
- Nine Star Ki - 9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events Explorations with Heluo Explorations with Heluo is a series of articles by Heluo on the subject of Time, Space and Destiny A step by step discourse to enable you to perform on your own This article is a chapter from Heluo’s 4-day master class workbook Nine Star Ki and it is shared freely over www - Please read disclaimer on last page -



Transcript of 9StarDivination-PersonalAndGlobalEvents

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- Nine Star Ki -

9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Explorations with Heluo

Explorations with Heluo is a series of articles by Heluo on the subject of Time, Space and Destiny

A step by step discourse to enable you to perform on your own

This article is a chapter from Heluo’s 4-day master class workbook Nine Star Ki and it is shared freely over www

- Please read disclaimer on last page -

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Introduction This article on Nine Star Ki astrology and 9 Star divination is written with the absolute beginner in mind. We will therefore start off by showing you how from your year and month of birth your three personal Stars are derived and we will run you through some of the more pertaining fundamentals concerning Magic Square dynamics. The study of 9 Stars becomes your basic endeavor whether you seek to project this on environment and built structures such as in Classical Chinese Feng Shui or on matters of character, temperament, relationships, health or career in Nine Star Ki. Both Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki practitioners should be proficient in the art of 9 Stars. The article therefore comes to the benefit of both Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki practitioners and it consists of two sections:

Section One Nine Star Ki Basics Section Two Divination of personal and global events Also, to the end of this article you will find Luoshu for all months and years and other models that you can copy. Then, although the art of 9 Stars is applied in Chinese Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki, we will focus mostly on Nine Star Ki implications, while also Feng Shui practitioners will greatly benefit from this discourse. After we got you through the most pertinent basics in section one, we will get to the core and show you how divination of personal do’s and do nots as well as how prediction of global events is done. The aim is not to just show you how forecasting is done, but to actually enable you to do this yourself. Therefore, this articles is not to be just another leaflet, but instead – and undoubtedly from its own limitations - it attempts to get you into the saddle, so you may find it pretty lengthy. It divides into a section concerning personal events, discussing your personal 9 year journey through the Luoshu, and global events. By the time you enter section two, you will be able to find the Luoshu for any month or year. In order to help you start off your divination work immediately, this article then of course also offers some of the more basic attributes for each of the 9 Stars, some characteristics for each of the 9 Palaces in the Luoshu and it moreover gives you a check-list of virtually all ‘rules’ – none withheld - that you will be using in order to independently foresee tendencies, more specifically news events. Finally, we will intertwine some personal views throughout the article, some also in an attempt to counter some of the prevailing misconceptions surrounding 9 Stars or their application. The article turns out to be fairly extensive (79 pages plus charts). Since you will be doing some cross-referencing between pages, having to scroll up and down your computer screen could become a task. Therefore, to get the most out of this discourse, may I suggest you print out this article and study it, after which you will be able to: - Find your personal do’s and do nots for any specific time; past, present or future. - Foresee news events – global events - and transparently look through the news. 9 Star astrology and 9 Star divination is a vast area that could never be covered in just one article. The most proficient adepts agree that its implications are endless. Yet, the fundamental principles can be shared and assimilated in little or no time by everyone and it would be your special adventure to then yet acquaint yourself with the many authors in the field.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


No special skills at all are required in order to perform 9 Star divination, anyone can do it and the system is pretty straightforward. What you do is in fact simply this:

You translate Stars into events and you translate events back into Stars.

This article does exactly that, it helps you look at the Stars in a Luoshu and ‘predict’ the most probable outcome and it helps you look at a specific news event and trace back the event to the belonging Stars. To give you a first idea, here is a preview example of what you will be able to do once you familiarized yourself with the Luoshu and just some of the more basic – more obvious - attributes of the 9 Stars: Let’s say that you - just as your neighbor did, but now you’re the one who’s having the fun here - found a picture in the news paper showing a tree that fell onto a car. Or you find a picture in the news paper showing a car that collided into a tree. It is possible that you lay the picture in the newspaper next to the Luoshu and you may then find this in the Luoshu where you translate tree into Star 3 and car into Star 6. The first Luoshu is that of a 3 Wood month in a 6 Metal year, the second Luoshu is that of a 6 Metal month in a 3 Wood year. You can see how in the first Luoshu the Qi of 3 Wood (tree of course being only one out of many attributes allocated to Star 3) would seek to link to Star 6. The other example shows how the Qi of 6 Metal would be inclined to link to Star 3. This is just one way of perceiving Luoshu Stars. It is my wish to transmit to you my excitement and awe over the 9 Stars and Luoshu. Due to this being an article we will of course be able to only share some of the more pertaining attributes for each of the 9 Stars, but it will do the job sufficiently. You will be able to perform independently in a matter of weeks. We are always here to welcome you in our 4-day master class Nine Star Ki, which is quite intense indeed and by which we will yet cover tens and tens of attributes for each Star – as well as covering the entire Nine Star Ki spectrum besides divination - but that would be outside the realm of an article. Nevertheless, here we selected the most dynamic Star attributes needed to observe the news and to enable you to actually do the forecasting effectively. Enjoy a happy reading and adventure into Yi.










Star 3 visits Star 6 in the central Luoshu Palace, portenting several possible events.












455 Star 6 visits Star 3 in the central Luoshu

Palace, portenting several possible events.




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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Nine Star Ki - Basics


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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Stars and Luoshu If you are absolutely new to Nine Star Ki, section one is to give you a first brief introduction. You will need it if you do not know your three Stars yet or if you need the most basic explanation concerning the Magic Square, or Luoshu. The information you find in this article equally pertains to Nine Star Ki and Chinese Feng Shui. According to Nine Star Ki, three personal Stars allocate to our date of birth, e.g. 9.4.1. We will show you how to find your own personal three Stars. Here are the 9 Stars. The first column allocates the Stars to either one of the Five Transformations (Wu Xing) Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, the second column gives the color. Both conventions are in use and you can use them alternately.

1 Water 1 White

2 Earth 2 Black

3 Wood 3 Jade

4 Wood 4 Green

5 Earth 5 Yellow

6 Metal 6 White

7 Metal 7 Red

8 Earth 8 White

9 Fire 9 Purple

9 Stars cover aspects of Time and Space.

Concerning timing we cannot uphold that any of

the 9 Stars is ever absent. We can say that certain Stars will more typically prevail during

certain given times.

Timing is cyclic, i.e. the 9 Stars form a recurring

cycle and we say that we exist in cycles of nine

years, nine months, nine days. Figuratively

speaking only, 9 Fire would be then energy in

its highest radiance, 1 Water energy in its

lowest point.

Not only can you use Nine Star Ki to assess matters of character, temperament, relations, health and career, the Luoshu can become your companion to foresee both personal and global events. Your energy map consists of three Stars. In the Japanese interpretation of Nine Star Ki, the first two Stars are Time related and extracted from your year and month of birth respectively. The third Star is then – at least according to the system under scrutiny here, as you will be encountering yet other interesting and legitimate interpretations - related to the direction that your first Star is found in your month square. In its original Chinese format, the third Star would relate to the Time aspect also, as the third Star then depicts the Qi (Ki) for the day of birth. Although its full historical developments are still fairly obscure, what we do know is that Nine Star Ki originates from ancient Chinese astrology systems. In turn the Luoshu originated from the old Persia and perhaps we can even trace back its origins to Mesapotamia and Sumer. Nine Star Ki is sometimes also referred to as Japanese Astrolgoy since in 1924 Shinjiro Sonoda adjusted the Chinese format. Sometimes it is suggested by some that the Japanese system must be therefore considered a simplification of the

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


original Chinese doctrine, but this would imply that the system in its current form would be less accurate, which would be a grave misapprehension. It is only true that some of the other Oriental astrologies can become rather detailed (examples are Four Pillars of Destiny and Zi Wei Dou Shu), but all systems need to be taken from their own merit, and it is most certain that fate reading or divination through Nine Star Ki can become pretty accurate. Nine Star Ki cannot be considered a ‘simplification’ at all, but it is true that Nine Star Ki uses the Luoshu which in itself is a subtract from an even bigger and much older plate known as Kanagi Guruma and consisting of 81 Numbers, rather than the 9 we find in the Luoshu. Having said this, Nine Star Ki divination can become rather precise indeed. Most people first encounter Nine Star Ki as an astrological tool, but Nine Star Ki stretches far beyond the realm of astrology. Nine Star Ki has a vision on creation, the cosmos, the time cycles reaching us from the Milky Way, our solar system as it invites us into studies of Precession Cycle, the Earth Changes, the Pole Shift. Anyway, don’t let seemingly more digestable time periods such as year, month or day lead you to believe that Nine Star Ki was limited to just these domains. But most of all, each Star governs a certain organ and your three Stars then offer you great insight into your biological-physiological condition and health, or as the Chinese say: “organs produce emotions”. Read once more: “organs produce emotions”. You will soon find that Nine Star Ki is by far more than just astrology, because it is ‘astrology’ up to a certain point only. The basic idea is, that upon your first breath the then prevalent celestial and terrestrial – environmental - currents would have been imprinted in your meridians and organs. You can now say that from this point onward Nine Star Ki becomes astrology, it is much more adequate to regard your character and temperament to then merely appear as symptoms for a yet underlying world of meridian and organ Qi. This implies also that you can use Nine Star Ki to assess your current behavior and alter it, as you will see with the table featuring ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions for any of the 9 Stars further down. The 9 Stars are a true adventure and may cover different branches of study and they may offer you several styles of application. Astrology Revealing character, temperament, inclinations, health, relationships, career, fate. Divination Foreseeing personal as well as global events. Destiny studies Including destiny of our planet. Unlocking the bigger picture of your life path, can get detailed if you start involving yourself into studies of pole shift and the like. Compatibility Compatibility between people-people, people-direction, people-time, people-house. Directionology How do you relate to different directions and what can you expect if you move into these directions, relative to year, month and day of your travels. Xuan Kong Feng Shui The 9 Stars are universal. Nine Star Ki merely studies the so-called astrological branch of the system, as you will equally extensively be using 9 Stars in Feng Shui.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


How to find your Nine Star Ki Stars Now you want to of course first get to your personal Stars, which are decided by your month and year of birth. Please first note that Nine Star Ki does not distinguish between Stars for men and women. Here, the system strictly differs from the Chinese Ming Gua system that you may have already encountered and that would be typically used in some of the Classical Chinese Feng Shui systems. The Ming Gua system distinguishes and differentiates between men and women. In the Ming Gua system, only during a 3 Wood year will men and women assume the same annual (first) Star. Both systems use the Chinese Solar calendar and agree that a year starts at either 4 or 5 February of a year and runs right through 3 or 4 February of the following year. If your birth falls in the Gregorian period of 1 January to 4 February, you are considered as having been born in the previous year and you then assume the Star of the previous Solar year.

Finding your first Star Before we show you a simple equation for the annual Stars, you may simply refer to this table and look up your first (annual) Star, using your year of birth. We will use the example of a person born in March 1973.

Finding Your First Star Simply look up your year of birth in this table. A year starts at either 4 or 5 February of a year, and runs right through 3 or 4 February of the following year. If your birth falls in the Gregorian period of 1 January to 4 February, you are considered as having been born in the previous year.

9 Fire

8 Earth

7 Metal

6 Metal

5 Earth

4 Wood

3 Wood

2 Soil

1 Water

1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918

1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927

1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936

1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954

1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963

1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Finding your second Star After you found your first Star, use this table to find your second Star. This Star relates to your month of birth. The 9 Stars can be divided into three subgroups: 1,4,7 – 2,5,8 and 3,6 9. The cycle of month Stars (the small bucket) exists within the cycle of annual Stars (the bigger bucket) and February always starts a year in an Earth month.

Finding Your Second Star To find your month Star you need your first Star. When this first Star is either 1, 4, or 7 check the second column. When your first Star is either 3, 6, or 9 check the third column. When your first Star is either 2, 5, of 8 check the last column. Go to the column that hosts your first Star and look up your month of birth. Cross both and find your second (or ‘Child’) Star. Please note that, like Nine Star Ki years, months never start on the first. If your day of birth falls between 1st and 9th of a month, chances are that you have to adopt the Star of the previous month. Please refer to the table in the appendix for the start of Solar months. When in doubt, please contact via email and I will gladly tell you your Stars.

Months 1, 4, 7 3, 6, 9 2, 5, 8

February 8 5 2

March 7 4 1

April 6 3 9

May 5 2 8

June 4 1 7

July 3 9 6

August 2 8 5

September 1 7 4

October 9 6 3

November 8 5 2

December 7 4 1

January 6 3 9

9 4

Please find a table to the back of this article showing starting dates of months for the years 1900-2012.

Here you can find which years started 4 or 5 february and you can find start of your month of birth.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Finding your third Star

Finding Your Third Star Finally, simply take your first and second Star and find your third Star here. Then read the basic ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions and temperaments that belong to your first two Stars further down. Your third Star is not used for character and emotions, nor is it used for divination.

1.1.5 2.1.6 3.1.7 4.1.8 5.1.9 6.1.1 7.1.2 8.1.3 9.1.4

1.2.4 2.2.5 3.2.6 4.2.7 5.2.8 6.2.9 7.2.1 8.2.2 9.2.3

1.3.3 2.3.4 3.3.5 4.3.6 5.3.7 6.3.8 7.3.9 8.3.1 9.3.2

1.4.2 2.4.3 3.4.4 4.4.5 5.4.6 6.4.7 7.4.8 8.4.9 9.4.1

1.5.1 2.5.2 3.5.3 4.5.4 5.5.5 6.5.6 7.5.7 8.5.8 9.5.9

1.6.9 2.6.1 3.6.2 4.6.3 5.6.4 6.6.5 7.6.6 8.6.7 9.6.8

1.7.8 2.7.9 3.7.1 4.7.2 5.7.3 6.7.4 7.7.5 8.7.6 9.7.7

1.8.7 2.8.8 3.8.9 4.8.1 5.8.2 6.8.3 7.8.4 8.8.5 9.8.6

1.9.6 2.9.7 3.9.8 4.9.9 5.9.1 6.9.2 7.9.3 8.9.4 9.9.5

9 4 1

(Now that you know your three personal Stars, and before proceeding with the next page, you may want to quickly review ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions belonging to your first and second Star on page 25-27).

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Calculating first Stars for men, women and years The following equation gives you the annual Star for any year AD. Both men and women calculate their first (annual) Nine Star Ki Star using the same calculation. Simply add all four digits of the year concerned, reduce to 1 single digit and subtract result from 11. Examples:

1973 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20 2 + 0 = 2 11 - 2 = 9 Star 9

1997 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 26 2 + 6 = 8 11 - 8 = 3 Star 3

2009 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11 1 + 1 = 2 11 - 2 = 9 Star 9

If the outcome for the annual Star is 5, then men (also) adopt Star 2 and women (also) adopt Star 8. The 9 Stars can be associated with Trigrams from the Yi Jing (I Ching or Book of Changes). There are 9 Stars to divide over 8 Trigrams. Star 5 then belongs to the center and does not assume a Trigram. If you are a 5 Earth native, you hang on to Star 5 but assume direction by adopting the belonging Trigram. This means that, in addition to the adopted Stars, both 5 Earth men and women nevertheless – and pretty much so indeed - stick to the Star 5 to find Nine Star Ki character and emotions of 5 Earth that – although 5 finds no Trigram allocated to it - are actually quite specific indeed. Female Stars in Chinese Ming Gua System Although Nine Star Ki does not at all use it, here we cannot prevent discussion of the Chinese Ming Gua system, because it is too prevalent in the world of Chinese Feng Shui. It is possible that – before reading this article – you came across the Chinese Ming Gua system applied in Classical Chinese Feng Shui. Here, women use another calculation. The resulting Star is called Gua, but used for Feng Shui purposes only, never for Nine Star Ki. Note that the Chinese Ming Gua system is used for applications of compatibility and directionoly in Chinese Feng Shui. To determine character and temperament, we still rely on Nine Star Ki and women need adopt the Nine Star Ki Star, in other words use the ‘male’ equation. This may be confusing at first, but you will find that using female Gua for Nine Star Ki purposes – description of character and in applying directionology, as well as in foreseeing personal events - is highly inacurrate. There has been so much interest in both Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki in recent years, that you may wonder why you are a certain Star in one system and another Star in yet another system. Let us not add to the confusion and give you the equation used for women in Ming Gua. Note that women use this for applications of compatibility in Chinese Feng Shui, but still refer back to their Stars given by the ‘male’ equation for Nine Star Ki purposes. Again, add all Stars of the year concerned, reduce to 1 digit and add 4.

1973 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20 2 + 0 = 2 [add 4] 2 + 4 = 6 Gua 6

1959 1 + 9 + 5 + 9 = 24 2 + 4 = 6 [add 4] 6 + 4 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1) Gua 1

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Luoshu Now that you know your three personal Nine Star Ki Stars, we will further introduce you to the basic Magic Square of Three, also referred to as Saturn square, River Luo Map or Luoshu. Note how the Luoshu defines directions, South on top always. As the 9 Stars migrate through the Houses of the Luoshu in a recurring pattern of nine years, nine months and nine days, this gives nine distinct squares in all. Each year, month and day another Star migrates to the center, but no matter what Star we find in the center, we always refer back to the above 5 Earth Luoshu. We see what we call the basic 5 Earth square, and we find the 6 Metal Star in the 6 Metal House of the basic Luoshu, we find the 7 Metal Star in the 7 Metal House of the basic Luoshu. Your personal Nine Star Ki Star(s) will follow a fixed nine year, nine month and nine day directional path through the Luoshu like this:

Here is the Luoshu for a 9 Fire year. We communicate this square as 9 Fire square.

9 Fire flies to the center and assigns the directions to the remaining Stars according to the fixed Flying Star (Fei Xing) Pattern.

While always referring back to the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth, if your Star is 7 Metal then this is how we communicate this situation: In a 9 Fire year we find 7 Metal in the 3 Wood House.









B The fixed Flying Pattern

shown in alphabet

How the Stars proceed through the Houses (Palaces)









6 The fixed Flying Pattern known

as the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth












1 Luoshu for 9 Fire. Directions and names for Palaces are fixed.




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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


How to locate the third Star Now that we discussed the designated flying pattern of the Stars through the Luoshu, we can show you how the third Star in your energy map is found for the system under scrutiny. In order to find your third Star, you first draw the birth chart for your second Star and look up the Palace in which your first Star then appears. For our example of a 9.4.1 person, we therefore take the second Star 4 to the center of an empty Luoshu and count forward along the designated Luoshu pattern until we reach the first Star 9. The third Star then simply assumes the Palace Number where the first Star resides. Star 9 appears in the 1 Water Palace. Once more, other formats would use the day Star of birth as your third Star. Please also look up the neat third-Star-system as proposed in his book by Robert Sachs (book list on our website) for yet another quite exciting formula. All these different formats are legitimate. Summary and exercise Before we will continue with this first section and show you how exactly an annual, month or day Luoshu is drawn, while also giving your some more background information and the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions of the Stars, here is a summary. - You now know how to use tables to find your three Stars. - You can now find any month or year Star using the tables. - Taking in a Star to the center of an empty Luoshu and following the designated Luoshu path you are able to complete any of the nine Luoshu. - If you wish to extend your Luoshu to include day Stars, you may yet refer to the

URL’s regarding Joseph Yu and Danny van den Berghe. As an exercise, find the month and annual Luoshu for September 2002. You will find that it is a 1 Water month in a 7 Metal year. The month Stars are taken to the right hand side of the annual Stars.









5 After we took in the second Star

4 in an empty Luoshu, we find the first Star 9 in the 1 Water

Palace. The third Star is then 1.
















