Age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

Age of Imperialism (1870-1914) Imperialism defined: The political, economic, or cultural expansion of influence to the control of one people by another state, country, or entity. The subjugated people are generally viewed as inferiors by the ‘mother country’ or dominant entity.


Age of Imperialism (1870-1914). Imperialism defined: The political, economic, or cultural expansion of influence to the control of one people by another state, country, or entity. The subjugated people are generally viewed as inferiors by the ‘mother country’ or dominant entity. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

Page 1: Age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

Age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

Imperialism defined: The political, economic, or cultural expansion of influence to the control of one people by another state, country, or entity. The subjugated people are generally viewed as inferiors by the ‘mother country’ or dominant entity.    

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New Imperialism• What’s New?• Between 1876-1915: ¼ of globe is distributed among six

states.• Great Britain’s size is increased by 4 million square miles• France: adds 3.4 million square miles• USA: adds 100,000 square miles• Why formal control?• “Informal Control where possible, formal control where

necessary”--Lord Palmerston (British PM)

• Relationship bw Economics & Politics– Status of National Exports

• Social Darwinism and Competition– “Every virile people has established a colonial power”

--von Treitschke (German historian)• Economics, Economics, Economics

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Justifying Empire

• Religion and Missionary Zeal• Claims of Education• Claims of Native Inferiority• “Justified” by Social Darwinism and

Scientific Racism• Nationalism

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Science & Race• Theory of Evolution• 1859 – The Origin of the Species• What is Darwin’s main argument?– “ . . . there is a struggle for existence leading

to the preservation of each profitable deviation of structure of instinct . . . “

– The evolution of species occurs by the process of Natural Selection.

– Survival of the fittest.– Within species & between species there was a

struggle for survival. • Which species survive?

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Five Main Reasons for Colonization

• Great Power Rivalry– Acquiring colonies became a measure of

a great country. • Commercial & Economic interests• Strategic & Military imperatives• Pressure Groups–Missionaries–Nationalist groups

• “Civilizing Mission”– “White Man’s Burden”– Rudyard Kipling, The White Man’s


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The “Civilizing” Mission• Europeans defended their colonial missions by

asserting that they would bring civilization & culture to the colonized people.

• Europeans assumed Africans & others had no “civilization.”

• Methods of “civilizing”:– Religion – Government– Education– Economic transformation– Repression

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Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” (1899)

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Justifying Empire at home and abroad

The Lowest Step on the Ladder of Knowledge,” The Queen’s Empire (1902)

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Partition of Africa (1880-1914)

“Scramble for Africa”In 1870, Europeans controlled only 10 percent of Africa.Two Exceptions: Liberia & EthiopiaBritain was at the forefront in the partition of Africa.Boers/Afrikaners/Great TrekBoers established 2 independent states:

1852 – Transvaal 1854 – Orange Free State

Beginning in 1815 – Britain had gained control of the southern tip of Africa.

1867 – Diamonds discovered in Cape Colony & the Orange Free State

1886 – Gold discovered in Transvaal. With these discoveries, Britain's interest in southern Africa increased dramatically

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New Imperialism


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The New Nationalism• Late 19th-century nationalism was characterized by

a new sense of enthusiasm & commitment to the nation, national rivalry, an aggressive militarism, subjugation of the world’s peoples, & racism.

• All countries sought to harness nationalism as a means to cement the nation-state.

• Methods of Constructing the New Citizen– Military– Public Education– Social Welfare• 1878-1890 – Anti-Socialists Laws • 1883-1889 – Germany instituted a series of

social insurance programs designed to protect sick, injured, disabled, and elderly

– Civic Festivals: England – Empire Day

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The Scramble for Africa (After 1880)

• Germany’s new interests in Africa increased hostilities between European powers.

• Berlin Conference of 1884 • European leaders agreed to cooperate in dividing

up Africa.• Approved de facto the already established

colonial borders. • Laid down ground rules that colonial powers

were to obey in their quest for colonies. • Escalated the scramble for Africa • When Europeans divided Africa, they gave no

consideration to ethnic, political, & geographical borders that already existed in Africa.

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Nationalism & Race• The new pseudo-sciences combined with the new

devotion to the nation, creating an aggressive racist atmosphere.

• Anti-Semitism – Hatred of Jews• Pogroms -- Popular violent attacks on Jews

motivated by anti-Semitism• Historically, Jews had been seen as a separate

religious group, which was socially ostracized & persecuted because of their religious beliefs.

• The Enlightenment & the French Revolution ushered in Jewish emancipation.

• End of the 19th century – New wave of anti-Semitism• End of the 19th century witnessed a new wave of

pogroms in eastern Europe, especially Russia.

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Changes in EmpireSepoy Mutiny or the Indian Revolt of 1857

Pre-1857: Indian states under indirect/informal control Influence of British East India CompanyBritish Colonizers --the “treason” of the IndiansMutiny confirms “inferiority” of natives for Colonizers1857: Indian states are directly ruled by Britain1876: Victoria is made Empress of India

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Justifying Empire at home and abroad

Thomas Jones Barker, “Queen Victoria Presenting a Bible in the Audience Chamber at Windsor” (1861)

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•Religion•Education•Productive Work•Social Development•Civilization

•European Assumption:Africans and Indian have no Civilization

“A white sister, an African missionary, teaches sewing and design to the small black Christians of Uganda”

Justifying Empire at home and abroad

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The New Anti-Semitism• Before the 19th century, anti-Semitism was

based on religious hostility towards Judaism.• By the end of the 19th century, many

Europeans began to see Jews as racially different – racially inferior.

• Europeans applied Social Darwinism to Jews as well as to other “racial” groups (e.g. Slavic “race”)

• The seeds for a racial anti-Semitism were already sown by the end of the 19th century.

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Maintenance of Empire

India in 1900:

•3500 colonial officials in a population of 300 millions

•75,000 white troops

•200,000 Indian troops

Sikh soldiers in the Indian Army

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Image of Imperial AdministrationQueen Victoria: Empress of India in 1876

Maintenance and the Rituals of Empire

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• Claims of Religion • Claims of Education• Claims of Native Inferiority• “Justified” by Social Darwinism and Scientific

Racism• Reflected Nationalism • DRIVEN BY ECONOMICS


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“Treaty Making in East Africa,” The Queen’s Empire

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Reality of Empire

Economics as an Motivation

Markets vs. Raw Materials

Oil, rubber, tin, copper, quinine

Advertisement for Frank Rippingille’s Patent Cooking Stove, late 1890s

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Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906)• 1894 – A French army

captain, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, was convicted of treason for having sold military secrets to Germany.

• Once it was revealed that the army had forged the evidence, a new trial was held, but again Dreyfus was again found guilty.

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Dreyfus Affair Splits France• The controversy

over whether Dreyfus was guilty or innocent divided all social classes.

• The reputation of the army was seen as more important than justice for one man.

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Dreyfus Affair Splits France

• Liberals took up Dreyfus case, eg. Èmile Zola

• The Dreyfus Affair proved that a new kind of nationalism – a racist nationalism – had been born in the birthplace of the Enlightenment

It was only in 1906 that Dreyfus was exonerated by a presidential pardon.