Assignment submitted to dr bayla


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ASSIGNMENT SUBMITTED TO DR. SALOME P. BAYLA- EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT SHARE SOME INSIGHTS FROM THE DIFFERENT PHILISOPHERS THAT MAYBE ADOPTED FOR THE QUALITY EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM ANSWER: JOHN LOCKE- The Father of Liberalism- one of the most significant enlightenment thinkers as well as a physician and philosopher. He’s widely known to the concept of identity, self – consciousness. He believed that a human mind to be a clean slate, born without pre-existing ideas and that knowledge came by experience. -His significant works include an Essay concerning Human Understanding and on Education, Reasonableness of Christianity and on the Conduct of Understanding. My Opinion to this is with his works like in Human Understanding, teachers could have it as guide in order to teach children with a heart that understand their behavior and therefore teaching would be successful because it’s not only telling something from but enabling to do things easily because you’re dealing them not on what you know but what you feel right and good for them in a manner that would be helpful for their easy grasping of the lessons that you want them to learn. ARISTOTLE- A famous Greek philosopher and Polymath. Works cover various subjects ranging from Logic, Music, Theater, Metaphysics, Physics, Poetry, Politics, Biology, Ethics, Governmental Linguistics and Zoology. Known - as the founding figure of Western Philosophy. He opened his own school in Philosophy called the Lyceum Academy. He stated this: There is a difference between the educated and the illiterate, just as there is a variation between the living And the non- living things”. Also the “ There is no dignity in obtaining awards, Real dignity lies in the fact whether we are qualified for the awards”. ******* Since, he’s with Psychology, and Logic also those are very important in dealing children with different personalities, because you can’t just teach without considering the child’s abilities and characteristics or you have to consider the learners’ behavior based on observation. Teachers should be reasonable or logical in dealing with children. Like, in what he said about awards that “there’s no dignity in obtaining an awards when you’re not qualified”. Another is the understanding of the educated and uneducated or illiterate man/woman in order to have a peaceful relationship. It’s not just wanting to achieve or get something to those who can’t give it. Therefore, with Psychology in Education teaching would be easy with children. RENE DESCARTES- A French Mathematician and a Philosopher. He states that “ and so something that I thought, I was seeing with my eyes, is in fact grasped solely by that faculty of judgment which is in my mind. With this famous saying, an Educator could ponder the importance of teaching with visual aids especially to young children like the preschoolers so that when they see and touch the things taught to them, understanding would be easy. CONFUCIUS- Whose main stress is on character, and also a Social Reformer. His main thrust is individual character. He preached children to respect their parents. It was the firm opinion of Confucius that morality should be the basis of society and religion. He suggested many ways to avoid class conflicts< “ Do not treat others in a way or manner that you would not like others to treat you”, his basic thought. With this basic philosophy, Educators could emphasize to children the importance of having a good character that would enable them to gain good relationship and thus will be a good citizen in the society. CHANAKYA- With his famous quote of ‘ LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF OTHERS, YOU CAN’T LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO MAKE THEM ALL YOURSELVES’, this quote could e beneficial in the Education system because in everything done if not yielding good to the students, then it must be eradicated and changed for the better. Such saying,” There’s no constant in this world but we keep on changing”, therefore the education system of our country is not really the same ever since, modifications had been introduced like the K-12 now at its implementation process. DESCRIBE THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN THE PHILIPPINES, CITE PROGRAMS CURRENT PROJECTS THAT DEFINES RESPONSIBLE, ADEQUATE AND RELEVANT TO ITS ATTAINMENT -Education is described as the process of providing or receiving systematic teaching. A basic human right because it is considered one of the fundamental guarantees that enable individual to live his full potential as a human being. 1987 Constitution itself explicitly provides for government to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. The constitution also states that the highest budgetary priority shall be assigned to education. Education is given a high value in the country- as perceived by the masses the stepping stone to poverty. The Philippine Education System has been plagued by a severe and chronic crisis that leaves it incapable of pushing for national progress. It has instead been molded according to the interests of those who have power and has reinforced worsening social inequality. Today’s Aquino’s Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 would aim to harness private-sector resources in the delivery and monitoring of social marketing and advocacy for education especially higher level. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-12, would meanwhile take off where the mill3nium Curriculum left by creating a new generation of cheap, semi-skilled workers who are employable by transnational corporations or qualified for labor exports immediately after high school graduation. GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE- What has become clear after the end of every administration and the passing of its decade is the way the educational system has been structured to benefit the profit oriented political and economic interests of foreign and local elites. -Under this set-up, the global competitive workforce which the educational system seeks to mass produce becomes another fancy name for cheap and docile labor, a youth that can be easily disposed of in transnational corporations in the country and abroad. Thus, Philippines Education is directed towards whatever is the demand in the international market.

