


War Journal

Transcript of AAJ_258_Nov_1970

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    Uilar: C. F. Coady S W Anla: D. E. Hammond Printed and published for lhc A~ i l ra l i an Army b The R u t i n Press Ply, Ltd.. and issued throughBaX Ordnance l k p o l l On Ihe scak of 0C Per &cm. officer of cadets. and cadet under offilurr. Contributions. which should be addrerscd lo the Editor, Army Journal. Directorate ofMilitary Training. Army Hcadquarlcm Canterra. A.C.T. 2600. are invited from all ranks of the A ~ ~ ~ Cadet Corps and Rcrerrc of Olflccrr.

    $IO will te paid to lhe awhnr of lhc test .nick published in each i s w c . In addition. annual prizes of $60 and $20 resprclivel~wi l l bc awarded to lhc authors mining first and Econd plxcr in the ycsr.

    COVER: 'Supply Dropping. Freddie Beach. Bougainvi l le. 1945'. by WO, H. F. Abbott. At the Austrolian War Memorial.



    A periodical review of military literafure

    No. 258. NOVEMBER 1970

    Contents 3 Soldier-Tradesmen

    Mujor A. Weaver

    1 1 A Plea from the Audience Major B. 1.O'Nrill

    16 AMF Gold Medal and ASCO Prize Essay Competition -1970

    18 Thrice Your Servant Iiiutenant coloner A. A r g m

    30 Captain A. Sandery

    40 The Sioux Wars, 1854-91 Stan Cudet C. D.Clark

    54 Book Reviews: The Puurrh IXuienAiuit of Warfure, Volurire One Thraciun Peltusts and their Influence on Greek Warfare

    CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. No article in this Journal is to be reproduced in whole or in part. The v i m exprecsed in the articles are the authon' om and do no( w a r i l y represent General SlaK opinion or policy

    '! QuestionTheThatIsTraining:orEducation

  • Men of the 2 / 2 4 t h Australian Infantry Battolion occampnnied by S C O U ~ Sof the Pap out on patrol in the Sottelberg oreo, I5 November 1943.

  • Soldier-Tradesmen

    Major A. Weaver Roy11 Ausrraliuri lnlunlry

    The amourers, accomplishing the Knights, with hmy hammers closing rive15 up, Give dreadful note OF prepamtion.. ..

    -Shakespeare. Henry V, Act IV

    The Requirement

    SINCE the earliest days in history armies have had to rely on experts to attend to the maintenance. repair and modification of their weapons, armour, fortifications and means of transportation. The age of techno-logical warfare makes particular demands on a wide field of technical experts. It is thus of utmost importance to have well-trained men who can he readily deploycd to maintain the Armys striking power and mobility. The Australian Army, after the end of World War 11. was vitally concerned with these requirements. To ensure that adequate provisions for the training of soldier-tradesmen was assured for the future the problem was given close attention.

    The Army Apprentices School

    To meet the challenge, on 2 August 194R the first intake of 63 apprentices arrived in Balcombe, Victoria, from all states of Australia. Thus the Army Apprentices School, based on British Army pattern, embarked upon its role of training soldier-tradesmen. Since then 2,337 soldier-tradesmen have graduated. The annual intake has risen to 180 apprentices. Eligibility for entry into the school requires candidates to have reached the age of fifteen and be under the age of seventeen on enlistment. Applicants must have passed in English, mathematics or

    ~~ ~ .~

    Major Weover. who has conrributed previously lo rhe Army Journal, is the commander of rhe Borrolion of Apprentices and supervisor of regimenlo1 rraining (I!the Apprenticer School.


    arithmetic and at least two other subjects at the equivalent of Fourth Year of Secondary Schooling in Victoria. They must have an above average intelligence rating. Candidates are obliged to enlist in the A R A for a period of nine years, which includes service at the Army Apprentices School and in practical training with their respective corps. Finally, the graduate is posted to a unit on the order of battle of the Australian Regular Army.

    The Setting

    Balcombe is situated near the seaside resort of Mount Martha on Port Phillip Ray. The school occupies the camp sites which were used by the United States Marine Corps during World War 11. It still occupies hutted accommodation. Plans for completely new brick barracks with provision for 850 apprentices are being considered.

    The Aim

    The aim of the Army Apprentices School is to train boys to become soldier-tradesmen for service in the Regular Army. The mental and moral qualities are fostered, which are essential in a good soldier and citizen. and which provide fitness for higher rank. Towards realizing the aim, the curriculum is designed to provide educational. military. physical and technical training. All this to fit apprentices for service as highly skilled soldier-tradesmen.

    Scope of Instruction

    The Army Apprentices School curriculum is designed to provide highly skilled soldier-tradesmen for the Army in the trades of: fitters and turners, vehicle mechanics, carpenters and joiners, plumbers and pipefitters, bricklayers, electrical mechanics, electrical fitters, radio mechanics and othcr trades as may be drtermined by AHQ.

    Subsequently, on graduation, solaier-tradesmen have the oppor-tunity to further their technical training. Some become armourers and artificers, others specialize in electronics and radio mechanical spheres.

    Apprentice Musicions

    Apprentice musicians attend a two-year course of instruction at the School of Music at Balcombe. They receive military training and

  • SOLDIER-TRADESMEN-~ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ ~S

    are administered by the Army Apprentices School. They provide a most effective Drum Corps for the Battalion of Apprentices and are utilized as such on many occasions.

    The Soldier-Tradesmen at Regimental Training Like all specialists in the Army, the apprentice is made aware

    from the outset !hat he will always be a soldier first and only then a specialist. He is taught his trade-skills to further the military aim. Apprentices are given instruction on all aspects of the all-arms recruit training syllabus as taught by recruit training establishments. The

    The Army Apprentice< School Poraclc for the Presentation o f the Govcrnar Gencral's Banner, 30 August 1969.

    regimental training cycle is superimposed on the apprentices trade curriculum in the time they are at Balcombe. Additionally, suitable apprentices are given instruction to qualify them for promotion to corporal in subjects A and C. A selected number of apprentices are trained as drivers in addition to their trade training. Apprentices are made aware that as soldier-tradesmen they will eventually have to be prepared to bear arms. They are made aware of their likely employment in a theatre of military operations: this may involve protection of their bases. It may place them in a situation in which they, in their specialists role, could act as members of special task squads on offensive operations,


    or destructive tasks against enemy installations demolition or recon-naissance duties.

    Soldier-tradesmen may well have to meet the ever increasing requirement for civic action tasks which could involve Australian troops in South-East Asia.

    Trade Training The trade training is given to apprentices by an integrated military

    and civilian instructional staff organised into wings. These wings are concerned with metal trades, building trades, electrical trades, motor vehicle training and drawing instruction. The school is fully equipped with the necessary workshops and classrooms to facilitate such instruc- tion. Instruction is co-ordinated by a military Supervisor of Technical Training in conformity with the policies of the Victorian Apprenticeship Commission and the Victorian Education Department. Successful apprentices qualify as soldier-tradesmen after their four years of training. They spend a final period under Apprentice Masters in units of the Royal Australian Encineers. Royal Australian Corps of Signals, and the Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. The qualifications thus gained by the soldier-tradesmen are recognized by the apprentice commissions in all Australian states.

    Educational Training The General Education Wing of the school is staffed by officers

    of the Royal Australian Army Educational Corps. The wing has the task of preparing apprentices for qualifications up to Leaving Technical Certificate standard. Trade mathematics, trade science and Army First Class Certificate subjects in mathematics and English are taught to all apprentices.

    Such instruction is mandatory for the successful completion of trade training. Apprentices who have the necessary qualifications and incentives are given instruction to matriculation level.

    Physical Training

    Physical training instruction under a qualified physical training officer and his staft is provided for as part of the weekly syllabus. Apprentices are also given instruction and guidance in all aspects of various sporting activities.


    Character Training

    Chaplains for every denominational group are attached to the school and conduct a tutorial programme of instruction on a weekly basis as part of the training syllabus.

    The Battalion of Apprentices

    The overall command of the school is exercised by a lieutenant-colonel. In order to give apprentices the best control and guidance, apprentices are grouped into four Apprentice Companies, which make up the Battalion of Apprentices, commanded by a major, the Supervisor of Military Training. All apprentices who are in their first year of training are grouped in a company. This enables the military staff to devote their particular attention to the newcomer who requires con-siderable guidance and man-management during his settling-in period. The remaining companies consist of apprentices in the later years of training.

    An instructional staff of one CSM per company and one sergeant and one corporal per platoon has been allotted. This staff is organized into military training wings. specializing in drill, weapon training and field training. Great care is taken to select only the most suitable NCOs for posting to the school, as apprentices - owing to their age - require a special type of treatment. The school thus has to assume heavy responsibilitizs for apprentices beyond those normally encountered in military units, where members are adults.

    The Training Cycle

    At present, the training cycle over the three years the apprentices spend at the school is organized in such a manner as to have a balanced distribution of all subjects each week on the following basis:

    Trade Training 23% of total periods General Trade Practices 2770 .. Education 25% ,, Military Training 1 1 % ., Sport 6% ,. Physical Training 4% .. Religion 270 .. Administration 2% ..



