AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt [email protected] IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y...

AI and NLP AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt [email protected] IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU

Transcript of AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt [email protected] IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y...

Page 1: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

AI and NLP

German Rigau i [email protected]

IXA groupDepartamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos


Page 2: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

Page 3: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

Page 4: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

Page 5: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

AI and NLP

Current AI challanges

Natural Language Understanding Image/video Understanding Process/agents/services Understanding Database Understanding Web Understanding ...

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AI and NLP

AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

Page 10: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

AI and NLP

A Machine Translation tale

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

The vodka is strong, but the meat is rotten

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

Page 14: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

CIRCA Technology• Ontology with millions of

words, meanings and and


• Created by a team of


lexicographers and

computational linguists

• Automatic expansion

coupled with manual

quality supervision

• Includes slang, pop, and

nonstandard usages

• Language independent

• Ranks among the most

comprehensive lexicons in

the world

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

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AI and NLP

EFE scenario

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AI and NLP

News Article 10 TOPIC = TERRORISMOCONTEXT = Sigue la violencia en Colombia y especialmente en Medellín. GOAL = Un entierro en Medellín.

QUERY = entierro medellín TEXT = sepelio medellín RESULT = FH_1205173 20040524RESULT = FH_1205172 20040524

<entierro #35, sepelio #14, enterramiento #7> = <funeral>

MEANING: WP8 User validation

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AI and NLP

MEANING: WP8 User validation: CLIR

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AI and NLP

MEANING: WP8 User validation: CLIR

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AI and NLP

Page 23: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP 23

AI and NLP Setting

From Cyc

Fred saw the plane flying over Zurich.

Fred saw the mountains flying over Zurich.

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From NLP to NLU Large-scale Semantic Processing dealing

with concepts (senses) rather than words Two complementary problems:

Acquisition bottleneck Autonomous large-scale knowledge acquisition


Ambiguity Highly accurate and robust semantic systems

AI and NLPSetting

Page 25: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

Which Knowledge is needed by a concrete NLP system?

Where is this Knowledge located?

Which automatic procedures can be applied?

AI and NLPIntroduction

Page 26: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

AI and NLP

Which Knowledge is needed by a concrete NLP system?

Phonology: phonemes, stress, etc. Morphology: POS, etc. Syntactic: category, subcat., etc. Semantic: class, SRs, etc. Pragmatic: usage, registers, TDs, etc. Translations: translation links

AI and NLPIntroduction

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AI and NLP

Where is this Knowledge located?

Human brain Structured Lexical Resources:

Monolingual and bilingual MRDs Thesauri

Unstructured Lexical Resources: Monolingual and bilingual Corpora

Mixing resources

AI and NLPIntroduction

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AI and NLP

Which automatic procedures can be applied?

Prescriptive approach Machine-aided manual construction

Descriptive approach Automatic acquisition from pre-existing

Lexical Resources

Mixed approach

AI and NLPIntroduction

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AI and NLP

jardín_1_1 Terreno donde se cultivan plantas y flores ornamentales.

florero_1_4 Maceta con flores.ramo_1_3 Conjunto natural o artificial de flores, ramas o

hierbas.pétalo_1_1 Hoja que forma la corola de la flor. tálamo_1_3 Receptáculo de la flor. miel_1_1 Substancia viscosa y muy dulce que elaboran las abejas, en

una distensión del esófago, con el jugo de las flores y luego depositan en las celdillas de sus panales.

florería_1_1 Floristería; tienda o puesto donde se venden flores. florista_1_1 Persona que tiene por oficio hacer o vender flores.camelia_1_1 Arbusto cameliáceo de jardín, originario de Oriente,

de hojas perennes y lustrosas, y flores grandes, blancas, rojas o rosadas (Camellia japonica).

camelia_1_2 Flor de este arbusto. rosa_1_1 Flor del rosal.

AI and NLPMRDs and Semantic Knowledge

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Dealing with ambiguity


Yo bajo con el hombre bajo a tocar el bajo bajo la escalera. Syntactic:

Zapatos de piel de señora

Semantic:Baja al banco y espérame allí

Se dieron pasteles a los niños


Basic NLP levels Introduction

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Morphological Analysis

Setting Systems

Morpholexical relationships (Octavio Santana) Freeling (Lluís Padró) ...

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Morphological Analysis

Morphology deals with the orthographic form of the words

Morphological processes Inflection: prefixes + root + suffixes (root, lemma,

form) Derivation: change of category

Multi-word expressions: compounds, idioms, phrasal verbs, ...

