Dinjerra Messenger Term 3 No. 12 9 th August 2018 The Department of Education & Dinjerra Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser . No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education or Dinjerra Primary School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT When I was offered the opportunity to step in as Acting Principal while Mr Graeme was away, I was thrilled and honoured to become part of the Dinjerra Primary School community of learners. Dinjerra parents, students and staff are a close-knit community committed to build upon the hard-earned reputation that the school has for excellence in teaching and learning. I’m proud to be a part of the Dinjerra journey. Although only here for four weeks, I will reflect the school values by: Listening No matter how many things that need to get done, I will always make time to be available to listen to students, parents and staff. Being honest and building trust My relationships with staff, students, parents, and the community at large will centre on honesty and trust. Walk the talk Leading by example and not expecting anyone to do things that I’m not prepared to do Actively and celebrate success The classroom is where it all happens! Moving around the school, taking part in activities, celebrating success, giving student and teacher feedback will provide me with a sense of what is going on at school. Listed below are just a few highlights of my first two weeks: Calendar of Events Friday 10 th August AFL 9’s Girls competition Tuesday 14 th August School Council Meeting 7:00pm Wednesday 15 th August Grades 2/3 Excursion to Botanical Gardens. Thursday 16 th August Grades P – 1 Excursion to CERES Friday 17 th August Grades 4 – 6 Excursion to Queen Vic Market. Thursday 23 rd August Book Week Parade/Assembly Friday 24 th August 4/5/6 Bush Tucker @ Charcoal Lane Excursion Tuesday 28 th August 1 st Father’s Day Stall Wednesday 29th August 2 nd Father’s Day Stall



Dinjerra Messenger

Term 3 No. 12 9th August 2018

The Department of Education & Dinjerra Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is

accepted by the Department of Education or Dinjerra Primary School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by



When I was offered the opportunity to step in as Acting

Principal while Mr Graeme was away, I was thrilled and

honoured to become part of the Dinjerra Primary School

community of learners. Dinjerra parents, students and staff

are a close-knit community committed to build upon the

hard-earned reputation that the school has for excellence in

teaching and learning. I’m proud to be a part of the Dinjerra

journey. Although only here for four weeks, I will reflect the

school values by:

Listening – No matter how many things that need to get

done, I will always make time to be available to listen to

students, parents and staff.

Being honest and building trust – My relationships with

staff, students, parents, and the community at large will

centre on honesty and trust.

Walk the talk – Leading by example and not expecting

anyone to do things that I’m not prepared to do

Actively and celebrate success – The classroom is

where it all happens! Moving around the school, taking part

in activities, celebrating success, giving student and

teacher feedback will provide me with a sense of what is

going on at school.

Listed below are just a few highlights of my first two weeks:

Calendar of Events

Friday 10th August

AFL 9’s Girls competition

Tuesday 14th August

School Council Meeting 7:00pm

Wednesday 15th August

Grades 2/3 Excursion to Botanical


Thursday 16th August

Grades P – 1 Excursion to CERES

Friday 17th August

Grades 4 – 6 Excursion to Queen Vic


Thursday 23rd August

Book Week Parade/Assembly

Friday 24th August

4/5/6 Bush Tucker @ Charcoal Lane


Tuesday 28th August

1st Father’s Day Stall

Wednesday 29th August

2nd Father’s Day Stall

Nayland College School Choir Visit

The New Zealand Prime Minister, Ms Jacinda Ardern was welcomed back to work (after having a baby) by a travelling

school choir in the arrivals terminal of Wellington airport. The picture below shows the New Zealand Prime Minister

holding her six-week-old baby as she gently rocked her baby to sleep while experiencing an impromptu performance

by New Zealand’s Nayland College School Choir.

Principal Award Winners

As educators, it’s important that we help students understand that life isn’t made up of just test scores. Real success comes from hard work, persistence, personal growth, and more.

During my stay, at Dinjerra Primary School, I will be awarding weekly Principal Awards. I have asked teachers to nominate students that have worked hard and shown personal growth during the week. Listed below are the recipients of the Principal’s Award;

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Later, the choir posted on Twitter that

singing for the Prime Minister “and baby

Neve” was a great start before commencing

their music tour to Melbourne. At our school

assembly on Tuesday 7th August, we were

privileged to experience a private

performance by Nayland College school

choir. The complete school choir ensemble

consisted 36 students. The boys’ choir, called Aurgmented and the girls’ choir,

called Sotto Voce. While here in

Melbourne, both choirs will take part in the

Victorian Schools Music Festival

Mehmet Yigit (Prep/1) - For being a wonderful listener during learning times and always completing his work. Felix Zhang (Prep/1) - For showing he can work well within a small focus group by listening to others. Chi Luong (Prep/1) - For being a wonderful new member of the class and being a great listener. Aras Aghazian (Prep/1) - Trying his best and being a fantastic learner. Aneelai Bhoj (Prep/1) - Achievements in reading. Ann Biar (Grade 2/3) - For being efficient during transitions between learning. Esther Kong (Grade 2/3) - For giving valuable feedback to teachers to improve her learning. Jamal Ahmed Mohamed (Grade 2/3) - For his motivation, great skill and good sporting behaviour. Azhar Abdi (Grade 2/3) - For being focused during mini-lessons. Alen Demirovic (Grade 2/3) - For asking questions about fractions when he was unsure. Siang Uk Hnin (Grade 4/5/6) – For always listening and working hard in numeracy and writing. Anjaly Dixson (Grade 4/5/6) - For always taking on teacher feedback and improving her learning. Hanaa Abdi (Grade 4/5/6) - For her excellent sporting skills and good sporting behaviour. Laura Tran (Grade 4/5/6) - For being a motivated learner with an individual artistic flair. Zachary DeMaria (Grade 4/5/6) - Did a great job during “AFL Kids of the West”. Biak Tin Sang (Grade 4/5/6) - For helping to set up the new library by organising and shelving books. Dean Marshall (Grade 4/5/6) - For taking on the challenge of solving the number pattern problems. Sanjiha Ambikaikumar (Grade 4/5/6) - For helping set up the new library by organising and shelving books.