    The school offers the apprentice a diversity of recreational facilities. These include sailing, fishing, chess, hobbies, cinema screenings, a well- stocked library, dancing classes, bush-walking, radio clubs. weight-lifting, and apprentices club and canteen facilities.


    The apprentices are subject to the same military code of discipline as the rest of the Army. The youth of the apprentices and their low pay. however, seems to call for a detailed reappraisal of such a system.

    In order to provide some additional measure of man-management and discipline and to promote leadership qualities, a battalion sergeant- major, an RQMS and apprentice sergeant-majors for the companies, as well as apprentice sergeants and corporals have been appointed as local, acting. unpaid ranks.


    Sport plays a most important part in the apprentices life. Ap-prentices participate in all winter and summer sports. They are predominant throughout Melbourne and Victoria in the leagues of which they are an integral part. The annual inter-service sports contests against R A N and RAAF apprentices are bitterly contested events. The esprif-de-corps of the battalion is displayed with verve and spirit on such occasions.


    The Apprentice Battalion features prominently on many ceremonial occasions in Victoria throughout the year. The citizens of Mornington have taken the boys to their hearts and consider them as an integral part of their community. Consequently, in August 1969 the Apprentice Battalion was granted the Freedom of the Town of Mornington. This was celebrated with apprentices conducting the parade without any ARA staff participation. In fact it has become the accepted form to conduct ceremonial parades exclusively under the command of the Apprentice Battalion Sergeant-Major. The Apprentice Battalions Regimental March consists of a melody of Advance Australia Fair, The US


    Marine Corps Hymn and Waltzing Matilda. The US Marines who occupied Balcombe Camp during World War I1 are thus honoured.

    The complexity of the school poses occasional problems. Thus various trade wings of the school, the three age groups of the apprentices, the educational problems and the peculiarities of the integration of civilian and military staffs, offer some complications. The requirement

    , I,

    His i x i ~ l 1 c n c ) -the Governor c f V ic tcr io and the GOC Southern Command reviewing wprenticec at the of f ic ia l opening of the

    I 13th Royol Melbourne Show.

    for military training, physical trainin_e, religious instruction, sport and recreation are additional factors. Continuous changes have been made to meet these problems and to adopt whatever courses were advisable from time to time.


    The foresight shown before 1948 when it was decided to train soldier-tradesmen bas yielded great dividends in skilled manpower and leadership material for the Army.

    The Army Apprentices School is now well established with a proud tradition of over twenty-one years service. It has attained the potential for further expansion to satisfy the increasing needs of our growing modern Army in the provision of soldier-tradesmen.

  • -


    The young men who have graduated as soldier-tradesmen have established themselves as competent and indispensable. They are not only a valuable asset to the Army as specialists; they are capable soldiers and leaders who contribute generously to the efficiency of our modern Army. 0

    FLANDERS, NOVEMBER 1914 Upright in a clean suit of service dress and breeches, his hoots

    polished. a cavalryman carrying immcdiately behind a lance with his personal pennant fluttering below the point. Haig's face we are told by a dozen eyewitnesses remained calm. About noon hc had trotted forward with some of his statl in just this way. observing without comment or apparent emotion the ragged tigurcr of the stragglers. the minful flow of the wounded. the R U ~ Sand howitzers tweed back'with empty traces among the teams zfhnrses. When the rFf0.t came through that Ghrluvelt had been re-entered. he sh,owed n o joy. no elation. He was a dour man. Yet of all the cnmmanden avail- ahlc in thc Bri tkh Expeditionary Force at that time he was probablythe officer most suited - perhaps the only one - t o direct opra-tions in front of Ypres. At times small-minded. given t o criticizing faults in others of which he was himself guilty, he had nnne the less a high sense ofduty, a cool head and a degree of comprehension and instinctive skill in higher tactics. Though he knew less as a cavalry man ahuut the practical capabilities of the infantry than Smith-Dorrien. an infantry officer. he knew more than Rawlinson who. despite his inrantry background, had never commanded anything in a regiment ahove a platoon. Haig had never shunned regimental service. He lacked Allenhy's power as a commander and his boldness; but he was more calculating. He had now tn calculate the extent to which he cnuld hold the prcsent corps line. There was a n immense temptation to fall hack. Haig had told his chief engineer to Select a defensible line i n rear towards Yprcr but he knew that whilst this might a p p a r to offer a relief for his weary soldicm. they would find it dificult to hreak cleanly from the Germans at all points; and they would in any case be pursued quickly to a line in which. as yet. there was not a single trench dug.

    -Anthony Farrar Hockley. Death of on Army (Lnndon 1967.)


  • A Plea from

    the Audience Major 8. I . O'Ndll Royul Australian Artillery

    ARE you one of the unhappy group of people who, despite hours spent in careful preparation of a speech, persistently deliver to the audience a series of disjointed sentences liberally and annoyingly interspersed with that IOW, inarti-culate vocal sound sometimes pronounced 'err', but more often as 'arrh'? Or is your affliction even worse; does the 'arrh' occur in your normal conversation as well'?

    If you can honestly answer no to this challenge, then y u r attention may be more rewardingly diverted to some other article in this volume. But before you depart, arc you absolutely certain of your innocence? Check yourself out with a t a p recorder or present yourself to a trustworthy and critical listener. Perhaps your past audiences have been too kind to comment, too anxious to Save you embarrassment a t the expense of thzir own discomfort. Think back on how often you, as a listener, have been almost driven to distraction hy some other Speaker's impedimcnt.

    On the other hand, if you are prepared to admit to suffering this extremely common social disease of the vocal chords then this article is intended for you. Similarly, if you feel embarrassment at the frequent display of its symptoms, either by yourself o r by others, then this article could be of value.

    Major O'Neil l yrridenrrd /run, OCS i n IY.54 otid WI.Y ullorlcd lo R A A . H e s e r w d wilh 12 NS Trs Bn /+re rroining (,J on AOI' pilor in 19.56. Frdluwinprqinzr , t td porrBigi in nrrillrry crnd uvi


    Still reading? Good, for by this admission of your affliction. o r wish to help others less fortunate than yourself, you have possibly taken the first important step towards its complete eradication. All that remains to be done now is to determine the reason for the use of this indefinable vocal sound, suggest a cure. and then conscientiously adopt a deliberate course to achieve its complete extinction from the vocabulary.

    Perhaps the most difficuli of the above tasks is the tracing of the cause of the problem. It would be all too easy to accept what is probably the obvious answer and place the entire blame upon nervous- ness. But this does not appear to be the complete answer. Even from the mouths of the most poised and confident speakers the critical listener is likely to have his ears offended by this troublesome arrh.

    Detailed examination is likely to reveal a variety of causes. Un-doubtedly nervousness is the more prevalent. but others, some l e s obvious and others less flattering, are worthy of mention. Although not complete, the list includes: lack of confidence in ones vocabulary; lack of concentration on the subject matter leading to mental and verbal confusion; lack of synchronization of speech and thought processes: faulty breathing technique leading to lack of rhythm; and several others best left to medical or psychiatric practitioners for diagnosis and subse- quent treatment.

    At this point one must disregard the statement that any man who is his own doctor has a fool for a patient, for you are yourself in the best position to choose from the above list the cause of your problem. You, the patient, must determine whether the continuing


    abuse of your audience is due to faulty technique, careless preparation or unjustified fear.

    Now, let us assume that you have identified yourself with one or more of the above-mentioned causes. The next important step is to find the cure suitable to your particular problem.

    First, we shall examine the more common problem of nervous-ness. This is usually the manifestation of fear or an anxiety state. There are some interesting theories of nervousness, perhaps the most applicahle being that attributed to Charles Darwin. This is known as the Theory of Escape. Darwin claims that faced with a new situation the beginner wants to run away; fear predominates when escape is cut o(T and the symptoms of nervousness appear. It follows then that even for the practised speaker each audience is a new experience, pregnant with uncertainty: so he too is nervous. The manifestation may take different forms. I n the extreme case it may lead to a complete mental blockage more commonly known as staye or mike-fright. In most cases, however, it asserts itself in either a physical form such as foot-shuffling or unnatural gestures, or in a verbal form such as a stammer or, our particular enemy - the arrh.

    Nervousness is not easily eliminated. In fact some notable writers assert that it is an essential part of the equipment of the competent speaker. What must be done to lessen its impact however is to recognize it as such and to come to grips with it in order to reduce and control its public manifestalions.

    The time honoured cure for this problem of nervousness is more easily stated than applied: it is relaxation. Various authorities on voice production suggest differing approaches towards its attainment, ranging from properly applied breathing to concentrating on mental pictures to he conveyed to the audience.

    If this was your diagnosis then you are on the way to resolving your problem, for a great part of the cure lies in its recognition. For the remainder of the cure it is suggested that you seek access to one of the many valuable textbooks dealing with voice production. Armed with the habits of good speech - acquired during practise - your nervous system will automatically adjust itself; the relaxing mechanisms

    ~ will come forth: fear will be mastered and the arrh will disappear. Now let us examine some of the other sources from which the

    arrh emerges. Of those previously listed, two may be considered together - lack or concentration and lack of synchronization of


    thought and word. There is a major factor common to both of thesc in that they usually result from lack of preparation.

