April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS...

We, the parish of Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic Church, WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020

Transcript of April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS...

Page 1: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

We, the parish of Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic Church, WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST

Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761

April 26, 2020

Page 2: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

April 26 , 2020 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 2

FORMED.ORG (Online Faith Formation Resource)

*Sign Up *I belong to a Parish or Organization *Enter Parish - SS Mary & Mathias *Create a New Account (name and email address)


Sunday Third Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35 Monday Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest

Acts 7:51—8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 7b and 8a, 17 and 21ab; Jn 6:30-35

Wednesday Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44- 51 Friday Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 or Gn 1:26—2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday Memorial of Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10


At present, Baptisms may take place with only the parents and Godparents accompanying the child to be Bap-

tized. Weddings may take place, outside of Mass, with the bride, groom, two witnesses, and immediate family pre-

sent. Funerals, likewise, may take place outside of Mass, as long as there are no more than 10 people in attendance.


Today, we hear the familiar story of the journey to Em-maus. Two disciples, on Easter Sunday, journey together to Emmaus, a resort town some 7 miles from Jerusalem. Their hearts have been shattered as the one they loved, Jesus, had been crucified. Although they had heard the news of the empty tomb, they remained in unbelief that Jesus had been raided from the dead. Then, as they made their way to Emmaus, with heads hung low, Jesus began to walk with them although they did not immediately recog-nize the Lord in their midst.

When we encounter life’s disappointments, it is easy for us to ask, “God, where are you in all of this?” Perhaps, we are asking this very question in light of the sufferings that have come our way as a result of the coronavirus pandem-ic we find ourselves in. Whether we have been laid off of work or lost our job, whether we find ourselves isolated and lonely, whether we are saddened due to the fact that our senior will not be able to go to prom or enjoy their last season of high-school track, soccer, or golf, the Lord walks with us and stands by us to comfort and console us.

It was in the breaking of the bread that the disciples’ eyes were opened to recognize Jesus in their midst. Likewise, it is in the Eucharist that we see the Lord’s love revealed to us in an extraordinary way. It is with eyes of faith that we see not ordinary bread and wine but the extraordinary presence of Jesus, His very real Body, His very real Blood. Let us pray for an increase in faith, that even in these times when we are unable to partake of Christ’s Body and Blood, we may see with eyes of faith the Lord who accompanies us along our journey and offers us His continu-ous support, limitless graces, and undying love.


To report child abuse call the Iowa Attorney General Clergy Abuse hotline at 855-620-7000 (M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) to speak with a trained advocate or the Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178. If it in-volves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, Victim Assistance Coordinator: 563-349-5002, [email protected] or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.

We the Catholic Community of

Muscatine welcome you to

joyfully walk with us as disciples of

Jesus Christ.

Page 3: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

April 26 , 2020 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 3


Religious Ed office is closed for now. If you need to contact Sister Cheryl please email her at [email protected] or you can call her at 563-299-6983. Stay Safe and Stay Healthy. Prayers are with you.

FAITH Alive and Active

It’s been a crazy few weeks. There’s a lot up in the air, and we’re not sure when we’ll start gathering at the church again – but that doesn’t mean youth nights have to stop…

Thousands of teenag-ers from across the

country are gathering on Sunday nights for the BIG-GEST YOUTH NIGHT EVER. It’s called ProjectYM Live and each week it’ll feature some of the biggest speak-ers and worship leaders in the Catholic youth ministry world.

Our parish is signed up to participate – all your teenag-er has to do is head to PROJECTYM.COM/WATCH this Sunday at 7pm Central.


The Parish Office is not “technically” open. The office will not be open to walk ins, until further notice. You can call or email the office and Maria will answer your calls or emails. Parish office (563-263-1416) or email [email protected]


Although we are not currently making regular visits to the homebound, hospitalized, and those in nursing homes and other

care facilities, if you or a loved one is ill and would like to re-quest a visit from Fr. Troy or Fr. Hai, please contact the parish



Although the church is closed, Confessions are still availa-ble. You may contact Fr. Hai and Fr. Troy to set up a time for

your individual Confession at the rectory.


First Communion Sunday be? When will Confirmation be? When will our RCIA elect and candidates come into full membership of our

Catholic Church? When will Graduation happen? When will I be able to baptize my son / daughter? When will I?? When will I??

