April 3, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTERVol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 internalize their messages....

KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun April 3, ‘17 ז ' ניסן תשע"זVolume 47 Number 7 Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley רב זכריה בן רבקה, for a רפואה שלמה. מראה מקומות שבת הגדול דרשה תשע"ז מוהר ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט"א לעלוי נשמת מ' עטל בת ר' מרדכי ע"הMRS. ETHEL KATZENSTEIN BY DR. AND MRS. MARTIN KATZENSTEIN MRS. SANDY WACHSPRESS DR. AND MRS. JOEL GOLDMAN חמץ של נכרי באחריות ישראל פסחים ה' ע"ב: אמר מר יכול יטמין וכו' עד קמ"ל. רבנו חננאל שם בא"ד והני מילי דל א קביל וכו'. מהר"ם חלאוה שם ד"ה בעירו חמירא הרמב"ן פסחים ו' ע"א בד"ה הא דתניא יחד לו בית עד ולאו דישראל הוא מקור חיים סי' ת"מ ס"ק ג' שו"ת עונג יו"ט סי' כ"ה בד"ה מיהו למש"כ נשמת אדם הלכות פסח שאלה ו' בד"ה ולפי"זPURIM 5777 The Avoda in our Beis HaKenesses was again an important part of the day. Thanks to Messrs. Michael Gutmann (evening) and Johny Hellmann (morning) for their flawless reading of the Megilla at the main minyonim, as well as to Messrs. Dovid Herbsman and Ezra Hes who took care of the corresponding second readings. Many thanks as well to those individuals who read the Megilla for hospital patients and home bound persons, giving of their time on a very busy day. Matonos LoEvyonim were distributed anonymously to local needy families by the Board of Trustees and, thanks to members of KAJ who donated generously, a significant amount of funds was distributed to help fulfill this important mitzvo of Purim. A Mesiba, pictured below, was held on Leil Purim (Motzoei Shabbos) at the home of Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel.

Transcript of April 3, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTERVol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 internalize their messages....

KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

April 3, ‘17 ' ניסן תשע"זז

Volume 47 Number 7

Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley רב זכריה בן רבקה, for a רפואה שלמה.

מראה מקומות שבת הגדול דרשה תשע"ז ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט"א“מוהר

לעלוי נשמת מ' עטל בת ר' מרדכי ע"ה MRS. ETHEL KATZENSTEIN



חמץ של נכרי באחריות ישראל

פסחים ה' ע"ב: אמר מר יכול יטמין וכו' עד קמ"ל.

א קביל וכו'.רבנו חננאל שם בא"ד והני מילי דל מהר"ם חלאוה שם ד"ה בעירו חמירא

הרמב"ן פסחים ו' ע"א בד"ה הא דתניא יחד לו בית עד ולאו דישראל הוא מקור חיים סי' ת"מ ס"ק ג'

שו"ת עונג יו"ט סי' כ"ה בד"ה מיהו למש"כ נשמת אדם הלכות פסח שאלה ו' בד"ה ולפי"ז

PURIM 5777 The Avoda in our Beis HaKenesses was again an important part of the day. Thanks to Messrs. Michael Gutmann (evening) and Johny Hellmann (morning) for their flawless reading of the Megilla at the main minyonim, as well as to Messrs. Dovid Herbsman and Ezra Hes who took care of the corresponding second readings. Many thanks as well to those individuals who read the Megilla for hospital patients and home bound persons, giving of their time on a very busy day. Matonos LoEvyonim were distributed anonymously to local needy families by the Board of Trustees and, thanks to members of KAJ who donated generously, a significant amount of funds was distributed to help fulfill this important mitzvo of Purim. A Mesiba, pictured below, was held on Leil Purim (Motzoei Shabbos) at the home of Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel.

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On Purim day, the choir performed their Ish Yehudi selections following Mincha, after which there was some (brief) dancing in the rather frigid outdoors. Many fathers and sons took the opportunity to get in some Limud HaTorah at Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzadik, holding its once-yearly sessions in the Aguda.

