusions

What gender are you?

Male Female

I asked this question because my target audience was mostly males, meaning that if the majority of those who answered the question were female then I would not have the right content. My results show that the majority of those who answered the questionnaire were male meaning my content will be relevant to men. The research and results will inform my planning because it means I can adapt my planning to incorporate the information in the magazine allowing my content to be more relevant to boys. The research was very useful because what I found out has helped me adapt my content, meaning my target audience will be interested in my magazine.

Page 4: Audience research results and conclusions

How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?

I asked this question because it gives me an idea of what price to put my magazine. This also allows me to decide on a price that will please all of the buyers as they don’t have to pay to much or to little. My results show that most people would be willing to pay £0-£1 because if it is overly expensive then not many people would buy it. The research and results were informative as it ment I could decide on a price based on what people like and would pay. The research was useful because if I had made the magazine over-priced people would not buy it.

Page 5: Audience research results and conclusions

What colours do you associate with the genre of rock?

I asked this question because it gives me ideas for my magazines colour scheme and what colours people would most recognise as rock for a magazine. My results show that black is the colour most people associate with rock whereas the colour least seen as a rock colour is green. The results were informative because they have shown me what colours people most recognise as rock colours, I will need this as my magazine is rock and if I use colours people will not recognise then those of my target audience will not buy it. The research was useful as I know have a colour scheme for my magazine.

Page 6: Audience research results and conclusions

What are your 3 favourite colours?I asked this question because it also gives me ideas for more colours to add, if people see their favourite colours in the magazine it might attract them to the magazine. The results show that peoples favourite colours are red, blue and purple, two of which are associated with the rock genre. The research was informative because it helped me to develop my planning and decide on which colours to add to my colour scheme that are related to rock. The research was useful because it helped me to further develop my magazines colour scheme.

Page 7: Audience research results and conclusions

Which font do you most associate with the rock genre?





I asked this question because rock has a very distinct style and some people would associate one font with rock more than another. My results have shown me that most people saw the font style, Rock, as the one they would most associate with rock. The research has informed me of the font that people see as being the most rock like font, this has informed my planning because I will use the same or a similar font for my magazine. The research was useful because it allows me to figure out the type of font that would be best to use for my magazine.

Page 8: Audience research results and conclusions

What are your 3 favourite bands/artists?

What are your 3 favourite bands/artists?







Artic M



A Per



Demi L





Syd B







y Cyr








The G









What are your 3 favouritebands/artists?

I asked this question in order to figure out the sort of artists I should put in my magazine that would still be enjoyed by my target audience. My results show that rock and pop/house artists were the favourites of my target audience. The results were useful because it allowed me to find out which rock artists were well known amongst those of my target audience and also, it allowed me to think of similar artists that might also be known and liked by my audience. The research was useful because now I know which artists, and similar artists, I should have in my magazine in order to attract readers.

Page 9: Audience research results and conclusions

Are you a regular buyer of music magazines?

I asked this question because it will help me to figure out a publication frequency for my magazine which will suit the audience I have targeted my magazine at. My results show that my target audience are not regular buyers of music magazines, which may be due to the cost of them or the frequency they are released. The results inform my planning because they give me an idea of how often I should publish my magazine. The research was useful because it allows me to think of a publication frequency that will work for my target audience.

Yes No

Page 10: Audience research results and conclusions

If so how often do you buy music magazines a month?

I asked this question because once again it gives me ideas of the publication frequency to suit my target audience. My results show that most people only buy magazines once a month most likely because the magazine they are buying aren’t being published frequently enough. The research and results have informed my planning because I can decide how often I am going to publish my magazine. The research was useful because it helps me to decide on publication frequency and also helps me to decide on how much I advertise my magazine.

Page 11: Audience research results and conclusions

What music magazines do you buy?I asked this question because it allows me to have a look at the type of content that my target audience is interested in. My results show that Kerrang, Metal Hammer and Classic Rock are the most popular magazines. The research will inform my planning because I can have similar content in my music magazine. The research is useful because it gives me ideas for my magazines content.

Page 12: Audience research results and conclusions

What content would you like to see more of in a magazine?

I asked this question to see what content is the most popular and wanted in a music magazine. My results show that most people enjoy bands/artist interviews because it gives them an incite into the bands/artists life. The research will inform my planning because I can plan my magazine to have more band/artist interviews. The research was useful because it helped me to figure out which content would be the best to have in my magazine.

Page 13: Audience research results and conclusions

Which would you like more of in a music magazine?

I asked this question because it allows me to see whether my magazine will mostly be text based or image based. My results show that my target audience would enjoy a magazine with a lot of images mostly because they prefer visuals. The research will inform my planning because it will help me decide on having a more visual or more text based magazine. The research was useful because it allowed me to decide on the basis of which my magazine would be created.

Text Images

Page 14: Audience research results and conclusions

What Incentives would you prefer in a magazine?

I asked this question because it shows me what my target audience would want that will convince them to read the magazine. My results show that my target audience would prefer if the incentive with the magazine was a CD. The research and results inform my planning because it allows me to figure out what the best incentive would be to please my target audience. The research was useful because it helped me to decide that I will offer a free CD with my magazine.

Posters Competitions CD’s

Page 15: Audience research results and conclusions

What 2 words do you associate with the genre of rock?

I asked this question because it shows me what my target audience believe are words to do with the rock genre. My results show that ‘smash’ is the word most associated with rock. The research and results will inform my planning because it gives me an idea of which words would be good to use throughout the magazine and also, which to use as buzz words. The research was useful because it allowed me to have ideas for words that would be recognised as the rock genre in my magazine.

Page 16: Audience research results and conclusions

What content attracts you to a music magazine the most?

I asked this question because it allows me to see what would attract my target audience and what content would make them interested in my magazine. My results show that my target audience is most attracted to band interviews and images. The research and results inform my planning because it gives me ideas as to what content I should include the most in my magazine. The research was useful because it gave me an idea of what content will interest my target audience, also it shows me what woul be best to include in my magazine.