AgilePath Cloud Playbook Strategy Template

Copyright ©2011 AgilePath Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2011 AgilePath Corporation. All rights reserved. AgilePath Corporation Proprietary and Confidential. Cloud Computing Playbook™ Strategy Development Module A Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap Framework AgilePath Corporation 38 Merrimac Street Newburyport, MA 01950 Phone: 978.462.5737
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The template will provide a vendor-neutral Cloud computing strategy development framework that will accelerate the definition and validation of a robust Cloud computing strategy for any organization interested in adopting Cloud computing for their enterprise.

Transcript of AgilePath Cloud Playbook Strategy Template

  • Copyright 2011 AgilePath Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2011 AgilePath Corporation. All rights reserved. AgilePath Corporation Proprietary and Confidential.

    Cloud Computing Playbook

    Strategy Development Module

    A Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap Framework

    AgilePath Corporation

    38 Merrimac Street

    Newburyport, MA 01950 Phone: 978.462.5737

  • 2

    Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2

    Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 4

    1.0 Introduction to Cloud Computing Playbook .................................................................................. 5

    1.1 What is a Playbook?................................................................................................................... 5

    1.2 Why a CC Playbook?...................................................................................................................... 5

    1.3 Structure of the CC Playbook ........................................................................................................ 6

    Cloud Business Discovery ...................................................................................................................... 6

    Cloud Strategy Development ................................................................................................................ 6

    Cloud Mobilization ................................................................................................................................ 7

    Cloud Implementation .......................................................................................................................... 7

    2.0 Cloud Computing Strategy Development Module ............................................................................ 7

    2.0 Cloud Computing Strategy Development Module ............................................................................ 7

    2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7

    How to Use the CC-PB Strategy Development Template ......................................................................... 8

    Pre-Step 1. Confirm Preliminary Scope of Cloud Computing Strategy .................................................... 9

    Pre-Step 2: Confirm Cloud Computing Stakeholders in the organization................................................ 9

    2.1 Develop Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives ................................................................ 10

    2.2 Develop Cloud Opportunity Roadmap .............................................................................................. 11

    2.3 Develop Cloud Business Scenarios/Use Cases, Vignettes and User Stories ..................................... 11

    2.4 Develop Cloud Computing Reference Model and Reference Architecture ...................................... 12

    2.4.1 Define CC-RM Cloud Enablement Roadmap .................................................................................. 12

    2.4.2 Define CC-RM Cloud Deployment Roadmap ................................................................................. 13

    2.4.2 Define CC-RM Cloud Governance and Operations Roadmap ........................................................ 13

    2.4.4 Define Cloud Ecosystem Roadmap ................................................................................................ 14

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    2.5 Define Cloud Computing Reference Architecture ............................................................................ 15

    2.6 Document Cloud Computing Risk Mitigation Model ........................................................................ 15

    2.7 Define Cloud Funding/Budgeting, Incentives & Behavioral-Cultural Model .................................... 16

    2.8 Define Cloud Metrics and Scorecards (Aligned to Business Objectives and Operational Parameters)

    ................................................................................................................................................................ 17

    2.9 Develop Cloud Business/Operations Model and Business Case ....................................................... 17

    2.10 Finalize Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap .......................................................................... 18

    Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

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    Executive Summary This document is a strategy and roadmap development template supporting the Strategy Development

    module of AgilePaths Cloud Computing Playbook. The information required to complete the Cloud

    Computing Playbook Strategy Development module can be used stand alone as a planning deliverable,

    as a module of the Cloud Computing Playbook end-to-end Cloud methodology, as an input into a Cloud

    Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) project, or as guidance to support a Cloud pilot or proof of


    AgilePaths Cloud Computing Playbook is illustrated below.

    The Cloud Computing Playbook is a comprehensive end-to-end Cloud assessment, planning,

    architecture and implementation framework. The Cloud Computing Playbook builds on and leverages

    the following supporting artifacts and frameworks:

    Cloud Computing Adoption Lifecycle

    Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) and Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CC-


    CloudSprint iterative planning and implementation methodology

    CC-PB templates for each phase of the Cloud Computing Playbook.

    This template is focused on the Cloud Computing Strategy Development phase of the Cloud Computing

    Playbook, and is explained in detail in the sections below.

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    1.0 Introduction to Cloud Computing Playbook

    1.1 What is a Playbook? A playbook is a methodology framework focused on a particular technology, approach or

    implementation style. A playbook is a set of strategies, tactics, and actions, or plays, that will result in

    winning in sports parlance, or success in business terminology.