    The good speaker will always devote ample time to research on his subject matter; he will at least have made notes of a sequence of inter-dependent idea$, or headings. In fact he may well have committed his every intended word to paper. He will have studied and absorbed his thoughts and words and will most certainly have rehearsed his speech, either in front of a mirror or into a tape recorder.

    When he stands in front of his audience he will reap the rewards of his diligence. His memory process will flow evenly, with each phrase suggesting the next, and his words will be in sequence with his thoughts. He will not suffer the involuntary pregnant pause which accompanies the mental search for the next word, and invites distraction and the insertion of the conveniently time-killing arrh. Speech is a habit which is developed along the right lines simply by repetition of good habits: and adequate preparation of what is to be said is perhaps the best of these habits.

    Another source mentioned was the limited vocabulary. This may leave the speakers voice suspended in mid-sentence whilst his memory cells feverishly search for the word suitable to the occasion. Hard work again provides the solution to this problem. Extensive reading of books above the standard of the soft-covered Western will undoubtedly build u p the vocabulary over a period. Others find attention to crossward puzzles of value in this regard, whilst the really earnest speaker will make a deliberate study of a dictionary, learning a couple of new wards each day and applying them, in context, to everyday conversation.

    The remainin? problem area to be examined is that of faulty breathing technique. Good breathing technique is as essential to the speaker as it is to the singer, for it will lead to the real secret of voice control ~- thinking and talking in phrases. It imparts a rhythm which helps the speaker to think on his feet and the audience to listen more easily and attentively. This rhythm will dispel the opportunity for the vocal chords to emit the troublesome arrh.

    Remedial action for the faulty breathing technique is relatively simple. The cure lies in selecting a suitable passage of prose -perhaps one of your previous speeches - and placing pause marks at suitable intervals throughout, The placing of these marks will vary between individuals, especially the breath pauses, and they will not


    necessarily be given the same length. Once the habit of these rhythm phrases forms. better articulation and voice control can be practised during ordinary speech.

    Well, are you prepared to accept the challenge? The above suggestions have been offered with but one objective in mind - to diminish the occurrmce of the 'arrh'. This objective can only be achieved it you, the afflicted. are prepared to make the necessary effort to improve the world of the listener.

    Let us relegate the 'arrh' to the only place where it serves any useful purpose - in the doctor's surgery.

    ANNUAI. AWARDS The R o d of Rrview has awarded thc annual prize of $60 lor

    the best original contribution published in the Army Jurrmol duringthe year ended June 1970 10 Major J . Fletchcr's 'Inlelligence: A Principle ol War' (December issuc).

    Thc second prize of $20 has been awarded to Barrm Cry yonSchweppnhurg for his 'Military Review and Appreciation or the Year I%R' (August issue).

  • AMF

    Gold Medal and ASCO Prize Essay Cornpetit ion 1970 1. Entries for the AMF Gold Medal and ASCO Prize Essay-I970 close with the Secretary to the Military Board on 31 Mar 71.


    2. All ranks of the active and reserve lists of the Australian Military Forces are eligible to compete.


    3. The aim of this essay comptition is to encourage original thought and good writing on a military topic of general interest to the Army.


    4. Competitors may select their own subject. As essays may he published in the Australian Army Journal or similar unclassified publications they are not to contain classified material. Essays must be written solely for the competition.


    5. There are two sections: a. Senior-for officers b. Junior-for other ranks



    6. Prizes may be awarded as follows: a. For best essay overall-AMF Gold Medal and $lW.W.

    b. For best essay in each section (other than best overall) $50.00 each. c. The referees are empowered to recommend that the Medal and Prize not be awarded if, in their opinion. no essay submitted is of a sufficiently high standard

    d. A prize of less than SS0 may be awarded to the winning essay in either section if , in the opinion of the referees, the standard of thc essay does not warrant the award of the full amount. In the c a s of two or more essays of equal merit from the same section, the prize money for the section may be shared.


    7. Essays will be judged by at least thrcc referees appointed by AHO.

    8. The decision of thc referecs will be final.

    Submission of Essays

    9. Essays are to be typewritten and submitted in quadruplicate. Units are to provide typing assistance where so requested. 10. Length of essays is to be between 3,(HX) and 5,000 words. 11. Authorship is to be anonymous. Each Competitor is to adopt a pen name and enclose with his essay a sealed envelope with the pen name and section identification typewritten on the outside and his name and unit address inside. 12. The title and page number of any published or unpublished work to which reference is made in the essay must be quoted. 13. Essays are to be addressed to the Secretary to the Military Board Army Headquarters, Canberra. A C T . , 2600. The envelope is to be marked AMF Gold Medal and ASCO Pri7c Essay.

    Promulgation of Results

    14. The results of the competition will be promulgated in AAOs and in a Notice to AROs for display on unit boards. 0

  • Thrice Your Servant

    The Chinook

    Lieutenant Colonel A Argent Au\rru/iun Army Aviation Corp,


    I have no strength in measure, yet a reawnable mollsure in abeogth. -Henry V.

    THINK of Vietnam and moving guns, men, supplies, refugees, pigs and rice and aircraft recovery and one thinks of the CH-47. the Chinook. This article deals with some of the features of this versatile aircraft, particularly its latest model, the CH-47C, the selection of which for the Australian Services was announced by the Minister for Defence, M r Fraser on 19 August.


    In the family of Army aircraft the Chinook is a medium helicopter, with a minimum three-man crew (two pilots. Right engineer) and it is a development of the Vertol Companys tandem rotor machines that go back to 1948-to the HRP-1 for example and the XH-I6 of the early 1950s.

    Over the years these aircraft grew from a payload figure of a 1.000 pounds for 100 nautical miles radius, through the successful CH-21 of the mid-1950s (the banana-shaped helicopter, 4,000 pounds for 100 nautical miles radius that saw service in Vietnam), to the proto-type Chinook which first flew in 1961. Also. during the early 1960s. Boeing took over Vertol and the aircraft are now made by the Boeing Company, Vertol Division.

    The first Chinook - in those days called the HC-IB - was delivered to the US Army in July 1962. Since then over 500 Chinooks have been bought by the US Army. The latest model, the CH-47C, sometimes called the Full Charlie to distinguish it from the Charlie Minus came into service in September 1969. Table 1 gives some

  • TABLE I Current Model Chinooks

    I Shall hommorcr (1) I

    TSI-L-IB 2.650 2.65; YYlFi 13651176 H A l C T55-L-IC 2.850 2.850 2.500 2,250 1,815 14151184 7.3531912 19,403IE

    T5S-L-I1 j 1

    3.150 3.750 1,100 2.910 , 2,415 2 W 2 5 5 1 7.3511942 , 20.403 I

    NOTES ( I ) These figures are for a standard day at sea level, i.e., 59"F,29.92 inches of barometric pressure. (2) Maximum power - that which can be delivered for 10 minutes. In some cases even though this figure is the same

    as military power, an increase in performance is gained at maximum power by operating at higher engine temperatures for a shorter period.

    (3) Military power - maximum horsepower that can be delivered far 30 minutes. (4) Normal power - maximum power allowable for continuous operation under specified conditions. ( 5 ) Basic weight - empty (i.e., ex,factory) weight of aircraft plus all appointments, integral equipment (e.g., armour

    plating) and trapped fuel and oil; but excludes passengers, cargo, crew, fuel. and oil. (6) Gross weight - Total weight of !he aircraft allowed for take-off. It is the sum of basic weight, crew, peraonal

    equipment, passengers, cargo, special devices (e.g., stretchers, oxygen equipment, ferry tanks etc.) usable fuel and oil. This gross weight may be lowered, due to operating conditions, e.g.. hat climate, high altitude landing zone and this will in turn alfect the payload figures.

    (7) These figures will vary from theatre to theatre. Figures for particular areas will be set out in handbooks for the Chinook. See Employment and Utilization Handbook paragraph i n this article.

    (8) Internal loads.

    (9) External load limited by capacity of the book.


    details of current Chinooks. There are more A models, at the time of writing, than all others combined.

    Engine and Transmission The Chinook is powered by two Avco Lycoming gas turbine

    engines. In the CH-47C the engines are the T55-L-11.each capable of producing 3,750 $haft horsepower. The output from these engines goes to a combining transmission which is located at the forward section of the aft pylon. From this combining transmission a shaft drives the aft transmission (that turns the aft rotors) and another, much longer shaft drives the forward transmission (and from there the forward rotors). When viewed from above the forward rotor moves anti-clockwise, the aft rotor clockwise. The danger areas from the hot exhaust gases of engines under power are shown in Figure 1.

    Born En9ln.S h e l o p i n g Militmry Power

    Figure I , Danger areas from the Chinooks engines.