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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Exploring the 9 Magic Squares Now that you know that you have three Stars and you know that each Star is allocated one of the Five Transformations, let us explore the system a bit more.

Star Transformation Energy type Yin-Yang

1 Water Male Yang

2 Earth Female Yin

3 Wood Male Yang

4 Wood Female Yin

5 Earth Androgyne Neither

6 Metal Male Yang

7 Metal Female Yin

8 Earth Male Yang

9 Fire Female Yin

Please note that Yang is not so much male or a male person, Yin is not female or a female person. Merely, Yang depicts the male principle, while

Yin depicts the female principle.

If your Stars are 9.4.1 – and looking only at the first and second Stars – you can see you were born in a year of Fire (9) and a month of Wood (4). You can also see that both these Stars are Yin, i.e. governed by the female principle. Please for now understand that this is not so much about gender as it is about how a Star may innately be magnetically charged. Also, Wood and Fire are in harmony as Wood engenders Fire. If you Stars are 6.3.8, your first (adult Number) and second (child Number) Stars are in the controlling cycle, because 6 Metal controls 3 Wood. Each Star can be placed in the center of a nine sector Magic Square. From there, the central Star governs the other Stars and decides how they fly through a fixed pattern in the Luoshu. Each directional Palace presumes 45 degrees of arc, or, to be just a little more comprehensive nd yet distinguish between the Chinese convention (45 degrees for each directional Palace as said) and the Japanese system that would allocate 30 degrees to the cardinal directions, while permitting 60 degrees to the subcardinal directions, but that would be beyond the scope of this article. Because Nine Star Ki covers a cycle of Nine years, it follows that each year has its own distinct Magic Square, giving nine squares total. The cycle of nine years revolves around the basic Luoshu, or Magic Square, showing Star 5 in the center. Once you know your personal Stars, you can locate them in their specific directions in any square, while always referring back to the basic Magic Square of 5 Earth. If you know your Nine Star Ki Stars and you know how to construct the square, you can then easily look up what quality Qi will be typically affecting you for a day, month, or year. Now you can forecast personal and global events. This is great for planning of your do’s and do nots and will help you to be at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing in the right spirit, mingling with the right people.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


9 Luoshu Here then are the 9 Luoshu, each one governed by its appointed Star. The top left square is the 4 Wood square.

3 8 1

2 4 6

7 9 5

8 4 6

7 9 2

3 5 1

1 6 8

9 2 4

5 7 3

4 Wood 9 Fire 2 Earth

2 7 9

1 3 5

6 8 4

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

6 2 4

5 7 9

1 3 8

3 Wood 5 Earth 7 Metal

7 3 5

6 8 1

2 4 9

9 5 7

8 1 3

4 6 2

5 1 3

4 6 8

9 2 7

8 Earth 1 Water 6 Metal

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Annual square To the left you will find the Star configuration for the year 2005 which is a 4 Wood year. To the right is the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth which is always used as a reference. The year 2005 is a 4 Wood year, with Star 4 flying to the central Palace. It is another way of communicating that during the year 2005, annual Star 4 does not occupy any of the directions. It then becomes vulnerable to its surroundings (the other Stars flowing in from out of the eight directions). Starting from Star 4 in the center, the other Stars then fly according to the formula previously described: 5 goes Northwest, 6 goes West, 7 goes Northeast, etc.. In this example 4 is in the 5 Earth House: 5 is in the 6 Metal House and so forth. More specifically, in 2005 Star 5 casts its influence from the Northwest, outside-in. Star 5 relates to Earth, but the Northwest (6 Metal House) of the Luoshu always remains Metal in nature. So, in 2005, Earth (5) combines with Metal (6) in the Northwest. By combining attributes of Star 5 and Star 6 – and knowing which ones to pick - you can now also forecast past, current and future events. Likewise, Star 6 relates to Metal, but the West (7 Metal House) always remains Metal in nature. So, in 2005, Metal (6) combines with Metal (7) in the West. Here we have the basic Luoshu acting as Host to the Annual square that is acting as Guest, or the annual Star visiting the basic Luoshu Star. This means that regardless of what Stars occupy the Houses in different years, months or days, we must always refer back to the basic Luoshu.









6 Luoshu for 5 Earth.












5 Luoshu for 4 Wood year - 2005




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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Month square Once we positioned the annual Stars over the Luoshu, we can add the month Stars. This is the Luoshu showing a 4 Wood month in a 4 Wood year, i.e. June 2005. Monthly Stars are shown slightly above and to the right hand side of the annual Stars. Now going by the annual square as our reference, we may say: ‘monthly 1 visits annual 1 in the 2 Earth House’, or just say: ‘1 visits 1’ because the 2 Earth House is obvious here.

Day square Daily Stars can be shown slightly above and to the left hand side of the annual Stars. This Luoshu shows a 4 Wood day in a 4 Wood month in a 4 Wood year. Here is how to best communicate Luoshu in Yahoo! Groups or through email. x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x x-x-x

























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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Significance of opposite Stars When you look upon the Magic Square as a huge battery, but yet consisting of 4 smaller connected batteries, then each directional axis is a battery in itself. Opposite Houses are like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. Where Star 6 is the Yang (positive) pole, Star 4 is the Yin (negative) pole. There is a dynamic Yin-Yang relationship between opposite Houses. We can say there is communication – conveyance – between opposite Houses. Opposite Luoshu Houses are most important in Nine Star Ki. Always going over the central Palace, consider the vertical, horizontal and diagonal axis as opposite. In the basic Luoshu, Star 4 is opposite Star 6. In the basic Luoshu, Star 9 is opposite Star 1. In the basic Luoshu, Star 2 is opposite Star 8. In the basic Luoshu, Star 7 is opposite Star 3. In fact, you will hardly be able to lift your accurracy in divination (foreseeing personal and global events) above 30%-40% when you did not also refer to opposite Houses and Stars. When you look for implications of a certain Star occupying a certain House, you should then also consider the Star opposite this Star in the same breath, to find the implications involved in any event. Do effort to make this your ‘second nature’ right from the start and you will be soon amazed what you can do with the Luoshu. Let us consider a 9 Fire in the 1 Water House of the Luoshu. Like most, we would divine by combining portents for 9 Fire and 1 Water, but we also incorporate Star 8.

In other words, if you are to forecast events for a 9 Fire person using this Luoshu, you incorporate the opposite Star, 8 Earth in this case, as there will be nothing occuring for Star 9 that cannot be linked back to 8 Earth portents.

It then becomes a matter of knowing all individual portents for each Star and then select the ones that will transmit. For example, in order to assess the influence of Star 8 upon Star 9 in above square, you need a working knowledge of the different properties of this Star and build your ability to select the right portent out of perhaps many. Before we will give you (non-conclusive) examples of the significance of opposite Stars and Palaces, you need to know that any Palace may produce both ‘plus’ events (☺), or ‘minus’ events ( ), the 1 Water House not excluded. Some people report back great and lasting success when their Star reaches the Water House. Having said that, energy is still at its lowest point (waxing and waning) in the 1 Water House and it is only fair to suggest that if you lose something, if you have an off day, this will likely happen when your Star resides in the Water House. Be careful however to project any ‘wrong doings’ on any Palace. It is then one thing to ascertain that ‘loss’ may happen when your Star is in the 1 Water House (any beginner at all could tell you that), it becomes a whole different ball game when you are then in fact able to further specify this just by incorporating the opposite Star and Palace. This is exactly what makes Nine Star Ki such tremendous adventure. To show you some very simple examples:









5 Always check against the

opposite Star for your divination




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9 Fire in the 1 Water House and, in case of loss, will probably have to

give up house (8). Or, be sent away from building (8), such as in case of

employment or dispatchment.

5 Soil may engage loss through a document (4) and has to make sure all documents - contracts - are on order.

5 Earth’s child (4) may leave the house, probably eldest daughter.

7 Metal may encounter job difficulty. Official position (6) may be compromised, bringing loss

of money and authority.




























8 Earth may loose/invest money (7), probably due to (renovation of)

house (8). On the other hand, may in the process stumble upon new

source of income.

1 Water may lose reputation (9). May fall pregnant (1). Yet, may have

double source of income.

3 Wood may interrupt or quit study (2). May have stagnation in marriage or

matters surrounding mother (2).




























4 Wood may be ambivalent and retreat. May have nervous

breakdown. Projects may fail.

6 Metal may need give up anything (5) at all. Moving away from or being

outcast from community (5).

2 Earth must guard against contamination (1), may change





























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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Parotting This gives us an opportunity to tackle another widespread misunderstanding concerning the 1 Water Palace. Now, refer to the 4 Wood square with 9 Fire in the 1 Water House and then refer to the 1 Water square with 6 Metal in the 1 Water House. Although many will probably still tell you that between all Stars it is 9 Fire people that will be typically worst off when their Star resides in the Water House (because they reason: Water extinguishes Fire), on closer examination you will find that 9 Fire reaches the Water House during 4 Wood years. The general Qi for the year is 4 Wood and this will in fact engender 9 Fire. There is already more affinity between Water and Fire than is generally understood, but this aside, 9 Fire people in the 1 Water House and probably having an ‘off’ year are still engendered by the year Qi. If we then narrow down our assessment and include the opposite Star 8, the 9 Fire person may for example lose his house and/or other attributes pertaining to the opposite Star 8. On the other hand, not only are 6 Metal people in the 1 Water House during 1 Water years, the general Qi for the year in itself is at its lowest point also and, moreover, their Star appears opposite Star 5. To start with, traveling towards or away from Star 5 is already not regarded the most fortunate movement, what is more is that Star 5 actually encompasses all other Stars and it therefore hosts all possibilities. Star 5 can build and demolish in just an instant and unannounced. Regarding 6 Metal in the 1 Water Palace, all and everything can be compromised and therefore ‘lost’. It is this type of dynamic that will come to you if you let Luoshu tell the story, rather than parotting what others may have told you about the ins and outs of divination. Gather your knowledge from any conceivable sources, but please read Luoshu from your autonomous and unjailed mind, because (how logic that) not people, but ultimately Luoshu itself will reveal its story.



















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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Further introduction 9 Stars in Chinese is Jiu Xing and Kyu Sei in Japanese. It is the study and application of 9 Stars. Nine Star Ki in Japanese would be called Kyu Sei Ki Gaku (Gaku means study) and in Chinese it would be known as Jiu Gong Ming Li, or Nine Palace Fate Calculation. No-one can tell you for certain where exactly the 9 Stars originated from. Origins are hidden in obscure stories telling us of a tortoise having emerged from a river, the shell of the tortoise featuring distinct patterns of white and black dots. Well, of course learning from such myths can only lead to mystification of systems such as Nine Star Ki and Xuan Kong Feng Shui, that both extensively rely on the 9 Stars. We must understand that the ancients where far from hippies and we can rest assured that they did not come up with any shaky ideas on how our cosmos functions. Rather, the ancient masters where scholars with specific knowledge of mathemathics, physics, asterisms, sun physics, definite astronomical realities and geomagnetism and they possessed deep insight into many other exact sciences. Mostly, the 9 Stars are said to have been subtracted from the Big Dipper (Bei Dou), but no-one will be able to convincingly tell us where the 9 Stars originated from. For the purpose of this discourse we will accept that the 9 Stars are associated with the Stars in the Big Dipper. We will accept also that Stars can be assigned – but are not necessarily - Trigrams. Seven out of nine stars are located in the Big Dipper itself, two of them (Star 8 and Star 9) are called Assistant Stars and appear many light years away, if existing at all. Although 9 Stars uses Numbers, Nine Star Ki and Xuan Kong Feng Shui are far from numerological systems. Stars show quality – Spirits - rather than quantity. Stars used are to codify Universal Qi in its ever changing dynamic of waxing and waning. Once a new prevailing Star takes over reign, another Star retreats, but neither of these energies is ever absent, so that each Star is always present, be that explicitely or not. Qi is always undividable, pure and timely. We are now ready to conjoin Stars and Trigrams and show you the family members.

Star Color Trigram Direction Family member

9 Fire Purple Fire South Middle daughter

8 Earth White Mountain Northeast Youngest son

7 Metal Red Marsh West Youngest daughter, wife

6 Metal White Heaven Northwest Father, elderly men

5 Earth Yellow Center

4 Wood Green Wind Southeast Eldest daughter

3 Wood Jade Thunder East Eldest son, husband

2 Earth Black Earth Southwest Mother, elderly women

1 Water White Water North Middle son

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The Big Dipper Alignment All in our universe is aligned, interconnected, with our interest concerning Nine Star Ki and Feng Shui aimed primarily at the alignment between Heaven, Man and Earth. There occurs a special alignment between the Big Dipper and our personal magnetism. All this pertains to human fate, but now the question becomes, is Nine Star Ki astrology? Are you really a 9 Fire, are you really a 6 Metal? Consider yourself to be a camera. If you are a 9 Fire, we may say you typically carry around a red lense. Whatever you are filming, whatever your interactions, it will be colored red. Now, if you are a 9 Fire, but for a year your Star resides in the 2 Earth Palace, can you imagine that for that year you ‘become’ a 2 Earth person, in the sense that you will now be filming from a yellow lense? This year you will perceive the world and relate to the world as you would normally expect typical for 2 Earth people. Already this one dynamic is what makes Nine Star Ki so interesting.








Mizar Alcaid





3 2




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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


How to relate to Luoshu Each Star progresses through the Luoshu on an annual, monthly and daily basis. Concerning your personal nine year journey through the Luoshu, we cannot indiscriminately point out specific fortunate or unfortunate Palaces. Yet, all too often we find active statements in literature and seminars, stating how a certain Palace would invoke certain typical and specific events and how some Palaces will then either render wonderful events and how other Palaces would invite undesirable events. This is fine, for as long as you understand that these are generalizations. It becomes a blunder, however, if not clarified further, especially when the public then squarely adopts these statements and the teaching is used to anticipate on and ward off ill events, e.g. its directionology used to vote against any traveling at all. A good example again concerns the 1 Water House. Some still say that you should refrain from any initiative – do not travel, do not marry, do not start any enterprise - when your Star resides in the 1 Water House. This is because within the game of waxing and waning, energy of the Water House is considered at its lowest. Imagine you are 82 years old. Then, this would mean that your Star ‘saw’ the 1 Water House 9 times on an annual basis. What type of system would Nine Star Ki be to then proclaim 9 years out of your life void. It is not like that at all. If you accept this type of teaching, it may not so much as tell us anything about the teaching that you received, as it may yet unearth your basic outlook of life, perhaps demonstrating your own readiness to aim for anxiety rather than autonomy.

Rather pertinent to our understanding must be that any and all Palaces host a two-faced temperament. “What has a front, has a back; the greater the front, the greater the back”. Any Palace may produce ‘plus’ events (☺), or ‘minus’ events ( ).

Concerning personal divination and whether or not any Palace will render fortunate events still much depends on your current health, or ‘how and to what extend does your personal magnetism relate to the ever changing environmental currents’ and ‘did you at all adapt to those changes’. Said differently, much depending on your Star and your personal magnetism, the 1 Water House may yet portent beneficial events. This way, Luoshu reveals the intimate exchange that exists between your Star and the Palaces, your Star and the directions, your Star and the other Stars, your Star and prevailing environmental currents. In basic texts only so much to be then shared in just only general terms, the rest to be yet monitored by yourself and much in proportion also with your own physical, emotional and spiritual condition. This is what makes Nine Star Ki into such wonderful adventure. Reflect on what the Luoshu actually is, what it portents. The Luoshu is a compass. In themselves, the Stars have little or no preset agenda. They can merely bring about what is already innate. It is a two-way street – interaction - between you and Luoshu, you and the Stars. Nine Star Ki greatly helps you to reach your autonomy, authenticity and the Luoshu is your invitation to explore. Some people use the Star portents to jail themselves and use Yi wisdom to justify their own limitations and anxiety. Surely, that anxiety was then perhaps prevalent already – anything else would have surfaced it - and it has nothing to do with the Stars, Luoshu, Yi.

Qi is indifferent, impartial. By law of cause and effect it may surface

what was innate already.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Your basic temperament Once you found your way through its basics you will have entered a world of easy to digest - but accurate - character analysis and divination. You will have a tool to explore your relationships, health, decisions for initiative in an enjoyable way. Each of the 9 Stars governs its own group of meridians, organs and body parts. Traditional Chinese Medicine has it that ‘organs produce emotions’ and therefore an organ demonstrating good Qi flow will produce certain positive characteristics and temperament. If you read this last sentence carefully and understanding its rather far-reaching implications, this may entirely change your perception of Nine Star Ki as astrology (and Feng Shui as interior design) as this is fundamental to your understanding that Nine Star Ki is not astrology in the strictest sense. Nine Star Ki may be astrology up to a certain point, beyond which point your character and temperament, even your fate, will be proportionate to your physical health, blood quality. Your temperament may be merely a symptom for an underlying organ Qi. If for whatever reason Qi flow in an organ is compromised, there may occur a tendency towards some of the negative temperaments associated with that organ, that may then release ‘minus’ emotions proportionate to your personal magnetism. Given your time of birth, certain organs will be your ‘stronger’ (more Yang) ones. When in sound health, your body organs and functions will tend to produce the more favorable emotions associated with the Stars. When Qi in organs stagnates or becomes deficient, tendency may be more towards unfavorable emotions associated with the Stars. If you consider Nine Star Ki to be a mere astrological system and you consider your character and temperament the sole outcome of Stars, rendering you as a mere passive entity and without linking all this to your food intake, your blood quality, the ever changing personal magnetism, you are missing out a great deal of the full picture and fun and you will only take yourself to penetrate this magnificent system to a certain point. Your applications of Nine Star Ki may be only fragmentaric. The list with ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions shown further down may therefore be the most important you will ever come across, because you can use it for self-diagnosis of your character and temperament and improving your behavior, your relationships, your achievements in life. An example of how to read this list, taking a 9 Fire person. Step one Star 9 governs the Heart Qi. First check emotions typical for 9 Fire people. The favorable emotions come from smooth flowing Heart Qi, while the unfavorable temperaments may be released due to deficient or stagnant Heart Qi. Healthy Fire produces benevolence and courtesy. Step two The 9 Fire person also has Lungs, Kidneys and so forth. If the 9 Fire person shows disproportionate jealousy, you may find the temperament jealousy under 8 Earth and you may safely assume that there is a Stomach Qi condition that one could attend to. 5 Soil women may also refer to 8 Soil emotions; if you are a 5 Soil man, also refer to 2 Soil emotions. These are Nine Star Ki Stars, not Ming Gua.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Here, we can clearly see to what extend Nine Star Ki is astrology. Nine Star Ki is astrology up to a certain point. It is more truly a biological-physiological system, giving insight into a person’s health. What you consider your temperament may very well be a symptom, i.e. elimination of a certain organ’s access Qi. It may at first seem fairly strange to encounter this point, especially where you will hardly or not find this type of references in literature, but you could nevertheless contemplate on this and decide for yourself if it holds any relevance. Health issues that remain uncorrected, may ultimately compromise the natural nine year recurring path through the Luoshu. In other words, relative to your condition, a certain House of the Luoshu may not bring what you would expect it to bring in certain years, months or days. If this happens it can be mild, but sometimes the situation may turn hostile to the person’s fate and destiny. If this is the case, the situation must be corrected by a proposed combination of 5 related approaches. 1. Food

Choose your diet according to your current and desired condition, selecting and preparing your food according to principles of Yin and Yang, the Five Transformations, geographical region, apparent season, age, gender, activity. The quality of your food produces the quality of your blood. In turn this will decide the quality of your tissues, organs, the quality decisions you make and ultimately the food you select and your fate. In order to study this you can obtain macrobiotic literature or read books about Five Transformations and food.