    Consider the West Coast Offense in professional football. The West Coast offense is an offensive

    strategy predicated on using short, precision passes to generate offense and move the ball. The short

    precision passing approach in effect stretches out the defense and opens up opportunities for deep

    passes later, while opening up the traditional football running game. The West Coast Offense leverages

    precise timing patterns for passing routes, mostly short patterns, to replace the traditional running

    game. In the West Coast Offense, the short precision passing plays comprise approximately 65-80% of

    the offensive plays.

    By way of contrast, the traditional ball control offense employed by many teams, notably the New York

    Giants under Bill Parcells, emphasizes running the ball effectively, using play action passing off a solid

    running attack, and strong defense. In a ball control offense, running plays typically account for 60-65%

    of the offensive plays. The passing attack keys off the run using play action passes.

    For a business or technology methodology, a playbook is a defined approach that is actionable,

    implementable, and results in a clear set of tactics or plays to lead to a defined outcome or outcomes.

    AgilePath has specialized in developing a variety of Playbooks for Service-Oriented Architecture,

    Enterprise Governance, Legacy Modernization, and now the Cloud Computing Playbook. AgilePaths

    Playbook approach to methodology is especially critical for emerging technologies where there are no

    established planning, architecture or implementation methodologies. Thus, AgilePaths Playbooks

    provide a strategic business methodology for implementing emerging technologies to realize a set of

    predefined business outcomes. As with the football metaphor, AgilePaths family of Playbooks

    emphasize a strategic approach to a particular problem domain, and help establish a set of concrete

    actions or plays that result in the targeted business outcomes.

    1.2 Why a CC Playbook? AgilePaths Cloud Computing Playbook, illustrated below, is comprised of four phases, with a set of

    steps or actions in each phase that will result in a business- or mission-aligned Cloud computing

    strategy, and a set of actionable and implementable tactics that will lead to a successful Cloud

    computing implementation. The four phases of the Cloud Computing Playbook are explained below:

    Supports Cloud strategy and planning: The Cloud Computing Playbook first and foremost

    supports Cloud strategy and planning, using a repeatable methodology and approach. However,

    do not fall into the trap of assuming a strategic approach must take a long time to complete. On

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    the contrary, because the Playbook steps are pre-defined, you can adapt them to the execution

    style you prefer a rapid Cloud planning sprint, an enterprise Cloud strategy, or a tactical

    project focused on a particular business or technical problem.

    Aligns business use cases to appropriate Cloud patterns: The Cloud Computing Playbook

    provides business and mission alignment for subsequent Cloud implementation steps based on

    identified business challenges and clearly articulated business goals or outcomes for Cloud


    Informs decision making processes: The Cloud Computing Playbook provides an end-to-end

    framework to inform decision making processes for your particular organization. While you may

    not necessarily follow every step of the Cloud Computing Playbook, or you may add additional

    steps that are specific to your organization, the entire methodology provides a repeatable

    framework to inform decisions and make choices.

    Supports an Enterprise Architecture(EA) and Systems Engineering Approach: The Cloud

    Computing Playbook, augmented by the Cloud Computing Reference Model, provides a

    sound Enterprise Architecture approach for the realization of Cloud computing. Leveraging

    Cloud Modeling, Cloud Architecture and Cloud computing patterns, the Cloud Computing

    Playbook will ensure fidelity to an EA approach as well as a systems engineering approach.

    1.3 Structure of the CC Playbook

    The Cloud Computing Playbook is comprised of four modules, which together provide an end-to-end

    framework for the successful planning, architecture and implementation of Cloud computing to achieve

    predefined business objectives. The four modules of the Cloud Computing Playbook, shortened to CC-

    PB going forward, are described below:

    Cloud Business Discovery

    The Cloud Business Discovery phase of the CC-PB provides the framework for performing a Cloud

    computing assessment to obtain the necessary strategic and operational context within which a

    successful Cloud computing strategy can be developed. The Cloud Business Discovery module can be

    used as a stand-along assessment methodology or as the first step of a Cloud Computing Strategy

    development process.

    Cloud Strategy Development

    The Cloud Strategy Development phase of the CC-PB is a robust strategy and planning methodology to

    facilitate development of a business-aligned Cloud computing strategy that will result in business or

    mission success. The Cloud Strategy development phase builds on the Cloud Business Discovery

    activities, and incorporates them as inputs into the Cloud Strategy development process.