Grammatical categories, parts-of-speech Open categories and closed (functional) categories Lexicon POS tags

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Morphological Analysis

Main Parts-of-Speech Open class words

Noun: common noun, proper noun (gender, number, ...) Adjective: atributive, comparative ... Verb: (number, person, mode, tense), auxiliary verbs Adverb: place, time, manner, degree, ...

Closed class words Pronoun: nominative, accusative, ... (anaphora) Determiner: articles, demonstratives, quantifiers ... Preposition: Conjunction:

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Named Entity Recognition and Classification

Setting CONLL'02, CONLL'03 shared tasks Systems

Cognitive Computation Group (Dan Roth) Freeling ...

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Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC)Setting

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a subtask of Information Extraction. Different NER systems were evaluated as a part of the Sixth Message Understanding Conference in 1995 (MUC6)

Named entities are phrases that contain the names of persons, organizations, locations, times and quantities.

[ORG U.N. ] official [PER Ekeus ] heads for [LOC Baghdad ] .

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Parsing (Syntactic Analysis)

Setting PARSEVAL Systems

RASP (John Carroll & Ted Briscoe) Minipar (Dekang Lin) VISL (Eckhard Bick) Freeling ...

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Parsing (Syntactic Analysis)

Syntax and grammar Phrase structure

Word order Syntagma, phrase, constituent

NP, VP, AP, head, relative clause

Grammars Syntax vs. lexicon Coverage: complete, partial ... Chunking, clausing, ... Context-free grammars

Terminals, no terminals, parse trees, recursivity Non-local dependencies

The woman who found the wallet were given a reward

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Word Sense Disambiguation

Setting WSD Tutorial (Ted Pedersen & Rada Mihalcea 05) SENSEVAL 1, 2 and 3 ... Systems

Knowledge-based WSD Conceptual Distance (Ted Pedersen) Structural Semantic Interconections (Roberto

Navigli) Corpus-based WSD

GAMBL (Walter Daelemans) ...

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Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

WSD is the problem of assigning the appropriate meaning (sense) to a given word in a text

“WSD is perhaps the great open problem at the lexical level of NLP” (Resnik & Yarowsky 97)

WSD resolution would allow: acquisition of knowledge: SCF, Selectional

Preferences, Predicate Models, etc. improve existing Parsing, IR, IE Machine Translation Natural Language Understanding ...

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Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

WSD is the problem of assigning the appropriate meaning (sense) to a given word in a text

“WSD is perhaps the great open problem at the lexical level of NLP” (Resnik & Yarowsky 97)

WSD resolution would allow: acquisition of knowledge: SCF, Selectional

Preferences, Predicate Models, etc. improve existing Parsing, IR, IE Machine Translation Natural Language Understanding ...

Page 43: AI and NLP German Rigau i Claramunt IXA group Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos UPV/EHU.

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From Financial Times

GM’s drive to make Saturn a star again

Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

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From Financial Times

GM’s drive to make Saturn a star again

car manufacturer, car maker, carmaker_1, auto manufacturer, auto maker, automaker -- a business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles

campaign, cause, crusade, drive_3, movement, effort -- a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

car_1, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar -- 4-wheeled motor vehicle; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

star_5, principal, lead -- an actor who plays a principal role

star_1 -- ((astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

figno person

Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

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Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

Knowledge-Driven WSD knowledge-based WSD No Training Process (~ unsupervised) Large scale lexical knowledge resources

WordNet, MRDs, Thesaurus, ... 100% coverage 55% accuracy (SensEval)

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Word Sense DisambiguationSetting

Corpus-Driven WSD statistical-based WSD Machine-Learning WSD Training Process (~ supervised)

learning from sense annotated corpora (Ng 97) effort of 16 man/year per year per

language no full coverage 70% accuracy (SensEval)

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Semantic Role Labeling

Setting SRL Tutorial (Lluís Màrquez 05) CONLL'05 shared task Systems

Knowledge-based WSD Corpus-based WSD

Memory-based Shallow Parser (Walter Daelemans)

Cognitive Computation Group (Dan Roth) Center for Spoken Language Research

(Colorado) ...

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Semantic Role LabelingSetting

SRL is the problem of recognizing and labeling semantic roles of a predicate

A semantic role in language is the relationship that a syntactic constituent has with a predicate.

Typical semantic arguments include: Agent, Patient, Instrument, etc.

and also adjunctive arguments: Locative, Temporal, Manner, Cause, etc.

