Analysis of three magazines (3)


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i analysed three music amagazine

Transcript of Analysis of three magazines (3)

Page 1: Analysis of three magazines (3)

The masthead is positioned at the top of the page therefore is made to demand attention. The choice of font is ideal for this type of magazine as it does relate to the type of audience it appeals to. The bold and solid looking capital letters empathizes the aggression of the rock culture theme for the magazine, the lines on the letters of the masthead really embodies this as it creates a cutting effect on the masthead tittle making it look wild. The colour on the text contrasts well with the colour of the background and the colour of the persons hair making it really standout, the colour of the text and the style of the writing really does well in suiting the audience type. In most magazines the image occasionally overlaps text, whereas here text overlaps the image for a great purpose of almost screaming out of to the page, the use of punctuation is able to really exaggerate this as an exclamation mark has been used.

BarcodeThe barcode on the magazine is positioned in an appropriate place as it can be easily scanned by the shopkeepers when a person is purchasing this merchant. It is quite easy to be seen because of the white background as this separates the black coloured barcode from the colour of the persons black coat in the image, this prevents any disruptions when scanning the barcode as it will be easily seen when put on a white background .

Cover linesOnly four cover lines, this gives little insights about the content of the magazine, the colour of the writing co-ordinates well with the rest of the colour scheme of the magazine.

Main cover line The main cover line is positioned ¾ down the page of which it is merely in the centre of the page, where it can be seen quite easily, the slanted positioning of this makes it look quite original. The font style of the text makes the texture of the writing look rough and edgy looking and goes well with the look of the rock themed magazine. The text has been highlighted with black but the font colour has been made white to contrast with the colour it has been highlighted with bringing it out more on the page.

PuffDirect address language has been used this implies that they magazine is directly talking to the audience trying to grab there attention “All TIME LOW WANT YOU…” This puff also uses persuasion in stating “BE THEIR ROADIE FOR THWE DAY.” The hope of persuading young readers to read the magazine and find out how to get involved.

Music magazine analysis 1: Kerrang

DemographicThe target audience for this would be above that ages of 16 as it looks as though it is targeted towards much older teenagers rather than the younger ones. it would appeal to mixed genders not gender specific as it has names of bands that are quite well known in their society. The magazine is able to apple to those that enjoy rock music as the cover is able to convey the theme of rock and also able to promote well know rock bands and concerts they can attend.

ImageThe image is the focal point of this magazine as it is able to attract quite a lot of attention as a result of the contrasting colours used with the hair, skin tone and background colour really allowed the image to look 3D .

Page 2: Analysis of three magazines (3)

MastheadThe positioning of the of the masthead is at the top left hand side of the magazine just above the optical centre. This is quite a good positioning strategy as the masthead is at a point of easy observation just slightly above the optical centre the place in which people naturally look at first when looking at a magazine. This font choice is quite unique as the style of writing is very different as a result of the hesitant line effect around the letters, to make it look as though it had been hand sketched as the masthead. The colour of the masthead hasn’t fully been filled in leaving the out line of the lettering to standout even more. The masthead does overlap over the image to really show that where the letters have not been fully coloured haven’t just been left colourless but also to show that its transparent as i can see to top of his head through the letters. No punctuation symbols have been used therefore the masthead doesn’t seem as though its screaming aloud.

Music magazine analysis 2: Status

Cover lines There are quite a few cover lines on this magazine it is promoting several types of artists: rock artists , artist artists and graffiti artists as they all explore different features of art. The choice of using primary colours did well in making the words standing out on the front page. The colours really contrast well with the other colours and the black and white image. The colours are very bold and the style in font varies as different artists names had been written this could possibly resemble their personality of how they are as a person and the style of writing is to represent this. The cover lines below the to left hand corner is able to show some link with the image: at first I wasn’t too sure of who the image was, but with the conventions of magazine layout I figured by the positioning of the of this cover line ,near the point of the optical centre it introduces a persons name, the second was the link of the text slightly over lapping over the image showing who it was linked to.

ImageThe is a medium close up image, I can see that a special effect had been made on the image to really bring out the detail of his facial features and the tattoo work on his chest which enhances the effect of the tattoos . The angle in which the image had been taken shows that the photographer was at a point where the camera lenses is looking up at the person rather than having a direct point straight at ‘Travis Baker.’ But however this is able to make him seem tough and more superior as he is the centre of attraction for this magazine because he is on the front cover.

DemographicThe audience for this would be for people with an interest of rock and those with an interest of art designs possible ages would be over 16 as the design of the magazine and the things it entails suggests it would allocated to this particular audience

Page 3: Analysis of three magazines (3)

Music magazine analysis 3: Vibe

MastheadWhere the masthead has been positioned at the top of the magazine shows that this is an area were it can easily be seen. The letters are projected right across the magazine page dominating the top half of the magazine with the title itself to show its significance of being a well know magazine brand. The font choice is quite an average bold and solid letter font choice. However the width between the letters have been increased to show a variation of the width and font size of most magazine masthead titles. The colour selection of the masthead shows a great contrasting effect with the image and the background colour allowing the colour of the masthead to really standout, despite the layering strategy of the images (overlapping the masthead) the colour and font choice are still able to make it still be identified.

ImageHere I can see multiple images had been taken separately of each individual, then would have been photo shopped in a way to eliminate the excess background to have these pop artists stand on their own, before being moulded together under a series of layers to have them stand in this position. The standing position of the pop artists is very interesting as there are three of them rather than there just being one person. Their posture in this image also allows them to come across quite tough looking, it looks as though the young man in the middle is being guarded by the two men on either side. There attire is well co-ordinated the connotations of black suggest something haunting and possessive however in this image it used to promote masculinity the black leather coats do well in demonstrating this effect of using a tough but shinny material so the light can easily be projected on it .

Cover lines On this magazine there aren’t so very many cover lines, this doesn’t give much of an insight to what the magazine is about and it isn’t clear what it entails. This could have an effect on the selling of the magazine as there are not cover lines to tell tem what its about. However the image seems to be the main element of the magazine therefore the magazine could possibly be about the artists indicating this through the images used rather than using cover lines. Very few cover lines have been used such encouraging people to have a look at the ‘Greatest music survey ‘ and ‘The big butt theory.’ however these cover lines have been made quite small giving me the idea it may have no relevance on the page.

Main cover line The positioning of the main cover line is at the bottom right of the page of which it writes ‘the new pop music’ I feel this in some way of introducing what is inside the magazine. The fact that its been placed near the right hand corner of the page suggests that the audience will easily see it as they turn the page. The colours co-ordinate and contrast well , the font size vary due to its significance in advertisement for example the word ‘Pop’ has been made bigger this is to publicize the type of music they make. There is no correct alignment but I think they have been placed like this to capture more attention.

BarcodeThe barcode has been positioned in an accessible way and can be easily seen. I have also observed that the blackberry scan code has been printed on this magazine showing how modernised it as become people can easily scan it with their blackberry and find out information about the magazine even without having to purchase it. The disadvantage of this would be that it will decrease the selling of magazines in shops, because they will be able to read it for free on their phones.