CHEVRA SEUDOS On Sunday March5/7 Adar, the Chevra Kadisha and the Chevra Kadisha DeNoshim of K’hal Adath Jeshurun held their annual Seudos, this year “Bo BaYom” on the seventh of Adar. The men’s Chevra held their annual meeting in the Sulzbach Shiur Room, presided over by Mr. Leon Gerstle. After approval of the report of the previous year’s activities, the budget for the present year was accepted. A number of miscellaneous items were discussed including the need for men to attend shivo minyonim. Additionally, Mr. Gerald Lanzkron was added to the Chevra’s presidium. Following Mincha, including the leining of VaYechal for the Chevra Taanis, the annual men’s Chevra Seudo took place in the Dr. Raphael Moller Hall. The dais was graced by the presence of Rav Mantel, Rav Posen, Rav Levi, Rav Rubanowitz and Rabbi Hoffman. The Seuda was chaired by Rabbi Raphael Weis. Both Rabbi Weis, and Rav Mantel in his address, noted the recent loss of Mr. Eugene Goldman z.l., long-time member of the presidium of the Chevra, who chaired the Seuda for many years. Before Rav Mantel spoke, Rabbi Weis took the occasion to extol the Rav’s dedication and extreme commitment to all aspects of Kehilla life, including those relating to the Chevra’s tasks, bar minon, mentioning some recent examples. Rabbi Weis also related some thoughts

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 on the fact that ז' אדר, the birthday and Yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, always comes out around the time we read Parashas Tetzave. Rav Mantel’s discourse focused on the source of the Rambam for Aveilus (of the first day) in the Torah. From the very fact that Kohanim must be told to be metamei for their kerovim, we learn a concept of Aveilus. Rav Levi discussed the various things Chazal say are included in the words Tov Meod, at the end of Maaseh Bereishis, some of which would not appear as very Tov to us. He explained that while they may indeed not be Tov in themselves, in their enforcing a life of limits and bounds, they help us lead a life which can be Tov Meod. Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz led the bensching. The Chevra Kadisha DeNoshim held their Sedua earlier that day; both (equally delicious) Seudos were catered by Lechayim. ADAR IN OUR YESHIVA The spirit of Adar and Purim was enthusiastically displayed by the various divisions of our Yeshiva, as Rosh Chodesh Adar, the Elementary and Pre-School departments masquerade days, and Purim itself in our Beis Medrash were all enjoyed to the fullest. Pictured, Rav Rubanowitz and his bochurim on Purim, in the Beis Medrash displaying some Adar decor.

Our Middle School eight grade “Senioritas” are pictured on Rosh Chodesh Adar, sombreros and all.

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Also pictured: The elementary boys enjoy their masquerade the Friday before Purim.

PIRCHEI AGUDATH ISRAEL PHILADELPHIA SHABBOS Pirchei Agudath Israel recently enjoyed their Mid-Atlantic Shabbos Shel Achdus in Philadelphia. Along with participating Pirchei groups from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Yeshivas Chaim Berlin of Brooklyn, and Providence, Rhode Island, Pirchei of Washington Heights’ wonderful group of 18 boys added tremendous ruach to a truly unique opportunity! The event, which included an audience with the Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shalom Kamenetzky, was uplifting, as some 200 boys participated in hours of spirited learning, and culminating in a ruach-packed Sium Mishnayos of Seder Moed. Accompanied by our able local group leaders and the Kunofsky family, boys were treated to a Shabbos to remember in Bala Cynwyd (yes, that’s how you spell it-now guess how to pronounce it!) PA. Some boys even won one of the gala raffle prizes!) Many thanks to the Kehilla for supporting the event and helping to encourage our local branch’s relationship with Pirchei Agudath Israel International!

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SISTERHOOD LECTURE As we entered the Purim season the Sisterhood invited Mrs. Miriam Liebermann to speak to us about “Removing Our Masks.” Mrs. Liebermann is well connected to, and beloved by, our Kehilla as an alumna and a YRSRH parent. She was the talented pianist at our many Sisterhood plays in years past. Mrs. Liebermann, a voracious reader and collector of inspirational articles, has a vast collection of written material that has touched her soul and which she keeps for reference. Her lecture, held on March 7/10 Adar, gave us a peek into her file cabinet as she shared many substantive thoughts amassed over the years. Mrs. Liebermann initiated her talk by reflecting on her recent significant birthday and how it has motivated her to learn and to share the wisdom she has acquired over the years. As a person who is committed to personal growth as well as to connecting with people who are important to her, Mrs. Liebermann mentioned one way she is able to incorporate both. After recently hosting her Breuer's high school graduating class at a reunion at her home, the women have begun to have a weekly telephone learning session at which they delve into the book, Living Emunah by Rabbi Dovid Ashear, and recite Tehillim together. Mrs. Liebermann touched upon many topics. She began by speaking about the symbolism and meaning of clothing. The Malbim says that at the time of Maase Bereishis, we, as human beings, were Neshamos, with the Guf, body, serving as our garment. But after the sin of Odom and Chava there was a blurring between the precedence of the Neshama over the body, thus requiring actual garments. The Bnei Yisoschar says we wear masks on Purim to demonstrate that life is not the way it seems. Esther, in the Megilla, might not seem to be the one who acts but rather as one who is acted upon. However, when the time came, she was able to take off the mask of passivity and act assertively for the benefit of her people. What is the significance of the Mitzva to eradicate any memory of Amalek, Timche es zeicher Amalek? Rabbi Moshe Weinberger elucidates: The name Amalek is similar to the word “melika,” the separation of the head from the body performed on bird korbanos. There should be no disconnect between what we experience around us and our inner soul. Amalek wanted us to detach from our experiences and not to

