Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 24


Transcript of Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 24

Suitable title since things start going fast from here on, things happen as you will see but I think I recovered quite well. Tell me if you agree.

Hydrangea: Great grandpa Kiwi, I found out that you can make something to turn me into a werewolf, I want to be one.

Kiwi: Well yes I can make something but why would you want to be a werewolf?

Hydrangea: Please? I feel such a strong connection to the moon already…

Kiwi: Well, okay. Your mother may not like it but I can understand the need to be close to the moon, I am a powerful witch after all myself.

Hydrangea: I can feel it…the moon. It calls to me!

Kiwi: And your eyes glowing makes you look even more scary.

I know >_< And also that means she’ll never die, unless I manually age her now, thanks a lot Kiwi….really.

And what of my current heir? He’s trash can diving, really is that anyway for a celebrity to behave?

Tanzanite: Wanna get the dirt? Go to the source.

Tanzanite: It’s a new moon so there’s no moonlight to give me away. They’ll think it was just some animal.

I don’t have Pets, so no they won’t.

Find anything?

Tanzanite: Some bubble bath, a few unsmelted metals, an uncut gem…

You’re just coming home from school now?! Ooh pretty skyline…

Violet: I’ll have you know that whoever designed this city made the school so far away it’s not even funny. I hate being outside!

Sugar? What’s…oh.

Sugar: Oh is right Camera Lady, my hubby may have cheated aging but I certainly did not.

Sugar: This feel strange…why didn’t y’all tell me it would feel weird?

They can’t hear you now, only I can. *sad face*

Tanzanite: Grandma!!

Ramon: MIL!! *sigh* Suddenly being longer lived doesn’t appeal anymore.

Hydrangea: Great grandma, I hardly knew you.

Violet: *is indifferent*

Grim: Hello my Violet Wolf, I have been waiting for you…

Ramon: Why does he call my granddaughter that?

Umm…it’s a secret? *shifty eyes*

Grim: Now son I want you to encourage that daughter of yours to be the type of werewolf I need for my collection, she’s the sun in my universe, understand?

Tanzanite: No, and why do you call me son?

Grim: Your mother never told you?

Tanzanite: Told me what?

Oh look at the time Grim, you must be going right?

Grim: I can’t believe she never told you…

Name: Sugar Arcenciel (nee Free) Age: 114 days

LTW: Super Popular (completed) Spouse of: Kiwi Arcenciel

Mother of: Sapphire, Bluebelle, Blueberry Grandmother of: Tanzanite, Iris, Acai

Great Grandmother of: Hydrangea, Violet

My heir wall, lookit all the Shinies!! (glares at Jered and Shea) So pretty…except for the two of you.

But as with all deaths, there’s always room for more life so thank you Sugar for kicking the bucket so I can have my third kid for the generation. Here’s hoping for another girl.

*crosses fingers*


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

One update a day and that medal will be mine before Thanksgiving! Which is October 10th in Canada. I look forward to admiring that shiny Gold Pencil…*sighs dreamily*