,Aa7i.iht tri.ii«.cti.itiPaJkhatV,8aoTy.ofgunernlFREBMANbn-ineaa. hUSCOX,PWt I. O. al'O. Wo.Tl Pral...

V«- XV.N* 4,043. new-york, thursday, march 6. i85c. price two cEirra. ,<EW YORK TRIBÜNE. ffjK NRW.VORK DAILY 1 H111 i M; I. PuBUtiitB KVFRt MORNING .ku KVPNIiO, i^uiuv tic arms.) It 0 R K I ,1 T fc MtELRATR. ¦ tub Tinrxi mNW,CilJlll or stttav tan travel avatar*, orro'ira -Mr citt kill, \mtesUvered to CWf Hubserir«-'. it '( rent, per we+k. Sint.. jft,«e«,Two Out., Mail Sgbsrr, 'rn, m<\ pe» an ,um, Bu e*l- i. Far tit u.o-.tL. I I,..'.tut, »i THE NrnA'-VOKK WKKKI.V TRIRI'NR. Ia VKIY LARGE '-ASVK FOR THE COUNTRY, fcpirtiafced every favvantV MoaaiBG at the low price «f SI an BBarssa, t e.faaa*e. Tbi. * Capias *1 *>i; Fire OaaAaa for §1; Tanfoiaw for #1?; a id paper la it -x> aaaw .:onr.r .»*d be¬ yond tha can* for wh..-h it It pa d. Advernei-ient. for tb't ober' »lllae charted HEVENTY-rfrE CCMTi fKH LINK Ajr eav h rrart-r».-. Tilf: PJBBI wllll ¦ TRIBI'JUt k) pa.faS.li«d every TVKtoar Mai faiDar Moawau. Price #1 7 wo t «Flu*. f<» a^i Ki»r t'optes for i'H 2 V Ad- I la, 10 caaa.it a lii>« for «seit tutartiuu. TIM NKw.YOKK 'I ItIKl -SH for t: crop Kan 0 IB CD latioM H pt.Mi.heat no tf.e depem.ee of each Mail Steamer for I, r»rpoo| at »Vi per anbam, pnetes» included. Single Copies, Six Cent*. I III M'H-l ORK THIBl'IB OK CALIFORNIA, () R K, O O If AND THE H Ah. W I ( II ISLAND!), ihilohad oa the dt par-ore of each Mail Steamer for Aipln- at t>i to per ani.uui. au gl» Casass, Sit Cssta. V. Special Xoiicco. I.irtcrr. e.f tin- wl nrk Yoitag Men'. I'hrU- rtari Aewtrf-ltiiiaoii. lie t lecturer tbi b>t JOIIM LCii.l». wii. «. v aCrtarss t Y. .<. l.rcture.o. THE GREAT rA'Hir.H- Of THE Ki( I. IH ARB KG-111 ( ENTJillEd, at tie Cba'rb of the Punrane, I no.u-a iuare. at follow.: MONDAY. Marrh 10-Si < hrvaoeIran (Orator). THI UbDAY, Mart I. l.'f- Si Jcmme iMonk MONDAY, March 17.fit Ambrose (Prelate). Tl I RADAI M»-rh*)-St. Anrnsti.ie (Theologian). MONDAY, Mtrcb 21-St. Loo (Fops). Tickets < r i'O the Course; Ladies' Tickets *t) to bo ob- oaner1 at ibc Broadway booksmrra gene- iiy, at tu« Library of t>t Aoocialioi:, and at the door Lector.* to eouiineuce at . eVb'k p. is (aarjaatoa to a tingle lecture Ml cento. K I-- Mri-.lx-. ' T.raets -.elf price) to be obtained of the Librarian. ' HARLJ B HELD] N I h';, Lor.. 1 or.iru.lte.r. I'r.MiAlyo fnlrnl I.act um. Tl.. K. v. \V II MIL It RN wlU deiner hit lart UotaiabeBurpfrAaaBooth to the Fleet tl. M. E < burch or. FRIDAY EVENING, March 7. Subjr.t ." Maiuit li the Wilderueat or tbe Old Preacher, and thru Plea, bins " Dotue 0|ien or < o'clock. Tickets J> ceuts, rail niiaUaaal» oil! f miinia ai ill Tli >kh \ BBTUURBDAa LVK.NI.no. March 6,18V. Hubfoc : MONEY AM) LOVBj A COM TRAST. A 1'oatkal Lecture of Ltumor and Satire. DooraofOO at 7 ; Lecture lo OSSBBSBBMo at 8 o'clock. Tb keta 3f> rents each, tray or i laiaed ar tbe principal South Brooklyn Mu.ic and Bookttori a t librarian ol tbe A the *-i .. and at kbe d..< r. 1 lie Rrv. l-.iauiii rauaa at BavWaofc. Csaaa.. will Aaaivci the .aax Lecti re ' uns lieforo THE YofJNG Hat H't ASMM IAÜO.N .Ith. I WSUItS » tt. CmaregaMonal Church in tOtb-t ,1.001 J.b a- .,041 T IJL it-SDAY KVXMaRO of iLm mi a. I Kolyret: "The Hiet'- and CaJStaro ol Qaaboc.fta Religious t. 0 Fatarlotl ladaaanoa spot this Country." Lett-ire l«» coin- an< nee at 8 o'< lo< k. Tickets Ji cents. AlKuriaiinii ai i xiinpi Pin-men. i0 m abarawtl !>!.*.. ai.. ola No 21 aUiaobotn-at, oBkeo ci tbo I.ni f Engineer, ati 1 HVRBD4 V, I b u^t., at 1| p. as., aar the ir,*a<. ..1 n,.y laa tar at tribute oi rc-, a 'o cut late aa»ociate Mr. 11 K.IK 1 4. MANSFif- U>. U. W. WHEELER, K. M. Varies Enaim- ( na.puny Na. D..Aellre aiel Honorary bi.i. leitol I.. abi.M ( niO| tu.y ate mquetrod to meet at tlaair I,. ...e 11 Til. If mm ^ ,.. Ii in.i..at 12 oVIock. lor Ifca WOllltO Ct a'telMliog t».e»Kuueral cf i -ir de<essed ilro-Jier, HKNKY S. HANSFiEi.il. WILLIXM UORHAJI, Foaaaaaa. Jonv C. Ctaau,ftasrrtary. ..'laic HatTlc Iti-lvar-en "»liiv<r» mil Irri'doiri- W hut *unH list North llo f" at a La ataaa aa dellrcred br tbe Kav, PHKODoRJE Pakkkk .( Lotion,at iL« Taberna. «, Oil XUDRSDAT EVEN I.all, aiarci. c, at t o'cl.*k. dfaifarrrii ¦ a ata M tt-iiil' \\ ard Kllltitot o nml Ilmi.-Uoii t'lnl»,- It. A<> nri ed Me. ting ol tbit l lul. wilt be bei-'1' Botanic Hall. Bo. WJ Baal Broadway, oa I UI RBDAl IVBNINO, Naicb 6, at 71 o". !ork._ II aertoi a deablog tbe . loetioa of Fill- %u re a: d Deto laon. without .'.l.tlnrtion of party, are invltei to ¦Utn.i and 0«a ..me mou.beit ol 'be Clak. ZÖPI1AB MILLB, Preddent. 01 o. A. bui MM.ilAM j QAMR ETI BHAIMTED, > \ic« Pntideutt. RICUARil barnaby, ) WlLtlav D. i.irwt. litaaurer. lOMl an P. I'.aKki.w, Corrstpoaidlng Secre'trr.' i _ (7adT*raftt of N>v»«Tarfe »Irtlli-.tl I;.-,»¦. t-rtra.-rf. Tbe Anno il t oramei eo< lent I the MeatM al llei.ar'ment of the latatrthy Will he bold on FRIDAY RVKNINtl, Ma-ci. 7, at it (i. el, in the l°h«| .¦! of tha I orrorall.-, VVtthlntfoii ajaara. Ike ad.Ire«, to tl..- Orr.i ual.-a will i.e In ete b I'mf. MKT- Ill >E Tf.e Prnleat 011 and public generally are re.poc'luily MM aitfi.d. Mrrrnnt.lt- I.lhrnrv Awaarlailan..The. Si.vth and Uat L»r- 1. 1 Mr. . it . i>S i ...... 1 .11 i«. dfoa a PR1DAI I. MMM.ievt .">' reh', M I Union Hall. At'or place, c >.u a.tuing ai 1. o'clock. Sub,.el. .THAI KERAY. TicV.sts Ot< ult: ran ha Lad at the Library. No. 2 Nataau-tl., Bad at the dot r on lb' eat n-.ig I Ho Le. ture. B. U T1MPBON, Ch'n Lee. Crrra. Nntiaoal l7o»da7 N.. M i o. mgQ, f, -">le"u.i«ra ar¦¦. .> ed I. mare I at the Lodge Room, Odd laartfl Hatt, on II. CII MlAY M'.rrh n. f 1 o*< lot k 11 111., to ttt. ud lhc luneral Ot our ceetatsd hrolh'r 11. S. MANSKiei.l). Ly order of the N. O. T BOB. Wool.COCKS. ftee'y. J Nr«v>York Hlhlr Soi-irf>.-.\ Re(ultr Me ingoftbo B< ar.i. I Masjaaara w ol I* 1- 11 at the Atnaikcto Blhta fljoloty*. House Attt r jlace THIS (Ti.ur.daT) EVENI NG, at 7J o1 hick 1 Bi JAMES C. HOLDEN,RaoordlngBooiatary. Amrrii-nn i;.-t(iria|iliieril rntl HlatiatMjkl BsycletT, I Kw Via University, Wosiiuigtaiu-stiaare. THCR-HikY, Mmh I, laaa, at r rrdoek p. m a pa. r of CoBa. M. C. PERKY, I S. N.,011 Ge..i-r«i,li.e»l S ,n pient on t't/inmercial 1 a ri.-n B," B B] ha read. 'The K011 nh Ai.rtlati«iir> . 1 the" NEW-IORR OP- THALMII .-(HOI La ,|l be hold m the Medial Collego in RaW., between .'ki and I'.'-avt.. THIS EVENING a' 71 t'tlta.. An ad iett may be exiwcie.t from 'h-- Bi Dr. r Kit Us, Presiftent of the I net I* tr*ioti. a .1 Othsrt. al er wl... 1. tt-.-i- Bo. lala w ill awai-'e.l to the grattiia'ii.g claaa the meal al lu et.101 and the publi tt.- r-.|^- tfullv 11.t i'ed til «'.. 1 J. J. DAI I-, r^-a y. 1 hi Urin,bin mi-ol ihr Blercatll Wiird tri Till.- ilhur.day) EN KMf G. al 7J o'clock, f. No. Hi At ..ue Clor iht tri.ii«.cti.iti of gunernl bn-ineaa. t>Aa7i. PaJkhatV, 8aoTy. FREBMAN hUSCOX, PWt I. O. al'O. Wo.Tl Pral -r- itv and Iht II frieu.lt ire b> rwsd at'ead the I LEV t NTH ANNlVERoUBY ol DIA HiiNI» LODGE n... ho. i .,r ihti i tt tm Erfon.'i? OiaaaJaai t(l'au.on Cot.-naol, Howard a:.d RanBSra L Ute. al tue t*rai»i LodisBotan, Odd lellowa' Hall, 00 FRIDAY EVKN- IBO, the 7lh I' tl.. .. 8 <.', o k. MtVuB'a OrrlCB, NBW-YoaK, Feb. XI, lhid. Kolk« In tMrrrby «ivra lb t Lite following proTiaions Bw Bh DrdiliOlM r 1 a. »e b\ lie I n.nitm I ...1, .1 .ela'.ve I'awn. Braken will be rigidly ei for-ed. and that hereafter all ram- Blau.;tniaö. fei the vu,!at;ot. of the tame will be imuiodiSloly su.1 'o the OoKawaafaaa dtttifaaj for j r oaroaaaaa Ei RN.\N!ui UoriD, Mayor. ItcTioat 1,3 and 3. >'l peno. teaerclai: « or carrying on tl.o ka*rtiai.| a I awol.r. l. r Basil obtain from Um 13 or. n:i ler In bti«i iotl seal, a Itreoae Am tbe ta-rni.and ente. into a recog, ktaaiue wirb two tufliclel.t auretie. to tbi Mayor, A.dormer, and Cen i oti.i.v u. lb. tum t in e I..ir. d .1. ar-. ..nditi.ine I |..r the die übasersacs of oll auch ordiuau.-et cf the Common Coon- al at may bo in fores re.ja.-fr.g pawnbrokers al any tinac du- nag iLa aonlinusin.0 cf tueb license. bti C Earrv Pawt bri ker tna ! ke*p a t>r. k. i-. wt,;,-b t!iaM BtaUlly w rittSO at the tine of ea 1. loan an -rn-ato aoeou.t aa. cetcriptfou of the goo..i. article, oi lalaa Mwaad,tao a aoaol at iioi \ ttou-ed t' Oflla til." pfpll Igiagthe tame Lht ta u *f u.i'tast to he paid t o tuen loan, and the name and re.idents at the parton |«w nu.g or i.i.ig-i-g mo as,J foodi, ar.icle, or ttui g Itr. \ Every Pawt broker .bail, at the lime of each l.-au, de- aaer ti.a peraaaii |*w nmg or pledging any goodaria-l or Rbbj,asaasnorai loan or noto, taanaa «y b.m -r her. coutaudi g Jte tat .taucc ol the eiitr > re.pi.irra! to be a e .rbsC Btjua .j lie last btrjoealioa aawi-oa.; anal uo claaige aoaal bs uta.it> or h aiteiae.i by BB3J | »» i bn k.-r for ai.y tuab enrry, siomota lu.u. " «Ute. lac. t>. Tbt said book .'.all, at ill reato.abV liraIB, be o, Baxkl atttr intj*. lion cf ibt Mayor, Recordtr. Aldtrmon. Aat.ata-.t., ad .isrui in.ilce. lor Bts.sreiog tha fosss »f tbo City ot Nsw- tark.. - a- a ti.er ol tl.em, or of at.y | BBSM who aball b«i <ai) aethair'taeu in writing liar lij- purioso h> any or sith.-r at taw. .no, w)iO lhall rt.ii.bit auch wnlleu authority lo such Baw i Isobar. Sac I, Era ry Pswnbraakar wik> aball riolale. or negltv-r. or r»f-..» t,. r. mpay with any or titbrr ..f lbs pioriaiom f the Baa h n tl or taalb .act ei of IsM title, tbaii to- t-rary tocb BSrriMt. lorlr.t sod ray lbs tum ol 11 eni v-ßae dollars. Sta t. No Pawi.l.iokei .nail aak, deoaand. or reeeire anr .tea . i rale ol ictorett tlmu t»antyflre far eent per annum .I« any loot, not oicrralir a the tirui of twenty tre dollar.. or thai, tea en |a-i cent per annum u|a>ia any loan oacscdina tits S.d. oi two. ly-bve dollar.. bi lot the |a>uall> of one hBAOVotl aV«.ir> foi every such olsuss. M. S. No l'awt.br..k ...al. a»." a r tv. r. or pie Ige q-.'i! .a* .auw tha.l baa. n :. MM fSOT Ml bis OC hof |a aestioi., i . .uab BSSSa aball be at pi-V... a .. .. Bad ..erwloe. B'd >r.aii be BMult oc coiuiuctatd by aat b asctleert at aat I it a, i t t-.1 for Ibai purpoar by the ilaj.r t l ih« Cu> of Now MC if Nolles of erery inch It!a shall be piV.i'ei ft al b a. we.vr an pre . u- ; oj- ,e oi i. la..» a. w.iapertpti U-d in the ( ity »! N. w York, and tueb noare aba.: «icclj tl* time and place «t wii.it tuen aal« U tj Uks 12. No Taw t.broker «bat! u eke any Lata aa tha separate 4 part or psrtt of ar y uue art.-ie or thiitr. s id wb <h or tXing Khali baTO brwL ett. re 1 citu-j BT CSÜOOgit Ol J 10 nr« br Way ». aw u I .^ge. U. No Pawt.brtErr r \ v preteute wha- -rer. ssorbuya f Ott ' La tt-t KoTB, astsJs, ar eloaVra, OS te- trtVle or thln^ > halara; aaTstad to hiui or her ata Vts-l'te .tail ftJ e' trvr t 'h atU la forfeit a*" 1 oaV'- . it Bio. e buHlrwd'doIlara. ' I r itmi I airtttaeoM-.t/oir-r -.nil I .-. Bear C \ -jiawge k i\T^M^^n m*t ^''«¦*«. N. V .Tbs ilikes ii twcal- aSfa u ,:-» Laras BS»ba>rta( LABoliTHS aid SKK\ ANTS al 1 "J of wages, and weeaora. an bars their twdeca Ollef e Jtl't* '* ^upr|ni-1*sasast. aat) ¦aaiBtaj tha aaasai.t aac- 'Äis^'iarr-*^ ^ ^tm rsVMXI f Paoam, Ikparintasdsat, < heinleal Lecture* in Brooklyn, by Dr DORBMIS Baooei.v«, Feb. 27. UM. Draa Firn. A ninrfi efvonr friendein Brook m, are deeir.. 1a <( ,,».» .it.g UJ a Courer of Leer im fr'im you on some brauch ef ym.r fai.uifr erierre, Iii which yon bare won fir vou-eelf e n | n'atioi moer gratil j to a.!! who bare the pleasure of know- aaai \ou. The tin e ana the place will be made agreeable to ymr ccn\enier ce, but we hope that the Course may be at an early dale. \t Itb grrar reaped. \oor obedient servant. Rev. O. W. P. r THIN K, P.D. W. K BROWN M. D. Re, it s. STORKS, jr. D.D. E, N. CHAPMAN. M. d. Rev F. VINTON.d.d. W. H DlDLEV.M Rev H J \A.ND\KE, CHAS J LOWERY e.i Hon. ofo. BALL, Meyer, Pro'. A. CRITTENDEN. Hon. JOH V DIKEMAN, Prof D 0 BATON Hoi. J OREEHWOOO, L I). BRI KN. eoa. il t* I.OI'RKy.eMi EDW. LAMBERT, eeq. O. (. VAN WAONF.S, esq. J R. WOODWARD '-»<t. Prof. B W.DWIOBT. S B. CBfTTENDEJI,eaoj. OKOROE SN MF. e.q T Prof. R. Onnra llinrwt i, New York. Nrw-Yoatt Ml ntcai. CaiaLBM, March 4. law. < rvTi.