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 internalize their messages. “Purim” can be related to the word “peirurim,” crumbs. Crumbs are the remnants of the cookie, the parts that no longer matter. Purim comes to teach us that everything G-d sends our way has significance, that the little things DO matter. Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch discusses the “mask” worn by trees at the time of Tu BeShvat: The trees still look as if dead, while, in fact, the sap has started running inside them. We are compared to an Eitz HaSadeh, and the sap is running deep inside us. We're so much more than our outer appearance. The speech ended with Mrs. Liebermann teaching us a song whose words were written by Rabi Nachman of Breslov, “VeAfilu BeHastoro,” a song that speaks about G-d's Presence even when He is hidden. This beautiful melody with such meaningful words was a most fitting way to end such a beautiful, meaningful lecture. NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER In our continuous effort to expose our seniors to a varied and rich program, Moriah forayed into the realm of the art of paper-cutting. This class taught our group the history and the basics of this art form. We applaud all those who challenged themselves to attempt this new skill. MiSheNichnas Adar Marbin BeSimcha: Moriah’s annual Shushan Purim Masquerade featured a Western theme this year and clients delighted each other and the staff by getting into the spirit in a big way. There were nurses and cowgirls – not to mention Moshe Rabeinu! - roaming the lunch crowd and good spirits abounded. Michael Karas wowed the audience with feats of juggling and unmatched humor. Thanks to the generosity of Gemiluth Chessed of Greater NY, Moriah was able to distribute beautiful Mishloach Monos packages to every guest.

As if that wasn’t enough, due to the impending snowstorm, the tireless Moriah staff managed to prepare not only the delicious party menu, but the next day’s meal as well, to be taken home by the seniors in preparation for a day spent inside. Moriah seniors took a virtual trip to Thailand on their visit to the New York Botanical Garden’s annual Orchid Show. Vibrant colors and tantalizing scents abounded, as participants learned so much in the process. The diverse shapes and exotic patterns on these most delicate flowers truly epitomize Ma Rabbu Maasecho HaShem.

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Moriah distributed over 100 Pesach food packages to our regular congregate lunch attendees, to compensate for the days we will be closed before and during the Yom Tov. These bags contained matzo, grape juice, shelf stable meals, tuna fish, shelf stable fruits and drinks, jam, cake, chocolate and other delicacies – all Kosher LePesach! Many thanks once again to Gemiluth Chessed for partnering with us in this endeavor.

Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested it being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715. If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected].


On Sunday, March 26/29 Adar, Rabbi Paysach Krohn returned to Washington Heights at the invitation of Senior Social Clubs of KAJ, inspiring members and friends of the Kehilla with divrei chizuk and mussar. Introduced by Mr. Elliot Resnick, Rabbi Krohn spoke for an hour and fifteen minutes on themes related to Pesach and the Seder, the audience lapping up his every word.

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 8 Among his many points and anecdotes were the following:

–Rabbeinu Mono’ach says that our dipping vegetables in salt water for karpas serves to remind us of Yosef’s coat which his brothers dipped in blood. Before we begin relating the history of how we left Mitzrayim, Rabbi Krohn said, it is important that we remember how we got there in the first place. We got there because of disunity among the shevatim, which led to the sale of Yosef to Mitzrayim.

– One translation of the word Pesach is compassion. We must demonstrate extra compassion on Pesach, Rabbi Krohn said. He urged the crowd to think of others, to think of poor people, to invite single parents who may not have a place to go. Even if they decline the invitation, he said,, they will appreciate being thought of. Rabbi Krohn related a story of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach who on Erev Pesach one year sent entrance tickets to the zoo to poor families. That way, their children would enjoy Chol HaMoed and not feel left out when they would hear their friends excitedly discussing their Chol HaMoed plans.

– Rav Sholom Schwadron, the magid of Yerushalayim, once was at the Seder of the family of Rabbi Krohn after the latter’s father had passed away at a relatively young age. Rabbi Krohn knew Rav Schwadron always made sure to eat the Afikoman before chatzos and tried therefore to discreetly move the Seder along. Rav Schwadron, however, whispered to him repeatedly not to rush. After the Seder he explained to Rabbi Krohn that he had seen Rabbi Krohn’s widowed mother having so much nachas being surrounded by her children and grandchildren that he did not wish to disturb her Simchas Yom Tov.