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    Cloud Mobilization

    The Cloud Mobilization phase of the CC-PB provides assurance that the defined Cloud strategy is realistic

    and feasible, and paves the way for mobilization of resources to begin the formal implementation of

    Cloud computing as defined in the Cloud Strategy and Roadmap. The Cloud Mobilization phase also

    incorporates the requirements for Cloud education and awareness, which will create the environment

    for greater probability of Cloud success.

    Cloud Implementation

    The Cloud Implementation phase of the CC-PB provides a set of iterative steps to support the

    implementation of Cloud Computing based on the defined Cloud Computing Strategy. The Cloud

    Implementation phase ensures business and mission alignment to the Cloud strategy, and provides an

    iterative repeatable set of activities for a rapid, business-aligned and risk-mitigated Cloud


    2.0 Cloud Computing Strategy Development Module

    The Cloud Computing Strategy Development template provides a repeatable, business-aligned

    framework to quickly develop a formal, well-documented and actionable strategy to achieve defined

    business objectives via a Cloud Computing strategy and roadmap. The Cloud computing strategy

    development module builds on the Cloud Computing Business Discovery module and incorporate its

    outputs as inputs into the Cloud strategy development process.

    The Cloud Computing Strategy template can be completed at multiple levels in an organization from

    an enterprise level, at a business unit or line of business (LOB) level, or at the project or program level.

    However, do not assume that a strategic approach requires a long process to complete. A formal Cloud

    computing strategy and roadmap can be completed in a relatively short time frame if the proper time

    commitments can be obtained from the key stakeholders to provide input. The Cloud Computing

    Strategy Development template provides guidance and recommended steps to follow to formalize a

    Cloud Computing Strategy and roadmap for your enterprise. You may replace, add or bypass steps if

    you feel that you have already completed them.

    2.0 Cloud Computing Strategy Development Module

    2.1 Introduction The Cloud Strategy Development phase of the CC-PB provides a formal and strategic foundation for a

    Cloud computing initiative. The Cloud Strategy Development module of the CC-PB helps formalize a

    Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap, based on the priorities and goals identified during a Cloud

    Business Discovery process. The Cloud Strategy Development template can be used as a stand-alone

  • 8

    methodology or as a companion piece with the Cloud Business Discovery Assessment template. The

    Cloud Strategy Development phase of the CC-PB is illustrated below in the orange shading below.

    The use and detailed process steps of the Cloud Computing Playbook Strategy Development template

    are explained in the sections below.

    How to Use the CC-PB Strategy Development Template The following guidelines highlight uses of the Cloud Computing Playbook Strategy Development


    Stand Alone Cloud Computing Strategy and roadmap development framework

    As a Cloud Maturity/Cloud Readiness Framework (in combination with the CC-PB Business

    Discovery module)

    As a precursor to a Cloud Computing implementation project

    As a health check for periodic reassessments during an Enterprise Cloud project

    As an input into a Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) and Cloud Computing Reference

    Architecture (CC-RA) project

    To support a Cloud Pilot or Proof of Concept (POC) effort via a rapid lightweight Cloud strategy


    The Cloud Strategy Development template provides guidelines for gathering of appropriate data that

    will support a robust, business or mission aligned Cloud Computing strategy, architecture and

    implementation roadmap. Remember, a formally documented Cloud strategy does not have to take a

  • 9

    long time. However, it does require effort to get key Cloud stakeholders engaged in the process to

    formulate a realistic, practical yet transformative Enterprise Cloud Strategy and Roadmap.

    The Cloud Computing Strategy Development template can be used at an Enterprise level, at a business

    unit or line of business (LOB) level, at a project level, for an Infrastructure or data center project, or at a

    program executive office (PEO) level.

    To get started with the Cloud Computing Playbook Strategy Development process, the following

    suggested pre-steps should be followed:

    Pre-Step 1. Confirm Preliminary Scope of Cloud Computing Strategy A critical Cloud Computing Playbook pre-step is to confirm the preliminary enterprise scope for your

    Cloud computing strategy and roadmap. Is Cloud focused on the needs of a particular agency, division,

    operating unit, or is it an Enterprise Cloud Computing Strategy? Is Cloud to be focused on a particular

    technology domain, e.g. Enterprise Infrastructure or Data Centers, or in the Application Hosting or

    Platform as a Service (PaaS) areas. Based on a Cloud computing scope hypothesis, you can identify key

    stakeholders of our Cloud Strategy and Roadmap, and then ensure that your Cloud strategy incorporates

    their goals and objectives, while providing a framework to align and reconcile common and diverse

    interests and requirements.

