Albury Public School NEWSLETTER · Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 4 WEEK 1 17 October 2018...

Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 4 WEEK 1 17 October 2018 481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2641 Email: [email protected] OFFICE: 02 6021 3849 A Message from the Principal Welcome back to Term 4. I love Term 4 but acknowledge how crazy it will be with so much happening and so many tight timelines to meet. In my experience the mood is usually lighter and although everyone is busy, the promise of the Christmas break and celebrations with family are on everyone’s mind. I hope that you enjoy this last 2018 school term. School concludes for students on Wednesday 19 December. As Term 4 has now commenced I would like to remind all students (teachers and parents/ carers) that the “No hat, no play” rule is back. Students are requested to wear the school broad brimmed hat so that ears and nose are also covered. Students not wearing their hat will be restricted in the playground. The new break times mean that student exposure to the hottest part of the day is reduced. This Friday, 19 October, we are recognising “Odd Socks Day”. Odd Socks Day is a national anti stigma campaign, initiated by Grow. It’s a light-hearted approach to reminding people that anyone, at any time can have an odd day. The Odd Socks Day campaign aims to educate, inform and challenge attitudes, and dispel myths and misunderstandings of mental illness, which contribute to stigma and discrimination. Stigma is undoubtedly still one of the biggest barriers to people seeking help and recovery from mental illness. The school is encouraging all students to be involved by wearing odd socks and contributing a gold coin. Six ways you can help: 1. Be a friend - be there, for the ordinary and extraordinary moments 2. Be brave - don’t tolerate stigma and discrimination 3. Be open - share your experiences 4. Be informed - know the truths and dispel the myths 5. Be good to yourself - recognise the need to look after your own mental wellbeing 6. Be an example - sign the No More Stigma pledge at Summer PSSA commences this week until the end of Week 8, Friday 7 December. Students are asked to bring their gear and $3.50 for bus fares each Friday. Circumstances beyond our control have resulted in an additional note being sent home alerting parents/carers to the change in venues for most sports. This note, along with the original note sent home last term, MUST be returned to the team coach prior to this Friday.

Transcript of Albury Public School NEWSLETTER · Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 4 WEEK 1 17 October 2018...

Page 1: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER · Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 4 WEEK 1 17 October 2018 481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2641 Email: OFFICE:

Albury Public School


TERM 4 WEEK 1 17 October 2018

481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2641 Email: [email protected]

OFFICE: 02 6021 3849

A Message from the Principal

Welcome back to Term 4. I love Term 4 but acknowledge how crazy it will be with so much

happening and so many tight timelines to meet. In my experience the mood is usually lighter

and although everyone is busy, the promise of the Christmas break and celebrations with

family are on everyone’s mind. I hope that you enjoy this last 2018 school term. School

concludes for students on Wednesday 19 December.

As Term 4 has now commenced I would like to remind all students (teachers and parents/

carers) that the “No hat, no play” rule is back. Students are requested to wear the school

broad brimmed hat so that ears and nose are also covered. Students not wearing their hat will

be restricted in the playground. The new break times mean that student exposure to the

hottest part of the day is reduced.

This Friday, 19 October, we are recognising “Odd Socks Day”. Odd

Socks Day is a national anti stigma campaign, initiated by Grow. It’s

a light-hearted approach to reminding people that anyone, at any

time can have an odd day. The Odd Socks Day campaign aims to

educate, inform and challenge attitudes, and dispel myths and

misunderstandings of mental illness, which contribute to stigma and discrimination. Stigma is

undoubtedly still one of the biggest barriers to people seeking help and recovery from mental


The school is encouraging all students to be involved by wearing odd socks and contributing a

gold coin.

Six ways you can help:

1. Be a friend - be there, for the ordinary and extraordinary moments

2. Be brave - don’t tolerate stigma and discrimination

3. Be open - share your experiences

4. Be informed - know the truths and dispel the myths

5. Be good to yourself - recognise the need to look after your own mental wellbeing

6. Be an example - sign the No More Stigma pledge at

Summer PSSA commences this week until the end of Week 8, Friday 7 December. Students are

asked to bring their gear and $3.50 for bus fares each Friday. Circumstances beyond our

control have resulted in an additional note being sent home alerting parents/carers to the

change in venues for most sports. This note, along with the original note sent home last term,

MUST be returned to the team coach prior to this Friday.

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Towards the end of this term students in Years 3 – 6 in 2019 will receive a permission note for the

2019 school swimming carnival. This will need to be returned before the end of this year as the

carnival is on the first Friday of the new school year. Parents/carers involved with swimming at

Albury and Lavington pools will be aware of the new management and fee structures. This will

seriously impact the cost of our 2019 Swimming Carnival and the Learn to Swim Program

scheduled for later in this term. I am currently seeking further advice about how to proceed to

reduce the potentially significant cost increases to parents/carers.

