April 7 Board Worksession Tentative Budget Final

2011 Tentative April 7, 2010 Board Work Session 1 of the Adoption Budget FY


Presentation of Tentative budget to Board of School Trustees

Transcript of April 7 Board Worksession Tentative Budget Final

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April 7, 2010Board Work Session


of theAdoption



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Budget Timeline

Adoption of Tentative 2011 Budget April 7

Tentative Budget Submitted To StateApril 15

Adoption of Final 2011 Budget May 19

Final Budget Submitted to State June 8


Adoption of the tentative budget is required by April 15th. However, changes may be made prior to adoption of the final budget.

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Where the District Spends Its $


Classroom In-struction, Coun-seling, Library, &

Transporting Students75.7%

School Adminis-tration8.6%

Finance, Human Resources, Pur-chasing, Tech-


Maintenance, Custodial,

Grounds & Utili-ties


General Administration0.9%

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How the District Spends Its $




($ in millions)

Electricity, Gas, and Utilities 88.4

Fuel & Vehicle Maintenance 9.9

Textbooks/Supplies 53.2

Property & Liability Insurance 5.0

Classroom Equipment 7.7

Technical Services 7.8

Field Trips 3.2

Postage 2.0

Repairs and Maintenance 4.1

Other Objects* 49.6

Total $230.9

*Other Objects: Legal Services, Financial Services, Professional Services, Staff Development, Training, Travel

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Reductions in Positions To Date & Planned


Central Office


FY 2010 FY 2011

 Cumulative Positions

Positions Cut

% of Total in Central Office

Proposed Position Cuts

% of Total in Central Office

Administrators 27 10.2% 19 8.5% 46

Support Staff 231 24.4% 0 0.0% 231

School Based


FY 2010 FY 2011  Cumulative Positions

Positions Cut

% of Total in Schools

Proposed Position Cuts

% of Total in Schools

Administrators 16 1.6% 90 8.9% 106

Support Staff 100 1.3% 0 0.0% 100

Licensed 682 3.7% 540 3.2% 1,222

*General Operating Fund Positions

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Tentative Budget Summary


Total General Fund Revenue


- $ 141 million

Total General Fund Expenditures


- $ 76 million

The difference is partially made up through use of $40 million in fund balance (due to efficiencies) and $25 million in one-time capital funding.

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Use of One-Time Sources


Revenues Reve


Fund Balance & Other One-

Time Sources


OK for temporary downturns in


Not good to filllong-term shortfalls

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Assumptions: Tentative Budget① All elementary schools on a nine-month

calendarElementary schools convert from year-round to nine-month as per Regulation 7124

② No changes in employee contract provisions

③ Class sizes in Grades 1-3 increased by 2 students

④ Textbook/supply budgets will be reduced

⑤ Student enrollment will decline slightly

⑥ Fund balance will be used to offset budget reductions

⑦ Administrative positions will be reduced by 10 percent

⑧ Federal Title I funding will be $6.9 million less


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What These Assumptions Mean

① School calendar conversions

$5 million savings

② Employee contract provisions:Step Increases

$26 million costRetirement (PERS)

no change

③ Class sizes in Grades 1-3 (540 positions)

$30 million cut

④ Textbook/supply budgets

$10 million cut

⑤ Student enrollment

no change

⑥ Fund balance

$40 million one-time savings

⑦ Administrative staffing (109 positions)

$12 million cut

⑧ Federal Title I funding

$6.9 million less


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Changes Since Tentative Budget

School calendar changes,other than by regulation,not implemented $12 million

State Department of Taxationupdated property tax estimates 18 million

Additional Shortfall $30 million


The following changes occurred after development of the Tentative Budget and will need to be addressed prior to adoption of the Final Budget.

$30 million, if taken from staffing, equates to an additional 428 positions that would need to be cut.

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Options for Cutting $30 Million


1) Reduce salaries (and PERS benefit base)by 1.85 percent

2) Implement furlough days for all employees(4 for licensed, support staff and police; 6 for administrators)

3) Employees share 15 percent of overall costof health insurance

4) Employees share 2.4 percent of overall costof retirement (PERS)

5) Freeze step increases ($26 million)

The following are options for dealing with the remaining $30 million budget deficit (subject to collective bargaining):

$30 million, if taken from staffing, equates to 428 positions that would need to be cut.

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Positions That Would Need to be Cut


540 Teaching positions (raising class sizes by 2 in grades 1-3)

109 Administrative Positions (90 school based,19 central office)

649 Already recommended to be eliminated+ 428 Additional positions to balance ($30


1,077 Total number of positions that would need to be cut

With NO changes to salaries, benefits, or to the work year:

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Alternative to Recommended Cuts


To restore the recommended increase in class size and the reduction in administrative staffing, as well as to accommodate other shortfalls…

…would require a 5.0 percent reduction in all employee salaries…

…and would allow restoration of 649 positions cut to balance the budget

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For More Information…

Go to…



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Budget Timeline

Adoption of Tentative 2011 Budget April 7

Tentative Budget Submitted To StateApril 15

Adoption of Final 2011 Budget May 19

Final Budget Submitted to State June 8


Adoption of the tentative budget is required by April 15th. However, changes may be made prior to adoption of the final budget.