Astral Meditation

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Transcript of Astral Meditation

Astral Meditation by Father Leved of Church LuciferThe astral plane is divided into several levels. When you meditate or practice your "Rest of Light" you press against the gates of the astral or the veil as it is often referred to. Keep meditating and listening, and soon the gates will open a crack and then wider as you keep on pressing against them.The question is simply on which level will your personal gate open? There is the high astral, and many other levels all the way down to the low astralwhere demons and other misbegotten or negative entities hang out. There are realms of light and joy and realms of depression and loss. You choose!Hey, you create your own reality! Your astral gate will open to the level upon which your mental condition corresponds. If you are negative, your gatewill open on a lower level. If your attitude is positive, your gate will open on a higher level. It is simple as that. Take your choiceThe Seven Scrolls teach a positive, "High Road," way of looking at and dealing with both the here and now and the High Astral, as that is where the real rewards will be found. Of course, you can choose a lower level if you so desire.Realize that people are divided into conditions or levels, and there are as many levels of astral life as there are classifications of people. We are the ones who chose our level. Yes, It is all up to us, and no one else may affect our placement. That is why we recommend studying the Scrolls and implementing their teachings into your daily life. We suggest you go for the gold!As say the Scrolls, habits may be changed in as little as 30 days, even less, and if you begin practicing the teaching of the Scrolls on a positive basis, you may raise both your personal and astral level. You are the boss, and nothing can hold you back. Naturally, if you call on our Patron, Father Adonis, your journey will proceed much faster, as He will smooth the way for you and help you progress. That is His primary function. More than that, when you form a positive relationship with Father Adonis, He will, in time, guide you to your "Safe Harbor" or "Special Place" in Summerland, and that is what you are looking for. Once He does that, you will have an eternal home in the High Astral! There, He will give you a start, a place all your own to do with as you will. Yes, He will even help you with that, teaching you how to create and gifting you with certain items of interest to help you along. A good Father will help His kids get off to a good start, and Father Adonis is the best of Fathers! Of course, you have to allow Him to do that. He won't force Himself on you. You choose!However, Father Adonis does want you to grow and become powerful in our own right, so don't expect to receive a fancy place right up front. Oh, your place will be nice, and have a certain amount of standard-issue amenities, but it will be rather plain - to begin with. The reason for that is He wants you to be happy, and you know best what you like. Therefore, He assists you in personalizing your "Safe Harbor" to yourliking. You can have anything you want, so imagine the joy of building your eternal home as you like it! More than that, if you don't like something, you can disappear it, and create something better. He won't mind as that is a sign of your growing, and that is the whole point. You are becoming as a God, and Godscreate! The more practice you gain in creating, the better job you can and will do, so naturally, what was wonderful one day, might not be acceptable later, so you simply ditch it and create something better. That is how it works. "The only thing constant is change!" "What is hard today will be easy tomorrow." See, I said that from time to time, I'd open the gates to the Scrolls a little wider. All those cute little quotes and sayings in the Scrolls have a far grander meaning than just the here and now. Each one is something to meditate upon. Right! "The more you do, the more you can do.!"