2. External treatment

We can further support an intelligent food program by external treatment such as acupuncture, shiatsu, massage, herbs, baths and so on in order to further promote healing.

3. Physical exercise

Assume a cardio-respiratory program, sufficient to effectively promote circulation, preferably a minimum of three times a week 20-40 minutes depending on your ability, preference, tolerance. Check with your health physician or sport instructor, but realize that oxygen is important as it neutralizes acids.

4. Breathing

Many people engage in breathing and meditation programs. Much more than perhaps a state of mind, meditation pertains to a verifiable physiological state of the body cells. However much breathing is central to health, by far the most important breathing exercise is actually to chew each bite thoroughly: ‘Eat your drink and drink your food’. Our aim is to bring together forces of Heaven, Man and Earth, so we need a channel. Chewing as ‘ultimate breathing’ is a key to health and transmutation, while it is the umbilical cord between you and the cosmos. Only then come in other breathing techniques, chanting, mantras.

5. Selfreflection

Your ability to replace yourself in others, see and learn from your mistakes, be amazed about virtually anything and maintain a readiness towards experience, trouble not excluded. If you are a student of any Oriental Metaphysics, you will already know that we all share the same source. If we share the same source, we are alike. What I then do unto you, I do unto myself. From your empathy will come benevolence which will trigger Heart Qi and eventually culminate into nobility. You can travel into virtually any direction at all, since you find the Yi at your side as your companion. Be ready and amazed.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Nine Star Ki basic emotions and temperament Here, you can look up ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions belonging to your first two Stars. Then also of course verify your condition by referring to the other Stars, i.e. organs. You can practise self-reflection and reflect on it each day. ☺ Associated organ in sound health. Qi flow in body according to Sheng Cycle.

Qi of organ compromised to any proportion, not necessarily implying disease.

1 Water Kidney, Bladder, reproductive system

☺ Courage, willful, explorative, intuitive, deep, fluent, reflective, contemplating, independent, concentrating, diplomatic, adaptable, cool, serious, careful, insightful, social, selfprotective, industrious, organized, patient, hardworking, intimate, selfassertive, confident, inspired, serene.

Fear, lack of will, unexplorative, isolation, solitude, loneliness, silent, unemotional, stagnant, denounceful, manipulative, stubborn, obstinate, unadaptable, tenacious, worrisome, disdainful, overbearing, insecure, selfconscious, victim, defensive, paranoid, overconfident, isolation.

2 Earth Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas (digestive system)

☺ Trustworthy, sympathy, embracing, steady, solid, delicate, serving, caring, sacrificing, dependent, diligent, delicate, maternal, accurate, supportive, feminine, shrewd, conventional, nourishing, observing, provincial, dedicated, devotion, systematic, detailminded, social, understanding, compassionate, receptive, methodical, reliable.

Antipathy, dependant, meticulous, provincial, conservative, envious, irritated, suspicious, egotistical, cynical, sceptical, jealous, shrewd, irritable, stubborn, discriminating, cool, doubtful, fastidious, sacrifice.

3 Wood Liver, Gallbladder

☺ Compassion, generous, empathic, flexible, tollerant, creative, patience, tolerant, susceptible, stamina, insightful, outgoing, stamina, accessible, active, optimistic, progressive, advancing, frank, straightforward, growing, intensive, passionate, development, intense, sensitive, talkative, passionated, extrovert, uncomplicated.

Explosive, agressive, inflexible, intolerable, impulsive, brash, frank, bold faced, reckless, impatient, rash, tress passing, hasty, selfpity, upset, alienating, prejudice, preoccupied, unbendable, selfpity.

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4 Wood Liver, Gallbladder

☺ Kindness, tender, gentle, prudent, sociable, confident, controlled, reputable, adaptable, liberal, flexible, compassionate, smooth mannered, emotional, harmonious, open, creative, adaptable, social, affectionate.

Impulsive, stubborn, evasive, calculating, uncontrolled, changeable, unadaptable, reckless, hypersensitive, upset, prejudice, changeable, moody, inflexibel, scattered, selfcentered, impractical, manipulative, meticulous, indecisive, manipulative, alienated.

5 Earth Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas (digestive system)

☺ Independent, strong, self assertive, constructive, controlling, indomitable, proud, persistent, humane, determined, resolute, talented.

Haughty, egoistic, bold, destructive, late maturing, stubborn, destructive, forceful, irritated, agressive, self indulgent, calculating, unadaptable.

6 Metal Lungs, Large Intestine

☺ Righteousness, complete, wholistic, leadership, endurance, organized, stylish, judicious, loyal, faithful, prudent, perfectionist, efficient, magnanimous, dignified, perseverance, convinced, trustworthy, proud, rational, moral ethics, determined, merciful, nobility, considerate.

Depressive, non sociable, controlling, demanding, stubborn, opinionated, sadness, complaining, hurt, melancholy, stubborn, obsessive, rigidity, purist, insultive, sentimental, defensive, calculating, workaholic, offensive, moralist, inconsiderate, tenacious, insecure, merciless, uncompromising, hermit.

7 Metal Lungs, Large Intestine

☺ Stylish, easy going, joyful, happiness, provider, social, flexible, talkative, organized, energetic, sensitive, passionate, polished, entertaining, successful, indulgent, resourceful, expressive, persuasive, uncomplicated, optimistic.

Shy, stubborn, stormy, egoistic, extravagant, hyper sensitive, haughty, superior, nervous, complicated, contemptuous, calculating, wanton, over indulged, spoiled, self centered.

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8 Earth Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas (digestive system)

☺ Reliable, consistent, seeking, striving, persistent, sympathy, wealthy, comfortable, abundant, fortunate, saving minded, energetic, adventurous, tenacious, willful, curious, revolutionary, self motivating, ambitious.

Suspicious, antipathy, jealous, haughty, scepticism, opinionated, stagnated, self indulgent, avaricious, greedy, possesive, obstinate, straightforward, pretentious.

9 Fire Heart, Small Intestine

☺ Propriety, courtesy, calm, proud, foresightful, honorable, intelligent, successful, generous, charismatic, enlightened, brightness, smooth, wholistic, embracing, tasteful, stardom, medium, hospitable, fulllness, intuitive, proud, impulsive, vain, distinguished, colourful.

Inconsiderate, unbenevolent, stormy, self concerned, conceited, impulsive, vain, fickle, superficial, hyper nervous, flamboyant, stormy, silent, over emotional, repetitive, superiority, self concerned.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Five Transformation dynamics In our Nine Star Ki and Xuan Kong Feng Shui studies we follow energy in its endless process of waxing and waning. In observing energy in this process – and following energy through the months of a year - we learn how to distinguish between energy that is in its phase of waxing and energy that is in its phase of waning, but energy can never be classified as to exclusively belong to a certain season, direction, organ. We can only say that certain energy more typically prevails in certain time. Although the 9 Stars are linked to either one of the Five Transformation (Wuxing) phases, we cannot look upon the Five Transformations in a static way. Don’t look upon the Five Transformations as real physical objects. Apart from the fact that there is no way of course in which we can divide One Qi into yet smaller ‘segments’, Qi cannot be quantified. Yet, if you are a 9 Fire, you will probably feel strenghtened by another 9 Fire person or feel strengthened in a 9 Fire Year. As a 9 Fire, you may feel supported by a Wood person or the Wood months and you may feel controlled by a Water person, or you may feel constrained in Water years and months. Keep in mind however that these typologies are relative in themselves and often cause for rather simplistic and rigid applications, where we do not also understand that no-one is just only ‘such and such Star’, without also carrying the seed of all other Stars. If you were born in a 9 Fire year, it means nothing more than that Fire energy was at its prime. It does not mean that Fire was the only Qi you took in with your first breath. All other energies were present in this 9 Fire year, in whatever phase of waxing or waning, equally flowing through your meridians, sustaining your organs. Suppose you are a 9 Fire but born in the Metal months (August, September, October), then – apart from Fire energy being most prevalent - surely Metal was on the throne as well during these months. Time and again, terms such as ‘controlling cycle’ prove to be most unfortunate. For a 9 Fire person to be ‘controlled’ by a 1 Water person or for a 9 Fire person to be born in Winter time (Water season, i.e. the 9 Fire person being born in a season that controls his annual Star) is in itself not negative in any way. If we accept that we need to manifest, perform and achieve in life, then on the contrary, the water – when in proportion - will provide the necessary discipline and ambition to the 9 Fire person. This article cannot but touch on the very basics, but for anyone interested in yet deeper studies, lies ahead a dynamic world of Qi studies. Once more, we cannot divide Qi into segments. Whenever for the sake of understanding and for our studies we do, it is merely because we need to be able to ‘communicate Qi’ or we need to do some ‘pushing hands’ with energy in its consecutive phases of waxing and waning, for instance in our work as a teacher or consultant. We need to apply the dynamics shown here in our assessments and our chosen adjustments in Nine Star Ki and Feng Shui. We purposely left out the seasons in the following diagram. Mostly the Five Transformations are explained using seasons for the Northern Hemisphere. Problem is, we cannot say that Wood is Spring, Fire is Summer, because the seasons are reversed on the Southern Hemisphere.

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Instead, we show the months linked to the Five Transformations as the Five Elements were originally linked to the solar months of a year. If we then say that Wood governs and is the most prevalent Qi in February, March and April, this is true for both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, regardless of season or climatic considerations. No alterations should be allowed in the Luoshu for either Hemisphere, for reason that the Luoshu is not based on the seasons, but rather on Universal Qi – true for the entire globe – and finding its cradle in the earth orbit around the sun. Also, we cannot say Qi is the Heart or Qi is the Bladder. We can only say Qi more typically governs these organs. The circle shows any system enclosed in itself, be that our cosmos, a solar year, our physical bodies, but it never fixes Qi in certain phases, seasons or directions. April, July, October and January – although linked to their seasons – also belong to the Earth phase.

Liver Gallbladder

Heart Small Intestine

Stomach Spleen Pancreas

Lungs Large Intestine

Kidney Bladder Reproductive System

Augustus, September October

November, December January

Earth Wood


Water Metal

February, March April

May, June, July

Earth Wood


Water Metal







7 6 1


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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Important We have yet another opportunity to tackle a misconception. Many persistently misleading statements are being made concerning the supporting-, strengthening-, weakening-, damaging- and destructive cycles within Wuxing. It is only unfortunate that we use the terminologies shown here, but you need to understand that these terms would have been used originally in warfare also. Do not ever bluntly follow the reasoning that you and your partner are incompatible, just because your Star controls your partner’s Star or vice versa. At the same time, this type of reasoning has become so common that we will probably not be able to ever get rid of it. Steve is a 9 Fire and Mary is a 6 Metal. Fire controls Metal, yes, but Fire energetically controls Metal, it was never to even imply that therefore emotionally one partner controls the other partner. This is absurd and not just because there are examples enough where a 6 Metal would control a 9 Fire, so you must abandon this type of associations right away as such mind-trips will get you nowhere at all and can be even harmful if you communicate with your clients in such fashion. At best an organ can ‘control’ or ‘weaken’ another organ and within the confines of Traditional Chinese Medicine or internal medicine we can perhaps apply such terminology to acquire harmony and balance for the body. We will encounter problems if we then extend these terms for astrology or Feng Shui and perhaps state that ‘this Star weakens – or drains – that Star’, or ‘this Star controls that Star’, because that may easily extend into: ‘this person controls that person’. Surely, from the perspective of health we may want ‘balance’ and ‘harmony’, so these terms can be used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but gradually the public adopted the proposition as if we need balance and harmony for horoscopes as well. Please reconsider using terms such as harmony, balance or ‘controlling’ cycle and so on when you are a practitioner of Nine Star Ki or Chinese Feng Shui. Rather, a so-called ‘balanced’ astrological chart might be indicative also to a dull life, with hardly any ambition, challenges, aspirations, with little or no achievements. You may want to ponder on this while you proceed. In this new approach, Star 6 is not so much drained by Star 1, rather Star 1 invites Star 6 into motion, into performance. Star 6 is not so much ‘controlled’ by Star 9, as Star 9 may yet provide Star 6 with discipline, ambition, authority, so that Star 6 may achieve its inborn leadership. We need to always keep proportion in view before we parrot anything we may have encountered concerning Wuxing so far. Between people, many factors continue to play a role, not just only the mutual Stars. In fact, it is possible that you find a truly loving and enduring relationship between two people that actually relate to each other as from the controlling cycle, while you may find another couple that quarrel all the time, exchange mutual suspicion, eventhough from a Nine Star Ki perspective they share agreeable Stars. Bottom line is, a healthy person does not control anyone, a healthy person will not feel controlled. So, look beyond just mere ‘Stars’ and be ready to yet dive into an unmatched adventure and let go of the supposition that Nine Star Ki was astrology. All Five Elements mutually depend on each other. None of the cycles is ‘negative’ by definition as all depends on proportion and a person’s tolerance. In fact, Water needs Earth to control it. Any element can stagnate or build up too much energy, so it may welcome being depleted. Imagine the situation where energy would not be depleted in any way, now that would give you ‘negative’. It takes some experience to gain a full appreciation for these dynamics.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Annual and monthly Stars in Chinese Feng Shui If you are a practitioner of Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Star) Feng Shui, you need to know how to find annual and monthly Stars. Chinese Feng Shui keeps to its own system of time cycles, e.g. Xuan Kong Fei Xing uses time Periods of twenty years to find the basic Qi distribution map for a built structure, which eventually leads us to the Flying Star chart for the house. Any Feng Shui assessments and adjustments are then done with a set of basic conventions in mind, incorporating presence and absence of – either real or virtual - Mountain and Water in the appropriate locations while all pertaining also to distinct rules of Timeliness. As a Feng Shui practitioner you need to know as much attributes of 9 Stars as you can get a hold of, because you need this in order to ‘Read the Stars and Build the Story’. This example shows the Flying Star chart of a house. We assume that all Feng Shui requirements are in place. Now we can add detail and flavor and project the dynamic annual Stars and perhaps install adjustments accordingly, valid for a year. Technically speaking, we can do this for month Stars – even daily Stars –, but we would caution against this if not there was a very demanding reason to do so. From a certain point and if not necessitated it would be against life, against Yi, to run through your house continuously chasing the Stars to adjust them. You would be definitely doing something, but it would not be Feng Shui. We can then project the annual Stars and see from what directions they will approach, influence and affect the house. In this example, the annual Star 5 arrives at the main entrance and we can take due measures. Most importantly, we need to point out that Chinese Feng Shui allocates levels of benevolence to the Stars relative mostly to factors of Timeliness. For example, during Feng Shui Period 8 (2004-2024) it regards Star 2 and Star 5 in a Flying Star chart as casting detrimental influence. Of course, you can then not project the same observations on the annual Stars, since the annual and monthly Stars are always pure and Timely, just as we can also not conclude that from a Feng Shui perspective people with Nine Star Ki Star 2 or Star 5 are evil. The more attributes you know for the Stars the better. Annual Stars are Yang and may yet instigate events, which may be related to the associated portents, the Palace properties, family members, organs and combinations between Stars.

Door 5 7 3

1 6 8

9 4


319 491

946 228


673 855 582

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


9 Star Divination


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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Principles In this second section we will proceed with the divination part. In a very simple and straightforward way, we can use our knowledge of 9 Stars and Luoshu to reveal past, current and future Qi currents. We can use Nine Star Ki to see what is in progress concerning our current endeavors, understand the why and how of certain past experiences, look at personal do’s and do nots for any time in the future, as well as we can do pushing hands with Luoshu to make sense of the news that we encounter in the media. Actually, Nine Star Ki is not so much about predicting events, neither personal nor global. Using the term prediction would assume that a person is clear-voyant, and that would wrongly imply that just only a small choice of people would then be able to work with divination, where the great thing about Nine Star Ki is exactly that it works from mere technical basis. After you have acquainted yourself with some fundamental principles, Nine Star Ki merely requires your logic approach. Therefore, rather than predicting events, it is better to say that we are foreseeing tendencies. In Nine Star Ki divination, these are the players and this is what you do: Luoshu You need to know some basic characteristics for each of the 9 Palaces. 9 Stars You need to know some of the more prevalent attributes of the Stars. Events You need to select the right portent(s) for any combination of Stars. It will take you just only a short while to assimilate this article. If you then follow the news for two or three months, that’s about what it will take for you to develop sufficient skills and become independent at the task. Then, in order to be able to ‘translate Stars into events and events into Stars’ you simply allocate a specific attribute of one Star or Palace to a specific attribute of another Star or Palace. After you have acquainted yourself with the system, you will be able to improve your score of accuracy and this way a dynamic dvd will unfold before you that will yet amaze you. I was never separated from Luoshu since I started Nine Star Ki in 1982, just simply because its revelations knocked me away each time and it has never dissapointed me. I started using Luoshu for divination purposes in 1983, but with just only one simple – but strong – technique: follow 5 Earth Star while it progresses through the square. Just only this one technique (back then there were hardly other clues as to divination) opened up a world in itself and it is my wish already for this article to give you a multitude of ‘prediction rules’, so that you can perform on a comfortable level in just a matter of weeks, months. If you actually study this article and sit yourself in front of a Luoshu, then – whether you are connecting to personal or global events – you will see your life change. In Nine Star Ki we deal with 9 Stars, each Star in itself representing tens and tens of different attributes, based also on their typical individual properties. It would be perhaps easiest to practise on news that comes to us through natural events. This is so because no-one has a hand in floods, the weather, land slides or earthquakes, so following this type of events may give you a first clear and honest picture of Qi dynamics. Having said this, and due surely to some of the more current planetary changes, you may find that this may become less and less valid. Next, we can resort to news events in general, where you go through your news paper – or check your television - in search for news that will help you understand

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Luoshu. At first this will be quite ‘defensive’, meaning you will in the first stages feel rather passive. First the news had to happen, only then for you to notice the Stars involved. Then, pretty soon, you will be able to first perceive the Stars in a Luoshu and anticipate on certain specific news that is yet to happen. This, of course, is a true adventure. Finally, we can resort to the Luoshu in order to single out personal events. Here, you simply follow your Star on its journey through the Luoshu. It is a challenge already to sit yourself in front of just only an annual Luoshu and “Read the Stars and Build the Story”, it can become a task if you try to read a Luoshu showing annual, monthly and daily Stars. This will take some experience. It is a misunderstanding to assume that Qi works the same for all of us, its impact yet largely depending on our current condition (personal magnetism) and action. Also, there is the important factor of selectiveness that you need keep in mind when you read the news. For example, you may want to do a reading on an earthquake that you saw happen in the news, only to then find on your websearches that several hundreds of earthquakes occur any month. Therefore, keep a healthy distance.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


The basics In section one you saw already how Nine Star Ki defines a year to run from 4 or 5 February of a certain year right through 3 or 4 February of the following year. Nine Star Ki works from the Solar calendar and it follows the sun on its annual path through the – 30 degrees – zodiac signs, where it is accepted that a solar month starts when the sun reaches 15 degrees in a certain zodiac sign. A year then starts when the sun reaches 15 degrees into Aquarius (February). Further down, we will first discuss an event that had occurred during a 9 Fire year. To the left you will find the Star configuration for a 9 Fire year. To the right you will find the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth which you need always refer back to. In other words, during a 9 fire year the 3 Wood Star appears in the 8 Earth Palace of the basic Luoshu. This Luoshu can be equally used in Nine Star Ki and Classical Chinese Feng Shui for directionology purposes and to perform divination. We can perform personal divination and we can use this Luoshu to interpret global events. We can associate Stars with the Trigrams. Star 9 then governs the Fire Trigram. See website for Heluo’s article “Binary Model of Creation”.