    Pre-Step 2: Confirm Cloud Computing Stakeholders in the organization Another key preliminary step to the Cloud Strategy Development process is to confirm the key Cloud

    Computing stakeholders on your organization, by role and title. Documenting key stakeholder will help

    ensure your Cloud strategy will support the business and technology interests of the enterprise, while

    prioritizing key requirements and managing expectations. The following table may be useful for

    identifying and documenting Cloud stakeholders and their objectives and concerns.

    Cloud Stakeholder Organization


    Cloud Goals and


    Cloud Concerns

    and Risks


    Business Unit Executive Business Unit XXX

    Business Unit CIO

    Corporate CIO

    Corporate CTO

    Chief Architect /

    Enterprise Architecture

    IT Operations Executive

  • 10





    Data Center


    IT Relationship


    Once you have documented key Cloud stakeholders, you can begin the Cloud Strategy Development


    2.1 Develop Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives Purpose: This section documents the enterprise Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives that the

    Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap must support. The content from this section may be

    developed through dialog with stakeholders, or can be facilitated through a Cloud Visioning Workshop.

    The following information will support documenting the Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives:

    Review Cloud Imperatives from the Cloud Business Discovery documentation

    Review Cloud Business, Economic/Financial and Technology outcomes or goals from the Cloud

    Business Discovery documentation

    Develop a Cloud Vision and Mission Statement based on the Cloud Business Discovery data,

    either as an offline activity, with a Cloud Computing core team, or via a workshop attended by a

    subset of Cloud stakeholders. (Alternative: Schedule a Cloud Visioning Workshop with

    Executive Stakeholders)

    Define clear Cloud Goals and Objectives that support the Cloud Vision and Mission Statement

    (Alternative: Schedule a Cloud Goals and Objectives Workshop with key Enterprise


    Prioritize the Cloud goals and objectives with the stakeholders, based on the business

    imperatives of the enterprise. Document the prioritized list.

    Review and iterate Cloud Vision, Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives

    Socialize with key stakeholders and finalize the Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.

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    2.2 Develop Cloud Opportunity Roadmap

    Purpose: This section summarizes leverages Cloud Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives to define a

    preliminary Cloud Opportunity Roadmap as a key input into the Cloud computing strategy. The Cloud

    Opportunity Roadmap attempts to identify and prioritize various Cloud opportunities or projects within

    the enterprise, preferably using the Cloud Computing Reference Model and Reference Architecture

    artifacts to document or describe each opportunity. The following activities are performed in this task:

    List the major Cloud opportunities, including new Cloud opportunities as well as pending or

    current Cloud projects underway, that may exist in your enterprise

    Prioritize the Cloud opportunities based on business, economic and technology imperatives

    documented in the Cloud Business Discovery module

    Evaluate Cloud opportunities based on risk, effort, level of investment, value to the enterprise,

    and other appropriate criteria

    Finalize the Cloud Opportunity Roadmap prioritization and sequencing

    Obtain stakeholder agreement on the Cloud Opportunity Roadmap

    Finalize Cloud Opportunity Roadmap and Summarize Cloud Strategy Findings

    2.3 Develop Cloud Business Scenarios/Use Cases, Vignettes and User Stories Purpose: This section documents anticipated Cloud computing business scenarios and use cases to

    facilitate Cloud strategy and planning, modeling and architecture, and eventual implementation. Cloud

    business scenarios or use cases are developed from the Cloud Opportunity Roadmap defined in 2.2

    above, in priority sequence. If there are several opportunities in the Cloud Opportunity Roadmap,

    select 3-5 as the top priorities.

