A Grandmother and 5 Years

A grandmother and 5 Years-old Boy Died Because of Landslide Berita.com, Kebumen: Family of grandma Sutiyem cried when she was removed from the heap of soil that befell her body by SAR team. The landslides often occurred in Krakal Vilage, Kebumen, Central Java. But this time the damage caused quite worse. As reported by Evening News IndoTV, Tuesday (11/25/2014), heavy rains that occurred on Monday night, 24 November eroded soil and caused landslides that pile up 6 houses. A grandmother became victims of the disaster. She could not save herself because she was asleep when the landslide came. “It happened so fast. Even I could not save anything,” said one of the victims whose home was buried in the ground. Meanwhile in Cililin region, West Bandung, West Java, A number of houses collapsed due to heavy rains that eroded settlements’ soil there. This incident caused a 5 year-old boy died buried under the ruins of the house. While his father suffered serious injuries and had to receive treatment in Cililin hospitals.



Transcript of A Grandmother and 5 Years

Page 1: A Grandmother and 5 Years

A grandmother and 5 Years-old Boy Died Because of Landslide

Berita.com, Kebumen: Family of grandma Sutiyem cried when she was removed from the

heap of soil that befell her body by SAR team. The landslides often occurred in Krakal

Vilage, Kebumen, Central Java. But this time the damage caused quite worse.

As reported by Evening News IndoTV, Tuesday (11/25/2014), heavy rains that occurred on

Monday night, 24 November eroded soil and caused landslides that pile up 6 houses. A

grandmother became victims of the disaster. She could not save herself because she was

asleep when the landslide came.

“It happened so fast. Even I could not save anything,” said one of the victims whose home

was buried in the ground.

Meanwhile in Cililin region, West Bandung, West Java, A number of houses collapsed due to

heavy rains that eroded settlements’ soil there. This incident caused a 5 year-old boy died

buried under the ruins of the house. While his father suffered serious injuries and had to

receive treatment in Cililin hospitals.

Landslides also occurred in the District of Coastal Tassel, Pekan Baru, Riau. It caused a

school building collapsed due to buried in the ground. This incident made the schools was

forced to dismiss the learning activity until conditions getting better. Besides landslides,

thousands of homes were flooded due to overflowing of Siak River. Fortunately, there were

no fatalities in this incident. (AN / Sun)

Page 2: A Grandmother and 5 Years


Seorang Nenek dan Bocah 5 Tahun Meninggal Akibat Longsor

Berita.com, Kebumen – Keluarga Nenek Sutiyem menangis ketika jenazahnya berhasil

dikeluarkan dari timbunan tanah yang menimpanya oleh team SAR. Bencana longsor

memang sering terjadi di Desa Krakal, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. Namun kali ini Kerusakan

yang ditimbulkan cukup parah.

Seperti yang diberitakan oleh Berita 6 Petang IndoTV, Selasa (25/11/2014), hujan deras yang

terjadi pada hari Senin malam 24 November menggerus tanah dan mengakibatkan longsor

yang menimbun 6 rumah warga. Seorang nenek  menjadi korban dari bencana itu. Dia tidak

sempat menyelamatkan diri karena sedang tertidur pada saat longsor terjadi.

“Peristiwa itu terjadi begitu cepat. Bahkan saya tidak sempat menyelamatkan barang-barang,”

ujar salah satu korban yang rumahnya tertimbun tanah.

Sementara itu di kawasan Cililin, Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Sejumlah rumah ambruk

karena hujan deras yang mengikis tanah pemukiman itu. Kejadian ini mengakibatkan seorang

bocah 5 tahun tewas tertimbun reruntuhan rumah, sedangkan ayahnya mengalami luka yang

serius dan harus menjalani perawatan di RSUD Cililin.

Bencana longsor juga terjadi di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir, PekanBaru, Riau. Longsor

tersebut menyebabkan sebuah gedung sekolah runtuh akibat tertimbun tanah. Kejadian ini

membuat pihak sekolah terpaksa meliburkan murid-muridnya sampai kondisi mulai

membaik. Selain longsor, ribuan rumah terendam banjir akibat luapan Sungai Siak.

Beruntung tidak ada korban jiwa dalam kejadian ini. (AN/Sun)