Altered Fates: An AU Legacy, Chapter 14


Transcript of Altered Fates: An AU Legacy, Chapter 14

ZOMG we’re back!! I got generation four out of college and now generation five can begin, but first we have one last trip. Since it’s Spring Break/March Break right now for most of North America this fits. But this is not reality this is my dual legacy gone wild,

well for the Betas anyway…as usual. Onwards!!

We begin with my overstressed heir Pips learning a deep tissue massage. Say hi Pippy!

Pips: *groan* My wing muscles are so sore…

A-hem, well for the Alpha kids we went to Three Lakes. One I rarely go to because it’s

default set to Fall/Fall /Winter/Winter so sleeping in a tent makes them all cold.

Flit: We’re loaded, why do we have to stay in a lagging, dragging, hotel?

Tinkerbelle: Because college kids can’t buy vacation homes.

True fact, I tried it.

Flit: And these so called “flapjacks” are just a fancy name for pancakes…

So I sent five of the six kids to Three Lakes, and accidentally sent Andrew who had already graduated instead of Aeric. They looked too much alike okay? Their names too and I was


Aeric: LIES!! You purposely left me out!!

Did not… (okay maybe I didn’t want my cruel spare spawn anywhere near sharp pointy things…)

Aeric: Oh but you let Miss Mean near sharp pointy things…

She’s mainline; and Christa refused to let Cole out of her sight that long…

Aeric: I’ll add this to my reason to hate you Voice…

*gulp* Definitely born in the wrong Duality…

Anyway, on to the point to collect mementos. I pitted Christa and Tinkerbelle against one another on one log.

Christa: Go down…go down…

Tinkerbelle: You first big sis.

Tinkerbelle: AGHH!!

Christa: That’s right!! I rule!!

Christa is definitely enough mean for my Alpha kids…

And then on the other was Flit and Pips.

Pips: Serves you right little bro.

Flit: Ah shi--!!

And he’s the nicest one too…

Flit: Turn about is fair play big bro…

Pips: *splosh*

Don’t kill my heir, I need him.

Flit: He did it to me first.

I had them digging to find the map and finally Pips got it.

Pips: Why are we here? And what was so important about that map?

You’ll see…kehkeh.

Pips: Oh.

Shawn ( Bigfoot): Greetings green winged one, I am Shawn Bigfoot.

Pips: Uh, hi. Pips Alpha.

Shawn: Jolly good, shall we have a spot of tea before I show you the Slap Dance?

Yes, my Bigfoot in Duality A is British…for some reason. But technically I am partially British too, not because I’m Canadian but because my great grandmother was. She

taught my grandmother about tea and then she taught me to drink it daily…so yeah.

However, Shawn here doesn’t like Pips or anyone really so I won’t have a Bigfoot coming home for generation five…this time…

Cole: OMG Bigfoot!!

*rolls want to meet Bigfoot again despite him being RIGHT there*

Knowledge phail. >_<

Shawn: Smashing.

Quest for the Golden Trout complete. Cue Final Fantasy mission complete music. I’d add it but it wouldn’t convert properly and I don’t know how so…and lack of

cameraman mode is lacking. *glares at see through tree in BG*

Pips: This thing is nearly the size me!

Yeah, and creepy looking. *shudders* Though not as frightening as the Dragon Fish in Sims 3 though…

Everyone say hi to Sims 3 Ani-Mei. My simself that I lost a while ago and her creepy

Dragon Fish.

But all things must come to an end. And it was time to go home and graduate.

Christa: Cole you had better put that heart fart bubble away that’s not me in it!!

Cole: Sorry dear…

Back home…

Cole: You know it’s only you I love baby, let me prove it. Will you marry me?

Christa: OMG is that a real diamond?

Cole: Of course, only the best for you.

Christa: I forgive you…this time.

Cole: Thanks…*chokes* Could you let go a bit? Baby? Angel Wings? Can’t breathe here…

Christa: I repeat; this time…don’t let me see that heart fart bubble with my sister’s

face in it EVER AGAIN!

Graduation take one, and I say take one because as soon as I had Aeric reach for the phone to call the placeholders, game crashed. Probably his revenge for leaving

him behind…

Aeric: Damn right it was.

These are the new placeholders, my simself’s twins with Solander Angel, Sage and Parsley and Jared Starchild from the YACAS bin. Parsley and Jared were pledges and

Sage was added after the pledge period. This way there’s at least three of them in the Gemini House awaiting the arrival of generation five.

And finally Cole graduated, he was a semester and a half behind the mainline kids. Now I can finally begin generation five!! *parties* Halfway again!! WHOO!!


And for the Beta kids senior year vacation, I sent them to Twikki Island.

Alema Rar: Mmm….warm.

Her eye shadow matches her swimsuit. Win. I love my default replacements.

And here’s Anakin, I am tempted to add Ani-Mei to the Beta hood just for him. I love this guy. He and Dooku are going to be the placeholders for the Beta Gemini House.

Anakin: *snore*

Let’s hope he gets a surfer’s tan to match. ^_^

His twin Dooku is basically an insanely nice clone of Douglas, his Mr. Big great-grandfather. Don’t let Alema Rar know you stole her towel there…

Dooku: I did no such thing, stealing is wrong.

Right…want to trade spots with Christa? You so do not belong in Duality B.

