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ZEYTİNYAĞ Tali Bileşenleri Ve Sağlık Dr. Yahya Laleli Taylıeli Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı İşletmesi 20 Mart 2009, Cuma H.Ü. Merkez Kampusu Konferans Salonu

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Tali BileşenleriVe Sağlık

Dr. Yahya Laleli

Taylıeli Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı İşletmesi

20 Mart 2009, CumaH.Ü. Merkez Kampusu Konferans Salonu

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Sunu Kapsamı

• Zeytinyağ Sağlık İlişkisinde Genel Bilgi, Bileşenleri,

• Zeytin, zeytinyağ tarihi/kullanımı,• Zeytin yağın sağlık etkilerinin,

Akdeniz tipi beslenmenin pozitif etkilerine yönelik yayınlar,

• Zeytin yağının pozitif etkilerinin bileşenleriyle ilişkisi.

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Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil. To achieve this possible benefit, olive oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product ……. contains ……. grams of olive oil."

8.66 cal/gr

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Types of Dietary Fat

T r a n s F a t t y A c i d sM a r g a r i n e ,S h o r t e n i n g

B e e f , P o r k ,V e a l , L a m b

H y d r o g e n a t e dV e g e t a b l e O i l s

C o c o a B u t t e rC o c o n u t O i l

P a l m O i l

S a t u r a t e d F a t t y A c i d s

C o r n , S a f f l o w e r ,S u n f l o w e r .

S o y b e a n

O m e g a - 6

F i s h , F l a x s e e d ,S o y b e a n ,

M a r i n e V e g e t a t i o n

O m e g a - 3

P o l y u n s a t u r a t e dF a t t y A c i d s

O l i v e O i l ,C a n o l a O i l ,

N u t s , A v o c a d o

M o n o u n s a t u r a t e dF a t t y A c i d s

U n s a t u r a t e d F a t t y A c i d s

D i e t a r y F a t

More Atherogenic Less Atherogenic


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Δ5- Avehasterol


PigmentlerKlorofil (a ve b) ve yıkım ürünü




Aromatik BileşiklerAldehidler Asit aldehid propanol

2 ve 3 sis ve trans-hekzenallarKetonlar : Pentan -3- on

1-penton – 3-on- 1-octan-3-onAlkoller : Etanol, Pentan, Hekzan

Metil Propan, Metilbutan v.s.Asidler : Asetik asit, Propanoik asit

2-3 Metilbutirik asit v.s.


Gliserid Fraksiyonu (Triaçilgliserol)

Tekli doymamış coklu doymamis

(esansiyel ) ve doymus yağ asitleri.

Oleik AsitLinoleik asitLinolenik asitPalmitik asitStearik Asit

PolifenollerLipofilik fenolikler (Vitamin E,

Alfa tokoferol)Hidrofilik fenolikler

(Hidroksitirozol, Tirozol vb.)

AlkollerAlifatik ve triterpene alkoller

SabunlaşmayanNon-Gliserid Fraksiyonu

Şekil 4: Zeytinyağı Bileşenleri, içerik olarak


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Alifatik alkoller (60 – 200 mg/kg)Uzun zincirli (C18-C10) doymuş alkollerden oluşur. Sağlık etkisi bilinmemektedir.

Non-gliserid esterler (100- 250 mg/kg)β-sitosterol, Kampesterol, stigmasterol belirler. Antikanserojen etki ile ilişkilendirilir.Yağın kendisine has yöresel karakterlerini verir.

Triterpen alkoller (500 – 3000 mg/kg)Sikloarterenol, 24-metilen hidroarterenol ve 2-feniletanol Kolesterol esteraz aktivitesinin inhibitörüdürler.Oleanolik asit ve eritrodiol’ün vazodilidatör etkisi vardır.Dihidroksi triterpen (Uvaol, eritrodiol ve oleanolik asit), IL–1β ve IL–6 sentezini inhibe eder.