9 Fire square, for example the year 2000












465 Basic Luoshu of 5 Earth




Earth Fire Wood

Metal Earth Wood

Metal Water Earth

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


The Fire Trigram consists of 2 Yang lines and 1 Yin line. It represents something that is strong on the outside, but vulnerable on the inside, just like fire that may come across as bold on the outside but would still entirely depend on its environment for fuel.

For this reason - as is true for all other Trigrams -, besides explicit events we look for implicit dynamics instigated by fire. For Nine Star Ki purposes this Trigram is associated a.o. with fire, energy in its highest point of radiance, chemicals, oil, live stock, birds, public relations, communication and all that is inclined upward and outward. Fire is Yang and it has the ability to bring to the surface anything that is hidden. Therefore it can bring you fame, but it can bring about scandals at the same time. Because Fire is Yang, it can pull Yin to the surface, so it can also bring out old emotional patterns, hidden ailments or other things that may lie dormant.

Trigram Li, Fire

Direction South

Months May (Snake), June (Horse), July (Sheep)

Time 11 am-1 pm

Season Summer (Northern Hemisphere) Winter (Southern Hemisphere)

Heavenly body Mars, Sun

Organs Heart, Small Intestine

Body functions Eyes, tongue, Heart Constrictor, Triple Heater

Family member Middle daughter

Animal Live stock, birds

Career Film industry, public relations, interior design, photography, modelling, fashion, painting, psychic.

Events High profile events, inflamable. Pharmaceutical, oil industry.

Contrary to 1999 – which was a 1 Water year – and where we saw weak leadership both in businesses and politics and we hardly encountered any provoking inventions, or significant events in information technology and corporate business, the 9 Fire year of 2000 will lift up a lot of issues to a higher point and the Fire of the year will make things visible from greater distance. Politicians and higher management will be visible more than usual and you can expect events that will be fiery but will end just as quick as they appeared. In 2000 we will see great political shifts and it will bring major global changes in leadership.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


On a global scale – especially in the South of countries and cities and during the months of May, June and July because these months are prevalent in Fire - you should be able to descern a clear build up of events around fire, new films, chemical factories and chemical industry, oil related events, pharmaceutical industry and growth in the stock markets. Any stock should be put in oil industry and the food industry. Also, during a 9 Fire year we may see ailments emerge that are related to the Heart. Any Fire related event can be both positive and negative. On the one hand we may see calamities in the oil industry, on the other hand also new laws and legislation as well as support for this sector will occur.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Blast in fireworks factory Before we move on to some of the ins and outs of predicting events, and before we will introduce you to more extended Star attributes, let us start by using a typical and fairly straigthforward example of an actual event.

Event Fireworks factory explosion (involving 100,000 kilograms of fireworks). Location/direction City of Enschede, The Netherlands – East Time of event Saturday 13 May 2000 at 12:00 p.m. Casualties 23 people killed Damage 500 houses vanished, area looked like a warzone. More than 1,200 people lost their homes completely. Related events In 1991 (9 Fire) a similar event involving a fireworks factory occurred in the city of Culemborg, the Netherlands, while several other similar events involving fireworks factories occured throughout the world e.g. Spain, China in 2000. Description A fireworks factory – situated in a rural area - was blown away. Four fireworkers, assuming they were dealing with a regular fire were killed when a huge explosion occured, killing 19 citizens and destroying 500 houses. Casualties were limited because this occured on a Saturday and most people had gone out shopping. Using the Star configuration of 13 May 2000 we will run you through a possible Luoshu interpretation. Some key attributes of the most important Stars involved in this event: Star 3 Electrical power failure (short-circuit). Star 4 Paper, projectile, missile, fireworks, gunpowder, powder, fuse. Star 5 Built structure, accident, disaster. Star 6 Sudden stop, assault, explosion, sudden attack.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Combining portents of Star 4 and Star 6, added to this also the occurrence of these Stars in the basic 9 Fire House, may help shed a light on the event. Due to vast destructive powers involved in the blast, authorities can still today only speculate on what had caused the event. One official states how it was probably and primarily a disfunctional heater, causing gas leak which then self-ignited a container filled with titan powder. Others doubt this and suggest that the blast may have been caused by electrical power failure. Combo 5-3-5 in the 8 Earth Palace and 3-1-3 in the 6 Metal Palace may then suggest electrical failure. You will remember from the first section how we always incorporate the Star(s) in the opposite Palaces for more detailed reading. We can actually incorporate all Stars in all Palaces in this Luoshu to further find related occurrences specific to this event. We will give you an example just so as to help you better read Luoshu, but not after we have cautioned you. We need strongly and persistently point out the necessity of discipline while reading. Do not take your associative thinking too far as you would be only diving into far-fetched conclusions. We have witnessed masters whom still resort to bending the Stars and the Luoshu so as to fit certain events. Not only is this silly, it is pertinently not necessary. You need not bend the Stars to fit any event, as the Luoshu itself tells the story and I can assure you the event is there, in all of its facets. Having said that and proclaiming Star 8 to represent buildings, if you look at the Southeast 4 Wood Palace you will find 1-8-1. You could perhaps take this as the water that was used to extinguish the fire. At the same time this is of course a good example for what could be far-fetched, because fires in general – whatever the Stars involved – would be of course extinguished by water. Annual Star 4 engenders the Fire of the 9 Fire Palace in a year in which 9 Fire is already central and thus vulnerable to events. Star 4 in combination with Star 9 may portent many things, one of which would be evaporating gass, burning or - when in contact with 6 Metal – exploding (6) projectiles (4). One of the 6 Metal attributes is ‘sudden stop’ or explosion (like from a gun shot or a bomb attack). Other possible events coming from the combination 4 and 6: explosion in airplane (4), school (4), wooden structures (4), rockets (4), assault on post-office (4).










Blast occuring on a 2 Earth day in a 2 Earth month in a 9 Fire year.




Star 6 (sudden stop, assault, explosion) mixing with Star 4 (paper, projectile, missile, powder) in the 9 Fire Palace for both month and day.

Star 5 appears opposite the 9 Fire Palace. Star 5 may portent disaster and Star 5 may be associated with built structures made of brick or concrete, here a bunker.

Double 9 Fire appearing in the East., opposite Star 4 in the West.

Star 1 is Qi in its lowest point of waning. Star 3 may read electricity. Electrical power failures may occur with the 1-3 combination. In case of a train (3) accident/fire/delay, look up the Luoshu and see if Star 3 connects to Star 1. If it does, the event may be due to a short-circuit.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Directions and location When we use a location in Nine Star Ki, e.g. the Northwest, it means: (into) the Northwest of a country, a city or a built structure. We can also assess directions in Nine Star Ki, meaning an influence coming towards us from the Northwest or traveling into the Northwest. The problem here may be that we need first decide on the center. What to do in case an event happens in a city of a particular country. Do we use the center of the country to see which Stars and related events happen into a certain direction, or do we use the city as our ‘epic center’. What is ‘center’ can be at times relative and you would best let the Luoshu tell you. For purposes of Feng Shui directions mean; most likely occuring from and into the Northwest sector of your house, seen from the physical center of your house. For personal divination and directionology you always consider yourself at the center, wherever you are. You yourself are a reference point for and a vehicle to Qi. Concerning directions and in order to interpret which influence will be triggered, we simply look at the Stars for year, month and day in that direction. We then combine these Stars and get a ‘taste’ of the event by also – and at all times - simultaneously incorporating the Stars that appear in opposite Palaces.

How to interpret Nine Star Ki events It is important to note how no year owns exclusive ‘privileges’ to the events that are generally associated with its prevalent Star. We cannot bluntly state that Fire years will give fires, because of course all years give fires. The same applies to floods, earthquakes, plane crashes or any other occurence. Just because a certain Star resides in the center for the year does not disable the other Stars, they remain active. Still, it is safe to say that the news will be inclined towards the central Star portents. Keeping this in mind – and for each year, month and day – certain predictions can be made. Each Star will then host many attributes. For now just focusing on the annual Star at the center, this Star will be then joined by another Star each month, but also each day. It is art in itself to be able to choose the correct attributes of any given combination of Stars and Palaces and then connect the right ones. Just use your common sense, some basic technique, the ability to see how Qi takes on many faces and unlock the synchronicity of events occurring wide apart perhaps. No-one can reach or claim 100% accurracy in predicting personal or global events, for simple reason that Nine Star Ki does not cover 100% of all ingredients involved in any single event. In exclusively applying Nine Star Ki – as would be true for any other method - we are excluding information that would have been yet revealed by other systems. Having said this, you can become proficient from within the limits of any given system for divination. If we then set the maximum accurracy for divination through Nine Star Ki at 80%, then this article contains all techniques necessary to take yourself up to at least 60% accurracy provided you stick to it and actually ‘practise’ personal and global event on a regular basis. You will start off with an accurracy of less than 20% probably, but be patient, it will come to you sooner than expected. Some of the techniques presented here have never before been made available or have been closely guarded secrets within certain communities.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Please note that:

- With the exception of the central Palace and Star 5, each Palace in the Magic Square and each Star is associated with a Trigram, therefore encompassing many attributes. Learn these attributes by reading books on the Five Transformations and Yi Jing (Book of Changes). - Each Palace and each Star hosting many attributes, their combinations leading to endless combinations, possible outcomes, some known, some not. - Associations given here are basic, selected by me and some having come from my own observation. - Allocating attributes to Stars may cause for confusion and disproval: in this document Star 3 is associated with electricity. Some would concur, others would classify electricity under the Water element. No attribute is given as definite. You should do your own research and realize that Qi is not static. - Any attribute or phenomena exclusively belonging or answering to just only one element is non-existent. Qi is undividable, it is a continuum, no demarcations. - Either explicitely or implicitely, tangible or intangible: all 5 elements are always there in all phenomena, in any proportion. - Do not quantify Qi: Stars or Luoshu Houses are merely Qi-codes. Look for previous events and House/Star compatibility. This article is to give you clues as on how to look upon the Houses and Stars and how to follow news events. Its intent is to stimulate your own observation, rather than giving fixed ways of interpretation because there aren’t any. A lot of Nine Star Ki knowledge has yet to be (re)discovered. It was never presented to the West in its fullness. How to follow news - Follow the news presented to you in news papers and through television or use your computer to search for news. Do this over an extended period of time and watch news occuring on different continents, because this may show that an earthquake on one continent is related to one on another continent - Always keep pen and paper handy when you follow news. Prepare Magic Squares for year, month and day before you turn on your television or open your newspaper. - For any person appearing in the news, try to determine their Nine Star Ki Star. Sometimes this comes from deduction. - Try to be as non-selective as you can. If you think you saw a significant event and you want to verify, watch foreign networks or consult other resources than your own. - Dare to be ‘wrong’. Even if your prediction proved to be untrue, you may have still followed the right line of thinking. You just need some more practise and time in order to know what a ‘3’ in a certain House may mean as you may have rightly focused, but just selected the ‘wrong’ portent. - Many events develop over the course of several months. A labor strike may occur in a certain month, change its direction in another month to find its climax in yet another month. - If you are advanced and prior to gathering the news, make a prediction on paper and only then turn on your television. Check against your findings. You will soon find how the world becomes one big moving Luoshu. At the very end of this article you may find a model that you can copy. Copy it twelve times, one for each month of the year and take down the news in short lines. At the end of the month you may write the general most important events in the top space. This will give you a good idea at the end of the year.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Specific prediction techniques When predicting personal events, there are some basic questions you have to ask and some step to step basics. All examples are – proportionally - valid for year, month or day squares. In principle you will follow both your first and second Star through the Luoshu, although the first takes precendence, but for intrincities that would reach beyond the scope of this discourse.

Five Transformations On the most basic level, use your knowledge of the strengthening-, enhancing-, damaging-, weakening- and controlling cycles and ask yourself: a) What Star is in the center and how does my Star relate to this central Star. b) In which Palace do I find my Star and how does my Star relate to that specific Palace and the other Star(s) that it finds there. c) What Star visits my Star for a month or day and what is the mutual relation. d) Which Palace or other Star is my own Star visiting for a month or day. e) Which Star visits my basic House in the Luoshu and how does my Star relate to this Star. We will show you one example further down, but having done all of the above, also reflect on the directionology of the Houses and reflect on all the attributes of the Stars, one by one. Is your Star in a Palace that your Star is normally controlled by, are you in a Palace that is under your control. Finally, you need to always cross-reference between two opposite Palaces. Remember this, because it is exactly what will significantly boost your accurracy. f) What Star(s) is/are opposite my own Star for year, month and day. g) Do I in any way find my Star opposite Star 5. h) Is any person I am in contact with opposite Star 5. i) Do I find my Star on an axis in the Magic Square (N-S, E-W, SE-NW, NE-SW) where another Star is occupying a House opposite its own House (refer to Star 7 in the 9 Fire year of 2000 that resides East where it is usually based West). Before we proceed by applying the strengthening-, enhancing-, damaging-, weakening- and controlling cycles, please reflect on this important point. Popular belief still has it that we encountered an unfavorable situation if one Star controls another Star, or if one Star drains – weakens - another Star. Such belief can only lead to active statements that will then leave you at fault, as all depends on proportion. When in good health, your Star (Qi) will not seek to control any other Star. When in good health, your Star (Qi) will not sense control from any other Star. When in good health, two Stars will invite mutual achievement. When proportion, intensity, volume, regularity are within limits, rather than one Star controlling another Star, the first will ‘discipline’ the latter and invite it into achievement, providing ambition, authority, leadership, resolve. All is well. When proportion, intensity, volume, regularity are within limits, rather than your Star be weakened by the Star that you keep under your control, controlling this other Star may bring you assets and this may culminate into wealth. All is well. Rather than weakening Star 1, Star 4 may yet invite Star 1 into manifestation.

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Year 2005 – 4 Wood We will discuss some of these dynamics using the 4 Wood Luoshu for 2005. We will cover some general portents for all Stars. You can yet extend this to other Luoshu. Star Resides in Direction Wuxing Basically suggesting 4 Center NA Controls Star 4 collecting Qi from the surrounding environment (other Stars). Natives with Star 4 may feel in control, but need caution against too rash activities. 5 6 Metal Northwest Engenders Star 5 links to 6 Metal Palace, which is a productive combination. Good for authority, new career developments, can be somewhat recluse. 6 7 Metal West Strengthens Star 6 links to the 7 Metal Palace, soaking in its romance, money and assets. Metal clashing but also confirmation. 7 8 Earth Northeast Engendered Star 7 links to and will be endorsed by the 8 Earh Palace. 8 9 Fire South Engendered Star 8 links to and will be endorsed by the 9 Fire Palace. Will promote positive exposure. 9 1 Water North Controlled Star 9 links to 1 Water Palace and thus resides opposite its base House, reaping opposite results. Probably moving away. 1 2 Earth Southwest Controlled Star 1 links to 2 Earth and comes under control. Will engage in studies and be caught up in family matters. 2 3 Wood East Controlled Star 2 visits the 3 Wood Palace where it will enjoy increased authority, but where it must also guard against possible nervous breakdown, anxiety or supression. 3 4 Wood Southeast Strengthens Star 3 appears in the 4 Wood Palace and it reaches a position opposite annual Star 5. May expect unexpected stagnations although general taste is favorable.













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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


General attributes for Palaces and Stars We will give you some general attributes pertaining to the Stars further down.

Concerning your personal progression through the Luoshu, here is a preview. Read it by starting at the central Palace and proceed in consecutive order over the designated Luoshu pattern: NW-W-NE-S-N-SW-E-SE.

Once your Star reaches the ‘steady progess’ of this Palace, you may increase or develop what you started the year before, but matters may yet be feeble, so you need to monitor, support and nourish what you started. Can be instable and shy, but also flexible, tolerant, stylish, sociable, gentle. You may be traveling and dealing with documents or contracts. You may be struck by waves of compassion. Good for music and arts. Mind your pulminory system.

Any changes that you encountered last year can be further developed this year, while you may also enjoy positive exposure, recognition by the public. The 9 Fire Palace can be fairly radiant, so you must also return home to re-fuel. Can be dynamic, hospitable, outgoing and superficial. Can be successful, although perhaps also surfacing whatever lies hidden, e.g. emotional patterns, ailments. Good for initiatives, marketing, networking. Can be spiritual, psychic.

Can be rather dull, but you may appreciate that, as it is possible that you would need this year to recover from any losses or setbacks that you experienced last year, in which case you use the first half of this year for studies in your reference books, clean your house, save up money, so that the latter half can be used to prepare for next year’s new beginnings. A good time to mind your diet and health, reserve time for you spouse, your family. Be sure to save up money in the latter half of the year and finalize a plan.

This Palace’s ‘new impuls in an existing activity’ - or just ‘new beginnings’ - may invite a turn

for the better, but also fairly swift and unexpected. It may be like on a roller coaster of impulsive

and creative ideas and initiatives. Can be fairly bright,

successful and sociable. Whatever you endeavor, make

sure it relates to the other Palaces, i.e. refer to last years studies and preparations and already plan ahead for next

year’s progression. All seems to work this year so be cautious not to overlook certain details.

This year you will be showered (channeling) by the Qi you took in upon first breath. You may reserve some time for inner

work and calibrate. Just continue what you were doing, but mind too much input from others and inner ambivalence. Looking at the past couple of years will tell you if you had

aimed positively or negatively. In latter case you may encounter

some stagnation. Next year you will have a boost in career, but it may just as well be that this year

you will change course.

Recognition and (re)establishing your name. Good for reputation, finance, leisure, (shallow) romance. Last year’s career achievements may yet be greatly extended this year. Brings credibility, gentle type of leadership, sustainment, can be shy. You can organize great events and be a good speaker or host. Good for management. Be sure to save up money this year and not to be disdainful.

Strong and immovable Palace that may take you to burn old bridges and experience fairly drastic changes that may then color the next nine year cycle. Time for transition, may just as well cause pole reversal. May – voluntarily or involuntarily – move house, change religion, start or terminate relationships, or go through other existential changes. This Palace also reads: ‘sudden stillness’. You may be in your cave, so miscommunications can occur easily. Be steady, practise reflection.and be ready for a change in direction. Trust the Yi.

Lowest level of Qi. Can be compromising, depending on your Star and past experiences. This Palace can bode marvellous events for some, but in its most negative aspect, this Palace may portent loss. Be sure to take time out for yourself, not be tired, hold back on your work so that time may come available for relaxation, contemplation, inner work and time spent in your home. Don’t go to bed late and mind intake of liquid. May feel lonely. This is a superb time, however, when you use it for inner growth, religion.

A year in which to actually ask for and offer your support. You can start new endeavors which you had carefully planned. This year you are a strategic, a leader. Strongly goal-oriented, gaining authority and disciplined. People have automatic faith in your judgement. May have boost in career. Mind your Lungs and refrain from being too rigid or too demanding on yourself and others. It is a good time to work, but you cannot overdo or you may become a workaholic or hermit. Good for polishing your moral ethics.