– We never know from where greatness will emerge. Often, Rabbi Krohn said, it comes from where we least expect it. Therefore, he said, parents should expend energy on, and devotion to, every child. Mothers in particular often have the opportunity to demonstrate patience towards the “Eino Yodei’a LeShol” child, the seemingly less talented or slower child. This is hinted to, Rabbi Krohn said, the Baal Haggada’s using the word at [you, feminine pronoun] Pesach lo” in regard to the she’eino yode’a lish’ol.

SSC Director Molly Resnick was very saddened by the fact that the speaking date, planned long in advance, coincided with a Kehilla wedding, thereby inevitably reducing the number of attendees. But in his effort to console and make everyone feel good Rabbi Krohn noted that as a Mohel, he knows that only “one baby” is needed to make a whole Bris and he was very satisfied with the size of the audience.

REPORT ON THE SHIRLEY LERNER WASHINGTON HEIGHTS CLOTHING DRIVE FOR ANIYEI ERETZ YISROEL – A SUCCESS! Thank you to all those who participated in the Shirley Lerner Washington Heights Clothing Drive for Aniyei Eretz Yisroel. Yeyasher Kochachem to all the volunteers (new and old) who worked tirelessly to sort and pack the clothing. A special thank you to those who hung up flyers in the neighborhood and advertised the Drive on social media. Of course, thank you to those who brought clothing and donated generously to Minchas Shlomo for shipping. We sorted, packed, and shipped out 74 boxes (with an approximate weight of about 1 ton) of clothing. We also collected 60 pairs of glasses for RE-SPECS, four laptop computers for The Laptop Project, two bags of toiletries for “Show You Care”, and one milk pump for Chasdei Chana. While the clothing drive is once a year, the glasses, the milk pump, and the Laptop collection are ongoing: For RE-SPECS, contact Draizel Strauss at [email protected] or 212-795-5693

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9 For “The Laptop Project”contact Mordechai Luchins, [email protected] For Gemach Chasdei Chana in Kiryat Sefer contact [email protected] or Judy Rubinstein at 212-928-7401. Nizke LeMitzvos, Draizel Strauss SHAATNEZ LAB PRE-PESACH SCHEDULE Please be advised that our Shaatnez lab cannot accept clothes for Shaatnez testing before Yom Tov. SHEIMOS PICK-UP As a service to our members, we have arranged for a pre-Pesach collection of Sheimos. They will be in front of Shul on Thursday, April 6th, 7:00 – 8:30 PM and will charge a nominal fee for this service. While in the past, deposits of large amounts of Sheimos were accepted by the Kehilla, this is no longer practical due to space limitations and the increased cost of burying Sheimos. SHIURIM NOTICES Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Minchas Chinuch shiur will IYH resume on Tuesday evening, April 25th, Leil Rosh Chodesh Iyar. Rebbetzin Mantel’s weekly Tuesday morning Nach Shiur for Ladies will IYH resume Tuesday, April 25th. The shiur takes place at 10:15 AM in the Agudah Shul. Thursday Night Chumash Shiur Rav Perlow will speak on the Hagada. The shiur will take place in Shul following the 8:10 Maariv. Sisterhood Shabbos Shiurim The following shiurim will take place in Dr. Moller Hall, 90 Bennett Avenue at 5:00 PM. April 22 שמיני Dr. Paul Breuer (Note time: 4:45 PM) April 29 מצרע-תזריע Mr. Michael Gutmann May 6 קדשים-אחרי Mrs. Devorah Strauch May 13 אמר Miss Rochel Alpert May 20 בחקתי-בהר Miss Rivka Greenberg May 27 במדבר Mr. Albert Blank Fort Tryon Ladies Shiur (in memory of Mr. Marc Breuer ז"ל) April 8 6:30 צו Mrs. Esther Katz April 22 6:45 שמיני Dr. Paul Breuer April 29 מצרע-תזריע 6:50 Mr. Joseph Gutmann May 6 םקדשי-אחרי 7:00 Mrs. Devorah Strauch

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10

שע"זתזמני דף יומי ניסן

Mon-Thu 4/3-4/6 am after Shacharis

pm 7:30 pm (after מנחה ) pm 7:15 מנחה pm 8:10 מעריב

am 7:15 am 4/8-שבת הגדולpm 5:45 pm

am 8:00 שחרית pm 6:45 מנחה

Sun 4//9 am 6:45 am

Mon 4/10 ערב פסח am after Shacharis Tuesday 4/11 יום א' pm 6:30 שיעור pm 5:45 פסח