*Mr»: It affords me t>l'e»ur. to aro-pt your polite In¬ vitation to deliver a Course of Lectures in yonr city, on a sub¬ ject allied to'he »cienre of Chemietrv f fake the llbertv of sale ting the CHEMICAL HISTORY OF CREATION*, as illuat.vrd be modem r'i*co\enea, aa«« late ! witb 'be theories of As'iononiy and Oeology, arid their accordance with the Mo- run arei.nnt." The Lecture* to lie delivered on the fc\*.N'- IV.s <f TBURBDAT the 13»|,; MONDAY, tiI* I7th; Thursday, .he2nti,; Monday, the 210. met., A: tf.. Psrker Insrunre in Joralenion-.t. vn eh cordial tbatika or jonr flatteri. g I have the honor remain veal clecie.r servant, R. OODF.N DOREML'S. To ibe Rev Oeo W. Befn.ir,*, D. D the Rev. R. H. Storrs. J'., D. D. Ibe Ker. Frar.i is \ it.ton, D. D.. arid other*, of Bn akin. N K. Particulars of each Lecture will be given as soon «. the srrangru.ei.ts csn be completed. Vreach I. eel a re. FRENCH W by Prof. KLIE ( HARDER at ( In.ton Ha l. Astor place . The rea ainii g rhree Lectures of the Course w»ill he delivered .. I. How a. a' * o'clock, p rn.: THURSDAY, March «.Mme R/latid. HATTRDARY. March 8.Mnn. de Hiael. v\ 1 DNEXDAY. March 12-Mme. o,ueo\ Tickets .Ml cent..to be l.ad at the door. . ear-iib iiBiher äi lecler* Tills EVEN I NO. Match*, tri I inua Frat.de ir the K'.un.!*'in..» el all If -iigions, at 7| 0 deck, at llajiaaai t Inati'ule. No. fi'jl Broadw-y. Adu.ia-ion Rj rents. Mr. Barker inltea dl»c iiaalop. fine Htrlke more for Ann-Heim l,nbor.-The aadjaw sirr ed, aorkli gruen of the City of New-York, un ler ran r»t con. k 'ion tbat some important measnre' are Mu-ranti iu i-rder to aecure prisnerry for the grea- maaaea mf .|,«. work- ins-men of the United X aU-e. w hich will alTnr.l some kind of cer¬ tainty, i! [.as b e, thai they shall not be agaiu obliged to para, Ihlweah another Whiter like those of IR'>I and o| )*".. .I would berihy .all ujoii the workl:.g.n>-n of .NV«- Vork ami Lrorklyiito unite wl'h them in a fiulilii ileimilslielhaa ha ba half oi AMERICAN L tho<t. Altheaeb the rmi.incrrlal preae is endeavoring to make the nnn'ry believe tbat " trade" ia in a fiouriehing rtMrtllluii they re silent to'he fact thai mere are tans of ' Voi-an la of ur n M Wimen now iiithla. it> w iiliont meana or cuiplovnieut, and tha' ti Winter haa been about as severe and di'treeato* ea the laat. " T).e A»»oci»tioii for Iinrirovlng the Condition of the Per" haa nearly FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS on 14* beaks, while there are many other Ihouaanda who will at tnakc their .van's and destitution knowa to the pablje, Tb>- aearell] ol work, 'he higb prirea of Iba BaMeaaarbM ol life, and the ruierrir loi.iiition of the awkbig elavaae*, render it ladii BBtbtaklefket(cane mraeuree sboiiol be adopted to make the "rn. - a'e Ibe a e known to the country. Tte I ot.M n'lona of the three great |Kiliiiral |iartiea hvM- m»r am. haw a-ji urni d. without taking the slighteel notice : the fciearerkhifu en nt the I'ni'ed S-afe.. T , .,em to tri :.k '!. ,t a I. w r.< gr'- slav. a In Kanaas are of more consequence then the inn resia (t the Lunnieds of Ibeajaakwd* ol men mmi woiii»n who hsve (trlbsed ll*i latt*e mid wrer. hetlBiaa be I Oll l descripti at, will, a' fhe .a* rhw* Iber* ea* more white lahorera. widows am'nrpl si s in New-Yoik slon..tlu-alav.a of want bsiitu-ioii mil h ill prices.than mere will black *l*?eg in Kansas in a v Ik I* iai atafjeai toiome. 1h" ur.deraliiied, tb.-rel..re. f ropnee toappeal to Congres« rii- n 11. by men or al or otherw i«e. tor an immedin'e ronsideratinri of the depressed con.iition ol the lalair ol the country, ami we call iiji ii the Workii grnen of New-York and Brooklyn to Met] in the J ark at l2i.'c,ock, n.on.on MONDAY Deal the I'nbdsv of Mmi b lo take theaa ma'iera mlo rot,snlerarion. and we bj. vile the rcban a end buaineaa men of eve y class to unite iu our d< lil era'.oiis. HM, olaND BOURNE, JOSEPH COHEN, JOHN W IHUMPMO.V bk.N.I VMIN LKVL J< HN LEONARD. AOOBN * WHITE, BOLTISM. FOWLER, ANDREW J. CASE. /.Id. MORAND. \\ 11. I.I AM MITCHELL, Ii II t.RAY. OEOROE 8AMUSTER, l HARLES LESTER, EDWARD WALKER. ^^.rT','l >«llrr..A ti.eeti'g ef the Speda! Committr¦. of t|. I .si. M A.'.lern-en in r.-latio-i to Ibe practice adopted by Ibe I icbtli Avesaa Kailread Company of throw ing the gOOtr fieri teerr traeki on betfc ridea of tie «'reet» will be held on 1 HDRBDAY. Mar. h I, IRW, at I tfeu rk ;.. rn., at the offi e af H i ( ink of the Con men Cnnr ril. No. » City Hall. Parties in- t. reetH are respectlullv !... ited to be r regent. Aid. PETER POLMER, Chairman. Aid. .1 WOH H. VALENTINE, Aid- W ILLIAM M< i ONKE.y. Yoiine .Men'w I hri*lirin I riiiui ol New-York. The > V regular Meeting W ill l«5 b»ld in 'he I.e. .u-e l(inun of CMuion Hall, Asn.i-t lace. (Hr«t taoi ( ,,. M'iNDAY. March l< »I 71 p m. An Easav on " Moral Volition" will be read by liWIOVl II I.LMSiEAD, to be Mliewed b> a dlacuaaiou on Ibe aubj. ci ef lh« .-av The public a.e inHred. t LI MRNT d. NEU MAN Hemming Secretary. The Ainiiveraiii v lit the Pill I ¦¦! "»oeieiv ol llie I ri f Aenda mv » III be hi a' In I hapin'a No .V Breedwey, THIS BVEBlMO.el 7»o',:l.<-k. 1 riiehere'l.ibrHiv I eeti.ra-. Pro, L YOl'MANd . ill einer s In tuie on SATURDAk EN BNINO, Hlh ins'., a' 71 o'clock, in the Hall of the Bo.rd ot Edi.i ain.u. corner of (irsnd and Win ale Sub,ere " Caihonk AcM in the Labors- ti r\ t Beta*e»" Daheaa -j cents. Can be obUined fluni llie in i'ers'gncd, 11 at the noor. JiillN Ba FAVNINO Preaideit. Leonard BaiZELTINE.Cb'n oj Lee.Cea, Ameriren I n-lilnie.. A Hati aieetiug of thig ll.itutew.il be held THIS (Thursdsvl l.\E NI NO. the I, h hi**.,at 1|o'clock, at it* H(Kilns No. I'll Kro*dw*\. Mrmle ra air r<i|U>->ted iu be punclual. HE.N'KY MRIOS Ree. lee. 1'. K. Po~lii«e S-lnnipa (li cents and I" ceniai fur sale at TMS Or Ell I ¦^linnccmcntc. III. GOTTSCHALK'1 Jt) first PIANO- P O it I B S < > I R 1. I Iu Nl ARK N. J.. Aaaiatr.. by S I O N O It A FERRARI (the celrbratr.) Prime Doi r.a from the Kneel Thea! R of M.Ian and Naples.) HONOR ANTONIO ROSETTI, the distingui'hed Tenor, (fr. m the Italian Ol e.a in Pa- a and Si. I'eter.loirg ) a i SJOKOR MORINO. the eminent Baritone. itrom tie Roval Optra ot Tarta ) U M. OOITM'HAI.K will gin- Ml lie) PIANO-FORTE .-Ml EE In the City ..f Newark or. 'illI RsllAk E\ ENINO, Much 6. »1 LIBRARY HALL in Market ar. ne.r Broad. Fea partirulara see Newark Datl> P»r*» ra ot the nth ma-., arid rr. gr.e ine. at li e Mu*k. Book aud Drug Storrs. whero Turk- eta nie Irl! ea aale. TM . GOTTSCHALK .'. yv ill gi\e l.ii E I O H T II PIANO-FOETE SOIREE, <.? SATURDAY, March I, ISAtJ at DonwoRTtrs rooms For part culara »< e Programu.ei at the Mu-k Stores and the Daily Pafrreil SATURDAY, tl^ tthirurt..not Erilay.ae et- r. 11. n.iv aaaaaa aatL \| Ü)AME l^ll'DKA I LAKK will i-i\e a Irl ORAND SOIREE MUbll kLI AT THE BROOKLYN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, la Lui: is ,-n-at neai ('. rf leer ("City 11*11. THIS El ENINO, MARt H n. A.l by Rtener BERNARDI Bar iron. Mr AI'TOMMkS. Rareiati T. F. BASsk'OHD, Piai.i*!; aud HENRI C. TIMM, t oi Jucti r. Mm.Hvm-. 1. .. Her >n Pia'o.List... Mra«ra. Apt.mnias and T.ram Z. Cm alma (|| Tvwvelcire). N erdi.Sl'me Isidora I lark X Aria lit. nnan bula). Bellini.Sicwr Bernardi 4. feto I** M**p (Lee F»ea) Apl n.maa.Mr. Aptomniai 5. Duo tNabu.oi.VaaM.M'n.e la. .ois t iark and Sign .1 Betiardi & Ir .h Ballad. " Kathleen .Ma.ourneen' ..M'aie laidor* ( lark 7. »»i fa»i« Ban.hc.tla"- »iat' chalk.Mr. T. F. Haasiord I. t aia'ii a, " l.e»l Bin in »".Centeun i.. .M*W l.idora Clark ». Ei »L»h S. rig. "Tie Heart Bow'd Duwu".S.g. 11 »r P. Isd "The Drran .'.M eie laid .ra Clark 11. Sol., 4«.. Harp. - Wei. b Melodie»". .Mr. Aptawuaeei 12. D .i E»m nra"-N er.t'.M'n.e Iaidora I lauk and Sig. Bernard. fUkere B11 at Wrn. Halt v Ba****, Ve.r Y'ork in Fr«l'ri. at lie M**t* and Bar. a storea the Mauahrn aud P ¦ r- H. mm . A mi.ied »aarbe« ean will t.« s. :d. t ui cert to cosnmencs at . i/chxk ; .taxrr* open at 7j. HI RTON'M II AM BKKS-MUl.l - TIUMISDAY.Fout pieces A combination of N elty end Baw, Mr. Pmton iu two roiuic charw 'era. AKI/V C f r. K YYT h Mr. H. Perrv. Wr. Moor* and Mr* Parker. bi IK I EVILS; t»r. Tilt Uimiflla E»CLI«'I*»\. "S ii* Mr. and Mia. Barlo. Mr H. Jaaatoa and Mr. it -*w«'. JENNi LIND. Ii- wk ( j Mr*. C. Hewird * ill ataf w rera! So; ra. tVBOENT PRi> vie AFFAIRS. W k M. Bar..: a .1 m- Setrl.. !' t a ri.il Ak-A W INTER'S TALE. « -Ali SPAY.ORIST To THE MILL._ \\ »ADWAV^THEATER.E. A M.\.KSHALL, J ' - '.-»*.* . Baaaa a d Paraaei Met >i PtoaBy OBile aad t'ppel Tie«.»' cei.ia; Prvai* Base*. *>A *l I »1-'kajt* open at «i; egsaiaweace at 71 o'ei.« k THH EVENLSO: HERNS PHI |< .4TF.R. Herae.the Han'rr .Mr l aiaoli. Mabel I.vnwood.. Mrs. Pon d Her« »Ml.Mr. Ilar.aon jib reaLt^h_Mr. Chaprna-a I. Lir f ii«nn.oiid..Mr r-i o Hmaauoce.Mr. Seyaoer Oerel lire.Mr*. Bu kiantl Jatartte.ktra. Seyaauwr lue r will be no other puce perturs ed with the Drama. KlllI O - liAK.'r V I».K,r»..|i'iiat i;,. 1 i.-keU , »Mar*. 1hik.-KA. F V i SI NO March *. The U storfal KA\"EL FAMILY. Mile ROBERT and t. K, - Inn.* THE El F KINO. Or. Wiairn sao Povcarr. The Comic Pantoca^e ef THE SOLDItR FOR Low I bree grand piece*. I IA TR A EKE VE" VARIETIES, J Lall Tha Mr.Taupui.n THBaraa. Baoanw.v TH!8F'.l NINO.*V HIaaoaratsstsswteaTWO Loves AND A Lift. Torenclud* woh NOVEL 1" V, in on- Art ant Ton Tal leans. 1»- Tableau, T' MJDI.ES .". Tableau. K Ac II F l., W TaklBBB. Ml and Mr*. BAR.SKV W II.LIA.M-' t.h Tald-a«, IMUNE-, haTlklrta PA1 LINE; BthTtMees. MIDSCM- MER Ml. Ill- DREAM ;7tb Ta lie M -11 \ K t S P f % re »h Talles., IM IE TOM ?tb Ta' ran II ER N E 7 H K HINTER, M tb aid u»t TabJ.au. APOTHEO-.ra Of WASBIM .TON. W4L&A4 K - 11 f I A I J.I:. . |L ft ami Pani'i-t 5s esmta; Family Cirrla IS cents, Stella #1; Pr.vat« Boa es Ol an,i a-7. I.... <t-., a- ;'. Vclock perforroa"»« .virr- n-.-p at 71 rill» evi..mm» will bar performed lor tbe BEREIT of Mi Ü BOLLARD: heir AT LAW. Dar. .1 D'wits*. ..Mr. Hot'and I PaBtrafc Dowlas..Mr«. Vernon Dr. Pti>gltatt...Mr. B rentI-an I CruJine lloru.er.Mri. Couorer BOAKlH.Ni, -i( BOOL kaarja* Musi'en ..Mr StoO'lard Mra Otoedenep.Mn. Verraun BAI.'M'.M- AMEIMCXN MCBlTM..THIS iTburtdae, Marek a, AFTERNOON a' 1 »Vi >ek, tir.t ip .1 m ie SAM and 111E millim il-' HOLIDAY. nils EVERIKO, atII.'clock, trattraaool PHN coi NTT fc ike. airt brat t*nje >A 'TWAS I. That sublime and thrilling rrertarle of tl.o PERFORMANCE IN the LIEN Ok LIONS, a' 2\ and 7 p. m. Admittance to .vtrytbing, tV\; cbl.'rjrpo ai der 10. Ufr. BRO.Mi»V.\i VARIETIES, No. ,7'J Broadway, late Mprhanire* Hail II W OOil.Leoaee and Boai'.»«* Manarer. r. o. MARSH.State Man iger. Tbia :»» and beautiful temple Of ein laeiue' t n now upon WOOD AND MARBfl CHILDREN. B>rty it. ntin.brr. under fen yean at aae.ibe great*** fretrpo of Juvenile r..n p.liai a ir, tbe world.wbo will prraent for too amusement of tbeir p»tr<" a. th« Nfl Ith al llrama of BLACK Bl BO SI -AN. William.Miaa i. doo. To cor elude aaltliTHE U ANDERINO M INSTREL.Jem Bag*. Master Ma-ah. Ticketed een*t.no Laif prire. Door* open at a oVIork ; to rnu.n.ei cp al 7J o'clock. f..r lull parliculara are BBBBfl bills. BUCKI 1.1 ' BERENADER8, No. 539 Broad- w«t.-MHNDAV. Marrb I. an! EVERY BVBN1N0 Dl RIMi the Wper Fir«t nir'it of the new reVcp entitled THE COURT of THE ICE BCRO| Or. A LA PoKr-a-Fl* Ti ». A DfaaaB of Kane'a Pole ar Sea. Fenmt do f.