    Engine Foilure Should an engine fail, both rotors continue to turn under power

    because the good engine is still drivina through the combining transmis- sion. Whether the aircraft will maintain altitude or not with one engine

    out will depend on a number of variables, for instance, the gross weight of the aircraft, the air temperature, the height of the aircraft above the ground. and whether it is hovering or in flight. However, in qos t conditions the Chinook will not only maintain altitude but have suffident power in hand to climb, though it may be necessary to jettison cargo to do this. For example, a CH-47C on one TSS-L.-I I engine, at a gross weight of 36,000 Ib', will maintain 2,000 feet above sea level on a hot day of 95F ( 3 5 C ) with one ensine shut down. Instead of landing from a hover. with cnly one engine opcratins. for safety reamns a run- ning landing is usually made.

    I This figure is. in fact, cnnwrvative. On tests in a hot climate the CH-47C at 44,000 Ib (which includes an external load of 20.lHK) Ib). at 1,XW feet altitude, 70 knots airspeed, 230 rotor RPM, climbed at 7W feet pr minute on1 one T55-L-I1engine.


    Figure 2. Danger area from the Chinooks auxiliory power unit.

    Hydraulic Systems Because of the weight of the rotor blades it is physically impos-

    sible for the pilot to alter their pitch (and so fly the aircraft) without some form of assistance. Therefore two, but separate, flight control hydraulic systems are installed. Hydraulics are so vital that the second system is there as a backup should the other fail. A utility hydraulic system, also separate from the two flight control systems, supplies hydraulic power to various components of the Chinook - to the engine starters, the ramp, wheel brakes, power steering (for use on the ground), cargo hook, the cargolrescue winch. All three systems operate at a pressure of 3,000 pounds per square inch.


    Auxiliary Power Unit

    The weights of the rotors and their transmissions, the electrical systems and the requirement for field operations, amongst other things, makes direct starting by a battery such as in smaller aircraft, for example, the Iroquois, impossible in the Chinook. For these and other reasons an auxiliary power unit (APU) is fitted. The APU is a small. 66-horse- power gas turbine engine and is mounted above the ramp. The APU is started by the aircrafts 24-volt battery and hydraulic power from the utility system and once the APU is running with the flight control hydraulic pressures and electrical systems on line. the engines can then be started and the APU shut down. The danger areas from the hot exhaust gases of the APU are shown in Figure 2.

    The Winch

    The APU is used to provide the hydraulic power for the 3,000-pound capacity winch. The winch has 150 feet of a inch cable and two reeling speeds are used - 20 feet per minute for cargo loading over the ramp, 100 feet per minute for hoisting. With pulley blocks, up to 12.000 pounds of cargo can be winched in at one time. The winch can be controlled from the cabin by the flight engineer or from the cockpit by the pilots. When the winch is in the hoist mode it is limited to 600 pounds and the cable is passed through the utility hatch - the hole in the floor of the cabin.

    The Cargo Hook

    The cargo hook is suspended beneath the centre of gravity of the Chinook - in the utility hatch. It can take 20,000 pounds though such an external load could be a rare event. Should the utility hydraulic system which operates the hook fail, the hook can be opened manually or pneumatically. The manual handle can only be operated by the flight engineer.

    Electrical System

    Alternating current is the primary source of power to operate the electrical and electronic equipment. 208V AC operates such things as some instruments, fuel pumps, vibration absorbers, the missile warm-up (originally the medium helicopter was designed to transport the Pershing missile); 1 ISV AC more instruments, speed trims, stability


    augmentation systems: 28V AC-instruments. The AC system after rectification provides 28V DC to operate components such as lights, boost controls, engine starting systems, engine trims (that is, turbine speeds) and radios. A 24V nickel cadmium battery supplies emergency Dc power (e.g., for the FM radio) and power for auxiliary power unit starting. As there are two generators and two rectifiers, complete electrical failure is uncommon.

    1-11., I O * . I

    Figure 3. Overall dimensions of the Chinook

  • 25



    Top Vlsw

    Cro" section

    Figure 4. Chinwk corgo compartment dimensions.


    Figure 3 shows the overall dimensions of the CH-47C (note how close a forward rotor blade could get to a man's head) and Figure 4 gives cargo compartment measurements.

    Flight Control Features

    Some of the necessary features of the Chinook which add to its cost in terms of initial purchase price and maintenance manhours are:

    Longifudinul cyclic speed friiu. Simply stated, this is a device that tilts the rotors forward after the aircraft reaches a certain speed and thus the aircraft remains about level in cruise flight. Were this not installed the aircraft would either be restricted to slow flight or a t faster speeds it would move through the air at a pronounced, nose down altitude which could over-stress the aft rotor system.

    Stahilify uugmentution sys twn . Two are fitted. The system provides stability about the three axes of the helicopter. In the jargon of the trade it is usually pronounced 'SAS', rarely spelt.


    Diflerential c o k t i v e pitch sped trim. This system automatically positions the pilots cyclic stick in relation to the forward speed of the Chinook.

    Pitch stability augmentation system. This electrical and gyro syslem improves speed and pitch (i.e.. nose up, nose down) stability.

    Functioning of Boric Controls As in other helicopters, the Chinook is controlled by changing the

    pitch of the blades collectively or individually. Both rotor dlscs tilt to the right for a right turn, to the left for a left turn. When the pilot moves the cyclic \tick forward to move from, for example, a hover to forward flight, the pitch of the forward rotor blades decreases and - ____ --


    i-l l .\ ; I r l J / t J

    A soldier prepares to hookup o load of artillery ammunition. Stencils neor the door gunner indicate thot this Chinook hos recovered seven


    simultaneously the pitch on the aft blades increases. The opposite action occurs when the stick is moved to the rear. This accounts for the nose low attitude that may be seen on take-off, the seemingly high nose attitude when approaching to a hover.

    When the left directional pedal is pressed, the forward rotor disc tilts left, the aft right. This causes the helicopter to turn left. The opposite occurs when the right pedal is pressed. This is how the


    Chinook is taxied with the forward wheels off the ground. Pedals are also required during certain phases of flight for directional control.

    General Handling Characteristics For 99 out of 100 hours the Chinook is a pleasant aircraft to

    fly either on instruments or in visual conditions, despite its relatively high noise level and. in some models, vibrations at certain speeds. That other one remaining hour is when things go wrong, and, of course, malfunctions dont only occur in Chinooks, but there are more things that can go wrong in them - hydraulic leaks for example. Pilots familiar with the approach speeds and attitudes of the Huey inlo a confined area may find the Chinook strange at first because of the different speed and the power that is available.

    The aircraft is not pleasant for trooping, though mercifully the journey should not be a long one. The noise level seems to he higher than that of the C 130. Soldiers working for some time around Chinooks are advised to wear earplugs and hookup men, of course, must wear goggles, earplugs and/or earmuffs.

    Loads When c a r p is to be carried external loads are preferred for two

    main reasons: first, it is far quicker to hookup a sling load and release it on a spot than to go through the hot and tiring business of loading, tying down and unloading in the cargo compartment. The second reason is one of aircraft safety. Should the Chinook lose an engine, the cargo on the hook can be jettisoned and a safe altitude maintained. With a heavy internal load, the only way is down.

    External loads are usually broken down into three major groups: Low density, for example, an empty corrugated water tank. Airspeed is limited with these loads because as airspeed is increased there is the danger that the load will stream aft and strike the underside of the fuselage. High density loads, for example, hags of cement. Usually cruise speeds -about 120 knots -can be maintained. Aerodynamic loads, for example, a recovered fixed wing air- craft. As such items tend to fly in the airsteam, their aero- dynamic properties must be destroyed. In a fixed wing aircraft this can be done by placing a plank on top of the wing. In addition a drogue chute with swivel Etting should be used.


    Landing Zones ( L Z )

    Should a Chinook have to land, ideally the LZ should be at least 35 yards wide and 100 yards long, with an obstacle clearance ratio of 1 in 10. There will be variations on this figure, both ways, depending on altitudes, temperatures, gross weights of the aircraft and wind strengths. If the ground is not level, upslope landings are preferred for several reasons: one reason being that in earlier Chinooks the main brakes work on ths forward wheels only. (The forward wheels touch ground first in an upslope landing).

    CH-47C ot rest with the ramp portly lowered. This aircroft h o i two T55-L-I I gas turbine engines, each capable of developing3,750 shaft horsepower under certain conditions. The hook has

    a 20,000 pound limitation.

    Water Operations

    As its fuselage is watertight the Chinook can be landed with a forward speed of up to 30 knots on water. Hovering to, taxi-ing on and take-off from water present no unusual difficulties. Water operations arc restricted to Sea Stale 2, which by way of interpretation means 7 to 10 knots wind, large wavelets, crests begin to break, scattered white-


    caps, the average heights of the wave less than one foot. At the moment night water operations are not permitted.

    Chinook Utilization and Employment Handbook

    The Chinook unit publishes this handbook for issue to users. Points such as loading, loading zones and water operations are covered in much greater detail than given here. Other subjects covered are: Desrription. Puratroopin,q. Resupply opwutions.