These are questions that all of us carry within our hearts at this time of year! Maybe instead of asking the questions…we treasure the gift of time that God is giving to each of us…..time to spend with family…..time to pray together as family….time to talk together as family….time to play together as fami-ly…..time to attend Mass together as family through our live stream-ing…..”treasure this time that we are all being given! LOOK for the LOVE NOTES from God in each given day.”

When I know the answers to the questions above, this will be one of the LOVE NOTES from God. What I ask of each of you is to stay safe…stay healthy…fall more deeply in LOVE with GOD each day! We may never have this opportunity again!!

You are loved and prayed for each day--Sister Cheryl

Page 4: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

April 26 , 2020 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 4

This Week

G=Gannon, Ch=Church, C=Council/

Committee, MC=Mazzuchelli Center,

AOP=All Our Parishioners, SG=School


April 26th 9am Private Mass - Ron Sturms &

Robert Hager 11am Private Spanish Mass - AOP

April 27th 5:15pm Private Mass - For Gonzalez

Family Living and Deceased (CH)

April 28th 7am Private Mass - Ellyn Stych (CH)

April 29th Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and

Doctor of the Church 7am Private Mass - Marian Babitt &

Shilah Lindle (CH)

April 30th 7am Private Mass - Wanda Work-

man (CH)

May 1st First Friday

7am Private Mass - Barbara Ricker-by (CH)

May 2nd First Saturday

Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doc-tor of the Church

9am Private Mass - Sp. Intention James Paterson (CH)

5pm Private Mass - Robert Schnedler (CH)

May 3rd Fourth Sunday of Easter

9am Private Mass - Ron Sturms & Mary & Evie Lange Fam. (CH)

11am Private Mass - Augustin Dinh (CH)


Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl this Lent. This Lenten season was inter-rupted by the unforeseen COVID 19 Pandemic. However, if you or your family collect-ed money in a CRS Rice Bowl or would like to make a donation, you can send checks directly to: Diocese of Davenport Rice Bowl Collection Attn: Nancy Karn 780 West Central Park Avenue Davenport, IA 52804 Your contribution will make funds available during these difficult times globally through CRS as well as for local grants to organizations around the Diocese that help fight hunger. • Seventy-five percent of the alms given through CRS Rice Bowl will go to Catholic Re-lief Services to support hu-manitarian aid projects that bring vital hope and live-saving aid to the poorest of the poor overseas. • Twenty-five percent of CRS Rice Bowl donations will stay here in our diocese to help those suffering from poverty and hunger in our own com-munity. Learn more about Catholic Relief Services here: https://www.crs.org/


To report child abuse call the Iowa Attorney General Clergy Abuse hotline at 855-620-7000 (M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) to speak with a trained advocate or the Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178. If it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, Victim Assistance Coordinator: 563-349-5002, [email protected] or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.

Page 5: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

April 26 , 2020 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 5

Aclama a Dios, tierra entera. Canten todos un himno a su nombre, denle gracias y alábenio. Aleluya. Cfr. Sal 65, 1-2


Hoy escuchamos la historia familiar del viaje a Emaús. Dos discípulos, el Domingo de Pascua, viajan juntos a Emaús, una ciudad turística a unos 7 kilómetros de Jerusalén. Sus corazones han sido destrozados cuando el que amaban, Jesús, había sido crucificado. Aunque habían oído la noticia de la tumba vacía, permaneci-eron en la incredulidad de que Jesús había sido asaltado de entre los muertos. Entonces, cuando se dirigió a Emaús, con la cabeza baja, Jesús comenzó a caminar con ellos, aunque no reconocieron inmediatamente al Señor en medio de ellos.

Cuando encontramos las decepciones de la vida, es fácil para nosotros preguntar: "Dios, ¿dónde estás en todo esto?" Tal vez, estamos haciendo esta misma pregunta a la luz de los sufrimientos que han llegado a nuestro camino como resultado de la pandemia del coronavirus en la que nos encontramos. Ya sea que hayamos sido despedidos del trabajo o hayamos perdido nuestro trabajo, nos encontremos aislados y so-

los, ya sea que nos entristezcan por el hecho de que nuestro estudiantes de la preparatoria no podrá ir al baile de gradu-ación o disfrutar de su última temporada de atletismo de la escuela secundaria, fútbol o golf, el Señor camina con nosotros y nos apoya para consolarnos y consolarnos.