-ari onr town will be lurat'ed. Therefore the »trwt ts with Ice I'ae barricaded. Pre.edmr tbe .ket.h. NEORO MIN-Tit t LAY, Ti. ke'a. 25 r.-i.ti. Ferbtiu'r Uiff Tickt-t* admit'pd to our r..neprt. A:. EXCU/BßlON f<- CHINA and JAPAN tar HcaalB at Broadway Atl:e> »nni. No. »"»4 Brn.lwit. Two alt-ri.. n train* or, WEDNESDAY, at Ml ad SAH K- DA Y at j p m.; and EVERY Et ENI v) a' 7) ii K WEST » U.M. HER.M. Conductor-. Till: rt 'thrntttl ri.llt rtii.n of EOYITLVN W- -i TIQI 11 EM nun.U ring upward nf 1,100 objPCU, with ana-- rral la* n't dtth a. i. Ibe uio.t popular eahibiticn In tbe city. Oier Day am: Eaening. at BB) Brondway. Admieamn 2Sr»iit*. I SM.I. 1 ii iJ.'I (JALI.EI.'V.No. 4! 7 ISrna.lvvay, contains l.Wnf the beert PAIN'ITNiH erer |.ut upon '.». hlMfbwa. Open OAT and EVKNINO. Admittance J.äcents. IfEBPETUAL M<»| ION..Tb« a^toai diaeor- t ry rat r Ml made j. now on Exhibition at St. H&S Brood' »IT, np r 7'hleMa, Line wi.an.aniilaclurnd in New-Haaen. aM la tbe invention nl .Mr E. P. Willi», by whom it was . ic- rnwfuliy exhibited in BbM | lace; and asre.-al.ly to paMla otdadon, and tht tliprnhafknti It n et wRB, it is hi >ond a dn tbt I e gi. ale.t gaitOsRy and the most «nrceasfiil attempt at a ¦ELF-ACTIBO Mai HIRE e er irrade ha thai or any oth r cc 'ry. U liv it it not a bore |aa Patp tu»l Moii iti II i* I'll for tl.p curieu. on that sublet t to determine. Call and see it. a. u i i.r word lor it yon will n. t regret lb* trot.file. Hour, of Blhabiliou Ircm Ü to I, '2 to ti, and Iroui 7 to 10. Adiiiiaamu 2> cer.te. TaJOTICE f.. HOI DEB8 of PERUAW* GIFT II t it I. TS. .The contract pai.tin« BOtwaOB the nudi-r- .igre.'i hating hraatl this lay cancelled by mutual conrent, Ute Li Ulna 11' Perharn'* Tirkt t* for mlmiaaion 10 HI I KI.E'. S OPEPA-HOCSE, No. Br .alwav, r n.t ir.». nt thtm lor aatsalaeaoe ..n or BOSOM BATITROAT M.\1. the etil InoL i olberwii-e they wi I not l.e re- ired. I \ v Bl ' KLEY .\ SO.NN. Maw.York. March 4, ISML JOBIAR PERU A M. rpHE ( BY8TAL PALACE..Thli Leviti, .! Ja. building tliotoll vari'on oMeOOl of ir:t"r>-tt .Ancient GnUlm TAT» 8TRT a gall, r) ni PAINl INOfl, rare mid vain aMa STA7 BARTi l^.lde .»«ri. ultural Impleoipi.ts and Hi- tbirery. It w ill remain BBMra until further in tin Xiiu JJnbiicationo. " '.MW p|eg»i,rp«gt d palace*. ih»re'« no place like Home." V \V R E A 1) V , X~ And f.rS.leat lie Book«i..re.: H o II E ; Of, RECOLLECTIOKSOF a neu i noland PAMfLT. Bl Aaaa I.r.i on. One oeal tolume ifJaBB. Pr.ee. RL From Tbe Ew Biaaj Mirror. TMl .* a bta.k tu e read by tin home fire.idr. THE STORi NEA I H WANDERS from familiar boo,.-n en. .. and it toaahsd w.th glean,* of b'n ir aad kA ahaaVrara Mpadam Among it* u.t pkturei we Baa tha ei.uriirb ol.H OOTET.TTJRNfNO, BQ1 INTINO. and rrntrartir t bia evtir am and (Brehcad.OS if the organ of via nil wa. in bis ear*," of whom it w*« ta.d " he had but one r.r g ayaaUty, aid that w..bis w:f-." tb. n.etk. j lac ut MOtAKDMOTBER LELAND,- whnse moral etreller.i. er.< rg and Leromn are p'a'e.llti virid Conti»»! with the delicate, soft, errous being." of th:. BaaaataV Raa. wlo ue.p oNer Ibe rapid page* of a BWal, but »re »bo k.d Into ladanoUai halptsasMaa, atthe.ghiof real .ii*- tr.... ra BRM'K Sf HO'iL-HOI'SE." ilia.as.ir a't d wlili " | Reh tine kante," for the . BIN0INO Si HOOti " wl.er. the " ..rorg. hp»rty nun of tbe \oon« men and ur.i J-n. rolled out tbe notes ot "CORONATION ANI> Bl MIA," chs-ed e*eh other thxo*i| the lal.vrlnthio" pi «*r-« at 1 KBORTATIOM BARMRIA AND DELIlHT," ti. . i. t .p .' JONAH CHOCK I \ M aRINO LOTE fn tweet " Be-aev ." n,rl nuinni apl.reciat.ou ol b*r ipllcale rejtction ..I hn u.arTiltireiit proper, by p.'paer.liug her with a "lilat r piece," and rpn.aiklng: MONI \ I- -i Alt! E AND HARD TO B' O'lT or I would gire von BlOrof" the ad. «j^akir r face of the d»sf mute. Alger;' hi a> IHWI " Mi.t Loring." her t RA/. .1. f. 1 IIEN1 l.f. rr-l'lltfT gro| Ii g round tl.p ¦ all* of itt l -nement, srsrrhing the haunted crllt m memorr. >n the mockery ot I am end, at or," tbe a>.iuny, (reel .i .Ma. i 1 .nit1 who M.i E.R CURLED HER RED BAIR "bet nice, tnd tbtt w t. ulien the btik slid,'" |a1t, be- wtJdn.d David HOI" a.ho . ( Ol LDR1 OBI 1 Hi MAN'lt OK PARADISE LOOT t id to .Ott 1 la ibai.ic Ol Ptta.i'.M with that wa.e. ne lira, ¦;" tbe CRASH Ql h.tin'. vT MR VAN ROMP'S" wbi.-t il e "aaiaan Btce, LH.HT I.I.I r El EJ U BITE H \ll! short nose si d chin, that looked as if it wa. going to ruo away, loi g ' i Ui w te.t.ahort w a Mat BMt and i.ftEAT UHIT1 RANDa* OF MR. PoPI'LETONY." aoads thr8i»rlvri rnn.| b uoi a DERBY i. JA( kson, PuMiabert, New York, And for tale at the h,«,»tt< r- ¦ R iUUi BOLD ii ONE W EE K ..I.tltM f tan» V S'DINCi Making in all ItJtWcorAea in TWO WEEKS' Of tbe most aaflltaal and barmint Romance ol trie lay, i um Nl LIN WOOD Bt the Ismented Aath. reoB. MRAVCAROLINI LEI l.t.NT/. A D ele cL' iy interest Ott», bea to tbia . Inrmint vuiorns giftet! tnthorw*. having patsrd into the silent land without er« aaoiaa It la prtot. Beroylag lefrsry to aas wwcM ot I teraturo, aad the n.ott fasrtnat.i g and bssu'iiul pt oBBBRaa ol her pen 4 Err-p-' i.inwmd. lor sale U tie Pi b.isbt JOHN P. J' WETT k Co.. No. 117 U sshuaftovrt., Boston. Ar>d ay a; aaooAaatTaaa, IN PRES>. M V\YlllAaoS . Ur. Hi ric* J. «>n Im i i. t ut la*. UOLIDA1 at i he i in rtuE. Mti«»-ii'S Ti PICAL I. iMMS AND iPECIAL BRIM kiEMolh- ok i>H KITio MEMORIALS or i \. rAIN MCARS. .MEMOIR OF ADELAIDi LEA PER NEU OR. hoHl.l i ( \k11r a i.b"T!IER."» No. a.\ Broolw.v. K ; E BEAM'- BE POE I > Vol. II. it j: ports of' cases AROtED AND DETERMINED l\ TUB COURT OF APPEAL! or Tea STATE OF N E W-YORK, WITH N.iTV* REFPRfNCIS AND AN tNTiEV. By I aaBCia Raaaaa, Coau.ae.ur at Law. Just ptj'a jbed and i"t ni by BA.VKS CHI LD k 0 Ke. Ill Naraau at. New-York and 475 B rued we- A.°.>anT. N.T. K~ H I MM A t II E U *. NE W W O I.' K . Maara jr. DHE si i ri.king SAVIOR; OB. MI DITATIONaf ON THE LABT DAYS OF CHRHT. Ht E IV. Kst'MUaeera. D !>.. Cberalain to tbe lUna of Pr w .! d Aether ot " ki jeh ibt Tub! it. gtc. Imm. c.vtb #.! bA i.OCLD A UROOLR. No. ja V\ atuj.gtun-tt. Buet-ttv miK NAllnNAl. POLICE ÜA2ETTE of JA THIS W EE K tpr-ar.':. NKU I'YPE THROCOHOCT- It i. Bet s abort tisae .lr«rat tbtt We ot.ee. thp aau.e thing - a erotf of It* PROSPEKITY and LARUR i I Ki LATloN ibat car-iot be roetroeert.d. Tb» BgwaM r trer c-atebae aba leJ.ro« i ar:.cmars of the lihlSYMiLD DI ', . E A-E 'Ast bea e .! 'rare.', a most am .aiLg letter from ADbut abendan e ot CRIMINAL NXWg from all eerts nl the world: FOLD F. RF PORTS Cstress.aseVrace staple aast aaaoiaatlin bates the eoaea* cities of the Laaoa. aud a beet of wkirriltainos kaBetaV g'Lce ll si aa sdatlrsbis rwper ' ROtM A TOU8ET. Aaenta. No. » Clark at., t ktte«*, oted No. i<« Rassat rt. Netr-Iatb. AMEW XOYEL, Dim'nW a New PHA4H or Amckk.« Lin: WM be published ob Setardey. Marek I: BHOEPA4 REOOLJ^KCTIONS S A WA i SIDE oLIMPsp. ()K ammicaji LIFE. Br WaitSS V «¦ N Th» trete of this story is lud ia Detroit, eoeiwrnarlntf. at tbit («rud wbeu it >u an antiquated, pwtireaav'te Kreuch tow'., ita iLbabitanU mostly compose 1 of French eattiara, far trader*. Indiana, half breed*. the few Americana roo.ieüug of tii* öftrer* cf the froren.ment. and those of the military, wirb tlr.r lan.ilie* and de[ci .,.-..«. The progress of the story, how¬ ever, bntif* u* down to the transition of the town from it* an cient aspect into a modem, smart, thriving American city. Th* ace tea of the a'ory are ti*e*dingiy freeh. and its interest quite ehawthin*. Hl [ .c'ire.qoe description*, its odd character, marked by broad aid humorous individualities, it* new and novel Incidents, and the really vwrv anperor m»r'. which.. manifests in its style >nd treatment, combine to afford as a de liathtfal picture of a phase of American life bat little known- AH who read rhe work, w* are assured, will and % protVi-inl pleasure in it* peraaal, and, for a rood book and a f-eeh book we h> artily reo mm. t d ir." ( oNTFNT<. CMaP. (a«r. 1.Oar City. 2*.Mabel and Joraan. 2- Pleai*ntr <». 21-Miilbrooh. 5. 0 ir Kamdv. 22.Major Konteooy fU a Mr- 4. Summere.'. from en II gh. Mtgrny. '/.The I»epar»'ire. 21.Mr. M»aroy Oone-a Lilac ts-There Left. Cottage. 7.Ibe Magroy*. 24.John March, g.Shr-ipsc and Mr»-r»«in. 2*«.The Vuuna Commodore, a.Jehu March writea Hon.". 38.The Drum Beats. 1*- Obost Stories. 27.In Motion. 11. The laVbot Itnaster out 2*.The Ki'ehen Cabinet. West.29-The Field Iron. 12. A OBaapea of Squatter JD.Sweet H>>uie. l.fe. al-Wh*t waa Said oi the I J. The Kivala. HonseTop. 11.Falber mmi Sot. 52.The Trial. 1").Cloud*. W.Pruepect and Retrospect. 16. The Venn.- flrslor. ill. Jeprha lump'a Speech. 17- \\ lid Oars. B. Pie B»-r|e af Wii.deor. ip..The Jun.pae*. .a>.The Sh. epaea. 19.A Deneurn.eut. Published in ni.e handsome I *mo volume. Price s>|. bi Xt E 1 BROTHER, No. IM Vassal est. BIOGBATB1 OF lOLLARD FlLLMoKE.. I> t reia ai d will sbortlr be published, A BIOt.RAI'H. <>K TBE BUK. MllslaARD FILL.MORE. It ia well known fi. nianv of tue Intimate friend* ol toe pr.-*- enl noli.ii er i t the Am. i.. aii party for Ihe Pre-niem y. that at tl eir »ii#»e*iiori, w.mething oarer a y-ar since, the lion. Tbomaa M KoetetsMH* deBkenapky. His long peaaaaalaaalpo- Urticalin t imar -. w.il. Mr li.lno.e. »...tM to the fact ol hi* hat rial ct i. lad um chair e.iitonal of The I iminii-rinl Anvertiaer dum f a greet parr of thar time, rendered him pawaliarlv r-pi- ble 11 lio.r.i ji.ati. e u> the iubje. L in puraoam-e of thia wish, M eipieaaeal, Mr. Feele had made rnuai.lerahl* proarea* in the ic e. tloa of i bm read* aad pn paeatiee of the work, when he reeeledtd te . n.ba. k epea in» pneaal mt la Bawepe, Hi* matt, r iliu* prepared w as h-ft in our hands, and we have now the ralialsrtii ii if an' PM it* that Mr. I. ( hvuiberlai.i, avlio k*l for tl e ;e.r 'wo '.. ir» a. ted bo'h asa... iai.- and prlaclpal pi n r ol Tl .. i i n men n Advertiser, baa coujenfr-d to Ii .-h ¦athewerk,tai Maeeeaaara of * wiah ».> ei.prceee.1 by Dr. Fie 'i prrwua to I e> p»"ore. The Di, »-ain» «f t,e Hm M. FILLMORE will «hctrtly he ia»i ed in a duodecimo of upward of 20n patera, erub. lllshed with a Partreit; and frar eve- .it* rroilalieti will ha. Beetl* got u;' in rapwr . . .ei» «rnt «*en d «» the low pi ice of 4-12 per liar rn|*ea, < r airn per 'I** dpi' I, ish. Oi.ltri from tli*> Tilde, or from Concri1» ir closing ca«Il, will be | on ptly attended to, enj f. wiaked la tan order in when Uey may tx received THUMAJ I LATOROPS, Publishers. pr'nfera and Stere.tv per*. Commercial Advertiser Office, Buffalo, N. Y. r.Ml.l. KEBMi >.\ BEFORE (<i i EIN VIC¬ TORIA. I. i I.IdlcN IS COMMON UVB. a Sermon pre a. heal be¬ fore Qeeea \ icloria ami Prince Albert hy the Rev. John i'aird, A.M. Ihme, cloth, tilt ed«e». 4r.centa -»ii: THEflLOOf ok sv FNTIONS. Bv Blak-lr. fSa. i bflll.l 1 lt"M ? DF.N II) Jsu e* Hauiiliori, D.I». Jn.-. TBE fiOSFEl IS ."Kic ^'- Bj Dr. Onthre *l. MOORE ON BAOOAI* LACAA£'AB, V>D MALACIII. , IDfR ON COLLOSIANS. «ro. *>t 01 THBIrVS i iiristiaN'S GREAT INTEREST. Me. t\ EN I NO IM t NM.. kELLlE OF TRUaO. r* the author of "Ttwtv" *l. 1 V.MONI) ON 1IIF PAUVBLKS. $1 km. f HBIST OF BISTOBY. By the Ber. Jmm, Jmmm% 7V. FOOTSTF.rS Ol ST. FAUL, llv o, 4>l. 'illl TASK. Iile.tiared; cb.tb, art. ?! »| Tur. mo., e«. OOObBICH'S Blhl.K OEOOiIaFHY. Weaa 2V. A LI e Of I ra\r i.kkh. By Man* Hark. 7.V. Just Published b. KnHKHi CART1.K V BIIOTHFIIS, No M Broadway. \V E DON'T M A K K uiii. ii Bt*4Mf mi YI BABFEB at I.» cents, b' t if keepa trsde movies, so we " hand rhem over" at < n a Hal last Itpaaa Most iaalaia are out of the march nun.i r i ..t w.- hr a lar*. »--xa recited be o.-r ret*.i trade. We ». ii aeetiyTWO THoi saNi> COPIKS pv:it NORTH At r I tail, and take arerial pains always to bare TKEM ON HAND. rOlZUW NF.WS OFFICK. No. t'J Naaaan-st., New-Tork. M. KEF.. Itaaagai rpilE OCEAN! THE <.