    Business scenario planning, use cases, user stories, or vignettes may be used to document Cloud

    approaches you anticipate for your enterprise. In DoD and/or Federal Government accounts, Concepts

    of Operations (CONOPS) or mission threads may also be used to document business or operating

    scenarios. The following activities are performed in this submodule:

    Document Cloud business scenarios, operating models via vignettes, use cases or user stories

    Validate business scenarios and use cases with appropriate stakeholder reviews

    Describe the business or mission intent or impact of the business scenarios or use cases

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    Finalize business scenarios, use cases or vignettes for prioritized Cloud opportunities

    2.4 Develop Cloud Computing Reference Model and Reference Architecture Purpose: This section applies the Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) to the specific needs of

    the organization, following the Cloud Modeling and Architecture process described in Executives

    Guide to Cloud Computing (Marks and Lozano, 2010, Wiley & Sons. The following activities are

    performed in this task:

    Apply the CC-RM to define the four CC-RM submodels as listed below:

    o Define the Cloud Enablement Model

    o Define the Cloud Deployment Model

    o Define the Cloud Governance and Operations Model

    o Define the Cloud Ecosystem Model

    Apply CC-RM to prioritized business scenarios to develop appropriate Cloud Patterns that

    support those business scenarios and use cases

    o Cloud Enablement/Technology Pattern(s)

    o Cloud Deployment Pattern(s)

    o Complete the remainder of the CC-RM based on finalized Cloud Patterns (Governance

    and Operations Model, Cloud Ecosystem Model)

    Validate the Cloud patterns with key stakeholders

    Finalize Cloud Pattern documentation

    2.4.1 Define CC-RM Cloud Enablement Roadmap Purpose: This section documents the Cloud Enablement Model and the appropriate Cloud enablement

    roadmap necessary to support identified business requirements. The Cloud enablement Roadmap maps

    business requirements to Cloud patterns, by Cloud enablement tier, in a sequenced fashion based on

    realistic implementation increments. The following activities are performed in this task:

    What Cloud Enablement Tiers are in the scope of the Cloud Strategy?

    What Cloud Enabled resources are required in the Cloud solution scope and support the Cloud

    business scenarios and use cases?

    Document the Cloud Pattern(s) that are anticipated for the business scenarios and use cases

  • 13

    Document the Cloud Enablement Roadmap using the approach in Appendix A

    2.4.2 Define CC-RM Cloud Deployment Roadmap Purpose: This creates a Cloud Deployment Model roadmap, or the sequencing of Cloud Deployments

    based on identified business requirements modeled via Cloud Patterns. The Cloud Deployment model

    should document the Cloud Patterns, comprised of combinations of Cloud Enablement Patterns and

    Cloud Deployment Patterns. The following activities are performed in this task:

    Confirm the Document Cloud Deployment Model

    Document the sequence of Cloud deployments based on business requirements, business

    scenarios and use cases, and documented Cloud patterns

    Document the Cloud Deployment Roadmap

    Review the Cloud Deployment Roadmap with key Cloud stakeholders

    Summarize the Cloud Deployment Roadmap

    2.4.2 Define CC-RM Cloud Governance and Operations Roadmap Purpose: This creates a Cloud Governance and Operations roadmap based on identified business

    requirements modeled via Cloud Patterns. The Cloud Governance and Operations model should

    document the necessary Governance, Management and Monitoring, Operations and Support, and

    Security and Privacy requirements that will be necessary for your target Cloud strategy. The following

    activities are performed in this task:

    Define and Document Cloud Governance, Behavior and Cultural requirements for your Cloud


    o Document the Cloud Governance Lifecycle Requirements based on target Cloud


    o Document target behavioral model and cultural factors supporting your Cloud strategy

    Define and Document the Cloud Management and Monitoring roadmap that supports the Cloud


    o What Cloud management, service management and other management and monitoring

    tools are necessary?

    o What sequence of these tools and capabilities best supports the Cloud strategy?

    Define and Document Cloud Operations and Support roadmap based on Cloud patterns

  • 14

    o What operations processes, capabilities and technologies are necessary?

    o What is the support model for your Cloud patterns? What levels of support are


    Define and Document Cloud Security and Privacy roadmap based on Cloud Patters and target

    business scenarios and use cases

    o What security and data privacy requirements emerge from Cloud Enablement Model


    o What security and data privacy requirements emerge from the Cloud Deployment

    Patterns, e.g. private Cloud vice public Cloud vice Hybrid Cloud?

    o NOTE: A Cloud Enablement Pattern will have fundamentally different Governance,

    Security, Management/Monitoring and Operations/Support requirements based on the

    choice of deployment models, e.g. public versus private cloud.

    o Develop Cloud Security and Privacy roadmap

    Review Cloud Governance and Operations Roadmap with Key Enterprise Cloud Stakeholders

