Andrew Kahng – June 2003 1 Scope and Goals of Future Design-Through-Mask Integrations Advanced...

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 1 Scope and Goals of Future Design-Through-Mask Integrations Advanced Reticle Symposium June 24, 2003 Andrew B. Kahng, UCSD CSE & ECE Departments email: [email protected] URL:
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Transcript of Andrew Kahng – June 2003 1 Scope and Goals of Future Design-Through-Mask Integrations Advanced...

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 1

Scope and Goals of Future Design-Through-Mask Integrations

Advanced Reticle SymposiumJune 24, 2003

Andrew B. Kahng, UCSD CSE & ECE Departmentsemail: [email protected]:

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 2

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 3

The Problem• Steadily increasing design effort, turnaround time,

and project risk

• “Dark Future” (12th Japan DA Show talk, 2000)– Cost and predictability failures – Electronics industry makes workarounds

• platforms programmability software

– Semiconductor industry stalls – No retooling cycle for supplier industries (e.g., EDA)

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 4

Evolutionary Paths• Conflicting goals

– Designer: “freedom”, “reuse”, “migration”– EDA: “maintenance mode”– Process/foundry: “enhance perceived value”

(= add rules) Prisoner’s Dilemma

• Fiddling: Incremental, linear extrapolation of current trajectory– “GDS-3”– Thin post-processing layers (decompaction, RET

insertion, …)

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 5







Intel IBM Synopsys TUE-Magma

Cadence STMicro

Variability/Litho/Mask/Fab Low Power/Leakage

Power Delivery/Integrity Tool/Flow Enhancements/OA

IP Reuse/Abstraction/SysLevel Design DSM Analysis

P&R and Opt Others (Lotto)

DAC-2003 Nanometer Futures Panel:Where should extra R&D $ be spent?

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 6

Co-Evolutionary Paths• Designer, EDA, and process communities cooperate and co-evolve to maintain the cost (value) trajectory of Moore’s Law

– Must escape Prisoner’s Dilemma– Must be financially viable– At 90nm to 65nm transition, this is a matter of survival for the worldwide semiconductor industry

• Example Focus Areas:– Manufacturability and cost/value optimization– Restricted layout – Intelligent mask data prep– Analog rules– (Layout and design optimizations)– Disclaimer: Not a complete listing

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 7

• Bidirectional design-manufacturing data pipe– Fundamental drivers: cost, value

• Pass functional intent to mask flow– Example: RET for predictable circuit performance, function

– RETs should win $$$, reduce performance variation

cost-driven, parametric yield constrained RET

• Pass limits of mask flow up to design– Example: avoid corrections that cannot be manufactured or


N.B.: 1998-2003 papers/tutorials:

Basic Goals

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 8

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 9

Layout Density Control• Area fill: “electrically inactive”, floating or grounded • Area fill insertion (and slotting)

• Decreases local density variation Decreases post-CMP ILD erosion, conductor dishing

• Cf. “Filling and Slotting: Analysis and Algorithms”, ISPD-98

Post-CMP ILD thicknessFeatures

Area fillfeatures

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 10

Timing, Parametric Yield Impact• Performance Impact Limited Fill (PIL-Fill), DAC-2003• Fill adds capacitance, hurts timing and SI closure

• Plain capacitance minimization objective is not sufficient• CMP modeling layout density vs. dimensions built into RLCX

top view

buffer distance

fill gridpitch












Andrew Kahng – June 2003 11

Min-Slack, Fill-Constrained PIL-Fill

• Inputs: LEF/DEF, extracted RSPF, STA (slack) report• Drive ILP and greedy PIL-Fill methods by estimated lateral

coupling and Elmore delay impact• Baseline comparison = LP/Monte-Carlo methods• Iterated greedy method for MSFC PIL-Fill reduces timing slack

impact of fill by 80% (average over all nets), 63% (worst net)

Iterated Greedy Approaches for MSFC PIL-Fill









1 2 3 4 5 6


M i n

i m

u m


l a

c k



Orig MinSlack

Normal MinSlack

MSFC MinSlack

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 12

Other Density Management DOF’s• Splitting for uniformity

– Slotting for uniform CMP replaced by splitting

– Less data than traditional slotting

– Power mesh: more accurate R/C analysis

• Combined density control and local pattern control (e.g., fill helps iso-dense, PSM phase-assignability)

• Details: hierarchy, reuse, multiple length scales, …

M1 M1





Easy connections through standard via arrays

Difficult to connect - where should vias go?

Illustration courtesy Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 13

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 14

Design for Value*

• Mask cost trend Design for Value (DFV)

Design for Value Problem: Given

• Performance measure f• Value function v(f)

• Selling points fi corresponding to various values of f

• Yield function y(f)

Maximize Total Design Value = i y(fi)*v(fi)[or, Minimize Total Cost]

• Probabilistic optimization regime* See "Design Sensitivities to Variability: Extrapolation and Assessments in Nanometer VLSI", IEEE ASIC/SoC

Conference, September 2002, pp. 411-415.