Useful for answering "Who", "When", "What", "Where", "Why", etc. IE, QA, Summarization and Semantic


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Semantic Role LabelingSetting

From PropBank

[A0 He ] [AM-MOD would ] [AM-NEG n't ] [V accept ][A1 anything of value ] from [A2 those he was writing about ] .

Roleset V: verb

A0: acceptor

A1: thing accepted

A2: accepted-from

A3: attribute

AM-MOD: modal

AM-NEG: negation

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AI and NLP

German was hungry.He opened the refrigerator.

hungry (feeling a need or desire to eat)

eat (take in solid food)

refrigerator (an appliance in which foods can be stored at low temperature)

WordNetText Inferences

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AI and NLP

WordNet & EuroWordNetWordNet

Princeton University (Miller et al. 1990, Fellbaum 98)

Lexicalised concepts (words, compounds, multiwords)

Synset: synonym set (of words) Large semantic net conecting synsets

synonymy, antonymy, hyperonymy, hyponymy meronymy, implication, causation ...

Structure Noun hierarchy depth ~12 Verb hierarchy depth ~3 Adjective/adverb not in hierarchy, but in star structure

Freely available: Extensively used in CompLing, but not very useful

yet Except: definitions converted to axioms and used for theorem

proving in automated QA (Moldovan et al.), CLIR (Meaning)

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AI and NLP


Bettween senses (or variants) in synsets Weak notion of synonimy: from context Synset: set of words expressing the same

concept in a particular context (SemCor)

Hyperonymy / Hyponymy Class/subclass relation

{lion} -> {feline}

WordNet & EuroWordNetWordNet Semantic Relations

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AI and NLP

Meronymy relations

Part /component {hand}{arm}

Element of a colectivity {person}{people}

Sustance {newspaper}{paper}

WordNet & EuroWordNet WordNet Semantic Relations

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AI and NLP

Antonymy {big}{small}

Causation {kill}{die}

Implication {divorce}{marry}

Derivation {presidential}{president}

Simililarity {good}{positive}

WordNet & EuroWordNet WordNet Semantic Relations

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AI and NLP

WordNet & EuroWordNetWordNet example

<cruiser, squad car, patrol car, ...>

<cruiser, squad car, patrol car, ...>

<cab, taxi, hack, ...>

<motor vehicle, automovile,...>



<car door>


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Version nouns verbs adj adv synsetsrelations

WN1.5 51,253 8,847 13,4603,145 76,705103,445 WN1.6 66,02512,127 17,9153,575 99,642138,741WN1.7 74,48812,75418,5233,612 109,377 151,546XWN 74,48812,75418,5233,612 109,377 551,551WN1.7.1 75,80413,21418,5763,629 111,223 153,781WN2.0 79,68913,50818,5633,664 115,424 204,074

WordNet & EuroWordNetWordNet volumes

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AI and NLP

Project LE-2 4003 Telematics Application Programme de la UE

Integrated local wordnets in several languages English Sheffield Dutch Amsterdam Italian Pisa Spanish UB, UPC, UNED.

Computers and the Humanities (Vossen 98)

WordNet & EuroWordNetEuroWordNet

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AI and NLP

(forall (?X) (or (not (instance ?X FloweringPlant)) (not (instance ?X BodyPart)))) YES.

(exists (?X) (and (instance ?X FloweringPlant) (instance ?X BodyPart))) NO.

(forall (?Y) (forall (?X) (=> (equal ?X ?Y) (equal ?X ?Y)))) YES.

(forall (?X) (=> (instance ?X Flower) (instance ?X Organ))) YES.

(instance Ear FloweringPlant) NO.(instance Ear Organ) NO.(subclass Ear Organ) YES.

(forall (?X) (=> (not (subclass ?X Organ)) (subclass ?X Flower) )) NO.

(forall (?X) (=> (subclass ?X Flower) (subclass ?X Organ) )) YES.