    Summarize Cloud Governance and Operations Roadmap

    2.4.4 Define Cloud Ecosystem Roadmap Purpose: This section develops the Cloud computing Ecosystem Roadmap. The Cloud Ecosystem

    creates the environment where Cloud consumers and providers are connected to one another via

    reliable networks, and have the full range of Cloud capabilities available, accessible and reliably provided

    as part of the ecosystem This section also explores the Cloud standards, and integration and

    interoperability requirements to create and sustain a Cloud Ecosystem. The following activities are

    performed in this task:

    Define and develop Cloud Ecosystem roadmap based on the four elements of the cloud


    o Cloud Ecosystem Enablement: Tools, technologies, processes that support creation of a

    Cloud Ecosystem that enables providers and consumers to interact via a Cloud business

    and operations model

    o Cloud Standards, Integration and Interoperability

    o Cloud Consumers and Provider Interaction, Cloud Enablement Continuum from

    Providers to the full range of Cloud Consumers

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    o Cloud Network/Dial Tone Access and Availability

    Determine Cloud Ecosystem requirements in scope of your Enterprise Cloud Strategy and


    Document Cloud Ecosystem roadmap[ that supports and enables your Enterprise Cloud Strategy

    Review Cloud Ecosystem model with key Enterprise Cloud Stakeholders; obtain feedback and


    Summarize Cloud Ecosystem Model Roadmap

    2.5 Define Cloud Computing Reference Architecture Once the CC-RM is completed, the Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CC-RA) is developed. The

    Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CC-RA) developed categories of appropriate technologies that

    support and align to the Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM). The following activities are

    performed in this sub-module:

    Develop the Cloud Reference Architecture (CC-RA)

    o ID categories of technologies that map to the CC-RM and support target Cloud Patterns

    based on identified business scenarios and use cases

    o Document the technology categories, as well as potential vendors that satisfy those

    technology bins

    o Validate CC-RA with key stakeholders

    o Finalize the CC-RA for use in next phases of the CC-Playbook

    Summarize and finalize the documentation for the CC-RM and CC-RA

    2.6 Document Cloud Computing Risk Mitigation Model Purpose: This section identifies key Cloud computing risks and concerns, and develops appropriate risk

    mitigation solutions for those prioritized risk areas and concerns. The following activities are performed

    in this task:

    Review the Cloud computing barriers and obstacles identified during the Cloud Computing

    Playbook Business Discovery module

    Document key Cloud computing risk areas and concerns as stated by key Cloud stakeholders

    o This information may be obtained in a workshop or working session focused on

    identifying Cloud risks, concerns, and identifying risk mitigation tactics

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    Develop consensus on the key risk areas, as well as specific risks or concerns within each risk

    area, e.g. security, technology immaturity, ROI uncertainty, operational issues, et al

    Prioritize Cloud risks and concerns using stakeholder input

    Document impact of each risk/concern on the target Cloud strategy and roadmap

    Develop mitigation tactics for each Cloud risk/concern; evaluate the effectiveness of each

    mitigation action

    Finalize documented Cloud risks and concerns, risk mitigations, and Cloud strategy implications

    for inclusion in Cloud Strategy and Roadmap

    2.7 Define Cloud Funding/Budgeting, Incentives & Behavioral-Cultural Model Purpose: This section identifies key Cloud funding and budgeting requirements, as well as incentive

    models, cost recovery models, and behavioral-cultural incentives to align the organization to the

    Enterprise Cloud Strategy and Roadmap. The following activities are performed in this task:

    Based on the CC-RM and CC-RA, and target Cloud Patterns that support prioritized business

    scenarios, determine the necessary Cloud Funding and Budgeting Model

    o Initial Cloud Strategy Funding and Start-up costs

    o Ongoing Cloud operations and sustainment funding

    o Define Cloud Incentive Models to transition to target Cloud patterns based on CC-

    RM,CC-RA and identified Cloud Patterns

    o Determine ongoing governance, management, operations and support costs

    Determine cost recovery, charge back and other shared services funding mechanisms necessary

    to achieve Cloud success for targeted Cloud Patterns

    Define Behavioral and cultural obstacles, barriers and challenges anticipated in your enterp4ries

    o Reverse engineer mitigations and solutions to overcome cultural obstacles, barriers and


    Finalize Cloud Funding & Budgeting Model, Charge Back and incentive models, and behavioral-

    cultural requirements

    Summarize the Cloud Funding and Budgeting Model

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    2.8 Define Cloud Metrics and Scorecards (Aligned to Business Objectives and

