A2 advertisement ideas


Transcript of A2 advertisement ideas

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I have chosen this advert because I like that it does not have a particular narrative or tell a particular story but is able to show through its use of cinematography and visual effects the themes and symbols that are present within this product. The mise-en-scene feels very natural but also dream like at the same as it shows those featured in the advert to be wearing casual summertime clothes yet they are shown in situations which seem dream like and unrealistic. The cinematography of this video uses long shots and over the shoulder shots in order to show the characters interacting with each other and also close up shots in order to show their relationships and their facial expressions. The editing used within this advert gives the advert a vintage feel as it is made to look like a VHS recording of the footage, which may be a hint at another one of the themes within the product.


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Within my advert I intend to use camera angles and colour treatment such as close ups shots, long shots and a gradient/sepia filter because I like how it gives the final video a trance like/ vintage feel which might relate to the title of the project being honeymoon as for newly married couples they feel entranced in their happiness of being newlyweds which is translated within this video.

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My advertisement idea is for a poetry collection which is entitled modern manifesto and has central themes of love, lust passion and innocence. When filming this advert I would hope to use multiple locations which relate back to the product e.g. orchards, skate parks or any other suburban settings that are considered to be peaceful.

This idea can then be linked to theory as my advert could possibly contain a number of characters that could play out roles of the hero, villain, princess etc. so that my advert can be linked to Propp’s theory of characters. This may also be linked to the male gaze theory by Laura Mulvey as within this advert the women are shown in a stereotypical manner by appearing as soft and delicate and there being little to no male presence within the video itself, suggesting that these women are being gazed upon by males.

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I have chosen this advert because I like that it is very avant garde and unusual. I also like the intertexuality within the trailer and how it references the bible and being famous which is very fitting as the name of the perfume being advertised is called ‘fame. I also like the dark themes within this advert as I have previously for my portfolio made a film opening that was inspired by the horror genre as it is something I am interested in and would like to include in my work again. I also like how this advertisement has an open narrative and is ambiguous, therefore the audience is kept intrigued throughout and watches the whole advert in order to want to find out what the product being advertised is.


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The main influences that I hope to take from this advert for my final video is mainly from the mise-en-scene. I like how the low key lighting uses the semantic code of the horror genre and implies that this perfume is quite gothic in its design or scent. I also like the costuming used and how it appears futuristic and glamorous towards the audience and also links in w the name of the perfume ‘fame’ as these costumes look opulent and like something only a famous person would wear.

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My advertisement idea is also for a perfume which will be named ‘subversive’ and is a unisex fragrance, within the advertisement I hope to touch on themes of gender, non conformity and also the representation of young people and how they might step out of what they are told by society they should be like. I also like this idea because it is able to include actors from a variety of the groups that we gave studied previously.

The main link to theory that will be included in this advert is the link to Judith Butlers queer theory as the concepts I have will escape the bounds of heteronormativity and be representative of a diverse range of people.

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I have chosen this advert because this is advertising one of my personal favorite brands which I use on a daily basis. I like this advert because it is also very Avant garde and represents the product that is being sold perfectly. I also like how both high and low-kry lighting is used to make the product look avant garde and futuristic. I also think it is particularly effective that the non-diegetic sound that is used matches what is happening within the video and is synchronous with the pace of the commercial.


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INFLUENCES In my advert I hope to use an establishing wide shot in order to show the viewer where my advert will be taking place. I also like how within this advertisement mise-en-scene such as lighting and costuming e.g. wearing gloves to make the process of applying this product look medical or futuristic and also highly glamorous at the same time. I also like how high key lighting is used that relates to the product that is being sold e.g. purple wigs and contact lenses are worn to match with the purple lipstick that is available within this collection.

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My advertisement idea is for a new liquid lipstick called the ‘Orion Beauty Galactica liquid lipstick’ I plan to only have this advert filmed in one location but over a period of time so that there is a variation in lighting within the advert to relate to the astrological theme of the product and it being named after the phases of the moon.

Link to theory

I am going to link this advert to the representation of women and those who come from the LGBT+ community and how they may be either represented as positive or negative within the media. I am also going to link this to Judith Butlers queer theory and how some people may or may not conform to the gender roles they are expected e.g. Jeffree Star being a man who presents himself as androgynous.