(. k A n 1 PABBY . UcMILLAN, (Snec»aw,ra ... A. 11 aar,late Cam.v t H»kt. Pbil»de|pl,,a.l Have iuat aabllahad THE <»( KAN: Itv P. H. i.i»«r. Au'hor nl Ari Intnaluctioe to /oologv " uThe Canadaaa NatBralkat," ke. 1 reL, tSbae. cloth, with liftt two lllua'raüona. Fn in the aat l.o, r.l|-iou. #1. A aul.ji. r to taat aa li e Oiean migiit be t lew.-d iu a variety of a |ecia all of them more or lee* Imtraciiae j 'he one, wl ich ha* b*ea beaea 'a thai ia w hi. h it preaenu itself to the mind of a BetafaBat, des'ro'i- of tiewlne the Altuiahty in Hm wurka TheawleeUetUan aia.l> hiefly frutu Marine Botany, Z-e.logy MeleoteUajy ihe H*!i. r'.e*, the verv'i.« a-ja^-'a of Island and >.' Scenerv. Incidents of Ssviri'ion 4c. arranged in the Oi.'i i ol (.errrt hirai di.triliafiou " »\ in.ir STODIES is THE rOtTHTBY. I tcrl lkm.i. I lotto. 374 Cent*. '.' '¦..>: ^ ui.n.. ;.d thia little tnfnrne. truslirif that it* la «1. n.at uler «« mi .ii .. on v B be n-«i H «» M La- 1. ne ii. i.t. rar If." |l'h.l*. Halletm. For a»!e by the New York BoolaelVrs. -* D are ot tail lo p aae the lovera ol I .wing and graceful narrai.-.».¦' f Tribune. 1' w.li be anperrJ inna kg asy thai Mra. 11,in.. a jae hartn.i wr.trr." [True Flag. 1WE HOME8TE2VD <».n THE JlILi.^Il»):, AMI OTHER TALES, IV ¦ B a a Dllt i. HOLMS. I. The Pu] nlai Aa horot "Tempest and .-uualin.r " and 'Th. En fJWh I trphana." In Ore \oluue.SM page*. l2ar>o. Price SI. U e r.a » |. n.e,l this b<-.k w th none I. it t'elinga of p e.a nre. at d wr have closed Its "ageSj ler-arini ' n**tt ita awtet sptrit and eloquent moral. We heartilv cr imnsnd it." I Lixkivrt Courier. MILLER, ORToN a Ml LLKi.VN, Pubiisher» So M i'ara row Sew i ork. aid 1"7 Oer > aee it., An bum. ¥ K V I X (T " I or W A s Ii [HO T O N ... P. fi ISAM A Co.. B«, BB Br. avlway N". ..1«».A l;iaik tor everv Navigator.-In a «ew dava w-.!' i lallabhldl TH r or k OP TBE WINDS Bv Cept Ch*ri'-a w Ikaa I' I N, ' ..' .a. .. bj a Map ol the Ucild, ...owing 'be (»¦>¦: a he wads. To whiih is ailed Sailing PI ig > aa ftt » Yrytge A'orunl the World, by the »»me ttathnr. RoM.alO. Slj('.' Sow Reeci I. IM ERICAN EPHEMER is ash Naith'al ai.M v- MAC fer ia»a aad l«-'-7. pabllahed bv the »mhorlty ot the Sec re tar- t the Bewj. Rrvei »va Paper. r»l It. Ihr trad- »na;..b'ic" awppile-i wirh'hi* work l.v apr-eial *r rar .t a er r. |, f PUTNAM A Co.. No. 921 Broadway. ÖON milkt* Ml KRÄ1 la acaia omt oi i'riut. X 1 Atewadltla aATTSDAT. Oi n now waiting a-t then be filled 0 P PI'TN AM k Cm,, No .21 Br.aadway. SBELIeÖX, BLAEEMAX A I o.. Publiahira', Beoaae iera a-. Sutitrnere. No. 115 Saasa i at New-York ha** ia store and are dsPv receiving a Urge and s tried aawort- went of Standard rt-.:guua M aaeBaareeea, Javenile and Sebenl Beak*) < ap. Note and Le'ter Piper». Inks. Kstae, BJi a B<<is. »tatioaery. etc all »f which Iber ««er at l~w pajgag or cash or approve.) paper. Their fscdltü»» for the »x ,-u.n e p.r.ti.» uf Bx.ks and Stationery tr* aawoa.d to at * p B k i .. ir» -he yabi>h#ri I Suhirlard'a Serie* of Ar I f' . M akh a Nontei Rea lefa C.reai fc Fitch . Serie* ..- OeearawhhH Phelp»* "i-r ** t Philosophy an 11 iaraaunry; 1!« a s.-..er tu Lefl er; Lonaus'» Ans'- »ay Tla» Elb ai- rk-. fpeaaxr. e'c. ik-r also poblisb an rVrliarct las* af a»v lg '-. * a: M a. »..»..*..-» H "t, a ..'n tv -ry want. e. b k Ca, ire the laeital a^en'i in New Y ort for the H.- - ¦...,». »I a |)| *».'. lioUi'l * 1. ». l< P J wit A Co. .f Baattut.: Senn. Liadsav * H allaWaan mt Phiis- eii -na ai d .tot in» aa.e af Biuaai «f Mr. Wat, Coliin* oi :.. a. (,1 ^om all A a Lath ihey sappiy U. the trad* at T.e (,-b. shtre'p.tcts._ Tin« im rri',Li<iiF.i)-'>NK tmoi -'and AND ONE TBiNOi WORTH RN4RW1RO. A Book Bjf twaarybad) Rai awig valuable luharmatejsi r-eanpt» aij in itr -"*- -ii -iiaaiet-r -r** 1 vei.. 12aae cloth.facta, per »sie by aU k»*h»e.'»r». Ii -Ti-PHL.N *, Pawsrj.r H». Ii N ataaa at N.Y. C. i a. sent by Basal o* teeeip« ot pnta. Fl.ANK JJi.M.IK - IXLU8TRATED XEWB- PAPiR So. 1. laaaeai bATCRDAY M«reh 1. conta.¦ V rli 'f the Launch of the Niagara an Port, aru ef KMaaaa Men » wrw of th* aarw MaTtaaOatkst Chorra at Newark; feartsaa other kwaatifai Engraatoiga, and elan 'be Newt of the *> omt. To be bed at ati Niw» Depot*. Who Mr. Smooth 7f yon aafc me kow in thander'' Franklin Pierre to tr»U rueceed-1 lr tetkeaiine >ar relation! W:th ihn toe ig 3 Courts of Europe ' I weald answer. I would 'til Ml R*id '* t»ur Courn Smooth'* t"';.fee*|/ini." Head oar Da tab 'a .trerg* adventure*. Bt Tim Teuijlet.u .edited' Smoo'h It wu who del the batiDeat." And 'tat Su.ontb alone can tall voo. Ha it waa w; Baa ¦ Er tl k |a Fn-i.w, controlled our Foreign enroyt. Htd control uf *>vnl«. Sender*, Jobn OSailnan, Huebau an. Dwdley Mai., a d Hantel Sickles. He hat bavn beh:: d '.be curtain. Ad. an tell wto " (eat the piper " \\ brO the diplomatic puppet* Dtt.ce to Marca't aoanbre rues* He aeaavtraf aadaeraCope-Cede Fresh from Krai.kl.n a Rl'ehen Coal., ilt. Freak tram Marca'a Kettle le'rer. And from Jel't. ...ana on Cake; Freak from Osthne't " dwindling tnrel a.** And tbe "apoil «oup " cooked be Forney; Freeh from i orrnl baneomne." Went to Europe and au eroded In aatembllna thai " Coi.ver.tbin At (titend," wbirb to bewildeie* All tbe diplomatic f. tie* Uf France. Auatria and England. He baa been behind tbe curtain, K uowe the rupee, and can explain them, ll j./U at tail to reap in.t'uctKui, Fui ai.d frolic, mania .It. trine. And en rxro.c of humbug. Brad " i 'ui I oaitin Suioota'* Adrentureal " Bt P.m. Temp.etoti indited. TU E A V E N; t D r R 8 0 f ifH COUSIN BMOOI Ha Bt TiMoniT TaMtLBTo«. Showing th" Menenx-ri :.* 1 11. nrrai Pharao ai d hit Ageutt at home and abroad, Cloth 7V.; Pener, S*c. MILLER.URTON A MULUOAR, I'uMiahera, No. J3 Fark n w, N. i tud No. ln7 llenetees'.. Auburn. I itr Published: in ADD TIMEä OF TBE BEVOLUTIONi M MEMOIRS of fI.KAN VII WATSON, Iii lmtir g Journal* of Travel* in Europe and America, fr im ITT? to Wit, aviib hi* t'oiretnondence with P'iMi« Men, and R. ininlecenc. en.I In. idru'a t the Revolution. Edited by hit Son Wistl ow C Wat«oa. In one octavo volume ut bifl pagre Tri erb I '<.. " To mike an iritereallng uieu.oir BM readable hook, the the* few men et"r.l ri< h- r and more ibuuoant ma'entl than that I the late Elk.: ih Wataon." [Daily Netra " * . . * But all that la mortal of thit mm of Revolutionary tirret baa been gathered hie father, and nit ten, it Intlow C. Walton. ei.i., here preaentt at » Ith a volume of remii trencet white only fa'Ut it ita brei ity." (Ete P>«t. "We can pron ite rreg PBedOfB 0 treat ha IBB p.-ru.al of that vivid ct.iomcle of the older, tin-.." (Home Journal. ReceMlj Pul.Iitbed: Ol H ( HI rtril Ml SIC-"V H,.,K ma Paaroaa avt> P...»- pi..:. My Rtrhsrd Storrt \\ ll.a Uu.<>.. Ill pp Price .VI era. " It ia foil of luterett to tbe pealor. th» hoir and the outre, t'i' ii " I Journal of t'otnmeree. " It ia worth reading, lrmrJiltig o%er, and lliiuking 'bout." [Trer* Daly Vt big. " It tboundt in tme pbil.aw Inea! rntieitu. of both BtVBBB a id I'D." [t'oerler end En julrer. Nuurernnt and extrndei notices atteet the rare value of thla little nut .n ation. SrA.VO.NS HIR Till. TIMES. Bl the Rev. Charloa Kn.gairy. author of " Village Serinou. " Allon Loche," Ac. Euro .>.i' pp. Price 7.1 ee a. " In o> r day., when 11.ud.1r h»a>lt do to greatly abound, a vol- e ot" ract atony, pur gem, port affal and illuminating Savon uf the hayhaot worlli." (< b.trrrt Journal. The lira.. ur.et »:«. rnnrarkahle for their .impii. ty, jet tber itit e .an.' inteli'eclntl power, and each pe«e gitet evidence of i'1 1.' ol '1 e antl.1 r." | Hoatou Eveuiug Trattteript. They are to practical ai d tenaibl-i thai toey will be lead wtttt profit ar.d pleaaure by all penvns who ere tnekere after Ir'.'li " (B.Hitoii Dailv Adtei.it. r. One of the moat rhtracterialic, it uol one of t.'ie moat ex¬ traordinary vo'uniet of the d«v." Calender. " Kiuraey a pt.weilul w.iier. whether Iii« work, are nutria traeriom." I llartf.tr I Coiir.nl. DANA S. l OMPANV. Pul.li.hera, No. Ml UrovHray DE C I 8 I V E \ 1 LJ f OKI'! PBOBPEl Tl Of PEA! E Tbe rrraaprieti ol tbe " LITTLE Ol ANT I'oRN MILL " re.rr'lv .'.-... >:!vrr P!at». worth f itt>, to any Mill ti.at ? 11 aid 11 ; I. with their Mill. The i.ai enur w ot accepted by teveral other Milit. mid tin; reault It ahew 11 by the :i.l!..w mg eatrari From The fin. It uatl Dally Enuuuer. 1 Xi I I I no CONTEST Foil A b e m v 1 g l of in r ii, THE Ll 1 TIM < ii.\N 1 STILL AHEAD. The leer talk- 'if ...nitet »..twti n the rival Com Milla Bel til on rae nrda-, before the BOB). II. L Ell<worth. Ex- Ceaao latiaworad IwAntai W, D. oVdoaaiW BeMMaaraaaii lowtj Col Harr'« . f Colurobua, E.'itot of Th" Ohio I n. nator; Mr. Rtrwtte of Mo , Captain Oiiu Smith of Oeleua, III.. and Mr Mi ra of Ky. Tbe tr al waa witreated b> a lar^e roucotaM of people. The f oiuiniliee eaeuiined the Molt moat critictlly.having had them takrn apart lor tbal purpose..arid then noted the nutate r r.l revolution rarb Mill r.jaile in grilling a giver, amount of I oro. at wr'l at tbe BBBBtaBl of UOWOt euiplottd, and lue tiaalny ol the Meal ground i.v eeeb Mill. Having witueeeed tbe opeia'itiu by Ibe vahoui tfillt, and the gjOaUty of work, tbe f. wer a-.1 priiu-iple nl each tt pointed >nt bv the |>r..priefor. the Con n.itlre a.'u rimed tat tue Spencer ll^uae lor the pu.pote ol del:hero*it 11 ami Bad ion. Tbe rtealt wata terdiet in favor of THE LITTLE OIABT, a Me HlLi El BBBVfl E waa awaret <t to Ml tag*. S< t.tl 4 Hedret. Tbit Ig tt i' ih....I be tnd 1...thing moie then we ha.l rnaeou tot xpacL " lbe Little Oiant" it Ibe great original MUl.aud ill 1 be beat. It it baidla oatible n. lind a place in tbe country that la uot . -pl ed wuth Ibite Mult, ao high are they in popular favor. Tb. a- who bet. eaeo thee-- Milla land they are eaeardiugly nu¬ ll, ercuti will rejoice at the dec.amn of :!ie Committee, and »et 1' down at 01 co at jutt. fair and . | litable. LITTLE OIVNT" AND OTHER .MILLS Manuttciiired and for tale hv HO> - SCOTT a c, I or. Winand Coeietett., Philadelphia. KECENT PI BLICATI0N8 of D. APPLl 1 'ON A Co., Not. P, tnd -U Broadway. ELEMENTS OF leOQIC. Together w i»b an 'tro.li., '.u v View ot I'liil.ae.plir in lienerai, ar 1 a Prt in BOry View of the BeOOBW« Bv Hei ly W. iap|* .. On- ol itm: ¥fl ..». Erire <tl t\ II. A I1I0TOB1 OP PHILOSOPHY IN EPITOME By Dr. A en '.cbwrgler. Tranala'cd from the Original lier n tr by Ju..ut H. Seeiye. One tol l.'u.o. Cloth. a>l ft. Ill THE PRAl II« AL PRONOI BCEB, Ami KaTt To Axnai.wt aan It « FBBBCH Iv tTBtXTOa. Curtaining an Inirodv tion the Leitung of tbe Inatrur t.i>. wi'b a I'bone'u- Remier.ng in Parallel I .. umni. a French I iti.alatiou nl thr Exri.ee»; together with in Appendix. By IN pi rn Pearl Atiarcwt and Oeorje Bat. heior One vol I2mu. la (bound. *l IV I HE ATTACHE. IN MtliRHI Or IBBTCBXH or tiik CafaTM or laatr.Li a II. fine v.l. «: I .1 a Ui,iror.aeJh>ture. a pho'oira iatde ^ [BoituuBee BACHSL liRAV. A T»> PotfJ ..I mi Fart By Jslle Karanagh. aqthor of "Ora.e Lee." A,-. Oneiol. LAbBB. Paper co.art, JO r.ntt, otb 7htenU. " A roloue pronon'c»d hy Tlia Atheneum of London aa her t^tt w i.tttn ba.i t.' " ft THF CONFIDENTIAL COBBE8POWDElfCE OF NAP ) LEOB LO.NAP MITE M ITH HIS BHOTlll.it IOSEE I i\ th two Portrait* Two vol». Umo. Cloth. t>7. Tbeae vedttBBOB afford a deet*r iotight BOB the man and hit me.ti. rt of trt i. tl.a BB* hlograpliy yet written. In tbeee let ttrt Lt ...f »; .1 iteaka for iiio.*> it. \ II AN ELEMENTARY THEATISE ON LOOK FlBrtHtaag pirt I.Anelvaie of Fonnole. Part ll-Metbod *A h tn Apf< .it uf I x ii- flet tor A.'