    Operational Parameters) Purpose: This section identifies Cloud metrics and scorecards to help monitor key process parameters,

    operational requirements and critical success factors for the Cloud strategy. The following activities are

    performed in this task:

    Identify Cloud metrics aligned to business goals and objectives, operational requirements, and

    financial goals

    Ensure operationalized Cloud goals and objectives have appropriate metrics associated for them

    Determine appropriate instrumentation and automation requirements to ensure Cloud metrics

    can be implemented, e.g. SLA management, monitoring and management tools, as well as

    business intelligence tools, dashboards, et al

    Determine scorecard model that aligns all metrics into a robust Cloud metrics dashboard

    supporting ongoing measurement, evaluation and learning from Cloud strategy

    Define Cloud metrics/scorecard roadmap and implementation plan

    Summarize Cloud Metrics and Scorecards definition

    2.9 Develop Cloud Business/Operations Model and Business Case Purpose: This section defines and documents the business and operating model and supporting

    business case for Cloud computing based on the desired goals and objectives of the Cloud Strategy.

    Depending on the Cloud strategy, there will be changes to the business model, operating model, and IT

    support model of your enterprise based on the desired Cloud strategy. IN addition, the business case

    and economic model that supports those changes must be explored, documented and clearly

    understood to ensure objective decision making and stakeholder support for the Cloud strategy. The

    following activities are performed in this task:

    Based on target Cloud strategy, document the business/operations model that will support this

    Cloud strategy and roadmap

    o Describe the business model and/or operations model that the Cloud strategy enables

    o Describe key business/operations processes that characterize the new Cloud-enabled

    business/operations model

    o Describe anticipated financial/economic/incentive model realized through the Cloud

    Business model, e.g. becoming an internal Cloud Service Provider, providing an

    Application PaaS to enterprise developers, Lab Consolidation leading to a chargeback

    reduction to the business units, et al

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    o Summarize the Cloud-enabled business and operational model

    Define the Cloud business case and economic model that supports the defined

    business/operations model

    o Define Cloud investments necessary for scope and duration of Cloud Strategy

    o Define Cloud return on investments anticipated, including both hard and soft ROI, such

    as hard savings and cost avoidance savings

    o Explicitly document all assumptions made in order to develop the investment and ROI


    o Map Cloud ROI model to Cloud benefits documented above to ensure all benefits with

    economic/ROI impact are captured in the ROI model

    o Map Economic benefits to Cloud Enablement Roadmap tiers to show the benefits and

    ROI to the various Cloud consumers within the scope of the Cloud strategy

    o Review and validate business/operations model and business case/economic model

    with key Cloud stakeholders

    o Finalize business/operations model and Business Case/Economic model based on Cloud


    2.10 Finalize Cloud Computing Strategy and Roadmap Purpose: This section finalizes the Cloud Strategy and Roadmap, completes the documentation

    supporting the Cloud Strategy and Roadmap, and prepares your organization for the transition phase of

    Cloud computing. The following activities are performed in this task:

    Compile all Cloud Computing Strategy Development documentation

    Review and refine Cloud Computing Strategy content with key stakeholders

    Obtain feedback, revise, refine and iterate Cloud strategy

    Finalize and Socialize Cloud Strategy and Roadmap with key stakeholders

    Assign Business Champion accountable for Cloud Strategy execution

    Transition to the Cloud Mobilization Phase of Cloud Computing Playbook and prepare for

    Cloud implementation planning

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    The Cloud Strategy Development template, based on AgilePaths Cloud Computing Playbook, provides

    a strategic business methodology for implementing Cloud computing technologies to realize a set of

    predefined business outcomes. As with the football metaphor, AgilePaths family of Playbooks

    emphasize a strategic approach to a particular problem domain, and help establish a set of concrete

    actions or plays that result in the targeted business outcomes.

    For your enterprise, you should leverage the steps and ideas that make sense in the context of your

    particular challenges. Feel free to adapt this strategy framework to your planning processes. The Cloud

    Computing Playbook Strategy Development template can be used standalone, or you can leverage its

    companion piece, the Cloud Computing Playbook Business Discovery assessment template, as an input

    into the Cloud Strategy process.

    As with all of our methodologies, artifacts and thought leadership materials, visit

    for updated versions of these templates, and additional whitepapers and webinar content that may be

    useful to your efforts. To speak with our team about this content, please contact Sandra Callahan,

    Director of Business Development, at [email protected].