Steroller (1130 - 2650 mg/kg)Kampesterol, stigmasterol, ∆7- stigmasterol, ∆5- avenasterol, ∆7- avenasterol ve β-sitosterolSerum kolesterol düzeyini ve diyetle alınan kolesterolün barsaktan emilimini azaltır. β-sitosterollerin anti-tümoral etkisi vardır.

Zeytinyağı minor (Tali) bileşenleri ve bu bileşenlerin bilinen sağlık etkileri

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Hidrokarbonlar (1500 – 8000 mg/kg)Fenantren, pyren, fluroanten gibi polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbonlar, skualen, β-karoten ve likopen karotenoidlerdir.Diyetle alınan skualen kolesterol geri emilimini kontrol eder. Kan seviyesini artırmaz. Derinin fonksiyonu için koruyucu yenileyici özelliği vardır. Meme ve prostat kanserlerine karşı koruyucu etkisi bildirilmiştir.

Pigmentler (Klorofiller 1 – 10 mg/kg, Feofitinler 0,2 – 24 mg/kg )Klorofil A ve Klorofil B ve bunların oksidasyon ürünü feofitin a ve b zeytinyağına rengini verir. Aflatoksin ile oluşan DNA hasarını önlediği, karaciğer, deri ve kalın barsak kanserlerinde korunma sağladığı !

Fenoller (Lipofilik ve Hidrofilik Fenoller)Tokoferoller ve tokotrienoller (E vitamini). Trombosit agregasyonunu önleyici etkisi Tromboksan B2 salınımını azaltarak prostanoid sentezini azaltmasına bağlıdır. Reaktif oksijen salınımında, lipid peroksidasyonunda ve interleukin-1b salınımında azalma yapar.Hidroksifenoller, kaffeik asit, vanillik asit, (+)-1-asetoksipinorezinol ve oleuropein sadece iyi korunmuş erken hasat zeytinyağında yeterli miktarda bulunur. Ksantin oksidaz enzimi üzerinden anti kanseröjen etki gösterir.

Uçucu MaddelerKarbonil, alkol, ester ve hidrokarbon fonksiyonel grupları içerir.Üretim esnasında ısıyla uçar. Önemli antimikrobiyal etkileri belirtilmiştir.

Zeytinyağı minor (Tali) bileşenleri ve bu bileşenlerin bilinen sağlık etkileri

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Gen İfadesi

Normal Hücre Büyümesi

İşarete Uyum Sağlama





(A) Besin ile gen ifadesi arasındaki direkt ilişki(B) ve (C) Besin ile gen ifadesi arasındaki dolaylı ilişki http://nutrigenomics.ucdavis.edu den adapte edilmistir.

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• Acetate Stearic acid Oleic acid donusumu

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Alifatik alkoller (60 – 200 mg/kg)Uzun zincirli (C18-C10) doymuş alkollerden oluşur. Sağlık etkisi bilinmemektedir.

Non-gliserid esterler (100- 250 mg/kg)β-sitosterol, Kampesterol, stigmasterol belirler. Antikanserojen etki ile ilişkilendirilir.Yağın kendisine has yöresel karakterlerini verir.

Triterpen alkoller (500 – 3000 mg/kg)Sikloarterenol, 24-metilen hidroarterenol ve 2-feniletanol Kolesterol esteraz aktivitesinin inhibitörüdürler.Oleanolik asit ve eritrodiol’ün vazodilidatör etkisi vardır.Dihidroksi triterpen (Uvaol, eritrodiol ve oleanolik asit), IL–1β ve IL–6 sentezini inhibe eder.

Steroller (1130 - 2650 mg/kg)Kampesterol, stigmasterol, ∆7- stigmasterol, ∆5- avenasterol, ∆7- avenasterol ve β-sitosterolSerum kolesterol düzeyini ve diyetle alınan kolesterolün barsaktan emilimini azaltır. β-sitosterollerin anti-tümoral etkisi vardır.