Kids of the West – AFL Football

On Friday the 3rd of August over 300 boys from Primary Schools across the West participated in Western Bulldogs “Kids of the West Cup” held at JR Parsons Reserve, Sunshine. There were over 20 schools represented. I’m extremely proud how our boys behaved and participated in the cup competition. Dinjerra Primary School finished fourth overall – this was an amazing effort! I was privileged to watch one game and was totally amazed on how our boys played as a team to overcome the difficult conditions.

A big thank you all staff who have worked hard to make this event a success and congratulations to our boys for a wonderful effort.

Next is our girls… GO DINJERRA!!!

Paul Nucci

Acting Principal

Page 3

Assistant Principal Report

As the term is currently flying through (we’re nearly half way through) there’s some exciting updates that I’d like to


1. Our new Library. As were are preparing for our new build, we’ve moved our Library to the centre of the BER building. To ensure this is a permanent sight, we’ve had some custom made furniture and shelving installed. I’d like to personally thank Hong, Naz, Michael and Catherine for their help with the move. I’d also like to highlight the help from two of our volunteers that has been invaluable in the move- Erin (parent) and Guy (our Ardoch volunteer).

2. $4000 worth of new books donated by Dymocks. The Dymocks store located on Collins street in the CBD decided to donate their fundraising money to our school to buy new books for our Library. This was a huge coincidence as we happened to be moving our Library at the same time (this was not planned or co-ordinated). A huge ‘Thank you’ to Dymocks for their help.

3. A building update for the new school. In the coming weeks the first of the portable classrooms will arrive. These will be placed around the running track at the back of the school. At the moment, the plan is still to demolish the older buildings during the September holidays. Exciting times ahead.

Chris Graham Page 4

Reading Workshop

This term the children have been learning to ask questions about their reading and how to answer them using the

information from the book. The children answer questions using the following strategies: they find the answer right

there, they need to use what they know about the subject to answer questions, think and search by looking at many

pages from the book to find the answer or use the information from the book and use what they already know.

Writing Workshop

In writing the children having been writing Procedural Texts. We have had fun learning how to make fairy bread,

paper planes and sandcastles. We have been writing the procedures on how to make lots of interesting things.

Reminder about our Excursion to CERES.

Thursday 16th, August 2018 leaving at 9:10am and returning at 2:00pm.

Children will need to wear full school uniform and bring their lunch, fruit and water. Ceres works on the RETHINK-

REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE policy. Lunches are requested to be WASTE-FREE please.

Item Picture Tick

Small Back Pack Lunch

Fruit Snack and water bottle

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We have been off to a busy start this term. Both Grade 2/3s have just completed 3 Community Walks that have

allowed us to see the sights of our neighbourhood. This has supported our ‘My Place’ Inquiry unit, and allowed us to

learn the text structure of Recount writing. In Maths, pre-service teacher Miss Katerina has been teaching the

students about fractions. She is with us for 8 weeks this term.


Please return your child’s excursion note if you haven’t already done so.

2/3W and 2/3C require shoeboxes (with lids) for the students to create a diorama. If you have any spares,

can you please drop them in to Miss Seany or Mr. John. Thank you.

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As part of our Naidoc week

celebrations the 4/5/6 students

discovered the importance of

storytelling for our Indigenous

Australians. They learnt about their

way of connecting to their history

and culture through oral stories

from the Dreamtime and artwork

through symbolism. At the end of

the learning students were able to

publish their own Dreamtime

stories and artwork. Here is only a

small example of the great work

the students published, feel free to

come and visit the 4/5/6

classrooms and read the rest of the

Dreamtime stories on display.

Page 8

The Cadbury’s Chocolates Special Effort….

Thank you so much to all the families for selling their box of 60 Cadbury’s chocolate frogs and bears for 50c

each. Some families have even sold multiple boxes of chocolates. When we sell all the boxes Dinjerra

Primary will make $3,000. All money and chocolates are due back to school by Monday 13th August. Please

bring back unsold chocolates so someone else can sell them. If you are able to sell more boxes please let the

office know. Please don’t forget that children need to be accompanied by an adult when selling chocolates.

Fathers’ Day Stall….

Students will be able to buy a present for their Dads, Grandads or a male carer at the Fathers’ Day stall on

Tuesday 28th August and Wednesday 29th August. All presents will be $5.00 and a note will be going home

soon. We will also be selling raffle tickets for some great prizes in August. Stay tuned!

Kids of the West AFL Cup…

Huge congratulations to Mr John and the 12 Grade 4/5/6 boys who took part in the annual AFL competition.

Mr. John was very proud of Frank, Nhial, Abdi, Long C, Cung Tha Uk, Siang, Biak, Zac, Said, Pum, Aryaan and

Dean who represented Dinjerra with great skill and great sporting behaviour. Dinjerra ended up in the final of

the Group B teams and came runners up. Well done Boys!

I am accompanying our girls’ team who are very excited to take part in the AFL competition tomorrow.

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Thursday 23rd August

Come dressed as a character from your favourite


All families and

friends are welcome

to join us at 9.15am

in the Multipurpose


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