Analysis of costime, cast & location

Analysis of costumes, props and Location

Transcript of Analysis of costime, cast & location

Page 1: Analysis of costime, cast & location

Analysis of costumes, props and Location

Page 2: Analysis of costime, cast & location


In the trailer there are two main characters (Caroline and Macey) and a group of friends.

Caroline will be dressed provocatively. She will wear a black night dress (the majority of the time), low cut tops etc. Black is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown. It usually has a negative connotation, this is will be shown in the trailer. The costume instantly tells the audience that she won’t survive, the ‘Final girl theory’ states that the innocent one always survives.

Macey’s costume will be completely opposite to Caroline’s, as she will be more covered up. She will be wearing casual clothes that cover up, Macey conforms to the ‘Final girl theory’ as she trying to keep her innocence and purity.

The groups of friends at the bonfire will be dresses casually, to portray their youth culture (such as jeans and a top) but their costume won’t be see n due to the darkness at the bonfire scene.

Page 3: Analysis of costime, cast & location


• Boxes – The use of the boxes represents the closure of their previous style of life and the transfer to the new student freedom.

• Bonfire - in the back garden, whilst telling scary stories. The use of the fire represents destruction, the symbolism of chaos and war. As fire burns everything, brining nothing but ruin, also friendship cant stand the heat of the fire.

• Newspaper- the Use of the newspapers brings into context the previous story of the girls that occupied the hose, which is unknown to the present tenants.

• Bed lamp- to symbolize the change to dark to light, good to evil.

• Mirror - used as a type of medium whereby the demon contacts Caroline.

• Books- used as a type of distraction from the chaotic day. As Macey opens and closes the book, the book emphasizes, the opportunity to escape into imagination, rather than facing reality.

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• House- the use of the house is similar to the film ‘Paranormal Activity’. A house represents security, peace and orderliness and a place of love. Ironically as the hose represents security and is segregated from evil, this is not to be true as the evil is closer than Macey thinks. A house is more likely to play on the audiences fears as the can’t see what’s hiding around the corner.

• Garden- a garden was the prefect setting for this scene. As it was an isolated location, a garden has two meanings. As in the sunlight it represents freedom, purity but in the darkness it means loneliness, isolation and frightening.