7 Figure Freedom Formula

A few months ago, we surprised our oldest daughter Megan with a trip to Turks & Caicos for her 18th birthday. The shocking part wasn’t the $32,000 price tag … It was the fact that we were able to do it without worrying about the cost–thanks to a system that’s paid us over $1 million in commissions over the last couple of years. I’ll tell you more about that special birthday trip and why it’s important to your financial future in a few minutes. But for now, let me ask a question. (But it’s what they did with the money that will surprise you … ) What Do Your Next 24 Hours Look Like?

Transcript of 7 Figure Freedom Formula

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A few months ago, we surprised our oldest daughter Megan with a trip to Turks & Caicos for her 18th birthday. The shocking part wasn’t the $32,000 price tag … It was

the fact that we were able to do it without worrying about the cost–thanks to a system that’s paid us over $1

million in commissions over the last couple of years.I’ll tell you more about that special birthday trip and why it’s important to your financial future in a few minutes.

But for now, let me ask a question.(But it’s what they did with the money that will surprise

you … )What Do Your Next 24 Hours Look Like?

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I ask because, if you’re like most people, in the next 24 hours you’ll do several things you have very little control over. And most likely, you never find the time to do the

things you actually want to do … like spending time with friends and family … helping with your favorite charity or

church … and living the life YOU want.But if you’ll give us your next 24 minutes, we’ll show you

a system that can give you more time to do the things you love. It’s a system we used to earn $30,000 in 24 hours … over $150,000 in our first 4 months … and a total of more

than $1 million in commissions since we got started.And if you like what you hear, you can get started with

our system for just a crisp $1 bill.

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We’re Bill and Michelle Pescosolido, and this is our life. We want to tell you how it can be your life, too.

But first, we have an important question to ask you.

What Is YOUR Most Valuable Asset?

Most people say money. But for us, it’s time.

It used to be about money when we first started, of course. But now, time is our most important asset.

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Time with each other. Time with our daughters and family. Time to leave a legacy … by focusing on things

we are passionate about.

Sure, we still love making money. But it’s not the driving force in our lives anymore. We’re much more interested in the things we’re able to do because we

have a successful home business.

Before finding this system, we never found the time to do what we wanted, because we were always too

busy doing the things we had to do.

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At the start of each week, we all have the same amount of time–168 hours. But most people will

spend about 50 to 60 hours working. That’s a third of your week, gone.


Another 56 hours will be spent sleeping. That’s another third of your time, gone in a blink.

Add 3 meals a day and other household activities, and there goes another 20% of your week.

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Add a few more percent for other obligations … and if you’ve maximized your time, you’re down to about

10% of your week left to do things that are important to you.

That’s why we say time is our most valuable asset. It’s very important to us.

Stick with us, and we’ll introduce you to a powerful system that allows us to spend less time working and more time doing the things we love. And at the end of this short video, we’ll tell you how to get started

for just $1.

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“I’m guessing you found this video because you’re looking for a way to make money. And you’re about to discover a system that really can help you make a lot

more of it.

But for us, it’s about more than just money. It’s about spending less time working—so we can enjoy more

time doing the things we love. It’s about working smarter, not harder.”

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This system is simple.. There are 2 steps, But you only do the first one..

Step 1: You’ll discover how to attract qualified prospects using Facebook and other social media. The system will show you how to do it for free, and how to

use paid advertising to generate leads and commissions even faster.

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Step 2: Our system–including our team of trained coaches–follows up with those leads to get them to buy. When those leads turn into paying customers,

you get paid big commissions.

You’ll get the exact ads to post (word for word), and the training on exactly where to place them for the

best results.


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Your “work” is done in as little as 30 to 60 minutes a day, on a schedule that you decide works best for you.

Our system attracts leads … puts them into tested and proven sales funnels to get the initial order … and

sells them into high-priced programs that pay you BIG commissions!

And even though most of the work is done for you, you can make up to $1,250 to $10,000 per customer.

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① WITHOUT creating your own products② WITHOUT any business or management experience

③ WITHOUT capital or investors④ WITHOUT dealing with customers, returns, or

fulfillment⑤ WITHOUT building websites

⑥ WITHOUT selling anything over the phone or in person

⑦ WITHOUT special computer skills⑧ WITHOUT leaving the comfort of your own home.

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These big ticket commissions make you more money with fewer sales, leaving you time to do what’s

important to you and your family.

You don’t need to worry about building websites, hosting, merchant accounts, sales funnels, customer

service, or any of the things it takes to run a successful business.

This System Has Allowed Us To Do Things We Love And Want To Do, But It’s Also Allowed Us To Do

Some Things That We Needed To Do.

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Just a few weeks ago, our German Shepherd, Scout, tore 2 ligaments in his knee. When we found out that the surgery would cost $4,200, our biggest concern was how soon could they get him into surgery, not

how long are we going to have to save money.

I can’t imagine having to make the decision to put off surgery and watch Scout suffer because we couldn’t

afford to pay for the surgery.

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And awhile back, my mom had a Doctor’s appointment that turned into an immediate trip to the Emergency

Room and a 2-week stay in the Hospital. I got the call at 10am that my mom needed to go to the Hospital right

away due to an Atrial Flutter. It was totally unexpected. As an only child, I needed to be there to help my mom think through all the decisions she had to make regarding her care. If I had worked for someone else, I might not have

been able to take that call at 10am, and I could have been fired for taking 2 weeks off of work to care for my mom.

But thanks to our system,

I was able to spend all the time I needed with my mom.

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In addition to having more time for the people we love, this business has also allowed us to spend more

time with animals.

We’ve always had a compassion toward animals. Animals don’t have a voice, so we can be their voice.

We started volunteering for a shelter called “Furry Friends.” They rescue dogs and cats from “high kill” shelters. Many times, the animals they rescue are

sick, and it takes the shelter a lot of time and money getting the animals healthy and ready to be adopted.

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“Because of our success with this system, we’re able to spend 3 or 4 days a week playing with the animals and loving on them … and making sure they’re being

taken care of.”

It’s Amazing To Wake Up And Plan Your Day The Way You Want … Without A Boss … Without A Commute … And Without Dealing With Annoying Co-Workers.


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These days, we enjoy our laid-back Internet entrepreneur lifestyle …

But it wasn’t always like this.

In fact, a few short years ago, Bill and I were both working full-time “regular” jobs.

Because we worked for somebody else full-time, we didn’t have much time to spend with each other or our

family. Time was at a premium, and we were losing precious moments every day that we continued to trek to

our separate jobs day after day.

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I remember how hard it was to work a full-time job with a family and still not have enough money.

I always found myself in situations where I needed time off for this or that. To take a sick kid to the Doctor … or attend a school program or activity.

It hurts to tell your kid, “Sorry, honey … I can’t make it because I have to work.”

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Life was always hard back then. I remember one day when my youngest daughter Mackenzie was invited to go to Six Flags for a birthday party. She wanted to go so bad, but all we could think about was how much it

would cost to let her go.

All we could think about was the money–not who she was going to go with … what parents were going …

and other things that we should have been concerned with instead.

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I’m thankful for this system and being able to build our business online before our kids reached

adulthood, because now we’re able to spend real time—quality time—with our kids.To actually enjoy

life as we watch them grow into adults. And not have to make every decision based on whether we can

afford it.Sadly, we can’t replace the time we missed. But we

can make damn sure we never miss another moment moving forward.

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Could be the best thing you do today!