Wed 4/12 'יום ב pm 7:35 מנחה pm 6:45 פסח Thu-Fri 4/13-4/14

חול המועדam 6:45 am pm TBA

am 7:30 שחרית pm 7:25 מנחה

am 7:45 am 4/15 שבת חול המועדpm 6:35 pm

am 8:30 שחרית pm 7:35 מנחה

Sun 4//16 am 6:45 am

Mon 4/17 'פסח יום ז am 7:45 am pm 6:30 pm

am 8:30 שחרית pm 7:15 מנחה

Tuesday 4/18 'יום ח pm 6:50 מנחה pm 6:00 pm פסח Wed-Thu 4/19-4/20

am after Shacharis pm 7:00 Mincha

pm 6:35 מנחה


Mr. and Mrs. Samson R. Bechhofer happily announce the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Chana and Avrumi Ziemba and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer and Mrs. Martha Hexter. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Klugman on the birth of their twin great-grandsons. Our best wishes to the parents, Yehuda and Chany Schwab and the grandparents, Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov and Sora Schwab. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Klugmans another mazel tov on the birth of a son to their grandchildren, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Isser Zayid and to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Yaakov Schwab. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael N. Wertheim happily announce the birth of their great-grandson born to Tzvi and Chana Weinbaum. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Landman and Rabbi and Mrs. Ely Weinbaum and to the other great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Weinbaum, Mrs. Sora Leah Landman and Mrs. Edith Steier. All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Rafael and Tziporah Bachrach on the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Taffel and Dr. and Mrs. Steve Bachrach, and to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Alma Elias, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wittenstein and Mr. Jack Taffel. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Shmuel and Rivka Bodenheim and Elyu and Deena Levi on the engagement of their children, Yoel and Zipora. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mrs. Sora Adler, Mrs. Hansi Bodenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levi and Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen. Mazel tov to Mrs. Pauline Berger on the engagement of her granddaughter, Esther Berger to Chaim Yisroel Pitter. All the best to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim Berger and Rabbi and Mrs. Yeruchem Pitter. All our good wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Simcha and Tzippy Gutman, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avi Schulman and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Sara Schulman. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Meier Brueckheimer on the marriage of their granddaughter, Avital Silver to Eli Pressburger. Mazel tov to the parents, Yitzy and Leah Silver and Maury and Tina Pressburger. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bernstein on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Shimmy and Dassah Weinman, and the grandparents, Rabbi Avrohom Dovid and Bina Zahner and Mr. and Mrs. Weinman. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Levy on the marriage of their daughter, Ruti, to Yoni Epstein. Our best wishes to the Choson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meshulem Epstein and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Ronald Levy.

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12 Mazel tov to David and Joclyn Stern on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ezra Schechter. Mazel tov to the parents, Rachel and Menachem Schechter. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Esther Goldman on the birth of her great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Darabaner and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Silver. Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Sari Levy on the Bar Mitzva of their son, Yitzchak Boaz. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Ronny and Helen Levy and Mr. and Mrs. Zalmi and Reyce Kransler.

Best Mazel Tov wishes to Mrs. Judith Levi on the birth of a great-granddaughter. Mazel Tov to the parents, Meir Zvi and Rina Altmann, the grandparents, Shimon and Yael Altmann and Arnaud and Chava Waldmann, and to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Helen Altmann, Mr. and Mrs. L. Katz and Pinky and Betty Waldmann.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Annette Kirschner are delighted to announce the engagement of their granddaughter, Yaffa Weinschneider, to Mr. Donny Mashiach of Chicago. Mazel Tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Eva Weinschneider.

Rabbi and Mrs. Chiskiyohu and Rena Loebenberg happily announce the birth of a son to their children, Yerachmiel and Nechama Loebenberg. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Aryeh Franklin.

Our heartiest Mazel Tov wishes to Mrs. Edith Silverman on the birth of a great-grandson. Mazel Tov to the parents, Yosef and Hadassah Silverman, and to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Marc and Karen Silverman.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lenefsky on the birth of a son to their children, Sara and Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Seplowitz. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Yerachmiel and Sheera Seplowitz. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rosenstock on the birth of a great-granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Nissim and Devorah Esther Almog, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Yudkowitz. Mrs. Molly Resnick happily announces the birth of a son to her children, Rabbi and Mrs. Raleigh Resnick. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first

Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night, and, during the Sefira, to count the Omer.

• Mincha Gedola in Shul – 1:35 PM thru April 6 1:30 PM April 13 – May 25

• Produce from Eretz Yisroel which requires terumos and maasros to be taken is currently available in the stores. If you have shaalos about this procedure, please call the Rabbinate.