Seven members of staff attended 2 days of intensive Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) training

today and yesterday. The training provides the research and strategies for creating the positive

learning and behaviour culture to maximise student engagement and learning. The team will

create an action plan and work with all members of the school community over the next 12 – 24


Planning is well underway for 2019. Recruitment of permanent staff will spearhead planning and I

will commence this process again next week when the first of our new permanent positions will

be advertised. Additional, temporary positions will be advertised with a view to have all staff in

place for the beginning of the 2019 school year. With such a large staff, recruitment is an

ongoing requirement.

Congratulations to Laura Wall in 5/6AH who not only entered the “Write for Fun” competition but

has also been asked to publish her poem. Well done, Laura. I look forward to both reading your

poem and publishing it in future newsletters.

Wishing you a great week and successful, action packed Term 4.

Quote of the week: “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty

and persistence.”

Colin Powell

Lianne Singleton, Principal

Grandparents’ Day

When: Friday 26 October 2018

Time: 12.00noon - 1.00pm

Where: Albury Public School

Don’t forget to let your grandparents / visitors know that this

special day is approaching. This is a perfect opportunity to

show your grandparents just how clever you really are.

Refreshments will be available for all our guests.

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Student Transport Scheme

School student applications for 2019 open from Monday, 15 October 2018.

Students progressing to year 3 and year 7 do not need to re-apply if they:

· are continuing at the same school

· are residing at the same address

· have not been sent an expiry notification from Transport for NSW.

Where a student meets the new distance eligibility, the system will automatically update their

entitlement. If they do not meet the new eligibility, they will receive an expiry notification.

Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition which is due to expire

will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.

Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.

If students need to update their information or re-apply, they should go online to https://

Students residing in Rural and Regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the

commencement of the new school year from their nominated

operator. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes.

Students should check with their operator for more information.

For further information visit

Stage 1 Wonga Wetland Excursions in Week 2

Parents and caregivers of Stage 1 students, please remember that your child will need

a broad brimmed hat

drink bottle (resealable) of water

all their food for the day

No lunch orders will be available when they are on the

excursion. Year 1 will be going on Monday 22 October and

Year 2 on Tuesday 23 October. Students may wear their sports uniform and joggers to Wonga

Wetlands. Students who are asthmatics are also to bring their puffers/inhalers.

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Dates for your Diary!

Thursday 18 October No Senior Assembly

Thursday 18 October Life Education Van commences Kindergarten to Year 4

Friday 19 October Summer PSSA starts - $3.50 per student bus fare

Monday 22 October Wonga Wetlands - Year 1

Tuesday 23 October Wonga Wetlands - Year 2

Wednesday 24 October No Junior Assembly

Thursday 25 October No Senior Assembly

Thursday 1 November Year 3 Wymah Excursion - departs at 9:15am

Friday 2 November Year 3 Wymah Excursion - returns at approximately 2:30pm

ICAS Competition Maths

Congratulations to the following students

YEAR 2 High Distinction - Edward Byles

Credit - David Coventry, Morrison Evans, William Packer,

Merit - Harry Phillips

YEAR 3 Distinction - Steve Jin, Callum Mobbs

Credit - Clyde Morris, Jemima Sims, Lucas Williams, Eli Williamson

Merit - Yousif Al-Jawad

YEAR 4 Distinction - Alexander Methven

Credit - Hannah Bond, John Ewin, Liam Methven, Charlotte Rodd, Amber Shipard,

Rylee Steele

Merit - Annalise Cameron, Archie Harrap, Riley Irvine

YEAR 5 Distinction - David Green

Credit - Levi Geering, Lacey Harrison, Bastian Hitchon, Lenny Koller, Jonah Mobbs,

John San, Mia Sheather, Isla Smith

YEAR 6 Distinction - Jeremy Roberts,

Credit - Harrison Cameron, Harrison Methven, Alistair Peachey

Merit - Harry Grigg, Kade Griparis, Luke Van Zanten

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How was school today?

How many times have you asked your child this question and received a half-hearted, ‘fine’ or

‘good’ in response? Or worse, your child is upset after school and tells you that they had ‘the

worst day ever’, or that ‘nobody likes them’, perhaps routinely.

As a parent, it can be hard to know how to respond. Often, these reports are our only window

into our child’s school experience and hearing them, without the full picture of the whole school

day, can be concerning. Naturally we want to act to protect our children. We can feel

powerless because what happens in the school environment seems out of our control.

Frequently, after-school conversations can end in angry phone calls, or hasty emails to school.

Sometimes there are issues that your child’s teacher is unaware of and that need to be

addressed. Most often, a conversation with the teacher is able to round out the picture for you

and put negative incidents and perceptions into the context of the rich and busy school day.

Yes, setbacks and obstacles occur at school as in life. We want to teach our children (and

students) the coping skills and strategies they need to overcome them.