    Radim.Safety. Capnbilities atid limit- Night operutions.Preparation 4 l o i r d v .

    utions. Aircraft rerurery.C o n d m 4 1~10ve. un air,,,ove, b,xtruction.s. Pickup zone orguni.su- Amranrent.

    Typicrrl I(xrd.s. tion. Murslralling

    Dollars and Cents

    Helicopters are expensive pieces of machinery and big helicopters are very expensive to buy and operate. Perhaps for sA1.7 million you could buy one CH-47C ready to fly with a few radios and a voice security system. But that is hardly half of the story. To this must be added a ranze of spare parts (say for five years) to cover each aircraft programmed to fly perhaps 35 hours ti month. Expensive items such as rotor blades have set life -. 3,600 hours for the forward blades, 1.500 hours for the aft. Engines must be changed at 300 hours, though this figure may soon be amended to 600 hours, then eventually 1,200 hours. Other items which add to the cost per unit aircraft are work- shop equipments, rxtra hangarage, freight and overseas training.

    The maintenance manpower bill compared with simple helicopters such as the Iroquois i s relatively high -about 19 maintenance manhours per flying hour for the Chinook after the aircraft has been in service about three years.

    But in the long run, of course, these costs must be related to what such an aircraft means to the Army.

    The Word Chinook

    With perhaps a certain amount of unconscious irony US Army aircraft are named after Indian tribes. Websters Dictionary defines Chinook as any of the various Penutian tribes formerly inhabiting the Columbian River Valley. IJ

  • Education or Training:

    Is That The Question?

    Captain A. Sandery Royal Australian .4rniy Educational Corps

    W e a m are an importanl l a c t a in war, hut nod the decisive factor; it is people not things, that are decisive.

    -Mao Tsclung

    EDUCATION is an essential and expensive process for any nation, or for that matter. the armed forces or army of any nation. Professor Karmel (Vice Chancellor of Flinders University) has postulated that there are three important ways in which education impinges on the productivity of an economy:

    Through the skill of the whole work force.

    Through the ingenuity and inventiveness of technology and scientists.

    Through the knowledge and understanding of administrators.

    The effect is felt not only on the absolute volume of goods and services which the nation produces at any one time, but also on the annual rate of growth of that production.. .. A substantial educational etfort is both a cause and a result of the wealth of nations. Over 80

    Coprnin Sandery was commissioned in the Royal Aurtrulian Infanrry (CME-) in 1964 and appointed lieutmrrnr in the RAAEC in 1965. / l e is an Associrrte 01 the Univer.sily of Adeloidr in Airs and Edocarion and holdr U Diplontn n(Teaching from Warrle Purl. Teachers College. He has scrved ai rhe School of Milirory Engineering. PNG Training Depot, 2 PIR Wovak . RAEME Training Centre and H Q AFV (Force Education Ofiicer). Currently Caprain Sandery is an insrrucror at A H Q (Trg) and is responsible for the preparation of Audio Visual Training Aids. This paper was an entry in the 1969 AMF Goid Medal Essay Compelirfon.


    per cent of all expenditure on education comes from government sources. The decision to allocate more or less money to education is in the main a political decision, depending on the competing claims of health, defence, national development, etc. Australia compares un-favourably in expenditure on education with other countries'.' He concludes:

    Education is vitally important to our economy.

    The mechanism by which we allocate resources to education i s faulty.

    Our performance compared with other countries is unfavour- able.

    We ought to devote a higher proportion of our resources to education.*

    While it is not possible to apply these conclusions directly to military education, it does appear that increased expenditure in both financing, and research towards, military education is vitally important for efficiency and proper utilization of manpower and material resources.

    Professor Zelman Cowen (Vice Chancellor of Queensland University) has written that ' . .. the scientific and technoloeical develop- ments during and since World War 11 have revolutionized not only weapons, but also the associated communications and logistic support systems." He goes on to quote from an American statement, 'Advances . . .have created whole new occupations and skills within the armed forces. These new skills require more instructional programmes of increasing length and sophistication. The magnitude. complexity and cost of these programmes have become a matter of major concern to the services.. . . Senior service officers have been unanimous in identi-fying the need for trained people as their most serious problem."

    The need for a reassesment of educational or training efforts within the Australian Army can be firmly established because any


    1 P. H. Karrnel, Somc Economic Arprrrs of Edaculiun, pp. 1-17 condensed. 2 ibid.

  • single operation which costs so much and which is so important to the efficiency and functioning of the Australian Army deserves constant attention. The need for a reassessment of educational or training efforts within the Australian Army is firmly established. As Professor Cowen quoted from Alfred North Whiteheads declaration, The race which does not value trained intelligence is doomed,5 or as Sir Henry Bland (former Secretary of the Department of Defence) said, in the armed services, There is vast room for questioning anything that has been done, without change, for five years, and for imaginative thinking.

    In the Australian Army, little, if any, research has been conducted in the delineation of the areas of education and training. The navy too have not clearly delineated these areas. Their education officers are technical oficers/instructors, distinct from other officer instructors so qualified or so engaged. The air force however has moved towards a solution of this problem by amalgamaling the two areas and drawing no distinction between them. RAAF education is a part of training and a percentage of training is conducted by education officers.

    The army, with its longer standing traditions of educational or training efforts for its soldiers, has classed education as an Adjutant Generals Branch (personal services) and has functionally isolated it from training.

    The Australian Army Education Service was re-established in March 1941.8 Its aims were twofold:

    To make better soldiers by building and sustaining morale.

    To prepare personnel for their satisfactory re-absorption into civilian life.e

    3 ibid. 8 Sir Henry Bland, transcript of a film shown at the Joint Scrvicer Staff College

    on 27 January 1970 (unpublished). 7 For example: C. E. W. Bean, The AIF in Frtince 1918. O f i c i d History of AILS-

    trolia in the War of 19/4-18, Vol. VI. Outliner an education programme in oneralion in 1917.

    8 The Army War Eforr: 31 August 1944: Part XI Chapter 17: Army Education Service.

    8 ibid


    I t is because of these roles, morale and resettlement, that army education has been so long regarded as an A Service. These roles are however not the only ones which Army Education fills. A recruiting pamphlet for education oficers issued in 1964 states that the role of the RAAEC .. . is to administer, through the medium of education to the elliciency of the Australian Regular Army. It does this by develop- ing in the soldier those qualities on which his military skill is largely dependent - intelligence. sound morale and mental alertness, a task which involves a multiplicity of activities in education and its associated field. The Austrahn Army Neivs Feature, issued by the Minister for the Army, states that Members of the Royal Australian Army Educational Corps (RAAEC) provide the general education service in the Army. Their appointments may vary from teaching apprentices in Victoria to indigenous soldiers in Port Moresby, holding administrative appointments in Sydney or Canberra, or conducting Intermediate Exams in the windswept sand dunes at Vung Tau, South Vietnam.

    The most generally promulgated authoritative and current state- ment of the role of army education is to he found in the training pamphlet, Adminirlrutim in the F i d d (Non Divisionul) (1966) Chapter 9, Section 37. which states:

    The roles of the Army Education Service are

    a. To keep all ranks informed on current affairs and war aims.

    b. To arrange correspondence courses and pan-time civil school- ing for all ranks.

    c. To conduct courses of instruction and examination in the sub-jects appropriate to the various military educational standards.

    d. To provide such facilities as reading rooms, libraries, record libraries, and cultural and recreational activities of an eduea- tional nature as conditions permit.

    e. To conduct language training for selected personnel and assist in the instruction of Enslish to allied troops if required.

    10 A m y Recruiting Pamphlet for RAAEC Officers - 1964. Army N e w Feorare No. 3/69: Minister for the Army, p. 2.


    Advice on educational matters and technical control of educational resources is provided by the inclusion of a staff officer, education, on the Headquarters Communication 7xne. He has an assistant who may be used for training. The resources available within the communications zone consist of:

    Unit education officers within general hospitals, and assistant instructors within convalescent training depots, both provided to cater for patients being treated.

    An education unit consisting of a headquarters and up to four detachments, each of four instructors, for general deployment as required to fulfil the tasks outlined in the previous paragraph.

    To summarize, it seems clear that there is a need for a new approach to the training and education relationship within the army and a meaningful reassessment of their roles, because:

    The education/training relationship in the Australian Army has remained static for not five years but nearly thirty years.

    There is a need for more specialists in the Australian Army for the reasons stressed by Professor Cowen.

    There is en economical need to revise our ideas on education and training for the reasons stressed by Professor Karmel.

    Many people in the Australian Army are unaware of the importance of education as a process and education as a corps. This is revealed in the various definitions and lack of definitions of the role of the RAAEC and in the current de- emphasizing of the RAAEC function in training, as highlighted by the recent lowering, and in some cases removal, of the educational requirements for promotion of other ranks.

    Other armies however have tackled the problem of education and training by delineating their areas and their functions. In respect of the areas of education and training, one US publication states, A number of instructional authorities distinguish between training and education. For use in deriving instructional objectives, the following distinction is proposed: Whether the context is for training depends on the specificity of the work performance situation from which the objective was derived.