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 13 • The Hirsch Chumashim with English translation are again available from the Kehilla Office. Price

$140/ set. Forthcoming Events:

• Sunday, May 14 (Lag B’Omer) Ladies Auxiliary Brunch • Tuesday, May 16 – Sisterhood’s Annual Video Presentation in commemoration of the

Yahrzeit of Rochel Imeinu • Sunday, May 21 – Annual General Meeting of Members of the Kehilla

April 3, 2017 / 7 Nisan 5777 - Re: Items left in 90 Bennett Avenue. Please Note: A number of items, including articles of clothing, have been left in 90 Bennett Avenue over the last few months. They are now being removed and stored. In order to claim them please contact the office. As of the above date any unclaimed items left in 90 Bennett will be removed after 60 days and will be discarded.

Moadim Perspectives: Pesach-Shavuos

is once again available. Containing 24 essays on these Yomim Tovim from the writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer Moadim Perspectives: Pesach-Shavuos contains inspiring teachings from these great leaders of our Kehillo that will serve to acquire a deeper appreciation for these festive days and enhance the spiritual level which these Moadim provide.

Copies may be ordered through our office.

The first Seudo Shlishis of the season will take place on April 22

and is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. David Feldheim

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14

PESACH ANNOUNCEMENTS • Re: Pesach List – ALEH KATIF herbs and vegetables do not need a Pesach hashgocho. • B'gan Capri Vegetable Blend has a misprint on the bag and there is a "P" next to our KAJ

emblem. A "P" next to a kashrus emblem usually indicates that the product is Kosher for Pesach. However, this blend is not Kosher for Pesach. This error was addressed and remedied by having the "P" removed from the bags, but some bags were already out on the market and recently found in Montreal.Notices to the public were also printed.If you come across this product, refrain from using it on Pesach since there are green beans (Kitnios) in the mix.

• Shabbos HaGadol (April 7 and 8) Catered Meals in Moller Hall immediately following KAJ davening

• The Rav’s Derosho on Shabbos Hagadol (April 8) will follow the 6:45 Mincha in Shul. • Auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos:

First and last days and Shabbos Chol Hamoed – Motzoei Shabbos Hagadol (April 8) • Our members are requested to clean their boxes in Shul to make sure they contain no

Chometz. • Kashering of Utensils: Thursday, April 6 from 10:30 AM-12:30 PM and 7:00-8:45 PM. • A Siyum for Bechorim on Erev Pesach will take place following both Shacharis Minyanim. • The Mikve will be open for men on Erev Pesach after the 1st Minyan until 9:00 AM. • The Kehilla will again provide facilities for the burning of Chometz in the school playground on

Erev Pesach. It is sufficient to burn just one Kezayis of Chometz. Chometz should be brought in a paper bag – no plastic bags or aluminum foil will be permitted. Accelerants will not be allowed. Plastic bottles, glass bottles and aerosol cans will not be permitted at the burn site.

• The prohibition of eating Chometz on Erev Pesach begins at 10:15 AM. • The prohibition of using and owning Chometz begins one hour later at 11:15 AM. All

Chometz must be removed by that time and Kol Chamiro recited again. • There will be a Haggada Shiur in Shul on the 1st day of Pesach at 6:30 PM (50 minutes before

Mincha by Rabbi Yossi Basker • The Yom Tov Lecture will be given by Rav Mantel on the 7th day of Pesach in Moller Hall,

following 7:15 Mincha in Shul. • The Matnas Yad Reception will take place on Acharon shel Pesach at the Rav’s home from 5:15 –

6:40 PM. • Seuda Shelishis/Neilas HaChag – 8th Day of Pesach after Mincha – Dr. Raphael Moller Hall. Rav

Rubanowitz is the featured speaker.

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE RABBINATE - CHOMETZ AFTER PESACH 1. Arrangements have been made between K’hal Adath Jeshurun and Key Food (Broadway &

187th Street) to have chometz products available after Pesach that can be bought and used immediately. Only products that bear a yellow label indicating that they are certified as Kosher for use after Pesach by KAJ are included in this arrangement.

2. Additionally, any products distributed exclusively by firms owned by Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos may be purchased at this Key Food only, even without the aforementioned label. Brand names in this category include:

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15

Alprose Golan’s La Briute Rokeach Amnon’s Pizza Golden Flow Laish Sabra Bagel City Golden Fluff Landau Savion Baker’s Choice Goodman’s Lieber’s Schick’s Ba-tampte Gourmet Lite

Bake Shoppe Man Schmerling’s

Beigel & Beigel Graciela Manischewitz Shibolim Beigel’s Haddar Meal Mart Smilowitz Bloom’s Haolam Mehadrin Snack Delite Bodek Hidorim Migdal Taanug Braun’s Hod Golan Miki Tnuva California Delite J. & J. Mishpacha Tofutti Carmel Kedem Morning Select Tuv Taam Dagim Kemach New Square Unger’s Eden Kesser Nutola Vita Elite Kineret Oneg Willmark Emek Kitov Osem Yehuda Flaum Klein’s Paskesz Zaidie’s Gabila’s Klix Pereg Zetov Gedilla Kojel Pikante Zomick’s Gefen Ko-Sure Red Star Glick’s L’Chaim Reisman’s