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1 Water All water related associations Epidemic, contamination sexual events Alcohol industry, floods Religious events Your Star visiting the 1 Water Palace - and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 1 or Star 1 visiting your Star, any outcomes furthermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: Possible stagnation concerning active initiatives that are aimed at the environment. Good in fact for inner initiatives such as reflection, contemplation, retreat, reading, minding your immediate family. Stay low and devote time for yourself and away from your agenda. May portent possible emotional or material ‘loss’. Be cautious around sex organs, the reproductive system, libido related matters. May fall pregnant. Keep low profile, make sure you are rested and sleep early. 2 Earth Agriculture, farms, farming Fruit producing fields, such as mines, sky, sea Fruit, including vegetables, fish, birds, coals Education industry, nursing houses Hospitals, jails, i.e whenever groups rely on central kitchen Study, educational organisations Related to mother, wife, relationship Suffocation, poisoning Your Star visiting the 2 Earth Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 2 or Star 2 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: Mother-, wife-, relationship- or family related events. You should best mind or alter your food intake. Fairly quiet, rather dull perhaps, year in which you can consolidate: clean and sharpen your sword. The year before your Star saw the 1 Water Palace and proportionally to your experiences there you may enjoy the benevolence of the 2 Earth Palace and yet mind your finances, clean your house, gather new knowledge, mobilize your friends and prepare for next year’s initiatives and boost in energy. May be challenging on the digestive system. Great for - either existing or new – studies.

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3 Wood Immediate and erruptive impulses Inventions, pioneering Electricity Trains, trams, metro, railway industry Police, fire fighters, uniformed personnel Information technology, computer related, promotion Your Star visiting the 3 Wood Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 3 or Star 3 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: May clearly experience ‘a new impuls in an existing activity’, boosting new beginnings, new enterprise. Can be creative, sociable but also a bit determined or bold even. Good for swift impulses, short projects, changeability, computer work, journalism, reporting, promotion and marketing. It is good to mind the Liver and be a bit gentle on the nervous system. 4 Wood Younger children up to around age 12 Elderly women, female working force Pulminory system, respiratory ability, breathing Anything made of (containing) paper Documents, contracts, books, archives (air)mail, including email Wooden structures, pastures, forest Schools, post office Astronomy, space related Aeronautic industry, airplanes, airfield Anything airborn, projectiles, missiles, rockets Gunpowder, powder Your Star visiting the 4 Wood Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 4 or Star 4 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: May travel and take plane trip. Receive any kind of document or written announcement, be involved in written agreements, contracts. Related to art and music. Good for social activities also involving marketing and networking. Can be empathic, gentle, tolerant, at the same time feeble and timid. May need to mind Liver and Gallbladder, respiratory abilities.

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5 Earth Construction related objects (made of stone, brick, concrete, rock) Construction related events (buildings, bridges, tunnels, platforms) Armed calamities and war, (ethnic) riots and assaults Ethnic-, minority- and/or race (ego) related conflicts Accidents, disaster, sudden unexpected but critical events Government related Your Star visiting the 5 Earth Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 5 or Star 5 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: Possible desorientation or trouble with finding your inner ‘direction’ due to too many options. May feel drifting about, perhaps having lost ‘North’. Matters will improve around Autumn and you will have set course again by eliminating most options. Take time out for yourself and don’t be afraid to denounce people’s ideas that you would not have any use for. You may be a bit egocentric as you are in the process of fueling the exact Qi in which you took your first breath. Be born again. Additional note: be on the look out whenever you encounter 5 Yellow, either when your Star visits Star 5 or Star 5 visits your Star. Also, mind whenever your Star appears opposite Star 5 or if you communicate with anyone whos Star relates to the 5 in any way, especially so when this person’s Star is opposite Star 5. You may need to anticipate on unexpected events. Perhaps nothing to even worry about, we are just only making sure so that you are aware of this influence. If Star 5 visits your Star, any problem may be imposed on you, arriving to you from outside influence. If your Star visits Star 5, you may be the one introducing the problem, perhaps involving others in the process. Whatever anyone may tell you, never fear Star 5, which would be not only contra-productive, there is no reason for anxiety. If you are rested and you anticipate, if all is in proportion, if due measures are in place, you can learn to work with this Star, that is in fact just as problematic as it can be marvellous. Remember, all is proportionate to your own health, your current personal magnetism, your readiness and amazement, how you seek to explore and perform ‘pushing hands’ with the Stars. Star 5 can bring immense autonomy if you sign a peace pact and know how to deal with it. Star 5 just merely surfaces what was innate already. 6 Metal Sudden stop Promotion, job and career related Being elected, authority Guns, bullets, explosives Car accidents, more likely fatal (see 7) Labor strikes Armed attack, assault Laws and legislation Your Star visiting the 6 Metal Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 6 or Star 6 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: The 6 Metal House may read: ‘business expands’, or ‘support’, or ‘harvest’, i.e. your Star will be showered with authority. Good for career development, but if you are a student or head of your family it will equally benefit your authority. People have faith in your judgement, your skills. May be elected, both in politics and in job application. Can become inwardly inclined so that recluse may happen and can become demanding or rigid. Any labor strike may be related to the Star visiting the 6 Metal Palace, i.e. if Star 1 resides in the 6 Metal Palace we may see labor strike in the maritime industry or the beverage industry, Star 2 may invoke teacher strikes, mine workers or nurses on strike or hunger strikes (Star 2 governs the Stomach, nourishment) and so on. Related organs are Lung and Large Intestine, the skull, lower jaw, bones.

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7 Metal Credibility, recognition (Re)establishing name and reputation Financial matters, banking Knives Robbery, brutal burglary Car accidents, probably non fatal (see 6) Ships Your Star visiting the 7 Metal Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 7 or Star 7 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: May enjoy improvement of your leadership qualities when your Star resides in the 7 Metal Palace and you can enjoy recognition. Good for credibility, acquiring loans or financial support. Also inclined for romance. May receive or invest money. Gentle Palace. Associated with Lung and Large Intestine, blood, upper jaw, mouth. 8 Earth Revolution, major changes Burning of old bridges Looting, rioting, massive public uproar Mountains, earthquakes Culminated events coming to climax Ethnicity and minority (territory) related events Sudden stillness, silence Your Star visiting the 8 Earth Metal Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 8 or Star 8 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: May anticipate on fairly major – either voluntary or involuntary – changes when your Star resides in the 8 Earth Palace. Good for contemplation on matters pertaining to life and death, i.e. existential questions that may need be countered by philosophy or religion. You may obtain material goods such as houses, land or be eligible to inheritance. Burning of old bridges, which means matters that were established over a long period may now meet lasting change. Can change religion, dietary habits, terminate relationship, moving house or other events that may color the following 9 year cycle. Decisions may be forced upon you. You need to rely on your sound judgement and discriminitive abilities.

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9 Fire Fire related events Chemical industry Inflamable substances Further instigation of ‘heated’ events Cattle, live stock, birds Oil industry Scandal backed up by proof (documented) Surfacing of the hidden and obscure Nuclear when combined with e.g. 1, 4, 5. Your Star visiting the 9 Fire Palace – and to lesser degree - your Star visiting Star 9 or Star 9 visiting your Star, any outcomes futhermore flavored by portents of other Stars involved: The high radiance of this Palace may pull out and surface your personal Qi, so that it becomes visible over a larger distance and to a larger audience. Can be quite successful, especially after last year you burned some old bridges and meanwhile from this you have been involving yourself in some new endeavors, good therefore also for personal presentation, social activities, communication and favorable to any outgoing initiatives. Can invoke surfacing of hidden disease, old child patterns or persisting mechanisms (Yang of this Qi may bring about hidden Yin), so it would be good not to neglect this. Therefore also possible scandal or your name being compromised or your reputation laying shattered on the street if anything you tried to hide may become public and sustained by whatever proof. Associated with Hearth and Small Intestine, tongue, eyes. Make sure you do not overdo things and intelligibly retreat back in the privacy of your home whenever applicable.

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Some basic considerations - When your Star is in a House for an entire year, naturally the impact of this

House in a matter of speaking will be ‘bigger’ than when your Star is in this House for a month or a day. Month and day Stars trigger more immediate events.

- Having said that, we can never even suggest that events provoked by month or day Stars will not be durable as we can never neglect or underestimate the influence of any Star. We all know how even a simple phone call can change the course of our fate. If your Star is visited by Star x for a day, then a person with this Star may be contacting you and influence the course of your life.

- Combine attributes of Houses and their directions with attributes of your Star and other Stars in the same direction, in other words combining Trigrams of Houses and Stars.

- Directions meaning: any specific influence coming out of a direction and heading towards a direction.

- Directions also meaning: 45 degree sector of your house and other buildings seen from the center, directions of city, country.

- Directionoloy also means, you do not actually have to travel, i.e. simply facing a direction inside your house also counts.

- The faster or the longer you or an object travels, the greater impact Qi will have. - Pay special attention to where Star 5 is: opposite your Star, visiting your Star, or

your Star visiting 5. - Whatever you do, pay particular attention to the Stars(s) opposite your Star for

year, month or day. Whenever we say that a House is a plus pole, the opposite house will be then the minus pole.

- The Luo Shu is one dynamic magnet, opposite Houses being strongly related.

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Role of Houses and Stars - Please note that in itself each House and each Star can produce both positive and

negative effect. Which one prevails depends on intensity, proportion, the company of other Stars and in case of personal divination this pertains primarily to your own health and overall condition and how you relate to life. It would be a good idea therefore to profoundly study the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions elsewhere in this article and also look at your past history to find how your Star related to the different Palaces. If then your Star visits the same Palace you will not so much as experience the exact same events, but this may give you an idea about the opportunities that you may expect and therefore this may help you plan some of your do’s and do nots.

- Qi in itself is ultimately impartial (it is also highly undemocratic). It hosts no preference, it has no opinion. It needs the quality of my own Qi resonance and the quality of my own interaction to be of positive or negative impact. It will bring out what lays innate already. Therefore, we will not encounter coincidence. Rather, and fortunately, the world of Qi strictly happens over the line of cause and effect at all times and under all circumstance.

- Personal constitution, physical-, mental- and spiritual health as well as the choices I make in combination also with a readiness to explore and an ability to be amazed, will all impact the eventual influence of Qi. You can do your own research and study personal events and note the differences and nuances in different people with the same Star.

- In divination we may tend to concentrate on the rather more negative events, because:

a) This unearths rather immediate Star-Event relations and we like to be on top of

and stay ahead of possible negative events, so as to enable to anticipate, to take measures and alter our do not’s accordingly.

b) In the media, there is generally more attention for the negative news. c) It is only natural, for example, that in predicting natural events we would not be

looking to ‘predict’ how wonderful leaves grow or why ocean currents flow as they do. Rather, we would look into the why and how of earthquakes, vulkano eruptions, floods and other extreme events.

In other words, we may deal with matters of emotional attachment and detachment. You need to caution against several things whenever you do ‘pushing hands’ with Luoshu. One is, and so as to not burden yourself, you may perhaps sometimes want to avoid some of the negative news and resort to the cultural or financial news. Another thing is, you may need to discipline yourself, disallowing yourself to maintain any emotional preference as to any outcome, be they favorable or detrimental. Also, you need closely monitor your compassion. It is not advisable to attach to news with too much empathy, while at the same time guarding yourself against becoming too technical or ‘distanced’ when you mirror the Luoshu against the news. If you recurrently burst out in tears with the Luoshu in your lap while witnessing any victims in the news, you should be equally alarmed if such news leaves you utterly cold. In either case it would be indication that you should probably best stay clear from Luoshu and resort to other activities for a couple of weeks and altogether leave the news for what it is. There is just as much 9 Star relevance in a Luoshu pertaining to a world disaster as you will find significances holding the Luoshu against a biography, a theater piece, a merge between two corporations, so you may want to alter between news that you gather.

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Role of 5 Yellow We will proceed with some rather more persisting comments pertaining to Star 5 Yellow, important both on account of Chinese Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki. There is much ado within the 9 Star doctrine where it comes to Star 5 Yellow. Also, within Oriental Metaphysics, the going trend seems to have been to teach from what I would call ‘Active Statements’, i.e. such and such Star produces such and such event. If then ‘such and such event’ comes out to be favorable, the masses seem to run after it. If comes out that some type of ill portent is linked to any one Star, we have seen persisting anxiety, especially on account of 5 Yellow. Wherever we look in literature and seminars, Star 5 seems to be persistently presented as having the ability to create all kinds of mishap or disaster. Clearly, keeping to such views is not only one-sided, it is gravely misguiding, and it does not do justice to 5 Yellow at all. Star 5, just as any other Star, can produce of course positive outcomes. In fact, where it releases its favorable portents, it may just as well be the most Noble Qi of all. Still, of all Stars, Star 5 seems to have been locked in by what I call Qi-hijack, which to me would translate as the eagerness to go for the negative whenever a pallet of choices between positives and negatives was given, roamed off then also with an all too ready tendency to place the human brain over Qi, so that now the bigger bucket (Qi) was forced to fit into the smaller bucket (brain). In approaching Luoshu and 9 Stars we need keep some healthy distance. We cannot keep to any preference regarding the mechanism setting our Universe into motion, or we will be caught in a net of faults and from which what lies obscure from within Luoshu will be closed off for us. It may be infamous, but 5 Yellow was not portrayed the emperor for no reason. Star 5 properties ☺ Nobility, benevolence, riches, justice, authority, autonomy, magnanimous.

Dictatorship, destruction, accident, disaster. We see some of 5 Yellow’s favorable portents as well as some of its ill portents. Most people upon encountering 5 Yellow in any way will then forget all about the favorable portents and reside to the inauspiciousness. This then seems to be true also on regard of all ill portents for all 9 Stars and it was timely that we stopped this dynamic, because it is leading the student into oblivion and it is against teaching. As with anything else, all depends on proportion, timeliness, distance, routing and moreover on your personal health – your current personal magnetism -, as well as all depends on the most intimate interaction you have been experiencing with each one of the 9 Stars so far. There is only so much that can be forced into general statements and general teachings, as from a certain point onward it will be just you and Qi. You will agree that Stars are just only energy, but without any preset agenda, certainly not an agenda setting out to specifically bully you. Where two people encounter the same Star, one may be reaping ill result, while the other may have finally found his pot of gold. Teacher and authors must become increasingly aware that the quality of their teaching will be adopted by their audience. Mostly, Stars and Trigrams may be still presented as some outside force that we must be anxious about or be in awe off, like if they were wandering entities with a specific agenda, ready to chop off our heads on our first mistake with a sharp sword. Telling the average student that he may have an accident or even die when traveling into a certain direction, will be a sure technique to paralyze the person for good.

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It is irresponsible, against Yi and virtually unnecessary. Also, we must realize that it was the emperor whom had most to gain from such anxiety, as giving out any negative form of directionology is a sure way to force your population to remain in the same geography, working hard to pay their taxes and directionology provides a great way to tell them to all stay home on certain days so as to be finding them all in their houses when I collect taxes. In this shrewd way, even a thing as marvellous and unburdened-by-morals as Qi could be used to surpress people and it is only another convenient but all too transparent way to impose a heaven and hell type of anxiety onto people. The last thing the emperor wanted was for you to grow out into an authentic, autonomous, successful and influencial citizen. He knew all too well that if you were to be traveling into your so-called ‘negative’ Stars or directions, it could be into that exact direction that you would perhaps encounter the success, power and riches that he so much wished to preserve for himself. Once you reflect on this, the rest then is what you allow yourself to swollow and your willingness to regard what must be the best compass of all – Luoshu – to become your imprisonment. We will here certainly not be the one telling you to approach Star 5 as if you were a young innocent dog in anticipation only of its good outcomes, which would be equally ignorant and naïve. A more reasonable and mature approach would be to maintain a certain awe towards 5 Yellow, but still tap into its innate benevolent character, its opportunities. This will take some experience because you would need negotiate between admiration and dread. Also, we will not inspire you to go about dealing with 5 Yellow without proper training, the vacinity of a real live teacher and only if from long endured studies and experience you have become convinced that you can deal with energies of this type. Just like anyone else we would caution against dealing with this Star in an all too ‘happy’ or unprepared way. Still, just as any other Star, 5 Yellow is merely energy. Noble and tyrannic Yet, there is more to this Star than generally perceived or presented to the public and we cannot ignore that where it comes to Star 5 a lot of ‘parroting’ seems to have been going on. We do not wish to give a limited presentation of any of the Stars. Stars are not to be quantified, in fact, we must allocate behavior to each one of the Stars, regarding them as living Spirits. In doing so we can personify them and we can then easily understand how Star 5 is a ruler, but with both noble and tyrannic traits. You treat Star 5 just as you would an emperor, with appropriate distance and caution, but still tapping into its sovereignty which may then also befall you, because rather than any Star, you are in charge. At all times upon observation of Stars or certain Star configurations and well before at all deciding on any of the actual outcomes associated with such Star(s), we need yet closely observe factors of time, location, direction, magnitude, surroundings including company of other Stars, intensity and in case of forecasting of global events through Nine Star Ki we need incorporate the apparent string of prior events – context, likelihood, common sense - and in case of personal divination, clearly Star 5 events will be proportionally related not only to personal health but even moreso to personal nobility and what lies innate. Imperative to your understanding is that in Nine Star Ki we may perceive 5 Yellow just slightly different from when we perceive this Star but from the perspective of

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Chinese Feng Shui, while the latter projects timeliness on all Stars. Annual, monthly and daily Stars in a Nine Star Ki Luoshu are always timely, always mobile and active. Be on the look out whenever you encounter 5 Yellow in a Luoshu, either when your Star for a year, month or day visits Star 5 or Star 5 visits your Star. Also, mind whenever your Star appears opposite Star 5 in Luoshu or if you communicate with anyone who’s Star relates to the 5 in any way, especially so when this person’s Star is opposite Star 5. You may need to anticipate on unexpected events. Perhaps nothing to even worry about, we are just only making sure so that you are aware of this influence. If Star 5 visits your Star in Luoshu, any problem may be imposed on you involuntary, arriving to you from outside influence. If your Star visits Star 5, you may be the one introducing the problem, perhaps involving others in the process and this may very well be entirely unintentional. There may be nothing mystical, alien or disastrous about this at all, as it may just mean that you phone a person up to go out and have a restaurant dinner and the person declines. It may only mean that it is perhaps better to go to your bank to ask for a loan only the next day. For as long as you don’t tap into any anxiety upon encountering any Star or any of its so-called ill portents, because this would be contra-productive. Whatever anyone may tell you, never fear Star 5, which would be not only contra-productive, there is no reason for anxiety. If you are not yet sure you are experienced enough, then just leave Star 5 alone for now, to deal with it later, but just make sure that for the time being you at least don’t fear it. You will know what to do and where to take yourself concerning all Stars, Star 5 included. You can always treat it in ways you know from experience are responsible. Then again, if you are fully rested and live your life from anticipation, if all is in proportion, if due measures are in place, if past experiences clearly show you are ok where this Star is concerned, if you approach it from due respect, you can learn to work with this Star more closely, which is in fact just as problematic as it can be marvellous. Remember, all is proportionate to your own health, your current personal magnetism, your readiness and amazement towards adventure, how you seek to explore and perform ‘pushing hands’ with the Stars. Star 5 can bring immense autonomy if you sign a peace pact with it and know how to deal with it. Star 5 denotes gravity. It can push and pull. If you study historical occurrences in the news, you may find how Star 5 just merely surfaced what was innate already. So, rather than focusing on the ‘violator’ 5 Yellow, we focus on what lies innate. Therefore, 5 Yellow can and will invite the human spirit into great performance, if it was greatness that lied innate. It can spread disaster, but it will be only surfacing what was intrinsic and what had been kept sweating within. Stars are hardly or not at all able to act on their own as they may only externalize what lied within already. Even if 5 Yellow causes for an airplane to crash, the airplane is not human. It has no choice, no anticipation, it cannot do ‘pushing hands’ with energy like we humans can. We can dance with Yi from our autonomy, our awareness, proficiency, readiness, sound judgement, common sense, health. Like Stars, we are alive.

