9th weekly news


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Transcript of 9th weekly news

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Obama to ease US-India export controls, boost tradePresident Barack Obama will announce the easing of US

controls on exports to India in a move to boost trade between the two countries.

Outlining a series of measures to ease export controls, imposed after India's most recent nuclear test in 1998, Froman said the president will also support Indian membership of four key global nuclear nonproliferation regimes.

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Deals include previously announced transactions involving General Electric for aircraft engines and gas turbines, and Boeing for 737 passenger planes.

But details on a key $4.5 billion sale by Boeing of C-17 military transport planes were still being ironed out.

Obama will remove almost all of the remaining Indian defense and space organisations from a list of entities maintained by the US government to curb proliferation, and relax so called dual-use rules for Indian firms that regulate technology with both civil and defense applications.

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India gets world's tallest statue at ShimlaJust on the outskirts of Shimla, a giant 108 feet high

idol of Hanuman (the Monkey God) was unveiled at Jakhoo Hanuman temple, overlooking the entire city.

It is deemed to be world's tallest statue at 108 feet at the highest altitude of over 8100 feet and constructed at a cost of Rs 1.5 crores.

It surpasses the current tallest statue of 'Christ the Redeemer', which measures at 98 feet and stands at an altitude of 2296 feet in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .

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Apple looks at new computing era through Macbook Air

New MacBook Air with a little extra help from the iTunes store.

No need of DVD slot in your next Mac laptop, it will completely replace desktop.

It will replace those discs with a fluffy white iCloud, where software, music, video and your own personal content fly around in the air like happy seagulls at the beach.

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Retail buzzing in India

The retail segment is buzzing again with the entry of several top business houses in the sector. Top industrial houses such as Reliance, Bharti Enterprises and The Tata Group are all getting involved in the business in a big way. The most recent of the announcements was Tata’s tie up with Australian retailer Woolworths for setting up a consumer durable chain of stores called Infiniti Retail India.

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The Tata Group is likely to expand to other formats as the size of the industry grows. Another major tie up happened between India’s Pantaloon Group and UK based Alpha Airports Group Plc to set up travel and food stores at airports in India.