3. Products containing ethyl alcohol (not including alcoholic beverages such as beer and

whiskey) may be purchased immediately after Pesach from any store. 4. Flour (all types) may be purchased immediately after Pesach from any store. 5. Vinegar (even 100% grain vinegar) may be purchased immediately after Pesach from any

store. 6. Perishable goods may be bought from any store after Rosh Chodesh Iyar. 7. All Chometz products may be bought from any store after Lag B’Omer. For your information the procedure for mechiras chometz is acceptable at the following ShopRite stores:

• 40 Nathaniel Place, Englewood, including liquor department • 224 Route 4 East, Paramus • 1080 McDonald Avenue (Ave I) Boro Park. • ShopRite of Gateway Center, 590 Gateway Drive, Brooklyn


Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16


Mrs. Chava Esther Stern and children (137 N. Crest Place, Lakewood) and Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Stern and

children (1440 E. 12th Street, Brooklyn) mourn the passing of her husband, their father, son and brother, Rabbi Yaakov Yiitzchok Stern

Mr. Yoeli Lang, Rabbi Dovid Lang, Mr. Asher Lang, Mrs. Esther Cohen and Mrs. Miriam Tikotzky mourn the passing of their father, our member, Mr. Fred Lang (1520 E. 10th Street, Brooklyn)

Rabbi Eliezer (Larry) Gevirtz (3640 Johnson Avenue, Riverdale) and Mrs. Arlene Greenberg mourn the passing of their mother, Mrs. Ellen Gevirtz

Mrs. Dvora Hersh (44 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of her mother, Mrs. Marjorie Lowe


GEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUND Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Adar/Nisan) ................................................. 173.40 Mrs. Jeanette Baum and family in memory of their beloved mother and grandmother, Meta Kohn, o.h. (11 Adar)........................................................................................................... 36.00 Hadassa Buxbaum in memory of her grandmother, Johanna Nussbaum, o.h. (20 Nisan) .......... 50.00 Mrs. Shirley Lewin for Yahrzeit of her mother, Bertha Heching, o.h. (11 Adar) .......................... 25.00 Mrs. Shirley Lewin for Yahrzeit of her father, Harry Heching, z.l. (24 Adar) ................................ 25.00 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, a.h. ...................... 250.00 Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Stern leZeicher Nishmas Mrs. Rivka Samson, 25.00 Rivka Bas Dovid (22 Adar)


Contrary to a misstatement that inadvertently crept into this year’s Journal, we are delighted to report that the Gutfreund twins are both

.We apologize for the error .עמו''ש alive and well ב''ה

חג כשר ושמחThe Editors


The family of Eric L. Loeb ז"ל is grateful for the honor bestowed upon him, by our Kehilla and Yeshiva.

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who so kindly contributed to the dinner journal לזכר נשמת my dear father, Mr. Ludwig Caro ע''ה.

It was very much appreciated and a source of נחמה to me. May his נשמה have an עליה.

Wishing everyone a ג כשר ושמחח and שמחת יום טוב. Rivka Leah (Gini) Rosenberg

_____________________________________________________________________________ To the Rabbinate, Officers, Members, and Staff of Khal Adath Jeshurun, My sincerest appreciation for the kind cards, visits, and phone calls during the shiva for my beloved mother Mrs. Ellen Gevirtz, a'h. They were of great comfort to the family. We have made donations to the Kehillah and Yeshiva in her memory. Rabbi Eliezer Gevirtz

Photo credits for this issue: We thank Messrs. Alan Ettlinger, Ben Ettlinger, Rabbi Menachem Kunofsky, Mrs. Shuli Gutmann, and YRSRH for providing the photos featured in this issue

We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers,

in conjunction with the Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer Foundation,


The Hirsch Anthology

באר השר

A Compendium of the Writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch

This 600-page volume contains excerpts from the writings of Rav Hirsch on more than 240 topics (Education, Shabbos, Eretz Yisroel, Torah im Derech Eretz, etc.) to facilitate the accessibility and further study of the Hirschian teachings. This English edition is based on the Hebrew edition of באר .which was compiled by Yitzchak Baror (Breuer) ,השר Copies may be ordered through our office at $27 per copy

(incl. shipping). Please make checks payable to K'hal Adath Jeshurun and send to KAJ, 700 West 186th St, New York, NY 10033.