Fue en la ruptura del pan que los ojos de los discípulos se abrieron para reconocer a Jesús en medio de ellos. Del mismo modo, es en la Eucaristía que vemos el amor del Señor revelado de una manera extraordinaria. Es con ojos de fe que no vemos pan y vino ordinarios, sino la extraordinaria presencia de Jesús, Su Cuerpo muy real, Su Sangre muy real. Oremos por un aumento de la fe, para que aun en estos tiempos en que no podamos participar del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, podamos ver con ojos de fe al Señor que nos acompaña a lo largo de nuestro camino y nos ofrece Su apoyo continuo, gra-cias ilimitadas y amor eterno.

Unas Palabras del Padre


BAUTISMOS, BODAS Y FUNERALES En la actualidad, los bautismos pueden tener lugar sólo con

los padres y padrinos acompañando al niño(a) para ser bautizado. Las bodas pueden tener lugar, fuera de la misa,

con la novia, el novio, dos testigos y la familia inmediata presente. Los funerales, del mismo modo, pueden tener lu-gar fuera de la misa, siempre y cuando no haya más de 10

personas presentes.

FORMED.ORG (Recurso de formación de fe en línea)


*Pertenezco a una Parroquia u Organización *Ingrese Parroquia - SS Mary & Mathias

**Crear una nueva cuenta (nombre y dirección de correo electrónico) Si necesitan ayuda, por favor hablen a la oficina parroquial

con Maria.


Domingo Tercer Domingo de Pascua He 2, 14. 22-28; Sal 15, 1-2a y 5. 7-8. 9-10. 11; 1 Pe 1, 17-21; Lc 24, 13-35 Lunes He 6, 8-15; Sal 118, 23-24. 26-27. 29-30; Jn 6, 22-29 Martes San Pedro Chanel, Presbítero y Mártir; San Luis María de Montfort, Presbítero He 7, 51—8, 1a; Sal 30, 3cd-4. 6ab y 7by 8a. 17 y 21ab; Jn 6, 30-35 Miércoles Santa Catalina de Siena, Virgen y Doctora de la Iglesia He 8, 1b-8; Sal 65, 1-3a. 4-5. 6-7a; Jn 6, 35- 40 Jueves San Pio V, Papa He 8, 26-40; Sal 65, 8-9. 16-17. 20; Jn 6, 44- 51 Viernes Memoria de San José, Obrero He 9, 1-20; Sal 116, 1. 2; Jn 6, 52-59 o Gn 1, 26—2, 3 o Col 3, 14-15. 17. 23-24; Mt 13, 54-58 Sábado Memoria de San Atanasio, Obispo y Doctor de la Iglesia He 9, 31-42; Sal 115, 12-13. 14-15. 16-17; Jn 6, 60-69 Domingo Cuarto Domingo de Pascua He 2, 14a. 36-41; Sal 22, 1-3a. 3b-4. 5. 6; 1 Pe 2, 20b-25; Jn 10, 1-10


Aunque la iglesia está cerrada, las confesiones todavía están disponibles. Puede ponerse en contacto con el Padre Hai y el Padre Troy para establecer una hora para su Confesión indi-

vidual en la rectoría.

El Sabado 02 de Mayo habra con-feciones en sus autos de 3:30pm a

4:30pm, Si el tiempo lo permite.

Page 6: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

April 26 , 2020 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 6


Dirige, Señor, tu mirada compasiva sobre tu

pueblo, al que te has dignado renovar con estos misterios de vida eterna, y concédele llegar un

día a la gloria incorruptible de la resurrección. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.


La oficina de Educación Religiosa está cerrada por ahora. Si necesita pon-erse en contacto con la hermana Cheryl por favor envíele un correo elec-trónico a [email protected] o puede llamarla al 563-299-6983. Manténgase Seguro y Manténgase Saludable. Las oraciones están contigo.