.aJyaia and CrlficttTi. and B t picet it.dex r,f 'IVrri.f a .1 Subteett. Detlgrwwl firt the Cae ot "rl unit tnd College* at well aa for Private S'udv and L'te. Bt W. D. W.iioo. D. D OneuLlSiuo. Cl"tb, fl 2*. Iook HEBE! look BEBE f.OUT J SALE cf BOOKS tnd PRESENT ef a VALUABLE PAf KAflE -«»a»r»l Dol 'A a'rbet BBWU t ^»n Ukeo In the liitf pet kit' Withoot n.aeh notoriety, we deteronrard the neat t u.» aaa waa taken to iBOjogat pensia»ion to atake it pabiir; end we hot a in oar noaeetrioii t rertltrate. of which that ttUanr- .tg 1»» et .>. " Tr-it it to fer*ify that on tue '/th Jay of Marefc. lt.» I Bun Bati 4 taaaa J.dm Monroe 1 Co a »-rkej.'ed the l.ti tb-.-r umbered 5 711. tor wb'rh I paid .!. end reeet- e t OratbthO bttik a Gift Pieiare eot.ttluir i t lerarlegtt.t OaM U it. u, BrMrA I 'b nk la werh titoet |V>. I b*«e >*> objiotttti to rbavV iL» Waieh to *oy t-er*. a who erll! rail upm ioe. fBhj e.li KReD M. SILBER. No. MBajej* ¦ All tbe new Bot.fct are tBOetrod at won ll puWiebed, and ii.-, ;irr Jter of a bocV r»- .. . I '.,!' täte w.r' Ir. u * it .lowo to V> rente. S*. OBBi t«t.r» ¦» Id Watelie» at well at otbrr al nable tre^ntt. are on bond waiting tor eeetotnrra. t ran anuay be obtained o-j re^nett. glaring foil perileslart. OBd i.ao the relri ad"tte.| for order* retVnvd fro-u '. a placet. lOVÜt MORROE A Co Bt 111 Hro-dw*y. e..j ¦. i r < hneta ar.u Woo, Miu.treta, \l if - t <> D t B W <j B f I i aPI Bl W I iM>r.\, W..1 be ptikiaattii tod for tale h) all Bookaeiieri oa SAT I ttDAY, Mare', *_ A M1 -HIEM tLat PAYB.." Tbk ccrtitifg it the: I u. gat iB^i mbJ a a*ea OaU v\ »n h tt Ho. BH Bowery for only Bl i. Ph« mpaee. N aJ and «.| ', ,i ft " Tku cert if tber I boetbt a rook ai.d a toed Ooad Wevh at No. SB Bowery fr» on> BL H. D Walker. Not It and In Tr xat'y Bailattng aad ReifJll Broadway " Many othert hero done ai.d »'Iii may do .. well. Hen talking talaabte BBBB a b even book a no It aiwaya deliarered oe toon aa tkte book U eela. W hatt a ;et of many per ^r t who bate bo.gh' </ V, an .'. ar. S Ik 1'ree.ee w th a t'«ti bo-.k foroeJv Ol. fBABAIalH BOOK CUAaPANT. Boo Sigai ef Reo Klag. 1~~^ilK JafEDI«CAL pTLof! By^DB T d BtrcMiBCi-Erery famiiy tajowiti paii.it. tkrkf aalaabae hV«k. It treat* on every toaeeee. Cowtarn SSS pagee. eples- aicly Blwatrateat aad kraal. To be bed ef tee Aalfeur No. BH Bfooatwoy, BBoaa4 Baar, ar ajaj tm, ft*.* RL I ITTELL-» LIVCTO AOE-E'tyry SATUK- J DAT -.. »».«*. PANoBAMA Of UPF, A "TO UTtJUTtAK- »j i year. l-'TTKI ! SON A Co . BaaWea. MM* ft*. U1 Kr.«.l... ¥»'l B~E8T CITANCE TIT.. ORPAT SALB OP BOORS At No. PJr liwrry, wbaww fee wi hny BOORS rh**cw» that it .«»*» I*»*' Bl »»'. Ol' aad with *T*rr hr-*h joe «, k-f,.i« i| «t.r'h f- «...t, u> «!<* Tha i h eet <. la claarai .at . lar*>e law aaf Bawka raww aa katavd, aBhao* raiara to coat. Ira eoaaooaorro a* bard laWaW*_ SALE To < »INTINHE ONLY 1HIRTY DAYt*. PBANRLIN BOOR *»V4tYA^. ^ . law« Man "t Baal PVtav) Ptintin0. BFSINESS CABDfi. law eiie an.i ««od ..uAiity PI AO p>r tbeawaral Bill keada a>P*r reaoa. CareeWre in *»*iit>ik>«) a' SO can la per tarwaaal. and ever* d**rripCor» I Pria'r*| eaaally rbrai ai Boa wanted. F( KLP.R'M Na. JT Patio* at.. New Yer*. ttl fVJI IKK TIMM'SAND. - BCfilNEfi.* ?JT ¦ * w C kB PS PR INTFD--a Ar-1 rar* artiela..BüT- Head*. I* rrulara Han Brit tr r.e'lv end pn.snptiv ana attd. Order* mail, ercao.ranted bv remittance, will baa pancteelly ta'llled. r C SUFLLF.Y, (tt Barclay-**.. ». Y -fine .Urn. NEW DRAWING MIMIK. . Thirty bee.HlicJ Stodiee of Heade. ai « A -a a PWwawe, 4«. S--t.» hound. «I *V Por»*l«h» W fccHAt'S. «1 .roadway. Btationrrrj anb /flitct) Good*. n ( I i s -The iirwnt itYiVa rtf KNVEL- ¦** ()rr> and RITINO PAPR«!». la ***ry variety and la ihr larirat euantittea. manufactured by the aiibtrrlber*, aad fur- mm* .1 M dealer* aad > bbera at the lowraar whoirwal* ia**a Fereetal aitancioa w rvired t.. our lateec at y lew at" BXTBA I 1 t\ > KaVad«T*a an-l Corgreta WrP Paper* Theeaoer- ii v 11 nur Far lory a now to »»tejeide-i aa to euabl* a* ta mtmrnX the large It roaatrl* d. r r«.<d* ( has. ii LYON * BROrHFR. No. ¦ .Uekioen *t_, NL Y. M l'('II AHE. in new «ml convenient Bettlrw, wt h Metallic Cap and Uriah iitdiatwnaakl* ta m«i*h**te *twNI to every body Per tele by THADDF.HS OiVIDi k Co., Wanula. turn* ItBltaaeia, No. M lid it New-York. C T A T 10 N 1 R Y . . 11(1IARH> II LYON a 1.1 ii ROTH FR. Beekuaan tt. t N\ I.OPF-. and W RH IN«. I' U'KRS. Vi'« arr 11 w tn.makii t to tb* Tra 'e the moat aataaaiee a. .1 . lltad aaa. rtaa* nt ..< the ala.re >.->..a to he found ii tbacooutrv. Our tarark, wktah ha lareet than e»er before, eeanpneaa every t aaa Bey aid pHrw, iwa\lwdla| tba l< a.t aiad otoat *p- 11. . r.l tiylra. w hk-li we are often.>t at iwiee* uuu*ually lew. \* nb inerea*. d far olliea for ruaoufaeiarl:.* and raw eat law- i a ten aaa* m Ii e I anufa. teaii a preraaa, we ara aaw able r<» a>. p at e wi'h ti e Ii rreae r dei'iand for oar KnreUapa«,and at ti e aan.e "n eto tnrnitli a. article of aaperiaw w wkmaa«alp, loler|* haver* we *re rep*r*.| le oiler eitraorduaarv 'n- it .irren't by reaaoa of nni large euntrarta wifb teMOTthc) !»»! taper unlit in It el ni'ed Stata». um; v., r kPBBB Pit Ltr. CoMweaciai. Nora. LtDict' Nora, Laoiat' Barn, p.rn Peer, Qvaarra Poar, Car, Flat Car, a.-. The alore »> or lain ruled or in ruled wore, laid and lei rV laid, V. bite, Riilf, Canary, ilac, fcolora awoara'e araaaorted), *. n lor. < rar one anadra ol ajualit) a. .1 pi are. i irdria In m ai y | art of iLe Cult, d Statee prmupaly atlerideal bb CHAI I-.H LYON k HRimlF.R, No. tft Beekman-tt., New York. I'd IU.ALEI.fi in FANCY ARTICLES.. 1 I t IH N S r mar l Soap* Poaaadew Toilet Powder. Ii kVrt ltr. WB a..! W bna Wiud r Soap. WB Heaey Tabtela,Ob Maaeear, Pomafam, be. CM \ \ Mi - i nit 1'rea.n, Marruw.be. HAIR l.l oV KB Han Btrape, Habher*, br HU Ki rl ah and Firi.h Tiurfh. llaie.Clnth.br. It HKhh low KLS, Tow. a H tr- v. r.imbe. SI ..I S. a 'a ge a ...rtt. eni. Pine. Bathing. Ac. FBOLIBH PRCNl II and OPKMAN Parfarnery.be. loitorted ai .l lot aale wh. Icale a' low prare* by HCHIKrFKI.IN BUoniKlls k Co No. 170 YY.li ,m .t Bookman tt. i-p If A F. I S II A V ID H A Co.'« 1 (VBIVING INKS, rreooeaeed by tdaj b*»f the i.*t* to be aral il«i any other yet made F..r aa'a i.. 'h I'll\DHl 0NL1 bj IIIAIiliM.^ PAY IP*) B Co., a»ai.iWaawa«er» rtf N K ¦> unill tbelr varieriea>. na ^^a^ t< al-ra VI aell***, k*. No .t 11.11 at., New York. CUanta. AGERMAH Lirl, who apeak* Fii«li*h, and ia areattwed re rba .. a ..a-.-, a riteatbaa aa LaDIF.h' \t II' or ai SKRi ANT ri. a fan ilr on a trip t.t F.urope Beat el letrrri era. I'lea.e rail ». No fj| I.rand at. AIM r III TABLE ro«M U muaii want* a altn ilioa ta peod COOI tVABHBR.aad IBOMBE Haan« km to go a abort .:a'aj re In tie conn rv with a raw pay-.*- b|r fan. I) Cm rire «"aal city reference. Call at No. Ml ?.'.a*., accond floor, bark t< ..m. SITUATll N V\ AN'IK1>-Xe an eiMri«fae>ad] kMaTRF.au rot NCI uad sKAMSTHBtW, by a i-e It a niee baud at 11 ildren'* < lothhip. «hirt B.tkl |l ..... tew.ng. AU*o a* a go .1 I i.OK ai d to \\ ASH and IKON bv a '.dy. a.: I we yoauf V- B an. ( all at Nu. .. H'h ir., kj the Boukatote. ¦1\*.\M I I .I'.y a )niiiio I hil>, nni|»elent ti in Tf a'ru. a- ita»ic*l aiel Freu« b rJtudie*. . BI1 DAI ION la a HIOH SCHOOL ..r ACADBMY. v\ a educated ia a N*« ila .1 Beu awry a...i t.a* bad aee a er lei** la Ttarbiaa Ke« of reaawaaeee »Iren. Addreaa M L T rare m V. B. Pain i.r, Curr-.t., ..... Maaa. VL7ANTED-Bjr EltdU- In«l> <»f eirreririiii m It »>t. I* HOI KKKKPEB la a privaUteeiUy | tbe are of rl.ih.ren would ba-mi oh)ecllnrt. No' narileular tu t y ¦, ReelireIt ..,-¦.« .1 re MÜad. < * I ... addretw M. J. IL. No IM Ik/eel -t W'AN'II I>.A »iltiatiiiii, i-> a reeix-ctahle yoiini/ TV YVon an, at CH A MB i W Kl I'KH. or ae I I aa.berniil.l and'o'ake rare of ChMdr.ii. Apply, for I wo da.t. at l.er i r.-ae. t .1-, ¦¦ V.. | W a1 Iat., where tno ha", n- ed i teereead i a «-».tba W'AN'l I I».A »itui.Hi ii l.y a I'n.ttjaUut YOUiMf Tv W mat aa PI.A! N I IHK IVA IIKIl and IK/INI II la hale it r. .. ... la |,e nan Inr two deya at No. . 11 let h-av., ror. of 4 Le. W'AN'l KD.A aitiiatit-n hj a maf, tiily (Jirl, M If W A 11 ik in all It* braneheat a eomiwent Chamher- n a d; will 'ake char.* t ILe .- lie. and lliun.g iotas; eaa VVtit . table in t private lau.Uy >t reai^.-tab1* Hoard a b-..e Ua»e* .< to a Call at No. SU M tt. City refrr- aa* * given. W'AN'l Fl». A eitiialii ii, bra reaper-Ublei yonnp; f f W ., I* ... Iba '.I MEHAL Ilnl'-IKWIKK .rf a ru il'private family, ehe I* a § "Mel I lain Cook and tuet rite *A »r and In nrr On d l ityiefrrence can brt riven. Cell at No. SM Mottet., (In the re*r.) n at Blo*«h«f et,Me tday*. WAN'II I'-A SITUATION, i.y a r.-»i.eetal,lo )..., » Wtaai who bi > eeertCeab, Watb.-i, Loier *r..l Bika r. Br*' ol r.-ierei i e can Im; aj.eii ftoua bet ieat taaate_eega ee*ei Bel we rbjytet K*. dM tiVb-ee., ae*r 8!th-*l WWII Ii -A HITUATIOM in that city.-Cao .1. Kn ti a* IBewU < loaka, Collar* Vail* and Ohrret, .. Hair Urn lie.a aid ( nw i.et V. ork in a variety of way*. A t mm IOBN COSTERPBl Pawling Du'chea* Co., N. Y. W'AN'l KU.A SI II AT ION to eix.h and aa.i.', tv ii waall l a .1 ¦ .-bi* Wooatn w (. be*l *f rl'y refer*, ret'rorn laat e.nplo.er Pleaawcall at No. :J V, rtt Mat it.. third §m r. _ W'AN I ED.A iHaataSS, l.v a nmifiafent, tniat- it wettbe Qtri, a* (MrOR ta en fee >r*n****i| laacapahte P. awhavr end Inner and IH <.-- a dt all r'a of Mailt a. Bakiai of evrrj deer r.p'lon Cea tri"« «»¦ .1 itv r. irrer re Vi iget #1.' Call at No. .UN) tM BP, Y\' AN1 FD- A »ituation by a FroU-atant yoans; TT V .. ,.(1,1 1. i.l ,(. « .| IROSF.S, ort.,d.. Or M RAL HOI SLV OHK. h.< o hj.rr eon go a ah.«. dl> an. e in rt. eo. n'iy I all at No. ji4 Sallivaa-er.. In the Beati e: .-.».. i an he ae- n for thtot day*. "11'AMIINIr\\rATf.I)-l,7~a Woman wbo uo- tI lei ar. deenf* kmd* raf Cio*aea LaaiMa** and Oentlaw men'i Yk A Mil I.No will be done by the week aw meath mm renn... I. lern a CeB ** B* I'M /tin a' i or, ,tr nf Idar. A01TUATIOM WANTED.By a i-»pa>»Uble> Man a* OA Ii DKM- K, I at a 'i...rough kimetvlawef ell kil d*«,f \ ege'tb eaard I r. uae I'lan'e from l')Wg*gperlene* j ...¦'a.:. Kg i ia ... a . ami the r> giataMag mi Und:*l*n the reailt g of blark (Vfb a d Horaae Can pr.,,.|.» .*-.. a, l. .y .. ..t*T.4/i lala fi. m in j eo loaera I'tn be *BBM *S* ll ee dayi at No. «.<!.«*.. between AitadSd-er*. AH GABDI SEI mail !.¦ IMs'F-TAnäaänilö- ig a .i all la. r.«e in *V»at Ml ti aid havlnaj Ik* .a', r i a't o( I. a j. « '.¦ at ere would hi; pv t>( take caetrw I. i'*' nr three pler*a l.y the rr or.th yeerordar. Add/eat. er.a! fiARDFNFK * .. . Wt" fleh a'. AMAN with a porta' . ¦.. am Saw-mill prarriaaaj. '. ) wwh a eeaiparry h ia *xUD*rr« LUMBCUM i I' v I H/N ... ... e Wr.lrn. Rlv ti. A .ply*. lit . S.etrf 'be I'.Mh - t ri KM Ii«. Nu ?W Mrval « v Itocmi Ne. a. orteO. P IMo'.V rf rtarforl Coon. m, Mau »Ann, en lAtr) unit aa CLERK, Mi>r>} NOl.R or otherwh.a. It an Aiaaar can raw able ¦I ¦.¦ ..'..»'!. A ..e-a K. Ucja N«# I'.-tOftl,. N.w >ork 1 A' I VIS WAN i ED lor a fiTANDABD I'KRI- MCtBt .A Sri» rateel .ru-e for Working Can vwwera. Pee ' ' . « tea* or ral Ll I ' ,1'r Weier et ,N Y. AMAN ^(TiTr^ä aiiTi r .. \ K'I»K\e"Rso4 to TAKE ( HAR'.h of a I A KM. He ia*tafcotly bb*Vw . '. .'¦ ble leu rat in ll' it* bnrrhea Ceil et B«. Iti Beet lllh it.. top fli nt Iron' < I \ -\ m I Al.l.K i ..ioie.i \s..man weat^aTi* -ta on f.r / te de Ol M-.K4L UOL'SBWCaJULi to* mi be i r ...I ( a J » a ^. -o a tSawf BHeanra in th> roan- v (raver* wa*aw w II be livea aad the beet refer- en. tt rr.p.ied li.aelr* at >«. sil Orovr-a*. Cu 1 i HOI I »EH..Wanted a BOY, Id U, 16 wh* it eoanpriaatta. H. »I.I> ( OPT fAY* PROOP h I A DK. R. He n.na- be able to read man owe ri pt rWily. Ad- dr.a. A H. V\ at Ti e Trtbaie OMt*_ EKTBT CLERK WANTED.In a Wboleaal« Dry BVaaa Houee. Koae bat Ihoaw with eiaartaac* aa>4 thoeoBtihiy ccanpetant a**d aptly Add/*** i H. M..TruW* bvBB