SUMOReasoning with Sigma (Vampire)

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AI and NLP

A.1) First labelling:Conceptual Distance (Agirre et al. 94)

length of the shortest path specificity of the concepts

)c,path(cc kwcwc



1i1 )depth(c


using WordNet Bilingual dictionary

Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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AI and NLP

<object, ...>

<artifact, artefact>


<structure, construction>

<building, edifice>

<place of worship, ...>

<church, church building>


<house, lodging>

abadía_1_2 Iglesia o monasterio regido por un abad o abadesa (abbey, a church or a monastery ruled by an abbot or an abbess)

<religious residence, cloiser>





Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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AI and NLP

<object, ...>

<artifact, artefact>


<structure, construction>

<building, edifice>

<place of worship, ...>

<church, church building>

<abbey> 06 ARTIFACT

<house, lodging>

abadía_1_2 Iglesia o monasterio regido por un abad o abadesa (abbey, a church or a monastery ruled by an abbot or an abbess)

<religious residence, cloiser>





Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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AI and NLP

A.1) First labelling (Results)

29,205 labelled definitions (31% coverage)

61% accuracy at a sense level 64% accuracy at a file level

Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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A.2) Second labelling:Salient Words (Yarowsky 92)

P r ( w )

S C )|P r ( wl o gS C )|P r ( wS C )A R ( w , 2

Importance local frequency appears more significantly more often in the

corpus of a semantic category than at other points in the whole corpus

Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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AI and NLP

A.2) Second labelling (Results):

86,759 labelled definitions (93%) 80% accuracy at a file level

biberón_1_1 ARTIFACT 4.8399 Frasco de cristal ... (glass flask ...)

biberón_1_2 FOOD 7.4443 Leche que contiene este frasco ... (milk contained in that flask ...)

Merge approach: Taxonomy Construction Step 1: Selection of the main top beginners

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Merge approach: Mapping Taxonomies Step 3: Creation of translation links

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Merge approach: Mapping Taxonomies Step 3: Creation of translation links

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AI and NLP


The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group An upper ontology is limited to concepts that are

meta, generic, abstract, general enough to address a broad range of domain areas.

To promote: Interoperability Information Search and retrieval Automated inference NLP Developement of Domain ontologies

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vaso_1 02755829n 06-NOUN.ARTIFACT FACTOTUMGLOSS: a glass container for holding liquids while drinking

TO: 1stOrderEntity-Form-ObjectTO: 1stOrderEntity-Origin-ArtifactTO: 1stOrderEntity-Function-ContainerTO: 1stOrderEntity-Function-Instrument

EN: drinking_glass glassIT: bicchiereBA: edontzi baso edalontziCA: got vas

DOBJ SemCor00849393v 0.0074 polish shine smooth ...00201878v 0.0013 beautify embellish prettify00826635v 0.0010 get_hold_of take00140937v 0.0001 ameliorate amend ...00083947v 0.0000 alter change

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vaso_2 04195626n 08-NOUN.BODY ANATOMYGLOSS: a tube in which a body fluid circulates

TO: 1stOrderEntity-Form-Substance-SolidTO: 1stOrderEntity-Origin-Natural-LivingTO: 1stOrderEntity-Composition-PartTO: 1stOrderEntity-Function-Container

EN: vessel vasIT: vaso canaleBA: hodi basoCA: vas

DOBJ SemCor SUBJ SemCor01781222v 0.0334 be occur 01831830v 0.0133 stop

terminate00058757v 0.0072 inject shoot 01357963v 0.0127 flow

travel_along01357963v 0.0068 flow travel_along 01830886v 0.0043 discontinue00055849v 0.0045 administer dispense ... 01779664v 0.0008 cease end

finish ...

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vaso_3 09914390n 23-NOUN.QUANTITY NUMBER GLOSS: the quantity a glass will hold

TO: 1stOrderEntity-Composition-PartTO: 2ndOrderEntity-SituationType-StaticTO: 2ndOrderEntity-SituationComponent-Quantity

EN: glassful glassIT: bicchierata bicchiereBA: basokadaCA: got vas

DOBJ SemCor00795711v 0.0026 drink imbibe01530096v 0.0009 accept have take00786286v 0.0009 consume have ingest take take_in01513874v 0.0001 acquire get

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glass:NN(x1) -> glass:NN(x1) container:NN(x2) for:IN(x1, e1) hold:VB(e1, x1, x3) liquid:NN(x3) while:IN(e0, e2) drink:VB(e2, x1)

PARSING: (TOP (S (NP (NN glass) )        (VP (VBZ is)            (NP (NP (DT a) (NN glass) (NN container) )                (PP (IN for)                    (S (VP (VBG holding)                           (PP (NP (NNS liquids) )                               (IN while) )                           (VBG drinking) ) ) ) ) )        (. .) ) )

