Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель...

Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Transcript of Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель...

Page 1: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Animals are in danger

Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Page 2: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»


• vocabulary (names of animals, habitats);• reading (reasons why animals are disappearing);• the Amur Tiger (text);• speaking (pair work);• shocking facts (grammar practice/passive voice);• writing (writing an article for a newspaper about

kangaroos);• speaking (pair work / what can we do to help animals?);• crossword;• список литературы;• интернет-ресурсы;• заключение.

Page 3: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Animals are in danger!

Page 4: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Can you name the animals?

dolphins eagle lions



elephants giraffes

monkeys rhino sea turtle

Page 5: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Where can animals live?

rainforests savannas mountains

deserts seas and oceans


1 2 3

4 5 6

Page 6: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

What are the usual habitats for these animals? A habitat is a place where a certain animal is usually found.

Example: Seas and oceans are usual habitats for sea turtles.

Page 7: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us check

1 Rainforests are usual habitats for monkeys.

2 Mountains are usual habitats for eagles.

3 Savannas are usual habitats for elephants and zebras.

Page 8: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

4 Deserts are usual habitats for snakes and lizards.

5 Seas are usual habitats for dolphins.

6 Forests are usual habitats for bears and wolves.

Page 9: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Why are they disappearing?

A lot of species of wild animals on the planet are in danger of extinction.

Why are they disappearing?

Page 10: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now. The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. This kills fish and sea animals.

Page 11: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Thousands of animals, for example: seals and dolphins, die in the nets of fishermen.

Page 12: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

The tropical rainforests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things, are destroyed every


Page 13: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Hunters kill animals because they can make a lot of money from their skins and meat. Some people hunt wild animals just for “sport”.

Page 14: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

The Amur Tiger It is the largest living cat in

the world. Today, there are more Amur Tigers in zoos than in nature.

For centuries people have hunted the Amur Tigers for their beautiful fur.

Once Amur Tigers lived from Lake Baikal to Northern China. Now, only 200-400 animals live in the forests along the Amur River in the national parks of the Far East of Russia.

Farming and growing cities have made their habitat smaller. So their food in the wild has also decreased. (сокращается)

Page 15: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us talk

Exchange opinions with your classmate and make a list of reasons why the number of some

species of animals is falling now.

Page 16: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us check

Why is the number of some species of animals falling now?

• Industrial and nuclear waste kills fish and sea animals.

• A lot of sea animals die in the nets of fishermen.

• People destroy tropical rainforests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things.

• People hunt and kill wild animals for their skins and meat or for “sport”.

Page 17: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Shocking facts

Fill in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs, use passive structures (be + V3 / V ed).Example: In the 19-th century more than 50 million buffaloes were destroyed in America.

1 8 big cats (kill) to make one fur coat.2 Only several hundreds of rhinos (leave) in Asia.3 Before 1964 on the Falklands (islands in the Atlantic

ocean) 6000 seals (kill) yearly.4 About 3 000 000 kangaroos (hunt) every year.5 About 2000 elephants (leave) in Kenya now.6 Over 40 000 monkeys (catch) every year.7 In the early 1990s about 300 dolphins and 30 sea

turtles (poison) by water pollution every day.

Page 18: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us writeUse the text as a model and write an article

about kangaroos

15 000 000 big cats: tigers, snow leopards, cheetahs and lynxes are killed every year for their skins.

Skins are used to make fur coats and jackets which are very expensive. A lynx coat, for example, can cost at least 10 000 pounds.

The main exporter of cat skins is South America, and they are imported by the European Community (Западно-Европейская политическая и экономическая организация), the USA and Japan.

Page 19: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

3 000 000;

for their skins and meat;

fur goods, sport shoes and


pet food;


European Community;

the USA, Japan

Page 20: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us check 3 000 000 kangaroos are

killed every year for their skins and meat.

Skins are used to make fur goods, sport shoes and handbags. Meat is used to make pet food.

The main exporter of kangaroo skins and meat is Australia and they are imported by the European Community, the USA and Japan.

Page 21: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Let us discuss We understand that many animals and birds have to be

saved. Think about what we can do to help animals and birds. Use: should/shouldn’t and the words below (fires, rubbish, baby trees, babies of wild animals, rivers, lakes, to make, to leave, to frighten, to plant, to break, to take home, to feed, to keep tidy)

1 We shouldn’t make fires in the forests, because fires destroy forests.

2 We shouldn't leave rubbish in the forests.3 We shouldn’t frighten wild animals and birds.4 We should plant trees.5 We shouldn’t break baby trees.6 We shouldn’t take babies of wild animals home from forests.7 We should feed wild birds in winter.8 We should keep rivers and lakes tidy.

Page 22: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Solve the Crosswords "Do you know Animals?"

Page 23: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Список литературы:

1. Кузовлев В.П. Happy English2- Москва: Просвещение, 2000;

2. Цветкова И. Speak Out- Москва: Глосса Пресс,4/2004;

3. Michael Harris, David Mover World Class level 3- UK: Longman Group LTD, 2001.

Page 24: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»


1. - коллекция анимированных гифов;

2. - фото галерея;3.

gallery_habitat.html- фото галерея; 4.

tigers/index.html?linklocation=footersitemaphttp- Амурский тигр;

5. dex.html - кроссворды.

Page 25: Animals are in danger Меньшикова Евгения Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МОУ «Лицей №1»

Заключение Данный образовательный ресурс предназначен для

учащихся 5-6 классов, школ с углубленным изучением английского языка или 7 классов общеобразовательных школ.

Может быть использован на заключительном этапе работы над темой “Человек и природа”.

Образовательные цели ресурса: обобщить знания лексики по теме “Животные и их среда обитания”, активизировать лексико-грамматический материал (Passive Voice, Modal Verbs) в устной и письменной речи, тренировать навыки чтения.

Развивающая цель ресурса: умение высказывать свое мнение по заданной проблеме.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание у учащихся бережного отношения к природе, осознание её ценности, осознание своей роли в процессе взаимодействия с природой.