  • learning experiences contained in the course.12 With respect to the functions of education and training, The United

    States Army does not have a military unit or corps charged with responsibility for civilian type education services such as those carried by your Royal Australian Army Education Corps or the equivalent organization in the British Army. Instead, Department of the Army has established a general educational development program, staffed and directed by professional civilian educators. Courses of study are designed to raise the educational level of military personnel to the minimum goals established for enlisted men or commissioned officers.

    Educational objective for enlisted men has been defined as com- pletion of high school or its equivalent. For commissioned officer personnel, completion of a baccalaureate degree is listed as the minimum level of education desired. In addition to assisting in the achievement of these academic levels, the general educational development program also provides instruction which is related to military occupation specialities. Other areas of instruction which are of functional import- ance for the servicemans career are included.

    There are approximately 300 professional personnel who direct and administer the program throughout Department of the Army.

    I 11 Harry L.Ammeman, The Derivorion. Analysis and Classification of Insrruc-1 lional Objecrives, et a1 USAD 633474 May 1966.


    Pd., C.-.,d LxonhI I I I ow? Dl t.Fl-7 r+d" o r n Of C f S T ot DEPl 01 DEW of Mllllbm n-"s

    NA"" *R*" AIR 5"SPL" h r n " C *TR*IN,NG

    I ' I I.-d I-*

    IL I


    Education centers are authorised for military posts or installations which have a military assigned troop strength of 7.50 or

    These two statements disclose a dichotomy of levels of the educa- tion and training relationship within the US Army. On one level, the function of education and training, the general educational development programme. staffed by civilians, caters for advancement in both personal educational standards and in certain military areas, thus effectively combining education and what would be called training in the Australian Army. On the other level, the areas of education and training, these terms are seen as representing the two ends of a continuum and most military instructional programmes would contain both types of objectives. Although a dichotomy of levels has been disclosed, education and training are not functionally isolated as in the Australian Army.

    It would appear from these American statements and from the various appointments held by education oflicers in the Australian Army that education and training should not be distinguished and that while education can be less specific than training, it is an essential ingredient of the overall aim of maintaining an efficient army and Education, as a corps, has this function and other non-training functions to fulfil. As the Director of Army Education has said, Perhaps the lines between training and education are more blurred than our professional pride cares to recognize, but in broad terms, it is probably valid to say that training is more defined and limited in its objectives than ed~ca t ion . ~ However, the most successful compromise would seem to he to picture training as a part of education in concept and as a process, but to include educa- tion as a part of training within a military function. Illustrated are two outline organizations which include this proposal.

    These proposals would not only clear up the present mystery in the Australian Army between education and training but they would also utilize to the best elfect our resources of manpower and material which is, economically, a vitally necessary move, and they could solve the problem of the shortage of specialists in the army by providing training programmes where the need is greatest - within the army.

    1 2 Personal lener from Major General J . C . Lambert, Adjufant Gencral I O May 1%6.

    1 4 Brigadier E.C. Ciould, Introduclary lellrr 10 RAAEC Members, 30 June 1966.


    I am tired of hearing that the hope of my country lies in my generation. If you give me the same indoctrination as a child, how can you expect me to be any different from you?

    Not only have the educational aspects of training been trodden down by the inertia of thirty years inactivity, lack of research and liaison, but the training aspects of education have also lapsed. Fortunately. not all countries have allowed this to happen. The Swiss Government have distributed the Swiss Civil Defence Manual free to every house in Switzerland. Whoever wants to preserve peace must be ready to resist any threat. For Switzerland, vigilance and readiness have been constant necessities. that is, in every epoch. They are today. . . the preparation is not only external, it is also consciousness of all the possible dangers.le The book goes on to devote the last 100 or so pages of its 300 pages to Psychological Warfare.

    Education may be indoctrination, as in guerilla type warfare. Che Guevera said, The important thing. that which must never be neglected in a school for recruits is indoctrination; this is important because the men arrive without a clear conception a s to why they come, with nothing more than very diffuse concepts about liberty, freedom of the press, etc., without any clear foundation whatever.. It should also be something morz: Reading should be encouraged at all times, with an effort to promote books that are worthwhile and that enlarge the recruits facility to encounter the world of letters and great national problems. Further reading will follow as a vocation; the surrounding circumstances will awaken new desires for understanding in the soldiers. This result will be produced when, little by little, the recruits observe in their routine tasks the enormous advantages of men who have passed through the school over the remainder of the troops, their capa-city for analysing problems, their superior discipline, which is another of the fundamental things that the school should teach.8 Using the words of Sir Henry Bland, I see the need for many changes: The need to induce a new community evaluation of our Armed Forces which

    16 The Schools that Id Like, Penguin Educnrion Special, (unnamed 15 year-old girl).

    16 Neutral Swisr have a little red book, The Canberra Times, 23 January 1970. 1 7 Che Guevera, Cucniln Wartere, Penguin. 8s ibid.


    will produce more lively response from Its young men. Seniority. which is only one aspect of orthodoxy, needs to be banished to the small place it has in our public service and in industry where the top posts go to the best equipped, irrespective of age. Remember that if things remain as they are, the situation of the services relative to other sectors of our community won't even be maintained: it will decline.'"' 0

    Man is and will remain the essential element in war. Men, no1 machines, win or lose the hattle. Machines cannot wage war; they can only increase the elTeutiveness of man. The imparlance of the individual increases with the complcxity ,of the weapons he must employ. The imparlance of the man will increasc until we reach the stage of having weapons which can think and improvize:which can meet reverser with resolution; and which can match hardship and danger with devotion and courage, and carry on to final victory. There is no such machine on the horizon.

    -General Lyman L. Lemnitzer. US Army (Retired).

    18 Bland. op. cif.

  • The Sioux Wars, 1854-91

    Stuff Cadet C . D. Clark

    Many, if not moat,of our Indian wars have had their origin in hrokcn promismand acts of injustice CUI our part.

    -Rutherford B. Hayes (1877) (Nineteenth President of the United States of America).

    IT is difficult to consider the Sioux wars in the United States as worthy of any serious study. To most people today, the Indians remain those undy- ing if often-killed favourites of American entertainment and our minds are forever dominated by the image of hordes of yelling braves, bedecked in feathers and war-paint, galloping around a circle of wagons amid the crash of gunfire and volleys of arrows. In presenting Indian warfare in this manner Hollywood has rendered history a great disservice, for romanticism has tended to ohscure the realities of a unique period in Americas past. The aim of this paper i s to study an early example of irregular or guerilla warfare in which Americans were involved. Before looking at the problems confronting the United States Army and the reasons for the final defeat of the Sioux, the major battles and incidents of the wars are briefly sketched and their significance discussed.

    Significance of the Sioux r a m Of all the conflicts between whites and Indian, the wars on the

    Great Plains of the American mid-west were the biggest, the bloodiest, and militarily the most interesting. The thirty tribes who lived the nomadic existence of trailing the great buffalo herds were the last to taste the bitterness of inevitable defeat before a prodigious flow of settlers. Following the Lewis and Clarke expedition across the continent in 1804-06. the area between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains had been dubbed the Great American Desert. land unfit for white habitation. Consequently settlers developed the two coastal

    Sraf Coder Clnrk, of Vicrorio. is ~1 second year A n r srudenr in rhe F m d r yof Milirory Srirdirs, Uiiiversiry o/ N S W . ar rhe Royal Milirory Collrge, Dtmrroo,t. and lras previously conrribured io Army Journal. This paper wos reod 10 rhe Rndges Soc i r l y . of :he RMC on 28 Augurr.

  • THE SIOUX WARS, 1854-91 41

    regions, ignoring the vast open, seemingly barren, ranges of the high plains until soon after the end of the civil war, when the myth was dispelled. When the plains tribes saw their lands diminishing with alarming rapidity, their reaction was completely predictable; proud and warlike people. they used force to keep the invaders out.

    Although the tribes of the plains were better equipped and had more advantages than other tribes who had previously resisted the white encroachment, history proved their struggle too to be futile. In general the wars with the plains Indians were more mopping-up opera- tions than major contests, and diseases such as cholera, measles and influenza took a heavier toll of the tribes than did deaths sustained in battles. The United Slates Army was never in any condition to reduce the recalcitrant tribes by pure military might alone, and the subjugation of the plains Indians was only achieved through the adoption of other means, discussed later in this paper.

    That the Indian wars were an important phase in the development of Americas west there can he little doubt, but we may well ask what made the Sioux wars so distinctive. We are given a clue in Garratys comment that Custers Last Stand will be remembered as long as Gettysburg or Pearl Harbor. Although Sioux tactics did not markedly differ from those of peighbouring tribes. at least until 1876, they achieved the greatest and most spectacular successes against the army. Because they succeeded in winning hattles - although they were inevitably losing the war - the Sioux earned the grudging respect of Americans, civilian and soldier alike. It had been the Sioux who had kept the plains in a constant state of turmoil and terror for over twenty years, causing commanders such as Terry, Crook, Custer, Miles and Sheridan, to be pitted against the greatest Sioux leaders: Crazy Horse. Red Cloud. High-Rack-Bone, Gall, and the most enismatic figure of all. Sitting Bull. And, when it came time for the conquerors to memorialize the people they had destroyed, it was the Sioux warrior, the scourge of the wild west. who best fitted the concept of the noble savage. The Sioux were hated and dreaded, yet their skill and courage in battle earned them the grudging respect of their adversaries. They were considered among the finest of all the Indian tribes encountered by the whites2

    I I. A. Garraty, Thc Americmt Norion. (Ncw York 1966). p. 472. a J. T. Adarnr (ed.), Dicrioriury of Anwricnn History, Vol. V, (New York 1940).

    p. 85.