WSD: <wf pos="DT" >a</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="glass" quality="silver" wnsn="2" >glass</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="container" quality="silver" wnsn="1" >container</wf> <wf pos="IN" >for</wf> <wf pos="VBG" lemma="hold" quality="normal" wnsn="8" >holding</wf> <wf pos="NNS" lemma="liquid" quality="normal" wnsn="1" >liquids</wf> <wf pos="IN" >while</wf> <wf pos="VBG" lemma="drink" quality="normal" wnsn="1" >drinking</wf>

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vaso_2 04195626n 08-NOUN.BODY ANATOMY SUMO:    &%BodyVessel+ LOGICAL FORMULA:

vessel:NN(x1) -> tube:NN(x1) in:IN(x2, x3) body_fluid:NN(x2) circulate:VB(e1, x2)

PARSING: (TOP (S (NP (NN vessel) )        (VP (VBZ is)            (NP (NP (DT a) (NN tube) )                (SBAR (WHPP (IN in)                            (WHNP (WDT which) ) )                      (S (NP (DT a) (NN body) (NN fluid) )                         (VP (VBZ circulates) ) ) ) ) )        (. .) ) )

WSD: <wf pos="DT" >a</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="tube" quality="gold" wnsn="4" wnsn="4" >tube</wf> <wf pos="IN" >in</wf> <wf pos="WDT" >which</wf> <wf pos="DT" >a</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="body_fluid" quality="silver" wnsn="1" >body_fluid</wf> <wf pos="VBZ" lemma="circulate" quality="gold" wnsn="4" wnsn="4“ >circulates</wf>

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vaso_3 09914390n 23-NOUN.QUANTITY NUMBER SUMO:    &%ConstantQuantity+ LOGICAL FORMULA:

glass:NN(x1) -> quantity:NN(x1) glass:NN(x2) hold:VB(e1, x2) PARSING:

(TOP (S (NP (NN glass) )        (VP (VP (VBZ is)                (NP (DT the) (NN quantity) )                (NP (DT a) (NN glass) ) )            (VP (MD will)                (VP (VB hold) ) ) )        (. .) ) )

WSD: <wf pos="DT" >the</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="quantity" quality="silver" wnsn="1" >quantity</wf> <wf pos="DT" >a</wf> <wf pos="NN" lemma="glass" quality="normal" wnsn="2" >glass</wf> <wf pos="MD" >will</wf> <wf pos="VB" lemma="hold" quality="normal" wnsn="1" >hold</wf>

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MEANING: MCR and consistency checking

00536235n blow &%Breathing+ anatomy 00005052v blow &%Breathing+ medicine

00003430v exhale &%Breathing+ biology 00003142v exhale &%Breathing+ medicine 00899001a exhaled &%Breathing+ factotum 00263355a exhaling &%Breathing+ factotum

00536039n expiration &%Breathing+ anatomy 02849508a expiratory &%Breathing+ anatomy 00003142v expire &%Breathing+ medicine

02579534a inhalant &%Breathing+ anatomy 00536863n inhalation &%Breathing+ anatomy 00003763v inhale &%Breathing+ medicine 00898664a inhaled &%Breathing+ factotum 00263512a inhaling &%Breathing+ factotum

00537041n pant &%Breathing+ anatomy 00004002v pant &%Breathing+ medicine 00535106n panting &%Breathing+ anatomy 00264603a panting &%Breathing+ factotum 00411482r pantingly &%Breathing+ factotum


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MEANING: MCR and consistency checking

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AI and NLP

Does an orchard apple tree have leaves? Does an orchad apple tree have fruits? Does a cactus have leaves?

MEANING: MCR and consistency checking

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Use and design of ontologies for NLP and the Semantic Web

Example SUMO: Boiling

(subclass Boiling StateChange) (documentation Boiling "The Class of Processes where an Object is

heated and converted from a Liquid to a Gas.") (=>

    (instance ?BOIL Boiling)     (exists         (?HEAT)         (and             (instance ?HEAT Heating)             (subProcess ?HEAT ?BOIL))))

"if instance BOIL Boiling, then there exists HEAT such that instance HEAT Heating and subProcess HEAT BOIL"

MEANING: MCR and consistency checking

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hospital_1building_industrymedicinetown_planningartifact StationaryArtifact+Artifact+Building+Object+

health_falicility_1building_industrymedicinetown_planningartifact Building+Artifact+Building+Object+


hospital_1 a health facility where patients receive treatment


patient_1medicineperson patient+Function+Human+Living+Object+



factotumchange Getting+Dynamic=Experience=

medicine act TherapeuticProcess+Agentive=Cause+Condition=Dynamic=Purpose=Social=UnboundedEvent+