Transcript of ,Aa7i.iht tri.ii«.cti.itiPaJkhatV,8aoTy.ofgunernlFREBMANbn-ineaa. hUSCOX,PWt I. O. al'O. Wo.Tl Pral...

  • V«- XV.N* 4,043. new-york, thursday, march 6. i85c. price two cEirra.

    ,i; Fire OaaAaa for§1; Tanfoiaw for #1?; a id paper la it -x> aaaw .:onr.r .»*d be¬yond tha can* for wh..-h it It pa d. Advernei-ient. for tb'tober' »lllae charted HEVENTY-rfrE CCMTi fKH LINKAjr eav h rrart-r».-.

    Tilf: PJBBI wllll ¦ TRIBI'JUtk) pa.faS.li«d every TVKtoar Mai faiDar Moawau. Price #1

    7wo t «Flu*. f« for «seit tutartiuu.

    TIM NKw.YOKK 'I ItIKl -SHfor t: crop Kan 0IBCD latioM

    H pt.Mi.heat no tf.e depem.ee of each Mail Steamer for I, r»rpoo|at »Vi per anbam, pnetes» included. Single Copies, Six Cent*.


    H Ah. I» W I ( II ISLAND!),ihilohad oa the dt par-ore of each Mail Steamer for Aipln-at t>i to per ani.uui. au gl» Casass, Sit Cssta.V.

    Special Xoiicco.I.irtcrr. e.f tin- wl nrk Yoitag Men'. I'hrU-

    rtari Aewtrf-ltiiiaoii. lie t lecturer tbi b>t JOIIMLCii.l». wii. «.v aCrtarss t Y. .' reh', M I Union Hall. At'or place, c >.ua.tuing ai 1. o'clock.

    Sub,.el. .THAI KERAY.TicV.sts Ot< ult: ran ha Lad at the Library. No. 2 Nataau-tl.,

    Bad at the dot r on lb' eat n-.ig I Ho Le. ture.B. U T1MPBON, Ch'n Lee. Crrra.

    Nntiaoal l7o»da7 N.. M i o. mgQ, f, -">le"u.i«ra ar¦¦..> ed I. mare I at the Lodge Room, Odd laartfl Hatt, onII. CII MlAY M'.rrh n. f 1 o*< lot k 11 111., to ttt. ud lhc luneralOt our ceetatsd hrolh'r 11. S. MANSKiei.l).

    Ly order of the N. O. T BOB. Wool.COCKS. ftee'y.

    J Nr«v>York Hlhlr Soi-irf>.-.\ Re(ultr Me ingoftboB< ar.i. I Masjaaara w ol I* 1- 11 at the Atnaikcto Blhta fljoloty*.House Attt r jlace THIS (Ti.ur.daT) EVENI NG, at 7J o1 hick1 Bi JAMES C. HOLDEN,RaoordlngBooiatary.Amrrii-nn i;.-t(iria|iliieril rntl HlatiatMjkl BsycletT,

    I Kw Via University, Wosiiuigtaiu-stiaare. THCR-HikY,Mmh I, laaa, at r rrdoek p. m a pa. r of CoBa. M. C.PERKY, I S. N.,011 Ge..i-r«i,li.e»l S ,n pient ont't/inmercial 1 a ri.-n B," B B] ha read.'The K011nh Ai.rtlati«iir> . 1 the" NEW-IORR OP-THALMII .-(HOI La ,|l be hold m the Medial Collego inRaW., between .'ki and I'.'-avt.. THIS EVENING a' 71t'tlta.. An ad iett may be exiwcie.t from 'h-- Bi Dr. r KitUs, Presiftent of the I net I* tr*ioti. a .1 Othsrt. al er wl... 1. tt-.-i-Bo. lala w ill I» awai-'e.l to the grattiia'ii.g claaa the meal allu et.101 and the publi tt.- r-.|^- tfullv 11.t i'ed til «'.. 1J. J. DAI I-, r^-a y.1 hi Urin,bin mi-ol ihr Blercatll Wiird tri

    Till.- ilhur.day) EN KMf G. al 7J o'clock, f. No. Hi At ..ueClor iht tri.ii«.cti.iti of gunernl bn-ineaa.t>Aa7i. PaJkhatV, 8aoTy. FREBMAN hUSCOX,PWtI. O. al'O. Wo.Tl Pral -r- itv and Iht II frieu.lt ire b>

    rwsd 1« at'ead the I LEV t NTH ANNlVERoUBY ol DIAHiiNI» LODGE n... ho. i .,r ihti i tt tm Erfon.'i? OiaaaJaait(l'au.on Cot.-naol, Howard a:.d RanBSra L Ute. al tuet*rai»i LodisBotan, Odd lellowa' Hall, 00 FRIDAY EVKN-IBO, the 7lh I' tl.. .. 8 r. k. i-. wt,;,-b t!iaM

    BtaUlly w rittSO at the tine of ea 1. loan an -rn-ato aoeou.taa. cetcriptfou of the goo..i. article, oi lalaa Mwaad,tao a aoaolat iioi \ ttou-ed t' Oflla til." pfpll Igiagthe tame Lht ta u*f u.i'tast to he paid t o tuen loan, and the name and re.identsat the parton |«w nu.g or i.i.ig-i-g mo as,J foodi, ar.icle, orttui gItr. \ Every Pawt broker .bail, at the lime of each l.-au, de-

    aaer t« ti.a peraaaii |*w nmg or pledging any goodaria-l orRbbj,asaasnorai loan or noto, taanaa «y b.m -r her. coutaudi gJte tat .taucc ol the eiitr > re.pi.irra! to be a e .rbsC Btjua.j lie last btrjoealioa aawi-oa.; anal uo claaige aoaal bs uta.it> or

    h aiteiae.i by BB3J | »» i bn k.-r for ai.y tuab enrry, siomota lu.u." «Ute.lac. t>. Tbt said book .'.all, at ill reato.abV liraIB, be o, Baxkl

    atttr intj*. lion cf ibt Mayor, Recordtr. Aldtrmon. Aat.ata-.t.,ad .isrui in.ilce. lor Bts.sreiog tha fosss »f tbo City ot Nsw-tark.. - a- a ti.er ol tl.em, or of at.y | BBSM who aball b«i-

    aearell] ol work, 'he higb prirea of Iba BaMeaaarbM ol life, andthe ruierrir loi.iiition of the awkbig elavaae*, render it ladiiBBtbtaklefket(cane mraeuree sboiiol be adopted to make the"rn. - a'e Ibe a e known to the country.Tte I ot.M n'lona of the three great |Kiliiiral |iartiea hvM- m»r

    am. haw a-ji urni d. without taking the slighteel notice : thefciearerkhifu en nt the I'ni'ed S-afe.. T , .,em to tri :.k '!. ,ta I. w r.< gr'- slav. a In Kanaas are of more consequence then theinn resia (t the Lunnieds of Ibeajaakwd* ol men mmi woiii»n whohsve (trlbsed ll*i latt*e mid wrer. hetlBiaa be I Oll l descripti at,will, a' fhe.a* rhw* Iber* ea* more white lahorera. widowsam'nrpl si s in New-Yoik slon..tlu-alav.a of want bsiitu-ioiimil h ill prices.than mere will I« black *l*?eg in Kansas in av Ik I* iai atafjeai toiome.1h" ur.deraliiied, tb.-rel..re. f ropnee toappeal to Congres« rii-

    n 11. by men or al or otherw i«e. tor an immedin'e ronsideratinriof the depressed con.iition ol the lalair ol the country, ami wecall iiji ii the Workii grnen of New-York and Brooklyn to Met]in the J ark at l2i.'c,ock, n.on.on MONDAY Deal the I'nbdsvof Mmi b lo take theaa ma'iera mlo rot,snlerarion. and we bj.vile the m« rcban a end buaineaa men of eve y class to unite iuour d< lil era'.oiis.


    ^^.rT','l >«llrr..A ti.eeti'g ef the Speda! Committr¦. oft|. I .si. M A.'.lern-en in r.-latio-i to Ibe practice adopted byIbe I icbtli Avesaa Kailread Company of throw ing the gOOtrfieri teerr traeki on betfc ridea of tie «'reet» will be held on1 HDRBDAY. Mar. h I, IRW, at I tfeu rk ;.. rn., at the offi e afH i ( ink of the Con men Cnnr ril. No. » City Hall. Parties in-t. reetH are respectlullv !... ited to be r regent.

    Aid. PETER POLMER, Chairman.Aid. .1 WOH H. VALENTINE,Aid- W ILLIAM M< i ONKE.y.

    Yoiine .Men'w I hri*lirin I riiiui ol New-York.The > V regular Meeting W ill l«5 b»ld in 'he I.e. .u-e l(inun ofCMuion Hall, Asn.i-t lace. (Hr«t taoi ( ,,. M'iNDAY. Marchl< »I 71 p m. An Easav on

    " Moral Volition" will be read byliWIOVl II I.LMSiEAD, to be Mliewed b> a dlacuaaiou onIbe aubj. ci ef lh« .-av The public a.e inHred.

    t LI MRNT d. NEU MAN Hemming Secretary.

    The Ainiiveraiii v lit the Pill I ¦¦! "»oeieivol llie I ri f Aenda mv » III be hi a' In I hapin'aNo .V Breedwey, THIS BVEBlMO.el 7»o',:l.ted iu be punclual. HE.N'KY MRIOS Ree. lee.

    1'. K. Po~lii«e S-lnnipa (li cents and I" ceniai fur sale atTMS Or Ell I


    III. GOTTSCHALK'1Jt) firstPIANO- P O it I B S < > I R 1. I

    Iu Nl \» ARK N. J..Aaaiatr.. by

    S I O N O It A FERRARI(the celrbratr.) Prime Doi r.a from the Kneel Thea! R of M.Ianand Naples.)

    HONOR ANTONIO ROSETTI,the distingui'hed Tenor,

    (fr. m the Italian Ol e.a in Pa- a and Si. I'eter.loirg ) a iSJOKOR MORINO. the eminent Baritone.

    itrom tie Roval Optra ot Tarta )U M. OOITM'HAI.K will gin- Ml lie) PIANO-FORTE

    .-Ml EE In the City ..f Newark or. 'illI RsllAk E\ ENINO,Much 6. »1 LIBRARY HALL in Market ar. ne.r Broad.

    Fea partirulara see Newark Datl> P»r*» ra ot the nth ma-., aridrr. gr.e ine. at li e Mu*k. Book aud Drug Storrs. whero Turk-eta nie Irl! ea aale.

    TM . GOTTSCHALK.'.yv ill gi\e l.iiE I O H T II

    PIANO-FOETE SOIREE, vie AFFAIRS.W k M. Bar..: a .1 m- Setrl.. !'

    t a ri.il Ak-A W INTER'S TALE.« -Ali SPAY.ORIST To THE MILL._\\1«»ADWAV^THEATER.E. A M.\.KSHALL,J ' - '.-»*.* .Baaaa a d Paraaei Met >i PtoaBy OBileaad t'ppel Tie«.»' cei.ia; Prvai* Base*. *>A *l I »1-'kajt*open at «i; egsaiaweace at 71 o'ei.« k THH EVENLSO:HERNS PHI |< .4TF.R.Herae.the Han'rr .Mr l aiaoli. Mabel I.vnwood.. Mrs. Pon dHer« »Ml.Mr. Ilar.aon jib reaLt^h_Mr. Chaprna-aI. Lir f ii«nn.oiid..Mr r-i o Hmaauoce.Mr. SeyaoerOerel lire.Mr*. Bu kiantl Jatartte.ktra. Seyaauwrlue r will be no other puce perturs ed with the Drama.