    Significantly it was the Sioux who, in 1868, emerged victorious from the Red Cloud war which had been raging for two years. The American Government acceded to Sioux demands that the Bozeman Trail (see fig. I ) be closed and the forts protecting the trail be abandoned. making this, as Ryan comments, the first and only peace treaty dictated on the terms of an enemy who had beaten them in their own country. On occasions however, other events helped give the Sioux wars a signifi-cance greater than perhaps was deserved. Although the defeat of the Seventh US Cavalry at the Little Big Horn on 25 June 1876, with the deaths of General C w e r and nearly three hundred men of the regiment, was the worst reverse the army had suffered at the hands of the Indians, there can he little doubt that the shock to the American public was greatly magnified by the fact that the news of the catastrophe came right when all America was celebrating a hundred years of progress and achievement since independence with a great Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. The press coveraxe the Little Big Horn received was greater therefore than it might otherwise have warranted, and the feelings of humiliation suffered by Americans gave the incident an exaggerated importance in the nations history.

    Brief History of the wars Much of the Sioux success can be attrihuled to their numbers, as

    they were the largest single tribe on the plains, embracing an estimated fifly thousand people in a loose confederation of numerous hands. A second important factor can be discerned through the history of the Sioux. Originally they had inhabited territory around the southern end of Lake Superior and here, from the early 1600s. they were at constant war with the neighbouring Chippewa.: When their enemies were supplied with firearms by the French. the Sioux were steadily driven west (see fig. I). into territory claimed by other tribes. In the resulting wars the

    3 Major M. J. Ryan, A Good Day To Die, Australian Army Journol, No. 237, beoruary 1%Y. p. 36.

    4 The Sioux can be divided into three main groups: the Santm or Eastern Sioux of the upper Mississippi and Minnesota rivers: the Yankton and Yanktonais of eastern South Dakota; and the western Sioux, the Tetans, of the high plain6 -the Ogllalas, Hunkpapas (Uncpapas), Minneconjous, Brules, Sans Arcs, Two Kettle and Blackfeet (as distinct from the olhcr plains tribe also known as the Blackfeet).

    5 The name Sioux dater from these wars. Actually an abbreviation of the Chippewa word Nadowessioux, the name meant snake, that is enemy.The Sioux called themselva allies - Lakota in Teton. Dakota in Sante, and Nakota in the Yankton dialect.

  • THE SIOUX WARS. 1854-91 43

    Sioux were victorious, and between 1780 and 1830 they moved out onto the plains. Thus from an early stage, the Sioux had been forced to fight for their existence, and with warfare such a constant element in their lives, necdless to say they developed great skill in the art.

    The Sioux had been people of the forests and lakes, but once on the plains they adopted the way of life and culture of the nomadic butfalo-hunting plainsmen. Both through trade and through raids, the Sioux acquired the horse, and mounted on stocky ponies (decenddnts of horses originally brought to the New World by the Spanish), the Sioux found themselves pssessed of mobility never before experienced. When Americans came into contact with the Sioux and other tribes of the Great Plains - notably the Cheyenne and the Arapaho - they found them- selves facing a new kind of foe, one that was aggressive, geared to a life of war, and possessing great mobility.

    The IJS Army first clashed with the Sioux at the so-called 'Grattan Massacre'O of 19 August 1854, when a party of thirty soldiers from Fort Laramie, under Lieutenant John Grattan, were killed when they demanded payment for a $ 1 0 cow slaughtered by a Sioux brave. Al-though Grattan appears to have been quite unreasonable and antagonistic towards the Sioux, and the Indians to be somewhat justified, the army avenged the incident with the near annihilation of a whole village at Ash Hollow in September of thc following year. Such incidents on a smaller scale were frequent, but the army was able to exercise consider- able control over the frontier. Minor outbreaks such as the Spirit Lake Massacres' were usually the work of hot-heads and although they posed no military threat, they served to greatly embitter relations between the white settlers and the Sioux.

    The influence of the army was removed from the frontiers in 1861 however, when the nation became involved in tearing itself apart from within during a bloody civil war. Until the end of the war in 1865, the whole lndian population of the plains became restless and settlers along the frontier became uneasy. Already the process of dispossessing the

    14 It is curious to note that all Sioux victories are termed 'massacres', for example,Minnesota Massacres (1862). the Felterman Massacre (IRh6) and the Custer Massacre (1876) among othcru, while all US victories are called 'battles'. One exception is the hghl at the Rosebud Creek (IR76). and both sides claim it as a victory

    7 Between March 1-13, 1857, thirty-cight men, women and children wcre killed and five women carried off in raids on six cahins on the Okoboji Lakes and Spirit Lake, Iowa, hy a few Sioux renegades under Inkpaduta (Scarlet Tup).


    Sioux of their lands through treaties was well advanced, and in Minnesota the Santee Sioux had been deprived of their hunting grounds with promises that the Government would provide for them. With the Government distracted by the war, grafters and corrupt agency officials had a free hand and the treaty obligations to the Sioux were not observed in 1862. Rather than face the prospect of starvation during the coming winter, the Santee under their chief Little Crow, struck out in desperation and Minnesota became submerged in a blood-bath

    lasting about six weeks, during which time some five hundred settlers died. The army hurriedly concentrated troops and ruthlessly crushed the uprising. At Mankato on 26 December 1862. thirty-eight Sioux were hanged as ringleaders, President Lincoln having commuted the sentences of all but these out of over three hundred. By far the most important consequence of the uprising, was that between 1863-65 expcdi- tions were sent in pursuit of Santee fugitives. These expeditions pursued their quarry out onto the plains, stirring up the Teton hands until by 1865 the whole Sioux nation was hostile. They joined in an alliance with their former enemy, the Cheyenne - an alliance which was to remain firm until after the victory at the Little Big Horn - and partici- pated in such actions as the Platte Bridge Fight of 26 July 1865.

  • THE SIOUX WARS, 1854-91 45

    With the Sioux up in arms, movement along the Bozeman Trail became hazardous, and in an effort to protect trafic the army erected three forts: Phil Kearney, Reno and C. F. Smith. This action provoked a full-scale war with the Sioux, led by the Ogllala Sioux chief, Red Cloud. The forts were kept under virtual siege, and it was duriny this so-called Red Cloud war that three major actions occurred - the Fetterman Massacre (21 December 1866). the Hayfield Fight (1 August 1867) and the Wagon-Box Fight (2 August 1x67). These clashes added weight to the suggestions of the peace faction in Washington that it would he cheaper to feed than to fight the Sioux. and a peace treaty was concluded at Fort Laramie in 1868 complying with Sioux demands for the closure of the Bozenian Trail.

    A general lull in fighting followed the signing of the treaty, hut incidents were frequent and the peace was an uneasy one at best. When Lieutenant-Colonel George Armstrong Cusler, the Boy General of civil war fame, was ordered through the Black Hills - the Pah-uipa (sacred hills) of the Sioux - on a survey of likely sites for forts, subsequently discovering gold, open warfare was asain a threat. Al-though the army ;ittempted to have the boundaries of the huge Sioux reservation observcd hy miners, the cordon was too thin and the task proved impossible. The Sioux were aroused. The whites were clearly not observing the 1x68 treaty: the miners fouled the streiims and drove off the bulralo. Starvation threatened the Sioux, and hunting parties began leaving the reservation. To oficials in Washington the attitude of the Sioux was menacing, and the whole situation appeared to be getting out of hand.

    In an incredible piece of stupidity, the Bureau of Indian Aflairs, instead of employing the utmost tact and discretion, issued an ultimatum for the Sioux to return to their reserves hy 31 January 1876. The chiefs simply replied that they were too busy. The expiry date passed, and the army prepared to act against the hostiles. General Sheridan in Chicago issued orders for a massive three-pronyed drive to be made against what were believed to be small bands somewhere south of the Yellowstone River, and in between the Big Horn and Rosebud.

    Sec E. I. Stewart, C!wrrs I ,uck, (Norman, Okla. 19SS). p. 62. The expdi t ion was certainly not. as m e account has it, to rcliecc the boredom of Custcrs troops who had heen snowbound during the long winter.

    8 ibid., p. 77.


    The southern column under General Crook was first to discover that this would be no normal Indian campaign. Instead of small hunting parties, Crook's force of fifteen hundred men was stopped cold by an equal force of Sioux at the Rosebud. In an amazing six-hour battle over a sprawling battlefield, five miles by two, the Indians inflicted heavy loss on Crook while sustaining relatively light casualties themselves. Crook, who had been confident of beating any Sioux he found, was stunned and shaken, and with many wounded, and short on supplies and ammunition, he retired from the campaign.

