Audience questionnairre

Audience Questionnaire Music Video

Transcript of Audience questionnairre

Page 1: Audience questionnairre

Audience Questionnaire

Music Video

Page 2: Audience questionnairre

The Majority of my target audience are between 12 and 17. there is only a few from the genre's (House) target audience. However, this is from college students and I am showing my music

video to college students so this data is relevant as I want to please them as well. They are on the boarder line of my target audience and are, therefore, what the future generation wants.

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Most of the people who answered the questionnaire were female. This may make my primary research more specific to the female genre. However, my secondary research will equal this out.

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I was planning on having dialogue at the beginning of my music video, as you can see in my storyboard. However, this research has made me reconsider my idea and now I am not entirely

sure if I will put dialogue in as this may turn off many of my target audience.

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The most popllar genre is pop music. Many people do not know what house music is as it is new and known for being more grungy, hence the nick name ‘Underground music’. However, the

song that I have chosen has a very pop culture sound and did very well in the UK music charts. Turn it Around, by Sub Focus. He is a very well known British DJ.

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The story of my music video does relate to the song title. As this is aiming to turn things around and stop teenagers from being treated as a lower class because of their stereotype. Not all teenagers are bad and it is a shame that across the country we have a reputation for being

antisocial. This video is aiming to change peoples views, like the saying, ‘Treat people the way you want to be treated’/ if people keep treating teenagers like that, then unfortunately they are

most likely to act badly.

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As this pie chart shows each form of media is used equally. Therefore I would be able to reach my target audience easily. However, form what I have learnt during this media course is that the internet is the most effective place to advertise my music video. This will save me from spending

money on advertising in every media area.

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This research was positive feedback as I am using a narrative in my video. However, the narrative isn't very noticeable. From showing my colleagues my story board, they were not entirely sure

what they story was. Therefore, I need to make the storyline more obvious to my viewers.

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Again, this was positive feedback as I would most likely post my video on YouTube. YouTube is mainly used recreationally, especially with my target audience. Many of my target audience use

YouTube to find new music and watch music videos that they have heard of.

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I will be using a number of locations in my video so this was positive feedback. This means that my target audience should enjoy my video as the change of locations will keep them interested. I

found this when I did research on previous A2 music ideas. The more locations there were the more interesting it was and it had a batter flow.

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The majority of the vote say that the longer the video, the more effective it is. I wanted to find this out as I am thinking of having dialogue at the beginning of my video, which will make it

longer. However, the video isn't too long. I wanted to find out if this would turn my audience away. Which the research has proven to be wrong.