    KlllI O - liAK.'r V I».K,r»..|i'iiat i;,. 1 i.-keU ,»Mar*. 1hik.-KA. F V i SI NO March *. The Ustorfal KA\"EL FAMILY. Mile ROBERT and t. K, -Inn.* THE El F KINO. Or. Wiairn sao Povcarr.The Comic Pantoca^e ef THE SOLDItR FOR LowI bree grand piece*. I

    IA TR A EKEVE" VARIETIES,J Lall Tha Mr.Taupui.n .« THBaraa. Baoanw.vTH!8F'.l NINO.*VHIaaoaratsstsswteaTWO Loves ANDA Lift. Torenclud* woh NOVEL 1" V, in on- Art ant TonTal leans. 1»- Tableau, T' MJDI.ES .". Tableau. K Ac II F l., WTaklBBB. Ml and Mr*. BAR.SKV W II.LIA.M-' t.h Tald-a«,IMUNE-, haTlklrta PA1 LINE; BthTtMees. MIDSCM-MER Ml. Ill- DREAM ;7tb Ta lie M -11 \ K t S P f % re »hTalles., IM IE TOM ?tb Ta' ran II ER N E 7 H K HINTER,M tb aid u»t TabJ.au. APOTHEO-.ra Of WASBIM .TON.

    W4L&A4 K - 11 f I A I J.I:.. |L ft ami Pani'i-t5s esmta; Family Cirrla IS cents, Stella #1; Pr.vat«Boa es Ol an,i a-7. I.... ek, tir.tip .1 m ie SAM and 111E millim il-' HOLIDAY.

    nils EVERIKO, atII.'clock, trattraaool PHN coi NTTfc ike. airt brat t*nje >A 'TWAS I. That sublime andthrilling rrertarle of tl.o PERFORMANCE IN the LIENOk LIONS, a' 2\ and 7 p. m. Admittance to .vtrytbing, tV\;cbl.'rjrpo ai der 10. Ufr.

    BRO.Mi»V.\i VARIETIES, No. ,7'J Broadway,late Mprhanire* HailII W OOil.Leoaee and Boai'.»«* Manarer.r. o. MARSH.State Man iger.

    Tbia :»» and beautiful temple Of ein laeiue' t n now uponWOOD AND MARBfl CHILDREN.

    B>rty it. ntin.brr. under fen yean at aae.ibe great*** fretrpo ofJuvenile r..n p.liai a ir, tbe world.wbo will prraent for tooamusement of tbeir p»trcer.te.

    TaJOTICE f.. HOI DEB8 of PERUAW* GIFTII t it I. TS..The contract pai.tin« BOtwaOB the nudi-r-.igre.'i hating hraatl this lay cancelled by mutual conrent, UteLi Ulna 11' Perharn'* Tirkt t* for mlmiaaion 10

    HI I KI.E'. S OPEPA-HOCSE, No. Br .alwav,r n.t ir.». nt thtm lor aatsalaeaoe ..n or BOSOM BATITROATM.\1. the etil InoL i olberwii-e they wi I not l.e re- ired.

    I \ v Bl ' KLEY .\ SO.NN.Maw.York. March 4, ISML JOBIAR PERU A M.

    rpHE ( BY8TAL PALACE..Thli Leviti, .!Ja. building tliotoll vari'on oMeOOl of ir:t"r>-tt .AncientGnUlm TAT» 8TRT a gall, r) ni PAINl INOfl, rare mid vainaMa STA7 BARTi l^.lde .»«ri. ultural Impleoipi.ts and Hi-tbirery. It w ill remain BBMra until further in tin

    Xiiu JJnbiicationo." '.MW p|eg»i,rp«gt d palace*. ih»re'« no place like Home."V Bl MIA,"chs-ed e*eh other thxo*i| the lal.vrlnthio" pi «*r-« at


    .' JONAH CHOCK I \ M aRINO LOTEfn tweet " Be-aev ." n,rl nuinni apl.reciat.ou ol b*r ipllcalerejtction ..I hn u.arTiltireiit proper, by p.'paer.liug her with a"lilat r piece," and rpn.aiklng:

    MONI \ I- -i Alt! E AND HARD TO B' O'lTor I would gire von BlOrof" the ad. «j^akir r face of the d»sfmute. Alger;' hi a> IHWI " Mi.t Loring." her

    t RA/. .1. f. 1 IIEN1 l.f. rr-l'lltfTgro| Ii g round tl.p ¦ all* of itt l -nement, srsrrhing the hauntedcrllt m memorr. >n the mockery ot I am end, at or," tbe a>.iuny,(reel .i .Ma. i 1 .nit1 who

    M.i E.R CURLED HER RED BAIR"bet nice, tnd tbtt w t. ulien the btik slid,'" |a1t, be-wtJdn.d David HOI" a.ho. ( Ol LDR1 OBI 1 Hi MAN'lt OK PARADISE LOOTt id to .Ott 1 la ibai.ic Ol Ptta.i'.M with that wa.e. ne lira, ¦;"tbe

    CRASH Ql h.tin'. vT MR VAN ROMP'S"wbi.-t il e "aaiaan Btce,

    LH.HT I.I.I r El EJ U BITE H \ll!short nose si d chin, that looked as if it wa. going to ruo away,loi g ' i Ui w te.t.ahort w a Mat BMt and

    i.ftEAT UHIT1 RANDa* OF MR. PoPI'LETONY."aoads thr8i»rlvri rnn.| b uoi a

    DERBY i. JA( kson, PuMiabert, New York,And for tale at the h,«,»tt< r- ¦

    R iUUi BOLD ii ONE W E E K..I.tltM f tan» V S'DINCiMaking in all ItJtWcorAea in TWO WEEKS'

    Of tbe most aaflltaal and barmint Romance ol trie lay,i um Nl LINWOOD

    Bt the Ismented Aath. reoB.MRAVCAROLINI LEI l.t.NT/.

    A D ele cL' iy interest Ott», bea to tbia . Inrmint vuiornsgiftet! tnthorw*. having patsrd into the silent land without er«aaoiaa It la prtot. Beroylag lefrsry to aas wwcM ot I teraturo,aad the n.ott fasrtnat.i g and bssu'iiul pt oBBBRaa ol her pen 4Err-p-' i.inwmd.lor sale U tie Pi b.isbt r«

    JOHN P. J' WETT k Co..No. 117 U sshuaftovrt., Boston.

    Ar>d ay a; aaooAaatTaaa,IN PRES>.M V\YlllAaoS . Ur. Hi ric*J. «>n Im i i. t ut la*.UOLIDA1 at i he i in rtuE.Mti«»-ii'S Ti PICAL I. iMMS AND iPECIAL BRIMkiEMolh- ok i>H KITioMEMORIALS or i \. rAIN MCARS..MEMOIR OF ADELAIDi LEAPER NEU OR.

    hoHl.l i ( \k11r a i.b"T!IER."» No. a.\ Broolw.v.

    K; E BEAM'- BEPOE I > Vol. II.it j: ports of' cases




    N.iTV* REFPRfNCIS AND AN tNTiEV.By I aaBCia Raaaaa, Coau.ae.ur at Law.

    Just ptj'ajbed and i"t ni byBA.VKS CHI LD k 0Ke. Ill Naraau at. New-York and 475 Bruedwe- A.°.>anT. N.T.

    K~ H I M M A t II E U *. NE W W O I.' K .Maara jr.DHE si i ri.king SAVIOR;

    OB.MI DITATIONaf ON THE LABT DAYS OF CHRHT.Ht E IV. Kst'MUaeera. D !>.. Cberalain to tbe lUna of

    Pr w .! d Aether ot " ki jeh ibt Tub! it. gtc.Imm. c.vtb #.! bA

    i.OCLD A UROOLR.No. ja V\ atuj.gtun-tt. Buet-ttv

    miK NAllnNAl. POLICE ÜA2ETTE ofJA THIS W EE K tpr-ar.':. NKU I'YPE THROCOHOCT-It i. Bet s abort tisae .lr«rat tbtt We ot.ee. thp aau.e thing - aerotf of It* PROSPEKITY and LARUR i I Ki LATloNibat car-iot be roetroeert.d. Tb» BgwaM r trer c-atebae abaleJ.ro« i ar:.cmars of the lihlSYMiLD DI ', . E A-E 'Astbea e .! 'rare.', a most am .aiLg letter from ADbut abendan eot CRIMINAL NXWg from all eerts nl the world: FOLD F.RF PORTS Cstress.aseVrace staple aast aaaoiaatlin bates theeoaea* cities of the Laaoa. aud a beet of wkirriltainos kaBetaVg'Lce ll si aa sdatlrsbis rwper' ROtM A TOU8ET. Aaenta.

    No. » Clark at., t ktte«*, oted No. ind treatment, combine to afford as a deliathtfal picture of a phase of American life bat little known-AH who read rhe work, w* are assured, will and % protVi-inlpleasure in it* peraaal, and, for a rood book and a f-eeh bookwe h> artily reo mm. t d ir."

    ( oNTFNTuie.l.fe. al-Wh*t waa Said oi the

    I J. The Kivala. HonseTop.11.Falber mmi Sot. 52.The Trial.1").Cloud*. W.Pruepect and Retrospect.16. The Venn.- flrslor. ill. Jeprha lump'a Speech.17- \\ lid Oars. B. Pie B»-r|e af Wii.deor.ip..The Jun.pae*. .a>.The Sh. epaea.19.A Deneurn.eut.Published in ni.e handsome I *mo volume. Price s>|.

    bi Xt E 1 BROTHER, No. IM Vassal est.

    BIOGBATB1 OF lOLLARD FlLLMoKE..I> t reia ai d will sbortlr be published,A BIOt.RAI'H. K TBE BUK. MllslaARD FILL.MORE.

    It ia well known fi. nianv of tue Intimate friend* ol toe pr.-*-enl noli.ii er i t the Am. i.. aii party for Ihe Pre-niem y. that attl eir »ii#»e*iiori, w.mething oarer a y-ar since, the lion. TbomaaM KoetetsMH* deBkenapky. His long peaaaaalaaalpo-Urticalin t imar -. w.il. Mr li.lno.e. »...tM to the fact ol hi* hatrial ct i. lad um chair e.iitonal of The I iminii-rinl Anvertiaerdum f a greet parr of thar time, rendered him pawaliarlv r-pi-ble 11 lio.r.i ji.ati. e u> the iubje. L in puraoam-e of thia wish,M eipieaaeal, Mr. Feele had made rnuai.lerahl* proarea* in theic e. tloa of i bm read* aad pn paeatiee of the work, when hereeeledtd te . n.ba. k epea in» pneaal mt la Bawepe, Hi*matt, r iliu* prepared w as h-ft in our hands, and we have nowthe ralialsrtii ii if an' PM it* that Mr. I. ( hvuiberlai.i, avlio k*lfor tl e ;e.r 'wo '.. ir» a. ted a» bo'h asa... iai.- and prlaclpalpi n r ol Tl .. i i n men n Advertiser, baa coujenfr-d to Ii .-h¦athewerk,tai Maeeeaaara of * wiah ».> ei.prceee.1 by Dr.Fie 'i prrwua to I I» e> p»"ore.The Di, »-ain» «f t,e Hm M. FILLMORE will «hctrtly he

    ia»i ed in a duodecimo of upward of 20n patera, erub. lllshed witha Partreit; and frar eve- .it* rroilalieti will ha. Beetl* got u;' inrapwr . . .ei» «rnt «*en d «» the low pi ice of 4-12 per liar rn|*ea,< r airn per 'I** dpi' I, ish.

    Oi.ltri from tli*> Tilde, or from Concri1» ir closing ca«Il, willbe | on ptly attended to, enj f. wiaked la tan order in whenUey may tx received THUMAJ I LATOROPS,Publishers. pr'nfera and Stere.tv per*.

    Commercial Advertiser Office, Buffalo, N. Y.

    r.Ml.l. KEBMi >.\ BEFORE (l.'illl TASK. Iile.tiared; cb.tb, art. ?! »| Tur. mo., e«.OOObBICH'S Blhl.K OEOOiIaFHY. Weaa 2V.A LI e Of I ra\r i.kkh. By Man* Hark. 7.V.

    Just Published b. KnHKHi CART1.K V BIIOTHFIIS,No M Broadway.

    \V E DON'T M A K K uiii. ii Bt*4Mf miYI BABFEBat I.» cents, b' t if keepa trsde movies, so we " hand rhem over"at < n a Hal last Itpaaa Most iaalaia are out of the marchnun.i r i ..t w.- hr a lar*. »--xa recited be o.-r ret*.i trade.We ». ii aeetiyTWO THoi saNi> COPIKS pv:it NORTHAt r I tail, and take arerial pains always to bare TKEMON HAND.

    rOlZUW NF.WS OFFICK.No. t'J Naaaan-st., New-Tork.

    M. KEF.. ItaaagairpilE OCEAN! THE hiefly frutu Marine Botany, Z-e.logyMeleoteUajy ihe H*!i. r'.e*, the verv'i.« a-ja^-'a of Island and

    >.' Scenerv. Incidents of Ssviri'ion 4c. arranged in theOi.'i i ol (.errrt hirai di.triliafiou "

    »\ in.ir STODIES is THE rOtTHTBY.I tcrl lkm.i. I lotto. 374 Cent*.

    '.' '¦..>: ^ ui.n.. ;.d thia little tnfnrne. truslirif that it*la «1. n.at uler «« mi .ii .. on v B be n-«i H «» MLa- 1. ne ii. i.t. rarIf." |l'h.l*. Halletm.For a»!e by the New York BoolaelVrs.-* D are ot tail lo p aae the lovera ol I .wing and graceful

    narrai.-.».¦' f Tribune.1' w.li be anperrJ inna kg asy thai Mra. 11,in.. a jae hartn.i

    wr.trr." [True Flag.

    1WE HOME8TE2VD P...»-pi..:. My Rtrhsrd Storrt \\ ll.a Uu... Ill pp Price .VI era." It ia foil of luterett to tbe pealor. th» hoir and the outre,

    t'i' ii " I Journal of t'otnmeree." It ia worth reading, lrmrJiltig o%er, and lliiuking 'bout."[Trer* Daly Vt big." It tboundt in tme pbil.aw Inea! rntieitu. of both BtVBBB a id

    I'D." [t'oerler end En julrer.Nuurernnt and extrndei notices atteet the rare value of thla

    little nut .n ation.SrA.VO.NS HIR Till. TIMES. Bl the Rev. Charloa

    Kn.gairy. author of " Village Serinou. " Allon Loche," Ac.Euro .>.i' pp. Price 7.1 ee a.

    " In o> r day., when 11.ud.1r h»a>lt do to greatly abound, a vol-e ot" ract atony, purgem, port affal and illuminating Savonuf the hayhaot worlli." (< b.trrrt Journal.The lira.. ur.et »:«. rnnrarkahle for their .impii. ty, jet tber

    itit e .an.' inteli'eclntl power, and each pe«e gitet evidence ofi'1 1.' ol '1 e antl.1 r." | Hoatou Eveuiug Trattteript.They are to practical ai d tenaibl-i thai toey will be lead

    wtttt profit ar.d pleaaure by all penvns who ere tnekere afterIr'.'li "(B.Hitoii Dailv Adtei.it. r.

    One of the moat rhtracterialic, it uol one of t.'ie moat ex¬traordinary vo'uniet of the d«v." Calender.

    " Kiuraey I» a pt.weilul w.iier. whether Iii« work, are nutriatraeriom." I llartf.tr I Coiir.nl.

    DANA S. l OMPANV. Pul.li.hera, No. Ml UrovHray

    DE C I 8 I V E \ 1 LJ f OKI'!PBOBPEl Tl Of PEA! ETbe rrraaprieti ol tbe " LITTLE Ol ANT I'oRN MILL "

    re.rr'lv .'.-... >:!vrr P!at». worth f itt>, to any Mill ti.at? 11 aid 11 ; I. with their Mill.The i.ai enur w ot accepted by teveral other Milit. mid tin;

    reault It ahew 11 by the :i.l!..w mg eatrariFrom The fin. It uatl Dally Enuuuer.

    1 Xi I I I no CONTEST Foil Ab e m v 1 g l of in r ii,

    THE Ll 1 TIM < ii.\N 1STILL AHEAD.

    The leer talk- 'if ...nitet »..twti n the rival Com MillaBel til on rae nrda-, before the BOB). II. L Ell - SCOTT a c,I or. Winand Coeietett.,


    KECENT PI BLICATI0N8 of D. APPLl 1'ONA Co., Not. P, tnd -U Broadway.ELEMENTS OF leOQIC.