    In later years Crook was to claim that since the Sioux had left him in possession of the battlefield he had won the battle, but Vaushn says:

    . , . i t seems clear that the Indians won the battle for they succeeded in keeping the army away from their camp and prevented C r w k from joining Terry and Custer in the concencd action against them . .. [and]with Crook out of action Custer was an easy prey far the Indians."'

    Nine days later, on 25 June, Custer's Seventh Cavalry also suffered defeat, in even more spectacular fashion. In a battle which still remains a raging controversy, Custer's immediate command of five companies, just over two hundred men, was annihilated."

    Historians remain divided over where the blame should lie; some accuse Custer of rashness, others accuse Custer's subordinates, Reno and Benteen, with cowardice. Too few have realized that the 1876 campaign was a departure from the usual pattern of Indian warfare. and that there are numerous extraordinary factors evident at the Little Big Horn fight'?, so that the dehLle can not be entirely explained away in ternis of bad generalship. As one account comments, Custer 'seems

    10 1. W. Vaughn. h d i o n Fiphls: I ~ C W fncrs on .sewn encotinlcr.~,(Norman. Okla., 1966). p. 144.

    I * The Seventh Cavalry suRered 264 men killed i n the Battle of thc Lillle Big Horn. but o n l y 202 of there died with Custcr. See map of graves. W.A. Graham, The .

  • THE SIOUX WARS, 1854-91 47

    to have ridden into something that no white man would have believed possible. .. the chiefs had concentrated at least 2,500 warriors. perhaps 4,000, the largest Indian army ever assembled at one time in the United States. These warriors were better armed than any Indian army had ever been and possessed a seemingly inexhaustible supply of ammunition. Army intelligence had failed to realize the danger, and the columns were operating virtually blind, unable to communicate with each other.

    The army hunted down the Sioux and Cheyenne responsible for the Custer battle, and they were either forced to surrender. massacred, or chased into exile in Canada. By 1877 the Sioux wars were practically over. The final episode came with the Ghost Dance scare of 1890. The Sioux. clutching at any straws of hope that the old life could be restored, turned to a ceremony imported from the Paiute. The ritual. originally started in a peaceful spirit, became a symbol of revenge and victory over the whites and promised the coming of a Messiah and a new world.* Army attempts to put down what they feared would start a full-scale uprising led to the murder of Sitting Bull, and the whole situation, called by some the Messiah War$, ended finally in a bloody tragedy at Wounded Knee Creek on 29 December 1890. Bands of fugitives surrendered in January of the following year and the subjuption of the Sioux was complete.

    I Problems Confronting the US. Army In giving such a brief account of the wars, it cannot he easily

    appreciated how difficult the task of the military in fact was. Westward expansion after the civil war had met with the most bitter and deter- mined resistance yet encountered on the frontier. It was Sheridan, one of the most distinguished cavalry generals of the civil war, who ranked the Sioux as the tinest light cavalry in the world. The problem lay in the fact that in the immediate post-war yearb, the army found itself divided on several fronts, allowing an effective concentration on none. While the Sioux raided across five states, Fenians, members of a brotherhood of Irish nationalists, were disrupting Canada and posing a

    1 s R. N. Current, T. H. Williams, F. Freidcl, American History: A Survey,(New York 1967). p. 512.

    14 Eugene Rachlis. lndianr of rlie Piuins, (New York 1960). p. 114. 1 5 For the befit account of the M c d a h War, see R. M.Utley, Thr Los! Duys

    of rlir Sioux Nnrinn. (New Haven 1963).

  • i


    potential threat to the US. and in the south a French-backed empire. under the Austrian archduke Maximilian, existed in Mexico and, it was feared, was in sympathy with the but-recently vanquished Confederacy, which also had to be garrisoned by the Army.

    Despite the great military strength of the two opposing armies during the civil war, there were insufficient troops to deal with the Indians in post-war years. After four years of bloodshed the American people were sick of fighting and of armies, and Congress be- came anti-militaristic and parsimonious. By August 1866 over a million men had been mustered out of service so that by the end of the year barely 10,000 men remained in uniform. The army remained in a very depressed condition; the life was hard and dangerous and in the post- war years all ranks were receiving less pay than in the years before the War. With little hope of expansion of the services, there was little hope of promotion, and consequently while the rate of recruitment was low the desertion rate was high. although these rates were reversed during periods of economic difficulty. There was little concern for the lot of the soldicr and, as Weigley points out, public fears for the soldiers safely ensendered by reverses, such as the Little Big Horn, were soon forgotten.fi

    The problem was therefore to make inadequatc numbers spread over as wide an area as possible. In 1869, the army was scattered over some two huntlrcd 2nd fifty posts. and this was to create great problems. With large distances between posts which were often manned only by small garrisons. junior oHicers often found themselves in charge and away from the immediate guidance of superiors. Great distances meant supply was dilticult, as was the maintenance of communications. This last factor was crucial, because with the Sioux so mobile it became hard to keep trace of the movements of war parties. Still, despite the seemingly insurmountable problems, the army was remarkably successful and suffered surprisingly few reverses. The main danger was one of a defeat in detail. where the Sioux were able to concentrate enough war- riors to wipe out an army detachment, such as the Fetterman Massacre.

    The government itself was uncertain as to how it should deal with the Sioux, and ludicrous situations resulted. Settlers along the frontier demanded the army protect them from the Sioux, but when the army complied. the bleeding heart faction in the east branded them butchers

    $ 6 R. F. Weigley, The Hisrory of flie Uniled Sfmm Army. (New York 1%7), p. 271.

  • 49 THE SIOUX WARS. 1854-91

    of innocents. Similarly, while the army diligently tried to stop Sioux incursions, the Bureau of Indian AAairs was supplying the Indians with rifles and ammunition. ostensibly for hunting purposes. Custer com-plained. somewhat sarcastically, that the Indians were being supplied with

    either a breech-loading rifle or revolver, sometimes with both the~~ latter obtained through the wise foresight and strong love 01 fair play which prcvails i n the Indian Department, which, seeing that its wards arc determined to lieht. is eauallv determined that thcre shall be n u advantage taken, bucthat thetwo sides ;hall he armed alike; proving. too. in this manner the wonderful liberality of our Government, which not only is able to furnish its soldiers with the latest improved style o f hrecch-loaders la defend it and themselves. hut is equally able and willing to give the same pattern of arms tn thcir common foe. The only dilference is. that the soldier. i f he loses his weapon. is charged double price far i t ; while to avoid making any such charge against the Indian. hir weapons are given him without conditions attached.1;

    The mobility of the Sioux created other problems tno, since, in typical guerilla style, they carefully avoided the set-piece battle unless, as in 1876, i t suited them. The Sioux werc operating over familiar ground against an enemy who found it difficult to collect accurate intelli, nence or make adequate reconnaissance, conditions ideally suited lo the Sioux tactics of ambush and hit-and-run. In 1876 the army believed it was operating against only a few hundred Sioux, whereas in reality over 28,000 Indians werc ahsent from the reservations. meanins there were possibly up to 6,000 warriors ready to fight.

    Since the Sioux were an elusive enemy, able to strike rapidly at p i n t s many miles apart, the brunt of the fifhlins fell on the twelve cavalry regiments, the hest of which was the Seventh. Artillery, on the occasions when the problem it created for mobility could he overcome, proved useful, and Gatling guns also were of great value, althoufh they too created problems. Mounted on gun-carriages and drawn by condemned horses, the Gatlings were much too heavy and slow to accompany cavalry.! Custer had declined the offer of a battery of them before setting out for the Little Big Horn, and his judgement proved sound whzn they lagged far behind the second column under General Terry.

    Infantry was never a deciding factor in the Sioux wars. as the foot soldiers, or walk-a-heaps as the Indians called them, were too slow to worry the mounted warriors. There was however. another


    factor involved. Whereas the inaccurate cavalry carbines had a range of six hundred yards, the infantry were equipped with the 'Long Tom' which possessed a range of a thousand yards. The Sioux feared and carefully avoided these accurate weapons and this probably explains why, at no stage in the Battle of the Rosebud. was Crook's infantry in trouble.

    The majority of the cavalry officers had seen action in the civil war, and had to adjust their ideas to the guerilla-style conflict waged by the Sioux. The ranks of the companies included large numbers of inexperienced and untrained troopsZ", and consequently it was often found that the Sioux were better shots than the ordinary trooper. Fire control was also very bad, an important factor as it would certainly have compensated in some measure for the fact that the Sioux were often better armed, having bought rifles from gun-runners. Certainly a decisive factor at the Little Big Horn was the excellent rifles possessed by the Sioux, and the inferior cartridges used by the troopers which jammed their weapons. Overcoming the Problems

    As a counter to the mobility of the Sioux, railways proved invalu- able, as they facilitated the movement of supplies and troops in all weather, enabling the army to operate at times when the Indians were snowed in. Artillery pieces could now be swiftly moved up once the location of the hosti