Viva y Activa


Gracias por participar en CRS Rice Bowl esta Cuaresma. Este año, nuestro tiempo cuaresmal se vio interrumpido por la impre-vista pandemia COVID 19. Sin embargo, si usted o su familia recogieron dinero en sus platos de Arroz o desean hacer una donación, puede enviar cheques directamente a:

Diocese of Davenport Rice Bowl Collection Attn: Nancy Karn 780 West Central Park Avenue Davenport, IA 52804

Su contribución hará que los fondos estén disponibles durante estos tiempos difíciles a nivel mundial a través de CRS, así como para subvenciones locales a organizaciones de toda la Diócesis que ayuden a combatir el hambre. El 75% de las limosnas dadas a través del CRS Rice Bowl se reunirán con los Servicios de

Socorro Católicos para apoyar proyectos de ayuda humanitaria que traigan esperanza vital y ayuda que salva vidas a los más pobres de los pobres en el extranjero.

El 25% de las donaciones de CRS Rice Bowl permanecerán aquí en nuestra diócesis para ayudar a los que sufren de pobreza y hambre en nuestra propia comunidad.

Obtenga más información sobre Catholic Relief Services aquí: https://www.crs.org/

CUANDO VA … … … …

¿El domingo de primera comunión será? ¿Cuándo serán las Confirmaciónes? ¿Cuándo llegarán nuestros elegidos y candidatos de RCIA a ser miembros de nues-

tra Iglesia Católica? ¿Cuándo se llevará a cabo la graduación? ¿Cuándo podré bautizar a mi hijo/hija? ¿Cuándo podré? ¿Cuándo podré

¡Éstas son preguntas que todos nosotros llevamos dentro de nuestros corazones en esta época del año! Tal vez en lugar de hacer las preguntas... atesoramos el don del tiempo que Dios nos está dando a cada uno de nosotros.....tiempo para pasar con la familia.....tiempo para orar juntos como familia... tiempo para hablar juntos como fa-milia... tiempo para jugar juntos como familia.....tiempo para asistir juntos a la Misa como familia a través de nuestra transmisión en vivo.... " tesoro esta vez que todos estamos siendo dados! BUSCA las NOTAS DE AMOR de Dios en cada día dado."

Cuando sepa las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores, esta será una de las NOTAS DE AMOR de Dios. Lo que les pido a cada uno de ustedes es que se mantengan a salvo... mantenerse saludable... caer más profundamente en amor con DIOS cada día! Es posi-ble que nunca tengamos esta oportunidad de nuevo!!

Usted es amado y orado por cada día--Hermana Cheryl

Page 7: April 26, 2020 · 4/26/2020  · WELCOME all to CELEBRATE, TEACH and LIVE the Mission of JESUS CHRIST Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761 April 26, 2020 .

Ss. Mary & Mathias Parish Office

215 W. 8th St.

Office: 563-263-1416

FAX: 563-263-2782


8:30a.m. - 4:30pm M-Th

8:30am - 1pm Friday

Administrative Assistant

Maria Frausto - habla español

[email protected]

Coordinator of Music and Liturgy

Annie Thompson-Almeida

[email protected]

Pastoral Staff Rev. Troy Richmond, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Hai Dinh, Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Dc. Dennis McDonald 563-213-0214

[email protected]

Principal - Ben Nietzel

[email protected]

Faith Formation - Sr. Cheryl Demmer

[email protected]

Youth Minister - Tommy Fallon

[email protected]


CALL 563-263-2321

Ss. Mary & Mathias Catholic School &

Mazzuchelli Faith Formation Center

2407 Cedar St.

School: 563-263-3264

Rel. Ed: 563-263-3848

Fax 563-263-6700

Administrative Assistants

School - Christine Compton

[email protected]

Faith Formation - Molly Shellabarger

[email protected]

Ss. Mary & Mathias Business Office

Business Manager - Konrad Wilke

[email protected]

marymathias.org Twitter: @ssmarymathias Facebook: Search SS Mary & Mathias myparishapp



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Live Stream - Mass Schedule 1st Saturday-1er Sabado 9:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00am Sunday en espanol 11:00am Monday 5:15pm Tues -Fri 7:00 am

Misa día de la Semana Lunes 5:15 pm Martes -Viernes 7:00 am

Reconciliation (Reconciliacion) Mon. (L) 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Sat. (S) 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st Sat. (1º S) 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Parish Leadership Contacts

Parish Council President

Laurie Ludman

[email protected]

Finance Council President

Kevin Zeimet

[email protected]

Board of Ed President

Dave Meloy [email protected]