    Together w i»b an 'tro.li., '.u v View ot I'liil.ae.plir in lienerai,ar 1 a Prt in BOry View of the BeOOBW« Bv Hei ly W. iap|* ..On- ol itm: ¥fl ..». Erire ture. a pho'oiraiatde


    BACHSL liRAV.A T»> PotfJ ..I mi Fart By Jslle Karanagh. aqthor of

    "Ora.e Lee." A,-. Oneiol. LAbBB. Paper co.art, JO r.ntt,otb 7htenU." A roloue pronon'c»d hy Tlia Atheneum of London aaher t^tt w i.tttn ba.i t.' " ftTHF CONFIDENTIAL COBBE8POWDElfCE OF NAP )LEOB LO.NAP MITE M ITH HIS BHOTlll.it IOSEE Ii\ th two Portrait* Two vol». Umo. Cloth. t>7.Tbeae vedttBBOB afford a deet*r iotight BOB the man and hit

    me.ti. rt of trt i. tl.a BB* hlograpliy yet written. In tbeee letttrt Lt ...f »; .1 iteaka for iiio.*> it.


    FlBrtHtaag pirt I.Anelvaie of Fonnole. Part ll-Metbod*A h tn Apf< .it uf I x ii- flet tor A.'.aJyaia and CrlficttTi. andB t picet it.dex r,f 'IVrri.f a .1 Subteett. Detlgrwwl firt the Caeot "rl unit tnd College* at well aa for Private S'udv and L'te.Bt W. D. W.iioo. D. D OneuLlSiuo. Cl"tb, fl 2*.

    Iook HEBE! look BEBE f.OUTJ SALE cf BOOKS tnd PRESENT ef a VALUABLEPAf KAflE -«»a»r»l Dol 'A a'rbet BBWU t ^»n Ukeo In theliitf pet kit' Withoot n.aeh notoriety, we deteronrard the neatt u.» aaa waa taken to iBOjogat pensia»ion to atake it pabiir;end we hot a in oar noaeetrioii t rertltrate. of which that ttUanr-.tg 1»» et .>. " Tr-it it to fer*ify that on tue '/th Jay of Marefc.lt.» I Bun Bati 4 taaaa J.dm Monroe 1 Co a »-rkej.'ed thel.ti tb-.-r umbered 5 711. tor wb'rh I paid .!. end reeet- e tOratbthO bttik a Gift Pieiare eot.ttluir i t lerarlegtt.t OaMU it. u, BrMrA I 'b nk la werh titoet |V>. I b*«e >*> objiottttito rbavV iL» Waieh to *oy t-er*. a who erll! rail upm ioe.

    fBhj e.li KReD M. SILBER. No. MBajej*¦

    All tbe new Bot.fct are tBOetrod at won ll puWiebed, andii.-, ;irr Jter of a bocV r»- .. . I '.,!' täte w.r' Ir. u* it .lowo to V> rente. S*. OBBi t«t.r» ¦» Id Watelie» at well atotbrr al nable tre^ntt. are on bond waiting tor eeetotnrra.t ran anuay be obtained o-j re^nett. glaring foil perileslart.OBd i.ao the relri ad"tte.| for order* retVnvd fro-u '. aplacet. lOVÜt MORROE A Co Bt 111 Hro-dw*y.

    e..j ¦. i r < hneta ar.u Woo, '« Miu.treta,

    \l if - t D t B W r.\,

    W..1 be ptikiaattii tod for tale h) all Bookaeiieri oaSAT I ttDAY, Mare', *_

    A M1 -HIEM tLat PAYB.." Tbk ccrtitifgit the: I u. gat iB^i mbJ a a*ea OaU v\ »n h tt Ho. BHBowery for only Bl i. Ph« mpaee. N .« aJ and «.| ', ,i ft" Tku cert if e« tber I boetbt a rook ai.d a toed Ooad Wevhat No. SB Bowery fr» on> BL H. D Walker. Not It and InTr xat'y Bailattng aad ReifJll Broadway " Many othert herodone ai.d »'Iii may do .. well. Hentalking talaabte BBBB a beven book ano It aiwaya deliarered oe toon aa tkte book U eela.W hatt a ;et of many per ^r t who bate bo.gh' r tbeawaral Bill keada a>P*r reaoa. CareeWrein *»*iit>ik>«) a' SO can la per tarwaaal. and ever* d**rripCor»I Pria'r*| eaaally rbrai aiBoa wanted. F( KLP.R'M Na. JT Patio* at.. New Yer*.

    ttl fVJI IKK TIMM'SAND. - BCfilNEfi.*?JT ¦ * w C kB PS PR INTFD--a Ar-1 rar* artiela..BüT-Head*. I* rrulara Han Brit tr r.e'lv end pn.snptiv anaattd. Order* h» mail, ercao.ranted bv remittance, will baa

    pancteelly ta'llled. r C SUFLLF.Y, (tt Barclay-**.. ». Y

    -fine .Urn.

    NEW DRAWING MIMIK.. Thirty bee.HlicJStodiee of Heade. ai « .« A -a a PWwawe, 4«.S--t.» hound. «I *V Por»*l«h» W fccHAt'S. «1 .roadway.

    Btationrrrj anb /flitct) Good*.n ( I i s -The iirwnt itYiVa rtf KNVEL-

    ¦** ()rr> and V» RITINO PAPR«!». la ***ry variety and laihr larirat euantittea. manufactured by the aiibtrrlber*, aad fur-mm* .1 M dealer* aad > bbera at the lowraar whoirwal* ia**aFereetal aitancioa w rvired t.. our lateec aty lew at" BXTBA

    I 1 t\ > KaVad«T*a an-l Corgreta WrP m« Paper* Theeaoer-ii v 11 nur Far lory a now to »»tejeide-i aa to euabl* a* ta mtmrnXthe large It roaatrl* d. r r«. II LYON a 1.1 ii ROTH FR. Beekuaan tt.

    t N\ I.OPF-. and W RH IN«. I' U'KRS.Vi'« arr 11 w tn.makii t to tb* Tra 'e the moat aataaaiee a. .1

    . lltad aaa. rtaa* nt ..< the ala.re >.->..a to he found ii tbacooutrv.Our tarark, wktah ha lareet than e»er before, eeanpneaa every

    t aaaBey aid pHrw, iwa\lwdla| tba l< a.t aiad otoat *p-11. . r.l tiylra. w hk-li we are often.>t at iwiee* uuu*ually lew.

    \* nb inerea*. d far olliea for ruaoufaeiarl:.* and raweat law-i a ten aaa* m Ii e I anufa. teaii a preraaa, we ara aaw able r. p at e wi'h ti e Ii rreae r dei'iand for oar KnreUapa«,and atti e aan.e "n eto tnrnitli a. article of aaperiaw w wkmaa«alp,loler|* haver* we *re rep*r*.| le oiler eitraorduaarv 'n-

    it .irren't by reaaoa of nni large euntrarta wifb teMOTthc)!»»! taper unlit in It el ni'ed Stata».um; v., r kPBBB

    Pit Ltr. CoMweaciai. Nora. LtDict' Nora, Laoiat' Barn,p.rn Peer, Qvaarra Poar, Car, Flat Car, a.-.The alore »> 1» or lain ruled or in ruled wore, laid and lei rV

    laid, V. bite, Riilf, Canary, ilac, fcolora awoara'e araaaorted),*. n lor. < rar one anadra ol ajualit) a. .1 pi are.

    i irdria In m ai y | art of iLe Cult, d Statee prmupaly atleridealbb CHAI I-.H LYON k HRimlF.R,

    No. tft Beekman-tt., New York.

    I'd IU.ALEI.fi in FANCY ARTICLES..1 I t IH N S r mar l Soap* Poaaadew Toilet Powder.Ii kVrt ltr. WB a..! W bna Wiud r Soap.WB Heaey Tabtela,Ob Maaeear, Pomafam, be.

    CM \ \ Mi - i nit 1'rea.n, Marruw.be.HAIR l.l oV KB Han Btrape, Habher*, br

    HU Ki rl ah and Firi.h Tiurfh. llaie.Clnth.br.It HKhh low KLS, Tow. a H tr- v. r.imbe.SI ..I S. a 'a ge a ...rtt. eni. Pine. Bathing. Ac.FBOLIBH PRCNl II and OPKMAN Parfarnery.be.loitorted ai .l lot aale wh. Icale a' low prare* by

    HCHIKrFKI.IN BUoniKlls k CoNo. 170 YY.li ,m .t Bookman tt.

    i-p If A I» I» F. I S II A V ID H A Co.'«1 (VBIVING INKS, rreooeaeed by tdaj b*»f the i.*t* to bearal il«i any other yet made F..r aa'a i.. 'h I'll\DHl

    0NL1 bj IIIAIiliM.^ PAYIP*) B Co., a»ai.iWaawa«er» rtfN K ¦> unill tbelr varieriea>. na ^^a^ t< al-ra VI aell***, k*.

    No .t 11.11 at., New York.


    AGERMAH Lirl, who apeak* Fii«li*h, and iaareattwed re rba .. a ..a-.-, a riteatbaa aa LaDIF.h'\t II' or ai SKRi ANT ri. a fan ilr on a trip t.t F.urope Beatel letrrri era. I'lea.e rail ». No fj| I.rand at.

    AIM r III TABLE ro«M U muaii want* a altnilioa ta peod COOI tVABHBR.aad IBOMBE Haan«km to go a abort .:a'aj re In tie conn rv with a rawpay-.*-

    b|r fan. I) Cm rire «"aal city reference. Call at No. Ml?.'.a*., accond floor, bark t< ..m.

    SITUATll N V\ AN'IK1>-Xe an eiMri«fae>ad]kMaTRF.au rot NCI uad sKAMSTHBtW, by ai-e It a niee baud at

    11 ildren'* < lothhip. «hirt B.tkl |l ..... tew.ng. AU*o a* ago .1 I i.OK ai d to \\ ASH and IKON bv a '.dy. a.: I we yoaufV- B an. ( all at Nu. .. H'h ir., kj the Boukatote.

    ¦1\*.\M I I .I'.y a )niiiio I hil>, nni|»elent ti inTf a'ru.a- ita»ic*l aiel Freu« b

    rJtudie*. . BI1 DAI ION la a HIOH SCHOOL ..r ACADBMY.v\ a educated ia a N*« ila .1 Beu awry a...i t.a* bad aee a

    er lei** la Ttarbiaa Ke« of reaawaaeee »Iren. AddreaaM L T rare m V. B. Pain i.r, Curr-.t., ..... Maaa.

    VL7ANTED-Bjr EltdU- In«l> t. I* HOI KKKKPEB la a privaUteeiUy | tbeare of rl.ih.ren would ba-mi oh)ecllnrt. No' narileular tu t y

    ¦, ReelireIt ..,-¦.« .1 re MÜad. < * I... addretw M. J. IL. No IM Ik/eel -t

    W'AN'II I>.A »iltiatiiiii, i-> a reeix-ctahle yoiini/TV YVon an, at CH A MB i W Kl I'KH. or ae

    I I aa.berniil.l and'o'ake rare of ChMdr.ii. Apply, for Iwoda.t. at l.er i r.-ae. t .1-, ¦¦ V.. | W a1 Iat., where tnoha", n- ed i teereead i a «-».tba

    W'AN'l I I».A »itui.Hi ii l.y a I'n.ttjaUut YOUiMfTv W mat aa PI.A! N I IHK IVA IIKIl and IK/INI IIla hale it r. .. ... la |,e nan Inr two deya at No. . 11let h-av., ror. of 4 Le.

    W'AN'l KD.A aitiiatit-n hj a maf, tiily (Jirl, MIf W A 11 ik in all It* braneheat a eomiwent Chamher-n a d; will 'ake char.* t ILe .- lie. and lliun.g iotas; eaa VVtit

    . table in t private lau.Uy >t reai^.-tab1* Hoard ab-..e Ua»e* .< to a Call at No. SU M tt. City refrr-aa* * given.

    W'AN'l Fl». A eitiialii ii, bra reaper-Ublei yonnp;f f W ., I* ... Iba '.I MEHAL Ilnl'-IKWIKK .rf a

    ru il'private family, ehe I* a §"Mel I lain Cook and tuet rite*A »r and In nrr On d l ityiefrrence can brt riven. Cellat No. SM Mottet., (In the re*r.) n at Blo*«h«f et,Me tday*.

    WAN'II I'-A SITUATION, i.y a r.-»i.eetal,lo)..., » Wtaai who bi > eeertCeab, Watb.-i, Loier *r..lBika r. Br*' ol r.-ierei i e can Im; aj.eii ftoua bet ieat taaate_eega

    ee*ei Belwe rbjytet K*. dM tiVb-ee., ae*r 8!th-*l

    WWII Ii -A HITUATIOM in that city.-Cao.1. Kn ti a* IBewU < loaka, Collar* Vail* and Ohrret,.. Hair Urn lie.a aid ( nw i.et V. ork in a variety of way*.A t mm IOBN COSTERPBl Pawling Du'chea* Co., N. Y.

    W'AN'l KU.A SI I I AT ION to eix.h and aa.i.',tv ii waall l a .1 ¦ .-bi* Wooatn w (.

    be*l *f rl'y refer*, ret'rorn laat e.nplo.er Pleaawcall at No. :JV, rtt Mat it.. third §m r.


    W'AN I ED.A iHaataSS, l.v a nmifiafent, tniat-it wettbe Qtri, a* (MrOR ta en fee >r*n****i| laacapahteP. awhavr end Inner and IH »Uble>Man a* OA Ii DKM- K, I at a 'i...rough kimetvlawef ellkil d*«,f \ ege'tb eaard I r. uae I'lan'e from l')Wg*gperlene* j

    ...¦'a.:. Kg i ia ... a . ami the r> giataMag miUnd:*l*n the reailt g of blark (Vfb a d Horaae Can pr.,,.|.».*-.. a, l. .y .. ..t*T.4/i lala fi. m in j eo loaera I'tn be *BBM *S*ll ee dayi at No. «.

    AH GABDI SEI mail !.¦ IMs'F-TAnäaänilö-ig a .i all la. r.«e in *V»at Ml ti aid havlnaj Ik*.a', r i a't o( I. a j. « '.¦ at ere would h« hi; pv t>( take caetrwI. i'*' nr three pler*a l.y the rr or.th yeerordar. Add/eat.

    er.a! fiARDFNFK * .. . Wt" fleh a'.

    AMAN with a porta' . ¦.. am Saw-mill prarriaaaj.'. ) wwh a eeaiparry h ia *xUD*rr« LUMBCUMi I' v I H/N ... ... e Wr.lrn. Rlv ti. A .ply*.

    lit . S.etrf 'be I'.Mh - t ri KM Ii«. Nu ?W Mrval« v Itocmi Ne. a. orteO. P IMo'.V rf rtarforl Coon.

    m, Mau »Ann, en lAtr) unit aa CLERK,Mi>r>} NOl.R or otherwh.a. It an Aiaaar can raw able¦I ¦.¦ ..'..»'!. A ..e-a K. Ucja N«#

    I'.-tOftl,. N.w >ork1

    A' I VIS WAN i ED lor a fiTANDABD I'KRI-MCtBt .A Sri» rateel .ru-e for Working Can vwwera. Pee' ' . « tea* or ral Ll I ' ,1'r Weier et ,N Y.

    AMAN ^(TiTr^ä aiiTi r .. \ K'I»K\e"Rso4to TAKE ( HAR'.h of a I A KM. He ia*tafcotly bb*Vw. '. .'¦ ble leu rat in ll' it* bnrrhea Ceil et B«. Iti Beetlllh it.. top fli nt Iron'

    < I \ -\ m I Al.l.K i ..ioie.i \s..man weat^aTi*-ta on f.r / te de Ol M-.K4L UOL'SBWCaJULi to*mi a» be i r ...I ( a J » a ^. -o a tSawf BHeanrain th> roan- v (raver* wa*aw w II be livea aad the beet refer-en. tt rr.p.ied li.aelr* at >«. sil Orovr-a*.

    Cu 1 i HOI I »EH..Wanted a BOY, Id U, 16wh* it eoanpriaatta. H. »I.I> ( OPT fAY* PROOPh I A DK. R. He n.na- be able to read man owe ript rWily. Ad-dr.a. A H. V\ at Ti e Trtbaie OMt*_EKTBT CLERK WANTED.In a Wboleaal«Dry BVaaa Houee. Koae bat Ihoaw with eiaartaac* aa>4thoeoBtihiy ccanpetant a**d aptly Add/*** i H. M..TruW*bvBB