Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees?...


Transcript of Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees?...

Page 1: Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down.


Page 2: Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down.

. Introductions of the mountains and how its made

Mountains can be more pretty at night time because its brighter at night by the stars and maybe by the mountains this is a picture of two different mountains. One of the mountains is in the back it’s a snow mountain. The other mountain is in the front it’s a grassy mountain with a river. A mountain landform that rises high above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. Mountains usually have steep, sloping sides and sharp or slightly rounded ridges and peaks.

Page 3: Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down.


• I want know real facts about animals that live on the mountains. Animals like kinds of goats live on mountains. When you go on vacation like Las Vegas you can see mountains with goats, horses, cows, and other animals. Mountains are so pretty like when you see mountains.

Page 4: Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down.

Mountain Plants• Mountain plants , are they pretty ,

tall ,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down some trees its ok but if you cut down most of the trees animals don’t have a home to live in. If you cut down trees and baby animals are still in the tree the baby can die .

Page 5: Animals Mountain Plants Mountain plants, are they pretty, tall,or mountain plants are just trees? Can you live on mountain peaks ? If you cut down.


• For conclusion at night time it looks like the background . Its really pretty you might want to stay up all night . I want to camp there forever so I can see the pretty stars.

• Thank you for reading.