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As I said on previous occasion, the Stars have no preset agenda. We cannot bluntly say that such and such Star will be favorable or unfavorable. This is not the teaching. In fact, if you accept that any Star would portent unfavorable events and you would follow up on this by holding back on your dealings with this Star, I am only sure it was then not the teaching that you received that was at fault, but there must have already been some kind of sleeping anxiety from within you just ready and waiting for anything at all to tell you that you can’t move, can’t show any initiative. If it was then not for Luoshu, surely some other format would have held you back. Beware of this type of dynamics. Some teachers and programs have been appealing to this, but in the end of the day it is the student that accepts this who is at fault. Luoshu is a compass, rather than yet another form of jail. You are free to deal with or move into any Star, any direction, as you so please and tap into its opportunities. An example: you receive an email by someone telling you his life had recently changed for the worst, because he is a 3 Wood and his partner a 6 Metal. The person asks your advise because of course ‘I am being controlled by my partner’. How would you respond, would you confirm this and add to this anxiety? Or a person telling you he or she needs to make a trip, but into ‘my Severed Fate’ direction, and ‘can you please help’. Freaky events Whichever way turned, we still have special regard for Star 5 because it is like a dragon sleeping in the water and you do not know when or in what mood it wakes up. When Star 5 is opposite our own Star in the Luoshu, or if our Star visits Star 5 or Star 5 visits our Star, we are never sure when and in what mood the dragon will surface. This is actually a very interesting situation as we could just as well regard this as the raisins in the pudding. Otherwise, this is hardly more than just another way of saying that it can become fairly simple to forecast the outcomes of other Stars, but it may be difficult to predict what exactly Star 5 may bring. When you find yourself gazing at a Luoshu but you cannot make sense of an event, it is probable that Star 5 is involved. This comes under the header: “freaky events” and it shows the autonomy of Star 5 which may render yet undiscernable effect. When this dragon surfaces in its moody temperament, it will most likely stagnate your initiative and give you a hard time. You will need your common sense, creativity and your ability to bounce back and proceed in an adapted manner, because this may not at all mean that your enterprises will not be successful, but you should be aware of the 5 when you encounter it and think more carefully on acting. It may also not mean you refrain from initiatives whenever you encounter Star 5. You would not accept when I told you you can’t cross a street just for reason there is traffic. You would be pointing to your forehead when I did, understanding immediately there was something wrong with me, rather than with the traffic.

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Whenever in doubt, try be aware of this dragon and anticipate, that’s all. But if you cannot avoid it, treat it how you would treat a dragon: from a comfortable distance and kindly, yet going from progressive forward movement. If you deal with Star 5, just do ample effort not to confront or annoy it. If you stick with following world events through Nine Star Ki, you will eventually be surprised to find events unfold almost literally as you would expect from what you found in the Luoshu. On account of directionology, you will be surprised what opportunities the so-called unfavorable Stars may yet keep in store for you, if only you will not have yourself be caught in the net of anxiety. One tip for anyone interested in metaphysics, be that Yijing studies, Feng Shui, Nine Star Ki, Four Pillars of Destiny or anything else for that matter. Stay clear from any book, any teacher, any source that appeals on your nervous system, rather than just discussing the study of Qi, but from its naked rawness. There is no moral in Luoshu if you don't let moral catch up on you. Luoshu is deprived from any culturally biased dynamic, there is no religious prepositions, also there is no restrictions, certainly not on your progressive forward movement into whichever direction or initiative you so chose. Stay clear from teachings that in any way: - Appeal to or try to awaken your awe. - Appeal to or try to awaken your fear. So, I will be the last one telling you it is not ok to approach – or be approached by - a 5 Earth person or any other Star. To point out that our own Star will be dealing with any other Star as seen from any one specific Luoshu is one. To then derive from this that we 'cannot' do such and such is a whole different ball-game. It is an elephant and I can't be sure any longer if at all we will ever escape from this type of prepositions, as we may have come too far on this road. Any remarks coming from our observation of any Star configuration in Luoshu must be regarded just active statements, just generalizations, until we used such clusterings to tap into their intrinsic opportunities, rather than taking Star relations to endorse any kind of imprisonment. Any statements are just notional, just descriptive, as what the actual outcome of your dealings with any Star will be, becomes dependend on your actually going out to deal with these Stars and respond to whatever you encounter. Luoshu is like a round room with eight doors. You cannot sit in a round room with eight doors, declare one of those doors 'disastrous' and from this then become so anxious that you won't be picking any of those doors anymore. See, even if you picked the 'wrong' door, there will be yet another door beyond that for you to correct accordingly. For as long as you don't tell me you were in the round room for several years now, just for reason that 'one of those doors was said to be no good'. When you are being phoned up by anyone, with any Star, and this gives you trouble, I rely on your sound judgement enough to know that you will be dealing with this appropriately and accordingly. Rather, you must develop a certain readiness towards any Palace, any Star, any adventure, that is the teaching I find revealed by Luoshu. All depends on

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proportion, your current personal magnetism, magnitude, context, likeliness, repetition, distance, speed and so many other values that we cannot have a cake that would fit all. The Stars have no pre-set agenda. There is no escape into Luoshu from perhaps previously obtained religious anxiety, so that we were able to release ourselves from certain strains, but only to then dive into a system that was just another form of hijack. Release yourself from this and just have the Stars 'tell you the story'.

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Buildings Star 5 may relate to built structures or other constructions made of brick, stone, concrete or rock and it may more specifically point to public premises. In divination we may try to pin-point the nature of the building or construction by yet looking at the accompanying Star. For example, if Star 5 is a building and Star 3 is inventions, then 3 Wood visiting the 5 Earth House could imply a university or laboratory. If Star 3 Wood is also train, then 3 Wood visiting the 5 Earth House may imply a railway station. If Star 4 is paper and documents, then Star 4 visiting the 5 Earth House may imply a library or post-office. This is how you can primarily approach the 5 Earth House when you relate it to the visiting Star to find the appointed building. However, where the combination between the central 5 Earth Palace and Star 4 in the central Palace would point to a post-office, but with this combination happening anywhere else in the Luoshu, this observation suffers inflation and would need adaptation. It could still portent post-office but much less definite and perhaps it would bode a wooden shed, pastures. You would also need look for other significances surrounding these players, e.g. translate into family members, events, organs and body functions. For purpose of this discourse we will suffice by pointing out to you that Star 5 indicates constructions and construction related events. Where Star 5 occupies the central position in the Luo Shu, then when any of the 9 Stars migrates to the 5 Earth House, we can deduct type of building. Non-conclusive and for you to extend: Star 1 visiting the 5 Earth House Swimming pool, liquor factory, church (religious) building, nuclear plant, prostitution related, bridge, tunnel, labor mine, a pit, fish auction, bar. Star 2 visiting the 5 Earth House Farm house, agricultural field, food industry, hospital, nursery, prison (any compound where groups of people rely on a central kitchen), a cave, a cellar. Star 3 visiting the 5 Earth House Railway or metro station, high rise building, erect buildings, police station, army base, university, laboratory, computer related, electrical power plant. Star 4 visiting the 5 Earth House School for young children, post-office, airport, wooden shed, tall structures, stock market, library, archives. Star 5 visiting the 5 Earth House Government (official) building, public building, university, market square, a cave. Star 6 visiting the 5 Earth House Military barac, military bunker, ammunition storage, government or legislative building, corporate building, palace of sovereign, auto repair. Star 7 visiting the 5 Earth House Bank, financial building, lawyers office, jewelry shop, house of pleasure, ship building plant, harbor. Star 8 visiting the 5 Earth House Prominent built structure, house, plot of land, library, research center. Star 9 visiting the 5 Earth House Fuel station, oil platform, film studio, pharmacy, chemical or nuclear plant.

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Whichever way turned, we have special regard for Star 5 because it is like a dragon sleeping in the water, you do not know when or in what mood it wakes up. When Star 5 is opposite our own Star in the Luoshu, our if our Star visits Star 5 or Star 5 visits our Star, we are never sure when and in what mood the dragon will surface. This is another way of saying that it can become fairly simple to forecast the outcomes of other Stars, but it is difficult to predict what Star 5 may bring. When you find yourself gazing at a Luoshu but you cannot make sense of an event, it is probable that Star 5 is involved. This comes under the header: “freaky events” and it shows the autonomy of Star 5 which may render yet undiscernable effect. When this dragon surfaces in its moody temperament, it will most likely stagnate your initiative and give you a hard time. You will need your common sense, creativity and your ability to bounce back and proceed in an adapted manner, because this may not mean that your enterprises will not be successful, but you should be aware of the 5 when you encounter it and think more carefully on acting. Whenever in doubt and at all possible, try stay clear from this dragon. But if you cannot avoid it, treat it how you would treat a dragon: from a comfortable distance and kindly. If you deal with Star 5, do ample effort not to confront or annoy it. If you stick with following world events, you will eventually be surprised to find events unfold almost literally as you would expect from what you found in the Luoshu. We will help you in the saddle by giving just some examples.

Here is the Luoshu for a 1 Water year. We communicate this square as 1 Water square.

For instance, in a 1 Water year (1999), Star 1 is in the House of 5 Earth. As we saw earlier, and amongst others, Star 5 can be related to constructions made of stone or concrete. In a 1 Water year, Star 1 flies to the central House of 5 Earth, promoting the image of a swimming hall. When then also Star 4 Wood enters the 5 Earth House for a month to join 1 Water, like in June 1999, you will combine portents for 1,4 and 5 and if you then open the newspaper you may just as well find young children having drowned. You may also see sexual abuse (1) on children (4).

We can extend our reading of Star 5 to other Palaces, for example when it appears in the 1 Water Palace. Star 5 resides in the 1 Water House during 9 Fire years.

What we then look for is any other conceivable combination of water and built structures. The combination 1-5 may portent bridges, tunnels, caves, cellars. Here again 1 and 5 combine, because 5 is in the 1 Water House.









313 Star 1 in the 5 Earth Palace may be a

swimming pool. Star 4 represents children.
















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In the 1 Water year of 1999, Star 1 visits the 5 Earth Palace, where it may cause for Water Qi to visit buildings, whereas in the 9 Fire year of 2000 we may find Qi of construction related objects ‘visiting’ Water. In other words, if you followed global news in 2000 you will have noticed built structures collapsed and having fallen into water: tunnels, dams, bridges, buildings et cetera. But, on the same token and to stay with positive news, with the combination between Star 1 and Star 5 we may of course also see a lot of built structures arise from the water and a lot of water related engineering. We can also incorporate other Palaces, such as the 6 Metal Palace, which may be related to labor strikes. In a 9 Fire year, Star 1 will see the 6 Metal Palace and now any labor strike may relate to Water. Now the media may report a labor strike involving fishermen, but also prostitutes (well, they would hardly go on strike) announcing and bringing forward their complaints. Star 1 visiting the 6 Metal Palace may be anything fluid, a 9 in the center and a 1 in the 6 Metal, or a 9 together with a 1 in the 6 Metal house could be oil strikes, oil blockades or assault on oil plants/pipes. Star 4 visiting the 6 Metal Palace may then be pilots on strike; Star 2 in the 6 Metal Palace may mean nurses on strike, teachers or food industry in uproar, violent outbreak of prisoners.













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Case study fate reading Suppose you perform a fate reading for a 7 Metal person for August 2000, which is an 8 Earth month in a 9 Fire year. Here are then the questions you need to go through and some possible answers. You can extend this to all Stars for all Luoshu, while using you knowledge of the Star attributes and Palace portents. Question What Star is in the center and how does my Star relate to this Star. Answer Annual Star 9 Fire is in the center and it controls 7 Metal. For as long as this Fire is in proportion and the person is healthy, this may yet invite authority and achievement. Also in the center is month Star 8 Earth. Star 9 engenders Star 8, which in turn engenders Star 7, meaning the Fire will be nicely adopted by the Earth which will reach the Star 7 in transformed form and may bring Star 7 into manifestation. In other words, while you decide that Star 7 will be controlled by annual 9 Fire, this may also give ambition and for the duration of this Luoshu bring about the best in this Star. This month will be good for authority, self-improvement. If at the one hand Star 7 receives this energy and is able to support others, we may find a smooth flow of Qi, eventually resulting in Star 6: 9-8-7-6, Star 6 than resulting in projects, leadership, probable career change for the better.









319 Divination for a 7 Metal native for an

8 Earth month in a 9 Fire year




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Question In which Palace is my Star and how does my Star relate to that specific Palace and the other Star(s) there. Answer Star 7 Metal occupies the 3 Wood House for the year. The Chinese say: ‘Wealth is what you control’. Where we would normally say that Star 7 controls Star 3, and rather than parroting that this is an unfavorable dynamic, we may point out to you that Star 7 will find new opportunities, an ability to look for and find new assets and eventually pull in finances. What you keep under your control is what will be under your wings, so this dynamic may not be unfavorable at all. We do not neglect the ‘controlling’ dynamics at all of course, but the controlling cycle is just as natural and can be just as beneficial as the supporting cycle. However, Star 7 appears opposite its own base Palace, so any endeavors may reap opposite result from what he set out to do, especially so if Star 7 travels on the East-West axis, while also money may be invested in futile projects, because Star 3 is charitable and idealistic. Be careful to lend out money, because part or whole of the amount may never return to you. It is clear that 7 Metal people will start a new enterprise as the 3 Wood Palace reads: ‘new impuls in an existing activity’. Because of the controlling dynamic and because Star 7 may not be at ease in his friend’s house, matters may require some planning and effort. This month 6 Metal also visits the 3 Wood House, further assisting 7 Metal to be successful in its pursuit. Star 6 visiting the own Star may portent an employer contacting you or it may bode any other career related or professionalism related event. Star 6 represents authority, official position, father, leader, bullets, car, related to the head, lower jaw, Lung and Large Intestine.













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Question What Star visits my basic Luoshu House and how does my Star relate to this Star and other Stars there. Answer Annual Star 2 Earth visits the basic 7 Metal House in the West, generally supporting 7 Metal energy. Star 1 Water visits the 7 Metal House for the month. There is tension between 1 Water and 2 Earth, although both friendly to 7 Metal. Star 1 in combination with Star 7 is a strong indication for romance.













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Question What Star visits my Star for a month and how does my Star relate to this Star. Answer We have already seen that Star 6 Metal visits Star 7 for the month in the 3 Wood House. This may come as support to Star 7, but the combination 6-7 may also bode fierce battle, obstructions, clashing of metal, accidents. We saw how Star 7 may meet with money opportunities during its stay in the 3 Wood Palace. This is because Star 7 controls Star 3 and what you control represents your wealth and assets. Since Star 6 also controls Wood, someone (close by) may be walking away with your reputation, money, clients, assets, or you may be surpassed by a colleague and suffer demotion.













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Question What other Star does my own Star visit for a month and how does my Star relate to this. Answer Star 7 Metal is guest to the Southeast and meets up with annual 8 Earth. It also intrinsically meets Star 4 Wood because Star 4 is the host in this Palace. We may therefore expect some tension here, because although Star 7 and Star 8 share mutual understanding, they are both not in resonance with 4 Wood. Star 4 is associated with airplanes and travels, so it is possible that Star 7 will do some traveling. Star 7 visits annual Star 8 and Star 8 is associated with built structures. For reason that Star 4 is also schools, it is possible that Star 7 will visit a school. Star 8 also represents change and decisions, so this month Star 7 may be dealing with some decision making. Star 7 is governed by Metal and Metal governs the Lungs. Star 4 portents the pulminory system and represents your ability to breath. It means that respiratory problems may occur, asthma and bronchitis.













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Question What are the Stars and Palaces opposite my own Star and what are the portents. Answer Now we arrived to the raisins in the pudding. Star 7 Metal is opposite Star 2 for the year. It means that any events happening to Star 7 may not just only be connected to Star 3 where this Star resides for the year, but events may furthermore involve typical Star 2 properties. Attributes of Star 2 are multitude, but we can say that Star 7 moves to the East while leaving Star 2 in the West. If Star 2 is spouse, we may suggest that the new enterprises undertaken by Star 7 for the year may yet leave the spouse unattended. Star 7 may therefore be away from home extensively. We will keep it simple for now, but to make sense of exactly what the opposite Star 2 will bode this month, you could simultaneously gaze at other Stars, such as Star 7 visiting Star 8 for the month in the 4 Wood House, by that also moving opposite Star 1 and Star 9 in the 6 Metal House. You can take your associations as far as you want. For now, this suffices. Star 7 is also opposite its own base Palace and the 7 Metal Palace indicates finances, which could bring us to say that Star 7 will move away from finances. Star 7 appears opposite Star 9 and Star 1 for the month. These Stars occupy the 6 Metal House. The 6 Metal House depicts management, leadership, business expansion, career development.













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Question Is my Star opposite its basic House or does my Star connect to any other Star that appears opposite its base House. Answer Star 7 Metal occupies the West in the basic Luo Shu and is now opposite its own House for the year. 7 Metal people may harvest opposite result, probably related to the other Stars involved. Can attract opposition and need mind personal magnetism.













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Question Is my Star opposite Star 5 or is any Star I visit or any Star visiting my Star opposite Star 5. Do I connect to anyone whos Star appears opposite Star 5. Answer Concerning above Luoshu, Star 7 Metal appears nowhere near Star 5. According to Qi, directionology does not only mean traveling from one to another location. You will be performing directionology also even phoning a person up. If you phone up a 4 Wood person, you will find this person opposite Star 5. By connecting to this person, you yourself will be now relating to Star 5. If at other times your 4 Wood friend would endorse you, this time a simple question such as ‘will we join for a beer’ may reap his ‘no’. By law of conveyance, dealing with people who are opposite Star 5 may connect you to stagnations.













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Synchronicity Whether you study Nine Star Ki, Classical Chinese Feng Shui, Four Pillars of Destiny or in fact whichever other Oriental Metaphysical systems – be that acupuncture, the martial arts – it is a matter of bringing together Heaven Qi, Man Qi and Earth Qi as depicted by the following diagram. Heaven Time Domain of time related systems, such as astrologies and the time element in Feng Shui. Acquired before birth. Man Action Ability to maintain personal magnetism in accordance with ever changing environmental currents.

Earth Space Domain of space related systems, gravitation, directions. The central vertical connecting line is to depict conveyance between the domains of Heaven, Man and Earth. Qi is transferred from Heaven, to Earth, to Man in an endless flow, back and forth.

The earth fits a million times into the sun, how many times will the human body fit into earth? It is fair to say that modern man seems to behave like it functions completely on its own – like a vehicle having been sent off to mars on a clear set mission, but meanwhile having totally terminated contact with mission control back in Houston, just now deciding on its own with no whatsoever connection to the initial plan -, and the short version then is that the human brain and spine took over governance over the universe, hence all the hard labour, the armed conflicts, the diseases, the climate changes, the ongoing robbing of earth sources, the violent and never ending starvation of children, the genetic manipulation, the agressive food technology meanwhile all too clearly showing grave consequences all over the globe where human behavior is concerned and so forth. It is as if man has stepped aside from the equation and the small bucket (brain, ego) hijacked the big bucket (Qi). At it seems, modern man may not be humble enough to understand its place, thus keeping to a totally messed up understanding of what 5 Yellow actually pertains to.

In our metaphysical studies, we oftentimes find Man Luck explained as: choice, fate, education, effort and good deeds, which is totally limited and seen from the perspective of man (egocentric), rather than offering a more heliocentric and/or geocentric view. I would therefore propose a Man Luck definition, which I believe is then not at all a new or alternative definition, but rather we will be re-installing back what must have been originally at its core base:

Man Luck is your ability to bring and maintain your personal magnetism in accordance with the ever changing Heaven and Earth currents.

