Accelerate Leads Across All Channels #LLCSeries

#LLCSeries #LLCSeries Accelerate Leads Across All Channels SPONSORED BY

Transcript of Accelerate Leads Across All Channels #LLCSeries

#LLCSeries #LLCSeries

Accelerate  Leads  Across    All  Channels  



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Demand  Gen  Report:    @DG_Report  LinkedIn  MarkeEng  :  @LinkedInMktg  

Amanda  Halle  :    @ahalle  Andrew  Gaffney:    @agaffney  


About  Demand  Gen  Report  •  Launched  in  2007  to  track  best  pracEces  in                  

lead  generaEon  

•  Newsle>er  has  grown  to  more  than  30,000  readers  

•  We  also  offer  a  menu  of  research  and  best  pracEces  reports    

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Amanda  Halle  Sr.  MarkeEng  Manager,  Demand  GeneraEon ���LinkedIn  MarkeBng  SoluBons        

MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney    Publisher,  Demand  Gen  Report  


Let’s Talk About


•  What’s the Buyer’s Journey Really Like? •  Accelerating Leads with LinkedIn •  LinkedIn’s Multi-Channel approach to demand generation •  Q&A


Today’s Buyer’s Journey The only thing predictable about it is its unpredictability.

It’s a challenging world

Before customers reach out directly

Source: Forrester, “Buyer Behavior Helps B2B Marketers Guide the

Buyer’s Journey,” October 2012

Pieces of content are consumed before a purchasing decision

is made

Source: Zero Moment of Truth Study, Google

Display advertising

Social media marketing

Content marketing


Today’s Approach

Email marketing


Paid search

 Increase targeted reach and quality conversions


The challenge:

Fill out a form*

Open emails**

Opportunities captured *B2B campaign form conversion rates range from 1-5%, Sirius Decisions Benchmark Survey. **Ayaz Nanji, “Email Open and Click-Through Rates: Benchmarks by Vertical,” MarketingProfs, May 13, 2013

We Can Do Better.



Missed Opportunities

4.  95% of website visitors don’t fill out a form.

3.  61% of B2B marketers aren’t using mobile marketing.

1.  No less than 17 people are involved in influencing major enterprise tech purchases.

2.  Forty-four percent of B2B buyers researched company products on a smartphone or tablet in 2014

5.  80% aren’t opening emails. 6.  Half of business decisions are

made outside of the office. 1. InformationWeek, 2. Acquity Group LLC 3. SiriusDecisions 4. eMarketer 5. MarketingProfs 6. B2B Marketing


Drive more effective marketing

Increase awareness

Build brand

Shape perception

Increase awareness

Build brand

Shape perception

Increase awareness

Build brand

Shape perception


Drive more effective marketing

Improve lead quality

Increase conversion

Drive pipeline and revenue

How Can We Rethink Demand Generation?


Rethinking Demand Generation


2.  Tap into the value of anonymous website visitors

1.  Investing in the top of funnel to drive bottom-funnel conversions

4.  Reach prospects where they’re most engaged

3.  Tailor messages based on people and interests

Let Top-Funnel Programs Drive Bottom-Funnel Conversions


•  Longer buying cycles in B2B/high-consideration B2C

•  Need to get your brand in front of prospects early and often to seed demand

•  The more interest you drive at the top, the more conversions at the bottom of the funnel


Build Awareness with Display Advertising

“With LinkedIn Network Display, we’ve become a leading brand in our space, and LinkedIn has been a key contributor to our success – getting MyCase visibility with the right people at the right time.”

Sarah Bottorff Director of Marketing, MyCase


•  Increased brand awareness and targeted web traffic •  Nearly 5x increase in the number of daily website visits from

legal professionals

Turn Anonymous Visitors into Customers


•  Website visitors are valuable and are interested in your brand

•  95% aren’t converting right away—how can you keep your brand in front of them?

LinkedIn Lead Accelerator Nurtures Everyone. Everywhere Online.

LinkedIn Sponsored Updates Desktop and mobile

Facebook News Feed Display Ads LinkedIn & SlideShare

Display Global Ad Exchanges

“‘Nurturing’ is no longer limited to email. We’re using display and social ads to guide prospects through the buy cycle with highly relevant content − increasing engagement and generating conversions along the way.” Lucy Orloski Marketing Director, Localytics


•  116% increase in page views per visitor; 56% increase in visits per visitor

•  Generated more than 870 new leads by nurturing anonymous website


•  Leads converted to “sales qualified” 2x more than the company average

•  Nurtured known contacts to drive free trial sign-ups

Tailor Messages Based on People and Interests


•  Prospects are at different stages of their purchase decision.

•  The content you provide must be both educational and relevant to what their needs are.

Lead Accelerator Lets You Nurture Everyone. Differently.

“Multi-channel nurturing makes sense – the sequencing and personalization of ads aligns well with the B2B sales cycle.”

Micah Beals Director, Digital Marketing, Workfront


•  Nurtured IT professionals, marketers, and other enterprise decision makers with display and social ads

•  Generated 640+ leads in just three months

•  Achieved a cost per lead well below target

Reach Prospects Where They’re Most Engaged


•  Be where your prospects are •  Engage them with content that is

useful and relevant, and when they are most receptive to your message

“The LinkedIn platform helped us create a modern take on the classic vision of the golf course as the premier place to network. Since our goal is to be the most engaged and social brand in golf, LinkedIn was the perfect fit for our digital engagement campaign.”

Scott Goryl Senior Manager of Global Communications, Callaway Golf


•  32% open rate for Sponsored InMails

•  139 likes, 79 comments on “Hit the Links” status updates

•  1,500 new followers for Callaway Golf Company Page

•  83% lift in positive sentiment on social networks

Crash Course to Full-Funnel Marketing Campaign


Display On & Off LinkedIn

LinkedIn Sponsored Updates


Sponsored InMail

Lead Accelerator



•  Campaign launched in Early April

•  The webinar had 1,153 registrations •  Email – 823 registrants •  Sponsored InMail – 254 registrations

•  Generated 556 Tasks and 300 MQLs in the first 30 days •  Top channels:

•  Email •  Display •  Sponsored Updates


MQLs by Channel

Marketing Qualified Leads

A Few Final Thoughts •  Don’t underestimate the value of the top of the funnel for demand


•  Tap into the value of anonymous website visitors

•  Tailor your messages and content to both unknown and known prospects

•  Engage with people when they’re most receptive


Q  &  A  //  Panelists  

Amanda  Halle  Sr.  MarkeEng  Manager,  Demand  GeneraEon ���LinkedIn  MarkeBng  SoluBons        

MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney    Publisher,  Demand  Gen  Report  



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