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Frame Elements Core Type

Affliction Core

Body_part Core

Degree Peripheral

Duration Extra-Thematic

Healer Core

Manner Peripheral

Medication Core

Motivation Extra-Thematic

Patient Core

Place Peripheral

Purpose Extra-Thematic

Time Peripheral

Treatment Core

FRAMENET: cure.n

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hospital_1building_industrymedicinetown_planningartifact StationaryArtifact+Artifact+Building+Object+

health_falicility_1building_industrymedicinetown_planningartifact Building+Artifact+Building+Object+


hospital_1 a health facility where patients receive treatment


patient_1medicineperson patient+Function+Human+Living+Object+



factotumchange Getting+Dynamic=Experience=

medicine act TherapeuticProcess+Agentive=Cause+Condition=Dynamic=Purpose=Social=UnboundedEvent+




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#rel. offset synset2338 18 00017954-n group 1,grouping 1

0 19 05962976-n social group 1 729 37 05997592-n organisation 2,organization 1 30 10 06002286-n establishment 2,institution 1 15 12 06023733-n faith 3,religion 2 62 5 06024357-n Christianity 2,church 1,Christian church 1

11 14 00001740-n entity 1,something 1 51 29 00009457-n ob ject 1,physical ob ject 1 1 39 00011937-n artifact 1,artefact 1 68 63 03431817-n construction 3,structure 1 50 79 02347413-n building 1,edifice 1 0 11 03135441-n place of worship 1,house of prayer 1,house of God 1 59 19 02438778-n church 2,church building 1

25 20 00017487-n act 2,human action 1,human activity 1 611 69 00261466-n activity 1 2 5 00662816-n ceremony 3 0 11 00663517-n religious ceremony 1,religious ritual 1 243 7 00666638-n service 3,religious service 1,divine service 1 11 1 00666912-n church 3,church service 1

MEANINGAutomatic selection of Base Concepts

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Version nouns verbs adj adv synsetsrelations

WN(1.6, 2.0) 74,48812,75418,5233,612 109,377 180,303 XWN 550,922Semcor203,546BNC 707,618Total 1.642,389


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MEANING: Semantic Interpretation

(Aznar) (invita) (al Dalai_Lama) (a un almuerzo oficial)

invitar objetoorigen



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NLU: semántica y pragmática


Publicado en la revista del Colegio de Abogados de Madrid.

"¿Estaba usted presente cuando le tomaron la foto?" "¿Estaba usted solo, o era el único?" "¿Fue usted, o su hermano menor, quien murió en la

guerra?" "¿Afirma que él le mató a usted?" "¿A qué distancia estaban los vehículos en el momento de la

colisión?“ "Usted permaneció allí hasta que se marchó, ¿no es cierto?"

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Pregunta: "Doctor, ¿cuantas autopsias ha realizado usted a personas fallecidas?"

Respuesta: "Todas mis autopsias las practiqué a personas fallecidas“

Pregunta: "Cada una de sus respuestas debe ser verbal, ¿de acuerdo?" "¿A qué escuela fue usted?"

Respuesta: "Verbal" (risas y comentarios jocosos en la sala)

Pregunta: "¿Recuerda usted a qué hora examinó el cadáver?"

Respuesta: "La autopsia comenzó alrededor de las 8:30" Pregunta: "¿El Sr. Perez Tomadilla estaba muerto en ese

momento?" Respuesta: "No, estaba sentado en la mesa preguntándose

por que estaba yo haciéndole la autopsia."

Pregunta: "¿Le dispararon en medio de la refriega?" Respuesta: "No, me dispararon entre la refriega y el


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Pregunta: "Doctor, ¿antes de realizar la autopsia, verificó si había pulso?"

Respuesta: "No" Pregunta: "¿Comprobó la presión sanguínea?" Respuesta: "No" Pregunta: "¿Verificó si respiraba?" Respuesta: "No" Pregunta: "¿Entonces, es posible que el paciente estuviera

vivo cuando usted comenzó la autopsia?" Respuesta: "No" Pregunta: "¿Cómo puede usted estar tan seguro, Doctor?" Respuesta: "Porque su cerebro estaba sobre mi mesa, en un

tarro" Pregunta: "¿Pero podría, no obstante, haber estado aún vivo

el paciente?“ Respuesta: "Es posible que hubiera estado vivo y ejerciendo

de abogado en alguna parte."