In order to obtain synchronicity between Heaven, Man and Earth, the ancients all too well understood that the quality of our blood is pivotal, for reason that it functions as an antenna. With the start of each new season, for example, earth forces change under influence of the sun. Food intake should be therefore intelligibly adapted to season, your gender, your age, your life dream, as well as your food being grown and selected according to Yin and Yang principles and further designed around Five Transformations. Besides this, chewing each bite thoroughly, taking up exercise and breathing practise are just some of the Man Luck ingredients needed in order to sustain sound internal Qi flow. To the proportion you can do this, your body will resonate with the universe and you will be healthy, while chances are you will become a satellite disc, with an ability of sending and receiving messages back and forth from heaven, so you become a channel. This is at the basis of macrobiotics, but outside the realm of this article.On account of synchronicity, Westerners sometimes tend to look upon many of the traditional Chinese customs as being out-dated or rather overdone. One particular example coming to mind may be the care the Chinese choose to project

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on their families. Well, perhaps, but however odd this may seem to modern man, on closer account this may surpass just social convention as we understand it today. In China, when a man marries a lady, traditionally he is supposed to adopt her family and take care of them, just as if they were his own. When a woman marries a man, she follows him and – by virtually giving up on her own family - is supposed to adopt his family and leave her own behind. Her husband’s parents, his brothers and sisters become her own. It is believed that all human kind is connected by way of Qi, which is surely true. This does not mean we are all connected by blood, but for a family it is true that all members are connected both through Qi and by blood. You may therefore find that people are cautious towards their own initiatives, because – due to blood and Qi connection - it is firmly believed that:

‘when I am doing o.k., my brother will be o.k. and as an extension of this, when I am ill, this may negatively affect my brother’.

In other words, when I take care of my brother’s Qi, I take care of my own. In directionology this means that, if I choose to move into an undesirable direction because I feel my personal Qi will be able to handle that, then, if I encounter misfortune, this may also negatively affect my family at the same time. This connection reaches over the boundaries of existence as quite known in Feng Shui circles is the custom of burying the dead in auspicious directions and locations at an appropriate time, in order for the bones of the deceased to then tap into auspicious Qi and transmit this Qi so as for the descendents to benefit from this and become prosperous. At the base, this is all for reason of synchronicity, the transference of information between Heaven, Man and Earth. Again in Feng Shui, we attempt to invite prosperous Qi at the Facing side and through the door and we try to accumulate energy at the Sitting side of the house. In so doing, we in fact calibrate and bring into conveyance Heaven (Time, Yang) and Earth (Space, Yin) forces. In other words, we accumulate Yang forces of Heaven and Yin forces of Earth, bring them into accordance, but once again the Man domain will be oftentimes left out of the equation. In my country – the Netherlands – and before going off on a holiday, we will as a custom most likely clean the house, so that upon returning home the house is ‘ready’. It may happen even that someone in our absence waters the plants and washes the windows, the floors to keep things tidy. This does not happen in Russia, where people make particularily sure not to clean the house upon departure, especially not cleaning the floors. In so doing, something of the people’s essence stays behind and it is believed that the house will protect the people while away.Well, exactly this is because of resonance, synchronicity, beteen people and house. It is therefore enstranging to have seen so many teachings within today’s Feng Shui circles, asking you to thoroughly clean the house, or even the so-called ‘clear your clutter’ approaches, as the whole idea within synchronicity is to accummulate Human energy in the house, so that – even when away from home – there will be conveyance between people and house.This means – and this is true for all of our Qi studies – that we need seek to accumulate Heaven Qi, Man Qi and Earth Qi all at

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once, so as to obtain transmission between these three domains that are just only seemingly but not factually separated. In a way here, the doctrine within Yin Zhai (Feng Shui for graves and gravesites) that says that bones collect, accumulate and transfer energy, can be then extended to Yang Zhai (Feng Shui for people) as it is easy to imagine how you spend time in your house, sitting on your furniture, moving about the house and while in the house, not only do you absorb the house energy, as with everything else it is a two-way path in which your house also absorbs your essence. You will be discharging your energy so that it pours into your house, its furniture, the walls. Furthermore, and most in particular, considering also the normal cycles by which your skin and hairs will be shedding (all animals shed, even us humans, as we shed 1.5 million skin cells every hour with a new skin surface every 28 days or so). You will be scaling dead skin cells and these, just like hairs, will be then lingering on the floor and be further spread through the house. This way, the house gradually accumulates Human Qi and this establishes some sort of communication between house and people and it is therefore a good idea to reflect on our wish to live in a vibrant and breathing house, as opposed to cleaning our house so minutely that we may be instead living in a laboratory. While away on your travels, it may come in handy to trust that your ‘house yet knows where to find you’ once you are away on a trip. So, next time you minutely vacuum your house, you may want to keep this to the back of your mind. Eventually, whatever we study, we are in fact not into interior design, not into astrology, not into acupuncture, not into zen or martial arts, as rather we are attempting to maintain dynamic equilibrium between Heaven, Man and Earth and establish conveyance betwee the three. Food intake should be therefore at the base of your studies, as it is only logic that we can’t just indiscriminately eat whatever our brain choses, without also keeping to seasonal change, and otherwise design our life style according to the changing environmental currents.

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Forecasting for the year 2000 We will run you through an example. First again check basic Luoshu of 5 Earth for some general attributes. Then proceed to the annual Luoshu for the year 2000 – a 9 Fire year – further down for more specific indications pertaining to this Luoshu. Please again note that, whatever Star occupies the center, the central Palace is referred to as the House of 5 Earth. Also note directions and opposite Palaces. When you are not yet familiar with divination, the easiest may be to start follow Star 5 on its journey through the Luoshu for an entire year, limit yourself to that and note what events are triggered in relation to directions and the Stars that it combines with on its daily and monthly path. If you wish to track down people (missing person, criminal) you need to know the person’s Star. If you locate this Star in a certain direction of the Luoshu, look for the person in that geographic direction. If you find this Star in combination with Star 4, look for the person in a forest or wooden structure. Any options lie bare concerning the 9 Stars, but if a person is missing, you prefer not to locate his or her Star in conjunction with for example Star 5 or in the 1 Water House. Star 9 in the central 5 Earth Palace may bode events, concerns, laws, developments concerning anything having to do with fire and fire related constructions such as fuel stations, oil platforms, oil pipes, pharmaceutical industry, chemical factories. In order to narrow down your assessments more specifically, you may yet relate the annual 9 Fire Star with the visiting Stars for month and day. Star 9 can magnify other stars and add radiance to already existing dynamics, then taking events to exposure. A combination of Star 9 and Star 4 may give a church fire, more specifically a wooden church, or it may be an airfield or airplane related fire or a fire in a school or post-office. A combination of Star 9 with Star 1 may portent oil spills and contamination of water, including the then probable perishing of maritime life. A combination of Star 9 and Star 6 may be an assault on any fire related structure, such as oil pipes. You can extend this line of thinking. We may see increased ailments surrounding the Heart, Intestines, eyes throughout the year, but particularly during the months of May, June and July.

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House of 3 Wood - Immediate impulses - New beginnings - Electricity related - Electrical power plant - Computer related - Trains, tram, metro - Railway personnel - Uniformed personnel - inventions, pioneering

House of 7 Metal - Money, finance, banking - Credibility, recognition - Erotism, romance - Knives - Robbery, burglary (violent) - Ships - Military

House of 2 Earth - Agriculture, farm(ing) - Soil, up to slightly below surface - Food and fruit, incl. birds, fish - Fruit producing fields - Education, teaching - Nurse, prisoner - Poisoning - Mother, wife, relationship

House of 6 Metal - Business expands - Support, harvest - Leadership - Guns, bullets, explosions - Armed attack, assault - Laws and legislation - Labor strikes - Car accidents (metal colliding)

House of 1 Water - Lowest energy - Associated with loss - Water related, fluids - drugs, medicine - Contamination, epidemic - Religion, churches - Sex, sex industry - Reproductive system - Ditch and comparable - Floods

House of 4 Wood - Young children, shools - Pastures, forest, grassy - Documents, paper - Aeronautics, airplanes - Space research - Missiles, projectiles - Gun powder, fuse - Mail, post-office - Transportation, tourism

House of 8 Earth - Prominent building - Scientific reasearch - Territorial (ethnic) conflict - Critical changes - Revolt, revolution - Looting, rioting, uproar - Government related - Mountain, vulcano related - Earthquake prone, plot of land - Restoring/return to old tradition - Renovation, archelogical findings

House of 9 Fire - Fire related, highest radiance - Chemicals, inflamables - Cattle, live stock, birds - Oil industry, oil pipes - Exposure, scandal - Media













Star 7 in East - Money loss due to charity - Maritime inventions - New monetary developments - Economic development - East-West negotiations fail - Major development ICT - Female singer emerges

(Star 7 opposite its base Palace which portents opposite result from what one set out to do)

Star 2 in West - Monetary events, funding - Famine on East/West axis - Merges of hospitals, schools - Erotism related legislation - Robbery agricultural regions - Ship industry - Contaminations, disease

Star 6 in Southwest - Attack, assault on farms - Explosion in (coal, gold) mine - Blasts due to electrical failure - Military activities

Star 1 in Northwest - Boost in beverage industry - 1 Water person being elected - Sex related assaults - Sex related law making - Armed attacks - Flooding - Cars, vehicles in water - Labor strikes related to Star 1 - Water related collisions, battles

Star 5 in North - Constructions in water (building, bridges, tunnels, caves). - Flooding of buildings, basements, tunnels, caves - Major water related engineering - Landslides, ditches, pit - Contamination, epidemic - Armed conflict, war, critical events - Huge trials (e.g. sex offense)

Star 8 in Southeast - Changes in school system - School or student uproar - Old documents unearthed - Earthquakes - Construction of airport - Renovation of wooden building - Revolutionary space program - Missiles/mountain events - Land legislations

Star 3 in Northeast - Events and calamity police - Climax in railway event - Major scientific findings - Uproar down by police - Train crashes into building - Trees on mountains - Significant ICT events - Stock market events

Star 4 in South - Missile attacks into/from South - Events around wooden structures - Forest fires and comparable - Schools and post-office related - Child related media attention - Child becoming famous - 4 Wood related scandal

(Star 4 appears opposite Star 5)













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Personal divination At the time of your first breath, your natal Star occupied the central Palace of 5 Earth. The next move – and from a Qi perspective then rendering you 1 year of age, irrespective of your actual calendar age - would be into the 6 Metal Palace, then proceeding to the 7 Metal Palace and so on, until you once more arrive to the central Palace. Here again is the designated pattern through the Luoshu.

Follows a general description of the dynamics of each Palace in the Magic Square, offering basic interpretations of some of your personal do’s and do nots during certain times.

While your Stars proceed through the individual Palaces of the Luoshu, you will encounter events, people, challenges, each time perhaps experiencing alterations between highs in one area of your life and certain lows in other areas. It then becomes art - and adventure - in itself to enable yourself to tap into opportunities, while you may anticipate on certain unfavorable effects. If your Star occupies the central Palace for a year, month or day, see what is said under the 5 Earth House. Then, when your Star resides in the 6 Metal House, read what is said there. This general description does not consider compatibility between Palaces and Stars. In other words, a 9 Fire Star in the 3 Wood Palace is different from a 6 Metal Star in the 3 Wood House. You will follow both your annual (first) and month Star through the Luoshu, but don’t be tempted to gaze at a complex Luoshu if you are not well experienced. Perhaps first look at the annual Stars in your Luoshu and take notes, which assessment you can then later extend by taking in month Stars. Looking at 9 Stars is different from looking at 18 or even 27 Stars all simultaneously. We will concentrate on your first Star and we will limit our observations to the annual Luoshu.









313 Designated Flying Pattern in Luoshu,

also called Saturn square




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5 Earth Palace Upon birth, you took your first breath with your Stars in this Palace. Likewise, during this year you will have a chance to return ‘home’ and tap into your own Qi. When your Star is in the central Palace, you should try to devote time for yourself. This Palace is governed by Star 5, so it may bring the unannounced start or abrupt termination of projects. Star 5 may have you focus on certain inner items. Using the metaphor of a small rowing boat, you may very well feel a bit desoriented – having lost inner ‘North’ - because this year can provide you with a multitude of (related or unrelated) opportunities seemingly coming in from all directions, so you may feel a bit dazzled. With so many options laying bare before you, the main question may become ‘into what direction to proceed’. Devote time for this. It may feel like you are sitting at the center of a round room and someone tells you you will find your pot of gold in the corner. Or it may feel like you are sitting at the center of a room with eight doors and someone tells you one of these doors will be your critical wrong choice. The question now becomes, will you sit paralyzed and not opening any of those doors because you fear to open the wrong door, or do you understand that the whole of life is about movement, exploration and change and you pick the door that your judgement tells you is the best, because you understand that, should you walk through the wrong door, there will be yet another door beyond that which you can then open to correct matters and proceed. You can somewhat become the focal point of attention and it seems people trust your energy, so it may happen that many people may relate to you seeking your advise or look for comfort and – because you do not want to disturb this year’s opportunities for the self - you may have to therefore at one point decide on what or what not to respond or connect to. It is best to plan ahead for next year. With your boat drifting about on the waters, you may sense a feeling of being quite capable on the one hand, but at the same time unsure, feeble and not sure about course and destination. This may include desorientation as to what road to take: will I make this huge career move or do I choose a decisive step towards even wider spiritual pastures. Remain calm and composed an you will benefit from this Palace the most. This year, you will sense a special ability – and see opportunity - to really distinguish between the right and wrong friends, the right and wrong path, the right and wrong choices. You must proceed with your normal daily activities, but you may want devote some time out for yourself and for reflection. Then, around the Metal months of this year (August, September, October) you will gain a much better idea on how and into what direction to proceed by having meanwhile eliminated most of the options (doors). You will sense a new notion of ‘North’ and you once more reached for your peddles. Around this time – and by the Metal of these months - you will have a preview of what to expect the next year, when your Star will be in the 6 Metal Palace. This will help you to recognize the right choice – by inner notion, belly feeling - and to feel confident that you are on the right track. You once more feel naturally drawn towards your inner orientation. If you look back on the last two years – when your Star was in the 3 Wood and 4 Wood Palace – these years may have been fairly dynamic and filled with all kinds of new adventures, active social life and success. With your Star in the central Palace, this may be a good time to count your blessings, reflect on your reality, moderate your initiative and design your further endeavors and see what comes to the surface to take you to the business success that you can expect for the next year, when you become a resident to the 6 Metal Palace. No Palace stands on its own, we always look at a string of Palaces, a string of events and use deduction and common sense.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


6 Metal Palace The 5 Earth Palace now behind you, last year’s desorientation has completely vanished and instead you are definitely in the captain’s seat. Under influence of the Yang and centripetal powers of 6 Metal, your personal Qi may become fairly compact and you may sense a great ability this year to convince people and a strange energy to transparantly look through and manage people and projects. People may feel encouraged by your charisma and accurate suggestions. This Palace, amongst others, reads: ‘support’, some would say ‘harvest’. You may mobilize and bring into manifestation whatever you may have had up your sleeve and had prepared for some time. To make sense of this, you may incorporate the last two or three years. You experience success in the choices you were finally able to make last year and people will support you with time, energy and money if you ask them to. Here we touch upon an important point, because all in the world of Qi is a two-way street. If we say that the 6 Metal Palace portents ‘support’, you must understand two things. One, you must of course contact people and actively request for their support and two, you yourself must offer your support to others. This will secure flow of Qi, while if you recluse, how can people offer you their support. Remember, whichever Palace or Star you encounter, it is all about mutual interaction and transference. The 6 Metal Palace is sometimes also referred to as ‘Business Expands’. Your efforts of the past few years may come to completion here. You feel strong and determined. You are recognized for your special qualities, your skills, your insights and people like to learn from you. Out of many applicants for a job, you will be probably selected. Whenever there are elections, keep your eye on this House: the natal Star of the elected person was most probably in this House. If you want to quit a bad habit, like smoking, do it here. It is the Palace of strong and noble leadership, sound decision making and moral ethics, i.e. for as long as Qi can follow its natural flow, because it is also the Palace of strong demands upon others and rigidity. ‘what has a front has a back’, meaning you can become self-centered, too strong and this may be sensed by your environment. Check the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions in this article to make sure you are not caught up – or involving others in – negative Metal. You can become a pain in the butt to others if you resort to imposing leadership not leaving space for other people’s ideas, not investing in gentleness, flexibility, optimism and co-operation. Much depending on your Star and your current personal magnetism, the 6 Metal Palace may be somewhat inclined towards rigidity, but this is probably largely compensated by the fact that you will get the job done. Don’t overdo, do not become a workaholic and practise to be flexible and tollerant. If you keep a close eye out on your social life, the withdrawal that you may feel inclined to while in this House may really help you to focus on things that matter and it may take you to materialize your plans.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


7 Metal Palace This is generally a gentle Palace, depending on and proportionate to your own Star. You may enjoy further realization of past year’s efforts and work. The Palace reads: ‘realization’ and ‘credibility’ and it is a time to ask for financial support, loans, credit in whatever way. You may also establish or even re-establish your name and reputation, both on a personal and professional level. This House is known for giving strong management and finance. Again, do not sit back and wait for credit, but go out and actively ask for it. You are in a much more feminine and romantic Metal environment than last year with your Star in the 6 Metal House and the general feeling this year may be layed back. You notice - and are being noticed - by the other sex. It is a good time for management and organization, but it is a great time also to re-decorate your house as you may be experiencing a certain sense for style. You can socialize and spend money in the first half of the year. Then, in the second half of this year, you may prepare yourself for a decisive change next year. Therefore, after June Solstice you may want to start saving up money and secure your resources. 8 Earth Palace Although the 8 Earth Palace can be a religious time, steady and firm, it is infamous for bringing significant changes. Once next year your Star becomes a resident of the 9 Fire House, and looking back, you will probably concur that your situation has meanwhile indeed completely changed for the decisions you had made while in the 8 Earth House. Is there a way around a mountain? No, its magnitude is visible from great distances and when you get there it can be both quiet and viciously roaring. A mountain is immovable and much of this trait may rain down on you. People may sense that you are unapproachable, strangely but perhaps not pleasantly authoritive, silent or secretive and it may be a year in which mis-communications may happen easily. The 8 Earth Palace may read: ‘Revolution and Change’ as it may invoke deep inner changes, including those in career, study or status, beginning or termination of relationship, change of diet or habits, change in philosophical or religious outlook. You may be moving house this year, either voluntary or involuntary. Also, this is the right time to make the changes you have wanted to do a long time ago. I call this year ‘catapult’ year, for its ability to shoot you into a completely new nine year cycle. A new cycle cannot come but after the completion of a former cycle and it may well be that you shall have to leave behind some things you all too well took for granted. In other words, you may be burning some old bridges. Life is all about change and in proportion to your distrusting change (Yi) you will probably have a harder time this year. However strange the events this year may strike you, however strange decisions may seem to you: nine out of ten times it is exactly this Palace that will help you move forward and that will take you to higher grounds. So, while entrusting yourself in the hands of Yi, be confident and courageous and sail along on those changes. Because of its strong implications, you should be extra mindful what you allow in your life and what to throw overboard. Again, you will be burning old bridges.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