Zeytinyağı minor (Tali) bileşenleri ve bu bileşenlerin bilinen sağlık etkileri

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Hidrokarbonlar (1500 – 8000 mg/kg)Fenantren, pyren, fluroanten gibi polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbonlar, skualen, β-karoten ve likopen karotenoidlerdir.Diyetle alınan skualen kolesterol geri emilimini kontrol eder. Kan seviyesini artırmaz. Derinin fonksiyonu için koruyucu yenileyici özelliği vardır. Meme ve prostat kanserlerine karşı koruyucu etkisi bildirilmiştir.

Pigmentler (Klorofiller 1 – 10 mg/kg, Feofitinler 0,2 – 24 mg/kg )Klorofil A ve Klorofil B ve bunların oksidasyon ürünü feofitin a ve b zeytinyağına rengini verir. Aflatoksin ile oluşan DNA hasarını önlediği, karaciğer, deri ve kalın barsak kanserlerinde korunma sağladığı !

Fenoller (Lipofilik ve Hidrofilik Fenoller)Tokoferoller ve tokotrienoller (E vitamini). Trombosit agregasyonunu önleyici etkisi Tromboksan B2 salınımını azaltarak prostanoid sentezini azaltmasına bağlıdır. Reaktif oksijen salınımında, lipid peroksidasyonunda ve interleukin-1b salınımında azalma yapar.Hidroksifenoller, kaffeik asit, vanillik asit, (+)-1-asetoksipinorezinol ve oleuropein sadece iyi korunmuş erken hasat zeytinyağında yeterli miktarda bulunur. Ksantin oksidaz enzimi üzerinden anti kanseröjen etki gösterir.

Uçucu MaddelerKarbonil, alkol, ester ve hidrokarbon fonksiyonel grupları içerir.Üretim esnasında ısıyla uçar. Önemli antimikrobiyal etkileri belirtilmiştir.

Zeytinyağı minor (Tali) bileşenleri ve bu bileşenlerin bilinen sağlık etkileri

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• Akdeniz diyetine yakınlık derecesi, koroner kalp hastalığı, kanser ve ölümle ters orantılıdır.

• Avrupa Birliği toplumunun beslenme rejiminin Akdeniz diyetine çevrilmesiyle ve uyum derecesine paralel olarak ölüm oranları azalmaktadır. Bu azalma koroner riski olan toplumda da görülmektedir (Trichoponlou, 2005).

• Tansiyon yüksekliği (veya ilaç ihtiyacı) diyetteki zeytin yağ ile ters orantılıdır.

• Akdeniz diyeti şişmanlıkla vücut kitlesiyle ilgili değildir. Şişmanlık alınan kalori fazlalığına bağlıdır.

• Randomize çalışmalar sadece Yunanistan da değil İspanya, Fransa ve İtalya’da da Akdeniz diyetinin pozitif etkilerini net olarak göstermektedir (Estruch 2006, Fito 2007)

Akdeniz Diyeti:

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The greatest exponent of The greatest exponent of olive oil is olive oil is

monounsaturated fatmonounsaturated fat..

Olive oil is the only Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be vegetable oil that can be

consumed as it is – freshly consumed as it is – freshly pressed from the fruit.pressed from the fruit.

Olive oil is a natural juice Olive oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, which preserves the taste,

aroma, vitamins and aroma, vitamins and properties of the olive fruit.properties of the olive fruit.

Primary component of Primary component of the Mediterranean the Mediterranean


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Stack of baskets filled with olive pulp is being pressed by a stone-weighted beam.

A photo from Klazomenai – near İzmir, TURKEY

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Yağ Ve


Yağ Ve


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Yağ Su


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Olive oil is considered a gift of

god in regions where it is used in

are part of the world. Kings and

priests were anointed with olive

oil and royal scepters were

made from olive wood.