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 15

Obvious Step: Function-Aware OPC• Annotate features with “required amount” of OPC

– E.g., why correct dummy fill?– Determined by design properties such as setup and hold

timing slacks, parametric yield criticality of devices and features

• Reduce total OPC inserted (e.g., SRAF usage)– Decreased physical verification runtime, data volume– Decreased mask cost resulting from fewer features

• Supported in data formats (OASIS, IBM GL-I)– Design through mask tools need to make, use annotations

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 16

• MinCorr (DAC-2003): Different levels of RET = different levels of CD control

Cost-Driven RET

Type of OPC

Ldrawn (nm)

3 of Ldrawn

Figure Count

Delay (, ) for NAND2X1

Aggressive 130 5% 5X (60.7, 7.03)

Medium 130 6.5% 4X (60.7, 7.47)

No OPC 130 10% 1X (60.7, 8.79)

OPC solutions due to K. Wampler, MaskTools, March 2003

CD studies due to D. Pramanik, Numerical Technologies, December 2002

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 17

• Mapping of area minimization to RET cost optimization• “Yield library” similar to timing libraries (e.g., .lib) Can get an off-the-shelf synthesis tool to perform

OPC “sizing”• Achieves up to 79% reduction in figure complexity

without any loss of parametric yield

MinCorr Results

Gate Sizing MinCorr

Cell Area Cost of correction

Nominal Delay

Delay (+k)

Cycle Time Selling point delay

Die Area Total cost of OPC

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 18

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 19

MDP for Minimum NRE• Mask data prep (MDP)

– Partition layout shapes into multiple gray-scale writing passes

– Determine apertures, beam currents, dwell times, shot ordering, …

– Write error X MEEF gives wafer CD error

• Examples:

– Simplified write of diagonal lines when triangular aperture is available

– Raster vs. Vector write

– Major field layout, subfield scheduling, …

• Driven by performance analyses, sensitivities, costs

• Many other manufacturing NRE optimizations available

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 20

Example: Triangular Apertures

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 21

Subfield Scheduling (SPIE Microlithography’03)Subfield Scheduling (SPIE Microlithography’03)

• Use of high-energy e-beams in mask writing is limited by resist heating effects (resist distortion, irreversible chemical changes)

• Corrective measures (lower beam current density, delays between flashes, “multi-pass” writing, etc.) reduce throughput

Mask Writing Schedule Problem

Given: Beam voltage, resist parameters, mask write throughput requirement

Find: Beam current density and subfield writing schedule to minimize the maximum resist temperature Tmax

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 22

Throughput-Normalized Subfield SchedulingThroughput-Normalized Subfield SchedulingMax48.85CMean27.59C

Sequential schedule


Greedy schedule


Random schedule


Lagarias schedule

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 23

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 24

Analog Rules• We don’t need no $#(*&(! “rules”

– Rules just make lithographers feel better (?)

• Ultimately, bottom line is cost of ownership, TCOG• Given adequate models of MDP, RET and Litho flows,

design tools can and should optimize parametric yield, $/wafer, profits– More examples: critical-area reduction by decompaction,

introducing redundancy (vias, wires), …

• Automated learning of models and “implicit rules”– Current approach: test wafers, test structures, second-hand

understanding– S. Teig, ISPD-2002 keynote: machine learning techniques

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 25

Restricted Layout• “Soft reset” = 1-time hit on Moore’s Law density scaling• Restricted Design Rules (“RDR”) can be compensated many ways

– embedded 1-T SRAM fabric, stacking, I/O circuit design, …– N.B.: Moore’s Law is a “meta” Law!


Phase Shifters0



Checkerboard Islands

First ExposureTrim Mask Exposure

Dual Exposure Result

Dark-Field PSMs



180 Example: PhasePhirst! (Levenson et al.)

M. D. Levenson, 2003

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 26

Pre-Made Mask Blanks


0 00


0 00

• PhasePhirst!– Levenson/Petersen/Gerold/Mack, BACUS-2000

• Idea: mask blanks can be mass-produced and stored to reduce average cost (e.g., $10K), then customized on demand

M. D. Levenson, 2003

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 27

Notes on Regular Layout• 65 nm has high likelihood for layouts to look like regular gratings

– Uniform pitch and width on metal as well as poly layers Predictable layouts even in presence of focus and dose variations

• More manufacturable cell libraries with regular structures • New layout challenges (e.g., preserving regularity in placement)• Caveats

– Non-minimum width poly is less susceptible to variation larger devices (with same W/L) may lead to more robust designs (so, selective “upsizing” may be an alternative to regular layouts)

– 180nm node is a “sweet spot” for cost, analog/mixed-signal integration, etc. more and more technology nodes will tend to coexist

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 28

OutlineOutline• The Problem, Scope and Goals

• Example 1: Performance-Driven Fill

• Example 2: Cost-Driven RET

• Example 3: Intelligent MDP

• Example 4: Analog Rules, Restricted Layout, …

• Conclusions

Andrew Kahng – June 2003 29

Conclusions• Designer, EDA, and mask communities must cooperate and co-evolve to maintain the cost (value) trajectory of Moore’s Law

– Wakeup call: Intel 157nm announcement

• Basic goal: bidirectional design-mask data pipe– Drivers: cost, value– Pass functional intent to mask flow– Pass limits of mask flow up to design

• Example focus areas (not a complete listing!)– Manufacturability and cost/value optimization– Restricted layout – Intelligent mask data prep– Analog rules– (Layout and design optimizations)