Remember her? She’s one of Tybold’s unauthorized alien triplets. Also too nice for Duality B.

Mercury: Could you narrate somewhere away from me? K Tnx Bai.


And Venus…


*whispers the one with the nose and hardly any neat points*

And Jupiter on the far side. He has one neat point and had no nose until I fixed him.

Jupiter: Thanks for that, I can breathe better.

At least one of them is thankful to me. *sniff*

THE HULA!! And it’s the first day!! Go!! Thank you Jim Reeves!

Alema Rar: What is the point of this dance?

Umm, to better attune you to the Dark Side of the Force?

Alema Rar: Really? Then I shall master it right away!!

Hey, nice tan Jupiter. And my poor Surfer Boy got lobstered, along with his twin, freakin' twins man…gotta do EVERYTHING the same, even getting lobstered.

Jupiter: It’s my superior Force genetics. Ask Venus.

Venus: It’s true.

And you Merc?

Mercury: I’ll get it eventually.

And then Dooku goes and ruins my perfect synch shot…way to go.

Dooku: I’m sorry Voice!!

Jim: Is that a triple bolter I see?

Who? Venus? Oh yeah…so it is…nice.

Venus: He smells like coconuts.

I’ll bet, Venus meet your hubby. I like him way better than Joshua Reuben.

Venus: *sniff* I looovvee coconuts.

Jim: And I love your jade beauty.

Jim: Well, OWW. NO biting…

Venus: Sorry, you smell good.

Jim: Oh I get it, this is an alien chick thing huh?

Venus: Force child, not alien.

What can I say? They’re cute. And not because Jim is Face 1 either. Although Venus is Fortune and he’s Romance primary, her secondary is Romance so triple bolts. Probably

their signs mesh well too.

Well, that was quick. Double crush.

Venus: My coconut prince…*sighs dreamily*

Jim: My jade coloured princess…

VERY quick it seems…she would be the first one to get “some” on vacation with a hot Island boy.

Venus: Who smells like coconuts.

Who smells like coconuts, yes dear. I know…


Well do something interesting then, jeeze. And finding Captain Dregg counts. Too bad there’s no way to keep him, he’d be the perfect gen five father. Well I

COULD…but that requires work I don’t want to do …

So I had her learn the Hot Stone massage instead while the other two girls looked for the treasure map. The boys are back at the hotel sleeping, lazy boys.

Alema Rar: I need one of these at home…

But of course the generation 3 spares one-up my heir by winning Mr. Mickles first. Way to steal the chapter Venus.

Venus: I try.

Perhaps it’s better my Sith princess doesn’t have the power of voodoo, she could

break my NPC rule and voodoo a child out of Gabriel who’s still pining for her…

And now we see why the Beta half is filled with more interesting things. Random Islander fights breaking out everywhere. No reason, no provocation, just random

brawls everywhere.

Alema Rar: The Dark side is strong in them…

Maybe the Dark Side is stronger than I thought…there must be Sith agents everywhere…

This is fight number two in less than ten minutes…

Anakin: YES!! MOAR HATRED!! MOAR POWER!! The Dark Side shall prevail!! Let the hate consume you!!

Damn you Darth Vader…stop encouraging them!! The Jedi are losing ground fast here in

Duality B.

And on the last night, Darth Vader decided he wanted to play with fire.

Anakin: It’s the next best thing to Force Lightning, Force Fire…

Yeah…he seems to forget it was FIRE that left him more machine than man in Episode 3 in the first place…

Anakin: Soon I shall wield the Force Fire…

Hey, the Fire Dancer is cute this time!! Neat.

Anakin: Quiet you, I need to concentrate.

*sticks out tongue* Brat.

Anakin: Why are we doing this?

Venus: Because it kills time till we get kicked out of here.

Dooku: And it’s tranquil.

Anakin: You nice freaks sicken me.

And back home for the last six days of Senior year, we have synchronized Hula party!!

Dooku: Despite the music not matching the dance.

Yeah, well that thing doesn’t play Reggae so…

Alema Rar: I thought I said I didn’t like this guy?

Yeah well he’s the only legal NPC you found so you’re stuck with him.

Alema Rar: Well…I SUPPOSE if he works out a bit then MAYBE I can tolerate him.

Good girl.

Daryl: I promise I won’t disappoint you. The life of a bartender doesn’t call for body points.

Alema Rar: Well, if you make it worth my while…

Daryl: Oh I will, I swear!! Just don’t kill me…

Daryl: EEE!! Diamond!!

He’s a blond Mr. Big…woo.. . >_<

Alema Rar: I like the look, he has a pleasing face.

Alema Rar: Who would have thought this would be so nerve-wracking.

Yes, can’t fight the coding.

Daryl: What carat is this?

Bow chicky wow-wow…needless to say it was Dream Date.

Alema Rar: He pleases me, he can stay.

Good to know.

Again? Well aren’t you two insatiable?

Alema Rar: Beat it.

Yes ma’ me.



Sorry girl it’ll have to wait till you get home.

Mercury married her Ben Longnose but no other weddings yet since I still have to change Alema Rar’s clothes before she tries to kill me with her screams about pink.

So until then…

Next time on Altered Fates:

Generation five!! Who would have thought I’d get here so fast? I have a lot of playing, matching, building, and maybe graduating the other nine Beta kids…(maybe).

So I’ll see you guys whenever.