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 18

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

Nisan 1 Carl Katzenstein-NY 1 Recha Meyer-Gelsenkirchen 1 Maier Eisenmann-Ffm 1 A. Hichenberg-Ffm 1 Hanna Adler-Wien 1 Dr. Arthur Spier-NY 2 Abraham Siegel-

Hergershausen 2 Nathan Kaufmann-Ffm-NY 2 Sara Alexander-Vallendar 2 Sara Kapp-Marburg 2 Jacob Breuer-NY-Jerusalem 3 Nanni Bodenheimer-

Brooklyn 3 Sara Lange-Ffm 4 Else Bauer-Nassauer-NY 4 Gerda Berliner-NY 4 Minna Katzenstein-NY 4 Isaak Strauss-Den Haag-Ffm 4 Alice Strauss-Den Haag-Ffm 4 Fanny Les-Antwerpen-NY 4 Feist Katz-Rhine 4 Dr. Max Meyer-NY 5 Nathan W. Strauss-NY 5 Hannchen Bodenheimer-

Biblis 6 Sara Strauss-Lohr-Burghaun 6 Siegmund Halberstadt-NY 6 Ernst Asher-Ffm 6 Berthold Daube-Amsterdam 6 Hermann Loebenberg-NY 6 Tilde Katzenstein-NY 7 Arthur Rosenstock-NY 8 Nanette Fleischmann-Bronx 8 Ethel Katzenstein-NY 8 Sofie Hoechstaedter-

Noerdlingen 8 Felix Halberstadt-Hamburg

8 Frederick Wohlfarth-NY 9 Simon Strauss-Lohr-

Burghaun 9 Herman Blach-Eschwege 10 Hannchen Hammelburger-

NY 10 Clara Dittman-Aufsess 10 Joseph Schneider 11 Julius Katz-Guxhagen-

Kassel 12 Salomon Heilbrunn-

Nenterhausen 12 Jenny Ries-Ffm 12 Esther Neumann, nee Marx-

Nashville, TN 13 Karl Grebenau-Ffm 13 Anne Froehlich-Bad

Mergentheim 14 Ferd.Baer-Ffm 14 Rahel Wormser-Ffm 15 Amalie Schueler-Weiden 15 Eva Marx-NY 15 Hanna Moos-Ffm 15 Gerda Katzenstein-NY 15 Hanna H. Wertheim-NY 16 Felix Bondi-Baltimore 16 Oscar Katzenstein-NY 17 Salomon Schachter-Wicznitz 17 Ruben Salomon-Cambridge 18 Frau Rabbiner Sophie

Breuer-Ffm 18 Dina Rosenthal-Ffm 18 Manfred Katzenstein-NY 18 Max Sonn-NY 19 Jacob Eis-NY 19 Abraham Roos-NY 20 Erna Levi-NY 20 Johanna Nussbaum-NY 20 Hannchen Strauss-NY

20 Sessi Wertheim-Ffm 22 Josef Greilsheimer-

Friesheim 22 Abraham Walheimer-Aurich 23 Gretchen Wallerstein-Ffm 23 Hefel Bamberger-

Wiesenfeld 23 Herz Kaufmann-Gross

Krotzenburg 23 Jane Rapp-NY 24 Richard Freudenberger-

Darmstadt 24 Julius Dingfelder-Uhlfeld 24 Johanna Heilbrunn-

Nenterhausen 24 Max Mariam-Ffm 25 Adolf Eisner-NY 25 Henriette Vogel-

Aschaffenburg 25 Flora Kaufmann-NY 26 Isaac Jonas Gladenbach 26 Max Straus-NY 26 Karl Klugmann-NY 27 Kurt Fischel-NY 27 Ella Neuhaus-NY 27 Dr. Leo Rothschild-NY 27 Gella Homburger-Ffm-

Chicago 28 Edgar Wohlfarth-Ffm 28 Regina Walter-

Kleinsteinach-Muenchen 28 Janchen Wallach-Oberaula 28 Raphael Strauss-Milano-

Baltimore 29 Berthold Nussbaum-NY 29 Auguste Grebenau-Ffm 30 David Ernest Neufeld-NY

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 21

SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times:

Weekdays 9:30 – 4:30 Fridays 9:30 – 12:00

If you are not available at these times, please make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. If you do not have email, call 917-359-2873 and leave a message.

Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises.

Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.


Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact

any of the following immediately:


RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN-730 Ft. Washington Avenue 201-579-0483

LEON GERSTLE – 100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750

Kehilla Office: 700 W. 186 Street New York, NY 10033 212-923-3582 /212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275

Rav Zachariah Gelley (Study) 347-640-0264 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345

E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 90 Bennett Ave (Social Hall) 212-923-8984 Rav Chaim Kohn 718-252-3343 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Email [email protected] Mikve - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Fax 845-356-2938 Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Email: [email protected] Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 www.moriahseniorcenter.org