A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People of Indonesia Delivered by: Lutviah (Youth Advisory Panel UNFPA Indonesia) Launching of State of World Population 2011 (A World of 7 Billion ) Hotel Nikko, 26 th October 2011


This was presented on Launching of State of World Population (SWOP) Report held by UNFPA at October 26th, 2011.

Transcript of A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

Page 1: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young

People of IndonesiaDelivered by: Lutviah (Youth Advisory Panel UNFPA Indonesia)

Launching of State of World Population 2011 (A World of 7 Billion )Hotel Nikko, 26th October 2011

Page 2: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• Those persons between the ages 15 -24 years old(United Nations, 1992)

• Young people are not a homogenous group; they confront diverse realities. Differences in age, sex, experience, marital status, interests and preferences, family background, income, and religion, amongst others, can create a wide gap between the needs, aspirations and expectations of youth all over the world.

Who are Young People?Who are Young People?

Page 3: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• People under 25 make up 43 percent of the world’s population.

• More than 1.2 billion people are adolescents age 10-19, the parents of the next generation, and 88 percent of those teens live in developing countries.

• Of the world’s 620 million young people in the labor force, fully 81 million, or 13 percent, were out of work at the end of 2009, the highest number ever. That rate is three times higher than the average adult unemployment rate worldwide.

The SituationsThe Situations

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• Millions of young people live on their own or on the streets. Programs of sex education, peer mentoring and reproductive health services can reach them through special messengers: soap operas, comic books, posters, magazines, dramas and music videos.

• About 40 percent of new HIV infections are among young people age 15-24. In this age group, only 40 percent of men and 38 percent of women have accurate knowledge about HIV transmission.

The SituationsThe Situations

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Involving Young People is a Must

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What does World of 7Billion Means for Young People?


Page 7: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• Reducing poverty and inequality also slows population growth. • Unleashing the power of women and girls will accelerate progress.• The largest population of young people is changing our

world and future. • Ensuring that every child is wanted and every childbirth safe leads

to smaller and stronger families.• All seven billion of us, and those who follow, depend on the health

of our planet.• Lower fertility and longer lives add

up to an unprecedented challenge: ageing populations.

• The next two billion people will live in cities, so we need to plan now.


Page 8: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• Youth have the best understanding of the realities of their own lives (whether it is education, health or the challenges associated with finding a decent job) and as such have much to offer policy makers.

• By encouraging youth to become active participants in policy development they can become long-time advocates in the fight against un(der)employment, as concerned employers and employees in later life.

• Designing a youth policy involving young people themselves stands a much greater chance of success, as interventions will have greater ownership and legitimacy amongst youth.

What is Added Value of Youth ParticipationWhat is Added Value of Youth


What is Added Value of Youth ParticipationWhat is Added Value of Youth


Page 9: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• Youth participation encourages youth to become active members of a democratic society.

• By involving and empowering youth through the political process, young people develop important skills and improve self-confidence.

• They also gain a greater understanding of human rights and governance that is important in both newly formed and well-established democracies.

• For youth themselves, active and equal participation in decisions affecting their lives provides hope and dignity, fostering a better understanding of community issues and a sense.

What is Added Value of Youth ParticipationWhat is Added Value of Youth


What is Added Value of Youth ParticipationWhat is Added Value of Youth


Page 10: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• The consequences of not involving youth can range from the development of ineffective policy to more serious consequences for society as a result of the consistent exclusion or alienation of youth.

• When youth and youth organizations are not consulted in the policy-making process, their needs are likely to be ignored or insufficiently addressed.

What are The Consequences of not Involving Young People?

What are The Consequences of not Involving Young People?

Page 11: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

• The exclusion of youth from policy-making processes and power structures, whether deliberate or unintentional, can create significant tensions in society which can manifest itself in forms that represent a serious threat to the social fabric, such as crime and violence.

• A poor economic and social environment can foster conditions in which youth without prospects are manipulated by leaders, and are recruited or forced into armed conflicts.

What are The Consequences of not Involving Young People?

What are The Consequences of not Involving Young People?

Page 12: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

The Challenges for Involving Young PeopleThe Challenges for Involving Young People

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The Principles for involving young peopleThe Principles for involving young people

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What Young People Need to Make ActionsWhat Young People Need to Make Actions

Page 15: A World of 7 Billion People Means for Young People in Indonesia

Thank You

Lets Take Responsibility in a World of 7 Billions