A photo from Klazomenai – near İzmir, TURKEY

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Olive oil was used not only for cooking/lighting but also as

medicine, mainly basic ingredient for ointment by

Hippocrates, Pliny, Galen, Dioscorides, and Averroes.

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In antiquity olive oil was the base for all cosmetics. The Egyptians used it for the heat extraction and collection of fragrant essences. Massage the body following a bath, often cold, so skin would be


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Olive oil has Olive oil has been used for been used for nutrition of nutrition of

hair since the hair since the ancient times.ancient times.

It is used in It is used in tradition tradition

Indian for Indian for hair massage.hair massage.

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Olive leaves also have beneficial properties, and they have been a

feature of the pharmacopoeia since antiquity. As with olive oil, they are enjoying a new popularity in health

care today. Extremely rich in fatty acid, olive leaves have antioxidant

properties that protect the epidermis against free radicals, the major cause

of aging in the skin. They also stimulate the natural immune reaction that accelerates cellular regeneration, and act as a fungicide and detoxifier.

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Furthermore, recent research into the effects of diet on cardiovascular diseasescardiovascular diseases, enflamation, enflamation, ,

cancer,cancer,, , osteoporosis and agingosteoporosis and aging has shown that olive oil, contains elements that are useful for

preventing those conditions.

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A.Trichopoulou, BJM, 2005

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A.Trichopoulou, BJM, 2005

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A.Trichopoulou, BJM, 2005

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Mediterranean diet good for the heart

Adopting a Mediterranean style diet, which is rich in whole grains, fruit, olive oil, vegetables and red wine, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 15%.

This was confirmed in a new study carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine Timone in Marseille, France. 2006 The study which is published in November 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, examined the diets of 212 volunteer subjects, all of whom had a moderate risk for heart disease.

To investigate the value of a Mediterranean diet, subjects were split into two groups, one to consume a low-fat diet and the other to take a Mediterranean diet.

Results found that those who had taken the low-fat diet reported a drop in cholesterol of 4.5%. The group who had consumed the Mediterranean diet had a cholesterol reduction of 7.5%. Researchers concluded that these results translated into a 15% fall in overall cardiovascular risk for those who adopted the Mediterranean diet. A 9% fall was registered among those who were given the low-fat diet.

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70291   Coconut Oil

281368   Butterfat

39trace1051   Palm Oil

491248   Beef Tallow

471943   Lard

19trace5427   Cottonseed Oil

48trace3319   Peanut Oil

2385415   Soybean Oil

751915   Olive Oil

2915713   Corn Oil

1617112   Sunflower Oil

14trace7610   Safflower Oil

18551710   Flaxseed Oil

1225558   Hempseed

6110227   Canola Oil

Alpha-Linolenic Acid(Omega 3)

Linoleic Acid(Omega 6)



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Source: Mensink et. al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 77:1146 (2003)

Effect of replacing mixed fat in the average American diet with carbohydrate or various fat sources at 10%

of total energy

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Olive Oil Evidence


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FIGURE 3. Effects of LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triacylglycerol (TG) concentrations on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction in response to Step II, olive oil (OO), peanut oil (PO), and peanut and peanut butter (PPB) diets (n = 22). *Significantly different from the other 3 diets, P = 0.005. Values are least-squares means ± SEs.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 6, 1009-1015, December 1999 © 1999 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

High–monounsaturated fatty acid diets lower both plasma

cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations

•Step I or Step II diets are for lowering blood cholesterol concentrations. The primary objective of these diets is to lower saturated fat (8–10% and <7% of energy, respectively), cholesterol (300 or 200 mg/d), and total fat (<30% of energy).