9 Fire Palace If you did actually burn some old bridges last year, you may now benefit from the new situation while in the 9 Fire House. Looking back, last year’s transformation may most likely be unmistakable and it all suddenly makes sense on hindsight. The 9 Fire Palace is fairly high is radiance, it is strongly extrovert and it likes to connect to the audience. It likes strong forward and upward movement and it is a good time for – experiment with – initiatives. It is an optimistic and progressive time. If you published something last year, you may become famous for it this year. You may feel uplifted and inclined outward and you may feel a natural attraction towards people and the crowd even. Some people feel greater than life when in this House. This time is great for communication and dealing with riscs you would normally perhaps avoid. If you keep in mind that each Star keeps to its own interaction with the 9 Fire Palace, if you keep in mind matters of personal condition and proportion, while also minding some other magnitudes not discussed here, and so speaking in general terms, this year may very well turn out to be your top year in your nine year cycle journey. There are yet some down sides to this Palace that you would need consider. The energy is so high in radiance, that communications can become somewhat shallow, or you may become hypertensed. On the other hand, the same energy may be supportive to spiritualism and clear-sightedness to some. This Palace may also bring exposure and this can be two-fold. It may bring otherwise hidden matters to surface, so you may be careful around ‘acquaintances’ outside your marriage. Any exposure or scandal will happen on a rather uncomfortable scale. Possible (re-)occurence of old emotions, child patterns, or surfacing of illness because the peripheral Yang of this Qi may bring out the Yin inside. After great expansion must come contraction, so perhaps you could start holding back on external initiative already around December, by doing so minding the fact that your Star will visit the 1 Water House in the following year.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


1 Water Palace The 1 Water Palace does wonders for some people, whom may experience great hights in relationships, study or career. Just as any other Palace, the 1 Water Palace can bring you to manifest and achieve. Having said that, if this Palace is not working to your advantage, it is probably due to the fact that here we find Qi in its lowest point, and also perhaps due to the fact that thusfar you may have not been aware of how to approach this Palace. In order to appreciate this Palaces’ ins and outs, it would be a good idea to consider your experiences 9 – or 18, 27 etc. - years ago when your Star last resided here. The Qi of this Palace is considered so low, that most sources will even tell you not to act at all while in this House. It would be then generally suggested for the 1 Water Palace (as most will extend this to the 5 Earth Palace also) not to marry, not to start a business, not to travel, i.e. not to start anything that you wish to see exist over a string of many years. I am forcefully against this, not just because I found that the public will take such exclamations rather literal, they may be shooted into anxiety and it is practically undoable and no fun at all having to always counter that. There are people whom actually become apathic, their minds troubled, when their Star is in the 1 Water House and this is against life, against Yi. But what is more, such claims are not just only false, they are totally unnecessary. To demonstrate how illogical and outrageous such statements are, you best refer to this diagram, where we accept that this graphic shows how the highest radiance is Fire and the lowest point is represented by Water. Could we then claim that Fire is good for initiative, while Water should be then as a consequence bad for initiative? The actual teaching must be that Fire and Water are equally superb for initiative. Just as with Fire, you will have a ‘top’ for initiatives when you encounter Water. It is merely our dualistic mind that perceives a ‘top’ and ‘low’ here. Qi does not move in straight lines, it moves in spirals, as it is caught up eternally in a game of expansion and contraction, waxing and waning. If you now turn the image up side down, you can clearly see how the truth of the matter is that what is a ‘top’ in one aspect can host a ‘low’ in another aspect. In other words, if you flip the image you will see that 1 Water represents a ‘top’ in itself. Water is deep, it is withdrawn, it is reflective, so if your Star is in the Water Palace this may well be a superb time for inner matters, connecting to studies, religious matters, cleaning your house, minding your finances, connect to existential matters, writing, preparing on the background for initiatives that will reap later, pregnancy and comparable. So, we should not at all tell you to refrain from initiative as we should just only be aware of the opportunities of this Palace. If you truly understand this point, you may have taken yourself way beyond what the public understands. You will be therefore sailing your ship as always, but you understand that you should use one sail only, hold back a bit on speed, use the time for ship maintenance, some painting.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


But you don’t lay dormant in a harbor. Translation, there are months that you would retreat a bit more (for example when your Star is in the Water Palace not just for the year but also for the month or day, and when you encounter Star 5 in any way). For the rest, you ease down on some of last year’s radiance, you take time out from your agenda to be spent only on yourself and your loved ones, while you just continue your exploration of life, and all this of course for not running the silly risk of having lost and wasted many many years during the course of your life. In order to know the right behavior and in order to find your do’s and do nots for this year, again, your best bet would be to simply refer back to the year that your Star last visited the 1 Water Palace and then assess past events, after which you can extend this by going back 18, 27 et cetera years. This may give you a taste of how your Star and this Palace are inclined to interact. Mind, however, that Qi is quality rather than quantity. Since the last time your Star resided in the 1 Water House your personal magnetism, your condition, has changed. The Luoshu is merely your sea map. How you then sail your ship is different each time. The way to act is not to take any chances. Taking chances, moving left and right between impulsive initiative is something you would rather leave to the 3 Wood House. When you are in the 1 Water House, just act upon your sound judgement while selecting doors that you already know from past experiences are reliable. Consult friends and focus on patterns of decision that you know worked for you, or in ship analogy, sail your ship but only the oceans you sailed before already, while knowing also when to lower your anchor. If for earlier years in which your Star occupied the 1 Water House events were wonderful, and if your current health and fate shows no drawbacks, you should just go ahead. If those years came with anxiety and loss, then you may perhaps keep lower profile and hold back on some of your more extrovert initiatives. It remains to be seen if at all we should vote against activities indiscriminately, just simply because this would be contra-productive, not intelligible and not in line with Yi. All is therefore in proportion and all is individual. Also, if you keep in mind that there is a time for extrovert activities and there is another time for inner activities, while being rested, keeping to strong and healthy diet, while also maintaining sound judgement, readiness and going to bed early, you should be fine. Some Yi adepts actually look forward to this time, because it offers opportunity for retreat or enjoying their sabatical. If then this Palace should actually introduce loss – be that material, emotional or any other hardship -, this loss will be likely related to the Star(s) opposite your own, so in case of the 1 Water Palace you may refer to the Star that resides in the 9 Fire House. We know from Yi that when it closes a window, it will open a window elsewhere. Don’t be disturbed when your silver pen is taken from you, you may be holding a golden one instead before you know. Overall choice here is to either stagnate or flow, be superficial or deep. The 1 Water House may yet unlock your true spirit.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


2 Earth Palace The 2 Earth Palace is another interesting residence. In order to appreciate its energy you may look at both the past year – with your Star in the 1 Water House - and the next year – when your Star moves into the 3 Wood House. We must look at the Luoshu as a fully functioning body, not just a collection of individual organs. What the Liver does will be related to what the other organs do. This means that you cannot focus on just the do’s and do nots of each single Palace by not incorporating all other Palaces. Said differently, there will be significance between the Palace I reside in for this year and the Palaces of last and next year. One way is to say ‘I am now sailing the Pacific ocean and next year I will be sailing the Atlantic ocean’. Much more adequate is to say that you are still pretty much sailing the same waters. Therefore, you will soon find that there happens a certain ‘logic’, a certain soap-opera, within the Luoshu, and that each Palace beautifully connects to the next. If a Palace offers you certain opportunities, you must take up on these opportunities, because next year’s endeavors may stem from this. You therefore need to learn the attributes connected to each Star and Palace while – in order to perform from the right behavior and temperament – focusing on the ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ emotions and, while using this as your sea map, tapping into the positive traits. If we assume that you reaped some losses when your Star was in the 1 Water House and if then we tell you that you will start something new when your Star hits the 3 Wood House, it becomes easy to understand how to approach the 2 Earth House. In case last year came with lows, and proportionally so, you can use the first half of this year to consolidate. If you were an army, you would now stategically side-step in the bushes, away from sight, away from combat, and you would treat the wounded, write letters home, gather food supplies, clean and sharpen your sword. When we say the first half of the year we here suggest the time before June Solstice, somewhat, because this once more depends on your Star, your current fate and other magnitudes. Then, the 2 Earth is a great time to mind relationships – where most will specifically point to relationship with the spouse, the mother, the grandmother, elderly women, family at large -, and above all for nourishment. Nourishment here to be taken literally, for reason that Star 2 governs the digestive system and you may want to therefore revise your diet, but also nourishment in studies. It is profoundly good to improve yourself through studies. Those studies can be two-fold. You can either attend to existing studies, going back to reference books and further improve on your current knowledge and skills, or you may involve yourself in new studies, especially those that would relate to your new beginnings of next year. You will have ample opportunity to mind all this, because we say that the 2 Earth Palace in itself is calm and reliable but it can be rather dull, conservative or uneventful. Depending on - and in proportion to - your adventures in last year’s 1 Water House, you may want to be somewhat conservative around strong initiatives before the June Solstice. You mind your health, your house, your finances, your friends and family. Then, and because you may expect new beginnings next year when your Star finds the 3 Wood House, you may use the time after June Solstice to collect and save up energy: you sleep well, you mind your diet, you save money, you clean your house, you gather knowledge and build skills, and you start connecting back to people. All this because you want to be able to tap into ready resources for your new endeavors of next year, which will surely require investments, your clarity, a strategic plan and some supporters.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


3 Wood Palace Then, after perhaps two fairly ‘silent’ years: what can go wrong this year. Popularily this Palace reads: “new impuls in an existing activity”. Of course you may start completely new activities that will be not related to anything you did before, but we would like to here yet distinguish between the changes in the 3 Wood House and those of the 8 Earth House. Anything goes under the canopy of Yi, but it is fair to say that changes instigated by 8 Earth may be different from those introduced by Star 3. The 8 Earth Palace may change a salesman into a monk and vice versa, it may change a religious man into an atheist and vice versa, but the 3 Wood House may more typically invite changes in something you have been already familiar with. For example, you were already engaged in working with computers, but now you will sell printers. It is a bright year, with new creative impulses and pioneering. Apart from some opportunities that you may have expected, it can bring unexpected and sudden opportunities, so you must be rested and ready to act upon this. This Palace may feel like Qi pushing you forward like a hand supporting you in your back, but you need make sure you can keep up with the Qi of this Palace because it can become rather impulsive. Be open and active and trust on this wave of youthfulness to take you to the next station. You may be successful at what you do, but things can become hectic and you must guard against nervous breakdown, perhaps sudden outbursts of anger (Liver) or boldness, especially so in case your Star (guest) and Wood Qi (host) do not agree. Your eyes may be drawing people’s attention towards you, as it may be your eyes also that are shining bright and see wider horizons. You may experience a new sense of growth, outwardly inclined energy and you may feel comforted in the thought that you could handle just about any challenge. This year you may be convinced that Napoleon must have done something wrong to harvest defeat at Waterloo, which of course will not happen to you. Avoid this type of triumphatic sensations and you will be fine. Again, be aware that too much impulse or taking on too much may invite problems of the nervous system.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


4 Wood Palace The 4 Wood Palace may introduce further growth to whatever you started last year. The Palace may read: ‘steady progress’, but the seed that you saw explode last year is still just a shrub here, so the plant needs sustained support. The leaves are yet tiny and in need of light and water, while the roots are still to penetrate deeper into the soil. Things may be therefore feeble and instable. If all is on order, you may anticipate on quick and continued growth, with last year’s initiatives branching out even more and new clients and orders coming in. The 4 Wood Star is considered the most gentle, most compassionate Star and it can be fairly stylish and sociable. This can be an artistic time, so you could devote time out to go to the theatre, for music, painting or other outings of creativity. It is a good time also for travel. For reason that this house bodes upward (leaves) and downward (roots) growth, roots are not yet firm into the soil and this may mean that this Palace can also render you unsteady and shy or self-conscious. You may sometimes stumble, but there is no need to be unsure of yourself, for as long as you understand that this Palace likes and is good for short projects, changing to a next activity while not having finished the last activity. All that is not proof of your undisciplined nature, as it is perhaps rather to explore possibilities and grow into maturity. Each small leave needs attending to, so you are on the right course. Be sure to develop your creativity and see lots of people. Ask them out, do not stay in the house. You enjoy being amongst your friends this year and they enjoy your stylish company. You may feel compassion towards people or matters that you would normally probably not give a second thought.

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]



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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Table: start of Solar months J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D1900 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1956 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1901 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1957 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1902 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1958 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1903 7 5 7 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 8 8 1959 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1904 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1960 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 1905 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1961 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1906 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1962 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1907 7 5 7 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 8 8 1963 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1908 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1964 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1909 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1965 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1910 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1966 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1911 7 5 7 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 8 8 1967 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1912 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1968 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1913 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1969 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1914 6 5 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1970 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1915 7 5 7 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 8 8 1971 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1916 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1972 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1917 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1973 6 4 6 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1918 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1974 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1919 6 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 8 8 1975 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1920 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1976 5 5 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1921 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 7 1977 6 4 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1922 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1978 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1923 6 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 8 8 1979 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1924 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1980 5 5 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1925 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1981 5 4 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1926 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1982 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1927 6 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 8 8 1983 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1928 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1984 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1929 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1985 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1930 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1986 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1931 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1987 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1932 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1988 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1933 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1989 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 1934 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1990 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1935 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1991 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1936 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1992 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1937 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1993 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 1938 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1994 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 1939 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1995 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1940 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1996 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1941 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1997 5 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1942 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1998 5 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1943 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 1999 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1944 6 5 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 2000 6 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1945 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 2001 5 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1946 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 2002 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 7 7 1947 6 5 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 2003 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1948 6 5 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 2004 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1949 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 2005 5 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1950 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 2006 6 4 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1951 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 2007 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 1952 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 2008 5 4 5 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 7 7 1953 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7 2009 5 4 5 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 1954 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 7 2010 6 4 6 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 1955 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 8 2011 6 4 6 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7

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Annual and monthly Luoshu 1 Water

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8 2 9 February

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8 2 6 May

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8 2 3 August

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


2 Earth

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


3 Wood

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


4 Wood

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8 5 3 August

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Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


5 Earth

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8 6 3 February

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8 4 7

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8 1 4

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8 6 9 May

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8 9 1

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8 6 6 August

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8 6 3 November

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


6 Metal

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8 7 6 February

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8 1 8

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8 5 1

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8 8 4

8 7 3 May

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8 7 9 August

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8 7 6 November

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


7 Metal

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8 8 9 February

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8 6 4

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8 1 8

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8 8 6 May

8 6 2

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8 1 6

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8 3 8

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8 6 3

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8 3 9

8 4 1

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8 6 1

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8 1 5

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8 9 4

8 8 3 August

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8 6 9

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8 1 2

8 2 3

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8 8 9 November

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


8 Earth

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8 1 4

8 9 3 February

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8 1 1

8 9 9 May

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8 3 1

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8 5 3

8 1 8

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8 7 6

8 6 5

8 2 1

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8 4 3

8 5 4

8 1 9

8 9 8


8 7 4

8 6 3

8 2 8

8 3 9

8 8 5

8 4 1

8 5 2

8 1 7

8 9 6 August

8 7 2

8 6 1

8 2 6

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8 1 5

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8 7 3

8 6 2

8 2 7

8 3 8

8 8 4

8 4 9

8 5 1

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8 5 8

8 1 4

8 9 3 November

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


9 Fire

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8 9 5

8 5 1

8 6 2

8 2 7

8 1 6 February

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8 2 5

8 1 4


8 8 3

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8 6 1

8 2 6

8 1 5


8 8 1

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8 3 5

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8 5 7

8 6 8

8 2 4

8 1 3 May

8 8 8

8 7 7

8 3 3

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8 9 9

8 5 5

8 6 6

8 2 2

8 1 1


8 8 9

8 7 8

8 3 4

8 4 5

8 9 1

8 5 6

8 6 7

8 2 3

8 1 2


8 8 7

8 7 6

8 3 2

8 4 3

8 9 8

8 5 4

8 6 5

8 2 1

8 1 9 August

8 8 5

8 7 4

8 3 9

8 4 1

8 3 6

8 5 2

8 6 3

8 2 8

8 1 7


8 8 6

8 7 5

8 3 1

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8 5 3

8 6 4

8 2 9

8 1 8


8 8 4

8 7 3

8 3 8

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8 9 5

8 5 1

8 6 2

8 2 7

8 1 6 November

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8 5 8

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


Heluo’s website www.heluo.nl You will find class schedule, more extensive articles, book list, links, testimonials.

Heluo’s Nine Star Ki group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NineStarKi Click ‘Join Group’ and be welcome to the first ever Nine Star Ki forum on www.

Contact Heluo [email protected] Do the math and join 4-day master classes with Heluo We invite you to join our 4-day master classes in Classical Chinese Feng Shui, Four Pillars of Destiny and Nine Star Ki. Classes are intensive, with solid curriculum.

You may have even considered joining classes with Heluo in the Netherlands, but since you are not in the Netherlands, you may be backing away from the very idea. We know this, since we have been in communication with foreign students all along and have welcomed them in class all the time. Time and money are always major considerations and besides paying high class fees, most hotel prices can be quite intimidating. Not here - we made particularily sure – so we know that you will find your decision to join us actually an easy one. Just follow our considerations here.

First, as we have been teaching in a One Module Only style, you will not be required to return to class a number of times in order to obtain the teaching as our quite intensive 4-day master classes and the belonging workbooks particularily aim at your being able to independently apply the teachings to your own life or to the benefit of others. Our workbooks alone will keep you busy for a number of years.

Simply, if you do some www browsing and take time to do the math, chances are that - even in case you were to travel to the Netherlands in order to join class - your total expenses would be matching or come out to be even less than with any program in your own country, so that nothing will keep you from your adventure.

All this because we feel quite strong about you only being worried with profound studies and enjoying your stay, so all we do has been literally arranged around this as you will find that we have been keeping class fees to quite a reasonable level and we have selected only affordable hotels and B&B (too expensive equals: they’re out). In fact, you will find that most hotels would easily charge prices per night against which you will be actually accommodated with us for your entire stay. That is how we meet you half way, the rest is a matter of you packing your bags and move here to acquire skill and find just solid - cold soil- class in honest atmosphere.

Your workbooks are currently anywhere between 407 and 650 pages and growing. Apart from classes in the Netherlands, Heluo teaches in your country upon your invitation. We have instructed students in Brazil, Canada, China, Greece, Hong Kong, Poland, Portugal, Russia and United Kingdom. Please contact our office with any of your questions or suggestions or to help you do the math and make the trip. Four Pillars and Feng Shui software http://www.fourpillars.net/fpfs.php We would like to direct you to this magnificent Four Pillars program. Apart from Four Pillars it also includes a complete Nine Star Ki program (with directionology) as well as Feng Shui and Yi Jing. Soon also: Wen Wang Gua. Free trial download.

Day Stars http://www.geocities.com/ninestarki / www.astro-fengshui.com We recommend ebook “Nine Star Ki and Nine Stars Calendar” by master Joseph Yu.

Make sure you also join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrofengshui / http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chineseastrology

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9 Star Divination – Personal and Global Events

Heluo Qi Explorations – http://www.heluo.nl – [email protected]


The articles series “Explorations with Heluo” is kindly brought to you by

Heluo Qi Explorations / Hèluò Qìxué 賀洛氣學

Center For Time, Space And Destiny Studies – Course Guidance – Existential Coaching. Established 1979.

Website: http://www.heluo.nl Office: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER Any article appearing in the “Explorations with Heluo” series may be freely spread amongst your community – its copyright removed - , provided you leave it entirely

in tact and it is published in one piece. Equally unaltered, the articles may be translated/published in your language. Translators may request to be sent

the articles in their more convenient original Word format.


“Devoted To Your Destiny In One Peaceful World”

- Harvest For All -

“Explorations with Heluo” is an ongoing series of articles on the subject of time, space and destiny and our attempt to make genuine teachings available to those on

a quest to understand Yi. The articles have been published since 1999 and by far most have been derived from actual chapters from the extensive workbooks to our 4-day master classes in our practitioner program “Destiny Consultant”.

Teachings find you, because I feel they should have reached us during early childhood, to offer deep gratitude for once having obtained the trust of my

teachers and in an attempt to help improve fate and life on this planet.

- Heluo -