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NAME ONE CONTRIBUTION OF SOME PHILOSOPHERS IN THE PRESENT EDUCATION SYSTEM Answer: A. NEL NODDINGS AND THE ETHICS OF CARE A notable American feminist, educationalist and philosopher best known of her work on ETHICS OF CARE. -Establishes the obligation and the sense to do something right when others address us. We do so because either we love and respect those that address us or we have significant regard for them In that way, the recipients of care must respond in a way that authenticates their caring that has been received. The same goes for education. As teachers respond to the need of students, they may design a differentiated curriculum because AS TEACHERS work closely with students, they should respond to the student’s different needs and interests. This response should not be based on a one time virtuous decision but an on- going interests in the students’ welfare. Thus in our present education, teachers were required to apply psychology in dealing children so as to apply the ethics of care. CITE THE RELEVANCE OF YOUR PRESENT POSITION IN SCHOOL As adviser- key in journalism, I tried to uplift the standing of the school in every contest we participated in that field, same with the publication of the school paper, “THE JOSENIANS”. In Science, although I did not act as key but I helped in the organizing of activities especially in the conduct of the YES-O-CAMP. Others- in the training of children in some contest that requires my help being assigned in the cream of the crops. Submitted by: MRS. BELINDA ROMOC BALASTIGUE San Jose Elementary School GMA, CAVITE April2014


Friends in Bubbleland I know you’re all familiar with the saying stating “Don’t reciprocate evil

with evil”, but do good to them that persecuted you and spoke evil words against you.

It’s been taught but the question is, was it done? Is it felt? I guess seldom you can see others do

willingly apply the good way of treating those who hated you.

Once, I saw a dislike in my post, I asked why and what’s the reason, he answered he don’t

know….LOL ?

Well, sometimes in life people hated you for no reason just like that. They don’t have enough

reason to say why but they hated us.

Therefore, let’s just not mind them maybe they don’t know also why and they suffered maybe

within themselves some personal problems they can’t explain why …..LOL…




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It is enhanced from 10 years of basic education into 12 years through the program called K-12

Education Plan of the Department of Education.

It’ is the key of nation’s development although the government will face many problems in the long run

of implementation. ( Excerpt from Isagani Cruz article in the local paper).

Important points stated were to enable students to have more knowledge to every subjects, to be

prepared well before entering in the labor force equipped with specific skills for a specific job even

without entering college at age of 18 after graduation and recognized as professionals abroad because it

is following the international education standard as practiced by all nations.

Just this evening I saw on TV a documentary about a life of an Abaca farmer who had a family to feed. Rice being the staple food here in our country is the best source of carbohydrates. As noted, our body needs enough source of it for if one lack the required calorie will suffer the disease called Marasmus. I was so touched seeing the children eating root crops called camote and others just to feed the hungry stomach. What I want us to think is, life of theirs is just like that and they survived in months waiting for the harvest of abaca plant which is their only source of income. What made me sad there is their situation of seldom eating rice as interviewed. According to the head in the house, after the harvest which happened only after some months his family can enjoy eating rice. Without accordingly as interviewed, they seldom have eaten rice for their daily meals. What’s more making their life miserable is less harvest due to deforestation. But, that’s how they lived. Fellow bubblers, can you live too without rice?

Photo credit: from the web