•Step I diet lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by 5–7%

•Step II diet can lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol an additional 3–7%

•In these diets, saturated fat energy is replaced by carbohydrate, resulting in a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

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Fig. 2. Effects of lauric (12:0), myristic (14:0), palmitic (16:0), elaidic (trans-18:1), stearic (18:0), oleic (cis-18:1), and linoleic (18:2n-6) acids on total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) and HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). (Reproduced from [15] with permission of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition.) Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 20, No. 1, 5-19 (2001)

Types of Dietary Fat and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: A Critical Review

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Olive oil, lipid profile, and blood pressure. J. Nutr. 137: 84–87, 2007.

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Olive oil, lipid profile, and blood pressure. J. Nutr. 137: 84–87, 2007.

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Olive oil, lipid profile, and blood pressure. J. Nutr. 137: 84–87, 2007.

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FIGURE 1 The percentage change in plasma oxidized LDL (A), 8-oxo-dG in mitDNA (B), and urine (C), malondialdehyde in urine (D), plasma GSH-Px activity (E), and serum HDL-C (F) in men after 4 d of sustained consumption of olive oil with low (LPC), moderate (MPC), and high (HPC) phenolic content. Values are means ± SEM, n = 12.

J. Nutr. 134:2314-2321, September 2004

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Ann Intern Med. 2006;145:333-341.

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FIGURE 4 Postprandial concentrations of tyrosol (A), hydroxytyrosol (B), and MHT (C) at baseline (0 h), 1, 2, 4, and 6 h in men after intake of a single dose (25 mL) of olive oil with low (LPC, closed triangle), moderate (MPC, closed square), and high (HPC, closed circle) phenolic content at d 1 and 4 of treatment. Values are means ± SEM, n = 12. *Different from 1, 2, 4, and 6 h for MPC and HPC olive oils, P < 0.05.

J. Nutr. 134:2314-2321, September 2004

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FIGURE 3 Absolute urinary concentrations of tyrosol (A), hydroxytyrosol (B), and MHT (C) in men at d 1 and 4, respectively, after 25 mL olive oil intake with low (LPC), moderate (MPC), and high (HPC) phenolic content. Values are means ± SEM, n = 12. Concentrations of tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and MHT increased both at d 1 and 4 in a significant linear trend (P < 0.01).

 Difference from LPC olive oil, P < 0.05;

 different from MPC olive oil, P <


J. Nutr. 134:2314-2321, September 2004

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Under normal conditions in a yeast cell, the

longevity protein Sir2 uses NAD as a cofactor

to produce nicotinamide, which then inhibits Sir2 in a

negative feedback loop. But when the cell is

exposed to environmental stresses like calorie restriction, heat shock, or osmotic stress (top), PNC1 gets switched on. The Pnc1

protein converts nicotinamide to nicotinic acid, a molecule that has

no effect on Sir2. No longer inhibited by nicotinamide, Sir2

becomes more active and yeast live longer.

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“monounsaturated fatty acids (such as those of

olive oil) have been associated with greater

longevity and a high degree of protection against age-related cognitive decline in


Volume 64, Supplement 1, October 2006 , pp. 31-39(9)

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Yüksek oranda mısır dieti, DMBA grade sıçanlarda dimetilbenz(A)anthracene bağlı adeno karsinomaya neden olurken diete, aynı oranda ilave edilen zeytinyağı promotor inhibitörü olarak davranmaktadır. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2004; 86. 225-236.Zeytinyağı(MUFA): Her-2/neu ifadesini baskılar. Herceptin Tm nin büyüme kısıtlatıcı etkisine sinerjistir. Annals of Oncology 2005 ; 16. 359-371.

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OA synergistically enhances trastuzumab-induced apoptotic cell death in Her-2/neu-overexpressing breast cancer cells.