It is human nature that negative feelings and experiences are often more powerful than the

many positive experiences we might have in the course of a day. They are usually front of mind

when your child gets home. What our children need from us is guidance to put these feelings

into perspective and empowerment to act in their own interests when confronted with


Having positive conversations about school – mining for diamonds

We can teach our children the skills that build optimism and resilience. By doing so, we can have

a positive influence, not just on their life at school, but on their lifelong wellbeing. Positive

psychology is the study of the ways in which focusing on our own strengths and positive life

experiences leads to improved wellbeing over a person’s lifetime. One simple, yet powerful, way

of doing this with your own child is to ditch the ‘how was school?’ inquisition and ‘mine for

diamonds’ instead.

Ask your child to tell you two good things that happened (big or small) in their day. Then ask

them one of the positive probing questions:

What did the good thing mean to you? Why was it good?

How did you (or others) contribute to this good thing happening?

How can you try to get more of this good thing?

Model what this looks like for them by doing it yourself first. You might be surprised at how

powerful this simple activity is in creating a positive mindset.

When challenges and disappointments naturally come up (don’t probe for these), they are best

thought of as rocks, or hard ground, to get through or work around. Discuss strategies for what

your child might do to begin to overcome them. This builds your child’s sense of agency, the

confidence to act to improve their own life.

At school, we will be continuing to explore some principles of positive psychology and their

application in education. If you would like to find out more about positive education, the

following video clips are a great place to start:

Dr Suzy Green, What is Positive Education? (3 ½ minutes)

Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, on the cornerstone principles -

positive-psychology/ (this is a 25-minute video, but well worth watching)

Jo Cameron

Assistant Principal Learning Support and Stage 1 (Rel.)

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New Absence Procedures Commencing Term 4 2018

Commencing this term we will be sending out unexplained absent letters to parents/carers.

Parents/carers have one week to explain absences before a letter will automatically be

generated through the attendance system.

Parents are to explain their child/s absence on the day by either :

Phoning school on day of absence

Filling out an absent form on school app

Sending a note in with child when they return to school

Absentee letters will be generated on a weekly basis and sent home with students on a

Wednesday. Parents/carers will need to enter details of the absence/s, sign the note and it send

back in with your child or drop in at school office.

If you have any concerns in relation to unexplained absence letters, please call the school


Finance NEWS

Year 3 Wymah Camp - Final Payment due by Friday 19 October 2018

Date of excursion Thursday 1 November and Friday 2 November.

Student statement of accounts will be sent out Term 4 Week 2 in preparation for our end of year

Scholastic Book Club Issue 7

Due back


26 October 2018

P&C Mango Fundraiser

We would love you to support this year’s

mango fundraiser.

Orders are due

Monday 29 October.

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Thurs 18 Oct Fri 19 Oct Mon 22 Oct Tue 23 Oct Wed 24 Oct Thurs 25 Oct

Help needed

Cate Ewin

Help needed

Jac Warner

Help needed

Help needed

Canteen Roster Term 4 Weeks 1 and 2

P&C Canteen News

Hi everyone!

We are off to a cracking Term 4 with our all

new break times!

It is going to be a bit of a rush in the mornings

getting lunches out by 11am, so anyone who

is available to help after drop off, just pop into

the canteen. We have lots of spaces

available on the roster, so put your name

down please. We would love to get some

volunteers on the roster.

We have changed our Sushi day to

Wednesdays this term, so all our Super S items

are available now on Wednesdays!

Fridays are Hamburger and Pizza Day, just as

they were last term.

We hope everyone had a lovely break and

let’s enjoy the hot weather. It is almost here!

Jude and Emma

Mobile 0457 212 371

Canteen Number

0422 701 463


E mail: [email protected]

Next P&C Meeting

Date: Tuesday 23 October 2018

Time: 7.30pm

Where: Staffroom

APS Family Fun Fair: Call out for volunteers

Come one & come all, give a little help & have

a ball!

It’s on Thursday, 15 November

Week 5 from 4.30 – 7.30

We would love some more volunteers for the

Family Fun Fair, either before the fair starts to set

up, or to work on a stall for a small part of the

night, or any other way you can help. Let any of

these friendly faces know if you can help –

Justine Parer on 0402 211 120,

Ro McGillivray on 0419 720 093,

Sharon Green on 0427 412 351,

Leanne Bailey on 0425 806 210 (SMS preferred)


Dimity Brassil on 0466 810 644 or email the

[email protected].

APS Family Fun Fair: Keep on planting, making,

baking, collecting…

Please keep on baking for the cake stall,

planting for the produce stall, making jams and

chutneys, crafting fun stuff for the craft stall and

collecting good quality old books. Keep on

building your stockpile at home. Soon we will

start asking you to begin bringing in your

goodies for the big day.

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Community Notices