Abbey Duffey-Assure Method at beginning of Semester


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Transcript of Abbey Duffey-Assure Method at beginning of Semester

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Abbey Duffey

September 5, 2015

CI 350


Objective: Children in the first grade special education class will recite all twelve months of the year within a one month time frame. Students will do so by learning a song with all twelve months of the year in it, making a calendar as a class with all twelve months of the year on it, and watching and listening to a video telling and showing the twelve months of the year. It will be a ninety percent degree of accuracy.

A- The learners will be first grade special education students. Seven of those students are ADHD. Seventy percent of those students are White. Twenty percent of those students are African Americans and ten percent are Latino.

S- First grade students will recite all twelve months of the year within a one month time frame. They will perform the twelve months of the year by learning a song with the twelve months in it, making a calendar showing the twelve months, and by watching a video telling and showing the twelve months of the year.

S- The materials I will use will be a CD player, and a disk that the song will be on. I will also choose a song I believe will best fit the class. One calendar will be used because the classroom as a whole will make the calendar. One dry erase marker will be used as well. Computers and computer disks will also be used in order for the students to watch the video telling and showing the twelve months of the year. Making sure the computers, Internet and CD player work prior to the day of using will be in my agenda.

U- Students will recite all twelve months of the year by singing and listening to the song we will learn as a class. The song is called, “The Months of the Year”. Another way children are going to learn the twelve months of the year is by making a calendar as a class. A calendar will be hanging on the board in the front of the classroom. Students will shout the month of the year out to me whenever I point to the month on the calendar. The last way children will learn the months is by going to the computers and watching and listening to a video teaching them the twelve months of the year.

R- There are four weeks within a month. First grade special education students will have to recite to me at least 3 new months by the end of the week. However, students will learn all twelve months at once. They will just have to tell me three months per week. All students will participate. There will be a ninety percent of accuracy.

E- Students will be evaluated every day that they are in the classroom. A test at the end of the month will not be given because of my evaluation I will be doing every day. Each day when the students sing the song, I will be observing how well the students know the twelve months in the song. If one students is not getting it well enough, then we will sing it again. We will do the same way with the calendar activity. If the students shout out the answers correctly,

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then they are learning the twelve months. While they are watching and listening to the video on the computer, I will randomly go around and ask the students what month is on the computer screen. There will not be an overall test because I will be observing all day and every day we do the activities in the classroom. If the students can tell me the months of the year by the end of the month, then they passed my evaluation.