J.A.Menendez, Ann.of Oncology, 2005

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British Naturopathic Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2006

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Salvestrols: are a new class of natural anticancer chemicals, which are found in plants and safely eaten in the diet. Initially non-toxic to the body's normal cells, Salvestrols, become activated inside human cancer cells by an enzyme, CYP1B1.The activated Salvestrols, then cause the cancer cells to stop growing or die, without harming normal cells. This specificity of action is possible because CYP1B1 is an intrinsic component of cancer cells and occurs in all of the wide range of different types of cancer that have been studied to date, but is to all intents and purposes absent from normal cells.Olives are also a good source of Salvestrols. Several herbs contain appreciable levels of Salvestrols, including basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, mint, artichoke, scutellaria and the roots of milk thistle and dandelion.Un proses Olive oil often has higher levels of Salvestrols than clear oil produced using modern methods.

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CYP1B1 protein is over-expressed inhuman tumours and is not specific to anyparticular type of cancer – it seems to bea feature of all cancer cells.

According to Cancer Research UK,more than one in three of us will developcancer at some time in our lifetime.This scary prediction reflects the rapidrise in cancer rates over the last fewdecades, as 270,000 people in the UK arebeing newly diagnosed with cancer eachyear. Although we still don’t know theprecise causes of most types of cancer,an unhealthy and unbalanced diet isconsidered the second biggest risk factorafter smoking.

Fig 1. Molecular structures of resveratrol,piceatannol, oestradiol and4-hydroxyoestradiol: a) the conversionof resveratrol to piceatannol catalysed byCYP1B1; b) mapping of the phytoestrogenon to the steroid framework of oestradiol;and c) the CYP1B1-catalysed aromatichydroxylation of oestradiol to4-hydroxyoestradiol (Reprinted bypermission from Macmillan Publishers:Br J Cancer 2002; 86; 774–8. © 2002).

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Fenolik Maddelerin MMP Üzerine Regülatör Etkisi

Kaffeik asit, MMP-2 ve MMP-9 üzerine inhibitor TIMP1-2’ün;a.Sekresyonu,b.Transkripsiyonu,c.Regülasyonu üzerinden selektif, etkin

inhibitor etki gösterir.

(fibrosarkom,Hwang 2006), (hepatocarsinoma, Chung 2004, Jin,U.H.2005), (Akciğerin giant cell karsinomasi, Xu 2004) (CT26 kolon adenokarsinoma, Liao 2006)

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Zeytinyağında bulunan nonfenolik asit

Cinnamic asit;Glioblastoma, Melanoma, Prostate ve

akciğer karsinoma hücrelerinde MMP ve TIMP-2 Eksperyonunu değiştirir, (Liu 1995).

Vanilik asidin ise fare meme hücreleri üzerinde karsinogenesis yönünden etkisi görülmemiştir (Lirdprapamongkol, 2005).

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• Decreases HungerDecreases Hunger• Increases ActivityIncreases Activity• Increases Increases ThermogenesisThermogenesis




Leptin is produced in and secreted by the Adipocyte. It enters circulation and travels to the

central nervous system where it acts on the hypothalamus to decrease the excretion of

Neuropeptide Y. This serves to down regulate Neuropeptide Y causing a decrease in hunger,

increase in activity, and increase in Thermogenesis, reducing energy storage and fat accumulation.


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R2 R1



R1=R2=R4=H , R3=OH

p-Hydroxybenzoic acid

R2=R3=R4=H , R1=OH

Salicylic acid

R1=H, R2=R3=R4=OH

Gallic acid

R1=R4=H, R2=R3=OH

Gentisic acid

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The quantitative and qualitative aspects of olive oil are attributable to the following factors;

Region the olive trees are grown

    Method of Harvesting

Processing techniques

   Storage condition

Bottling method

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Calorie restriction and aging could

be controlled by some

specific genetic pathwa

ys. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&colID=1&articleID=000B73EB-3380-13F6-B38083414B7F0000

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 A cell-permeable, water-soluble derivative of vitamin E with potent antioxidant properties.

Prevents peroxynitrite-mediated oxidative stress and apoptosis in rat thymocytes.


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Olive oil phenolics: effects on DNA oxidation and redox enzyme mRNA in prostate cells

Jose´ L. Quiles ve ark. British Journal of Nutrition (2002), 88, 225–234

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Figure 3. Effects of biophenols on gene expression of GSH-related enzymes in J774 A.1 cells. Semiquantitative RT-PCR evaluation of mRNA for: GPx (A), GRed (B) and yGCS© genes in untreated cells (control) and in cells incubated for 24 h with LDL alone (LDL) and with 0.5 mmol/L tyrosol (LDL+TYR) or 3 mol/L hydroxytrosol (LDL+OHtyr.).

Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2007) 17,535-545

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Mediterranean Diet

Reportedly, the Mediterranean diet, a combination of lots of vegetables, grains, fruits, olive oil, and wine is one of the most balanced meals to help avoid obesity. Many researches indicate that people following a Mediterranean diet have lower disease risks and less obesity problems.

Avoid cooking with lard or with heavy cooking oils, as they are high in calories and saturated fat. Excess of saturated fats is associated with colon cancer and atherosclerosis among other diseases. A better oil for cooking is mono unsaturated Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Contrary to saturated fat, unsaturated fat is associated with longevity and lower risk of disease, olive oil is a good example.

In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed olive oil products to make the claim: “Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that about two tablespoons of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil.”

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Woman Applying For New ID Says She's 120 Mariam Amash filled in the routine form with anything but routine information. Amash, who recently applied for a new Israeli identity card, said she was born 120 years ago — a claim, if confirmed, that would make her the oldest person in the world. The Guinness Book of Records currently lists 114-year-old Edna Parker of Shelbyville, Indiana, as holding that title

The listing was based on a birth certificate issued by Turkish authorities who ruled the region at the time, she said.

A granddaughter-in-law, Hamda Amash, 40, said Mariam is a "healthy, active woman. She walks each day and makes sure she drinks at least one glass of olive oil."

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Mean (SEM) serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations,as an indicator of liver injury, in mice treated with olive oil andsaline (control group), carbon tetrachloride dissolved in olive oil (CCl4group), or carbon tetrachloride plus 50 or 75 mg epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG)/kg (EGCG-50 and EGCG-75 groups). n 8 per group. Maximumconcentrations of ALT were seen in the CCl4 group 6 h after administrationof 20 L CCl4/kg. EGCG treatment led to a marked diminution in ALTconcentrations. *Significantly different from the other 3 groups, P 0.01

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What are Flavonoids?

• The family of polyphenolic substances.

• There are 4000-5000 different flavanoid types in nature.

• They are found in fruits, the vegetables and in the roots of plants.

• They provide resistance for the defence to bacterial diseases, parasites and oxidation

• Some flavanoids have relatively high color magnitutes

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• Oils (Lipid peroxidation) Fatty acids Phospholipids Triglycerides

• Proteins• Nucleic Acids (RNA, DNA)

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Any substance or mixture having the influence on affecting the oxidation process of an other substance.

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Free Radical


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201955 1962 1969 1976 1983 1990







% O




% o

f C




m F


from Amer Dietetic Assoc 95 417-420(1995)


Dietary Fat Intake and Obesity (US 1955-1990)

% Overweight

% Dietary Calories as Fat


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Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence As of Year 2005

Footnotes:1. US Census Bureau, Population Estimates, 20042. US Census Bureau, International Data Base, 2004http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/m/metabolic_syndrome/stats-country.htmlhttp://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004379.html

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• Fatty acids that the body cannot synthesize• Therefore, must be through diet• Olive oil has 2 essential fatty acids:-

• Linoleic Acid (polyunsaturated)• Linolenic Acid (polyunsaturated)

• Linolenic acid (an Omega-3 fatty acid)• Abundant in cold water fish• Helps dissolve blood clots• Lowers blood pressure• Dilate arteries

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